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Open English Translation JER

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

Readers’ Version

Literal Version 

JER - Open English Translation—Readers’ Version (OET-RV) v0.0.03


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prophet Jeremiah, started of work his as prophet of 627 year(s) of not yet born the Messiah and continued until years 580 of not yet born the Messiah. Te malayat time of serving Jeremiah, impanpanayan din the people concerning the destruction coming of nation due to sins their, and of worshipping ran of false gods. And/Now saw of Jeremiah the katumanan of prophesied din of time nasakup e the Yerusalem of Nibukadnisar King of Babylon. Saw/Found his again the demolition of city and temple, and the capture of many people other of King their there to Babylon. Prophesied din again the return of people from capture their, and the replacement of standing up of nation there to old natahuan here.

The Account of Jeremiah divided of five: 1.) The calling to Jeremiah; 2.) the what was said of God for of nation of Huda and of teachers here at time of kingdom of Husiyas, Huwakim, Hihuyakin and of Sidikiyas; 3.) the all persecution of people according to it’s written of Baruk secretary of Jeremiah, including the various prophecies, and the important what happened of life of Jeremiah; 4.) the what was said of Master God concerning the various lapu there nations; and 5.) the other pad story concerning the demolition of Yerusalem, and of pegkaddakep of people going to Babylon.

Merciful person Jeremiah; very his love the his people, and igkeepes din the judging them. There are me part of document very the love his of telling concerning the sufferings din due to because called he of God so that to becoprophets. Iling of fire there to heart din the speech of Master God, and not din indeed this igkeeles.

Written again of this document coming the time duen e new agreement. And/Now the that agreement eg-ay-ayaran of people of God and obeyed their, even pad not/none teacher egpasuman-suman them because written man e this there to me heart their. (31:31-34)

Main components of this “book”

The calling to Jeremiah 1:1-19

The prophecies concerning the kingdom of Husiyas, Huwakim, Huwakin, and of Sidikiyas 2:1-25:38

The persecution of Jeremiah 26:1-45:5

The prophecies for of nations 46:1-51:64

The demolition of Yerusalem 52:1-34

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.


1The_words of_Yirməyāh the_son of_Hilkiah one_of the_priests who in/on/at/with_Anathoth in_land of_Binyāmīn.
2Whom it_came the_word of_Yahweh to_him/it in/on/at/with_days of_Yʼoshiyyāh the_son of_ʼĀmōn the_king of_Yəhūdāh in/on/at/with_three_of teen year of_reign_his.
3And_he/it_was in/on/at/with_days of_Jehoiakim the_son of_Yʼoshiyyāh the_king of_Yəhūdāh until was_finished one_plus ten year of_Zedekiah the_son of_Yʼoshiyyāh the_king of_Yəhūdāh until went_into_exile Yərūshālayim in/on/at/with_month the_fifth.

1:4 The calling to Jeremiah








4and_he/it_was the_word of_Yahweh to_me to_say.
5In/on/at/with_before formed_you[fn] in/on/at/with_womb knew_you and_in/on/at/with_before you_came_forth from_womb consecrated_you a_prophet to_the_nations appointed_you.
6And_said alas my_master Yahweh here not I_know to_speak[fn] if/because [am]_a_youth I.
7and_he/it_said Yahweh to_me do_not say [am]_a_youth I if/because to every [one]_whom send_you you_will_go and_DOM all that command_you you_will_speak.
8Do_not be_afraid from_their_face/front if/because with_you I to_deliver_you the_utterance of_Yahweh.
9And_reached_out Yahweh DOM his/its_hand and_touched (on) mouth_my and_he/it_said Yahweh to_me here I_have_put words_my in/on/at/with_mouth_your.
10See appoint_you the_day the_this over the_nations and_over the_kingdoms to_pluck_up and_to_pull_down and_to_destroy and_to_overthrow to_build and_to_plant.

