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Cvdl EPH

1Paul an Apostle of Iesus Christ by the will of God. To ye sayntes which are Ephesus, & to the that beleue on Iesus Christ. 2Grace be with you and peace from God oure father, & fro the LORDE Iesus Christ. 3Blessed be God the father of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, which hath blessed vs wt all maner of spirituall blessynge in heauenly thynges by Christ 4acordinge as he had chosen vs by him, or euer the foundacion of the worlde was layed, that we shulde be holy and without blame before him in loue, 5& ordeyned vs before, to receaue vs as children thorow Iesus Christ, acordinge to the pleasure of his will, 6vnto the prayse of the glory of his grace, wherby he hath made vs accepted in the Beloued, 7in whom we haue redempcion thorow his bloude (namely) the forgeuenes of synnes, acordynge to ye riches of his grace, 8which he hath shed vpon vs abundauntly in all wyssdome and prudece: 9and hath opened vnto vs the mystery of his wil acordinge to his pleasure, which he had purposed in himselfe, 10yt it shulde be preached wha the tyme was full come, that all thinges shulde be gathered together by Christ, both the thinges which are in heauen, and also the thinges that are vpon earth, 11euen by him, by whom also we are come to the inheritaunce we that were therto predestinate before, acordinge to ye purpose of him, which worketh all thinges after ye councell of his owne wyll, 12that we mighte be to the prayse of his glory, euen we that before beleued on Christ, 13on who also ye beleued, after that ye herde the worde of trueth, namely ye Gospell of youre saluacion: wherin whan ye beleued, ye were sealed with the holy sprete of promes, 14which is the ernest of oure inheritaunce to oure redempcion, that we mighte be his owne to the prayse off his glory. 15Wherfore I also, (in so moch as I haue herde of the faith which ye haue in ye LORDE Iesu, and of youre loue vnto all ye sayntes) 16ceasse not to geue thankes for you, and make mencion of you in my prayers, 17that ye God of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, the father of glory maye geue vnto you the sprete of wyssdome, and open vnto you the knowlege of himselfe, 18and lighten the eyes of youre vnderstondinge, that ye maye knowe what is the hope of youre callynge, and what the riches of his glorious enheritaunce is vpon the sayntes, 19& what is the exceadinge greatnesse of his power towarde vs, which beleue acordinge to ye workynge of his mightie power, 20which he wroughte in Christ, whan he raysed him vp fro the deed, and set him on his righte hade i heauely thinges, 21aboue all rule, power, and mighte, and dominacio, and aboue all that maye be named, not onely in this worlde, but also in ye worlde to come. 22And hath put all thinges vnder his fete, and hath made him aboue all thinges the heade of the cogregacion, 23which is his body, and the fulnesse of him that fylleth all in all. 2And quyckened you also, whan ye were deed thorow trespaces and synnes, 2in the which in tyme past ye walked, acordinge to the course off this worlde, and after the prynce that ruleth in the ayre namely, after ye sprete, which now worketh in the children of vnbeleue, 3amonge whom we also had oure conuersacion in tyme past in the lustes of oure flesh, and dyd the wyll of the flesh and of the mynde, and were naturally the children of wrath, euen as well as other. 4But God which is riche in mercy thorow his greate loue wherwith he loued vs 5eue wha we were deed in synnes, hath quyckened vs in Christ ( for by grace are ye saued) 6and hath raysed vs vp with him, and set vs with him in heauely thinges thorow Christ Iesus, 7yt in tymes to come he mighte shewe the exceadinge riches of his grace, in kyndnesse to vs warde in Christ Iesu. 8For by grace are ye saued thorow faith, and that not of youre selues, For it is ye gifte of God, 9not of workes, lest eny ma shulde boast him selfe. 10For we are his workmanshippe, created in Christ Iesu vnto good workes, to ye which God ordeyned vs before, that we shulde walke in them. 11Wherfore remebre, that ye (which afore tyme were Gentyles after the flesh, and were called vn circumcision, of the that are called circumcision after the flesh, which circumcision is made with the hande) 12that ye at the same tyme were without Christ, and reputed aleauntes from the comen welth of Israel, and were straungers from the Testamentes of promes, therfore had ye no hope, and were without God in this worlde. 