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OET-RV by cross-referenced section PSA 105:1

PSA 105:1–105:45 ©

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

Songs 105/The sign/miracle made by God

Psa 105:1–45

1Ch 16:8–22

105:0 The sign/miracle made by God

(1 Chr. 16:8-22)





























































Collected OET-RV cross-references

Gen 12:7:

7Then Yahweh came to Abram and told him, “I’ll give this land to your descendants.” So Abram built an altar there and made a burnt offering to Yahweh, who had appeared to him.[ref]

12:7: Acts 7:5; Gal 3:16.


8I’ll give this land that you’re staying in—the entire region of Canaan—to you and your descendants as a permanent possession, and I’ll be their God.”[ref]

17:8: Acts 7:5.

Gen 26:3:

3Stay as a guest in this region, and I’ll be with you and bless you, because I’ll give all this land to you and to your descendants, and I’ll confirm the oath that I made to your father Abraham.[ref]

26:3-4: Gen 22:16-18.

Gen 28:13:

13And look, Yahweh was standing above it and he said, “I am Yahweh, the God of Abraham your grandfather and the God of Yitshak. I will give the land that you are lying on to you and to your descendants[ref]

28:13: Gen 13:14-15.

Gen 20:3-7:

3But God came to Abimelech in a dream in the night and told him, “Listen, you’re as good as dead because of that woman you took because she is married to a husband.”

4Now Abimelech hadn’t gone near to her, so he said, “My master, would you destroy a nation even though it’s innocent? 5Didn’t Abraham himself tell me that she was his sister? And she herself also said that he was her brother. I did this with a clear conscience and with clean hands.”

6Then God said to him in the dream, “Yes, I know that you did this with a clear conscience and indeed I kept you from sinning against me. I didn’t allow you to touch her for that reason. 7So now, return that man’s wife because he’s a prophet, and he’ll pray for you and you’ll live. But if you don’t return her, be certain that you and all your people will surely die.”

Gen 41:53-57:

53Then the seven years of plenty in Egypt came to an end 54and the seven years of famine started, just as Yosef had said. The famine covered the entire wider region, but it was different in Egypt.[ref] 55All the land of Egypt became famished, and the people cried to the king for food, so Far’oh said to all the Egyptians, “Go to Yosef and do whatever he tells you.”[ref] 56The famine was right across the country, so Yosef opened all the grain stores and sold grain to the Egyptians. But the famine in Egypt was really severe. 57Then people from much further away started coming to Egypt to buy grain from Yosef, because the famine was severe in the entire wider region.

41:54: Acts 7:11.

41:55: Yhn 2:5.

Gen 37:28:

28So when the Midianite traders came past, the brothers pulled Yosef up and lifted him out of the pit and sold him to the Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver. Then the traders took Yosef onwards with them to Mitsrayim.[ref]

37:28: Acts 7:9.


5But don’t be upset now or troubled that you sold me here, because it was God who sent me ahead of you so that lives would be saved.

Gen 39:20–40:23:

20He took him and threw him into the prison built for the king’s prisoners. 21But Yahweh was with Yosef and was kind to him and caused the prison warden to be pleased with him,[ref] 22so the warden put him in charge of all the other prisoners and Yosef ended up being in charge of everything that happened inside. 23Then the warden didn’t need to concern himself with anything that was going on because Yahweh was with Yosef and helped him succeed in everything he did.

40:0 Yosef explains the dreams of two prisoners

40Sometime after that the Egyptian king’s cupbearer and baker sinned against their master, also known as Far’oh. 2Far’oh was angry at those two officials 3and he put them in the custody of the chief of the guards—in the prison where Yosef was also being held. 4There the chief of the guards assigned Yosef to serve them.

After they’d been in custody for quite some time, 5the king’s cupbearer and baker in prison each had separate dreams on the same night, and each man’s dream had its own interpretation. 6The next morning, Yosef came to them, and wow, they were worried, 7so he asked the two former officials of Far’oh, “Why are you looking so upset today?”