1:11 The two revelation of God





11and_he/it_was the_word of_Yahweh to_me to_say what [are]_you seeing Oh_Yirməyāh and_said a_branch of_an_almond_tree I [am]_seeing.
12And_he/it_said Yahweh to_me you_have_done_well to_see if/because [am]_keeping_watch I over word_my to_perform_it.
13and_he/it_was the_word of_Yahweh to_me a_second_[time] to_say what [are]_you seeing and_said a_pot blown_upon I [am]_seeing and_facing_its from_face/in_front_of north_to.
14And_he/it_said Yahweh to_me from_north it_will_be_let_untie/release the_disaster on all the_inhabitants the_earth/land.
15If/because see_I [am]_about_to_summon to/from_all/each/any/every [the]_clans of_[the]_kingdoms north_at the_utterance of_Yahweh and_come and_set each_one throne_his the_entrance of_the_gates of_Yərūshālayim and_against all walls_its all_around and_against all the_cities of_Yəhūdāh.
16And_pronounce judgements_my DOM_them on all wickedness_their which forsaking_me and_made_offerings to_gods other and_worshiped to_works hands_their_own.
17And_you(ms) you_will_gird_up loins_your and_stand_up and_say to_them DOM all that I command_you do_not be_dismayed from_their_face/front lest dismay_you before_face/front_them.
18And_I here made_you the_day as_city of_fortification and_as_pillar of_iron and_as_wall of_bronze on all the_earth/land against_kings of_Yəhūdāh against_princes_its against_priests_its and_against_people the_earth/land.
19And_fight against_you and_not they_will_prevail to/for_you(fs) if/because with_you I the_utterance of_Yahweh to_deliver_you.

2:1 The pegsamsamili of Israelis of God



2and_he/it_was the_word of_Yahweh to_me to_say.
2Go and_proclaim in/on/at/with_hearing[fn] of_Yərūshālayim to_say thus he_says Yahweh I_remember to/for_you(fs) the_covenant_loyalty youth_your the_love bride_your going_you after_me in/on/at/with_wilderness in_land not sown.
3[was]_a_holy_thing Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) to/for_YHWH the_beginning harvest_his[fn] all ate_it they_will_be_held_guilty calamity it_will_come upon_them the_utterance of_Yahweh.

2:4 The sin of ancestors of Israelis





4hear the_word of_Yahweh Oh_house of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_all the_clans of_the_house of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
5Thus he_says Yahweh what did_they_find fathers_your_all’s in/on/at/with_me injustice (cmp) they_became_distant from_by_me and_went after the_worthless_idols and_became_worthless.
6And_not they_said where [is]_Yahweh the_brought_up DOM_us from_land of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) the_led DOM_us in/on/at/with_wilderness in_land of_wilderness_plain and_pits in_land of_dryness and_deep_darkness in_land [which]_not he_has_passed in/on/at/with_her anyone and_not he_has_dwelt anyone there.
7And_brought DOM_you_all into the_land the_fertile to_eat fruit_its and_good_things_its and_entered and_defiled DOM land_my and_inheritance_my you_all_made as_abomination.
8The_priests not they_said where [is]_Yahweh and_handle the_law not know_me and_the_rulers they_rebelled in/on/at/with_me and_the_prophets they_prophesied in/on/at/with_Baˊal and_after [things_which]_not they_profited they_walked.

2:9 The pegkasu of God of his people






9For_so/thus/hence again I_will_contend against_you_all the_utterance of_Yahweh and_DOM the_children children’s_your_all’s I_will_contend.
10If/because pass_over the_coasts of_Cyprus and_look and_Kedar send and_consider exceedingly and_see there it_has_happened like_this.
11The_changed a_nation gods and_they not [are]_gods and_people_my it_has_exchanged glory_their in/on/at/with_not it_profits.
12Be_appalled Oh_heaven on this and_shudder be_desolate exceedingly the_utterance of_Yahweh.
13If/because two evil_things it_has_done people_my DOM_me they_have_forsaken a_spring of_water living to_dug to/for_them cisterns cisterns broken which not they_contain the_waters.

