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JER McFadyen’s Jeremiah in Modern Speech

The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah

Jeremiah’s Call and Early Visions

The Call

1The messages of Jeremiah, the son of Hilkiah, a member of the priestly order resident in Anathoth in the district of Benjamin.

2A message came to him from Jehovah in the thirteenth year of the reign of Josiah, the son of Amon, king of Judah; 3and (such messages) continued to come to him in the days of Jehoiakim, the son of Josiah, king of Judah, and up to the end of the eleventh year of Zedekiah, the son of Josiah, king of Judah, when in the fifth month the people of Jerusalem were swept into exile.

4This is the message that came to me from Jehovah:

5"My thoughts were upon thee before I created thee,

And before thou wast born I had set thee apart,

And appointed thee unto the nations a prophet."

6And thus I made answer:

"Alas! O Lord Jehovah, Behold!

I have no skill of speech, I am only a child."

7Then Jehovah made answer to me:

"Do not plead thou art still but a child,

Thou must go wheresoever I send thee,

And say whatsoever I bid thee.

8Be not afraid at the sight of them,

2 For I will be with thee to save thee."

9Thus spoke Jehovah; then with His outstretched hand

He touched my mouth and said to me:

"Herewith do I put My words in thy mouth,

10Behold this day do I give thee authority

Over the nations and over the kingdoms,

To uproot and demolish, destroy and tear down,

To upbuild and to plant."

The Reassuring Vision of the Almond Tree

11This further message came to me from Jehovah: "What seest thou there, Jeremiah?" (said the Voice). 12"A branch of an almond tree," I answered. "Thou hast seen truly," said Jehovah," for I am watching over My purpose, to perform it."

The Vision of the Caldron of War

13Then there came to me a second message from Jehovah. "What seest thou now?" (said the Voice). "A boiling pot," I answered, "facing the north." 14Then Jehovah said to me:

From the north shall disaster break forth

Over all that inhabit the land.

15For I, saith Jehovah, do summon

The northern kingdoms all;

Each king shall come and set his throne

At the gates that lead into Jerusalem,

And against her encircling walls,

And against all the cities of Judah.

16I will utter My judgments against them

Because of their wickedness;

For Me they have forsaken,

And to to other gods offered sacrifice,

And bowed to the work of their hands.

The Divine Summons and the Divine Assurance

17As for thee, gird up thy loins,

Arise and declare unto them

Whatsoever I command thee.

Let the sight of them not dismay thee,

Else I will dismay thee before them.

18As for Me, behold! This day

As a fortified city I make thee,

A pillar of iron, a wall of bronze,

Against the whole of the land–

The kings and the courtiers of Judah,

The priests and the folk of the land.

19They will fight thee, but thou shalt be victor:

For I – saith Jehovah most solemnly–

I will be with thee to save thee.

The Earlier Messages of Jeremiah

Israel’s Ancient Fidelity and Happiness

2There came to me this message from Jehovah:

2Go and proclaim in the hearing of Jerusalem:

Thus saith Jehovah:

I remember the love of thy youth–

An affectionate bride wast thou–

When thou followedst Me in the desert,

A land that was all unsown;

3Then Israel belonged to Jehovah,

His first-fruits, sacred to Him.

Whosoever devoured her was punished,

On such did disaster fall.

Israel’s Long Record of Infidelity with its Bitter Consequences

Her Ingratitude and Unparalleled Apostasy

4Hear the word of Jehovah, O household of Jacob,

And all ye families of the household of Israel:

5Thus saith Jehovah:

What wrong did your fathers discover in Me,

That they went from Me afar,

To follow after vanities,

Till they, too, became a vanity,

6And never sought after Jehovah,

Who brought them up out of Egypt,

And led them through the desert,

A land of steppes and pits,

A land of drought and gloom,

A land that no man traversed,

A land where no man dwelt?

7And I brought you into a garden-land,

To enjoy its fruits and its good things:

But ye came and defiled My land

And made Mine inheritance loathsome,

8No priest was heard any more

Enquiring after Jehovah;

They that handle the law did not know Me,

The rulers rebelled against Me.

The prophets spoke by Baal,

And followed useless idols.

9I must therefore contend with you still,

And with your children’s children.

10Pass across to the isles of Cyprus,

Or send afar unto Kedar;

Note carefully, and see,

Hath there ever been aught like this?

11Hath ever a nation exchanged its gods,

Though they be no gods at all?

But My people hath exchanged

Their Glory for useless idols.

12Be appaled at this, ye heavens,

And shudder exceedingly.

13For My people, saith Jehovah,

Have done two evil things:

Me they have forsaken,

The Fountain of Living Water,

To hew for themselves leaking cisterns,

That can hold no water at all.

The Consequences of Israel’s Apostasy

14Is Israel a servant?

Or is he a home-born slave?

Why then hath he fallen a prey?

15And why are his cities wasted?

Young lions have roared against him,

And lifted up their voice;

They have made his land all desolate,

And no man dwelleth therein.

16Yea, the people of Memphis and Daphnae

Have shorn the crown of thy head;

17And is this not come upon thee

Through forsaking Jehovah thy God?

18Now why dost thou wander to Egypt

And drink the waters of Nile?

And why dost thou go to Assyria,

To drink of the streams of Euphrates?

19Thy defection shall bring thee pain,

And thy wickedness sore reproof;

Thou shalt know and see for thyself

What a bitte thing it is

To forsake Jehovah thy God,

And to cherish no awe of Me,

Saith the Lord Jehovah of Hosts.

Israel’s Devotion to Idolatry

20For of old thou didst break thy yoke,

And burst thy bonds in sunder;

Thou saidst, "I refuse to serve:"

But high upon every hill

And under every green tree

Thou didst stretch thee, playing the harlot.

21Yet I as a choice vine had planted thee–

Sound was thy stock altogether;

But now art thou turned to be bitter,

Thou wild degenerate vine!

22For though thou shouldst wash thee with soda,

And take thee abundance of soap,

Yet the Lord, as He seeth thy guilt,

Shall declare it of deepest dye.

23How canst thou say, "All stainless am I,

I have not gone after the Baals"?

Look at thy way in the Valley,

And know what thou hast done.

A swift young camel art thou,

That courseth hither and thither,

24A heifer run wild in the desert,

Aglow with the heat of ther passion;

That sniffeth the wind in her longing,

And who can turn her back?

No one need wearily seek her–

In her month she is sure to be found.

25Run not the shoes off thy feet,

And spare thy throat, lest it parch.

But thou saidst,"There is no hope – none:

For I am in love with strangers,

And after them will I go."

The Impotence of the Gods solicited by Israel

26But Israel’s house shall be shamed

As a thief that is caught is ashamed–

They and their kings and their princes,

Their priests and their prophets together;

27That say to a stock, "My father,"

To a stone, "It is thou that hast borne me."

For unto Me they turned

Their backs and not their faces;

Yet in time of trouble they say,

"O rise Thou up and save us."

28But where are the gods thou didst make thee?

Let them arise, if they

Can save thee in time of trouble;

For as many as are thy cities,

So many thy gods, O Judah.

29Why do ye wrangle with Me?

For wicked ye are, every man of you;

Rebels are ye, saith Jehovah–

Rebels against Me, each man of you.

30In vain have I smitten your children,

They would not receive correction;

The sword hath devoured your prophets,

Like a lion that dealeth destruction,

31And yet ye are unafraid.

So hear ye the word of Jehovah:

Have I been a desert to Israel,

A dark and gloomy land?

Why then do ye say, "We are free,

We will come unto Thee nevermore?"

32Can a maid forget her ornaments,

Or a bride forget her sash?

Yet Me hath My people forgotten

Days and days without number.

33In quest of love how bravely

Thou trippest along thy way!

Small wonder thy deeds are so vile,

And thy way hath been all polluted.

34Yea, blood was found in thy skirts–

Of the lives of the innocent poor–

As though thou hadst caught them at theft!

For all this (I would therefore contend with thee);

35Yet thou hast said: "I am innocent,

Surely His anger is over."

But see, I will enter with thee into judgment,

Because thou dost claim to be sinless.

36Why runnest thou hither and thither

With so frivolous a heart?

Thou shalt yet reap shame from Egypt,

As thou has reaped shame from Assyria.

37Yea, thence shalt thou also go forth,

With thy hands upon thy head;

For those whom thou trustest Jehovah hath spurned,

And thou shalt not make good thine escape.

Judah the Faithless

3If a man divorceth his wife,

And she goeth away from him

And becometh the wife of another,

Can she ever again be his?

Is such a woman as she

Not altogether polluted?

But thou hast played the harlot

With many and many a lover;

And canst thou dare to dream

Of returning to Me, saith Jehovah?

2Lift up thine eyes to the heights, and behold,

Where hast thou not been ravished?

Thou hast waited for them by the ways,

Like a Bedouin in the desert;

Thou hast stained the land by thy whoredoms,

And by thy wicked ways,

3And through thy many lovers

Thou hast let thyself be snared.

Thou hast a harlot’s forhead,

Refusing to be abashed,

4Yet but now has been calling Me Father

And Comrade of thy youth.

5"Can He keep His anger for ever,

Or cherished it to the end?

Yes, such were thy words; but they deeds

To the last degree were vile.

Judah’s Infidelity more Awful than Israel’s

6In the days of the King Josiah Jehovah said to me: "Hast thou seem what backsliding Israel did? She went up on every high mountain and under every green tree and there she played the harlot. 7I had hoped that, after all this, she would return to Me. But no! she did not return. Her faithless sister Judah 8saw that I had put backsliding Israel away because of her adultery, and that I had given her a bill of divorce; nevertheless faithless Judah was not at all afraid, but she too went and played the harlot, 9defiling the land by her wanton whoredom, and committing adultery with stones and stocks. 10Nevertheless, when faithless Judah turned to Me, it was not with her whole heart, but only in pretence."

Offer of Pardon and Promise of Glory

11Then Jehovah said to me, "Backsliding Israel has justified herself more than faithless Judah. 12Go and proclaim these words towards the north and say:

O backsliding Israel, turn,

I will not look in anger upon thee;

For I am kind, saith Jehovah,

I keep not Mine anger for ever.

13But only acknowledge thy guilt–

That, disloyal to Jehovah thy God,

Thou hast lavished thy love upon strangers

Beneath every spreading tree,

And unto My voice, saith Jehovah,

Thou hast not inclined thine ear.

14Return, ye backsliding children, saith Jehovah, for I am your husband and lord; and I will take one of you from each city and two from each clan, and I will bring you to Zion, 15and give you rulers after My own mind, who shall tend you with wisdom and skill. 16And when in those days you have grown numerous and fruitful in the land, saith Jehovah, men shall speak no more of the ark of the covenant of Jehovah; it shall never enter their minds, they will neither think of it nor miss it, nor will they ever again make another.

17At that time Jerusalem shall be called the Throne of Jehovah, and all the nations shall gather thereto; they shall follow no more the stubbornness of their evil hearts. 18In those days the household of Judah shall join the household of Israel, and together they shall come from the north land to the land that I gave your forefathers for an inheritance.

A Penitent Return will be met by the Divine Acceptance

19How glad, methought, shall I be

To give thee a place among sons,

To give thee a pleasant land,

An inheritance passing fair!

Me thought ye would call Me Father,

And follow Me evermore;

20But ye have been false unto Me,

As a woman is false to her lover.

21Hark! weeping is heard on the heights–

It is suppliant Israel crying,

Because they have walked perversely,

Forgetting Jehovah their God.

22"Return, ye backsliding I will heal."

"Behold, we are come unto Thee,

For Thou art Jehovah our God.

23The hills are but a delusion,

And the orgies upon the mountains;

In Jehovah our God alone

Is Israel’s salvation.

24The Baal hath devoured the toil

Of our fathers from our youth–

Their sheep and their oxen together,

Their sons and their daughters together

25We would lay us down in our shame,

All covered with confusion;

For before our God we have sinned,

We and our fathers from youth

Even unto this very day;

And we have not hearkened at all

To the voice of Jehovah our God."

4"O Israel, if thou wilt return," saith Jehovah,

If thou but return unto Me,

And put out of My sight those things that I loathe;

If thou roam not hither and thither;

2If sincerely and justly and truly

Thou swear, ’As Jehovah liveth,’

Then nations shall pray for a blessing like thine,

And in thee shall they make their boast.

3For thus saith Jehovah to the citizens of Judah,

And to them that dwell in Jerusalem:

Break up the ground that lies fallow,

And sow ye not among thorns;

4Circumcise ye your own selves to Jehovah,

Remove from your hearts the foreskin,

Ye citizens of Judah

And ye that dwell in Jerusalem;

Lest My fury go forth like fire

And blaze beyond all quenching,

Because of your evil doings."

The Impending Judgment to be Executed by a Foreign Invader

5Declare ye this message in Judah,

And publish it in Jerusalem;

Blow the trumpet throughout the land,

Cry aloud and say,

"Gather and let us betake ourselves

Into the fortified cities."

6Lift towards Zion a signal,

Flee ye for safety and stay out;

For disaster and fell destruction

I soon will bring out the north.

7A lion hath gone from his thicket;

The Devastator of nations

Hath left and gone forth from his place

To desolate the earth.

8Gird yourselves therefore with sackcloth,

Make ye lament and wail;

For the fierce glowing wrath of Jehovah

Doth turn not away nor leave us.

9The heart of the king and the princes

Shall fail int that day, saith Jehovah;

The priests shall be seized with horror,

And the prophets with amazement.

10They shall say "Ah, Lord Jehovah!

Ah! Surely Thou hast deluded

This people and Jerusalem,

Assuring us all would be well,

While the doth pierce to the soul."

11This message shall then be declared

To Jerusalem and this people:

A glowing wind from the desert

Cometh straight upon My people,

But not to winnow or cleanse–

12Too keen is the blast for that.

So now I will utter My judgment upon them.

13Behold! he mounteth as clouds,

His chariots are like to the whirlwind,

His horses are swifter than eagles:

"Woe unto us! we are spoiled."

14Wash thy heart of wickedness,

Jerusalem, that thou mayest be saved:

How long wilt thou harbour within thee

Thine evil imaginations?

15Hark! a message from Dan,

From Mount Ephraim, evil tidings;

16Proclaim it among the nations,

And publish it over Jerusalem.

Behold! leopards are coming

From a land that is far away,

They are raising loud their roar

Against the cities of Judah.

17Lying in wait in the fields,

They beset her round and round–

"Because," declareth Jehovah,

"She hath rebelled against Me."

18Thy doings and thy behaviour

Have brought these things upon thee;

This is the fruit of thy wickedness–

Bitter indeed it is,

It pierceth thy very heart.

The Prophet’s Anguish

19O the pain, the pain in my bosom,

The walls of my heart are athrob:

My heart is a tumult within me,

I cannot hold my peace;

For the sound of the trumpet I hear,

The din and alarum of battle.

20Ruin doth break upon ruin,

For all the land is laid waste;

My tents of a sudden are spoiled,

Yea, all in a moment my curtains.

21How long must I look on the standard

And hear the sound of the trumpet?

22For foolish is my people,

And me they do not know;

Sottish children they are,

Devoid of understanding:

Wise are they to do evil,

But they know not how to do good.

23I looked at the earth, and behold! it was empty.

I looked at the heavens, and their light was gone,

24I looked at the mountains, and lo! they were trembling,

And all the hills moved to and fro.

25I looked and looked, but behold, there was no man,

And all the birds of the heaven had fled.

26I looked at the fruit-land: behold! it was desert,

And all the cities were fallen in ruins,

Laid waste by the fierce hot wrath of Jehovah.

The Irrevocable Doom

27For thus Jehovah hath said,

The land shall be all desolation.

28For this the earth shall mourn,

And the heavens above be black;

For I have not repented My words,

And I will not turn back from My purpose.

29At the noise of the horsemen and bowmen

The whole land taketh to flight;

They enter the thickets and caves,

They climb up on to the rocks.

Abandoned is very city,

And not a man dwelleth therein.

30Why, then, dost thou robe thee in scarlet,

And deck thee with jewels of gold,

And paintest thine eyes to enlarge them?

In vain dost thou make thyself fair.

They that doted on thee despite thee;

It is thy life that they seek.

31For a cry have I heard as of woman in travail,

A scream as of one bringing forth her first child.

Hark! ’tis the daughter of Zion

That gaspeth and spreadeth her hands,

Saying, "Ah! woe is me! I am faint,

I am sinking – the victim of murderers."

The Universal Corruption of the Nation

5Run to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem,

Look ye around and examine;

Search in her open spaces

If ye can find a man–

Any that acteth justly,

And seeketh after truth;

Then I – Jehovah declareth–

Will grant her My forgiveness.

2But even when they say, "By Jehovah,"

They are ready to swear to a lie.

3Dost Thou look then, Jehovah, on falsehood,

And not upon the truth?

To all Thy blows they were callous,

They refused to accept correction;

Their faces were harder than stone,

They refused to turn (and repent).

4"But these," thought I, "are the poor,

The people without understanding,

Who know not the way of Jehovah,

The ordinance of their God.

5I will get me unto the great men,

And unto them will I speak;

For they know the way of Jehovah,

The ordinance of their God."

But these very men have all broken the yoke,

And snapped the bonds asunder.

6Soon therefore shall they be slain

By a lion out of the forest;

A wolf from the steppes shall despoil them.

A leopard shall lurk by their cities,

And rend all that issue therefrom.

For many are their their transgressions,

And far they have turned away.

7How then for this can I pardon thee?

Thy children have forsaken Me,

Swearing by gods that are no gods;

And, when to the full I had fed them,

Adultery they committed,

They lodge in the houses of harlots.

8Well fed stallions were they,

Neighing each for his neighbour’s wife.

9And crimes like these, saith Jehovah,

Am I to leave unpunished?

Shall not My soul be avenged

On a nation such as this?

The Implacable Doom

10Get ye up to her vines and destroy them,

Make an utter end of them;

Take away her branches,

For they are not Jehovah’s.

11For utterly faithless to Me

Are the households of Israel and Judah;

12They have denied Jehovah,

And said, "He will never do it;

No evil shall come upon us,

We shall see neither sword nor famine.

13The prophets are only wind,

The word is not in them:

So be it done unto them."

14Therefore thus saith Jehovah, the God of Hosts:

Behold, MY word in thy mouth

I will make like a flaming fire,

And this people shall be as the fuel,

And it shall clean devour them.

15Behold, I am bringing against you,

O household of Israel, saith Jehovah,

A nation from afar,

An imperishable nation,

A very ancient nation,

A nation whose language thou knowest not,

Whose speech is strange unto thee.

16Like an open grave is their quiver,

And giants are they all:

17They shall eat up thy bread and thy harvest,

They shall eat up thy sons thy daughters,

They shall eat up thy flocks and thy herds,

They shall eat up thy vines and thy fig trees,

They shall beat down the fortified cities,

Wherein thou didst trust, with the sword.

18But in those days, saith Jehovah,

I will not make a clean end of you.

19And in time to come, when ye say to Me,

"Why hath Jehovah our God

Done all these things unto us?"

Then shalt thou say unto them,

"As ye have forsaken Me,

And served foreign gods in your land,

So ye shall be servants to strangers

In a land that is not your own."

The Utter Depravity of the People and their Religious Leaders

20Declare ye this in the household of Jacob,

And publish this message in Judah;

21Hear this, ye foolish and senseless people,

With eyes that see not, and ears that hear not.

22Fear ye not Me? saith Jehovah,

Tremble ye not at My presence,

Who hath set the sand as a bound for the sea,

As a barrier eternal which cannot be passed?

Its waters may toss, but they cannot prevail;

Its waves may roar, yet they cannot pass over it.

23But these people are stubborn, defiant in heart,

They are turned aside and gone.

24For they do not say in their hearts,

"Let us fear Jehovah, our God,

Who giveth the rain in its season,

The early and latter rain,

And into us reserveth

the weeks appointed for harvest."

25This order your sins have disturbed,

Your crimes have withheld from you blessing.

26For among My people are knaves,

Who set snares and with traps catch men.

27Like a cage full of birds, so their houses

Are full of (the gains of) deceit;

And so they grow great and rich,

28They are waxen fat, they are sleek:

They run riot in deeds of wickedness.

They defend not the rights of the orphan,

Nor champion the cause of the needy.

29And things like these, saith Jehovah,

Am I to leave unpunished?

Shall not My soul be avenged

On a nation such as this?

30An appailing, a horrible thing

Is come to pass in the land.

31The prophets prophesy falsely,

And from them do the priests take their teaching,

And My people love it so;

But what will ye do in the end?

The Approach of the Invader

6Flee ye for safety, ye Benjamites,

Forth from the midst of Jerusalem;

Blow ye the trump in Tekoa,

Raise a beacon on Beth-haccherem:

For out of the north there peereth

Disaster and fell destruction.

2As a fair and luxurious mead

Is the height of the daughter of Zion;

3But shepherds shall come to assail her,

They and their flocks together;

They shall pitch their tents around about her,

And graze on her, each where he camps.

4"Prepare ye war against her;

Up! let us storm her at noon-day."

"Alas! for the day declineth,

The shadows of evening are lengthening."

5"Then up! let us storm her by night,

And her palaces let us destroy."

6For thus saith Jehovah of Hosts:

Hew ye down her trees,

And cast up a mound against her.

Woe to thee, City of Falsehood,

Within thee is nothing but tyranny.

7As a well keepeth fresh her waters,

She keepeth her wickedness fresh;

Within her are rapine and violence heard,

Sickness and wounds are for ever before Me.

8O Jerusalem, be admonished,

Lest My soul from thee be severed,

Lest I make thee a desolation,

An uninhabited land.

9Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts;

"Glean like a vine full thoroughly

Those that are left of Israel;

Set thy hand once more

As a vintager unto the branches."

10"But to whom shall I speak and bear witness

In such wise that they listen?

For see! their ear is uncircumcised,

Helpless are they to hearken.

To them is the word of Jehovah

Become an utter scorn;

They have no pleasure in it.

11I am filled with the wrath of Jehovah,

I am weary of holding it back:

On the child in the street I will pour it,

On youths, too, where’er they assemble;

It shall smite men and women alike,

And the aged, whose days are many.

12Their homes shall be turned unto others,

Their fields and their wives together;

For against those that dwell in the land

I will stretch out My hand, saith Jehovah."

The National Materialism and its Doom

13For great and small alike,

They are all of them greedy of gain;

Prophet and priest alike–

Every man of them practiseth falsehood.

14They would heal the hurt of My people,

As though it were but slight;

"It is well, it is well," they say,

"When it is anything but well."

15Are they at all abashed

At their deeds abominable?

Nay, they are unabashed,

They know not how to blush.

They shall therefore fall with the fallen;

In the hour of their visitation

They shall stumble, saith Jehovah.

16Thus did Jehovah say:

Stand in the ways and see,

And ask for the ancient paths;

Mark that which leadeth to happiness,

See that ye walk therein–

And ye shall find rest to your souls.

But they said, " We refuse to walk in it."

17And over you I set watchmen.

Saying "Hark for the sound of the trumpet."

But they said, "We refuse to hearken."

18Wherefore hearken, ye nations, and hear, O earth,

Take knowledge of that which is coming.

19Behold, I will bring on this people

Disaster, the fruits of their backsliding;

For they heeded not My words,

My instruction they rejected.

20Of what avail to Me

Is the incense that cometh from Sheba,

And sweet cane from a distant land?

I accept not your burnt-offerings,

Your sacrifice pleaseth Me not.

21Therefore, thus saith Jehovah: Behold,

I will set on the way of this people

Stones over which they may stumble,

And over them stumble they shall,

Fathers and sons together–

And neighbour and friend shall perish.

22Thus saith Jehovah, Behold!

A people doth come from the north land,

A mighty nation is stirring

At the uttermost ends of the earth

23Bow they wield and javelin–

Cruel and pitiless they,

With a voice like the roar of the sea,

And they ride upon horses and chariots,

Arrayed, like one man, for the battle,

Against thee, O daughter of Zion.

24The rumour thereof we have heard,

And all unnerved are we:

Anguish hath seized upon us,

And pangs as of women in travail.