8“We each had a dream last night,” they answered, “but there’s no one here who can tell us what our dreams mean.”

God is the only one who gives someone the ability to interpret the meaning of dreams,” Yosef replied. “Please tell me what you dreamed.”

9Then the chief of the cupbearers went first and told his dream to Yosef, “Listen, in my dream there was a grapevine in front of me 10with three branches on it. Then as soon as the buds appeared on the branches, its blossoms came out straight away and its clusters ripened into grapes. 11Then I was holding Far’oh’s cup and I took the grapes and squeezed them into it and I gave the cup to Far’oh.”

12“This is the interpretation,” Yosef responded. “The three branches represent three days. 13Within three days, Far’oh will display you publicly and then restore you to your position. Then you’ll place Far’oh’s cup into his hand, just like you used to before when you were his cupbearer. 14But when it all goes well for you, if you remember me then please be kind and mention me to Far’oh to get me out of this prison, 15because indeed I was trafficked from the land of the Hebrews. And even here, I didn’t do anything to deserve being held in this pit.”

16Now when the chief of the bakers saw that this first dream was interpreted so favourably, he told Yosef, “I also was in my dream, and listen, there were three baskets of white bread on my head. 17In the top basket there were various kinds of food for Far’ohbaker’s goods—but the birds were eating them out of the basket on my head.” 18“This is the interpretation,” Yosef responded. “The three baskets are three days. 19Within three days, Far’oh will display you publicly and then impale you on a pole, and the birds will eat your flesh off your bones.”

20Then three days later, it was Far’oh’s birthday and he held a feast for all his officials and he got the chief of the cupbearers and the chief of the bakers brought in to stand publicly in the middle of everyone. 21Then he restored the chief of the cupbearers to his position, and the man carried the cup across to Far’oh, 22but he had the chief of the bakers executed, just like Yosef had described in the interpretation of the dream. 23However, the chief of the cupbearers completely forgot about Yosef.

39:21: Acts 7:9.

Gen 41:14:

14So Far’oh sent for Yosef, and they quickly brought him in from the pit. When he’d shaved and changed his clothes, he was brought in to the king

Gen 41:39-41:

39Then he told Yosef, “Since God has shown you all this, there’s no one as discerning and wise as you. 40You’ll be over my household, and all my people will obey your every word. Only I on the throne will be greater than you.”[ref] 41Then he added, “See, I’ve put you over all the entire country.”

41:40: Acts 7:10.

Gen 46:6:

6They had also brought along all their livestock and their possessions that they had acquired in Canaan. Then they arrived in Egypt—Yacob and all of his offspring with him:[ref]

46:6: Acts 7:15.

Gen 47:11:

11So Yosef gave his father and his brothers some of the best land in Egypt and helped them settle there—in the Rameses district just as Far’oh had commanded.

Exo 3:1–4:17:

3:1 God calls Mosheh from a burning bush

3One time Mosheh (Moses) was shepherding the flock of his father-in-law Yetro (or Jethro, the priest at Midian), and he led the flock beyond the wilderness and came to a hill. (This was later known as the mountain of God at Horeb). 2While he was there. Yahweh’s messenger appeared to him in a flame coming from the middle of a bush, and as Mosheh looked, to his surprise he saw that the bush was burning in the fire yet not actually being burnt up.[ref] 3“I’ve got to go and see this amazing sight,” Mosheh said to himself. “How come the bush isn’t burning up?”

4When Yahweh saw that he’d left his path in order to look, God called to him from the middle of the bush, “Mosheh, Mosheh.”

“I’m here,” he replied.

5“Don’t come any closer,” Yahweh said. “Take off your sandals because the place where you’e standing is HOLY ground. 6I’m the God of your father and the God of Abraham, Yitshak, and Yacob.” So Mosheh covered hid his face because he was scared to look at God.