13But now ye that be in Christ Iesu, and afore tyme were farre of, are now made nye by the bloude of Christ. 14For he is or peace, which of both hath made one, and hath broken downe the wall, that was a stoppe betwene vs, 15and hath also thorow his flesh put awaye the cause off hatred (namely the lawe of the commaundemetes contayned in the lawe wrytten) that of twayne he mighte create one new man in him selfe, and make peace, 16and to reconcyle both vnto God in one body thorow the crosse, and so he slewe ye hatred thorow his owne selfe, 17and came and preached peace in the Gospell, vnto you which were afarre of, and to the that were nye. 18For thorow him we both haue intraunce in one sprete vnto the father. 19Now therfore ye are nomore gestes and straungers, but citesins with the sayntes, & of the housholde of God, 20buylded vpon ye foundacion of ye Apostles and prophetes where Iesus Christ is ye heade corner stone 21in whom euery buyldinge coupled together, groweth to an holy temple in the LODRE, 22in whom ye also are buylded together, to be an habitacion of God in the sprete. 3For this cause I Paul am a presoner of Iesus Christ for you Heythen, 2acordinge as ye haue herde of ye office of the grace of God which is geuen me to you warde. 3For by reuelacion was this mystery shewed vnto me, as I wrote aboue in fewe wordes: 4wherby whan ye rede it, ye maye perceaue myne vnderstondynge in ye mystery of Christ, 5which (mystery) in tymes past was not opened vnto the childre of me as it is now declared to his holy Apostles and prophetes by the sprete: namely, 6that the Heythen shulde be inheritours also, and of the same body, and partakers of his promes in Christ by the Gospell, 7wherof I am made a mynister acordynge to the gifte of the grace of God, which is geue me acordinge to the workynge of his power. 8Vnto me the leest of all sayntes is this grace geuen, that I shulde preach amonge the Heythe ye vnsearcheable riches of Christ, 9and to make all men se, what is the fellishippe of the mystery, which fro the begynnynge of the worlde hath bene hyd in God, which made all thiges thorow Iesus Christ: 10to the intent that now vnto the rulers and powers in heaue mighte be knowne by the congregacion the manifolde wyssdome off God, 11acordinge to ye eternall purpose, which he hath shewed in Christ Iesu oure LORDE 12by whom we haue boldnesse and intraunce in all confidece thorow faith on him. 13Wherfore I desyre that ye faynte not because of my tribulacions, yt I suffre for you, which is youre prayse. 14For this cause I bowe my knees vnto the father of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, 15which is the true father, ouer all that is called father in heauen and in earth, 16that he graunte you (acordinge to ye riches of his glory) to be strengthed with power by his sprete in ye inwarde ma, 17that Christ maye dwell in youre hertes by faith, that ye beynge roted and grounded in loue, 18maye be able to coprehende with all sayntes, what is the bredth, and the length, and the deepth, and the heyth: 19and to knowe the loue of Christ, which loue yet passeth all knowlege: that ye maye be fylled with all maner of fulnesse of God. 20Vnto him that is able to do exceadinge abundauntly, aboue all that we axe or vnderstonde (acordinge to ye power that worketh in vs) 21be prayse in the congregacion, which is in Christ Iesu, at all tymes for euer and euer, Amen. 4I therfore which am presoner in the LORDE, exhorte you, that ye walke as it becometh yor callinge wherin ye are called, 2with all humblenes off mynde and mekenes, and longe sufferinge, forbearinge one another in loue, 3and be diligent to kepe the vnite of the sprete thorow the bonde of peace. 4One body and one sprete, eue as ye are called in one hope of youre callynge. 5One LORDE, one faith, one baptyme, 6one God and father of vs all, which is aboue all, and thorow all, and in you all. 7Vnto euery one of vs is geuen grace, acordinge to the measure off the gifte off Christ. 8Therfore sayeth he: He is gone vp an hye, and hath led awaye captiuyte captyue, and hath geue giftes vnto men. 9That he wente, vp what is it, but that he first came downe in to ye lowest partes of ye earth? 