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Open English Translation YAC (JAM)

Note that the OET uses ‘Yacob’ for ‘The Letter of Jacob’ (wrongly called ‘James’ in older Bibles).

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

Readers’ Version

Literal Version 

JAS - Open English Translation—Readers’ Version (OET-RV) v0.1.04


WORDTABLE OET-LV_NT_word_table.tsv

Yacob (James)



WORDTABLE OET-LV_NT_word_table.tsv

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ESFM file originally created 2025-03-18 13:41 by Extract_VLT_NT_to_ESFM v0.99

USFM file edited by ScriptedBibleEditor v0.33




The author of this letter is commonly known as ‘James’ in English translations, but most people don’t realise that his English name should be Jacob (or Yakōbos if you wanted to be closer to the Koine Greek spelling). This translation error can be traced all the way back to John Wycliffe’s English translation from the Latin in the 1300’s as he didn’t have access to Greek New Testament manuscripts (although he did use Yacob in some parts of his New Testament when it referred to the son of Isaac). The confusion was probably due to changes in the way Latin was spoken over the centuries, and then translating the name from the historically-altered Latin instead of from the original Greek—see for more details.

Note from the first sentence in the letter that Yacob addressed the letter to the twelve tribes who originated from the twelve sons of his namesake.

This letter

This Letter from Yacob is Yacob’s collection of advice to those who believe there is a God in heaven. He wrote this to all people scattered all around the world. Yacob used examples in order to explain his advice, so that their behaviour would improve and also their daily work. He also taught on various topics like: faith, testing, suffering, showing, respect, good behaviour, watching what you say, true wisdom from God, and prayer.

He said that our faith is deficient if we don’t also demonstrate it by our actions.

Main components of Yacob’s letter

Introduction 1:1

The faith and the wisdom/knowledge 1:2-8

The poor and the rich man 1:9-11

The testing and the temptation 1:12-18

The listening and the making 1:19-27

Respecting all people 2:1-13

The faith and the good work 2:14-26

The tongue 3:1-12

The wisdom/knowledge from heaven 3:13-18

The Christian and the things/objects 4:1-5:6

Various teachings 5:7-20

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

1This letter is from Yacob, a slave for God and for the master Yeshua the messiah. It’s written to the tribes who have ended up dispersed into many nations:[ref] Greetings.

1Yakōbos/(Yaˊₐqoⱱ), of_god and of_the_master Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) chosen_one/messiah, twelve, a_slave to_the tribes which are in the dispersion:

2Be cheerful my fellow believers, when you face a range of difficult situations, 3knowing that you will learn endurance as your faith is tested. 4Let that endurance do its perfect work so that you all might become perfect and mature—not lacking anything.

5If anyone of you is lacking wisdom, then it should be requested from God who gives it generously and without disparagement, and so it will be given to you, 6but the person who’s asking should demonstrate their faith and not be doubting. That’s because a person who doubts is like a wave on the sea that’s just blown and tossed around 7and a person like that shouldn’t expect to get anything from the master 8because that person is double-minded, and everything they attempt ends up in difficulty.

2All joy consider it, brothers of_me, whenever trials you_all_may_fall_among various, 3knowing that the proving of_you_all the faith is_producing endurance.
4And the endurance work its_perfect let_be_having, in_order_that you_all_may_be perfect and complete, in nothing lacking.
5But if anyone of_you_all is_lacking of_wisdom, him _let_be_requesting from the one giving, god, to_all generously, and not deriding, and it_will_be_being_given to_him.
6But him _let_be_requesting in faith, nothing doubting, because/for the one doubting is_like to_a_wave of_the_sea, being_blown and being_tossed.
7For/Because not let_be_supposing the person that that he_will_be_receiving anything from the master, 8a_man double-minded, disturbance in all the ways of_him.

9Those of humbler means can boast about their greatness 10whereas the wealthy can boast about their weakness because they’ll pass away just like the daisies in the grass.[ref] 11When the sun rises with its scorching heat and withers the grass, the flowers will drop and lose all their beauty. So too for rich people who’ll fade away right in the middle of all their projects.

