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PSA IntroPs1Ps2Ps3Ps4Ps5Ps6Ps7Ps8Ps9Ps10Ps11Ps12Ps13Ps14Ps15Ps16Ps17Ps18Ps19Ps20Ps21Ps22Ps23Ps24Ps25Ps26Ps27Ps28Ps29Ps30Ps31Ps32Ps33Ps34Ps35Ps36Ps37Ps38Ps39Ps40Ps41Ps42Ps43Ps44Ps45Ps46Ps47Ps48Ps49Ps50Ps51Ps52Ps53Ps54Ps55Ps56Ps57Ps58Ps59Ps60Ps61Ps62Ps63Ps64Ps65Ps66Ps67Ps68Ps69Ps70Ps71Ps72Ps73Ps74Ps75Ps76Ps77Ps78Ps79Ps80Ps81Ps82Ps83Ps84Ps85Ps86Ps87Ps88Ps89Ps90Ps91Ps92Ps93Ps94Ps95Ps96Ps97Ps98Ps99Ps100Ps101Ps102Ps103Ps104Ps105Ps106Ps107Ps108Ps109Ps110Ps111Ps112Ps113Ps114Ps115Ps116Ps117Ps118Ps119Ps120Ps121Ps122Ps123Ps124Ps125Ps126Ps127Ps128Ps129Ps130Ps131Ps132Ps133Ps134Ps135Ps136Ps137Ps138Ps139Ps140Ps141Ps142Ps143Ps144Ps145Ps146Ps147Ps148Ps149Ps150

Psa 89 V1V3V5V7V9V11V13V15V17V19V21V23V25V27V29V31V33V35V37V39V41V43V45V47V49V51

Parallel PSA 89:8

Note: This view shows ‘verses’ which are not natural language units and hence sometimes only part of a sentence will be visible. This view is only designed for doing comparisons of different translations. Click on any Bible version abbreviation to see the verse in more of its context. The OET segments on this page are still very early looks into the unfinished texts of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check these texts in advance before using in public.

BI Psa 89:8 ©

Text critical issues=none Clarity of original=clearImportance=normal(All still tentative.)


OET-LV[fn] Oh_YHWH god of_hosts who like_you [is]_mighty Oh_YHWH and_faithfulness_your surrounds_you.

89:9 Note: KJB: Ps.89.8

UHB9 יְהוָ֤ה ׀ אֱלֹ֘הֵ֤י צְבָא֗וֹת מִֽי־כָֽמ֖וֹ⁠ךָ חֲסִ֥ין ׀ יָ֑הּ וֶ֝⁠אֱמֽוּנָתְ⁠ךָ֗ סְבִיבוֹתֶֽי⁠ךָ׃
   (9 yhwh ʼₑlohēy ʦəⱱāʼōt miy-kāmō⁠kā ḩₐşin yāh ve⁠ʼₑmūnātə⁠kā şəⱱīⱱōtey⁠kā.)

Key: blue:Elohim, green:YHWH.
Note: Automatic aligning of the OET-RV to the LV is done by some temporary software, hence the OET-RV alignments are incomplete (and may occasionally be wrong).

ULTYahweh God of hosts,
 ⇔ who is strong like you, Yahweh?
 ⇔ Your truthfulness surrounds you.

USTO Yahweh God, commander of the angel armies, there is no one who is as powerful as you are;
 ⇔ your faithfully doing all that you promise is like a cloak that always surrounds you.

BSB  ⇔ O LORD God of Hosts, who is like You?
 ⇔ O mighty LORD, Your faithfulness surrounds You.

OEBO Lord God of hosts, who is mighty as you?
 ⇔ Your strength and faithfulness, Lord, surround you.

WEBYahweh, God of Armies, who is a mighty one, like you?
 ⇔ Yah, your faithfulness is around you.

WMBLORD, God of Hosts, who is a mighty one, like you?
 ⇔ LORD, your faithfulness is around you.

NETO Lord, sovereign God!
 ⇔ Who is strong like you, O Lord?
 ⇔ Your faithfulness surrounds you.

LSVO YHWH, God of Hosts,
Who [is] like You—a strong YAH? And Your faithfulness [is] around You.

FBVLord God Almighty, who is as powerful as you? In all this,[fn] Lord, you are completely trustworthy.

89:8 “In all this”: implied.

T4TO Yahweh, God Almighty, there is no one [RHQ] who is powerful like you are;
 ⇔ your faithfully doing all that you promise is like a cloak that [MET] always surrounds you.

LEB• of hosts, who is mighty like you, O Yah, •  with[fn] your faithfulness surrounding you?

?:? Hebrew “and”

BBEO Lord God of armies, who is strong like you, O Jah? and your unchanging faith is round about you.

MoffO thou Eternal, God of hosts, who can compare with thee,
 ⇔ in all thy love and faithfulness?

JPS(89-9) O LORD God of hosts, who is a mighty one, like unto Thee, O LORD? And Thy faithfulness is round about Thee.

ASVO Jehovah God of hosts,
 ⇔ Who is a mighty one, like unto thee, O Jehovah?
 ⇔ And thy faithfulness is round about thee.

DRAThou hast set our iniquities before thy eyes: our life in the light of thy countenance.

YLTO Jehovah, God of Hosts, Who [is] like Thee — a strong Jah? And Thy faithfulness [is] round about Thee.