2:14 The impangkusan of pegsupak of Israelis







14Slave [is]_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) or one_born of_[the]_household [is]_it why has_it_become as_plunder.
15On/upon/above_him/it they_have_been_roaring young_lions they_have_given_forth voices_their and_made land_his as_waste cities_his they_are_ruined[fn] from_not inhabitant.
16Also the_people of_Memphis and_Tahpanhes[fn] shaved_your crown_of_head.
17Am_not this have_you_done on_yourself forsaking_your DOM Yahweh god_your in/on/at/with_time led_you in/on/at/with_way.
18And_now what gain_you by_way of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) to_drink the_water of_[the]_Shihor and_what gain_you by_way of_Assyria to_drink the_water of_[the]_River.
19Punish_you wickedness_your and_apostasies_your reprove_you and_know and_see if/because_that [is]_evil and_bitter forsake_you DOM Yahweh god_your and_not fear_me in_you the_utterance my_master Yahweh of_hosts.

2:20 Not/None worshipped of God the Israelis







20If/because from_long_ago/eternity I_broke_off yoke_your I_tore_apart bonds_your and_said not I_will_transgress[fn] if/because on every hill high and_under every tree luxuriant you [have_been]_lying_down a_prostitute.
21And_I planted_you a_choice_vine all_it [was]_seed of_reliability and_how you_have_changed_yourself to_me the_degenerate_[ones] the_vine alien.
22If/because though you_will_wash in/on/at/with_lye and_use_much to/for_you(fs) soap [is]_stained guilt_your to/for_my_face/front the_utterance my_master Yahweh.
23How will_you_say not I_have_made_myself_unclean after the_Baˊals not I_have_walked consider way_your in/on/at/with_valley recognize what have_you_done a_young_camel swift [which]_entwines ways_her.
24A_wild_donkey accustomed_to (of)_a_wilderness in/on/at/with_desire heat_her[fn] it_pants_for [the]_wind heat_her who restrain_her all seek_her not they_will_grow_weary in/on/at/with_month_her find_her.
25Restrain feet_your from_unshod and_throat_your[fn] from_thirst and_said despairing no if/because I_love strange_[gods] and_after_them I_will_walk.

2:26 Eleg punished the people of Israel













26As_shamed of_a_thief if/because he_is_found so they_have_been_put_to_shame the_house of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) they kings_their officials_their and_priests_their and_prophets_their.
27[who]_say to_the_tree father_my you and_to_the_stone you gave_birth_me[fn] if/because they_have_turned to_me a_neck and_not a_face and_in/on/at/with_time trouble_their they_will_say arise and_save_us.
28And_where gods_your which you_made for_yourself let_them_arise if save_you in/on/at/with_time trouble_your if/because the_number towns_your they_are gods_your Oh_Yəhūdāh.
29to/for_what do_you_all_contend against_me all_you_all you_all_have_rebelled in/on/at/with_me the_utterance of_Yahweh.
30In_the_vain I_struck DOM children_your_all’s correction not they_accepted it_devoured sword_your_all’s prophets_your_all’s like_lion destroying.
31The_generation you_all consider the_word of_Yahweh wilderness have_I_been to_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) or a_land of_darkness why have_they_said people_my we_have_roamed_freely not we_will_come again to_you.
32Forget a_virgin ornaments_her a_bride attire_her and_people_my forgotten_me days there_[is]_not number.
33How you_make_good way_your to_seek love for_so/thus/hence also DOM the_wicked you_have_taught[fn] DOM ways_your.
34Also in/on/at/with_skirts_your they_were_found [the]_blood of_[the]_lives of_needy_[people] innocent not in/on/at/with_breaking_in catch_them if/because on all these_[things].
35And_say if/because I_am_innocent surely it_has_turned_back anger_his from_me see_I [am]_about_to_enter_into_judgement_with DOM_you because saying_you not I_have_sinned.
36Why do_you_go_about exceedingly about_changing DOM ways_your also from_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) you_will_be_ashamed just_as you_were_ashamed by_Assyria.
37Also from this_[one] you_will_go_out and_hands_your [will_be]_on head_your if/because he_has_rejected Yahweh in/on/at/with_trust_you and_not you_will_prosper to/for_them.