9And let_be_boasting the brother the humble, in the height of_him, 10and the rich, in the humiliation of_him, because like a_flower of_the_grass he_will_be_passing_away.
11For/Because rose the sun with its scorching_heat, and withered the grass, and the flower of_it fell_from, and the beauty of_the appearance of_it perished.
Thus also the rich man among the pursuits of_him will_be_being_faded_away.

12Any person who’s enduring testing circumstances is fortunate, because once they’ve passed the test, they’ll receive a crown of life that Yeshua promised to those who love him. 13No one should say ‘It’s God tempting me’ when they’re being tempted, because God can’t be tempted to do evil and he doesn’t tempt others, 14but rather they’re being tempted by their own lusts. They’re being drawn away and enticed into what they know is wrong, 15and after the desire is conceived it leads to sin, and once the sin is concluded it leads to death.

16Don’t be led astray, my dear brothers and sisters. 17Every gift that’s good and perfect comes from heaven. It comes down from the father of lights, none of which are changing or casting moving shadows. 18Once he had decided it, he created us by his spoken commands so that we’d become a kind of special first ‘harvest’ out of all of his creatures.

12Blessed is the_man who is_enduring trial, because approved having_become, he_will_be_receiving the crown of_ the _life, that he_promised to_the ones loving him.
13No_one being_tempted let_be_saying, that By god I_am_being_tempted.
For/Because the god untemptable is by_evil, and is_tempting he no_one.
14But each is_being_tempted by his own lust, being_drawn_away and being_enticed.
15Thereafter the desire having_conceived is_bearing sin, and the sin having_been_finished_out, is_bringing_forth death.
16Not be_being_misled, brothers of_me beloved.
17Every giving good, and every gift perfect from_above is, coming_down from the father of_ the _lights, with whom not there_is variation or of_shifting shadow.
18Having_been_wished it, he_brought_forth us by_the_message of_truth, in_order that to_be us first-fruit a_certain of_the of_him creatures.

19So my dear brothers and sisters, note this: Everyone should be quick to listen but slow to speak, and should be slow to get angry 20because when people get very angry, it doesn’t lead to the good behaviour that God expects. 21So discard all moral filth and the evil that’s plentiful, and humbly accept the message that’s implanted in you all and which is capable of saving your souls.

22Don’t delude yourselves by just listening to the message, but put it into practice in your daily lives. 23Anyone who is just a listener of the message and does nothing with it is like someone who looks at their face in a mirror 24but goes away after having a look and then immediately forgets what they looked like. 25However the person who investigates the perfect law that gives freedom, and then sticks with it, not being just an observer that forgets about it but rather a person who puts it into practice, this person will prosper in whatever they do.

26If anyone supposes that they’re religious but doesn’t guard what comes out of their mouth, then that person’s religion is only skin deep and hasn’t affected their heart. 27A person who wants to truly serve our God and father with a pure heart would be visiting orphans and widows in their difficulties and staying unstained by worldly ideas.

19Be_having˒_known, brothers of_me beloved.
But let_be every person quick in_order that to_hear, slow in_order that to_speak, slow to anger,
20for/because the_severe_anger of_a_human, the_righteousness of_god not is_producing.
21Therefore having_put_away all filthiness and abundance of_evil, in gentleness receive the implanted message, the one being_able to_save the souls of_you_all.
22And be_becoming doers of_the_message, and not only listeners deluding yourselves.
23Because if anyone a_listener of_the_message is, and not a_doer, this one is_like to_man observing his face of_ the _existence of_him in a_mirror.
24For/Because he_observed himself and has_gone_away, and immediately he_forgot what_kind he_was.
25But the one having_investigated into the_law perfect, the law of_ the _freedom, and having_continued_with it, not a_listener of_forgetful having_become, but a_doer of_the_work, this one blessed in the doing of_him will_be.
26If anyone is_supposing religious to_be, not bridling the_tongue of_himself, but seducing the_heart of_him, of_this one useless is his religion.
27Religion pure and undefiled before our god and father this is:
to_be_visiting orphans and widows in the tribulation of_them, spotless himself to_be_keeping from the world.

