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Lament over the Sorrows of Jerusalem

Her Comfortless Doom

1Alas! How lonely the city

Once crowded with people.

She that was great among nations

Is now as a widow.

She that was queen of the provinces

Now is a vassal.

2Sore, sore she weeps in the night;

There are tears on her cheecks.

Now there is no one to comfort

Of all those that loved her.

All her friends have proved faithless,

And turned to be foes.

3From sorrow and toil into exile

Hath Judah departed;

And now is her home with the hearthen,

And no rest she findeth.

In the midst of her straits her pursuers

Have all overtaken her.

4The highways to Zion lie mourning,

For pilgrims are none.

All desolate now are her gates,

And her priest are in sorrow.

Her virgins are dragged away far;

She herself is in bitterness.

5Supreme her foes are now,

And her enemies triumph.

The Lord hath afflicted her sore

For her manifold sins.

Gone are her little once captive

In front of the foe.

6The glory is vanished clean

From the daughter of Zion.

Her princes are like unto harts

That can nowhere find pasture;

All feeble they move on their way

With pursuers behind them.

7Jerusalem calleth to mind

The days of her travail,

When into the hands of the foemen

Her people fell helpless.

The mocking foe feasted his eyes

On her sore desolation.

8Jerusalem hath grievously sinned,

And so she hath fallen.

All they that honoured despise her

At sight of her nakedness.

She meanwhile groaneth and moaneth

And turneth her backward.

9Her filthiness clung to her skirts;

She became all abhorrent.

To the future she gave not a thought,

So her fall was appalling.

Behold, O Lord, what I suffer

From the insolent foe.

10The foeman hath stretched out his hand

To secure all her treasures.

The hearthen she saw enter in

And her temple profane–

Even those Thou forbadest to mix

With Thine own congregation.

11Her people all groan and moan

In their search after bread.

They have given away their treasures

For food to revive them.

Behold, O Jehovah, and see

How abject am I.

12All ye that pass by, I appeal to you,

Look ye and see;

Has there ever been sorrow like mine,

Like that dealt out to me,

When the Lord, in His fierce indignation,

Did put me to grief?

13He hurled down fire from on high;

It hath entered my bones.

A net He hath spread for my feet;

He hath turned me backward.

Faint He hath left me and desolate

All the day long.

14A watch He hath kept on my sins;

And into a yoke

For my neck with His hands He hath twined them.

Then, crippling my strength,

He hath given me into the hands

Of a foe irresistible.

15The Lord hath hurled to the ground

All the strong men within me.

He hath summoned a festal assembly

To crush my young (warriors).

The Lord in His wine-press hath trodden

The daughter of Judah.

16For these things I weep without creasing;

Mine eyes stream with tears;

For none have I now by my side

To refresh me and comfort me.

My children are clean distraught,

For the foe hath prevailed.

17Zion hath stretched forth her hands;

There is no one to comfort her.

On her neighbours the Lord laid a charge

To be hostile to Jacob;

And now is Jerusalem vile

And abhorrent among them.

18As for the Lord, He is just;

For the rebel was I.

Ye peoples all, hear, I entreat you,

And look on my sorrow.

Together my maidens and youths

Are gone into captivity.

19I called upon those that had loved me,

But they have deceived me.

In the city my priest and mine elders

Have perished of hunger.

For the bread they searched in their need,

But their search was in vain.

20Look, Lord, for distress is upon me,

And ferment within me.

Within me my heart writhes with pain,

That, for playing the rebel,

The sword dealeth death in the streets,

In the houses the pestilence.

21Listen to these my sighs;

There is no one to comfort me.

My foes have all heard with delight

Of the evil Thou wroughtest me,

Bringing the day Thou proclaimedst

For all of my sins.

22Let their wickedness all come before Thee;

Let them fare like me;

And do even so unto them

As Thou didst unto me.

For my sighs are many and many,

And sore is my heart.

Lament over the Sorrows of Jerusalem

The Divine Judgment and the Inconsolable Sorrow

2Alas! How the Lord is beclouding

The daughter of Zion!

From the heaven down to earth He hath hurled

The glory of Israel.

In the day of His wrath He remembers

His foot-stool no more.

2Without pity the Lord hath engulfed

All the homesteads of Jacob.