DrbyJehovah, [fn]God of hosts, who is like unto thee, the strong Jah? And thy faithfulness is round about thee.

89.8 Elohim

RVO LORD God of hosts, who is a mighty one, like unto thee, O JAH? and thy faithfulness is round about thee.

WbstrO LORD God of hosts, who is a strong LORD like to thee? or to thy faithfulness around thee?

KJB-1769O LORD God of hosts, who is a strong LORD like unto thee? or to thy faithfulness round about thee?
   (O LORD God of hosts, who is a strong LORD like unto thee? or to thy/your faithfulness round about thee?)

KJB-1611O LORD God of hosts, who is a strong LORD like vnto thee? or to thy faithfulnesse round about thee?
   (O LORD God of hosts, who is a strong LORD like unto thee? or to thy/your faithfulnesse round about thee?)

BshpsO God, Lorde of hoastes, who is like vnto thee a most mightie Lorde: and thy trueth is on euery side thee.
   (O God, Lord of hoastes, who is like unto thee/you a most mighty Lord: and thy/your truth is on every side thee/you.)

GnvaO Lord God of hostes, who is like vnto thee, which art a mightie Lord, and thy trueth is about thee?
   (O Lord God of hostes, who is like unto thee/you, which art a mighty Lord, and thy/your truth is about thee?)

CvdlGod is greatly to be feared in the councell of the sayntes, & to be had in reuerence of all the that are aboute him.
   (God is greatly to be feared in the council/counsel of the sayntes, and to be had in reverence of all the that are about him.)

WycThou hast set oure wickidnessis in thi siyt; oure world in the liytning of thi cheer.
   (Thou hast set our wickednessis in thy/your siyt; our world in the lightning of thy/your cheer.)

LuthGOtt ist fast mächtig in der Sammlung der Heiligen und wunderbarlich über alle, die um ihn sind.
   (God is nearly mächtig in the/of_the Sammlung the/of_the Heiligen and wunderbarlich above all, the around/by/for him/it sind.)

ClVgPosuisti iniquitates nostras in conspectu tuo; sæculum nostrum in illuminatione vultus tui.
   (Posuisti iniquitates nostras in in_sight tuo; sæculum nostrum in illuminatione vultus tui.)

BrTrThou hast set our transgressions before thee: our age is in the light of thy countenance.

BrLXXἜθου τὰς ἀνομίας ἡμῶν ἐνώπιόν σου, ὁ αἰὼν ἡμῶν εἰς φωτισμὸν τοῦ προσώπου σου.
   (Ethou tas anomias haʸmōn enōpion sou, ho aiōn haʸmōn eis fōtismon tou prosōpou sou.)

TSNTyndale Study Notes:

Ps 89 Book Three (Pss 73–89) begins and ends with weighty questions. Though Ps 89 begins with a praise-filled account of how the Lord exalted the throne of David (89:1-37), the psalmist protests the Lord’s apparent rejection of his covenant with David (89:38-51; see 2 Sam 7:8-16).

TTNTyndale Theme Notes:

Making Sense of the Exile

Israel’s kings and the people of Israel repeatedly rebelled against God and broke their covenant with him. God therefore declared that he would bring the curses of the covenant upon them (see Deut 28:15-68; cp. Jer 4:13; Amos 5:11; Mic 6:14-15). God sent the Assyrian and Babylonian armies to execute this sentence, and a large number of the Israelites were taken into exile (see 2 Kgs 24:1–25:21).

The Exile shaped many of the psalms; we see its impact working behind the scenes in various images and themes. In Psalm 89 the grief, anguish, and confusion of the Exile are distilled into several questions that the psalmist raises: Has God abandoned David’s royal line (89:38-39)? How long will God’s anger last (Ps 89:46)? Does God understand human frailty (89:47-48)? Is God true to his nature (89:49)? Is God just in not avenging his people (89:50-51)?

These questions were on the minds of God’s people during and after the Exile. Some of their doubts raise questions concerning God’s ability to rule. Rather than dismissing these questions, wise readers listen, reflect, and study the answers that Scripture gives.

The definitive answer came in the Lord Jesus Christ (see Isa 52–54; Luke 1:46-55, 67-79; 4:18-19; Rom 6:6, 16-23; Heb 12:22-24). But those who experienced the Exile could only dimly foresee a hopeful future. They asked these hard questions and lived without clear answers.

Passages for Further Study

Lev 26:27-45; Deut 28:36-37, 63-68; 30:1-5; 2 Kgs 17:5-23; 24:1–25:21; Ezra 5:12; Pss 89; 107; 126; Isa 5:13; 27:13; 52:1-12; 59:10; Jer 2:37; 3:18; 4:13; Ezek 6:9; 20:41; 37:1-14; Amos 5:11; Mic 6:14-15

UTNuW Translation Notes:

Note 1 topic: figures-of-speech / rquestion

who is strong like you, Yahweh?

(Some words not found in UHB: god feared in/on/at/with,council holy enough/great(fs) and,awesome on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in all/each/any/every around,him )

The writer asks the question to emphasize there is no one as strong as Yahweh.

Note 2 topic: figures-of-speech / metaphor

Your truthfulness surrounds you

(Some words not found in UHB: god feared in/on/at/with,council holy enough/great(fs) and,awesome on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in all/each/any/every around,him )

Yahweh always dong what he promises to do is spoken of as if his truthfulness were a cloak or garment that wraps around him.

BI Psa 89:8 ©