25Venture not forth to the open,

Go not abroad on the highway;

For there is the sword of the enemy–

Terror on every side.

26O daughter of My people,

Gird thee about with sackcloth

And sprinkle thee with ashes;

Make mourning and bitter lament,

As for an only son;

For suddenly shall come

The Devastator upon us.

Jeremiah as Assayer of the National Character

27I have set thee to test My people,

To discover and test their way.

28Refractory are the all,

They slander as they go;

They are all of them brass and iron,

They are all of them corrupt.

29Fiercely the bellows blow,

The lead is consumed by the fire;

But in vain doth the smelter keep smelting,

The dross is not smelted away.

30Their name shall be refuse silver,

For them hath Jehovah as refuse rejected.

Messages from the Middle Period of Jeremiah’s Career

Salvation lies neither in Temple nor Ritual, but only in Repentance and Reform

7The message which came to Jeremiah from Jehovah: 2Take thy stand at the gate of the Temple, and there make the following proclamation. Say, Listen to this message from Jehovah, all ye men of Judah that enter these gates to worship Jehovah. 3Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel, Amend your ways and your doings, and I will guarantee this place as your permanent home. 4But put no trust in lying messengers, who say: "This is the Temple of Jehovah, the Temple of Jehovah, the Temple of Jehovah." 5For if you really amend your ways and your doings: if you really do justice as between man and man; 6if you abstain from the oppression of the resident foreigner, the fatherless and the widow, from the shedding of innocent blood in this place, and from devotion to other gods to your own hurt, 7then I will guarantee you a home here for all time in the land that I gave your forefathers.

8But see, you are putting your trust in doctrines that are as profitless as they are false. 9What! you commit theft, murder, adultery, perjury, you burn sacrifice to the Baal, you run after other gods that are strange to you; 10and then you (have the hardihood to) come and stand before me in this House which is called by My name, and say, "Now we are safe" – in order, forsooth, to carry on all these abominations. 11This House which bears My name you regard, do you, as nothing but a robbers’ cave? Make no mistake: I – saith Jehovah – I have not been blind to all this.

12I would ask you to visit My sanctuary in Shiloh, where I put My name at the first, and see what the wickedness of My people Israel constrained Me to do to it. 13And so it will be now, saith Jehovah. Because you have perpetrated all these anormities, in defiance of My most earnest and repeated words, and have refused to respond to My call, 14therefore this Temple in which you repose your trust – called by My name though it be – and the place that I gave to you and your forefathers, I will consign to the same fate as overtook Shiloh; 15and I will hurl you out of My sight as I have hurled your brethren, the whole race of Ephraim.

16As for thyself, offer no prayer for this people, raise no cry or prayer on their behalf, and make no intercession to Me, for I will not listen to thee. 17Seest thou not what they are doing in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? 18The children gather wood, the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes to the Queen of Heaven, and to pour out drink-offerings to other gods, in order to vex Me. 19Is it I, then, saith Jehovah, whom they are vexing? is it not rather themselves, doomed as they are to bring confusion upon their own faces? 20Therefore, thus saith the Lord Jehovah, "My anger and My fury shall be poured out upon this place, upon man and beast, upon trees of the field and fruit of the ground, and it shall blaze in unquenchable flame."

21Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel, Put the flesh of your burnt-offerings and your (other) sacrifices together, and make a common meal of them both alike; 22for on the day that I brought your forefathers out of the land of Egypt, I gave them no commandment nor did I utter a syllable with regard to burnt offering or sacrifice. 23But the commandment I gave them was this: Listen, I said, to My voice, and then I will be your God and you shall be My people, and take My commandments as the standard of all your life – this is the way to prosperity. 24But, instead of inclining their ear and listening, they followed the dictates of their own stubborn and wicked hearts; they went backwards instead of forwards. 25Ever since your forefathers came out of the land of Egypt, every day up to this very day I have been sending you early and late all My servants the prophets. 26Instead, however, of inclining their ear, they stiffened their necks and behaved worse than their forefathers.

27This, then, is the message thou art to address to them, though they will not listen to thee, nor respond to thy call – 28thy message is to be this:

This is the folk that refused to listen

To the voice of Jehovah their God–

That refused to accept correction.

Sincerity is vanished,

It is found on their lips no more.

The Fearful Judgment upon Idolatry

29Shear off thy locks – away with them–

Lift up a dirge on the heights:

For Jehovah hath spurned and forsaken

The race that hath roused Him to anger.

30The people of Judah, saith Jehovah, have done the thing I abhor: the very House that bears My name they have defiled by introducing into it their abominable 31worship. They have built a sanctuary of Topheth in the Valley of the son of Hinnom, for the burning of their sons and daughters in the fire, though this was no commandment of Mine – such a thing never entered into My mind.

32Mark this therefore: days are coming, saith Jehovah, when it shall be no more called Topheth, nor the Valley of the son of Hinnom, but the Valley of Slaughter, and Topheth shall be used as a burial-place for want of room (elsewhere). 33The dead bodies of this people shall be devoured by the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and none shall scare them away. 34In the cities of Judah and on the streets of Jerusalem I will still the voice of mirth and gladness, and the voice of bridegroom and bride; for the land shall become a waste.

8At the time, saith Jehovah, they shall bring out of their graves the bones of the kings, the princes, the priests, and the prophets, of Judah, and of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, 2and they shall spread them before the sun and the moon and all the host of heaven, whom they loved and served and followed and sought and worshipped; and they shall remain ungathered and unburied, they shall be for dung on the face of the ground. 3And in all places to which I have driven them, every man that is left of this evil family would choose rather death than life, saith Jehovah of Hosts.

The National Refusal to Repent and the Coming Retribution

4Thou shalt say to them, Thus saith Jehovah:

Doth not one who has fallen rise up again,

And one who hath wandered turn back again?

5Why, then, doth thy people keep turning

For ever and ever backward,

Clinging to ways deceitful,

Refusing to return?

6I have listened with ear intent–

And their words are utterly false.

Not a man repents of his wickedness

Or thinks upon what he has done:

But each rushes on in his course

As a war-horse rushes in battle.

7The very stork in the heavens

Doth know her appointed seasons;

The turtle, the swift, and the swallow,

Observe the time of their coming:

But the ordinance of Jehovah

My people doth not know.

8How can ye say, "We are wise,

And with us is the law of Jehovah"?

For see! the false pen of the scribes

Hath turned it into a falsehood.

9So the wise shall be put to shame,

Be dismayed and taken captive.

They have spurned the word of Jehovah–

What manner of wisdom have they?

10So their wives I will give unto others,

To conquerors their fields.

For, great and small alike,

They are all of them greedy of gain;

Prophet and priest alike–

Every man of them practiseth falsehood.

11They would heal the hurt of My people

As though it were but slight;

"It is well, it is well," they say,

"When it is anything but well."

12Are they at all abashed

At their deeds abominable?

Nay, they are unabashed,

They know not how to blush.

They shall therefore fall with the fallen;

In the hour of their visitation

They shall stumble, saith Jehovah.

13When I, saith Jehovah, would gather their fruit,

There is not a grape on the vine;

There is not a fig on the fig tree,

All withered are the leaves.

14"Why are we sitting still?

Assemble yourselves together,

Let us enter the fortified cities,

And there let us meet our doom;

For Jehovah our God hath doomed us,

Hath given us gall to drink,

Because we have sinned against Him.

15We wait for peace, but no good cometh;

For a season of healing, but lo! dismay."

16From Dan is heard the snort of his steeds,

At the sound of his stallions neighing

All the land doth tremble.

They come and devour the land

And all that is therein,

The city and her inhabitants.

17For see! I will send amongst you

serpents of basilik order,

Which cannot be charmed at all;

And they, saith Jehovah, shall bite you.

Jeremiah’s Lament over the Sin and the Doom of his people

18Past healing is my sorrow,

My heart is heavy within me.

19Hark! a voice is calling

From the daughter of my people

From a land that is far away:

"Is not Jehovah in Zion?

Is not her King therein?"

"With their images why have they vexed Me–

With futile foreign gods?"

20"The harvest is past, the summer is ended,

And all unsaved are we."

21For the daughter of my people,

All broken, mine own heart is broken;

I go about in mourning,

With the clutch of horror upon me.

22Is there no balm in Gilead?

Is there no physician there?

Why cometh then no healing

To the daughter of my people?

9O that my head were waters,

And mine eyes a fountain of tears,

That day and night I might weep

For the slain of the daughter of my people!

2O that I had in the desert

A spot such as travellers lodge in;

For then would I leave my people,

Yea, from them I would go;

For they be all adulterers,

A company of traitors,

That bend their tongue like a bow.

3It is not the true, but the false,

That has mastery in the land;

For they pass from evil to evil,

And they know not Me, saith Jehovah.

4Let each man beware of his neighbour,

And trust not any brother:

For brothers are tricksters, all of them,

And neighbours are slanderers all.

5They all deceive one another,

The truth they will not speak;

They have taught their tongue to lie,

They behave like knaves and fools.

6Oppression upon oppression,

Deceit upon deceit:

They refuse, saith Jehovah, to know Me.

7Therefore thus saith Jehovah of Hosts,

Behold I will smelt them and test them,

For alas! I must turn Mine eyes away

From the daughter of My people.

8Their tongue is a deadly arrow,

The words of their mouth are deceit;

They speak their neighbour fair,

But at heart they are laying a trap for him.

9And crimes like these, saith Jehovah,

Am I to leave unpunished?

Shall not My soul be avenged

On a nation such as this?

10Lift a lament for the mountains,

A dirge for the wilderness pastures;

For wasted they lie and untraversed,

No lowing of cattle they hear:

The birds of the air and the beasts

Are fled away and gone.

11I will make of Jerusalem ruins,

A place for jackals to haunt;

I will make of the cities of Judah

An uninhabited waste.

12Where is the man that Jehovah

Himself hath communed with and charged

To declare why the land us a ruin,

Laid waste like the untravelled wilderness?

13And Jehovah said unto me:

Because they forsook My law

Which I had set before them,

And did not live thereby,

But disobeyed My voice,

14And followed their stubborn hearts,

And the Baals that their fathers had taught them:

15Therefore thus saith Jehovah of Hosts,

The God of Israel; Behold,

I will feed this people with wormwood,

And give them gall to drink.

16I will scatter them far among nations

To them and their fathers unknown;

The sword I will send to pursue them,

Until I have clean consumed them.

17Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts:

Now mark ye well and summon

The women that chant in dirges;

And send for the skilful women,

That they may come in haste,

18And lift up for us a lament;

That our eyes may run with tears,

And our eyelids gush with water.

19Hark! from Zion float sounds of wailing,

"Alas!how are we spoiled;

We are put to utter shame,

Because we have left the land,

And our homes are hurled to the ground."

20Hear then, ye women, the word of Jehovah,

Received with your ears the word of His mouth,

And teach this lament to your daughters,

Each one to her neighbour this dirge:

21"Death hath climbed up to our windows,

And into our palaces entered,

sweeping the child from the streets

And the youth from the broad open spaces.

22The corpses of men are fallen

Like dung on the face of the field;

Or like sheaves behind the reaper,

With none to gather them up."

The True Glory of a Man

23Thus saith Jehovah:

Let the wise man not boast of his wisdom,

Let the strong man not boast of his strength;

Let the rich man not boast of his riches,

24But in this be the boaster’s boast–

In insight and knowledge of Me

As Jehovah, who over the earth

Doeth kindness and justice and right;

For these are the things that I love.

The Necessity for Circumcision of Heart

25Mark this well, saith Jehovah: days are coming when I will punish all those that, though circumcised (in flesh) are uncircumcised (in heart) – 26Egypt, Judah, Edom, Ammon, Moab, and all those denizens of the wilderness that have the corners of their hair clipped; for while all the nations are uncircumcised, the whole household of Israel is uncircumcised in heart.

The Folly of Fearing the Impotent and Unreal Gods of the Heathen

10Listen, O household of Israel, to the word which Jehovah hath spoken to you. 2Thus saith Jehovah:

Learn not the ways of the heathen,

And be not dismayed at the signs in the sky,

As the heathen are dismayed;

3For heathen religion is vapour.

A tree is cut down in the forest

And fashioned by craftsman’s axe,

4aAdorned with silver and gold–

4bAnd fastened with nails and hammers,

To keep them from toppling over.

5They are altogether dumb,

Like a scarecrow in garden of cucumbers;

Carried they must needs be,

For they cannot go of themselves.

Be not afraid of them, then,

For they have it not in their power

To do either good or harm.

6There is none like Thee, O Jehovah;

Thou art great, and great is Thy name in might.

7Who should not fear Thee, O King of the nations?

For Thee it becometh well;

For among the wise men of the nations all,

And among their kingdoms all,

There is none that is like unto Thee.

8One and all, they are senseless and silly,

Instructed of gods that are wooden.

9With silver beat fine, brought from Tarshish,

And gold that cometh from Ophir–

And wrought by the craftsman and goldsmith,

And robed in blue and in purple–

The work of skilled men are they all–

10But Jehovah is God indeed,

A living God, and a King everlasting;

The earth at His wrath doth tremble,

His anger no nation can bear.

12He created the earth by His power,

He established the world by His wisdom,

He stretched out the heavens by His skill.

13When He uttereth His voice,

The waters roar in the heavens,

And He causeth vapour to rise

From the uttermost ends of the earth.

Lightnings He made for the rain,

And the wind He brings out of His storehouses.

14How foolish is man with his knowledge!

The goldsmith is shamed by his image;

His idols are delusion,

15They are an empty mockery,

In the hour of their trial they shall perish.

16Not such is the Portion of Jacob,

His God is the Framer of all things:

Jehovah of Hosts is His name.

The Approaching Doom of Exile

17Take up thy pack from the ground,

(O Jerusalem), that sittest beleaguered.

18For thus saith Jehovah, Behold,

This time I will surely sling out

The inhabitants of the land,

And bring them into such straits

That they shall melt for fear.

19Ah! woe is me! I am broken,

And smitten very sore,

"Yes, this is a stroke indeed,"

Said I, "and I must bear it.

20My tent is despoiled and perished,

And all my cords are broken;

My flock is vanished clean.

There is none to stretch my tent,

Or to hang up my curtains more.

21For the shepherds are foolish grown,

And nothing they care for Jehovah;

For this cause they have not prospered,

And all their flock is scattered.

22Hark! a rumour! behold, it cometh,

A mighty uproar from the land of the north,

It shall make of the cities of Judah a waste,

A place to be haunted of jackals.

Prayer that Judgment may be Tempered with Mercy

23Well, O Jehovah, I know

That a man’s way lies not with himself;`

It is not in the power of man

To walk and direct his steps.

24When therefore Thou chastenest us,

Do Thou deal, O Jehovah, in measure,

And not in Thine indignation;

For so wouldst Thou bring us to nothing.

25Pour out Thy wrath on the heathen,

That have not cared for Thee–

And on tribes that invoke not Thy name;

For Jacob they have devoured,

They have desolated his dwelling.

Jeremiah Exhorts the People to be True to the Demands of the Deuteronomic Law

11The message which came to Jeremiah from Jehovah.

2"Listen to the words of this covenant, and declare them to the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem. 3Say to them, Thus saith Jehovah, the God of Israel: Accursed be the man that refuses to listen to the words of the covenant 4with which I charged your forefathers on the day that I brought them out of that iron furnace, the land of Egypt. I promised them then that, if they obeyed My voice, and conformed to all My commandments, they should be My people and I would be their God, 5and thus the oath would be established that swore to their forefathers – to give them a land flowing with milk and honey, as it is this day." Then I answered and said, "Amen, Jehovah."

6Jehovah then said to me, "Make this proclamation throughout the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem: Listen to the words of this covenant and act upon them. 7For early and late, ever since the day that I brought your forefathers out of the land of Egypt up to this day, I have been earnestly adjuring them to listen to My voice; 8but instead of obediently inclining their ear, every man of them followed the dictates of his own wicked and stubborn heart; so I brought upon them all the threats of this covenant which I had charged them to observe, but which they failed to observe."

9Further Jehovah said to me, "The people of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem have been engaged in a manifest conspiracy (against Me). 10They have reverted to the sins of their forefathers who refused to listen to My words, and they are actually indulging in the worship of other gods: the households of Israel and Judah alike have broken the covenant I made with their forefathers. 11Therefore thus saith Jehovah: Mark this – I will bring upon them a disaster which they shall be powerless to escape; and when they cry to Me, I will turn a deaf ear. 12Then the cities of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem shall go and cry to the gods to whom they burn sacrifice; but no help shall they get from them in the day of their calamity: 13for your gods, O Judah, are as numerous as your cities; and as numerous as the streets of Jerusalem are the altars you have set up for sacrifice in the scandalous worship of the Baal.

14As for thyself, offer no prayer for this people, raise no cry or prayer on their behalf; for I will not listed when they call to Me in the day of their calamity.

15What business hath My Beloved

In My house, after conduct so vile?

Shall vows and the sacred flesh

Avert from thee thy doom

Then mightest thou rejoice.

16A spreading, graceful olive

Jehovah had called thy name;

But to the roar of a mighty storm

He hath set it ablaze with lightning,

And the branches thereof are marred.

17For Jehovah of Hosts that planted thee hath pronounced evil against thee in requital for the evil in which the households of Israel and Judah have vexatiously indulged, by burning sacrifice to the Baal."

A Plot against Jeremiah’s Life

The plot

18I knew – for Jehovah had told me,

And revealed to me what they were doing:

19But I – like an innocent lamb

That is led to the slaughter was I.

Yea, all unconscious was I

Of the plots they were plotting against me–

To ruin the tree with its sap,

From the land of the living to root me

And banish my name out of mind.

20But Jehovah of Hosts, Thou righteous Judge,

Who mind and heart dost prove,

Let me see Thy vengeance upon them,

For on Thee have I rolled my cause.

21Therefore, thus saith Jehovah concerning the men of

Anathoth who seek thy life and threaten thee with

death at their hands, if thou preach in the name of


22Therefore saith Jehovah of Hosts,

Behold I will visit them sternly;

Their young men shall die by the sword,

Their sons and their daughters shall perish with hunger.

23Not one of them shall be left;

For over the men of Anathoth

Calamity I will bring

In the year of their visitation.

Jeremiah’s Perplexity and Prayer for Vengeance

12"Righteous art thou, O Jehovah,

when I make my plaint unto Thee;

Yet the case I would reason with Thee.

Why do the wicked prosper?

And why do the faithless all flourish?

2Thou plantest them, yea, they take root;

They spread, yea, they bring forth fruit.

You are always on their lips,

But far, far away from their hearts.

3But Thou, O Jehovah, dost know me,

My heart towards Thee Thou hast proved.

Pull them out, then, like sheep for the slaughter,

To the day of slaughter devote them.

4How long must the land still mourn,

And the herbs of the fields be all withered?

Beast and bid are vanished,

Because of the sin of her people,

Who think God is blind to their ways."

The Divine Answer

5"If thy race with the footmen hath wearied thee,

How wilt thou vie with the horse?

If thou takest to flight in a land that is safe,

Then how wilt thou do on the jungle of Jordan?

6For thy father’s household, thine own very brethren,

Even they have played thee false.

They pursue thee with clamours loud:

Trust them not, when they speak thee fair."

Lament over the Havoc wrought upon Judah by her Neighbours

The Havoc

7My house I have forsaken,

My heritage I have cast off;

Into the hands of her foes

I have given the Beloved of My soul.

8My darling is grown to Me (fierce)

As a lion in the jungle;

She hath lifted her voice against Me,

And therefore I abhor her.

9Is My darling a speckled bird,

That the birds circle round and assail her?

Come, all ye beasts of the field,

Come hither to devour.

10Shepherds many have ruined My vineyard,

And trampled My ground under foot;

They have turned My pleasant inheritance

Into a desolate wilderness.

11They have made it a desolation,

It mourneth, ah me! all desolate.

Desolate all is the land,

But no one cares.

12Upon all the bare heights in the wilderness

Spoilers have descended;

For the sword of Jehovah devours

From one end of the land to another;

No peace is there for any.

13Wheat they have sown, but thorns they have reaped;

Their labour hath profited nothing;

Their harvest shall bring them to shame,

Because of Jehovah’s hot anger.

14This is the word of Jehovah,

To all Mine evil neighbours

That put forth a hand on the heritage

I gave to My people Israel.

Behold! I will pluck them away from their land,

And the household of Judah I pluck from the midst of them;

15But when thus I have plucked them away,

I will once more take pity upon them,

And bring each man back to his heritage,

Each to his own land again.

16And if ever they master the ways of My people,

To swear by My name, "As Jehovah liveth,"

As they once taught My people to swear by the Baal,

They shall then be built up in the midst of My people.

17But the nation that will not listen,

I will pluck clean away and destroy, saith Jehovah.

The Parable of the Waistcloth

13Jehovah told me to go and buy a linen waistcloth and put it on my loins, taking care not to let it get into water. 2So I bought a waistcloth, as Jehovah had bidden me, and I put it on my loins.

3Then a second message from Jehovah came to me, telling me 4to take the waistcloth I had bought, that was on my loins, and to proceed to Parah and bury it there in a chink of the rock. 5So I went and buried it at Parah, as Jehovah had charged me. 6Many days after, Jehovah told me to proceed to Parah and remove the waistcloth which He had charged me to bury there. 7Then I went to Parah and dug out and took the linen waistcloth from the place where I had buried it; and lo! the waistcloth was ruined – it was good for nothing.

8Then there came to me this word from Jehovah: 9Thus saith Jehovah, Ruin like this I will bring upon the soaring pride of Judah and Jerusalem. 10As for these depraved people who, refusing to listen to My words, follow the dictates of their own stubborn hearts and indulge in the worship and service of other gods – let them become like this waistcloth, good for nothing. 11For, as the waistcloth clings to a man’s loins, so would I have had the whole household of Israel and Judah cling unto Me, saith Jehovah, to be My people, a source of renown and praise and glory: but they would not listen.

The Parable of the Jars

12Take to them therefore this message: Thus saith Jehovah the God of Israel, "Every jar must be filled with wine." And if they say to thee, "Why, of course we know that every jar must be filled with wine," 13then this is what thou shalt say to them: Thus saith Jehovah: Soon – mark it well – I will fill with drunkenness all the inhabitants of this land – the kings that sit upon the throne of David, the priests, the prophets, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem; 14and I will dash them, saith Jehovah, one against another, fathers and sons together. I will neither spare nor pity: no compassion shall restrain Me from destroying them.

The Tender Solemn Warning

15O hear and give ear, be not haughty;

Jehovah hath spoken.

16To Jehovah your God give ye glory,

Before it grows dark,

And ere yet, on the mountains of twilight,

With feet that are stumbling,

Ye look for the light, which to gloom

And thick darkness He turneth.

17But should ye refuse to give heed,

Then in secret my soul shall weep,

Because of your pride:

And with tears that flow ever and ever

Mine eyes shall run down

For the flock of Jehovah, afar

To captivity taken.

Lament on the Approaching Fate of King Jehoiachin and the Queen Mother

18Say to the King and the Queen Mother,

Low ye be seated;

For down from your head hath been hurled

Your glorious crown.

19The towns in the south land are shut,

There is no one to open them;

All Judah is swept into exile,

Swept all into exile.

Lament over the Sin and the Doom of Jerusalem

20Jerusalem, lift up thine eyes and behold

How they come from the north.

Where is thy beautiful flock,

Even the sheep that were given thee?

21What wilt thou say when He calleth–

To lord over thee–

The men thou thyself didst instruct

To approach thee as lovers?

Shall anguish not clutch at thee hard

As of woman in travail?

22But if in thy heart thou shouldst say,

"Why is this come upon me?"

Thy manifold guilt is the cause

That thy skirts are stripped off

And thy modesty outraged.

23Can the African change his skin,

Or the leopard his spots?

Just as helpless art thou to do good

That art wont to do evil.

24And so to the winds of the desert

Like stubble that flies I will scatter them.

25This is thy lot, this the portion

I measure to thee, saith Jehovah;

Because thou forgattest Me,

And hast trusted in falsehood.