In His wrath He hath torn clean down

All the strongholds of Judah,

Hath hurled to the ground in dishonour

Her king and her princes.

3He hath hewn in the glow of His anger

All Israel’s horn.

He hath drawn His right hand back

From the face of the foe.

Like a fire He is blazing in Jacob,

Devouring around.

4His bow He hath bent like a foeman;

He stands as for siege.

All the lovely He slays in the tent

Of the daughter of Zion.

He hath poured forth His anger like fire.

5The Lord hath become like a foe;

He hath swallowed up Israel,

Swallowed her palaces all–

He hath ruined her strongholds,

And heaped on the daughter of Zion

Lamenting and woe.

6His booth like His vine He hath ravaged;

He hath ruined His trysting-place.

Jehovah hath blotted from Zion

The feast and the sabbath.

The king and the priest He hath spurned

In the heat of His anger.

7The Lord hath rejected His altar

And cast off His holy place,

Given to the hands of the foemen

The walls of her palaces.

In the house of the Lord there were shouts

Like the shouts of a feast-day.

8For the walls of the daughter of Zion

The Lord hath planned ruin.

He stretched out the line, and withdrew not

His ravaging hand.

Wall and rampart He plunged into mourning–

Together they languish.

9Sunk in the dust are her gates,

And her bars He hath shivered.

Her king and her princes are exiles

And guidance is none.

Yea, and no vision hath come

From the Lord to His prophets.

10Speechless they sit on the ground,

Even the elders of Zion–

With dust cast up on their heads,

And with girdles of sack-cloth.

The maids of Jerusalem bow

With their heads to the ground.

11Mine eyes are wasted with weeping,

My bowels are troubled.

My heart is poured out on the ground

For the wreck of my people.

The babe and the suckling lie faint

On the streets of the city.

12To their mothers they keep on saying,

"O where is our bread?"

Like the wounded they lie in a swoon

On the streets of the city,

As they pour out their lives (to the death)

On the breasts of their mothers.

13With what shall I rank or compare thee,

O daughter of Jerusalem?

Where is thy like, that I comfort thee,

Virgin of Zion?

For vast as the sea is thy ruin;

(Alas!) who can heal thee?

14The visions thy prophets have brought thee

Are false and dishonest.

They did not uncover thy guilt,

And so save thee from exile.

The visions they uttered for thee

Were deceptive and false.

15They clapped their hand over thee–

All they that passed by.

They hissed and they wagged their heads

At Jerusalem’s daughter.

" Is this the city men called

The Perfection of Beauty?"

16Against thee thine enemies all

Opened wide their mouths,

They hissed and they wagged their heads

At Jerusalem’s daughter.

"Is this the city men called

The Perfection of Beauty?"

16bAgainst thee thine enemies all

Opened wide their mouths.

They hissed and they gnashed their teeth:

"We have swallowed her up.

Yes, this is the day that we looked for:

We have it, we see it."

17Jehovah hath done what He planned,

Hath accomplished His word:

As in days long ago He enjoined,

He hath wrecked without pity,

Hath made thee the sport of thy foes

And exalted thine enemies.

18Cry thou aloud to the Lord,

O virgin of Zion.

Pour down thy tears like a torrent

By day and by night,

Give thyself no respite,

No rest to thine eyes.

19Arise, pierce the night with thy cries,

As each night-watch beginneth.

Pour out like water thy heart

In the face of the Lord.

Lift up thy hands unto Him

For the life of thy littles ones,

20Behold, O Lord, and consider

Whom thus Thou maltreatest.

Shall women devour their own offspring,

The babes that they dandled?

Shall the priest and the prophet be slain

In the Lord’s holy place?

21In the streets on the ground they are lying–

The young and the old.

My maidens and young men together

Are fallen by the sword.

In the day of Thy wrath Thou hast slaughtered

And slain without pity.

22Thou didst summon, as though ’twere a feast-day,

The villages round.

But not one in the day of Thine anger

Escaped or was left;

The children I brought up and fondled

Were slain by the foe.

Lament and Prayer

3I am the man who was humbled

By the rod of His anger.

2The way that He guided and led me

Was dark and unlighted.

3Against me alone was His hand

Ever turned all the day.