2My dear brothers and sisters, as you live out your faith in our honoured master Yeshua the messiah, don’t show favouritism to others. 2For example, if a man in nicely cut clothes and wearing an expensive gold ring came into to your meeting as well as a poor man in filthy clothes 3and you told the well-dressed one, ‘You sit here in this good chair,’ while telling the poor man, ‘You stand over here,’ or ‘You sit here on the mat,’ 4wouldn’t that discrimination show that you have judged them with evil motives. 5Listen my dear brothers and sisters, didn’t God chose the poor in this world to be rich in faith and participants in the kingdom which he promises to those who love him? 6But you dishonour the poor, even though it’s the wealthier people who oppress you and bring court cases against you. 7And aren’t they the ones who slander the very God that you pray to?

2Brothers of_me, not with favouritism be_holding the faith of_the master of_us, Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) chosen_one/messiah, of_ the _glory.
2For/Because if may_come_in into the_synagogue of_you_all, a_man gold_ring, in clothing splendid, and may_come_in also a_poor man, in filthy clothing, 3and you_all_may_look_at on the one wearing the clothing the splendid, and you_all_may_say:
You be_sitting here good, and to_the poor you_all_may_say:
You stand there, or:
Be_sitting under the footstool of_me,
4not you_all_were_distinguished among yourselves, and became judges with_speculations evil?
5Hear, brothers of_me beloved:
not the god chose the poor in_the world, rich in faith to_be, and heirs of_the kingdom which he_promised to_the ones loving him?
6But you_all dishonoured the poor.
Not the rich are_oppressing over_you_all, and they are_dragging you_all into courts?
7Not they are_slandering the good name which having_been_called on you_all?

8However if you are obeying the golden law, then when you love your neighbour as yourself,[ref] you’ll be doing well according to the scriptures. 9But if you’re showing favouritism, then you’re all sinning by breaking the law. 10Because anyone who tries to keep the law but slips up in one area, they’re still guilty of breaking the law. 11The same God who said, ‘Don’t commit adultery,’ also said, ‘Don’t murder,’[ref] so if you’re not committing adultery but you murder someone, then you’ve broken the law. 12So speak and live your life knowing that you’re going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, 13because judgement will be dispensed without mercy to those who haven’t been putting mercy into practice. Yes, mercy wins out over judgement.

8If however the_law you_all_are_accomplishing royal, according_to the scripture:
You_will_be_loving the neighbor of_you as yourself, well you_all_are_doing.
9But if you_all_are_showing_favouritism, sin you_all_are_doing, being_rebuked by the law as transgressors.
10For/Because whoever all the law may_keep, but may_stumble in one thing, has_become of_all liable.
11For/Because the one having_said:
Not you_may_commit_adultery, said also:
Not you_may_murder.
And if not you_are_committing_adultery, but you_are_murdering you_have_become a_transgressor of_the_law.
12Thus be_speaking, and thus be_doing, as by the_law of_freedom going to_be_being_judged.
13For/Because the judgment merciless will_be to_the one not having_doing mercy.
Is_triumphing mercy over_judgment.

14My fellow believers, what would I gain if I said that someone had faith but it didn’t alter how they live their life? Faith like that wouldn’t be able to save them. 15If a fellow believer is lacking clothes or food, 16and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace and be warm and satisfied,’ but don’t help with their physical needs, what use would that be? 17In other words, faith without the corresponding lifestyle is just dead.