26Thy skirt I Myself will lift over thy face,

That thy shame may be seen.

27Thine adulteries and thy neighings,

Thy harlotry foul–

In the field, on the hills, I have seen–

Thy detestable doings.

Woe unto thee, O Jerusalem!

How long time yet must pass

Until thou be cleansed?

A Grievous Drought and the Thoughts it Awakened in the Prophet

The Distress of the Drought

14The message which came from Jehovah to Jeremiah

with regard to the drought.

2Judah doth mourn, and the gates thereof languish;

(Her people) are sitting in black on the ground,

And a cry rises up from Jerusalem.

3Her nobles have sent their attendants for water;

They come to the cisterns, no water they find:

Back then they go with their pitches empty,

In shame and confusion they cover their heads.

4Dismayed are the men that till the ground,

Because on the land no rain hath fallen;

The ploughmen cover their heads in confusion.

5Yea, even the hind in the field forsaketh

The young that she bore, because grass there is none.

6And the wild asses stand on the bleak bare heights,

Panting for air, like the crocodile,

And the light dieth out of their eyes,

Because herbage there is none.

The Prophet’s Supplication

7And yet though our sins rise in witness against us,

Jehovah, O act, for Thine own name’s sake;

For many a time have we turned from Thee back,

And against Thee we have sinned.

8O Thou that art Israel’s Hope,

Her Saviour in time of trouble,

Why like a stranger art Thou in Thy land,

Like a traveller who turneth to lodge but a night?

9Why shouldst Thou be like a man fast asleep,

Like a warrior powerless to save?

Yet Thou, O Jehovah, art here in our midst,

By thy name we are called: O leave us not.

The Divine Answer

10Touching this people Jehovah thus answered:

Thus do they love to wander

With unrestrained feet,

But Jehovah cannot accept them:

Their guilt He now calleth to mind,

Their sins He will visit with chastisement.

11And Jehovah said to me: Offer no prayer for the welfare of this people. 12When they fast, I will be deaf to their cry; when they offer burnt-offerings and cereal offerings, I will not accept them. By sword, by famine, by pestilence, I will consume them.

The Prophet’s Remonstrance

13To this I made answer: Oh! Lord Jehovah, see! The prophets are ceaselessly telling them that they will never see the sword or suffer from famine, but that Thou wilt bestow upon them stable peace in this place.

The Divine Answer

14Then Jehovah said to me: The prophets are but preaching lies in My name. I never sent them; they have no commission from Me; not a word have I spoken to them. What thy preach to you is nothing but a tissue of lying visions and idle divinations and inventions of their own deceitful hearts. 15This therefore is the message of Jehovah concerning those prophets who, without any commission from Me, are ceaselessly preaching that this land will never suffer from sword or famine: by sword and famine shall those very prophets themselves be consumed, 16and the people they preach to shall be flung out in the streets of Jerusalem as victims of sword and famine, and they shall lie unburied – themselves, their wives, their sons, their daughters; for I will pour their wickedness over them.

The Prophet’s Lament and Confession

17This is the word thou shalt speak to them:

Mine eyes run down with tears

By night and day unceasing;

For the daughters of my people

Is broken, grievously broken,

With a wound exceeding sore.

18If to the field I go forth,

Lo, the slain of the sword lie there;

And if into the city I go,

Lo, there lie the victims of famine:

Yea, prophet and priest alike,

All witless, lie crouched on the ground,

19Hast Thou utterly cast away Judah?

Is Zion grown loathsome to Thee?

Why hast Thou smitten us so,

That we can find no healing?

We look for peace, but no good cometh:

For a season of healing, but lo! dismay.

20We acknowledge, Jehovah, our wickedness,

The guilt of our fathers also;

For we have sinned against Thee.

21For Thy name’s sake, O spurn us not,

O shame not Thy glorious throne:

O remember and break out Thy covenant with us.

22Of the worthless gods of the heathen

Is there one that can bring down rain?

Can the sky give showers of itself?

Is it not Thou alone that canst do this–

Jehovah, our God, whom we wait for?

Yea, these things are all Thy creation.

The Divine Answer – Rejection and Doom

15Then Jehovah said to me:

Though Moses and Samuel stood before Me,

Yet no learning of heart could I have for this people;

Away with them out of My sight – let them go.

2When they ask thee where they shall go,

Then say to them, Thus saith Jehovah:

To death, those destined to death;

To the sword, those doomed to the sword;

To famine, those destined to famine,

To exile, those destined to exile.

3And I, saith Jehovah, will set over them four kinds (of destroyers) – the sword to slay, the dogs to tear, the birds of the air to devour, and the beasts of the earth to destroy; 4and I will make them an object of consternation to every kingdom in the world, in return for all the evil wrought in Jerusalem by Manasseh, the son of Hezekiah, king of Judah.

5O Jerusalem, who will then pity thee?

Who will commiserate thee?

Who will go out of his way

To enquire how it fareth with thee?

6Thou hast cast Me off, saith Jehovah,

Thou ever wentest backward;

So, weary at length of relenting,

I stretch out My hand to destroy thee.

7With winnowing-fork I will winnow thee,

In every gate of the land.

I will make My people childless,

And destroy them because of their wickedness,

8Their widows are more in number

Than the sand of all the seas.

A destroyer I will bring

Upon mother and suckling at noon-day;

I will bring of a sudden upon her

Agitation and dismay.

9The mother of seven shall languish,

And she shall swoon away;

Her sun shall go down in the day-time,

Ashamed and abashed shall she be.

And the rest of them I will deliver

To the sword in the face of their foes.

The Prophet’s Passionate Lament

10Alas for me! mother of mine, that bore me

To strive and to struggle with all the world.

Never lender nor borrower was I,

Yet one and all they curse me.

11To their curses be "Amen, Jehovah,"

If ever I failed to entreat Thee

For a blessing upon my foes

In their time of distress and disaster.

12Is the arm in my shoulder of iron?

Or is my brow of brass?

15O Jehovah, remember and visit me,

Avenge me of my tormentors;

Let not Thine anger tarry.

Bethink Thee – it is in Thy cause

That I have been laden with insult.

16They spurn Thy words – every man of them.

But to me is Thy word a delight,

The very joy of my heart;

For I have been called by Thy name,

O Jehovah, Thou God of Hosts.

17No happy seat was mine

At gatherings of the merry;

But lonely I sat, for Thy hand was upon me:

With (holy) wrath Thou hast filled me.

18Oh why is my pain unceasing?

And why is this wound of mine cureless?

Like a treacherous brook wilt Thou be unto me,

Like waters that are unsure?

The Divine Answer

19Thus therefore saith Jehovah:

If thou turn again, I will restore thee,

And thou shalt be My servant.

Let thy speech but be noble, not petty,

And so thou shalt be My mouthpiece;

They then may turn unto thee,

But thou shalt not turn unto them.

20And unto this folk I will make thee

A fortified wall of bronze.

They will fight thee, but thou shalt be victor;

For I will be with thee to save thee,

And rescue thee – thus saith Jehovah.

21Yes, I from the land of the wicked will rescue thee,

I from the clutch of the cruel will redeem thee.

Predictions of Coming Disaster

The Prophet’s Unutterable Loneliness

16There came to me this message from Jehovah:

2Thou shalt not take thee a wife,

Saith Jehovah, the God of Israel;

Nor shalt thou have any sons

Or daughters in this place.

3For thus Jehovah saith

Concerning the sons and the daughters

That in this place are born,

And concerning the mothers that bore them,

And the fathers that begat them:

4"A grievous death shall they die,

Unburied, unlamented;

Like dung on the face of the field shall they be,

They shall perish by sword and famine;

By the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth

Shall their corpses be devoured."

The National Doom

5For thus Jehovah saith:

Do not enter the house of grief,

Nor go to make lament,

And raise for them no wailing;

Because from this (My) people

I have taken away My peace.

6Both great and small in this land shall die,

They shall be unburied, unmourned;

Not a man shall gash his body,

Or shear his hair for them.

7No bread shall be broken for mourners,

To comfort them for the dead;

Nor shall cup of consolation

Be given for father or mother.

8Do not enter the house of feasting,

To sit with them, eating and drinking.

9For thus saith Jehovah of Hosts,

The God of Israel:

Mark this – ye shall live to see it–

This place I will bring to silence,

The voice of mirth and gladness,

The voice of bridegroom and bride.

The Infidelity which Justifies the Doom

10After thou hast delivered this message to the people, they will ask thee why Jehovah has doomed them to all this misery. "What is our guilt," they will say, "and what is the sin we have committed against Jehovah our God?" 11Tell them then, "Jehovah doth solemnly declare: it is because your fathers abandoned Me for the worship and the service of other gods; yes, they abandoned Me and neglected My law. 12And your own behaviour has been worse than that of your fathers. See how every man of you is following the impulses of his own wicked and stubborn heart and refusing to listen to Me. 13For this, then, I will hurl you out of this land into a land that is strange to you and your fathers; and there, day and night, ye shall serve other gods; for no favour shall ye have from Me."

The Doom

16Behold, I will send many fishers,

And them they shall fish, saith Jehovah;

And then will I send many hunters,

And they shall hunt them down

From every mountain and hill

And out of the clefts of the rocks.

17For Mine eyes are all their ways,

From My face they are not concealed,

And their guilt is not hid from Mine eyes.

18I will therefore requite them double

For all their guilt and sin,

In profaning My land with the carcases

Of their detestable idols,

And filling Mine inheritance

With their abominations.

Ultimate Recognition by the Heathen of Jehovah as the True God

19O Jehovah, my strength and my stronghold,

My refuge in time of trouble,

To Thee from the ends of the earth

Shall nations come and say,

"Only lies have our fathers inherited,

Empty and useless (idols)."

20Shall a man make gods for himself,

Which yet are no gods at all?

21See then! I will give them to feel–

This once I will give them to feel–

The weight of My mighty hand:

And then shall they know that My name is Jehovah.

The Doom

17The sin of Judah is written

With pencil of iron;

With diamond point it is graven

On the tablet of their heart,

On the horns of their altars,

2On every green tree,

On every high hill,

3On the heights in the field.

Thy substance and all thy treasures

As spoil I will give,

In requital for all the sins

That pervaded thy borders.

4And then thou shalt slack thy hold

Of the land that I gave thee:

I will make thee the slave of thy foes

In a land that is strange to thee;

For a fire in Mine anger is kindled

That burneth for ever.

The Joy and Wisdom of Trust

5Thus saith Jehovah:

Accursed the man that trusteth in man,

And maketh flesh his arm,

While his heart is estranged from Jehovah.

6Like a bare desert shrub shall he be,

No destiny fair shall be his;

His home is the scorching wilderness,

A salt uninhabited land.

7But blessed the man that trusteth Jehovah,

That maketh Jehovah his confidence;

8Like a tree shall he be, by the waters planted,

That stretcheth its roots out towards the stream,

And is never afraid for the coming of heat,

But its leaves are for ever green–

In the year of drought untroubled–

And it yieldeth fruit without ceasing.

The Prophet’s Prayer

9"The heart is most treacherous of all things,

And sick beyond cure: who can know it?"

10"I, Jehovah, am Searcher of hearts,

And Tester of thoughts am I,

To give each what his doings have earned,

To let each reap the fruit of his deeds."

11Like a patridge that sitteth on eggs

That it hath not laid,

Is the man that getteth him riches

In ways unjust.

In the midst of his days he must leave them,

His end shall declare him a fool.

12A glorious throne, set on high from of old,

Is the site where standeth our holy place.

13O Jehovah, Thou Hope of Israel,

Put to shame shall all be that forsake Thee;

Yea, they that prove faithless to Thee

In the land shall be put to confusion;

Because they have forsaken

The Fountain of Living Water.

14"Heal me, Jehovah, and I shall be healed;

Save me, and I shall be saved indeed:

For Thou art my Praise.

15Mark how they say to me ceaselessly

’Where is the word of Jehovah?

Pray, now, let it come to pass.’

16Yet never for this did I urge Thee

To bring on the evil day,

Nor ever have longed in my heart

For the day of disaster – Thou knowest.

The words that came forth from my lips

Lie open before Thy face.

17O be not a terror to me,

Thou Refuge of mine in the day of evil.

18Confusion on them that torment me–

On them, but not on me:

Be dire dismay upon them–

On them, but not on me;

Bring the day of disaster upon them,

With two-fold destruction destroy them."

The Sanctity of the Sabbath

19Jehovah commanded me to go and take my stand at the Benjamin gate, through which the kings of Judah go in and out, and at all the gates of Jerusalem, 20and there He charged me to address them as follows: "Ye kings of Judah, and all ye citizens of Judah and Jerusalem that pass through these gates, 21Thus saith Jehovah: As ye value you lives, be very careful not to carry a burden or to bring anything of the kind through the gates of Jerusalem on the Sabbath day; 22also to carry no load out of your houses on the Sabbath day, and to do no work of any kind, but to keep the Sabbath day holy, as I commanded your forefathers. 23But instead of obediently inclining their ear, they stiffened their neck; they would have nothing to 24do with obedience or discipline. If you, however, will give earnest heed to Me, saith Jehovah, and refrain from bringing loads through the city gates on the Sabbath day, if you keep the Sabbath day holy and abstain from work of every kind, 25then kings that sit upon the throne of David shall enter the gates of this city riding on chariots and horses, accompanied by their princes, the men of Judah, and the citizens of Jerusalem; and the city shall be inhabited for ever. 26From the cities of Judah, the neighbourhood of Jerusalem, and the district of Benjamin, from the lowland, the hill country, and the south, men shall come to the Temple with burnt-offerings and sacrifices, oblations and frankincense, and praise-offerings. 27If, however, you refuse to give heed to Me and to keep the Sabbath day holy by refraining from carrying burdens through the gates of Jerusalem on the Sabbath day, then I will kindle in her gates a fire unquenchable, that shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem.

The Lesson of the Potter and the Clay

18Jeremiah received from Jehovah the message which follows: 2"Rise and go down to the potter’s house– I have somewhat to say to thee, which I will communicate to thee there." 3So I went down to the potter’s house: and there he was – engaged on a piece of work at the wheel. 4Now, if the thing he was making was spoiled in his hands, he would just shape the material over again into another such vessel as he had decided to make.

5Thereupon there flashed upon me this message from Jehovah. 6"Cannot I," He said, "deal with you, O household of Israel, like this potter? You are in My hand just like the clay in the potter’s hand. 7At one moment I may decide to pluck up or break down and destroy some nation of kingdom; 8but if the nation whose fate I have decreed turn from its wickedness, then I relent and do not execute the doom I had planned for it. 9At another moment I may decide to build up or to plant some nation of kingdom; 10but if its behaviour displeases Me, if it refuses to listen to My voice, then I will retract the favours I had intended to confer upon it.

11Now, therefore, make this announcement to the men of Judah and the citizens of Jerusalem, Thus saith Jehovah: Beware! I am shaping calamity for you, I am fashioning plans for your discomfiture. Turn, then, every man of you, from your evil ways, and amend your life and behaviour." 12But they will say, "No, there is no hope of that: rather will we follow devices of our own and yield, every man of us, to the impulses of our wicked and stubborn hearts."

13Thus therefore saith Jehovah:

Ask any heathen man

If he ever heard aught like this?

An utterly horrible thing

Hath been wrought by the Virgin of Israel.

14Doth the white snow vanish from Sirion’s crags?

Do the rills that flow cold from the hills ever dry?

15Yet Me hath My people forgotten;

The gods that they worship are phantoms.

They have stumbled upon the way

Ordained for them of old,

And turned into bypaths

That never were truly laid.

16So their land shall be made a horror–

An everlasting scorn.

It shall fill every traveller with horror–

Thereat he will shake his head,

17I will scatter them like the sirocco

Before the face of their foes.

Not My face, but My back, will I show them,

In the day of their calamity.

Plots against Jeremiah

The Plots

18Then said they, "Come, let us forge

A plot against Jeremiah.

For the priests will not lack for instruction to offer,

Nor the wise men for counsel to render,

Nor the prophet for words to declare.

Come, with the tongue let us smite him,

Let us watch him in all that he says."

Jeremiah’s Prayer

19O Jehovah, give heed unto me,

And hearken to my contention.

20Shall evil be rendered for good

That a pit they have dug for my life?

Call to mind how I stood before Thee,

To utter a prayer for their welfare,

And to turn Thy fury from them.

21Abandon Thou therefore their children to famine,

Deliver them up to the sword;

Let their wives become childless widows,

Let their men be slain of death,

And their youths may the sword smite in battle.

22Let a cry ring out from their houses,

When swiftly Thou bringest the raiders upon them;

For a pit they have dug to take me,

And snares they have hid for my feet.

23For well, O Jehovah, Thou knowest

How they plotted against me to slay me.

O pardon not their guilt,

And blot not their sin from Thy sight.

Let them prostrate be hurled before Thee;

Deal Thou with them in the time of Thine anger.

The Lesson of the Broken Flask and its Consequences for Jeremiah

The Breaking of the Flask Symbolical of the Shattering of the Nation

19Then Jehovah commanded me to go and buy a potter’s earthenware flask, and, accompanied by a few elders of the people and a few priests, 2to proceed to the Valley of the son of Hinnom by the entry of the Potsherd gate, and there announce the message with which He would charge me. 3And the message was this: "Listen, ye kings of Judah, and ye citizens of Jerusalem, to what Jehovah is about to say: Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel: Mark this well. I will soon bring such a catastrophe upon this place as will make the ears of all who hear of it tingle; 4because they have forsaken Me and denationalised this place by their burnt-offerings to other gods, strange alike to them and their forefathers; and the kings of Judah have filled this place with the blood of innocent men. 5They have built Baal sanctuaries to burn their sons in the fire as offerings to Baal, though this was no commandment of Mine – such a thing never entered into My mind. 6Mark this, therefore: days are coming, saith Jehovah, when this place shall be no more called Topheth, nor the Valley of the son of Hinnom, but the Valley of Slaughter; 7and I will spill upon the ground the wisdom of Judah and Jerusalem in this place. I will lay them low by the sword of their enemies and by the hands of those that seek their life: their dead bodies I will give to the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth to devour. 8And I will make this city a horror and a scorn; all that pass by her shall be filled with horror and with 9scorn at all the blows that I shall rain upon her. I will drive them to eat the flesh of their sons and daughters: in the stress of the siege to which they shall be reduced by their enemies and by those that seek their life, they will devour one another.

10Then thou shalt break the flask in the presence of the men that accompany thee, 11and thou shalt say to them, Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts: This is how I will shatter this people and this city, just as a potter’s jar is shattered beyond all possibility of repair; and Topheth shall be used as a burying-place for want of room (elsewhere). 12This is how I will deal, saith Jehovah, with this place and its inhabitants – I will 13make this city like Topheth; and the houses of Jerusalem and of the kings of Judah shall be, like the place of Topheth, defiled – all the houses, that is, from whose roofs the smoke of sacrifice has ascended to the host of heaven, and drink-offerings have been poured out to other gods.

Jeremiah Put in the Stocks for his Preaching

14Then Jeremiah returned from Topheth to which Jehovah had sent him on his prophetic errand; and, taking his stand in the Temple court he thus addressed the assembled people: 15"Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel, Mark this well; soon I will bring upon this city and upon all her villages the full measure of disaster with which I have threatened her, because they have stiffened their necks and refused to listen to My words."

20Now when Pashhur, the son of Immer the priest, who had the general supervision of the Temple, heard this prophetic utterance of Jeremiah’s, 2he beat him and put him in the stocks that were at the upper Benjamin gate in the Temple. 3Next day, after Pashhur had released Jeremiah from the stocks, Jeremiah said to him, "Thy name is (henceforth) changed from Pashhur to Terror. 4For thus saith Jehovah: See! I will make thee a terror to thyself and to all thy friends. They shall fall by the enemy’s sword, and thou shalt see it with thine own eyes. I will give the whole of Judah into the hands of the king of Babylon, and he shall carry them to exile in Babylon and slay them with the sword. 5And all the resources of this city, all her wealth, all that she prizes, all the treasures of the kings of Judah, I will deliver into the hands of their enemies, who shall despoil them and carry them off to Babylon. 6As for thee, Pashhur, thou and all who share thy home shall be swept into captivity. To Babylon thou shalt come; there thou shalt die, and there shalt thou be buried – thou and all the friends to whom thou hast prophesied lies."

Jeremiah’s Irresistible Impulse to Preach

What it Cost

7O Jehovah, Thou hast beguiled me,

And I let myself be beguiled;

Too strong for me art Thou,

And Thou hast won the victory.

All the day long am I ridiculed,

Every one mocketh at me.

8Every word that I utter is laughed at;

"Wronged" and "despoiled" must I cry.

For to me is the word of Jehovah

An endless reproach and derision.

9When I vow to put it out my mind

And to speak in His name no more,

It doth burn in my heart like a fire

Shut up within my bones;

I am weary of enduring,

and I can bear it no more.

10For I hear their many whispers–

A terror on every side–

"Denounce him." "Yes, we will denounce him."

"All ye his familiar friends,

Keep a narrow watch for his stumbling,

Perchance he will be beguiled,

And we shall prevail against him,

And take our vengeance upon him."

The Prophet’s Sense of Divine Support

11But Jehovah Himself is with me,

As a mighty One and a terrible;

So my persecutors shall stumble,

And they shall not prevail;

But because they have dealt unwisely,

They shall come to utter shame,

To perpetual confusion,

Which never shall be forgotten.

12O Jehovah that triest the righteous,

That mind and heart dost behold,

Let me see Thy vengeance upon them;

For on Thee have I rolled my cause.

13Sing to Jehovah, sing praise to Jehovah:

For He hath delivered the soul of the needy

From the hand of evildoers.

The Prophet’s Despair

14A curse on the day whereon I was born,

Unblest be the day that my mother bore me.

15A curse on the man who announced to my father

"A man child is born to thee" – making him glad.

16Let the fate of that man be the fate of the cities

O’erthrown by Jehovah in pitiless anger;

Let him hear in the morning a cry (of distress)

And at noon the alarum of war:

17That he slew me not in the womb,

So my mother had been my grave,

And her womb had been great for ever.

18O why came I forth from the womb

To behold but labour and sorrow,

That my days should be wasted with shame?

Jeremiah Warns King Zedekiah that the Babylonians will Capture Jerusalem

21The message which came to Jeremiah from Jehovah, when King Zedekiah sent the following request to him through Pashhur, the son of Malchiah and Zephaniah, the son of Maaseiah the priest. 2"Be good enough," they said, "to enquire of Jehovah on our behalf: for Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon is fighting against us. Perhaps Jehovah will so deal with us in His own wonderful way that the siege will be raised."

3To the deputation Jeremiah replied: "Take this answer back to Zedekiah. 4Thus saith Jehovah, the God of Israel: Now you are able to fight outside the wall with the king of Babylon and the Chaldeans who are besieging you; but soon I will drive you with the weapons you handle inside this city. 5And I myself will fight against you with outstretched hand and mighty arm – in anger, in fury, and in towering wrath. 6Yes, I will smite the inhabitants of this city, both man and beast, with a great and deadly pestilence. 7Thereafter, saith Jehovah, Zedekiah, king of Judah and his ministers and the people in this city that survive the pestilence, sword and famine, I will deliver into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, and into the hands of their enemies, and into the hands of those that seek their life; and they shall smite them with the edge of the sword without mercy, compassion, or pity.

8To the people thy message shall be this. Thus saith Jehovah: See! I set before you the way of life and the way of death. 9Whoever remains in this city shall die by sword, famine, or pestilence; but whoever goes out and surrenders to the Chaldeans that besiege you shall be spared, though he shall escape with nothing but his life. 10For, saith Jehovah, I have set My face against this city for evil and not for good; into the hands of the king of Babylon it shall be given, and he shall burn it with fire.

11To the royal house of Judah thy message shall be this.

Hear ye the word of Jehovah.

12O household of David, thus saith Jehovah: In the morning give righteous judgment,

Deliver the man that is plundered

From the clutch of his oppressor:

Lest My fury break forth like fire

And blaze unquenchably,

Because of your evil doings.