3:1 The Israelis not me obedient






3To_say there he_will_send_away a_husband DOM his/its_wife/woman and_goes from_with_him and_becomes to_man another return to_her/it again am_not completely_(be_polluted) will_it_be_polluted the_earth/land the_that and_you you_have_acted_as_a_prostitute companions many and_return to_me the_utterance of_Yahweh.
2Lift_up eyes_your on bare_heights and_see where not have_you_been_lain_with[fn] at roads you_sat to/for_them like_nomad in/on/at/with_wilderness and_defiled [the]_land in/on/at/with_prostitution_your and_in/on/at/with_wickedness_your.
3And_withheld showers and_spring_rain not it_has_come and_forehead of_a_woman a_prostitute it_belonged to/for_you(fs) you_refused to_be_ashamed.
4Am_not at_now have_you_called[fn] to_me father_my [were]_the_close_friend youth_my you.
5Angry to_always or will_he_keep to_end here you_spoke[fn][fn] and_done the_evil and_could.

3:6 The following of me from-Huda of Israelis





6and_he/it_said Yahweh to_me in/on/at/with_days of_Yʼoshiyyāh the_king seen [that]_which she_has_done [the]_apostate_one Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) [has_been]_going she on every hill high and_near/to under every tree luxuriant and_played_the_whore there.
7And_thought after done_she DOM all these_[things] to_me she_will_return and_not she_has_returned and_saw[fn] treacherous sister_her Yəhūdāh.
8And_saw if/because_that on all causes that she_committed_adultery [the]_apostate_one Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) sent_away_her and_gave DOM the_document divorce_her to_her/it and_not she_was_afraid treacherous Yəhūdāh sister_her and_went and_prostituted also she.
9And_it_was because_of_lightly whoredom_her and_defiled DOM the_earth/land and_committed_adultery DOM the_stone and_DOM the_tree.
10And_also in_all this not she_returned to_me treacherous sister_her Yəhūdāh in_all her/its_heart if/because (if) in/on/at/with_pretense the_utterance of_Yahweh.
11and_he/it_said Yahweh to_me she_has_made_appear_righteous self_of_her [the]_apostate_one Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) more_than_treacherous Yəhūdāh.
12Go and_proclaim DOM the_words the_these north_toward and_say return Oh_apostate_one Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) the_utterance of_Yahweh not I_will_make_fall faces_of_my in/on/at/with_you_all if/because [am]_faithful I the_utterance of_Yahweh not I_will_keep to_forever.
13Only recognize guilt_your if/because_that in/on/at/with_LORD god_your you_have_rebelled and_scattered DOM favours_your to_the_strangers under every tree luxuriant and_in/on/at/with_voice_my not you_all_have_listened the_utterance of_Yahweh.
14Return Oh_sons apostate the_utterance of_Yahweh if/because I I_am_master in/on/at/with_you_all and_take DOM_you_all one from_city and_two from_family and_bring DOM_you_all Tsiyyōn.
15And_give to/for_you_all shepherds after_heart_my_own and_feed DOM_you_all knowledge and_understanding.
16And_it_was if/because you_all_will_multiply and_increased on_the_earth in_the_days the_those the_utterance of_Yahweh not people_will_say again the_ark of_the_covenant of_Yahweh and_not it_will_come_up on a_heart and_not people_will_remember in_him/it and_not people_will_miss_[it] and_not it_will_be_made again.
17In/on/at/with_time the_that people_will_call to_Yərūshālayim the_throne of_Yahweh and_gathered to_her/it all the_nations to_name of_Yahweh in_Yərūshālayim and_not they_will_walk again after the_stubbornness heart_their the_evil.
18in_the_days the_those they_will_walk the_house of_Yəhūdāh with the_house of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_come together from_land of_[the]_north to the_earth/land which I_gave_as_an_inheritance DOM ancestors_your_all’s.