18No doubt someone will say, ‘Well you have the faith and I do the good deeds.’ So show me your faith without good deeds and I’ll demonstrate my faith by my good deeds. 19You believe that there’s one God and you’re right, but even the demons believe that and shudder. 20But the vain person still wants to know if faith without good deeds is wasted? 21Wasn’t our ancestor Abraham considered right with God due to his actions when he offered up his son Isaac on the altar?[ref] 22So his faith was working together with his actions, and it was by his actions that his faith was perfected. 23This fulfilled the scripture that says, ‘Abraham believed in God and so he was consider to be right with God, and was called a friend of God.’[ref] 24So you can see that a person is considered right with God due to his actions, and not just by their ‘faith’. 25Similarly the prostitute Rahab was made right by her actions when she welcomed the Hebrew messengers and then helped them get away by a different route.[ref] 26Just like a body is dead once the spirit has departed, so too faith is dead if it’s not demonstrated by good deeds.

14What is profit, brothers of_me, if faith may_be_saying anyone, to_be_having but, works not may_be_having?
Not is_able the faith to_save him?
15If a_brother or a_sister naked may_be_being, and lacking of_ the _daily food, 16and may_say anyone to_them from you_all:
Be_going in peace, be_warming and be_satisfying, not but you_all_may_give to_them the necessary things for_their body, what is profit?
17Thus also the faith, if not it_may_be_having works, dead it_is by itself.
18But will_be_saying someone:
You faith are_having, and_I works am_having.
Show to_me the faith of_you without the works, and_I to_you will_be_showing by the works of_me the faith.
19You are_believing that one is the god.
Well you_are_doing, even the demons are_believing and are_shuddering.
20But you_are_wanting to_know, Oh person vain, that the faith apart_from the works idle is?
21Abraʼam/(ʼAⱱrāhām) the father of_us not by works was_justified, having_offered_up Isaʼak/(Yiʦḩāq) the son of_him on the altar?
22You_are_seeing that his faith was_working_together with_the works of_him, and by his works his faith was_perfected.
23And was_fulfilled the scripture which saying:
And believed Abraʼam in_- god, and it_was_counted to_him for righteousness, and a_friend of_god he_was_called.
24You_all_are_seeing that by works is_being_justified a_person, and not by faith only.
25And likewise also Ɽaⱪab/(Rāḩāⱱ) the prostitute not by works was_justified, having_welcomed the messengers and by_another way having_sent_forth?
26For/Because as the body apart_from spirit dead is, thus also the faith apart_from works dead is.

3:1The tongue

3My brothers and sisters, not everyone should desire to be a teacher because we know that us teachers will be judged more strictly. 2We all stumble in many ways. If there was someone who never said anything wrong, this person would be perfect and also able to have self-control over their entire body. 3With horses, we can put the bridle in it’s mouth so we can make them do what we want, and so we can direct the whole animal. 4Similarly, even huge ships that are being driven on by strong winds are controlled by a small rudder and can be steered wherever the captain desires. 5So too the tongue is only small but can make extensive claims.

Yes, a tiny flame can ignite an entire forest 6and the tongue is a fire producing a torrent of depravity. It’s a part of our physical body but capable of staining us all over and setting our worlds on fire, because the tongue itself is set on fire from hell. 7Every kind of wild animal and birds and reptiles and sea creature can be tamed and has been tamed by humankind 8but no one is able to tame the tongue—it’s an erratically evil body part that’s full of deadly poison. 9We use it to bless our master and father, yet we use it to curse our fellow humans who are made in God’s image.[ref] 10Both blessings and curses come out of the same mouth! My brothers and sisters, it shouldn’t be like that. 11Surely a spring flowing out of a single cavity can’t produce both good-tasting and bitter water. 12A fig tree can’t produce olives and a grape vine can’t produce figs, my brothers and sisters, just like a salty supply can’t give fresh water.