10He that came downe, is euen the same which is gone vp aboue all heauens, to fulfill all. 11And ye same hath set some to be Apostles, some to be prophetes, some to be Euangelistes, some to be shepherdes & teachers, 12wherby the sayntes mighte be coupled together thorow comen seruyce to the edifienge of ye body of Christ, 13tyll we all come vnto one maner of faith and knowlege of the sonne of God, and become a perfecte man in to the measure of the perfecte age of Christ 14that we be nomore children, waueringe & caried aboute with euery wynde of doctryne thorow the wickednes of men and craftynes, wherby they laye awayte for vs to disceaue vs. 15But let vs folowe the trueth in loue, and in all thinges growe in him, which is the heade, euen Christ, 16in whom all the body is coupled together, and one membre hangeth by another thorow out all ye ioyntes. Wherby one mynistreth vnto another (acordinge to the operacion as euery membre hath his measure) and maketh, that ye body groweth to the edifienge of it selfe in loue. 17This I saye therfore, and testifye in the LORDE, that ye walke nomore as ye other Heythen walke in the vanite of their mynde, 18blynded in their vnderstondinge, beynge straungers fro the life which is in God thorow the ignoraunce that is in them, because of the blyndnes of their hert: 19which beynge past repentaunce, haue geue them selues ouer vnto wantonnes, to worke all maner of vnclennes euen with gredynesse. 20But ye haue not so learned Christ, 21yf so be that ye haue herde of him, & are taught in him, euen as the trueth is in Iesu. 22So then as concernynge the conuersacion in tyme past laye from you that olde man which marreth himselfe thorow disceauable lustes: 23but be ye renued in the sprete of youre mynde, 24and put on that new man, which is shapen after God, in true righteousnes and holynes. 25Wherfore put awaye lyenge, and speake euery man the trueth vnto his neghboure, for as moch as we are membres one of another. 26Be angrie, but synne not. Let not ye Sonne go downe vpo youre wrath: 27nether geue place to the bacbyter. 28He that hath stollen, let him steale nomore: but let him laboure rather, and do some good with his hondes, that he maye haue to geue vnto him that nedeth. 29Let no filthy communicacion proceade out of youre mouth, but that which is good to edifye withall, wha nede is, that it be gracious to heare. 30And greue not the holy sprete of God, wherwith ye are sealed vnto ye daye of redempcion. 31Let all bytternes, and fearsnes, and wrath, and roaringe, & cursed speakynge be farre fro you with all maliciousnes. 32But be ye curteous one to another, mercifull, and forgeue one another, eue as God hath forgeuen you in Christ. 5Be ye the folowers therfore of God as deare children, 2and walke in loue, euen as Christ loued vs, and gaue him selfe for vs an offerynge and sacrifice of a swete sauoure vnto God. 3As for whordome and all vnclennes, or couetousnes, let it not be named amoge you, as it becommeth sayntes: 4nether fylthines, ner folish talkynge, ner ieastynge (which are not comly) but rather geuynge of thakes. 5For be sure, that no whore monger, or vncleane person, or couetous person (which is a worshipper off ymages) hath inheritaunce in the kyngdome of Christ and of God. 6(Let no man disceaue you with vayne wordes) for because of these commeth the wrath of God vpon the children of vnbeleue. 7Be not ye therfore companions with them. 8For sometyme ye were darknesse, but now are ye lighte in the LORDE. Walke as the children of lighte. 9(For the frute of the sprete is all maner of goodnes, and righteousnes and trueth:) 10and prone what is pleasinge vnto the LORDE, 11and haue no fellishippe with ye vnfrutefull workes of darknes, but rather rebuke the. 12For it is shame euen to name those thinges, which are done of them in secrete. 13But all thinges are manifest, whan they are rebuked of the lighte. For what so euer is manifest, that same is lighte. 14Therfore sayeth he: Awake thou that slepest, and stonde vp fro the deed, and Christ shal geue the lighte. 