4He hath shrivelled my flesh and my skin;

He hath broken my bones.

5He hath built round bout me a wall

Of exhaustion and bitterness.

6He hath made me to dwell in the darkness

As those long dead.

7He hath shut me behind solid walls;

He hath loaded my chain.

8When I cry and entreat Him for help,

He is deaf to my prayer.

9He hath blocked up my path with hewn stone,

And my way He hath tangled.

10He lurketh for me like a bear

Or a lion in ambush.

11He chased me aside and He tore me

And left me forlorn.

12His bow he bent, and He set me

As mark for His arrow.

13Into my reins He hath driven

The shafts of His quiver.

14A derision was I to all peoples,

Their song all the day.

15To the full did He fill me with bitterness,

With wormwood He sated me.

16He hath broken my teeth with gravel,

And heaped me with ashes.

17He hath robbed me of peace; and of weal

I remember no more.

18So I said, "My glory is gone

And my hope in Jehovah."

19The thought of my woe and my wandering

Is wormwood and gall.

20My soul doth for ever recall them,

And is bowed down within me.

21Now this I will lay on my heart

And will therefore take hope–

22That the love of the Lord is unceasing,

His pity unfailing.

23Thy kindness is new every morning

And great is Thy faithfulness.

24"The Lord is my portion," I said:

"I will hope then in Him."

25Those that wait for the Lord find Him gracious–

The souls that do seek Him.

26It is good, then, in silence to wait

For the help of the Lord.

27It is good for a man that he carry

A yoke in his youth.

28Let him sit all alone and keep silence,

When He hath imposed it.

29Let him lay his lips low in the dust,

For perchance there is hope.

30Let him offer his cheek to the smiter

And bear all the taunt.

31For Jehovah will not cast away

The afflicted for ever.

32Though He wound, He will yet have compassion–

His love is so great.

33He is loth to give sorrow or pain

To the children of men.

34When the men of a land, taken prisoner,

Are crushed under foot:

35When a man is deprived of his right

In the face of the Highest:

36When the cause of a man is subverted:

Doth not the Lord see?

37Where is he that can bring things to pass,

That the Lord hath not ordered?

38Do not evil and good come alike

From the mouth of the Highest?

39Why then should a mortal complain

When chastised for his sins?

40Let us search and examine our ways

And return to the Lord.

41Let us lift up our hearts with our hands

Unto God in the heavens.

42"We have transgressed and rebelled,

And Thou hast not pardoned.

43Thou hast wrapped Thee in wrath and pursued us,

And slain without pity;

44Has wrapped Thee around in a cloud

Which no prayer could pass through.

45Thou hast made us off-scouring and refuse

In the midst of the nations.

46Against us our enemies all

Open wide their mouths.

47Fear and the pit are upon us,

Destruction and ruin."

48Mine eye runs with rivers of water

For the wreck of my people.

49Mine eye poureth down without rest

And without any respite,

50Until that Jehovah in heaven

Look down and behold.

51Mine eyes are vexed with grief

For the daughters of my city.

52They have hunted me sore like a bird–

Those that groundlessly hate me–

53Have ended my life in the dungeon

And cast stones upon me.

54Waters flowed over my head,

And I said, "I am lost."

55From the depths of the dungeon, O Lord,

Did I call on Thy name;

56And my voice Thou didst hear: "O hide not

Thine ear from my cry."

57Thou camest the day that I called Thee,

And badest me fear not.

58Thou pleddest my cause, O Lord,

And didst ransom my life.

59Thou hast seen, Lord, how I am wronged;

O secure for me justice:

60For all the revenge Thou hast seen

That they plotted against me.

61O Lord, Thou has heard all the insults

They plotted against me.

62The threatenings and plots without ceasing

Of those that assail me.

63See how, whether sitting or rising,

They mock me in taunt-songs.

64Thou wilt requite them, O Lord,

For the deeds they have done.

65Blindness of heart wilt Thou give them–

Thy curse be upon them!

66Pursue them in wrath and destroy them

From under Thy heavens.

Lament over the Sorrows of Jerusalem

The Fate of the People and their Leaders

4Alas! How bedimmed is the gold,

The most pure gold.

The jewels, so sacred, lie scattered

At every street corner.