3Not many teachers be_becoming, brothers of_me, having_known that greater judgment we_will_be_receiving.
2For/Because in_many ways we_are_stumbling all.
If anyone in ^his_message not is_stumbling, this a_perfect man is, powerful to_bridle also all his body.
3And, if of_the horses the bridles into the mouths we_are_putting, in_order that to_be_being_persuaded them to_us, also all the body of_them we_are_directing.
4Behold, also the ships, so_great being, and by winds hard being_driven, is_being_directed by the_least rudder, wherever the impulse of_the one straightening is_wishing.
5Thus also the tongue a_small member is, and great things is_boasting.
Behold, how_much fire, how_much a_forest is_kindling.
6And the tongue is a_fire, the world of_ the _unrighteousness, the tongue is_being_set_down among the members of_us, which staining all the body, and setting_on_fire the course of_ the _existence, and being_set_on_fire by the geenna.
7For/Because every nature of_wild_beasts both and of_birds, of_reptiles both and of_sea creatures, is_being_tamed and has_been_tamed by_the nature the human, 8but the tongue no_one to_tame is_able of_the_people, an_unstable evil, full of_poison deadly.
9In it we_are_blessing our master and father, and in it we_are_cursing the people, the ones according_to the_likeness of_god having_become.
10Out_of the same mouth is_coming_out blessing and curse.
Not is_ought brothers of_me these things thus to_be_becoming.
11Surely_not the spring out_of of_the same hole is_outflowing the sweet and the bitter?
12Not is_able, brothers of_me, a_fig_tree olives to_produce or a_vine figs?
Nor salt sweet to_produce water.

13Any of you that are wise and understanding should demonstrate their good deeds and wisdom by their godly living. 14But if you are full of bitter jealousy or selfish ambition, don’t be boasting or denying the truth 15because none of that came down to you from heaven, but on the contrary it’s earthly and soulish and demonic. 16Wherever you find jealousy and selfish ambition, you’ll also find disharmony and all kinds of evil. 17In contrast, the wisdom that comes from God is pure, peaceable, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good behaviour, unceasing, and not hypocritical. 18Those who desire peace sow the seeds that will produce godly behaviour.

13Who is wise and understanding among you_all?
Him_let_show out_of his good conduct the works of_him in the_gentleness of_wisdom.
14But if jealousy bitter you_all_are_having, and selfish_ambition in the heart of_you_all, not be_boasting and be_lying against the truth.
15Not is this the wisdom from_above coming_down, but earthly, soulish, demonic.
16For/Because where jealousy and selfish_ambition is, there is disturbance and every evil matter.
17But the from_above wisdom, first indeed pure is, then peaceable, gentle, compliant, full of_mercy and of_fruits good, unceasing, unhypocritical.
18And the_fruit of_righteousness in peace is_being_sown, by_the ones making peace.

4Where do you imagine that the fights and quarrels among you all originate? Isn’t it because of the ambitions that surface inside you? 2You all have wants that are not fulfilled so it leads to murder. You’re jealous and not able to get everything you want, so you quarrel and fight. You don’t have, because you haven’t asked God, 3and when you all do ask, it doesn’t get answered because you ask with wrong motives—trying get what you want to spend on your own wants. 4You’re just like prostitutes. Don’t you realise that if you befriend the world then you’re opposing God, so anyone who befriends the world makes themself an enemy of God. 5Do you think that the scripture means nothing when it says, ‘God’s spirit jealously longs to live in us’? 6However, he’s good at giving grace so that’s why it says, ‘God opposes proud people but gives grace to humble ones.’[ref] 7So strive then to do what God wants of you. Resist the devil and he will flee away from you. 8When you all approach God, he will move closer to you. So keep your hands clean you sinners, and keep your hearts pure you who can’t make up your minds about God. 9Be miserable, and mourn and weep. Change your laughing into crying and your happiness into sadness 10because when you humble yourselves towards the master, he will be the one to lift you up.