3:19 The pegpakasale of Israel






19And_I I_thought how set_you in/on/at/with_sons and_give to/for_you(fs) a_land of_desire an_inheritance of_beauty of_beauties of_nations and_thought father_my you_all_will_call[fn] to_me and_from_following_me not you_all_will_turn_away[fn].
20Nevertheless she_deals_treacherously a_woman from_lover_her so you_all_have_dealt_treacherously in/on/at/with_me Oh_house of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) the_utterance of_Yahweh.
21A_sound on bare_heights [is]_heard the_weeping of_the_supplications of_the_people of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) if/because they_have_perverted DOM way_their they_have_forgotten DOM Yahweh god_their.
22Return Oh_sons apostate I_will_heal faithlessness_your_all’s here_we we_have_come to/for_you(fs) if/because you [are]_Yahweh god_our.
23Truly as_a_deception from_hills a_tumult mountains truly in/on/at/with_LORD god_our the_salvation of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
24And_the_shameful_thing it_has_consumed DOM the_toil fathers_our from_youth_our DOM flocks_their and_DOM herds_their DOM sons_their and_DOM daughters_their.
25Let_us_lie_down in/on/at/with_shame_our and_cover_us disgrace_our if/because to/for_YHWH god_our we_have_sinned we and_fathers_our from_youth_our and_unto the_day the_this and_not we_have_listened in/on/at/with_voice of_Yahweh god_our.

4:1 The calling of repentance from sin




4if you_will_return Oh_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) the_utterance of_Yahweh to_me you_will_return and_if you_will_remove abominations_your from_presence_my and_not you_will_waver.
2And_swear [by]_the_life of_Yahweh in/on/at/with_truth in/on/at/with_justice and_in/on/at/with_righteousness and_blessed in_him/it nations and_in/on/at/with_him they_will_boast.
3if/because thus he_says Yahweh to_men of_Yəhūdāh and_to_Yərūshālayim plow to/for_you_all unplowed_ground and_not sow to thorns.
4Circumcise_yourselves to_LORD and_remove the_foreskins hearts_your_all’s Oh_man of_Yəhūdāh and_inhabitants of_Yərūshālayim lest it_should_go_forth like_the_fire severe_anger_my and_burn and_no [one_who]_extinguishes from_face/in_front_of the_wickedness deeds_your_all’s.