7“I’ve certainly noticed the suffering of my people in Egypt,” Yahweh continued, “I’ve heard their cries as the slave drivers oppress them—I’m unmistakingly aware of their pain. 8So I’ve come down to set them free from Egyptian control and to bring them up from there to a good and wide land—a land flowing with milk and honey. It’s currently the place of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Yebusites. 9Yes, the cry of the Israelis has now reached me and what’s more, I’ve seen how much the Egyptians are oppressing them. 10So go now and I’ll send you to Far’oh (Pharaoh) and bring my people—Yisra’el’s descendants—out from Egypt.”

11“Who am I, that I should go to Far’oh,” Mosheh asked God, “and that I should be the one to bring out the Israelis out from Egypt?”

12“I’ll certainly be with you,” God replied, “and this will be your sign so that you’ll know that I have sent you: when you bring the people out from Egypt, you all will serve God on this very hill.”

13But listen,” Mosheh told God, “If I’m about to go to the Israelis and if I told them, ‘The God of your ancestors has sent me to you.’ then they’d ask me, ‘Oh yeah, what’s his name?’ then what would I tell them?”[ref]

14“I AM WHO I AM,” God told Mosheh. “You’ll tell them this: ‘I AM sent me to you.’ ”[ref] 15Then he continued, “This is what you need to tell the Israelis: ‘Yahweh, the God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, Yitshak, and Yacob, sent me to you. This is my name forever, and this is my memorial from generation to generation.’ 16Go and gather the Israeli elders, and tell them, ‘Yahweh, the God of your ancestors, appeared to me, the God of Abraham, Yitshak, and Yacob, to say, “I’ve certainly noticed you all and how you’re all being treated in Egypt, 17and I’ve promised to take you all from your mistreatment in Egypt, away to the land where the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and the Yebusites are currently living—to a land flowing with milk and honey.” ’

18Then the people will listen to what you tell them, and you and the Israeli elders will go to the Egyptian king and you’ll all tell him, ‘Yahweh, the God of the Hebrews, has met with us. So now, please let us go three days’ journey into the wilderness, so we can sacrifice to Yahweh, our God.’ 19But I know that the Egyptian king won’t let you go until he’s forced to. 20So I will use force and I’ll strike Egypt with several supernatural acts, and after those, he’ll let you all go.

21Then I’ll make the Egyptian people favour you all in such a way that when you go, you won’t leave empty-handed.[ref] 22For example, an Israeli woman will ask her Egyptian neighbour (or from someone staying where she lives) for gold and silver items and for clothing. Then you’ll put them on your sons and daughters, and in this way you’ll all plunder the Egyptians.”

4:0 God gives Mosheh three miracles

4But listen,” Mosheh responded, “they won’t believe me and won’t listen to what I say, because they’ll say, ‘Yahweh never showed himself to you.’ ” 2Well, what’s that in your hand?” Yahweh asked.

My shepherd’s staff,” he said. 3“Throw it on the ground,” Yahweh said. So Mosheh he threw it onto the ground and it became a snake, and he quickly moved back away from it. 4“Pick it up by its tail.” Yahweh told him. So Mosheh picked it up by the tail and it became a staff in his hand again. 5“That’s so that they’ll believe that I appeared to you: Yahweh—the God of their ancestors—the God of Abraham, Yitshak, and Yacob.”

6Now put your hand on your chest—inside your robe.” Yahweh added. So Mosheh did that, and when he pulled it out again, his hand had gone totally white with disease. 7Then Yahweh said, “Now, put your hand back in again.” So Mosheh did it again, and when he pulled it out, wow, it had returned to normal. 8So, if they don’t believe you, and if the first miracle doesn’t convince them, then they’ll believe that second miracle. 9And then, even if they don’t believe those two miracles and won’t believe what you tell them, then you should take some water from the river and pour it onto the dry land. Then the water which came from the river will turn into blood there on the dry land.”

10“Oh my master,” Mosheh responded, “I’m not very good at speaking to others—I never have been and still aren’t. I seem to get tongue-tied easily.”

11“Who was it that made people’s mouths?” Yahweh said. “Who makes someone mute or deaf, or seeing or blind? Isn’t it me, Yahweh? 12So get going now, and I’ll look after your mouth and show you what you to say.”

