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Psa 81 V1V2V3V4V6V7V8V9V10V11V12V13V14V15V16

Parallel PSA 81:5

Note: This view shows ‘verses’ which are not natural language units and hence sometimes only part of a sentence will be visible. This view is only designed for doing comparisons of different translations. Click on any Bible version abbreviation to see the verse in more of its context. The OET segments on this page are still very early looks into the unfinished texts of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check these texts in advance before using in public.

BI Psa 81:5 ©

Text critical issues=none Clarity of original=clearImportance=normal(All still tentative.)


OET-LV[fn] a_transcript in/on/at/with_Yōşēf established_it in_his/its_coming_out on the_land of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) a_language (of)_[which]_not I_knew I_heard.

81:6 Note: KJB: Ps.81.5

UHB6 עֵ֤דוּת ׀ בִּֽ⁠יה֘וֹסֵ֤ף שָׂמ֗⁠וֹ בְּ֭⁠צֵאת⁠וֹ עַל־אֶ֣רֶץ מִצְרָ֑יִם שְׂפַ֖ת לֹא־יָדַ֣עְתִּי אֶשְׁמָֽע׃
   (6 ˊēdūt bi⁠yhōşēf sām⁠ō bə⁠ʦēʼt⁠ō ˊal-ʼereʦ miʦrāyim səfat loʼ-yādaˊtī ʼeshmāˊ.)

Key: khaki:verbs, red:negative.
Note: Automatic aligning of the OET-RV to the LV is done by some temporary software, hence the OET-RV alignments are incomplete (and may occasionally be wrong).

ULTHe issued it as a regulation in Joseph
 ⇔ when he went against the land of Egypt,
 ⇔ where I heard a voice that I did not recognize:

USTHe made it a law at the time when God led the descendants of Joseph out of the land of Egypt.
 ⇔ I heard a voice I did not recognize, and it said:

BSBHe ordained it as a testimony for Joseph [fn]
 ⇔ when he went out over the land of Egypt,
 ⇔ where I heard an unfamiliar language:

81:5 Or in Joseph

OEBa witness he set up in Joseph,
 ⇔ when he marched against Egypt’s land,
 ⇔ where he heard an unknown voice say:

WEBHe appointed it in Joseph for a covenant,
 ⇔ when he went out over the land of Egypt,
 ⇔ I heard a language that I didn’t know.

WMB (Same as above)

NETHe decreed it as a regulation in Joseph,
 ⇔ when he attacked the land of Egypt.
 ⇔ I heard a voice I did not recognize.

LSVHe has placed it—a testimony on Joseph,
In his going forth over the land of Egypt. A lip, I have not known—I hear.

FBVGod made this statute for Joseph when he opposed the land of Egypt. I heard a voice I didn't know, saying:[fn]

81:5 Meaning unclear. Literally, “I hear lips I do not know.”

T4THe commanded us Israeli people to obey it when he punished the people of Egypt.
 ⇔ I heard someone [MTY] whose voice I did not recognize, saying,

LEB• [fn] in Joseph when he went out against the land of Egypt, •  where I heard a language I did not know.[fn]

?:? Hebrew “testimony” or “witness”

?:? The meaning of this line is uncertain. The above is based on perhaps a similar thought in Psa 114:1

BBEHe gave it to Joseph as a witness, when he went out over the land of Egypt; then the words of a strange tongue were sounding in my ears.

Moffhe made it a law in Joseph,
 ⇔ on leaving Egypt’s land.
 ⇔ I heard one whom I knew not, saying:

JPS(81-6) He appointed it in Joseph for a testimony, when He went forth against the land of Egypt. The speech of one that I knew not did I hear:

ASVHe appointed it in Joseph for a testimony,
 ⇔ When he went out over the land of Egypt,
 ⇔ Where I heard a language that I knew not.

DRAThey have not known nor understood: they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth shall be moved.

YLTA testimony on Joseph He hath placed it, In his going forth over the land of Egypt. A lip, I have not known — I hear.

DrbyHe ordained it in Joseph [for] a testimony, when he went forth over the land of Egypt, [where] I heard a language that I knew not.

RVHe appointed it in Joseph for testimony, when he went out over the land of Egypt: where I heard a language that I knew not.

WbstrThis he ordained in Joseph for a testimony, when he went out through the land of Egypt: where I heard a language that I understood not.

KJB-1769This he ordained in Joseph for a testimony, when he went out through the land of Egypt: where I heard a language that I understood not.[fn]

81.5 through: or, against

KJB-1611[fn]This he ordained in Ioseph for a testimonie, when he went out through the land of Egypt: where I heard a language, that I vnderstood not.
   (This he ordained in Yoseph for a testimonie, when he went out through the land of Egypt: where I heard a language, that I understood not.)

81:5 Or, against.

BshpsThis he ordayned in Ioseph for a testimonie, when he came out of the lande of Egypt: where I hearde a tongue whiche I knewe not.
   (This he ordained in Yoseph for a testimonie, when he came out of the land of Egypt: where I heard a tongue which I knew not.)