4From_where wars and from_where quarrels among you_all are?
Not is_it from_here from the gratifications of_you_all, which warring in the members of_you_all?
2You_all_are_desiring and not you_all_are_having, you_all_are_murdering and are_being_jealous, and not you_all_are_being_able to_obtain, you_all_are_quarrelling and you_all_are_warring.
Not you_all_are_having, because_of that not to_be_requesting you_all,
3you_are_requesting and not you_all_are_receiving, because wrongly you_all_are_requesting, in_order_that in the gratifications of_you_all you_all_may_spend it.
Not you_all_have_known that the friendship with_the world, enmity the of_god is?
Whoever therefore if may_be_wished a_friend to_be of_the world, an_enemy of_ the _god is_being_appointed.
5Or you_all_are_supposing that emptily the scripture is_saying:
With envy is_longing_for the spirit which is made_to_dwell in us?
6But greater he_is_giving grace.
Therefore he_is_saying:
- god against_the_proud is_opposing, but to_the_humble he_is_giving grace.
7Therefore be_subjected to_ the _god.
But resist against_the devil, and he_will_be_fleeing from you_all.
8Near to_ the _god, and he_will_be_nearing to_you_all.
Cleanse ^your_hands, sinners, and purify ^your_hearts, double-minded.
9Be_miserable, and mourn, and weep.
The laughter of_you_all to mourning let_be_turned, and your joy to gloominess.
10Be_humbled before the_master, and he_will_be_exalting you_all.

11My fellow believers, don’t make false accusations against each other because anyone who falsely accuses or judges a fellow believer, is slandering against the law and judging it. But if you’re the ones judging the law, then you’re not a follower of the law but a judge of it. 12There’s only one lawgiver and judge and that’s the one who is able to save and to destroy. So who do you think you are to judge your neighbour!

11Not be_slandering against_one_another, brothers.
The one slandering against_^his_brother or judging the brother of_him, is_slandering against_the_law and is_judging the_law.
But if the_law you_are_judging, not you_are a_doer of_the_law, but a_judge.
12one there_is lawgiver and judge, the one being_able to_save and to_destroy.
But you who are, the one judging your neighbor?

13Now you all might say, ‘Today or tomorrow we’ll go into the city to work there for a year and do some trading to make some money.’[ref] 14But you don’t know what tomorrow will bring, because what are your lives? You’re like a vapour that appears for a brief period and then it’s gone. 15So instead of saying that, you should say, ‘If the master wants it, we will live and we’ll do this or that.’ 16But as it is, you’ve all been boasting in your arrogance and that’s an evil attitude. 17Any person who knows that there’s some good thing that they should be doing, but doesn’t do it, is sinning.

13Be_come now, you_all saying:
Today or tomorrow, we_will_be_going into this the city, and we_will_be_working there a_year, and we_will_be_merchandising, and we_will_be_profiting.
14Who not are_knowing on_the day next will_be, because/for what is life of_you_all?
For/Because a_vapour you_all_are, which for a_little time appearing, then also being_perishing.
15Instead_of that to_be_saying you_all ought:
If the master may_will, both we_will_be_living and we_will_be_doing, this or that.
16But now you_all_are_boasting in the arrogance of_you_all.
All boasting such evil is.
17Therefore to_having_known one good to_be_doing, and not doing it, sin to_him it_is.

5So you wealthy people, come and cry about the miseries that are about to hit you all. 2Your riches have rotted and your clothes have become moth-eaten.[ref] 3Your gold and silver has corroded, and that corrosion will speak out against you and will eat away your bodies like fire because you stored up wealth in this final age. 4The unpaid wages of the workers who harvested your fields are crying out[ref] and the desperate requests of those harvesters have been heard by the master of platoons of messengers. 5You have indulged yourselves and lived luxuriously but you’ve been fattening yourselves up as the time for your slaughter approaches. 6You all convicted innocent people and had them executed, even when they weren’t doing anything against you.

5Be_come now, you_all rich ones, weep, wailing over the miseries of_you_all which are coming_over.
2The riches of_you_all has_rotted, and the clothes of_you_all moth-eaten has_become.
3The gold of_you_all and the silver has_been_corroded, and the rust of_them for a_testimony to_you_all will_be, and will_be_consuming the fleshes of_you_all like fire.
You_all_stored_up in the_last days.
4Behold, the wage of_the workers, which having_harvested the fields of_you_all, which having_been_withheld by you_all, is_crying_out, and the outcries of_the ones having_reaped, into the ears of_the_master of_armies have_come_in.
5You_all_indulged on the earth.
And you_all_lived_luxuriously, you_all_nourished the hearts of_you_all in the_day of_slaughter.
6You_all_convicted, you_all_murdered the righteous, yet_not he_is_opposing against_you_all.