4:5 The coming punishment of Huda




5Declare in/on/at/with_Yəhūdāh and_in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim make_a_proclamation and_say and[fn] a_trumpet on_the_earth call_out fill and_say gather_yourselves and_go to the_cities the_fortified.
6Lift_up a_standard Tsiyyōn_toward bring_to_safety do_not stand_still if/because calamity I [am]_about_to_bring from_north and_destruction great.
7It_has_gone_up a_lion from_thicket_his and_destroyer of_nations he_has_set_out he_has_gone_out from_place_his to_make land_your as_waste cities_your they_will_fall_in_ruins from_no an_inhabitant.
8On this gird_yourselves(pl) sackcloth(s) mourn and_wail if/because not it_has_turned_back the_burning of_the_anger of_Yahweh from_us.
9and_it_was in/on/at/with_day (the)_that the_utterance of_Yahweh it_will_perish the_heart the_king and_heart the_officials and_appalled the_priests and_the_prophets they_will_be_astonished.
10And_said alas my_master Yahweh truly utterly_(deceive) you_have_deceived to_the_people the_this and_to_Yərūshālayim to_say peace it_will_belong to/for_you_all and_reaches_up a_sword to the_throats.
11In/on/at/with_time the_that it_will_be_said to_the_people the_this and_to_Yərūshālayim a_wind scorching bare_heights in/on/at/with_wilderness [will_be]_the_direction of_the_daughter people_my not to_winnow and_not to_cleanse.
12A_wind [too]_full from_these it_will_come to_me now also I I_will_speak judgements DOM_them.
13There like_clouds he_is_going_up and_like_the_whirlwind chariots_his they_are_swift than_eagles horses_his woe to/for_us if/because we_are_devastated.
14Wash from_evil heart_your Oh_Yərūshālayim so_that you_may_be_saved until when will_it_remain in/on/at/with_inner_part_you the_thoughts wicked_your.
15If/because a_voice [is]_declaring from_Dān and_proclaiming trouble from_hill of_ʼEfrayim.
16Bring_to_remembrance to_the_nations here proclaim to Yərūshālayim besiegers [are]_coming from_land the_distant and_raise on the_cities of_Yəhūdāh voices_their.
17Like_watchers (of)_a_field they_are on/upon_it(f) in_around if/because DOM_me it_has_been_rebellious_against the_utterance of_Yahweh.
18ways_your and_deeds_your they_have_brought_about these_[things] to/for_you(fs) this doom_your if/because [it_is]_bitter if/because it_has_reached to heart_your.

4:19 The peglungku of Jeremiah





19anguish_my anguish_my I_am_waiting[fn] the_walls heart_my [is]_turbulent to/for_me heart_my not I_will_keep_silent if/because [the]_sound of_a_trumpet you_have_heard[fn] soul_my [the]_shout of_battle.
20Destruction to destruction it_has_been_proclaimed if/because it_has_been_devastated all the_earth/land suddenly they_have_been_devastated tents_my a_moment curtains_my.
21Until when will_I_see a_standard will_I_hear [the]_sound of_a_trumpet.
22if/because [is]_a_fool people_my DOM_me not they_know [are]_children fools they and_not [are]_having_understanding they [are]_skillful they in_doing_evil and_to_do_good not they_know.

4:23 The destruction dreamed of Jeremiah










23I_looked_at DOM the_earth/land and_see/lo/see [it_was]_formlessness and_emptiness and_near/to the_heavens and_no light_their.
24I_looked_at the_mountains and_see/lo/see [they_were]_quaking and_all the_hills they_shook_to_and_fro.
25I_looked and_see/lo/see [was]_not the_humankind and_all (the)_bird the_heavens they_had_fled.
26I_looked and_see/lo/see the_fruitful_land the_wilderness and_all cities_its they_had_been_pulled_down from_face/in_front_of Yahweh from_face/in_front_of the_burning anger_his.
27if/because thus he_says Yahweh a_desolation it_will_be all the_earth/land and_full_end not I_will_make.
28On this it_will_mourn the_earth/land and_grow_dark the_heavens at_above on if/because I_have_spoken I_have_resolved and_not I_have_repented and_not I_will_turn_back from_it.
29At_sound of_a_horseman and_one_shooting_of of_a_bow [is]_fleeing every the_city people_will_go in/on/at/with_thickets and_in/on/at/with_rocks people_will_go_up every the_city [is]_abandoned and_no dwelling in/on/at/with_them anyone.
30And_you[fn] Oh_devastated_[one] what are_you_doing (cmp) you_are_dressing scarlet (cmp) you_adorn_yourself ornament[s] of_gold (cmp) you_tear_open in/on/at/with_paint eyes_your in_the_vain you_beautify_yourself they_have_rejected in/on/at/with_you lovers life_your they_seek.
31If/because a_sound as_woman_in_labour I_have_heard distress as_bearing_firstchild the_sound of_the_daughter of_Tsiyyōn she_is_gasping_for_breath she_is_spreading_out hands_her woe please to_me if/because it_is_weary life_my before_murderers.