13Behold, I am against thee,

Thou denizen of the vale

And the rock of the plain, saith Jehovah:

Ye who say, ’Who can come down against us

And find his way into our lairs?’

14I will punish you, saith Jehovah;

The fruit of your deeds ye shall reap:

I will kindle a fire in her forest

Which round and round will devour."

Jeremiah’s Judgment on the Kings of Judah

Solemn Warning

22Jehovah commanded me to go down to the palace of the king of Judah and there deliver the following message: 2O king of Judah that sittest on the throne of David, listen to the word of Jehovah – thou and thy ministers and thy people who enter these gates. 3Thus saith Jehovah: Conduct your administration on principles of justice and right, deliver the victims of exploitation from the clutch of the oppressor, refrain from all wrong and violence to the resident foreigner, the fatherless and the widow, and shed no innocent blood in this place. 4If you carry out this policy faithfully, then kings upon the throne of David shall pass through the gates of this house, riding in chariots and on horses –they, their ministers and their people. 5But if you ignore this message (of Mine), then, saith Jehovah, I solemnly swear that this house shall be laid in ruins.

6For thus saith Jehovah concerning the palace of the king of Judah:

Though thou art to Me as Gilead,

Or the (thick-wooded) summit of Lebanon,

I will turn thee into a desert,

An uninhabited city.

7I will dedicate men to destroy thee,

Every one with his weapons;

They shall fell thy choicest cedars,

And hurl them into the fire.

8The people of many nations, as they pass by this city, shall ask one another why Jehovah has dealt thus with this great city, 9and they shall answer: It is because they abandoned their covenant with Jehovah their God and gave themselves up to the worship and service of other gods.

On Jehoahaz

10Weep not for him that is dead,

And mourn not for him;

But weep rather for him that is gone,

For he cometh no more:

And the land of his birth he shall see


11For this is the word of Jehovah concerning Shallum, the son of Josiah, king of Judah, the successor of his father Josiah, who went forth from this place: "He shall never come back to it again; 12but in the land of exile to which they have carried him he shall die, and this land he shall see no more."

On Jehoiakim

13Woe to him that buildeth his house by unrighteousness,

And his chambers by injustice,

That serveth himself of his neighbour for nothing,

And giveth him not his wages–

14That saith, "I will build me a spacious house,

And roomy chambers and windows broad,

With panels of cedar, and painted vermilion,"

15Do great cedar palaces make thee a king?

Did not thy father eat and drink,

And enjoy his measure of good things?

Yet justice and right did he also dispense

16And he cared for the cause of the poor and the needy.

Is not that true knowledge of Me, saith Jehovah?

17But thou hast neither eyes nor heart

For aught save thine own mean profit,

The shedding of innocent blood,

And the practice of wrong and oppression.

18This, therefore, is the message of Jehovah to

Jehoiakim, the son of Josiah, king of Judah:

Woe unto this man Jehoiakim!

No one for him shall lament

" O brother of mine," "O sister."

No one for him shall lament

"An lord!" "Alas for his glory."

19But burial like that of an ass shall be his–

Dragged along and flung forth

Beyond the gates of Jerusalem.

On Jehoiachin

20Get thee up tp Lebanon and cry,

And lift up thy voice in Bashan;

Cry from the hills of Abarim.

For all that thou lovest is shattered.

21In the days of good fortune I spoke to thee,

But thou didst refuse to listen;

And such hath thy way been from youth,

To my voice thou hast never hearkened.

22All thy shepherds like sheep by the wind shall be driven,

And those whom thou lovest shall captive depart;

Shame and confusion shall then be thy doom,

In requital for all thy wickedness.

23O thou that inhabitest Lebanon,

Nestled amongst the cedars,

How wilt thou groan when thy pangs come upon thee,

Thy pain as of woman in travail!

24As truly as I live, saith Jehovah, though Coniah, the son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, were the signet-ring on thy right hand, yet I would tear him off.

25Yea, I will deliver thee into the hands of those that seek thy life, and into the hands of those thou dreadest, into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, and into the hands of the Chaldeans. 26Yea, thee and the mother that bore thee I will hurl into another land than the land thou wast born in, and there thou shalt die. 27Nevermore shall they return to the land to which they long to return.

28Hath this man Coniah become

Like a figure one smasheth in scorn,

Or a vessel that no man doth care for?

Why hath he been cast forth,

And hurled to a land that was strange to him?

29O land, land, land,

Hear thou the word of Jehovah.

30Thus saith Jehovah:

Write this man down as childless;

For none of his seed shall be honoured

To sit on the throne of David

Or rule any more over Judah.

Unfaithful Rulers to be Succeeded by those that are Faithful

23Woe to the shepherds that ruin and scatter

The flock that was theirs to pasture.

2Therefore thus saith Jehovah, the God of Israel,

Concerning the shepherds that tend my people:

Ye have scattered My flock and driven them away,

And ye have not visited them;

I therefore will visit you

For the wickedness of your doings.

3I will gather My flock that is left

From the countries to which I have driven them;

I will bring them back to their homesteads,

And they shall be fruitful and multiply.

4I will raise up shepherds to tend to them:

No fear or dismay or terror

Shall they know any more, saith Jehovah.

Promise of the Ideal King, or Messiah

5Behold, saith Jehovah, in the days that are coming

I will raise up to David a righteous shoot,

Who shall reign as King, and behave with wisdom,

And execute justice and right in the land.

6In his days shall Judah be crowned with salvation,

And Israel in safety shall dwell;

And this is the name men shall call him–

"Our Champion is Jehovah."

7Therefore, behold, saith Jehovah, days are coming when men shall no more say, "As surely as Jehovah liveth who brought Israel up out of the land of Egypt," 8but "As surely as Jehovah liveth who brought the race of the household of Israel from the north country and from all the countries to which He had driven them"; and they shall dwell in their own land.

Jeremiah’s Judgment on the Prophets

The Character and Fate of the False Prophets

9Concerning the prophets.

My heart within me is broken,

My bones are all grown soft;

Like a drunken man am I,

Like a man overcome of wine,

By reason of Jehovah

And of His glorious majesty.

10For the land is full of adulterers

Who run an evil course,

And whose might is not of right.

11For prophet and priest are profane:

Their wickedness I have witnessed

In Mine own very house, saith Jehovah.

12The way they must tread shall be therefore

As slippery ground in the darkness,

Whereon they are thrust till they fall:

For I will bring evil upon them–

The year of their visitation.

13In Samaria’s prophets I witnessed

Behaviour that was revolting;

They prophesied by the Baal

And seduced My people Israel.

14But a horrible thing have I seen

In the prophets of Jerusalem–

Adultery, walking in falsehood,

And strengthening the hands of the wicked,

That no man doth turn from his wickedness.

They are all of them grown like Sodom,

And her citizens like Gomorrah.

15Thus therefore concerning the prophets

Declareth Jehovah of Hosts:

Behold! I will feed them with wormwood,

And gall will I give them to drink;

For from Jerusalem’s prophets there spreadeth

Impiety over the land.

The Promises are False, because the Prophets are not Divinely Inspired

16Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts:

Hearken not to the words of the prophets;

They fill you with hopes that are vain.

’Tis their own heart’s vision they utter,

And not what Jehovah hath spoken.

17They assure those who mock at the word of Jehovah

That all with them shall be well.

They assure those who follow their own stubborn hearts

That no evil shall come upon them.

18But which of them ever hath stood and looked on

In the council of Jehovah?

Or which of them ever hath listened

And heard any word of His?

21I sent not the prophets, and yet they ran;

Notwithstanding I spoke not to them, yet they prophesied.

22But if ever they truly had stood in My council

And heard any word that was Mine,

My people they would have turned

From their evil ways and behaviour.

Inescapable Doom of the False Prophets

23Am I, saith Jehovah, a God that is nigh,

And not a God afar?

24Can any man hide, saith Jehovah,

In secret, where I cannot see him?

Do not I fill heaven and earth?

25I have heard what the prophets say,

That prophesy lies in My name;

"I have dreamed, I have dreamed, I have dreamed."

26Will the heart of the prophets not turn

That prophesy lies, and that prophesy

Nought but their own heart’s delusions,

27And think to drive My name

Clean out of the minds of My people

By the dreams that they tell one another,

As erst by the Baal My name

Was driven from the mind of their fathers?

28The prophet that hath a dream–

Let him declare his dream:

And he that hath My word–

Let him faithfully utter My word.

What hath straw, saith Jehovah, to do with the wheat?

29Is not My word like a fire,

Like a hammer that shatters the rocks?

30Mark this, therefore, saith Jehovah, I am against the prophets that steal My words from one another. 31I am against the prophets who take their tongues and immediately reel off an oracle. 32I am against the prophets that prophesy living dreams, seducing My people by their lies and their windy boasts. They have not been sent by Me, nor have they any commission from Me, and to this people they bring no sort of gain whatever.

The "Burden" of the Lord No More

33When a layman or a prophet or a priest asketh thee what is the burden of Jehovah, tell them, "You" saith Jehovah, "are the burden, and I will cast you off. 34As for the prophet, the priest, or the layman, who speaks any more of Jehovah’s ’burden,’, that man and his household I will visit with judgment. 35You must say to one another, ’What is Jehovah’s answer?’ or ’What is Jehovah’s message?’ 36But you are not to make mention to the burden of Jehovah any more. Every man’s own (uninspired) word shall be his burden; for you have perverted the words of the living God, Jehovah of Hosts, our God. 38If, however, you persist in speaking of ’the burden of Jehovah,’ Jehovah pronounces this word of doom: Because you persist in using this expression ’burden of Jehovah,’ despite My explicit command to you not to use it, 39I will lift you up and cast you out of My sight – you and the city I gave to you and your fathers, 40and I will lay upon you everlasting reproach and unending disgrace which shall never be forgotten."

The Baskets of Figs and their Meaning

24After Jeconiah, the son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, with the princes, the craftsmen and the smiths, had been carried from Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, into exile in Babylon, Jehovah in a vision showed me two baskets of figs set down in front of Jehovah’s Temple. 2One basket contained excellent figs, like the figs that are first ripe: the figs in the other were very bad, so bad that they could not be eaten."

3Then Jehovah said to me, "What seest thou, Jeremiah?" And I answered, "Figs – the good figs very good, and the bad very bad, so bad that they cannot be eaten."

4Thereupon this message came to me from Jehovah, 5"Thus saith Jehovah the God of Israel: As with these good figs, so will I regard with favour the exiles of Judah, whom I have sent out of this place into the land of the Chaldeans. 6I will set Mine eyes upon them for good, and bring them back to this land. I will not pull them down, but I will build them; I will not pluck them up, but I will plant them; 7and I will give them a heart to understand me, that I am Jehovah. They shall be My people and I will be their God, if they turn to Me with all their heart.

8As for the figs that were too bad to eat, Thus saith Jehovah: They are symbolic of the fate of Zedekiah, king of Judah, and his princes, and the survivors of Jerusalem that are left in this land, and those whose home is in the land of Egypt. 9For I will make them an object of consternation among every kingdom in the world, a reproach and a proverb, a taunt and a curse, in every place to which I shall drive them; 10and I will send among them sword, famine and pestilence, till they perish from the land that I gave to them and their forefathers.

The Divine Judgment to be Executed by the Babylonians upon Judah, upon the Neighbouring Nations, and upon the World at Large

Prophetic Warning Disregarded by the People

25The message which came to Jeremiah concerning all the people of Judah in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, the son of Josiah, king of Judah, which was the first year of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon – 2the message he delivered to all the people of Judah and all the citizens of Jerusalem:

3For twenty-three years – from the thirteenth year of Josiah, the son of Amon, king of Judah, up to this day – the message of Jehovah has been coming to me, and I have declared it to you early and late, but you 4have not listened. And early and late Jehovah has been sending to you all His servants the prophets, through you have not listened nor inclined an attentive ear. 5My message was this: "If you abandon, every man of you, your wicked ways and your evil behaviour, then you shall dwell for ever in the land which Jehovah, gave in the ancient time to you and your forefathers. 6But do not indulge in the worship or service of other gods, and do not provoke Jehovah with the fabrications of your own hands: this can only injure yourselves." 7But you have not listened to me.

Judgment upon Judah and Her Neighbours

8Therefore thus saith Jehovah of Hosts: Because ye have not listened to My words, 9I will send and fetch a clan from the north, and I will bring them against this land and its inhabitants and against the surrounding nation. I will devote them to destruction so appalling that men shall hiss and revile them for ever; 10and I will banish from them the voice of mirth and gladness, the voice of bridegroom and bride, the sound of the millstones and the light of the lamp. 11This whole land shall be a waste and a horror, and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon for seventy years.

12When, however, seventy years are completed, I will punish the king of Babylon, and that nation, saith Jehovah, for their guilt, and also the land of the Chaldeans, which I will make desolate for ever; 13and I will bring upon that land all the words I have pronounced against it – everything prophesied by Jeremiah against all the nations, that is recorded in this Book. 14They, yes they, shall be reduced to slavery at the hands of many nations and of great kings, and I will give them the reward that their acts and deeds deserve.

The Cup of Jehovah’s Fury to be Drunk by all Nations

15For thus said Jehovah, the God of Israel, to me, "Take from My hand this wine-cup of wrath, and give it to all the nations to whom I send thee to drink from; 16and let them drink and reel in madness because of the sword that I will send among them." 17So I took the cup from the hand of Jehovah, and I gave it to all the nations to whom Jehovah had sent me, to drink from– 18Jerusalem and the cities of Judah, with her kings and princes, to be made a desolation, a horror, a scorn, and a curse; 19Pharaoh, king of Egypt, with his ministers, his princes, and all his people, 20and all the foreign folk; all the kings of the land of Uz, and all the kings of the land of the Philistines – Ashkelon, Gaza, Ekron, and the survivors of Ashdod; 21Edom, Moab, and Ammon; 22all the kings of Tyre and Sidon; and the kings of the coast-land across the sea; 23Dedan and Tema and Buz, and all those that have the corners of their hair clipped; 24all the kings of Northern Arabia, and all the kings of the north, far and near, one with another, and all the kingdoms on the face of the earth; and after them shall the king of Sheshach drink.

27Thou shalt say to them, Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel: Drink yourselves drunk till ye fall in your vomit, to rise no more, because of the sword that I shall send among you. 28If they refuse to take the cup from thy hand to drink, then thou shalt say to them, Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts: Drink it you shall; 29for, if the city which is called by Mine own name is the first to feel the weight of My displeasure, how can you expect to go utterly unpunished? Nay, verily, ye shall not escape; for I am summoning the sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth, saith Jehovah of Hosts.

30As for thee, let thy prophetic message to them be this:

Jehovah will roar from on high,

He will utter His voice from His holy abode;

Against His own fold He will mightily roar,

He will lift a "hurrah" like the men at the vintage

Against those that dwell on the earth, every one.

31Then din shall reach to the end of the earth,

For Jehovah doth hold a dispute with the nations;

Yea, He with all flesh will contend in judgment,

And those that are base He will give to the sword.

32Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts:

See! misery spreadeth from nation to nation;

From the uttermost corners of earth

There stirreth a mighty tempest.

33That day the slain of Jehovah shall lie

From one end of the earth to the other,

Unmourned, ungathered, unburied,

As dung on the face of the ground.

34Howl, ye shepherds, and cry,

And roll you in ashes, ye lords of the flock;

For the days are ripe for your slaughter,

Like lambs that are doomed shall ye fall.

35No escape shall be left for the shepherds,

No flight for the lords of the flock;

36O hark to the cry of the shepherds,

The howl of the lords of the flock;

For Jehovah destroyeth their pasture.

37The meadows, so peaceful, are hushed

At the fierce hot wrath of Jehovah.

38The lions have left their covert,

For the land is become a desert,

Because of the cruel sword,

And because of His fierce hot anger.

Jeremiah on Trial for his life

26In the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim, the son of Josiah, king of Judah, the message which follows came (to Jeremiah) from Jehovah: 2Thus saith Jehovah, Take thy stand in the Temple court, and declare without reservation to all the people of Judah who are come to worship in the Temple, the whole message that I have commissioned thee to declare. 3It may be that they will listen and severally abandon their wicked ways: if they do, I will relent and not bring upon them the calamity I am planning as penalty for their evil behaviour. 4This, then, is what thou art to say to them, Thus saith Jehovah: If ye refuse to obey Me– to live in accordance with the law that I have set before you, 5and to listen, as ye have never yet listened, to the words of My servants the prophets, whom early and late I have been sending to you – 6then I will make this Temple like Shiloh, and as for this city, I will turn it into an object of execration to every nation in the world.

7Now the audience that listened to this message of Jeremiah’s in the Temple included not only the whole body of the people, but the priests and the prophets as well. 8So when he had concluded the message which Jehovah had commissioned him to declare to the whole people, the priests and the prophets seized him. "You must die," they exclaimed; 9"for how dare you deliver in the name of Jehovah such a message as this, that this Temple will meet the fate of Shiloh, and that this city shall become an inhabited desolation?" At this juncture all the people began to crowd round Jeremiah in the Temple.

10Now echoes of this tumult having reached the ears of the countries of Judah, they proceeded from the palace up to the Temple; and after they had taken their seats at the entrance to the new gate of the Temple, 11the priests and the prophets addressed themselves to the countries and the whole body of the people. "This man." they said, "is guilty of a capital offence; for he has solemnly declared that this city is doomed– you have heard him with your own ears. 12Then Jeremiah in his turn addressed himself to the courtiers and to the whole body of the people. "It is Jehovah Himself," he said, "that has sent me to proclaim upon this Temple and city the doom which you have just heard. 13If, however, you amend your life and conduct, and listen to the voice of Jehovah your God, then He will relent and cancel His threat of catastrophe. 14As for myself, I am in your hands: deal with me as you think right and proper. 15But be very sure of this, that, if you put me to death, you will only be bringing innocent blood upon yourselves, upon this city, and upon her people; for it is the simple truth that Jehovah has sent me to deliver this message in your hearing." 16Thereupon, the courtiers and all the people said to the priests and the prophets, "This man is not guilty of any capital offence; for his message to us has behind it the authority of Jehovah our God."

17Them some of the elders, rising to their feet, thus addressed the people assembled: 18"In the days of Hezekiah, king of Judah," they said, "Micah of Moresheth was prophesying; and this is what he said to all the people of Judah:

Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts:

Like a field shall Zion be ploughed,

And Jerusalem levelled to ruins;

And the Temple Mount shall become

Like a thickly wooded height.

19Did Hezekiah the king or the people of Judah dream of putting him to death? Rather were they not so overcome by godly fear that they sued for the favour of Jehovah, with the result that He relented and cancelled His threat of catastrophe? But look at us! Why, we are on the verge of involving ourselves in a great calamity."

The Fate of Urijah

20There was another case of a man who delivered prophetic messages in the name of Jehovah – Uriah, the son of Shemaiah, who belonged to Kiriath-jearim. Quite in the manner of Jeremiah, he too had pronounced the doom of this city and land. 21His message having reached the ears of King Jehoiakim, with all the court and the military officials, the king took steps to have him put to death. Urijah, however, got wind of his purpose, and in terror he took to flight, finally reaching Egypt; 22but King Jehoiakim despatched commissioners to Egypt – Elnathan the son of Achbor, and a few others – 23who removed him from Egypt and brought him back to the presence of King Jehoiakim, who had him slain with the sword, and his dead body flung into the public burying-ground.

24Jeremiah, however, had (also) the support of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, who saved him from being delivered to the people for execution.

No Hope of Speedy Release from Babylon

The Babylonian Yoke will not be soon or easily Broken

27In the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah, the son of Josiah, king of Judah, Jeremiah received from Jehovah the message which follows. 2Thus spoke Jehovah: Make thongs and bars and put them on thy neck, 3and send a message to the kings of Edom, Moab, Ammon, Tyre, and Sidon, through their ambassadors who have come to Jerusalem to Zedekiah, king of Judah, 4and bid them say to their masters, "Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel: Convey this message to your masters. 5I have made the earth, with man and beast on the face of it, by My great power and outstretched arm, and I give it to whomsoever I please. 6At the moment I have given all these lands into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, My servant; the beasts of the field also have I given him to serve him.

7All the nations shall serve him and his son and his grandson, till the time of his own land shall come – then many nations and great kings shall make him serve.

8The nation and the kingdom which refuses to serve Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, and to put their necks to the yoke of the king of Babylon – that nation, saith Jehovah, I will punish with sword, famine and pestilence, till I have delivered them into his hands.

9As for yourselves, do not listen to your prophets, diviners, dreamers, soothsayers, or sorcerers, who assure you that you will not be subject to the king of Babylon. 10It is a lie that they preach to you, and it will end in your removal from your own land; for I will indeed drive you away and ye shall perish. 11But the nation that brings its neck to the yoke of the king of Babylon and serves him, I will leave on their own soil, which they shall continue to till and occupy."

12A similar message I gave to Zedekiah, king of Judah, "If," said I, "you bring your neck to the yoke of the king of Babylon, and serve him and his people, you will be spared. 13Why should you and your people die by the sword, famine and pestilence, with which Jehovah has threatened the nation that refuses to serve the king of Babylon? 14Do not listen to the prophets when they tell you that you will not be subject to the king of Babylon: 15they are preaching to you a lie. I have not sent them, saith Jehovah: it is a lie that they are preaching to you in My name, and it can only end in your being driven out and perishing – you and the prophets that preach to you."

16And the message that I gave to the priests and to all this people was this: "Thus saith Jehovah: Do not listen to the prophets when they tell you that the vessels of the Temple will soon be brought back from Babylon. 17They are preaching to you a lie: do not listen to them. Serve the king of Babylon and you will be spared: why should this city become a ruin? 18But if they are real prophets with a real message from Jehovah, let them entreat Jehovah of Hosts not to allow the vessels that are left in the Temple and in the royal palace at Jerusalem, to be taken to Babylon. 19For thus saith Jehovah of Hosts concerning the pillars and the sea and the stands and the rest of the vessels that are left in this city, 20which were not taken by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, when he carried Jeconiah, the son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, with all the nobles of Judah and Jerusalem, from Jerusalem to Babylon. 21Yes, thus saith Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel, concerning the vessels that are left in the Temple and in the royal palace and at Jerusalem; 22To Babylon they shall be brought, and there they shall remain till the day that I visit them, saith Jehovah; then I will bring them up and restore them to this place."

The Clash between the False Prophet and the True

28The same year, at the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah, king of Judah, in the fifth month of the fourth year, Hananiah the son of Azzur, the prophet, who belonged to Gibeon, addressed me as follows in the Temple in the presence of the priests and of all the people. 2"Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel: ’I have broken the yoke of the king of Babylon. 3Within two years’ time I will bring back to this place all the Temple vessels that Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon took from this place and carried to Babylon; 4and Jeconiah, the son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, and all the exiles of Judah that have gone to Babylon, I will bring back to this place, saith Jehovah; for I will break the yoke of the king of Babylon.’"

5Then Jeremiah the prophet replied to Hananiah the prophet in the presence of the priests and of all the people that were standing in the Temple; 6and Jeremiah the prophet said, "Amen! Jehovah do so! May Johevah fulfil your prophecy and bring back the Temple vessels and all the exiles from Babylon to this place! 7I ask you, however to listen to this word that I am about to speak in your hearing and in the hearing of all the people. 8From the beginning the prophets who preceded you and me in their messages concerning many lands and mighty kingdoms, prophesied war. 9If a prophet prophesies peace, it is only when his word has been fulfilled that you can be sure that he has had a real commission from Jehovah." 10Then Hananiah took the bar off Jeremiah’s neck, broke it, 11and declared in the presence of all the people, "Thus saith Jehovah: ’Within two years’ time, I will similarly break the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, off the necks of all the nations.’" Then Jeremiah the prophet went away.