15Take hede therfore how ye walke circumspectly, not as the vnwyse, but as ye wyse, 16and redeme the tyme, for it is a miserable tyme. 17Wherfore be not ye vnwyse, but vnderstonde what the wil of the LORDE is, 18and be not dronken with wyne, wherin is excesse: but be full of the sprete 19and talke amoge youre selues of Psalmes, and ymnes, and spirituall songes, synginge and makynge melody vnto the LORDE in youre hertes 20geuynge thankes alwayes for all thinges vnto God the father, in the name of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, 21submyttinge youreselues one to another in the feare of God. 22Let the wemen submytte them selues vnto their hussbandes, as vnto the LORDE. 23For the hussbande is the wyues heade, eue as Christ also is the heade of the congregacion, and he is the Sauioure of his body. 24Therfore as the congregacion is in subieccion to Christ, likewyse let the wyues be in subieccion to their hussbandes in all thinges. 25Ye hussbandes loue youre wyues, euen as Christ loued the congregacion, and gaue himselfe for it, 26to sanctifye it, and clensed it in the fountayne of water by the worde, 27to make it vnto himselfe a glorious congregacion, hauynge no spot ner wrynkle, ner eny soch thinge, but that it shulde be holy and without blame. 28So oughte men also to loue their wyues, euen as their awne bodyes. He that loueth his wife, loueth himselfe. 29For no ma euer yet hated his awne flesshe, but norisheth and cherissheth it, euen as the LORDE doth also the congregacion. 30For we are membres of his body, of his flesh and of his bones. 31For this cause shal a man leaue father and mother, and cleue vnto his wife, and they two shal be one flesh: 32This is a greate secrete: but I speake of Christ and the congregacion. 33Neuertheles do ye so, that euery one of you loue his wife euen as himselfe: but let the wife feare hir hussbande. 6Ye children, obey youre elders in the LORDE, for that is righte. 2Honoure thy father and thy mother ( That is the first commaundement, that hath eny promes) 3that thou mayest prospere, and lyue longe vpon earth. 4And ye fathers, prouoke not youre children vnto wrath, but brynge the vp in the nourtoure and informacion of the LORDE. 5Ye seruauntes, obey youre bodely masters, with feare and tremblynge, in synglenes of youre hert, euen as vnto Christ, 6not with seruyce onely in the eye sighte, as men pleasers: but as the seruauntes off Christ, doynge the wyll off God from the hert 7with good wyll. Thynke that ye serue the LORDE and not me: 8and be sure, that what good soeuer a man doth, he shal reaceaue it agayne of the LORDE, whether he be bonde or fre. 9And ye masters, do euen the same vnto the, puttynge awaye threatenynges, and knowe that euen youre master also is in heauen, nether is there eny respecte of personnes with him. 10Fynally my brethren, be stronge in the LORDE, and in the power of his mighte: 11put on the armor of God, that ye maye stonde stedfast agaynst the craftie assautes off the deuell. 12For we wrestle not agaynst flesh and bloude, but agaynst rule, agaynst power namely, agaynst the rulers of the worlde, of the darknesse of this worlde, agaynst ye spretes of wickednes vnder the heauen. 13For this cause take ye the armoure of God, yt ye maye be able to resiste in the euell daye, and stonde perfecte in all thinges. 14Stonde therfore, and youre loynes gyrde aboute with the trueth, hauynge on the brest plate of righteousnes, 15and shod vpo yor fete with the gospell of peace, that ye maye be prepared: 16Aboue all thinges take holde of the shylde of faith, wherwith ye maye quenche all the fyrie dartes of the wicked. 17And take the helmet of saluacion, & the swerde of the sprete, which is the worde of God. 18And praye allwayes with all maner of prayer and supplicacion in the sprete, and watch there vnto with all instaunce and supplicacion for all sayntes 19and for me, that the worde maye be geuen me, that I maye open my mouth boldly, to vtter the secretes of the Gospell, 20wherof I am a messaunger in bondes, that I maye speake therin frely, as it becommeth me to speake. 21But that ye maye also knowe, what case I am in, and what I do, Tichicus my deare brother and faithfull mynister in the LORDE, shal shewe you all: 22whom I haue sent vnto you for the same cause, that ye mighte knowe what case I stonde in, and that he mighte comforte youre hertes. 23Peace be vnto the brethre, and loue with faith, from God the father, & from the LORDE Iesu Christ. 24Grace be with all them that loue oure LORDE Iesus Christ vnfaynedly. Amen.