5:1 The sin of Yerusalem












5rove_about in/on/at/with_streets of_Yərūshālayim and_look please and_take_note and_search in/on/at/with_squares_her if you_all_will_find a_person if there_[is] [one_who]_does justice [one_who]_seeks faithfulness and_forgive to/for_her/it.
2And_if [by]_the_life of_Yahweh people_say for_so/thus/hence as_the_falsehood they_are_swearing_oaths.
3Oh_Yahweh eyes_your am_not for_truth you_struck DOM_them and_not they_became_weak consumed_them they_refused to_accept correction they_made_strong faces_their than_rock they_refused to_repent.
4And_I I_said only [are]_poor_[people] they they_have_acted_foolishly if/because not they_know the_way of_Yahweh the_ordinance god_their.
5I_will_go to/for_me to the_big(pl) and_speak DOM_them if/because they they_know the_way of_Yahweh the_ordinance god_their nevertheless they alike they_had_broken_off a_yoke they_had_torn_apart fetters.
6On/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so kill_them a_lion from_forest a_wolf of_wilderness_plains ravage_them a_leopard [will_be]_lying_in_wait at cities_their every the_goes_out of_them he_will_be_torn_in_pieces if/because they_are_many transgressions_their they_are_numerous apostasies_their[fn].
[fn] 7where for_this will_I_forgive[fn] to/for_you(fs)[fn] children_your forsaken_me and_sworn in/on/at/with_not gods and_fed_tothe_full DOM_them and_committed_adultery and_house of_a_prostitute they_cut_themselves.
8Horses well_fed lustful they_are everyone to the_wife his/its_neighbour they_neigh.
9For these_[things] not will_I_punish the_utterance of_Yahweh and_if in/on/at/with_nation which such_as_this not will_it_avenge_itself self_of_me.
10go_up in/on/at/with_vineyards_her and_destroy and_complete_destruction do_not make remove branches_her if/because not to/for_YHWH they.
11If/because indeed_(deal_treacherously) they_have_dealt_treacherously in/on/at/with_me the_house of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_house of_Yəhūdāh the_utterance of_Yahweh.

5:12 Mig-inniyuhan of Master Israel




12They_have_denied in/on/at/with_LORD and_they_said [is]_not he and_not it_will_come to_us harm and_sword and_famine not we_will_see.
13And_the_prophets they_will_become to/for_wind/breath/spirit and_the_word not (is)_in_them thus let_it_be_done to/for_them.
14for_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh the_god of_hosts because spoken_you_all DOM the_word the_this see_I [am]_about_to_make words_my in/on/at/with_mouth_your like_fire and_the_people the_this wood(s) and_consume_them.
15Behold_I [am]_about_to_bring against_you_all a_nation from_afar Oh_house of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) the_utterance of_Yahweh [is]_a_nation enduring it [is]_a_nation from_long_ago/eternity it a_nation [which]_not you_know language_whose and_not you_hear what does_it_say.
16Quiver_their like_grave open all_them [are]_warriors.
17And_he/it_will_eat harvest_your and_food_your they_will_devour sons_your and_daughters_your it_will_devour flocks_your and_herds_your it_will_devour vines_your and_fig_trees_your it_will_shatter the_cities fortified_your which you [are]_trusting in/on/at/with_them in/on/at/with_sword.
18And_also in_the_days the_those the_utterance of_Yahweh not I_will_make of_you_all complete_destruction.
19And_it_was if/because you_all_will_say for what did_he_do Yahweh god_our to/for_us DOM all these_[things] and_say to_them just_as you_all_forsook DOM_me and_served gods of_foreignness in/on/at/with_land_your_all’s so you_all_will_serve strangers in_land [which]_not belong_to_you_all.