12But after Hananiah had broken the bar off Jeremiah’s neck, there came to Jeremiah this message from Jehovah: 13"Go and say to Hananiah, Thus saith Jehovah, The wooden bar you have indeed broken,but I will replace it with a bar of iron. 14For thus saith Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel: The yoke that I will put on the necks of all these nations will be made of iron – a yoke of service to Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon: for serve him they shall. I have also given him the beasts of the field." 15Then Jeremiah said to Hananiah, "Listen, Hananiah. You have no commission from Jehovah: you are making this people trust a lie. 16Therefore thus saith Jehovah: ’Mark this well: I will dismiss thee from the face of the earth. This very year thou shalt die; for thy words are a disloyalty to Jehovah.’" 17And that very year, in the seventh month, the prophet Hananiah died.

Jeremiah Exhorts the Exiles to settle down in Babylon

29The following is a copy of the letter sent from Jerusalem by Jeremiah the prophet to the elders, the priests, the prophets, and all the people, who had been carried from Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar to exile in Babylon – 2after the surrender of Jeconiah the king, and the queen-mother, and the eunuchs, and the princes of Judah and Jerusalem, and the craftsmen and smiths– 3the letter being sent by the hands of Eleasah the son of Shaphan and Gemariah the son of Hilkiah, who had been despatched to Babylon to Nebuchanezzar, king of Babylon, by Zedekiah, king of Judah:

4"Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel, to all the exiles whom I have carried from Jerusalem to Babylon: 5Build houses and settle; plant gardens and eat the fruit of them; take wives and rear families; 6take wives also for your sons and give your daughters to husbands, that they may have sons and daughters; increase your numbers and do not let them diminish. 7And strive for the welfare of the country to which I have brought you as exiles. Pray for it to Jehovah; for your own welfare and hers are bound up together. 8For thus saith Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel: Do not let yourselves be beguiled by the prophets and diviners in your midst, and do not listen to the dreams 9they dream; for it is a lie that they preach to you in My name – they have no commission from Me, saith Jehovah.

10For thus saith Jehovah: As soon as Babylon’s seventy years are accomplished, I will visit you and bring you back to this place, in fulfilment of the gracious promise I made you. 11For I know the thoughts I cherish towards you – thoughts of weal and not of woe – to bestow upon you a future and a hope. 12When you call, I will answer you, and I will listen to your prayer. 13If ye seek Me ye shall find Me. If ye seek Me with all your heart, 14I will reveal Myself to you, saith Jehovah; and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and places to which I have driven you, saith Jehovah, and I will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile. 15But Jehovah, you say, has raised up for you prophets in Babylon.

16For thus saith Jehovah concerning the king who sits on the throne of David, and concerning all the people whose home is in this city – those brethren of yours who have not had to accompany you into exile. 17Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts: See! I will send the sword, the famine and the pestilence among them, and I will make them like figs that are too horribly bad to eat. 18I will hunt them with sword, famine, and pestilence and I will make them an object of consternation to every kingdom in the world, and object of execration and horror, of scorn and insult among all the nations to which I have driven them; 19because, saith Jehovah, they refused to listen to the messages I sent them early and late through My servants the prophets – yes, they refused to listen, saith Jehovah. 20See, then, that ye listen to Jehovah’s message, all of you exiles whom I have sent from Jerusalem to Babylon.

21Well, thus saith Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel, concerning Ahab the son of Kolaiah and Zedekiah the son of Maaseiah, who preach to you a lie in My name. Mark this: I will deliver them into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, and he will slay them before your eyes; 22and their fate shall be adopted by all the exiles of Judah in Babylon as a model for imprecation. "Jehovah make thee," they will say, "like Zedekiah and Ahab, whom the king of Babylon roasted in the fire," 23because they wrought impious folly in Israel, in committing adultery with their neighbours’ wives and delivering in My name lying messages which I never gave them. Well I know it, saith Jehovah, and I am witness."

24Touching the message of Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel, to be delivered by Jeremiah concerning Shemaiah of Nehelam. 25This is the man who sent a letter in his own name to Zephaniah, the son of Maaseiah the priest. 26"Jehovah," he wrote, "has made you priest in the place of Jehoiada the priest, to exercise an oversight in the Temple over all that play the mad prophet and the ecstatic, and to put all such in the stocks and in the iron collar. 27Why then did you not rebuke Jeremiah of Anathoth, who has been playing the mad prophet among you? 28For he has sent a message to us in Babylon, maintaining that the exile would be long, and urging us to build houses and settle, and to plant gardens and eat the fruit of them." 29Now Zephaniah the priest read the letter in the hearing of Jeremiah the prophet.

30Then there came to Jeremiah this message from Jehovah: 31Send to all the exiles and say, Thus saith Jehovah concerning Shemaiah of Nehelam: Shemaiah has been prophesying to you without any commission from Me and has made you trust in a lie. 32For this reason, therefore– thus saith Jehovah – I will punish Shemaiah of Nehelam and his descendants: not a man shall he have among you who will ever see the good fortune I will bring you, saith Jehovah: for his words are a disloyalty to Jehovah.

The Glorious Future

The Restoration of Israel and Judah

Promise of Deliverance in the Day of Distress

30The message which came to Jeremiah from Jehovah: 2Thus saith Jehovah, the God of Israel: Write all the 3words I have spoken to thee in a book. For mark! the days are coming, saith Jehovah, when I will restore the fortunes of My people Israel and Judah, and re-establish them in possession of the land I gave their forefathers.

4Now these are the words Jehovah hath spoken concerning Israel and Judah. 5Yea, thus saith Jehovah:

We have heard a cry of terror,

Of horror and dispeace.

6Ask ye now and see

If a man doth travail with child.

What meaneth them this sight–

Every man with his hands on his loins?

And what mean all these faces

Turned to a deathly pallor?

7Alas! for great is this day,

No day is like unto it;

A time of distress for Jacob–

Yet out of it he shall be saved.

8On that day, saith Jehovah of Hosts,

I will break the yoke from their necks;

I will snap their bonds asunder,

And strangers no more shall they serve.

9But Jehovah their God they shall serve.

And David also, their king,

Whom I will raise up unto them.

10So fear thou not, O Jacob My servant,

O Israel, be not dismayed, saith Jehovah.

For see! I will save both thee and thine offspring

From the far distant land where captive ye lie.

And Jacob once more shall have quiet and ease

In his own land, with no one make him afraid;

11For I, saith Jehovah, am with thee to save thee.

An end I will make of the nations–

Of each, among whom I have scattered thee;

But of thee I will not make an end.

I will not leave thee wholly unpunished,

But in measure I will chastise thee.

Promise of Healing

12For thus saith Jehovah:

Thou art wounded past all healing,

And smitten very sore.

13There is no one to plead thy cause;

No healing for thy wound,

Thy scars remain unclosed.

14Thy lovers have all forgotten thee,

They care for thee no more.

I have struck thee as foemen strike,

With chastisement unpitying,

Because of thy manifold guilt

And thy sins that are grown so mighty.

15Why criest thou over thy wound,

That thy pain is past all healing?

’Tis because of thy manifold guilt

And thy sins that are grown so mighty,

I have done these things unto thee.

16Devoured shall be therefore all those that devour thee,

Thine enemies all shall go into captivity;

Those that despoil thee themselves shall be spoiled,

And thy plunders I will consign to be plundered.

17I will cause new flesh to grow over thy wound,

I will heal thy scars, saith Jehovah;

For men have called thee an outcast,

"Our quarry" – for whom none careth.

The Happy City, with her Native Prince

18Thus saith Jehovah:

The tents that were Jacob’s I yet will restore,

On the sites that were his I will show My compassion;

On her own proper mound shall the city be built,

And the place shall stand on its rightful site.

19And out of them songs of praise shall float,

And the voices of them that make merry;

I will add to their numbers till many they be,

I will crown them with glory, and they shall be honoured.

20Their children shall be as in days of old,

And their sacred assembly safe under My care;

I will punish all those that oppress them.

21Their prince shall be one of themselves,

And their ruler shall come from among them.

I will let him draw nigh and approach Me,

For where is the man, saith Jehovah,

That else had the courage to face Me?

22And ye shall be My people,

And I will be your God.

Judgment shall Break upon the Wicked

23Hark! ’tis Jehovah’s tempest,

It goeth forth with fury–

A whirling tempest that whirleth

Full straight for the heads of the wicked.

24The glowing wrath of Jehovah

Shall not be backward turned,

Until He have fully accomplished

The purpose of His heart.

At the end of the days ye shall know what this meaneth.

Israel’s Happy Return from Exile

31At that time, saith Jehovah,

I will be God indeed

Unto all the families of Israel,

And they shall be My people.

2Thus saith Jehovah:

The people escaped from the sword

shall most surely find grace in the wilderness.

When Israel seeketh for rest,

3From afar will Jehovah appear to him.

I have loved thee with love everlasting.

And so I with kindness have drawn thee.

4Once more, O virgin of Israel,

I will build thee up securely:

Once more shalt thou deck thee with timbrels,

And step in the merry dance;

5Once more on the hills of Samaria

Shall vineyards be planted by thee,

And the planters shall eat what they planted.

6For a day shall come when the watchers

On Ephraim’s highlands shall cry,

"Arise, let us pilgrim to Zion,

Where dwelleth Jehovah our God."

7For thus saith Jehovah to Jacob,

Ring out a cry of joy;

Shout on the top of the mountains,

Publish, and praise, and say,

"Jehovah hath saved His people,

The remnant of Israel."

8Behold, from the north land I bring them,

And out of earth’s uttermost parts I will gather them–

Among them the blind and the lame,

And the women with child, with those soon to be mothers;

Hither again they shall come – a great company.

9Forth they went with tears,

But their homeward way I will comfort;

I will lead them to streams of water,

On a level way without stumbling;

For I am a Father to Israel,

And Ephraim is My firstborn.

10Hear, O ye nations, the word of Jehovah,

Declare it to far distant islands and say,

"He that scattered Israel shall gather him,

And keep him as shepherd his flock."

11For Jehovah hath ransomed Jacob,

And redeemed him from hands that were stronger than his.

12They shall come, they shall sing on the heights of Zion,

All radiant with joy at the gifts of Jehovah–

The corn and the wine and the oil,

And the young of the flock and the herd;

Their soul like a well-watered garden shall be,

And they shall pine no more.

13Then the maids shall rejoice in the dance,

And the young and the old shall be merry;

I will turn their mourning to joy,

I will comfort and gladden them after their sorrow.

14The priests I will satisfy richly,

My folk shall be filled with My bounty.

Mother Rachel’s Sorrow for her Exiled Children

15Hark! there echoes through Ramah,

Lament and bitter weeping:

’Tis Rachel bewailing her children,

And refusing to be comforted,

Because they are no more.

16Thus saith Jehovah:

Restrain thy voice from weeping,

And keep thine eyes from tears;

For thy work shall have its reward,

From the land of the foe shall thy children return.

17There is hope for thy coming days,

Thy children shall return.

Israel’s Penitence, Return and Welcome Home

18Truly I heard the voice

Of Ephraim thus lamenting,

"Thou hast chastened me, and I was chastened;

Like a calf unbroken was I.

Bring me back, and let me return,

For Thou art Jehovah my God.

19Mine exile hath led me to penitence;

Chastened, I smote on my beasts.

Put to shame and confusion am I,

For I bear the reproach of my youth."

20Is not Ephraim my dear, dear son?

Is he not a darling child?

For let Me but utter his name,

And My mind keeps resting upon him.

So My heart for him doth yearn,

And pity him I must.

21Set way-marks, and make thee guide-posts;

Bethink thee of the highway,;

The road by which thou didst travel.

Return, O virgin of Israel,

Return to these thy cities.

22How long, O backsliding daughter,

Wilt thou remain irresolute?

For on earth hath Jehovah created a new thing,

A woman shall into a man be transformed.

The Restoration of Judah

23Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts:

Once more shall this speech be used

In the land and the cities of Judah,

When I have restored their fortunes:

"Jehovah grant thee His blessing,

Thou sacred Mountain, where righteousness dwelleth."

24Yea, Judah shall dwell therein,

And all her cities together–

The men that plough the land,

And the shepherds that wander with flocks.

25For the weary soul I refresh,

And each soul that doth pine I replenish.

26Thereupon I awoke and gazed,

For my sleep had been sweet unto me.

27Behold, saith Jehovah, the days are coming,

When I will sow the households of Israel and Judah

With the seed of men and the seed of cattle.

28And as once I was awakeful to pluck them up,

To break down, to afflict, overthrow and destroy them,

So now I will watch over them (once more,

But this time) to build up and to plant, saith Jehovah.

29In those days men shall say no more,

"The fathers have eaten sour grapes,

And the children’s teeth are on edge;"

30But each for his own sin shall die.

And the man that hath eaten sour grapes

Shall find his own teeth set on edge.

The New Covenant

31Behold the days are coming,

When I, saith Jehovah, will make a new covenant

With the households of Israel and Judah–

32But unlike the covenant I made with their fathers,

The day, when I took their hand in Mine,

To bring them out of the land of Egypt–

The covenant they themselves did break,

So that I, on My part, was constrained to abhor them.

33But this, saith Jehovah, is the covenant I will make

With the household of Israel after those days:

I will set My law in their bosom,

And write it upon their heart,

And I will be their God,

And they shall be My people.

34No more need any teach

His fellow to know Jehovah;

For one and all shall know Me,

The small and the great alike;

For I will pardon their guilt,

And their sin will remember no more.

Perpetuity of Israel

35Thus declareth Jehovah,

Who giveth the sun for a light by day,

The moon and the stars for a light by night,

Who stirreth the sea that the waves thereof roar–

Jehovah of Hosts is His name:

36Not until those fixed orbs shall vanish

Clean out of My sight, saith Jehovah,

Shall Israel’s race cease to be

A nation before Me for ever.

37Not till the heavens above can be measured,

And earth’s foundations be searched out beneath,

Shall I ever cast off the race of Israel

For all they have done, saith Jehovah.

Expansion of Jerusalem’s Ancient Boundary

38Be assured, saith Jehovah, the days are coming, when the city shall again be built up for Jehovah from the tower of Hananel to the gate at the corner, 39and the line of the wall shall pass straight on to the hill Gareb, where it will turn round to Goah. 40Further, the entire valley (of Hinnom) with its corpses and ashes and the whole locality as far as the valley of Kidron up to the corner of the horse-gate on the east, shall be consecrated to Jehovah; it shall not be plucked up or thrown down again for ever.

During the Siege Jeremiah Displays his Confidence in the Ultimate Restoration of his People by Redeeming a Piece of Land Belonging to his Family at Anathoth

The Purchase

32The message which came to Jeremiah from Jehovah in the tenth year of Zedekiah, king of Judah, which was in the eighteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar. 2At that time the forces of the king of Babylon were investing Jerusalem, and Jeremiah the prophet was confined to the guard-house of the royal palace, 3where Zedekiah the king had shut him up on account of his prophetic preaching. "What do you mean," he had demanded, "by an announcement of this kind: ’Thus saith Jehovah, Depend upon it, I will give this city into the hands of the king of Babylon, and he shall take it. 4Nor shall Zedekiah, king of Judah, escape the hands of the Chaldeans; he will assuredly be delivered into the hands of the king of Babylon. He shall speak to him face to face, and see him eye to eye; 5and he shall bring Zedekiah to Babylon, where he will remain till I visit him. Though you fight with the Chaldeans you shall have no success.’"

6Now there came to Jeremiah the following message from Jehovah: 7"Hanamel, the son of thine uncle Shallum, is about to pay thee a visit, to request thee to buy the land he holds at Anathoth; and he will urge that, as thou art the next of kin, it is thy privilege and duty to receive it." 8And so it happened: my cousin Hanamel paid me in the guard-house the visit Jehovah had intimated, and said: "I want you to buy the land I possess at Anathoth; for you are the legal heir, and it is your duty to secure it – so buy it for yourself." Then I recognised that the message I had received was really from Jehovah. 9So I bought the land at Anathoth from my cousin Hanamel, and I weighed out the money to him – seventeen silver shekels. 10Then I signed the deed and sealed it, took witnesses, and paid him the money in full. 11I then took the purchase-deed– the one which was sealed and the one which was open– 12and gave it to Baruch, the son of Neriah, the son of Machesiah, in the presence of my cousin Hanamel, and of the witnesses who had signed the purchase-deed and of all the Jews in the guard-house. 13In their presence I then gave these instructions to Baruch: 14"Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel: Take these deeds – this purchase deed which is sealed and this deed which is open – and put them in an earthenware jar, so that they may be preserved for a long time to come. 15For thus saith Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel: A time is coming when houses and fields and vineyards shall again be bought in this land."

The Prophet’s Prayer

16Now, after I had given the purchase-deed to Baruch, the son of Neriah, I prayed in these words to Jehovah: 17"Ah, Lord Jehovah! Thou, by Thy mighty power and outstretched arm, hast made the heavens and the earth, and nothing is too hard for Thee. 18Kindness Thou showest to thousands, and retribution for the guilt of the fathers thou bringest home to their children after them, Thou great and mighty God, 19great in purpose and mighty in action, whose eyes are open to all the ways of men, giving to each his deserts and the fruit of his deeds. 20In the land of Egypt Thou didst set in Israel and among (other) men signs and wonders (which are commemorated) unto this day, and so didst win for Thyself the renown that is Thine to-day; 21and Thou didst bring Thy people Israel out of the land of Egypt by signs and wonders, with mighty hand and 22outstretched arm and terrors great; and Thou gavest them this land which Thou didst swear to their fathers to give them – a land flowing with milk and honey – 23and they came in and took possession of it. But they would not listen to Thy voice, nor live in accordance with Thy law; they have left undone all that Thou didst command them to do; and so Thou hast brought all this misery upon them.

24Behold how the siege-mounds for storming the city are already close upon it, and under the stress of sword, famine and pestilence, the city is already as good as given into the hands of the Chaldeans that are assailing it. What Thou hast threatened has come, as Thou Thyself seest. 25And it was Thou Thyself, O Lord Jehovah, who didst command me to buy the land; (and this I have done), writing and sealing the deed and calling witnesses, though all the while the city is already as good as delivered into the hands of the Chaldeans."

The Divine Answer: First, Judgment for Sin

26Then there came to Jeremiah the following message from Jehovah: 27I am Jehovah, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for Me? 28Therefore thus saith Jehovah: Behold! I am about to deliver this city into the hands of the Chaldeans and of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, and he shall take it. 29Yes, the Chaldeans that are assailing this city shall come and set this city on fire and burn it, with the houses on whose roofs they have provoked Me by burning sacrifice to the Baal and by offering drink-offerings to other gods; 30for, ever since their youth the people of Israel and Judah have done nothing but evil in My sight. 31From the day it was built up to this day, this city has provoked Me to remove it, in wrath and fury, out of My sight, 32for all the evil that the people of Israel and Judah have wrought to vex Me – themselves, with their kings, princes, priests and prophets, with the men of Judah and the citizens of Jerusalem. 33They have turned their backs to Me instead of their faces; and though I taught them early and late, they would never listen or accept correction. 34The very House that bears My name they have defiled by introducing into it their abominable worship. 35They have built Baal sanctuaries in the Valley of the son of Hinnom for the (fiery) consecration of their sons and daughters to Molech, though this was no commandment of Mine – it never entered into My mind that they should do this abomination, and thus involve Judah in sin.

Thereafter, Promise of Restoration

36Now, therefore, Thus saith Jehovah, the God of Israel, concerning the city of which ye say that hunger, famine and pestilence have already as good as delivered it into the hands of the king of Babylon: 37See! I will gather them out of all the lands to which, in My great wrath, anger, and fury, I have driven them, for I will bring them back to this place and settle them here securely; 38and they shall be My people, and I will be their God. 39A single heart I will give them, and a single way (will I set before them), that they may hold Me in reverence for ever, and that they and their children after them may prosper; 40and I will make with them an everlasting covenant to follow them ceaselessly with My blessing, and I will put the fear of Me in their hearts, that they may follow Me without swerving. 41It will also be a joy to Me to do them good; and faithfully, with all My heart and soul, I will plant them in this land.

42For thus saith Jehovah, As surely as I have brought upon this people all this mass of misery, so surely will I bring upon them all the blessings I promise them. 43In this land that ye call a desolation, forsaken of man and beast and delivered into the hands of the Chaldeans, fields shall be bought once more. 44Yes, men shall buy fields for money, subscribing and sealing the deeds, and taking witnesses, in the district of Benjamin and the neighbourhood of Jerusalem and the cities of Judah, in the cities of the hill country, the lowland, and the south. For I will restore their fortunes, saith Jehovah.

Renewed Promises of Restoration

Jerusalem and Judah will be Pardoned, Restored, Made Glad and Renowned

33A second message from Jehovah came to Jeremiah while he was still confined in the guard-house. It was this: 2Thus saith Jehovah, who created the earth and formed it to stand fast – Jehovah is His name:

3"Call to Me, and in answer I will tell thee great and hidden things, of which thou art unaware."

4Thus saith Jehovah, the God of Israel, concerning the houses of this city and the royal palaces of Judah which have been demolished to make a defence against the siege-mounds and the sword. 5The Chaldeans are coming to fight and to fill them with the dead bodies of the men whom I have slain in Mine anger and fury, and whose manifold wickedness has constrained Me to hide My face from them. 6Nevertheless, I will close up the city’s wounds and heal her completely, and I will unveil to them treasures of peace and stability. 7The fortunes of Judah and Israel I will restore; and I will build them up as of old. 8I will cleanse them of all the guilt of their sin against Me, and I will forgive all the guilt of their sin and rebellion against Me. 9And she shall be to Me a source of delight, of praise, and of glory among all the nations of the earth, when they hear of all the happiness that I shall achieve for them; and they shall fear and tremble at all the happiness and all the prosperity that I shall provide for them.

10Thus saith Jehovah: In this place that you call a desolation, forsaken of man and beast, in the cities of Judah and on the streets of Jerusalem that are desolate, forsaken of man and beast, 11there shall once again be heard the voice of mirth and gladness, the voice of bridegroom and bride, the voice of those that say, as they bring their thank-offerings into the House of Jehovah,

Give thanks to Jehovah of Hosts,

For Jehovah is gracious,

His kindness endureth for ever.

For I will restore the fortunes of the land, saith Jehovah, as in the olden time. 12Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts: In this place which is desolate, forsaken of man and beast, and in all the cities thereof, there shall again be homesteads of shepherds with flocks reclining. 13In the cities of the hill country, the lowland, and the south, in the district of Benjamin, the neighbourhood of Jerusalem, and the cities of Judah, flocks shall once more file past, to be counted under the hands (of the shepherds), saith Jehovah.

Promise of the Ideal King or Messiah

14Mark this, saith Jehovah; the days are coming when I will perform My gracious promise to the households of Israel and Judah. 15In those days and at that time

I will raise up for David a righteous shoot,

Who shall execute justice and right in the land.

16In those days shall Judah be crowned with salvation,

And Jerusalem in safety shall dwell:

And this is the name men shall call her,

"Our champion is Jehovah."

Promise of the Perpetuity of the Davidic Dynasty and the Levitical Priesthood

17For thus saith Jehovah: David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel; 18neither shall the Levitical priests ever, for all time to come, want a man to offer burnt-offerings in My presence or to burn oblations or to do sacrifice.

19Further, there came to Jeremiah this message from Jehovah, 20Thus saith Jehovah: Not until ye can annul My covenant with Day and Night, so that Day and Night shall come no more at their appointed time – 21not until then shall My covenant be annulled with David My servant, that a son of his should reign upon his throne; or My covenant with the Levitical priests, My ministers. 22Numberless as the host of heaven, measureless as the sand of the sea, shall I multiply the descendants of David, My servant, and the Levitical priests, My ministers.

23Jeremiah received this further message from Jehovah: 24Hast thou observed what this people has been saying? They have said that Jehovah has cast off the two families of His choice, and in contempt for His people has ordained that they shall no longer exist as a nation before Him? 25Well, thus saith Jehovah: As surely as I have created Day and Night and determined the order of heaven and earth, 26so surely will I never cast off the descendants of Jacob and of David My servant, or fail to select his descendants as rulers over the race of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; for I will have compassion upon them and restore their fortunes.