2The children of Zion, the precious,

Whose worth is as gold,

Count, alas! but as earthenware pitchers,

The work of the potter.

3Even the monsters give breast

And they suckle their young;

But the daughters of my people are cruel

As ostriches wild.

4The tongue of the sucking child cleaves

To his palate for thirst.

The children are craving for bread;

There is none to dispose it.

5Those that had feasted on dainties

Now waste on the streets.

Those that were nurtured in scarlet

Lie huddled on ash-heaps.

6The guilt of my people surpassed

The transgressions of Sodom,

Whose overthrow came in a flash

Ere a hand could be wrung.

7Her princes were purer than snow,

They were whiter than milk,

With a skin more ruddy than coral

And veins like the sapphire.

8Now blacker than darkness their form–

On the streets no one knows them:

Their skin is drawn tight on their bones;

It is dry as a stick.

9Better they that are slain with the sword

Than that perish with hunger,

Pinning away for the lack

Of the fruits of the field.

10The hands of compassionate women

Have sodden their children.

Yea, these have served them for food

In the wreck of my people.

11The Lord hath accomplised His wrath,

Hath poured out His hot anger,

And kindled in Zion a fire

Which devoured her foundations.

12No kings of the earth had believed,

And no folk in the world,

That assailant or foeman could enter

The gates of Jerusalem.

13It was all for the sins of her prophets,

The crimes of her priests,

Who have shed in the midst of the city

The blood of the righteous.

14With the blood-stains upon them they reel

Like the blind through the streets,

And they touch with their robes those whom erstwhile

They could not endure.

15"Away, ye unclean!" – men adjure them–

"Away, touch us not!"

So they stagger and wander around

With no resting for ever.

16Jehovah Himself hath dispersed them–

He careth no more.

For the priest Ha hath shown no regard,

For the prophets no pity.

17How long did our weary eyes watch

For the help that was vain!

Yea, on our watch-tower we watched

For the nation that saved not.

18They hunted our steps, that we dared not

Appear in out streets.

Our days were cut short and completed;

Our end was now come.

19Swifter were they that pursued us

Than eagles of heaven.

Over the mountains they chased us;

They ambushed the desert.

20The breath of our life, God’s anointed,

Was trapped in their toils–

He of whom we had said, "’Neath his shade

We shall live as a nation."

21Be glad and rejoice in thy home-land,

O daughter of Edom.

To thee, too, the cup shall come round;

Thou’lt be drunken and naked.

22O Zion, thy guilt is now blotted:

Of exile no more!

But thy guilt He shall visit, O Edom;

Thy sins are laid bare.

Jerusalem’s Sorrow and Prayer for Deliverance

Her Sorrows

5Bethink thee, O Lord, of our plight;

Look and see how Thy folk are insulted.

2Our home-land is turned unto strangers;

Our houses are passed unto foreigners.

3Fatherless orphans are we,

And our mothers are like unto widows.

4The water we drink we must buy,

And our wood becomes our at a price.

5The yoke presses hard on our necks;

We are weary and never find rest.

6We have stretched out our hands unto Egypt;

To Assyria also, for bread.

7Our fathers, who sinned are no more;

And their guilt has been borne by us.

8Servants are now our lords;

From their hand there is no one to save us.

9We win bread at the risk of our lives

From the murderous bands of the desert.

10Like an oven our skin is aglow

With the fierce fever-heat of famine.

11The matrons they ravished in Zion,

The maids in the cities of Judah:

12Princes were hanged by their hands,

And the faces of elders dishonoured.

13Young men had to carry the mill;

Youths fell beneath loads of wood.

14The elders have from the gate

And the youths given over their music.

15The joy of our heart is vanished;

Our dancing is turned into mourning.

16The crown is fallen from our head;

Woe, woe unto us! We have sinned.

17For this is our heart turned faint,

For these things our eyes are grown dim–

18For the mountains of Zion, now waste,

Over which the jackals roam.

Prayer for Deliverance

19But thou, Lord, art seated for ever,

From age to age, on Thy throne.

20O why then forget us for ever,

And leave us for long, long days?

21Bring us back to Thee, Lord, let us turn,

And renew our days as of old;

22Unless Thou hast utterly spurned us

And Thine anger is all too sore.