13But Mosheh replied, “Oh master, please send someone else.”

14Then Yahweh got angry with Mosheh and told him, “Isn’t Aharon (Aaron) a fellow Levite and your brother? I know that he can speak well, and what’s more, he’ll come from Egypt to meet you, and when he does, he’ll be very happy. 15He’ll become your speaker and you’ll be able to talk to him and tell him what to say. I’ll be helping both of you speak and I’ll teach you both what you should do. 16So in that way, he’ll be like a mouth for you and speak to the people for you, and you’ll be like God to him. 17In addition, you’ll have that staff with you in order to do those miracles.”

3:2-10: Acts 7:30-34.

3:13: Exo 6:2-3.

3:14: Rev 1:4,8.

3:21-22: Exo 12:35-36.

Exo 10:21-23:

10:21 Plague 9: Darkness

21Then Yahweh told Mosheh, “Raise your hand up toward the sky and let it become dark over all Egypt—darkness that can be felt.” 22So Mosheh stretched his hand out towards the sky, and a thick darkness was in all Egypt for three days.[ref] 23No one could see anyone else, and for three days no one was able to go anywhere, yet there was light in the region where the Israelis lived.

10:22: Psa 105:28; Rev 16:10.

Exo 7:17-21:

17so Yahweh says, “Now you will know that I am Yahweh because of this: See, I’m about to use my staff to strike the water in the Nile and it will turn to blood[ref] 18and the fish in the river will die and the river will stink. Then your people will gag to drink the water from the river.” ’

19“Tell Aharon to take his staff and stretch out his hand over the waters of Egypt: over their streams, their canals, and their pools, and over every reservoir of their water, and the water will become blood. Then there’ll be blood in the entire country—even in wooden or stone containers of water.”

20So And Mosheh and Aharon did exactly what Yahweh had commanded: Aharon raised the staff and struck the river, while Far’oh and his servants watched, and the entire river turned to blood. 21Then the fish in the river died and the river stank, so the Egyptians couldn’t drink water from the river, and the blood was all over Egypt.

7:17: Rev 16:4.

Exo 8:1-6:

8and he said to Mosheh, “Go to Far’oh and tell him, ‘Yahweh says that you must let my people go so they can serve me.[fn] 2But if you refuse to let them go, then look, I’m about to pound your entire territory with frogs. 3The frogs will swarm in the river, then they’ll climb out and go into your house and in your bedroom and onto your bed. They’ll go into your servants’ houses and among your people, and in your cooking bowls and into your ovens. 4They’ll climb on you and on your people and on all your servants.’ ”

5Then Yahweh said to Mosheh, “Tell Aharon: Hold your staff out over the canals, the streams, and the pools, and cause the frogs to come up onto the land of Egypt.” 6So Aharon reached out his hand over the Egyptian water supplies and frogs came up and covered the land of Egypt.

8:1 This is 7:26 in some versifications (and the following three verses are 7:27, 28, & 29).

Exo 8:20-24:

8:20 Plague 4: The swarm

20Then Yahweh said to Mosheh, “Get up early in the morning and when you see Far’oh coming down to the river, station yourself in front of him and tell him, ‘Yahweh saw that you must let my people go so they can serve me. 21Certainly if you don’t release my people immediately, then take note: I’m about to send the swarm[fn] at you and your servants and at your people and into your houses. The Egyptians’ houses will be full of the swarm and even the ground that they’re on. 22But when it happens, I’ll distinguish the Goshen region where my people live so the swarm won’t be there, so that you’ll be able to see that I’m Yahweh and I’m right here in this land. 23This sign will happen tomorrow and you’ll see how I plan to set my people free from your people.’ ” 24So Yahweh did what he’d said and a heavy swarm came to Far’oh’s house and the houses of his servants and all the Egyptians—the country was ruined by the arrival of the swarm.

8:21 The Hebrew word ‘עָרֹב’ (ˊārov) probably meaning ‘mixture’ is sometimes translated as ‘swarm’. This plague could have been anything from flies to other insects (hornets or mosquitoes???) all the way to a mixture of wild animals.