Incidents of the Siege of Jerusalem

Jeremiah Warns Zedekiah of the Folly of Resisting Babylon

34This message came to Jeremiah from Jehovah, when Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, and all his army, and all the kingdoms and nations of the earth that were under his dominion were fighting against Jerusalem and all the cities of Judah: 2Thus saith Jehovah, the God of Israel, Go to Zedekiah, king of Judah, and say to him, Thus saith Jehovah: I am about to deliver this city into the hands of the king of Babylon, who will burn it with fire. 3As for thee, thou shalt not escape out of his hands: thou wilt assuredly be seized and into his hands delivered: thou shalt see the king of Babylon eye to eye, and speak to him face to face, and to Babylon thou shalt go. 4But listen, Zedekiah, king of Judah, to the message of Jehovah: Thus saith Jehovah concerning thee: Thou shalt not die by the sword, 5but thou shalt die in peace. (Sweet spices) shall be burned for thee, as for thine ancestors before thee, and lamentations shall be made for thee with "Ah! Lord," for I, saith Jehovah, have spoken the word.

6Then Jeremiah the prophet delivered this message to Zedekiah king of Judah in Jerusalem, 7when the army of the king of Babylon was fighting against Jerusalem, and all the cities of Judah that were left, and Lachish and Azekah – the only cities of Judah that remained as fortified cities.

Dishonest Attitude of the Jews to the Liberation of their Slaves: To be Punished by the Liberation of Disaster upon Themselves

8The message which came to Jeremiah from Jehovah, after the King Zedekiah had covenanted with all the people in Jerusalem to make a proclamation of liberty – 9each man to set free his Hebrew slave, whether male or female, so that no one of Jewish descent should serve as slave any longer. 10Now all the princes and all the people kept the covenant they had entered into to liberate their several male and female slaves and to treat them as slaves no longer: they kept it and set them free. 11Afterwards, however, they turned and forced back into slavery the male and female slaves whom they had liberated.

12Then there came to Jeremiah this message from Jehovah, 13Thus saith Jehovah, the God of Israel: When I brought your forefathers out of the land of Egypt, that house of slavery, I Myself made this covenant 14that at the end of six years they were to release any Hebrew brother who had sold himself to them – after six years of service, they were to set him free: your forefathers, however, would not listen or incline their ear to Me. 15But you have in these days acted in a very different spirit; you have done what I desired in each proclaiming liberty to his (enslaved) neighbour; in My presence you made a covenant in the House that is called by My name. 16Now, however, you have turned round and dishonoured My name by forcing back again into slavery the several male and female slaves you had set free to dispose of themselves as they would.

17Therefore thus saith Jehovah: You have disobeyed My injunction to make a proclamation of liberty, each of you to his (enslaved) neighbour. Well, then, saith Jehovah: You shall have your proclamation of liberty from Me – (liberty) to the sword, pestilence and famine – and I will make you an object of consternation to every kingdom in the world. 18As for the men that broke the covenant they had made in My presence, when they passed between the pieces of the calf they had cut in two – 19I mean the princes of Judah and Jerusalem, the eunuchs, the priests and all the people of the land who passed between the pieces of the calf they had cut in two – 20I will deliver them into the hands of their enemies and of those that seek their life, and their dead bodies shall be devoured by the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth. 21Further, Zedekiah, king of Judah, and his princes, I will deliver into the hands of their enemies and of those that seek their life, and into the hands of the army of the king of Babylon which (for the moment) has raised the siege and left you.

22Mark this well, saith Jehovah, I will issue My word of command and bring them back to this city; they shall assault it and take it and burn it with fire, and the cities of Judah I will turn into an uninhabited desolation.

The Fidelity of the Rechabites contrasted with the Disobedience of the Jews

35In the days of Jehoiakim, the son of Josiah, king of Judah, Jeremiah received the following message from Jehovah: 2Go to the clan of the Rechabites, talk with them, bring them into one of the chambers (of the Temple) and offer them wine to drink. 3So I took Jaazaniah, the son of Jeremiah, the son of Habaz-ziniah, with his brothers and all his sons and the whole Rechabite clan, 4and brought them into the Temple chamber belonging to the sons of Hanan, the son of Yigdaliah, the man of God, that was adjacent to the chamber of the princes, above the chamber of Maaseiah, the son of Shallum, the Keeper of the Threshold. 5I then set before the Rechabites bowls full of wine and cups and told them to drink. 6"No," they said, "we will drink no wine; for Jonadab, the son of Rechab, our ancestor, laid a charge upon us and our children to drink no wine, 7to build no houses, to sow no seed, to plant and possess no vineyard for ever, but to spend all our days in tents, so that we might live long on the land where as strangers we dwell. 8In full obedience, therefore, to this charge of Jonadab, the son of Rechab, our ancestor, we have drunk no wine all our life long, neither we, nor our wives, nor our sons, nor our daughters. 9We have built no houses to live in, we have owned neither vineyard, field, nor seed, 10but we have lived in tents and faithfully fulfilled all the instructions of our ancestors Jonadab. 11It was only when the land was invaded by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, that we decided to come to Jerusalem, to escape the Babylonian and Aramean armies; that is why we are (now) living in Jerusalem."

12Then there came to Jeremiah this message from Jehovah: 13"Thus saith Jehovah the God of Israel: Go and say to the men of Judah and the citizens of Jerusalem: Should this not be a lesson to you to obey My words, saith Jehovah? 14The injunction that Jonadab the son of Rechab laid upon his sons to drink no wine has been steadily observed: in obedience to that ancestral charge they have abstained to this day. But when I spoke to you early and late, you refused to listen. 15Early and late I sent you all My servants the prophets with the message to each man of you that, if you would abandon your wicked ways, amend your conduct, and no longer indulge in the service of other gods, you should continue in the land that I gave your forefathers; but you would not incline your ear or listen to Me. 16Unlike the descendants of Jonadab the son of Rechab, who have steadily observed the injunctions of their ancestor, this people has refused to listen to Me. 17Therefore thus saith Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel: See! I am about to bring upon Judah and upon all the citizens of Jerusalem all the misery with which I have threatened them, because they refused to listen to My words or respond to My call." 18But to the clan of the Rechabites Jeremiah said, "Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel: Because you have obeyed the injunction of your ancestor Jonadab, keeping all his commandments and fulfiling all his instructions, 19Jonadab, the son of Rechab shall never want a man to minister to Me, while the earth stands.

Jeremiah’s Prophecies Committed to Writing, Publicly Read in the Temple, and Contemptuously Burned by King Jehoiakim

36In the fourth year of Jehoiakim, the son of Josiah, king of Judah, Jeremiah received the following message from Jehovah: 2Take a book-roll, and write on it all the messages I have communicated to thee with regard to Israel and Judah and all nations, from My first message to thee in the days of Josiah right on to the present day. 3It may be that, when the people of Judah hear of all the misery I am planning to bring upon them, they will severally abandon their wicked ways, and receive at My hands pardon for their guilt and sin.

4Then Jeremiah summoned Baruch, the son of Neriah, who wrote down on a book-roll to Jeremiah’s dictation all the messages Jehovah had communicated to him. 5Thereafter Jeremiah gave instructions to Baruch in the following terms: "Seeing that I am personally under restraint and debarred from access to the Temple, 6do you go and, on the day appointed for fasting, read aloud in the Temple the messages of Jehovah in the hearing of the people from the roll which you have written to my dictation; read them also in the hearing of the Judeans who come from their respective country towns. 7It may be that they will humbly supplicate Jehovah, and severally abandon their wicked ways: for great is the anger and fury with which Jehovah has threatened this people." 8In accordance, therefore with his instructions from Jeremiah the prophet, Baruch read aloud from the book the words of Jehovah in the Temple.

9Now in the ninth month of the fifth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, king of Judah, a sacred fast was proclaimed by all the people resident in Jerusalem, and all those also present from the country towns of Judah. 10Then in the hearing of all the people Baruch read from the book the messages of Jeremiah from the room that belonged to Gemariah, the son of Shaphan the Secretary of State, which was situated in the upper court at the entrance to the new Temple gate. 11Now when Micaiah, the son of Gemariah, the son of Shaphan, had heard the messages of Jehovah as they were read from the book, 12he went down to the palace to the room of the Secretary of State, and there he found the whole court seated – Elishama, the Secretary and Delaiah, the son of Shemaiah, and Elanthan, the son of Achbor, and Gemariah, the son of Shaphan, and Zedekiah, the son of Hananiah, and indeed the whole court. 13Micaiah proceeded to inform them of all the words he had heard Baruch read out of the book in the hearing of the people. 14The whole court accordingly despatched a messenger to Baruch, namely one Jehudi, the son of Nethaniah, the son of Shelemiah, the son of Cushi, with instructions to Baruch to appear, bringing with him the roll from which he had read in the hearing of the people. So Baruch, the son of Neriah, appeared before them with the roll in his hand.

15Then they told him to sit down and read it in their hearing; so Baruch read while they listened. 16When they had heard it all, they turned to one another in consternation, exclaiming to Baruch that they were bound to inform the king of all this. 17They then asked Baruch to explain how he had written all these words. 18Baruch replied that Jeremiah had dictated them all to him, and he had written them down with ink in the book. 19"Well, then," said the princes to Baruch, "go into hiding, you and Jeremiah, and let nobody know where you are." 20After they had deposited the roll in the chamber of Elishama the Secretary, they visited the king in his apartment, and reported the whole matter to him.

21The king then despatched Jehudi to fetch the roll; and, when he had brought it from Elishama’s chamber, he read it in the hearing of the king and of all the courtiers who were in attendance upon him. 22Now the king was sitting in the winter house, and the fire on the brazier was burning before him; 23and every three or four columns that Jehudi read, the king would cut up with his penknife and fling into the fire that was on the brazier, till the whole roll was consumed in the fire that was on the brazier. 24But there was no sense of horror either on the part of the king or of any of his ministers as they listened to all these words, nor did they rend their garments. 25Elnathan, Delaiah, and Gemariah, however, had entreated the king not to burn the roll, but he would not listen to them. 26Then the king commanded the royal prince Jerachmeel, and Seraiah, the son of Azriel, and Shelemiah, the son of Abdeel, to fetch Baruch the scribe and Jeremiah the prophet; but Jehovah kept them in concealment.

27After the king had burned the roll containing the words written by Baruch to Jeremiah’s dictation, Jeremiah received this message from Jehovah, 28"Once more take another roll, and write on it all the words that were on the first roll that was consigned to the flames by Jehoiakim, king of Judah, 29Thus saith Jehovah: Thou hast taken it upon thee to burn this roll and to demand my reason for recording the threat that the king of Babylon would assuredly come and destroy this land, and clear it of man and beast. 30Therefore thus saith Jehovah concerning Jehoiakim, king of Judah: Never a man shall he have to sit upon the throne of David; his dead body shall be flung out and exposed to the heat of day and the cold of night. 31I will punish him, his descendants, and his ministers, for their sins; and I will bring upon them and upon the citizens of Jerusalem all the misery with which I threatened them in vain."

32Then Jeremiah took another roll and gave it to Baruch the scribe, the son of Neriah, who wrote on it to Jeremiah’s dictation all the words of the book that had been burned by Jehoiakim; and it was supplemented by many messages of a similar kind.

Experiences of Jeremiah During the Siege and at the Capture of Jerusalem

Jeremiah Warns King Zedekiah of the Impending Fate of Jerusalem

37Now Zedekiah the son of Josiah was reigning in place of Coniah, the son of Jehoiakim, having been set upon the throne of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon; 2but neither he nor his ministers nor the people of the land gave any heed to the messages Jehovah had delivered by the prophet Jeremiah. 3King Zedekiah, however, sent Jehucal the son of Shelemiah, and Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah the priest to Jeremiah, with the request that he would pray for them to Jehovah their God. 4Now Jeremiah, who had not yet been put in prison, was still coming and going among the people.

5The Chaldeans who were engaged in the siege of Jerusalem, having received a report that Pharaoh’s army was advancing from Egypt, abandoned the siege. 6Then there came to Jeremiah this message from Jehovah, 7Thus saith Jehovah: Tell the king of Judah who hath sent thee to consult Me, that Pharaoh’s army which is advancing to your aid shall return to Egypt to their own land; 8and the Chaldeans will come back and assault this city and take it and burn it with fire. 9Thus saith Jehovah: Do not delude yourselves with the idea that the Chaldeans will leave you for good: they will do nothing of the kind. 10For even if you defeated the whole Chaldean army that is fighting against you, so completely that the only survivors were wounded men – a man to a tent– even they would rise up and burn this city with fire.

Jeremiah Arrested and Imprisoned

11When, in view of the advance of Pharoah’s army, the Chaldean forces had abandoned the siege of Jerusalem, 12Jeremiah made a journey from Jerusalem to the district of Benjamin to receive his inheritance among the people. 13He had just reached the Benjamin gate when he was apprehended there by a sentry named Jirijah, the son of Shelemiah, the son of Hananiah, who called out, "You are deserting to the Chaldeans." 14"It is false, said Jeremiah, "I am not deserting to the Chaldeans." But Jirijah, refusing to listen, apprehended Jeremiah and brought him before the courtiers, 15who in their exasperation had Jeremiah flogged and put in the house of Jonathan, the Secretary of State, which they had turned into a prison. 16So Jeremiah found himself in the cells of the dungeon, where he remained for a considerable time.

Amelioration of Jeremiah’s Lot

17Then King Zedekiah sent for him and questioned him secretly in his house whether there was any communication from Jehovah. "There is," said Jeremiah; "you will be delivered into the hands of the king of Babylon. 18Further," said Jeremiah to the king, "what is my crime against you or your ministers or this people that you have put me in prison? 19Where are your prophets (now) that assured you that the king of Babylon would never invade this country? 20And now I beseech your Majesty to listen with favour to my supplication, and not to allow me to be taken back to the house of Jonathan the Secretary, where I am likely to perish." 21Jeremiah was accordingly committed by royal command to the guard-court, and furnished with a loaf of bread a day from the Baker’s Street, till all the bread in the city was consumed. So Jeremiah remained in the guard-court.

Jeremiah Accused of Treason, is Put into a Dungeon, from which he is Rescued by Ebedmelech, a Foreigner

38Now Shephatiah, the son of Mattan, and Gedaliah, the son of Pashhur, and Juca, the son of Shelemiah, and Pashhur, the son of Malchiah, and heard Jeremiah addressing all the people in words like these: 2"Thus saith Jehovah: Whoever remains in this city shall die by sword, famine and perstilence; but whoever goes over to the Chaldeans shall be spared, though he shall escape with nothing but his life." 3Also, "Thus saith Jehovah, This city shall most assuredly be delivered into the hands of the king of Babylon’s army, and it shall be captured." 4Whereupon those courtiers said to the king, "We petition you to have this fellow put to death: this sort of talk is unnerving all the people and the soldiers left in the city. This fellow does not want to help the city, but to ruin it." 5"He is in your power," said the king; for he was helpless against them. 6So they took Jeremiah and, lowering him with ropes, they threw him into the cistern of the royal prince Malchiah, that was in the guard-court. There was no water in the cistern, but only mud; and Jeremiah sank in the mud.

7Now it came to the ears of Ebedmelech, an Ethiopian eunuch attached to the palace, that they had put Jeremiah in the cistern. 8Ebedmelech accordingly left the palace for the Benjamin gate where the king happened to be sitting at the time, and thus he addressed him: 9"Your Majesty, these men have behaved most wrongfully in their treatment of Jeremiah the prophet; they have flung him into the cistern and he will die of hunger on the spot, for there is no more bread in the city." 10At once the king ordered Ebedmelech to take with him three me and pull Jeremiah out of the cistern before he perished. 11Ebedmelech, accordingly, taking the men with him, went to the palace, and secured from (a lumber room) underneath the treasury some torn and tattered rags, and let them down by ropes to Jeremiah into the cistern. 12Then he told Jeremiah to put the torn and tattered rags under his armpits beneath the ropes; and Jeremiah did so. 13Then they drew him up with the ropes and pulled him out of the cistern; and Jeremiah remained in the guard-court.

Zedekiah Secretly Consults Jeremiah

14King Zedekiah afterwards sent and had Jeremiah brought to him at the third entry that leads into the Temple; and the king said to Jeremiah, "I am going to ask you a question which you are to answer me unreservedly." 15"If I tell you," said Jeremiah, "are you not certain to put me to death? besides, any advice I give you, you will simply disregard." 16Then, in secret, the king swore the following oath to Jeremiah, "As Jehovah liveth, who created this life of ours, I assure you solemnly that I will neither put you to death nor deliver you into the hands of those men that are seeking your life." 17Then said Jeremiah to Zedekiah, "Thus saith Jehovah, If you surrender voluntarily to the officers of the king of Babylon, your life will be spared, and this city shall not be burned with fire, but you and your family will be spared. 18If, however, you refuse to surrender, then this city shall be delivered into the hands of the Chaldeans, who will burn it with fire; and you shall not escape from their hands." 19Then the king said to Jeremiah, "I am afraid of the Jews who have gone over to them and subjected to violence." 20"No," said Jeremiah, "you will not be handed over. But I entreat you to listen to what I say – it is the voice of Jehovah: your happiness and your life depend upon it. 21But if you refuse to surrender, then this is the message revealed to me in a vision by Jehovah – 22mark it well; (I saw) all the women that are left in the palace of the king of Judah brought out to the chief officers of the king of Babylon, chanting the while this song:

Thy most excellent friends have beguiled

And prevailed over thee,

Thy feet they have thrust in the mire,

And thus sinking have left thee.

23All your wives and children they shall bring out to the Chaldeans, and you yourself shall not escape; you will be seized by the hand of the king of Babylon; and this city shall be burned with fire."

24"Well, then," said the king to him, "let nobody know anything of this conversation, or else you are a dead man. 25If the courtiers hear that I have been talking with you, and come and ask you to tell them unreservedly, on pain of death, what you have been saying to the king and the king to you, 26then just tell them that you were presenting a petition to the king that you should not be taken back to Jonathan’s house, where you were in danger of perishing." 27In point of fact, the courtiers did all come to Jeremiah and question him; and the story he told them was in entire accordance with the king’s instructions. So they said no more to him, for no part of the conversation had been heard. 28Jeremiah accordingly remained in the guard-court till the day Jerusalem was taken.

The Capture of Jerusalem

39In the tenth month of the ninth year of Zedekiah, king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon came with all his forces against Jerusalem and laid siege to it. 2On the ninth day of the fourth month of the eleventh year of Zedekiah a breach was made in the city. 3All the chief officers of the king of Babylon came and took their seats in the middle gate – Nergalsharezer the Rab-mag, Nebushazban the Rab-saris, and all the rest of the officers of the king of Babylon. 4On observing this, Zedekiah, king of Judah, and all the soldiers took to flight, leaving the city during the night by way of the royal garden, by the gate between the two walls, and they made for the Jordan valley. 5But the Chaldean army pursued them and overtook Zedekiah in the steppes of Jericho. They seized him and brought him to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, who was at Riblah in the district of Hamath, and he 6pronounced judgment upon them. At Riblah the king of Babylon slew the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes, and all the noblemen of Judah also did the king 7of Babylon slay. He then put out Zedekiah’s eyes, and loaded him with chains to carry him to Babylon. 8The palace and the houses of the people the Chaldeans burned with fire, and the walls of Jerusalem they 9demolished. The rest of the people that were left in the city, and the deserters who had gone over to him, and those that were left of the artificers, Nebuzaradan, the commander of the guard, carried to exile in Babylon. 10Some of the poor people who had nothing were left by Nebuzaradan, the commander of the guard, in the land of Judah, and presented at the same time with vineyards and fields.

11With regard to Jeremiah, Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had instructed Nebuzaradan, the commander 12of the guard, to do him no harm, but to take and look well after him and treat him according to his own 13instructions. So a messenger was despatched from Nebuzaradan, the commander of the guard, and Nebuzaradan, the Rab-saris, and Nergalsharezer, the Rab-mag, and all the chief officers of the king of Babylon.

Provision made for Jeremiah’s safety after the Capture of Jerusalem

14They sent and had Jeremiah brought from the guard-court, and delivered him to Gedaliah, the son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, to be taken to his own home; so he stayed among the people.

Jeremiah’s Gracious Promise to Ebedmelech

15During Jeremiah’s detention in the guard-court, there had come to him this message from Jehovah: 16Go and say to Ebedmelech the Ethiopian, Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel: I will bring upon this city all that I have said – for evil and not for good, and in that day it will be accomplished before thine eyes. 17But, saith Jehovah, I will deliver thee on that day, and thou shalt not be given into the hands of the men thou dreadest. 18I will save thee without fail; thou shalt not fall by the sword, but thou shalt escape with thy life, because, saith Jehovah, thou hast put thy trust in Me.

Experiences of Jeremiah After the Capture of Jerusalem

Jeremiah Elects to Remain in Palestine

40The message which came to Jeremiah from Jehovah after he had been released from Ramah by Nebuzaradan, the commander of the guard, who had found him there in chains among the captives of Jerusalem and Judah, who were being carried to exile in Babylon.

2The commander of the guard took Jeremiah and said to him: "Jehovah, your God, pronounced this doom upon this place, 3and He has kept His word. You have sinned against Him and refused to listen to His voice, and so this thing is come upon you. 4But see now, I will release you at once from the chains on your hands. If you are disposed to accompany me to Babylon come and I will look well after you; but if not, then leave it alone. The whole land is before you; go wherever you choose and prefer. 5Go back to Gedaliah, the son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, whom the king of Babylon has appointed Governor of the cities of Judah: stay with him among the people or go wherever you choose." Then the commander of the guard dismissed him with a gift of provisions and a present. 6So Jeremiah went to Gedaliah at Mizpah, where he stayed with him among the people left in the land.

Assassination of Gedaliah the Governor of Judah

7When all the commanders of the forces in the open field, together with their men, heard that the king of Babylon had appointed Gedaliah Governor of the land, and charged him with the oversight of the men, women and children, and of the poorest of the land, such as had not been carried to exile in Babylon, 8they came with their men to Gedaliah at Mizpah – Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, Johanan and Jonathan the sons of Kareah, Seraiah the son of Tanhumeth, and the sons of Ephai of Netophah, and Jezaniah, the son of the Maacathite. 9And Gedaliah gave his oath to them and their men: "Don’t be afraid," he said, "of the Chaldean officials. You will prosper if you stay in the land and serve the king of Babylon. 10As for myself, I will reside at Mizpah, to represent your interests when the Chaldean (officials) visit us; and you can gather wine, fruit, and oil, and store them up and live in the towns you take possession of." 11Further, all the Jews that were in Moab, Ammon, Edom, or elsewhere, when they heard that the king of Babylon had granted permission to some to remain in Judah and had appointed Gedaliah the son of Ahikam Governor, 12they all returned to Judah from all the places to which they had been driven – to Gedaliah at Mizpah – and they gathered immense stores of wine and fruit.

13Now Johanan the son of Kareah and all the commanders of the forces in the open field came to Gedaliah at Mizpah, 14and asked him whether he was aware that Baalis king of Ammon had sent Ishmael the son of Nethaniah to assasiante him. But Gedaliah would not believe it. 15Then Johanan, in a secret audience with Gedaliah at Mizpah, said to him: "I beseech you to allow me to go and slay Ishmael. Nobody need know. Why should he take your life? that will mean the scattering of all the Jews that have gathered round you, and the ruin of all that is left of Judah." 16"No," said Gedaliah to Johanan, "do nothing of the kind: what you say of Ishmael is not true."

41In the seventh month, however, Ishmael, the son of Nethaniah, the son of Elishama, a member of the royal family, accompanied by one of the chief officers of the king and ten (other) men, paid a visit to Gedaliah at Mizpah. 2While they were all dining together there, Ishmael and the ten men who accompanied him rose and with the sword smote and slew Gedaliah, whom the king of Babylon had appointed Governor of the land, 3together with all the Jews who were with him in Mizpah and all the Chaldean soldiers who happened to be there.