GnvaHee set this in Ioseph for a testimonie, when hee came out of the land of Egypt, where I heard a language, that I vnderstoode not.
   (He set this in Yoseph for a testimonie, when he came out of the land of Egypt, where I heard a language, that I understood not.)

CvdlThis he ordened in Ioseph for a testimony, when he came out of Egipte, & had herde a strauge laguage.
   (This he ordened in Yoseph for a testimony, when he came out of Egypt, and had herde a strauge laguage.)

WycThei knewen not, nether vndirstoden, thei goen in derknessis; alle the foundementis of erthe schulen be moued.
   (They knew not, neither undirstoden, they goen in darkness; all the foundementis of earth should be moved.)

LuthDenn solches ist eine Weise in Israel und ein Recht des Gottes Jakobs.
   (Because such is one Weise in Israel and a Recht the God’s Yakobs.)

ClVgNescierunt, neque intellexerunt; in tenebris ambulant: movebuntur omnia fundamenta terræ.[fn]
   (Nescierunt, neque intellexerunt; in darkness ambulant: movebuntur everything fundamenta terræ.)

81.5 Movebuntur. CASS. Hinc patet de quo dixerat: hoc signum in crucifixione contigit. Vel spiritualiter, terreni moti sunt illo tempore, viso tanto miraculo; ut centurio, qui dixit: Vere Filius Dei erat iste. AUG. Movebuntur omnia fundamenta. Quasi dicat per hanc Isræl cæcitatem, movebuntur ad fidem, omnia fundamenta terræ, id est, plenitudo gentium intrabit. Vel, in morte, et passione Domini mota est terra. Vel fundamenta, id est, felices copia terrenorum movebuntur. Vel admirando coli pauperem mortuum. Vel eum contemptis terrenis sectando. Addit omnia, quia nullus est qui non miretur, vel convertatur. Terrenæ autem felicitatis regnum est superbia, contra quam venit humilis Christus, exprobrans eis, quos vult facere altos per humilitatem, his verbis: Ego dixi: dii estis, vos boni: vos autem mali, sicut homines moriemini. Vel omnibus dicit: dii estis, id est, omnibus promisi cœlestia; vos autem sicut homines primi, qui suasione peccaverunt, et vos majores sicut diabolus, qui superbia peccavit.

81.5 Movebuntur. CASS. Hinc patet about quo dixerat: this signum in crucifixione contigit. Vel spiritualiter, terreni moti are illo tempore, viso tanto miraculo; as centurio, who dixit: Vere Son of_God was iste. AUG. Movebuntur everything fundamenta. Quasi let_him_say through hanc Isræl cæcitatem, movebuntur to fidem, omnia fundamenta terræ, id it_is, plenitudo gentium intrabit. Vel, in morte, and passione Master mota it_is terra. Vel fundamenta, id it_is, felices copia terrenorum movebuntur. Vel admirando coli pauperem mortuum. Vel him contemptis terrenis sectando. Addit omnia, because nullus it_is who not/no miretur, or convertatur. Terrenæ however felicitatis kingdom it_is superbia, on_the_contrary how he_came humilis Christus, exprobrans eis, which vult facere altos through humilitatem, his verbis: I dixi: dii estis, you boni: vos however mali, sicut homines moriemini. Vel omnibus he_says: dii estis, id it_is, omnibus promisi cœlestia; vos however like homines primi, who suasione peccaverunt, and you mayores like diabolus, who superbia peccavit.

BrTrThey know not, nor understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth shall be shaken.

BrLXXΟὐκ ἔγνωσαν οὐδὲ συνῆκαν, ἐν σκότει διαπορεύονται· σαλευθήσονται πάντα τὰ θεμελια τῆς γῆς.
   (Ouk egnōsan oude sunaʸkan, en skotei diaporeuontai; saleuthaʸsontai panta ta themelia taʸs gaʸs.)

TSNTyndale Study Notes:

81:5 for Israel: Literally for Joseph. The tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh (the sons of Joseph) are used here to refer to the entire nation of Israel.

UTNuW Translation Notes:

issued it as a regulation

(Some words not found in UHB: that/for/because/then/when statute for,Israel he/it ordinance of,God Yaakob )

Alternate translation: “gave it as a law”

Note 1 topic: figures-of-speech / synecdoche

in Joseph

(Some words not found in UHB: that/for/because/then/when statute for,Israel he/it ordinance of,God Yaakob )

Here “Joseph” represents all of the Israelites. Alternate translation: “to the Israelites”

Note 2 topic: figures-of-speech / explicit

when he went against the land of Egypt

(Some words not found in UHB: that/for/because/then/when statute for,Israel he/it ordinance of,God Yaakob )

This refers to the historical events in Egypt when the people of Israel were enslaved and God rescued them.

Note 3 topic: figures-of-speech / metonymy

the land of Egypt

(Some words not found in UHB: that/for/because/then/when statute for,Israel he/it ordinance of,God Yaakob )

Here “land” represents the people. Alternate translation: “the people of Egypt”

BI Psa 81:5 ©