Exo 8:16-17:

8:16 Plague 3: Lice

16Then Yahweh said to Mosheh, “Tell Aharon: Stretch out your staff and strike the dust on the ground, and it will turn into lice[fn] all over Egypt.” 17So Aharon held out his staff and struck the dust with it, and the dust became lice on the people and on the animals. All over Egypt, the dust turned into lice

8:16 The Hebrew word ‘כֵּן/כִּנִּם’ (kēn/kinnim) could refer to either lice, gnats, or fleas. However, unlike lice, gnats don’t usually reside on people and animals (which seems to be implied by the text).

Exo 9:22-25:

22“Raise your arm up toward the sky,” Yahweh told Mosheh, “and hail will strike all over Egypt—on the people and animals and on every plant in the Egyptian countryside.” 23So Mosheh lifted his staff to the sky, and Yahweh sent thunder and hail, and lightning caused fires on the land, and so Yahweh rained hail down onto Egypt. 24There was hail, and also fire coming down in the middle of the hail. It was very heavy, such as had never been in all of Egypt since it became a nation.[ref] 25The hail struck everything in Egypt—everything that was in the countryside, from people to animals. It also struck every plant and broke every tree out in the countryside.

9:24: Rev 8:7; 16:21.

Exo 10:12-15:

12Then Yahweh told Mosheh, “Extend your hand over Egypt and let the locusts rise up over the land, and let them devour all the plants—everything which the hail had spared.” 13So Mosheh stretched his staff out over Egypt, and Yahweh sent an east wind over the land all that day and all night. Then morning came, and the east wind had brought the locusts. 14The locusts covered across all the land of Egypt and came to rest everywhere within the country’s borders. They were extremely numerous—never before were there so many locusts, and it’ll never be repeated again.[ref] 15The cloud of locusts blocked the sun and prevented people from being able to see very far. They devoured all the plants on the land and all of the fruit on the trees that the hail had left, and no piece of greenery remained on any tree or plant in the entire Egyptian countryside.

10:14-15: Rev 9:2-3.

Exo 12:29:

12:29 The death of all the oldest male offspring

29Then, in the middle of the night, Yahweh struck all the oldest males in Egypt, from the oldest son of Far’oh who sat on his throne, to the firstborn of the prisoner in the dungeon and all oldest male offspring of the animals.[ref]

12:29: Exo 4:22-23.

Exo 12:33-36:

33The Egyptians urged the Israelis, hurrying to let them go from the land because they said, “We’re all dying.”

34So the people carried their bread dough before it could rise. Their bread-making bowls were wrapped in their clothes on their shoulders.

35The Israelis did everything that Mosheh had instructed them, including asking for items of gold and silver, and clothing from the Egyptians.[ref] 36Yahweh gave the people favour in the eyes of the Egyptians, so by their requests, they were able to strip the Egyptians of their wealth.

12:35-36: Exo 3:21-22.

Exo 13:21-22:

21During the day, Yahweh went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to lead them on the way, and at nighttime, he went in a pillar of fire to be light to them, so they could travel both in the daytime and at night. 22The daytime pillar of cloud and the nighttime pillar of fire didn’t ever leave their place in front of the people.

Exo 16:2-15:

2and all the Israelis murmured against Mosheh and Aharon there in the wilderness, 3saying, “If only Yahweh had killed us in Egypt, where we’d be sitting by a pot of meat eating bread until we’re full, because you’ve brought us out into this wilderness to starve us all to death.”

4Then Yahweh told Mosheh, “Just watch me make food rain down from the sky for you all. Then the people will be able to go out every day and gather enough for that day so that I can test them: Will they obey my law or not?[ref] 5But every Friday they can gather and prepare twice as much as what they gather on the other days.”