Murder of Pilgrims and Flight of Gedaliah’s Assasin

4The day after the murder of Gedaliah, of which no one was yet aware, 5eighty pilgrims from Shechem, Shiloh, and Samaria, with beards shaven, clothes rent and gashes (on their bodies), came with vegetable offerings and frankincense in their hand to present them at the house of Jehovah. 6Ishmael went out from Mizpah to meet them, and they were weeping as they went along. When he meet them, he invited them to come to Gedaliah; 7but when they were well within the town, he and the men who accompanied him slew them at the cistern. 8Ten of their number, however, entreated Ishmael not to kill them: "for we have stores of wheat," they said, "and barley, oil, and honey, buried in the ground." So he let them alone and did not consign them to the doom of their brethren. 9Now the cistern into which Ishmael had cast all the corpses of the men he had slain was the great cistern which had been constructed by king Asa in his war against Baasha, king of Israel; and this Ishmael filled with the slain.

10Then Ishmael carried away captive all the rest of the people that were at Mizpah, the princesses and all the people left in Mizpah, whom Nebuzaradan, the commander of the guard, had committed to the charge of Gedaliah, the son of Ahikam; and he started across to Ammon. 11But when Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the commanders of the forces that were with him, heard of all the atrocities perpetrated by Ishmael, 12they took all their men and set out to attack him; and they found him by the great waters of Gibeon. 13aAll the people with Ishmael – 14aall that he had carried captive from Mizpah – 13bwhen they saw Johanan and the commanders of the forces that were with him, were filled with joy; 14band turning about, they came back and 15joined Johanan. But Ishmael, escaping with eight men, repaired to Ammon.

16Then Johanan and all the commanders of the forces that were with him, tool all the rest of the people whom Ishmael had carried away captive from Mizpah, after his assassination of Gedaliah the son of Ahikam – men, women, and eunuchs, whom he had brought back from Gibeon. 17Then they took their journey and stayed awhile at the sheepfolds of Chimham in the neighbourhood of Bethlehem, from which they intended to travel to Egypt; 18for they were in terror of the Chaldeans, because Ishmael had assassinated Gedaliah, whom the king of Babylon had appointed Governor of the land.

Migration of the Jews to Egypt in Defiance of Jeremiah’s Counsel

42Then all the commanders of the forces, together with Johanan, and Azariah, the son of Hoshaiah, and all the people great and small, 2approached Jeremiah the prophet with a petition, which they commended to his most favourable consideration, that he would pray for them, remnant as they were, to Jehovah his God. "We are left," they said, "but a few out of many, as you see with your own eyes. 3Let Jehovah your God tell us the way we should go and the things we should do." 4Jeremiah replied, "I have heard you; I promise to pray to Jehovah our God, as you request; and whatever be Jehovah’s answer I will tell you unreservedly." 5Whereupon they said to Jeremiah, "Jehovah be our true and faithful Witness that we will act entirely in accordance with any message that Jehovah your God may send us. 6We have sent you to Jehovah our God; and, be it welcome or unwelcome, we will obey His voice, and so enjoy the prosperity that comes from obedience to the voice of Jehovah our God."

7After an interval of ten days, Jeremiah received a message from Jehovah. 8He accordingly summoned Johanan and all the commanders of the forces that were with him, and all the people, small and great, 9and thus he addressed them. "Thus saith Jehovah, the God of Israel, to whom you sent me to present your supplication: 10If you remain quietly in this land, I will build you up and not throw you down; I will plant you and not pluck you up: for I am grieved at the misery I have brought upon you. 11You are afraid of the king of Babylon, but do not be afraid of him, saith Jehovah; do not be afraid of him, for I will be with you, to save you and to deliver you from his hand. 12I will have pity upon you and inspire him with pity for you, so that he will allow you to remain in your own land. 13You may, however, disregard the voice of Jehovah your God, and refuse to remain in this land: 14you may say, ’No; we will go to the land of Egypt, where we shall see no war and hear no sound of trumpet and never suffer for lack of bread – and there we shall make our home.’ 15In that case I call upon you that are left of Judah to listen to the message of Jehovah. Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel: If you are really determined to proceed to Egypt, and if you go and settle there, 16then the sword that you fear shall overtake you there in the land of Egypt, and the hunger that you dread shall cling to your heels there in Egypt, and there ye shall die; 17and all the men that were determined to go and settle in Egypt shall die by the sword, famine, and pestilence; not one shall survive or escape the disaster that I will bring upon them. 18For thus saith Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel: As Mine anger and fury have been poured out upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so shall My fury be poured out upon you when ye enter Egypt; and ye shall be an object of execration and horror, of cursing and scorn; and ye shall see this place no more.

19This is Jehovah’s message to you that are left of Judah: ’Do not go to Egypt.’ But now be very sure of this – I this day lay witness against you; 20you have done yourselves a grievous wrong. You have sent me to Jehovah your God with the request that I should pray for you to Jehovah, and promising to act in entire accordance with the will of Jehovah when I declared it to you; 21but when I did declare it this day, you refused to listen to the voice of Jehovah in respect of any part of my commission. 22Now therefore be very sure of this, that ye shall die by the sword, famine, and pestilence, in the land where it is your desire to go and settle."

43When Jeremiah had finished addressing to the assembled people all these words with which Jehovah had commissioned him, 2Azariah, the son of Hoshaiah, and Johanan the son of Kareah and all the defiant and insolent men exclaimed to Jeremiah, "You are a liar; you have no commission to us from Jehovah to warn us against going and settling in Egypt; 3but it is Baruch the son of Neriah who is setting you on against us with the object of delivering us into the hands of the Chaldeans, to be killed or transported to Babylon." 4So Johanan and all the commanders of the forces and all the people refused to listen to the voice of Jehovah which urged them to remain in the land of Judah. 5Accordingly Johanan and all the commanders of the forces took all that were now left of Judah – those that had come back from all the nations to which they had been driven, to settle in the land of Judah – 6the men, the women, the princesses, and all the persons whom Nebuzaradan, the commander of the guard, had left in the charge of Gedaliah, the son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan, including Jeremiah the prophet and Baruch the son of Neriah; 7and, disregarding the voice of Jehovah, they went to Egypt and arrived at Daphnae.

Jeremiah Predicts the Conquest of Egypt by Nebuchadnezzar

8In Daphnae Jeremiah received the following message from Jehovah: 9"Take large stones in thy hand and hide them away in secret at the porch of Pharaoh’s residence in Daphnae in the presence of a few of the men of Judah, 10and say to them, Thus saith Jehovah: Mark this well – I will send and bring Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon My servant, who shall set his throne above these stones thou hast buried and spread his glistening tapestry over them. 11He shall come and smite the land of Egypt, devoting to death those doomed to death, to captivity those doomed to captivity, to the sword those doomed to the sword. 12He shall kindle a fire in the temples of the gods of Egypt, he shall clear the land of Egypt, as a shepherd clears his mantle of vermin, and then he shall depart from it in comfort. 13Also he will shatter the obelisks of Bethshemesh, in the land of Egypt, and the temples of the gods of Egypt he will burn with fire.

Jeremiah Denounces the Jews in Egypt for their Idolatrous Worship of the Queen of Heaven

44Concerning all the Jews whose home was in Egypt– at Migdol, Daphnae, Memphis, and in upper Egypt– Jeremiah received the following message: 2"Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel: Ye have seen with your own eyes all the misery that I have wrought upon Jerusalem and upon all the cities of Judah. Ye see what they are to-day – desolate and uninhabited – 3as a consequence of their wicked behaviour which provoked Mine indignation; for they went and burned sacrifice in the service of other gods, unknown alike to them or to you or your forefathers; and that, 4though early and late I had been sending to you My servants the prophets to warn you against these abominable practices that I detest. 5But they refused to listen or incline their ear: they would no abandon their wickedness or cease sacrificing to other gods. 6And so Mine anger and fury were poured forth: it blazed in the cities of Judah and on the streets of Jerusalem, so that they became the waste and the desolation that they are to-day.

7Now, therefore, thus saith Jehovah, the God of Hosts, the God of Israel: Why are ye doing yourselves this great wrong, which can only end in the utter extermination of Judah, man and woman, child and babe? 8Why are ye vexing Me with the fabrications of your hands, burning sacrifice to other gods in the land of Egypt, where ye have come to settle? All this can only end in your extermination and in your being cursed and scorned by every nation in the world. 9Have you forgotten the crimes of your forefathers and of the kings and princes of Judah, the crimes, too, your own wives committed in the land of Judah and on the streets of Jerusalem? 10To this day they have remained unhumbled and unafraid. They have not lived in accordance with My law or with the statutes I set before you and your forefathers.

11Therefore thus saith Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel: Mark this – I will set My face against you for Evil, to exterminate Judah utterly. 12I will take the remnant of Judah that were determined to come and settle in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Egypt they shall all be consumed; they shall fall by the sword and by famine; small and great, they shall die by the sword and by famine, and they shall be an object of execration and horror, of cursing and scorn; 13and, as I have punished Jerusalem by sword, famine, and pestilence, so will I punish those that have made Egypt their home, 14that not a man of the remnant of Judah which has come to settle in Egypt shall escape or survive to return to the land of Egypt for which they shall yearn; for none but a fugitive or two shall return."

15Then the great gathering, composed of all the men who were aware that their wives burned sacrifice to other gods, and all the women that were standing by, replied to Jeremiah thus: 16"We refuse to listen to this message of yours that you have communicated to us in the name of Jehovah: 17but we will most assuredly keep our solemn oath to burn sacrifice to the Queen of Heaven and to pour out drink-offerings in her honour as we used to do – we and our fathers, our kings and our princes, in the cities of Judah and on the streets of Jerusalem. Then we had plenty of food, we lived well and were untouched by misfortune. 18But ever since the day we ceased burning sacrifice to the Queen of Heaven and pouring out drink-offerings in her honour, we have been utterly destitute, and sword and famine have consumed us. 19Yes," said the women, "as for our offering of sacrifice to the Queen of Heaven and pouring out drink-offerings in her honour – have we not had the approval of our husbands in making cakes for her stamped with her image, and in pouring her out drink-offerings?"

20Such was the answer of all the people, men and women. Then Jeremiah addressed them as follows: 21"Yes, you did indeed burn your sacrifices in the cities of Judah and on the streets of Jerusalem – you and your fathers, your kings and your princes and commons; and is it not precisely this that rankled in the mind and heart of Jehovah, 22till He could bear your wicked and abominable conduct no longer, with the result that your country is become the uninhabited desolation, the horror, the curse that it is to-day? 23It is because you have offered such sacrifices, sinning against Jehovah, disobeying the voice of Jehovah, refusing to live in accordance with His laws. His statutes, His expressed will: that is why the misery of to-day is come upon you."

24Further, Jeremiah said to the people and the women assembled: "Listen to the message of Jehovah, all ye Jews that are in the land of Egypt. 25Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel: Verily you women have indeed carried out your solemn resolve faithfully to perform the vows you have taken upon you, to burn sacrifice to the Queen of Heaven and to pour out drink-offerings in her honour. Well, then, keep your word and perform your vows. 26But listen now to the world of Jehovah, all ye Jews who have made Egypt your home. Mark this well: I have sworn, saith Jehovah, by My great name, that never again in all the land of Egypt shall My name be uttered by the lips of any man of Judah in the oath ’As truly as the Lord Jehovah liveth.’ 27Mark! I am watching over them for evil and not for good; and every man of Judah in the land of Egypt shall be consumed by the sword and by famine, until there be an end of them. 28Some who escape the sword in Egypt shall return to Judah, but they shall be few in number; and then all the remnant of Judah that have some to settle in Egypt shall know whose word it is that stands – Mine or theirs.

29And this, saith Jehovah, shall be to you the sign that I will punish you in this place, to teach you that My threats of disaster shall be confirmed upon you. 30Thus saith Jehovah: I will give Pharaoh Hophra, king of Egypt, into the hands of his enemies and of those that seek his life, as I gave Zedekiah, king of Judah, into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar. king of Babylon, his enemy that sought his life."

Words of Mingled Rebuke and Promise Addressed to Baruch

45This is the message that Jeremiah the prophet delivered to Baruch the son of Neriah, after he had written these words in a book to Jeremiah’s dictation in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, the son of Josiah, king of Judah. 2"This, Baruch, is the message to thee from Jehovah, the God of Israel.

3Thou hast said, ’Woe is me! for Jehovah

to my pain hath added sorrow;

With groaning I am weary,

And I have found no rest.’

4Let this be thy message to him, Thus saith Jehovah: When I must destroy what I built,

And when I must uproot what I planted,

5Shalt thou seek great things for thyself?

Seek them not; for, behold, I will bring

On all flesh, saith Jehovah, disaster;

But thou, wheresoever thou comest,

By My grace, shalt escape with thy life."

Oracles Against Foreign Nations

Oracle on Egypt

46The message concerning the nations which Jeremiah the prophet received from Jehovah.

2On Egypt.

Concerning the army of Pharaoh Necho king of Egypt at Carchemish on the river Euphrates, where it was defeated by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, king of Judah.

3Set the buckler and shield in array,

And draw nigh for the battle.

4Set the buckler and shield in array,

And draw nigh for the battle.

4bHarness the steeds, mount the chargers,

Stand forth in your helmets.

Polish your spears, don your breastplates.

5Why are they turned in dismay–

Their warriors crushed,

Fled apace without once looking backward,

By terror beset?

6The swift cannot flee,

Nor the strong man escape:

North by the banks of Euphrates

They stumble and fall.

7Who is that rose up like the Nile,

Whose waters toss like floods?

8It is Egypt that rose like the Nile,

Whose waters toll like floods.

" I will rise, I will cover the earth,

And destroy," said he, "her inhabitants.

9Up, steeds; rage, ye chariots;

And forth, ye warriors, march–

Cush and Put, that handle the shield,

And ye Ludim, that bend the bow."

10But that day is the Lord Jehovah’s–

A day of revenge on His foes,

When the sword shall devour to its fill,

And be drunken with their blood.

For Jehovah of Hosts hath a sacrifice

In the northern land, by Euphrates.

11Up to Gilead, fetch thee balsam.

O virgin daughter of Egypt;

In vain dost thou multiply medicines,

No healing is there for thee.

12The nations have heard thy wail,

And the earth is full of thy cry;

For warrior stumbles on warrior,

Both are fallen together.

13The message of Jehovah to Jeremiah the prophet, that Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, would come and smite the land of Egypt.

14Tell it Migdol,

Publish it in Memphis:

Say, "Take thy stand and prepare,

For the sword hath devoured round about thee."

15Wherefore is Apus fled?

Thy mighty one held not his ground,

Because down he was thrust by Jehovah.

16The strangers among thee are fallen,

And prostrate, they say each to other,

"Let us flee from the murderous sword,

Let us rise and go back to our people,

To the land wherein we were born."

17Call Pharaoh of Egypt "Blusterer,

Who hath let the hour go by."

18As live, saith the King, whose name

Is Jehovah of Hosts: One shall come

Like Tabor among the mountains,

Or Carmel by the sea.

19O daughter that dwellest in Egypt,

Prepare thee to go into exile;

For Noph is become like a desert,

An uninhabited waste.

20A graceful heifer is Egypt,

But a wasp from the north hath assailed her.

21eFor the day of disaster hath reached her,

fThe time of her visitation.

aThe warriors, too, that she hired,

bWere like unto fatted calves:

cAs for them, together they turned

dAnd fled, without making a stand.

22aShe hisseth like a serpent

bAgainst the advancing hosts;

23cFor more are they than locusts,

dSo many they cannot be counted.

22cAgainst her they come with axes,

Like men that hew down trees,

23a"Fell, saith Jehovah, "her forest,

bFor it is impenetrable,"

24Put to shame is the daughter of Egypt,

To men from the north given over.

25Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts,

The God of Israel:

See! Amon of Thebes I will punish,

And Pharaoh and those that trust him;

26An I will deliver them over

To those that seek their life,

To the hands of Nebuchadnezzar,

King of Babylon, and his servants.

But afterwards she shall be peopled

As in days of old, saith Jehovah.

27So fear them not, O Jacob My Servant;

O Israel, be not dismayed, saith Jehovah.

For see! I will save both thee and thine offspring

From the far distant land where captive ye lie.

And Jacob once more shall have quiet and ease

In his own land, with no one to make him afraid;

28So fear thou not, O Jacob My Servant,

For I, saith Jehovah, am with thee (to save thee).

An end I will make of the nations–

Of each, among whom I have driven thee;

But of thee I will not make an end.

I will not leave wholly unpunished,

But in measure I will chastise thee.

Oracle on the Philistines

47The message concerning the Philistines which Jeremiah the prophet received from Jehovah, before Pharaoh smote Gaza. 2Thus saith Jehovah:

From the north, see! waters are rising,

They swell to a raging torrent:

They will sweep o’er the land and its fulness,

The city and (all) her inhabitants.

Men shall utter a cry,

Those that dwell in the land shall howl.

3At the noise of the hoofs of his galloping steeds,

At the rush of his chariots, the roar of his wheels,

The father shall not look behind for the children;

For all unnerved shall they be–

4Because of the day of destruction

That cometh on all the Philistines,

Sweeping from Tyre and Sidon

All helpers that yet remain;

For Jehovah shall work destruction

On all that are left in the coast-land.

5Baldness is come upon Gaza,

Ashkelon is destroyed.

O ye that are left of the Anakim,

How long must ye gash yourselves yet?

6"Ah! Sword of Jehovah!

How long will it be ere thou rest?

Into thy scabbard get thee,

And keep thee quiet and still."

7But how can it be quiet,

Since Jehovah hath given it a charge?

He hath destined it for Ashkelon,

And for the shore washed by the sea.

Oracle on Moab

48Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts, the God of Israel:

Alas for the ruin of Nebo!

Kiriathaim is taken,

Misgab is shamed and dismayed.

2The renown of Moab is vanished,

In Heshbon they plotted her ruin:

"Come, let us blot out the nation;

Thou, Madmen, shalt be silenced,

The sword shall follow thee hard."

3Hark! a shriek from Horonaim–

Havoc and fell destruction.

4Moab is destroyed,

The shriek can be heard far as Zoar,

5They climb the ascent to Luhith,

Weeping the while as they go;

For the path that leads down to Horonaim

Is ringing with cries of destruction.

6Fly, escape for your lives,

Though like bare desert shrub shall ye be.

7Thou hast trusted in thy strongholds,

And therefore art thou taken:

Chemosh shall pass into exile,

His priests and his princes together.

8Upon every city the spoiler shall come,

No city shall escape;

The valleys shall also perish,

And the table-land be destroyed,

In accord with the word of Jehovah.

9Give ye wings unto Moab,

For fain would she fly away

From her cities that shall be desolate

And empty altogether.

10Cursed be he that doeth

The work of Jehovah remissly;

And cursed be he that keepeth

His sword from (shedding) blood.

11From his youth Moab been at ease,

On his lees he hath quietly rested–

Not emptied from vessel to vessel,

Nor ever to exile borne;

so his taste remaineth in him,

And his scent is all unchanged.

12Therefore days, saith Jehovah, are coming,

When tilters I will send;

And they shall tilt him over

And empty out his vessels,

And dash his jars in pieces.

13And the hopes of Moab in Chemosh

Shall be utterly disappointed,

As Israel was disappointed,

In Bethel, wherein she trusted.

14How can ye claim to be heroes

And mighty men of war,

15When the spoiler of Moab is come up against her,

And the flower of her youth is gone down to the slaughter?

Saith the King, whose name is Jehovah of Hosts.

16The ruin of Moab is night at hand,

Her misery hasteth swiftly.

17Bemoan her, all ye her neighbours,

All ye that know her name:

say, "How is the strong staff broken,

The rod that was so fair!"

18Come down from thy splendour and sit in the mire,

Thou daughter that dwellest in Dibon;

For the spoiler of Moab is come up against thee,

Thy fortress he hath destroyed.

19Stand by the way and spy,

O thou that dwellest in Aroer;

Ask of the fugitive men

And the women that flee, "What hath chanced?"

20"Moab is put to shame:

She is broken; howl ye and cry."

21Tell it by the Arnon that Moab is laid waste. Judgment is come upon the table-land – upon Holon, Jahzah, and Mephaath, 22upon Dibon, Nebo, and Beth-diblathaim, 23upon Kiriathaim, Beth-gamul, and Beth-meon, 24upon Keriyyoth and Bozrah, and all the cities of the land of Moab, far and near.

25Hewn off is the horn of Moab,

And her arm is broken, saith Jehovah.

26Make ye her drunken, for she

Hath been insolent towards Jehovah.

Yeah, Moab hath clapped her hands,

And in turn shall she, too, be derided.

27For didst thou hold Israel in derision? Hath she then been detected in the company of thieves, that thou shakest thy head so, every time thou speakest of her?

28Leave the cities and dwell in the crags,

Ye inhabitants of Moab;

And be like to the dove that nesteth

In the holes of the rocks of the precipice.

29We have heard of the pride of Moab–

How very proud is she–

of her crafty and arrogant pride,

And the haughtiness of her heart.

30Well I know her arrogance,

The falseness of her boasting,

And the falseness of her behaviour.

31There shall therefore be wailing in Moab,

Yea, shrieks from all quarters of Moab,

And moans for the men of Kir-heres.

32For thee, O vine of Sibmah,

Shall be weeping as men weep for Jazer.

Thy branches passed over the sea,

They reached as far as Jazer;

On thy summer fruits and their vintage

Is the despoiler fallen.

33Gladness and mirth are vanished

From Moab’s garden-land;

No wine is trod in the presses,

The merry shout I have stilled,

And the shout that is raised is of battle.

34Heshbon and Elealeh cry out,

And their voice doth reach unto Jahaz,

From Zoar to Horonaim and Eglath-shelishiyyah;

For the waters of Nimrim shall also be desolate.

35I will cause, saith Jehovah, to vanish from Moab

Him that offereth in the high place,

And doth sacrifice to his god.

36So my heart like a flute maketh moaning for Moab,

My heart maketh moan for the men of Kir-heres;

For the gain they had gotten is perished.

37For every head is bald,

And every beard is clipped:

On every hand are gashes,

On every loin is sackcloth.

38On Moab’s roofs and squares

Is universal wailing;

For Moab I have shattered

Like a vessel that one despiseth.

39How broken is Moab! howl ye.

How she turneth her back in shame!

Her neighbours shall all behold her

With horror and derision.

40For thus saith Jehovah, Behold,

One like a vulture shall swoop,

And spread out his swings against Moab.

41Keriyyoth is taken, the strongholds are seized.

That day shall the heart of the warriors of Moab

Be like to the heart of a woman in anguish.

42As a nation, Moab shall perish

For his insolence towards Jehovah.

43Trap, terror, and pit are before you,

All ye that dwell in Moab.

44He that flies from the terror shall fall down the pit,

He that creeps from the pit shall be caught in the trap.

Yea, this I will bring upon Moab

In the year of her visitation.

45In the shadow of Heshbon stand fugitives–

All their strength now gone;

For a fire is gone forth from Heshbon,

A flame from the house of Sihon,

Devouring the temples of Moab’s head,

And the crown of the head of the sons of tumult.

46Woe unto thee, O Moab!

The people of Chemosh is perished;

Thy sons are taken captive,

Thy daughters are led to captivity.

Yet Moab I will restore.

In the latter days, saith Jehovah.

Thus far is the judgment upon Moab.

Oracle on Ammon

49Thus saith Jehovah:

Hath Israel no sons, no heirs?

Why then hath Milcom seized Gad,

And his people inhabit her cities?

2Therefore days, saith Jehovah, are coming,

When over Rabbah of Ammon

I will bring the alarum of war.

A desolate mound shall she be,

And with fire shall her daughters be burned;

And Israel shall hold once more

The land from which she was driven.

3Howl, ye children of Ammon,

Your capital is ruined;

And cry, ye daughters of Rabbah,

Gird you with sackcloth and wail,

And wander about in mourning;

For Milcom is gone into exile,

His priests and his princes together,

4Why gloriest thou in thy valley,

Thou daughter that livest at ease;

And trustest in thy reserves,

Thinking no one shall ever assail thee.

5Behold, I will bring on thee terror,

Saith the Lord Jehovah of Hosts,

From all that are round about thee;

Ye shall all be driven headlong,

And the wanderers none shall rally.