7So my fellow believers, be patient until the return of Yeshua our master. You see how farmers look forward to the fruit to be ready—waiting patiently even while they monitor the early and the late rains. 8All of you should be patient too, and encourage each other in your faith because the master’s return is closer now.

9And don’t moan about each other, my fellow believers, so that you all won’t be judged for it, because truly, the judge is just outside about to come in the doors. 10Look at the prophets who spoke out the messages from the master—they’re good examples of suffering and patience for you to follow 11and now we consider them as heroes for their endurance. You all heard about Yob’s endurance and then you yourselves witnessed what happened to Yeshua our master,[ref] and you saw his compassion and mercy.

12But most importantly, brothers and sisters, don’t swear by heaven or earth or by any other kind of oath but simply be honest so that ‘yes’ means yes and ‘no’ means no,[ref] then you won’t end up getting judged.

7Therefore be_patient, brothers, until the coming of_the master.
Behold, the farmer is_awaiting for_the precious fruit of_the earth, being_patient for it until he_may_receive the_early and late rains.
8Be_patient also you_all, strengthen the hearts of_you_all, because the coming of_the master has_neared.
9Not be_groaning, brothers, against one_another, in_order_that not you_all_may_be_judged.
Behold, the judge before the doors has_stood.
10An_example take, brothers, of_ the _misfortune, and of_ the _patience, the prophets, who spoke in name of_the_master.
11Behold, we_are_counting_blessed the ones having_endured.
The endurance of_Iōb/(ʼIyyōⱱ) you_all_heard, and the outcome of_the_master you_all_saw, that much_compassionate is the master and compassionate.
12Before but, all things, brothers of_me, not be_swearing, neither the by_heaven, nor the earth, nor other any oath, but let_be of_you_all your Yes be, yes, and your No be, no, in_order_that not under judgment you_all_may_fall.

13Is anyone among you going through hard times? If so, they should be praying. Is anyone feeling cheerful? If so, they should be singing praises. 14Is anyone among you sick? If so, that person should call the leaders of the assembly and get them to anoint them with oil and to pray for them[ref] in the name and authority of Yeshua our master. 15Then that declaration of faith will save the weak person and the master will lift him/her up, and if they’ve sinned, then their sins will also be forgiven. 16So confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that all of you can be healed, because when an obedient believer prays, it has a real effect. 17Eliyyah was a person just similar to us, and when he prayed for the rain to stop, it stopped, and it didn’t rain again for three and a half years.[ref] 18Then he prayed again, and the rain came down from the sky and the land sprouted and started to bear fruit again.[ref]

19My fellow believers, if any of you have wandered from the truth and someone helps them back, 20then you should know that someone who helps a sinner to come back from their deceitful ways will be saving their soul from death,[ref] and their many sins can be forgiven.

13Is_suffering_hardship anyone among you_all?
Him _let_be_praying.
Is_cheering_up anyone?
Him _let_be_singing_praises.
14Is_ailing anyone among you_all?
Him_let_call_to the elders of_the assembly, and them_let_pray over him, having_anointed him with_olive_oil in the name of_the master.
15And the vow of_ the _faith will_be_saving the one faltering, and will_be_raising him the master, and_if sins he_may_be having_done, it_will_be_being_forgiven to_him.
16Therefore be_confessing to_one_another your sins, and be_praying for one_another, so_that you_all_may_be_healed.
Much is_prevailing the_petition of_a_righteous one working.
17Aʸlias/(ʼĒliyyāh) a_man was like_natured to_us, and with_prayer he_prayed which not for_it to_rain, and not it_rained on the earth, three years and six months.
18And again he_prayed, and the sky rain gave, and the earth sprouted the fruit of_it.
19Brothers of_me, if anyone among you_all may_be_strayed from the truth, and may_turn_back someone him, 20be_knowing that the one having_turned_back a_sinner from the_deception of_the_way of_him, will_be_saving the_soul of_him from death, and will_be_covering a_multitude of_sins.