6So Mosheh and Aharon told all the Israelis, “This evening you’ll all know that Yahweh was the one who brought you out from Egypt. 7In the morning you’ll all see Yahweh’s greatness as he’s heard your murmurings against him. I mean, who are we that you’d murmur against us?” 8Then Mosheh continued, “So Yahweh will give you all meat to eat in the evening and enough bread in the morning to make you all full. Yes, Yahweh has heard your murmurings against him. As for us, we’re insignificant. Your murmuring isn’t against us, but against Yahweh.”

9Then Mosheh told Aharon, “Summon everyone to come and face Yahweh, because he’s heard their murmurings.” 10And so while Aharon spoke to all the Israelis, they turned toward the wilderness, and wow, Yahweh’s dazzling brightness appeared in the cloud! 11Then Yahweh told Mosheh, 12“I’ve heard the murmurings of the Israelis. Speak to them saying, ‘In the evenings, you’ll all eat meat, and in the mornings you’ll all be satisfied with bread. Then you’ll all know that I’m your God, Yahweh.’ ”

13And so that evening, quail appeared and covered the camp. And in the morning, something like dew was lying all around the camp, 14and when it evaporated, wow, it left behind thin flakes—thin like frost on the ground there in the wilderness. 15When the Israelis saw it, they asked each other, ‘What is it?’ because they didn’t know what it was.

And Mosheh told them, “It’s the food that Yahweh has given you all to eat.[ref]

16:4: Yhn 6:31.

16:15: 1Cor 10:3.

Exo 17:1-7:

17:1 God gives water from a rock

(Num. 20:1-13)

17Then all the Israelis moved on from Siyn in the wilderness, travelling following Yahweh’s instructions. They camped at Refidim but there was no water for the people to drink.[ref] 2So the people argued with Mosheh again, saying, “Give us water to drink!”

“Why are you all quarrelling with me?” Mosheh answered. “Why are you all testing Yahweh?”

3But the people were very thirsty there and they murmured against Mosheh, so he demanded, “Is this why you brought us out of Egypt? To kill me and my sons and my cattle with thirst?” ???

4Mosheh cried out to Yahweh, asking, “What should I do for these people? It won’t take much more and they’ll stone me.”

5“Walk on ahead of the people,” Yahweh told Mosheh, “and take some of the Israeli elders with you, and your staff—the one which you struck the river with. Take it in your hand and go. 6Watch me. I will stand in front of you there on the rock at Horeb (Mt. Sinai). Then you will strike the rock and water will come out of it, and the people will drink.” So Mosheh did that while the Israeli elders watched.

7Mosheh named that place both ‘Massah’ (which means ‘testing’) and ‘Meribah’ (which means ‘complaining’), because of the conflict among the Israelis and because of how they tested of Yahweh by saying, ‘Is Yahweh among us or not?’

17:1-7: Num 20:2-13.

Num 20:2-13:






20:2-13: Exo 17:1-7.

Josh 11:16-23:

11:16 The pegkaangken of Yehoshua of all land




11:20: Deu 7:16.

Gen 26:3:

3Stay as a guest in this region, and I’ll be with you and bless you, because I’ll give all this land to you and to your descendants, and I’ll confirm the oath that I made to your father Abraham.[ref]

26:3-4: Gen 22:16-18.

Gen 28:13:

13And look, Yahweh was standing above it and he said, “I am Yahweh, the God of Abraham your grandfather and the God of Yitshak. I will give the land that you are lying on to you and to your descendants[ref]

28:13: Gen 13:14-15.

Gen 20:3-7:

3But God came to Abimelech in a dream in the night and told him, “Listen, you’re as good as dead because of that woman you took because she is married to a husband.”

4Now Abimelech hadn’t gone near to her, so he said, “My master, would you destroy a nation even though it’s innocent? 5Didn’t Abraham himself tell me that she was his sister? And she herself also said that he was her brother. I did this with a clear conscience and with clean hands.”

6Then God said to him in the dream, “Yes, I know that you did this with a clear conscience and indeed I kept you from sinning against me. I didn’t allow you to touch her for that reason. 7So now, return that man’s wife because he’s a prophet, and he’ll pray for you and you’ll live. But if you don’t return her, be certain that you and all your people will surely die.”