6But afterwards, saith Jehovah,

The Ammonites I will restore.

Oracle on Edom

7On Edom.

Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts:

Is wisdom no more in Teman?

Is the wit of the prudent perished,

Their wisdom vanished clean?

8Turn, fly to retreats inaccessible,

Ye that dwell in Dedan;

For I bring upon Esau his doom,

The time of his visitation.

9Gleaners are come upon thee,

Who will leave not a grape to glean;

Yea, thieves in the night are come,

Who will wreck to their heart’s content.

10For I have stripped Esau bare,

And his lurking-place uncovered,

So that hide himself he cannot.

Destroyed is he to a man

By the arm of his brethren and neighbours.

11Leave thine orphans, and I will preserve them;

Let thy widows trust in Me.

12For thus saith Jehovah: If those who did not deserve to drink the cup must drink it nevertheless, how canst thou expect to go utterly unpunished? Nay, verily, thou shalt no escape, but drink it thou shalt. 13For I have most solemnly sworn, saith Jehovah, that Bozrah shall be a horror, a scorn, and a curse, and all her cities shall be perpetual wastes.

14Jehovah hath sent me tidings

Of an envoy despatched to the nations,

To bid them gather against her,

And rise up to do battle.

15For small in the eyes of the nations,

Yea, scorned among men, will I make thee.

16O how thou then wilt shudder!

The pride of thy heart hath beguiled thee,

Thou that hauntest the clefts of the crags,

That holdest the heights of the hills.

Though thou buildest thine eyrie as high as the eagle,

Even thence to the ground will I bring thee.

17And Edom shall be a horror;

Yea, horror-struck, all that pass by her

Shall hiss at her many wounds.

18As when Sodom was overthrown,

And Gomorrah and her neighbours,

No man shall dwell therein,

No mortal shall sojourn there.

19Behold, as a lion comes up

To the pastures of sheep from the jungle of Jordan,

Even so will I chase them away, in a moment,

And visit with vengeance their choicest rams.

Who is like Me? who will challenge Me?

What shepherd is there that will face Me?

20Therefore hear what Jehovah hath planned against Edom,

And purposed against the inhabitants of Teman:

The young shepherd lads shall be dragged away,

And their homestead assuredly smitten with horror.

21At the sound of their fall the earth doth tremble,

And far as the Red Sea their cry shall be heard.

22See! one like a vulture shall swoop,

And spread out his wings against Bozrah.

That day shall the heart of the warriors of Edom

Be like to the heart of a woman in anguish.

Oracle on Damascus

23Hamath and Arpad are shamed,

For tidings of evil hath reached them;

They melt for very care,

They are restless, like the sea.

24Damascus is all unstrung,

She betaketh herself to flight.

Trembling hath seized upon her,

Anguish hath taken hold of her,

And sorrow like that of a woman in travail.

25How forlon is the famous city,

The city of wondrous charm!

26In her squares shall her young men lie fallen;

Her warriors all shall be silenced

In that day, saith Jehovah of Hosts.

27I will kindle a fire in the wall of Damascus,

And the palaces of Benhadad it shall devour.

Oracle on Certain Arabian Tribes

28On Kedar and the kingdom of Hazor, which Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon smote. Thus saith Jehovah: Arise, get ye up unto Kedar,

Despoil the sons of the East,

29Their tents and their flocks shall be taken,

Their hangings and all their vessels;

(The foe) shall seize their camels,

And shout at them "Terrors encircle you."

30Turn, fly to retreats inaccessible,

Ye that dwell in Hazor;

For Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon

Hath purposed and planned to destroy you.

31"Arise and assail the nation

That liveth in ease and security,

Strangers to gates and bars,

And dwelling apart by themselves."

32Their camels shall fall a prey,

And the throng of their herds shall be plundered;

And those whose temples are clipped

I will scatter to all the winds;

And I, saith Jehovah, will bring on them

Ruin from every side.

33A haunt of jackals shall Hazor become,

A perpetual desolation:

No man shall dwell therein,

No mortal shall sojourn there.

Oracle on Elam

34The message concerning Elam which Jeremiah the prophet received from Jehovah at the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah, king of Judah.

35Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts:

I will break the bow of Elam,

Chief weapon of their might.

36I will bring four winds upon them

From the four ends of the heavens,

And to all these winds will I scatter them.

No nation shall there be

Where the outcasts of Elam shall come not.

37I will fill them with dismay

In the presence of their foes

And of those that seek their life.

And I will bring evil upon them,

My glowing indignation;

I will send the sword to pursue them,

Until I have consumed them.

38I will set My throne in Elam,

And thence will I destroy

The king and the princes together.

But Elam I will restore

In the latter days, saith Jehovah.

Oracle on Babylon

50The message concerning Babylon and the land of the Chaldeans that Jehovah communicated to Jeremiah the prophet.

2Tell ye the nations and publish it,

Publish it unreservedly,

That Babylon is taken,

Bel shamed, and Marduk dismayed.

Her images are shamed,

Her idol-blocks are dismayed;

3For a folk from the north hath assailed her

That shall desolate her land,

So that none may dwell therein–

Man, beast, are fled and gone.

4In those days, at the time, saith Jehovah,

The children of Israel shall come

With the children of Judah together;

They shall go on their way with weeping,

And seek Jehovah their God.

5For Zion shall they ask,

With faces hitherward turned,

Saying, "Come, let us join Jehovah

In a covenant everlasting,

That never shall be forgotten."

6Lost sheep have My people been,

Their shepherds have led them astray,

They have turned them away on the mountains;

From mountain to hill they have wandered,

Forgetful of the fold.

7All have devoured them that found them:

Their enemies said "We are guiltless"–

For they had offended Jehovah,

The Fold, where righteousness dwelleth,

Jehovah, the Hope of their fathers.

8Flee ye from Babylon’s midst,

Get ye out from the land of Chaldea,

Like male goats before the flock.

9For behold! I will rouse against Babylon

A swarm of northern nations,

That shall set their array against her,

Until they have overcome her.

They shall shoot like a skilful warrior,

Who doth not return empty.

10Chaldea shall be despoiled,

All that spoil her shall have their fill.

11Though ye rejoice and be glad,

O ye that plunder My heritage;

Though ye gambol like calves in the grass,

And neigh like stalwart horses;

12Your mother shall deeply be shamed,

And abashed shall she be that bore you–

The hindermost of the nations,

A wilderness dry and desert,

13An empty desolation,

Because of the wrath of Jehovah.

Horror-struck, all that pass by her

Shall hiss at her many wounds.

14Set your array round Babylon,

All ye that bend the bow;

Shoot your arrows at her without stint,

She hath sinned against Jehovah.

15Encircle her with your war-cry,

Already she hath surrendered;

Her buttresses are fallen,

Her walls are torn down.

’Tis the vengeance of Jehovah:

Avenge yourselves upon her,

Do to her as she hath done.

16Root out of Babylon him that soweth,

And him that wieldeth the sickle in harvest.

To escape the murderous sword

Shall each set his face to his people,

And each to his own land flee.

17A scattered flock is Israel,

By lions driven away.

First, the king of Assyria devoured him,

And now at the last his bones

Have been gnawed by the king of Babylon.

18Therefore thus saith Jehovah of Hosts,

The God of Israel: Behold,

I will punish the king and the land of Babylon,

As I punished the king of Assyria.

19But Israel I will bring back to his homestead,

To pasture on Carmel and Bashan;

On Ephraim’s hills and in Gilead

He shall fare to his heart’s content.

20In those days, at that time, saith Jehovah,

Though Israel should be searched,

No guilt shall in her be found;

And no transgression in Judah

Shall any man discover:

For those whom I spare I will pardon.

21Get ye up to the land of Marrati,

And the people that dwell in Pekod;

Slay and destroy them utterly,

And do all I command, saith Jehovah.

22Hark! the alarum of war,

In Chaldea fell destruction.

How is she hewn and shattered–

The Hammer of all the earth.

What a horror among the nations

Is Babylon become!

24I snared thee, and thou hast been taken,

O Babylon, unaware:

Thou art discovered and caught,

Because thou hast challenged Jehovah.

25Jehovah has opened His armoury,

And brought forth His weapons of wrath;

For the Lord, Jehovah of Hosts,

Hath a work to do in Chaldea.

26Assail her from every quarter,

Lay her granaries bare;

Pile her up like heaps of corn,

And utterly detroy her;

Let nothing of her be left.

27Slay ye all her bullocks,

Down let them go to the slaughter.

Woe unto them: for their day is come,

The time of their visitation.

28Hark! how they flee, they escape

Away from the land of Babylon

To Zion, to tell how Jehovah,

Our God, hath avenged His Temple.

29Call against Babylon archers,

All those that bend the bow;

Camp round about against her,

Let none of them escape.

Requite her for all she hath done,

And deal with her as she dealt,

For her insolence towards Jehovah,

The Holy One of Israel.

30In her squares shall her young men lie fallen,

Her warriors all shall be silenced,

In that day, saith Jehovah of Hosts.

31See, Insolence, I will assail thee,

Saith the Lord, Jehovah of Hosts;

Because thy day is come,

The time of thy visitation.

32Then shall Insolence stumble and fall,

And none shall lift her up;

I will kindle a fire in her forest,

Which shall all her thickets devour.

33Thus saith Jehovah of Host:

The children of Israel are crushed,

And the children of Judah together;

Their captors hold them fast

And refuse to let them go.

34But mighty is their Redeemer;

Jehovah of Hosts is His name.

He will surely defend their cause,

That He may give rest to the earth,

And disquiet the people of Babylon.

35A sword upon the Chaldeans,

Upon all the people of Babylon,

Her princess and her wise men!

36A sword upon her diviners!

And then shall their folly be manifest.

A sword upon her warriors!

And then how dismayed shall they be!

37A sword on her horses and chariots,

And on all the strange folk in her midst!

And they shall become as women.

A sword upon her treasures!

And plundered shall they be.

38A sword upon her waters!

And dried up shall they be!

For she is a land of images,

And with hideous (idols) they make themselves mad.

39So wild cats and wolves shall dwell there,

And there shall ostriches dwell;

She shall not be re-peopled for ever,

Or dwelt in through all generations.

40As when Sodom was overthrown,

Gomorrah and her neighbours,

No man shall dwell therein,

No mortal shall sojourn there.

41See! a pople doth come from the north:

A great nation and many kings

From the ends of the earth bestir them

42Bow they wield and javelin–

Cruel and pitiless they,

With a voice like the roar of the sea,

And they upon horses come riding,

Arrayed, like one man, for the battle,

Against thee, O daughter of Babylon.

43The rumour of them hath come

To the ears of the king of Babylon,

And he is all unstrung;

Anguish hath seized upon him

And pangs as of woman in travail.

44Behold, as a lion comes up

To the pastures of sheep from the jungle of Jordan,

Even so will I chase them away in a moment,

And visit with vengeance their choicest rams.

Who is like Me? Who will challenge Me?

What shepherd is there that will face Me?

45Therefore hear what Jehovah hath planned against Babylon,

And purposed against those that dwell in Chaldea:

The young shepherd lads shall be dragged away,

And their homestead assuredly stricken with horror.

46At the shout, " She is taken," the earth doth tremble,

And over the world their cry shall be heard.

51Thus saith Jehovah:

Behold, I will raise against Babylon

And those that dwell in Chaldea

The spirit of a destroyer.

2I will send upon Babylon winnowers

Who shall winnow and empty her land :

Yea, woe shall beset her about

In the day of her disaster.

3Let the archer bend his bow,

Stand erect in his coat of mail;

Not one of her young men spare,

But destroy her whole host utterly.

4Let them fall down slain in the land of Chaldea,

And stabbed upon her streets.

5cFor their land is full of guilt

dAgainst the Holy One of Israel;

aBut Israel and Judah were not forsaken

bBy their God, Jehovah of Hosts.

6Fly from the midst of Babylon,

Save every man his life,

Lest her guilt bring destruction upon you.

’Tis Jehovah’s day of revenge,

With a recompense He is requiting her.

7A golden cup is Babylon,

That made the whole earth drunken:

The nations drank of her wine,

And therefore are they gone mad.

8On a sudden she falls, she is shattered,

Raise ye your wail over her;

Take balsam for her pain,

Peradventure she may be healed.

9We strove for Babylon’s healing,

But past all healing was she;

And so we now will leave her,

And each to his own land go;

For her judgment reacheth to heaven,

It mounts to the very clouds.

10Jehovah hath shown that the right was ours:

Come, let us tell in Zion

What Jehovah our God hath done.

11Polish the arrows,

Furbish the shields;

For Jehovah hath stirred up

The spirit of Media’s king.

He hath planned for the ruin of Babylon;

For such is Jehovah’s vengeance,

The vengeance for His Temple.

12Hoist ye the flag for the march

Against the walls of Babylon;

Strengthen the watch, set watchmen,

And get the ambush ready:

For Jehovah hath planned and accomplished

His treats on the people of Babylon.

13Thou that art rich in treasure,

And dwellest by many waters,

Thine end is come, thy web is spun.

14Jehovah of Hosts hath most solemnly sworn:

" I will fill thee with men who will swarm like locusts

And lift up against thee a shout of triumph.

15He created the earth by His power,

He established the world by His wisdom,

He stretched out the heavens by His skill.

16When He uttereth His voice,

The waters roar in the heavens,

And He causeth vapours to rise

From the uttermost ends of the earth.

Lightnings He made for the rain,

And the wind He brings out of His storehouses.

17How foolish is man with his knowledge!

The goldsmith is shamed by his image;

His idols are a delusion,

And breath in them is none.

18They are an empty mockery,

In the hour of their trial they shall perish.

19Not such is the Portion of Jacob,

His God is the Framer of all things;

Jehovah of Hosts is His name.

20My hammer of war hast thou been,

With thee I have shattered the nations.

With thee have I kingdoms destroyed,

21With thee horse and rider I shattered,

And chariot and charioteer;

22With thee man and woman I shattered,

With thee old and young have I shattered,

With thee youth and maid have I shattered,

23With thee flock and shepherd I shattered,

With thee team and ploughman I shattered,

With thee lord and viceroy I shattered.

24And Babylon I will requite,

And the people of all Chaldea,

Before your eyes, saith Jehovah,

For the wrong they have wrought upon Zion,

25Behold, I will assail thee,

Saith Jehovah, thou mount of destruction,

That destroyest all the earth;

I will stretch out My hand against thee,

And make thee a burning mountain.

26No cornerstones shalt thou furnish,

And no foundation stones;

But thou, saith Jehovah, shalt be

A perpetual desolation.

27Raise a banner upon the earth,

Blow the trumpet among the nations;

Prepare the nations against her,

Summon against her the kingdoms

Of Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz.

Muster your troops against her,

And bring up horses like locusts.

28Prepare the nations against her,

King, lords, and viceroys of Media,

And all the land that he ruleth.

29The earth is in tremor and anguish,

For Jehovah’s design against Babylon standeth–

To make the land of Babylon

An uninhabited waste.

30The warriors of Babylon cease fight,

They stay within their fastnesses;

Their strength is all dried up,

They are become like women.

Her dwelling-places are burned,

Her bars are shattered to pieces.

31Courier runs to meet courier,

And messenger to meet messenger,

To tell the king of Babylon

That on all sides his city is taken.

32The ferries have been seized,

The defences are burned with fire,

And the men of war are confounded.

33For thus saith Jehovah of Hosts,

The God of Israel:

The daughter of Babylon is now

Like a threshing-floor, when it is trodden;

But yet a little while–

And for her shall the harvest-time come.

34Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon,

Hath done me violent wrong:

He hath left me an empty vessel,

He hath swallowed me up like a monster;

He hath filled his maw with my dainties,

And then hath cast me out.

35Let her that inhabiteth Zion declare,

"The wrong done to me and my flesh be on Babylon!"

Let Jerusalem say, "My blood

Be on them that dwell in Chaldea!"

36Thus therefore saith Jehovah:

See! I will defend thy cause,

And I will take vengeance for thee;

Her sea I will dry up,

And her fountain I will wither.

37Babylon shall become a ruin,

A place that jackals haunt,

A place of horror and hissing,

A place where no man dwelleth.

38They roar like young lions together,

They growl like lions’ whelps;

39I will give them the banquet they crave for,

And make them drunk, that they swoon,

And sleep their eternal sleep,

To awake nevermore, saith Jehovah.

40I will bring them down to the slaughter,

Like the lambs or rams with goats.

41How is Sheshach seized and taken,

That was famous all over the world!

With what horror all the nations

Are smitten at Babylon’s fate!

42The sea came up upon Babylon,

’Neath the roar of her billows she sank.

43Her cities were turned to a waste,

A dry and desert land:

In then shall no man dwell,

No mortal shall ever pass through them.

44I will punish Bel in Babylon,

And make him disgorge what he swallowed.

No more shall the nations stream to him;

The wall of Babylon is fallen.

45Forth from her midst, My people,

Save every man his life

From the glowing wrath of Jehovah.

46See that ye faint not nor fear

At the rumours ye hear in the land,

When one year one rumour cometh,

And in the next another,

And tyrant after tyrant

Doeth violence in the earth.

47See therefore, the days are coming,

When I will punish the idols of Babylon,

And put her whole land to shame,

And all shall fall slain in the midst of her.

48The heavens shall rejoice over Babylon,

The earth, and all therein;

For spoilers shall come from the north

And assail her, saith Jehovah.

49Yes, Babylon must fall

For Israel’s sons that are slain,

As for Babylon are fallen

The slain of all the earth.

50Ye that the sword have escaped,

Depart ye, stand not still:

Remember Jehovah afar,

And bethink ye of Jerusalem.

51"We are shamed, we have heard a reproach,

And confusion hath covered our faces;

For strangers are entered in

To the Holy House of Jehovah."

52See therefore, the days are coming

When her images I will punish,

And all through her land shall the wounded groan.

53Though Babylon mounted to heaven,

And there in the heights built her fortress,

Yet from me should despoilers come

And assail her, saith Jehovah.

54Hark! ’tis a shriek from Babylon,

Fell destruction in Chaldea,

55For Jehovah despoileth Babylon,

He stilleth her mighty voice.

They shall roar like many waters,

And utter their clamorous din;

56For the spoiler is come upon Babylon;

Her mighty men are taken,

Their bows are broken in pieces:

For Jehovah is a God of requitals,

And He will repay without fail.

57Her princes I will make drunken,

Her wise men and her governors,

Her viceroys and her warriors;

They shall sleep their eternal sleep,

To awake nevermore, saith the King,

Whose name is Jehovah of Hosts.

58Thus saith Jehovah of Hosts:

Babylon’s broad wall shall be razed to the ground,

And her towering gates in the fire shall be burned:

Thus endeth the toil of the peoples in nothing,

The labour of nations is doomed to the flames.

Jeremiah’s Message to Babylon, Symbolic of her Doom

59The instructions given by Jeremiah the prophet to Seraiah, the son of Neriah, the son of Mahseiah, who acted as quester-master, when he accompanied Zedekiah the king of Judah to Babylon in the fourth Year of his reign. 60Now Jeremiah had recorded on a scroll all the misery that was to come upon Babylon; 61and he said to Seraiah, "When you arrive at Babylon, see that you read all these words, 62and say: ’Thine, O Jehovah, are these words; it is Thou that hast decreed the destruction of this place – that never again shall it be a home for man or beast, but that it shall remain a desolation for ever.’ 63When you have finished reading this scroll, tie a stone to it and throw it into the middle of the Euphrates, with the words: 64’Thus shall Babylon sink, to rise no more, because of all the misery that I shall bring upon her.’"

Here end the words of Jeremiah.

The Capture of Jerusalem and the Exile of the People

52Zedekiah, who was twenty-one years of age when he came to the throne, reigned for eleven years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Hamutal, a daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah. 2His actions were offensive to Jehovah, exactly as Jehoiakim’s had been, 3and Jehovah was so angry with Jerusalem and Judah that He cast them out of His sight; and Zedekiah revolted against the king of Babylon.

4On the tenth day of the tenth month of the ninth year of his reign Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, came with all his forces to storm Jerusalem. They pitched their camp against it, and surrounded it with a siege-wall; 5so the city was under siege till the eleventh year of king Zedekiah. 6In the ninth day of the fourth month – the famine in the city being so severe that there was no bread for the people of the land – 7a breach was made in the city, and all the soldiers took to flight, leaving the city during the night by way of the gate between the two walls by the royal garden– the city being surrounded by the Chaldeans – and they made for the Jordan valley. 8But the Chaldean army pursued the king and overtook him in the steppes of Jericho, all his own army having left him and scattered. 9They seized the king and brought him to the king of Babylon who was at Riblah in the district of Hamath; and he pronounced judgment upon him. 10At Riblah the king of Babylon slew the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes, and all the princes of Judah did he also slay; he then put out Zedekiah’s eyes, 11and having loaded him with chains, he carried him to Babylon, where he kept him in the House of Discipline till the day of his death.

12On the tenth day of the fifth month of the nineteenth year of king Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, Nebuzaradan the commander of the guard, one of the ministers of the king of Babylon, entered Jerusalem; 13and he proceeded to burn the Temple, the palace, and indeed every house in Jerusalem. 14All the walls that encircled Jerusalem were demolished by the Chaldean forces that were under the commander of the guard. 15The rest of the people left in the city, and the deserters who had gone over the king of Babylon, and those that were left of the artificers, were carried into exile by Nebuzaradan the commander of the guard. 16Some of the poorest of the country people were left by Nebuzaradan, the commander of the guard, to act as vine-dressers and ploughmen.

17The bronze pillars of the Temple, and the stands, and the bronze sea that was in the Temple, were broken in pieces by the Chaldeans, and all the bronze of them was taken to Babylon. 18They also took the pots and the shovels and the snuffers and the basons and the pans and all the bronze vessels used in the (Temple) service. 19The goblets and the snuff-dishes (for the lamps) and the basons and the pots and the lamp-stands and the pans and the libation bowls – whatever was of gold or silver respectively – were removed by the commander of the guard: – 20the pillars, two; the sea one; and the bronze bulls that supported the sea, twelve; and the stands which King Solomon had made for the Temple, ten; – vessels the mass of whose bronze was beyond weight. 21Each of the pillars was twenty-seven feet in height, eighteen feet in circumference, three inches in thickness, and hollow within. 22It was surmounted by a bronze capital, seven feet and a half in height, round which ran network and pomegranates of bronze throughout; the (network and) pomegranate adorment of both pillars was alike. 23On the network round about there were a hundred pomegranates in all, of which ninety-six were visible.

24The commander of the guard also took Seraiah the chief priest, and Zephaniah the second priest, and the three keepers of the threshold. 25He took also from the city a eunuch who had charge of the soldiers, and seven of the King’s Privy Councillors who were found in the city, and the secretary of the commander-in-chief, who kept the army register, and sixty of the people of the land whom he found within the city. 26Having seized them, Nebuzaradan, the commander of the guard, brought them to Riblah to the king of Babylon; 27and the king of Babylon put them to death at Riblah in the district of Hamath. Thus was Judah carried from her own land into exile.

28These are the people whom Nebuchadnezzar carried into exile; in the seventeenth year (of his reign) three thousand and twenty-three Jews; 29in the eighteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar, eight hundred and thirty-two persons from Jerusalem; 30in the twenty-third year of Nebuchadnezzar Nebuzaradan the commander of the guard carried seven hundred and forty-five Jews into exile: – in all, four thousand six hundred.

A Gleam of Light in the Darkness of Exile

31In the thirty seventh year of the exile of Jehoiachin, king of Judah, in the twenty-fifth day of the twelfth month, Evil-merodach, in the year of his accession to the throne of Babylon, restored Jehoiachin, king of Judah, to favour, liberated him from prison, 32engaged him in friendly intercourse, and gave him precedence over the (other) kings who were (detained) with him in Babylon. 33He also changed his prison dress, and he dined at the royal table to the very end of his life. 34A perpetual allowance, which was disbursed daily, was assigned him by the king of Babylon, and he continued to enjoy it all his life up to the day that he died.