5:20 The warning of God of his people




20declare this in_house_of of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_proclaim_it in/on/at/with_Yəhūdāh to_say.
21Hear please this Oh_people fool and_without heart eyes to/for_them and_not they_see ears to/for_them and_not they_hear.
22DOM_me not do_you_all_fear the_utterance of_Yahweh or in_presence_me not do_you_all_tremble who I_appointed [the]_sand a_boundary for_the_sea a_decree of_perpetuity and_not cross_it and_toss and_not they_will_prevail and_roar waves_its and_not pass_over_it.
23And_for_the_people the_this it_belongs a_heart stubborn and_rebellious they_have_turned_aside and_gone_away.
24And_not they_said in/on/at/with_hearts_their let_us_fear please DOM Yahweh god_our the_gives rain and[fn] and_spring_rain in/on/at/with_season_its [the]_weeks of_[the]_appointments of_harvest he_keeps to/for_us.
25Iniquities_your_all’s they_have_turned_aside these_[things] and_sins_your_all’s they_have_withheld the_good from_you_all.
26If/because they_are_found in/on/at/with_people_my wicked_[people] he_watches like_lying_in_wait fowlers they_set a_destroyer people they_catch.
27Like_cage full bird[s] so houses_their [are]_full deceit on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so they_have_become_great and_rich.
28They_have_become_fat they_have_become_smooth also they_have_transgressed matters of_evil a_cause not they_have_pleaded [the]_cause of_[the]_fatherless and_prosper and_rights of_needy_[people] not they_have_judged.
29For these_[things] not will_I_punish the_utterance of_Yahweh or in/on/at/with_nation which as_this not will_it_avenge_itself self_of_me.
30an_atrocious_event and_horrible it_has_occurred on_the_earth.
31The_prophets they_have_prophesied in/on/at/with_lies and_the_priests they_are_ruling on authority_their_own and_people_my they_have_loved thus and_what will_you_all_do when_end_it.

6:1 Inlingutan of enemies the Yerusalem



6Bring_to_safety Oh_people of_Binyāmīn[fn] from_midst of_Yərūshālayim and_in/on/at/with_Tekoa blow a_trumpet and_over house_of wwww raise a_rising if/because calamity it_has_looked_down from_north and_destruction great.
2The_beautiful and_the_delicate I_resemble the_daughter of_Tsiyyōn.
3To_her/it they_will_come shepherds and_flocks_their they_will_pitch on/upon_it(f) tents all_around they_will_graze everyone DOM his/its_hand.
4Consecrate on/upon_it(f) battle arise and_attack in/on/at/with_noon woe to/for_us if/because it_has_turned the_day if/because they_are_stretched_out [the]_shadows of_evening.
5Arise and_attack in/on/at/with_night and_destroy palaces_her.
6if/because thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts cut_down wood and_throw_up on Yərūshālayim a_mound that the_city it_will_be_visited nothing_its [is]_oppression in/on/at/with_midst_her.
7As_keeps_fresh a_well[fn] water_its so it_has_kept_cool wickedness_her violence and_destruction it_is_heard in/on/at/with_her [are]_on attention_me continually sickness and_wounds.
8Let_yourself_be_instructed Oh_Yərūshālayim lest it_should_be_alienated self_of_me from_you lest make_you a_desolation a_land [which]_not it_is_inhabited.

6:9 The pegkamasinupaken of Israel



9thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts thoroughly_(glean) people_will_glean as_the_vine the_remnant of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) return hand_your like_grape-gatherer over branches.
10To whom will_I_speak and_give_warning and_hear there [is]_uncircumcised ears_their and_not they_are_able to_listen there the_word of_Yahweh it_has_become to/for_them as_object_of_scorn not they_delight in_him/it.
11And_DOM the_rage of_Yahweh I_am_full I_am_weary to_hold_[it]_in pour_[it]_out on child[ren] in/on/at/with_street and_on [the]_gathering of_young_men alike if/because also a_husband with a_wife they_will_be_caught [the]_old with [the]_full of_days.
12And_turned_over houses_their to_others fields and_wives alike if/because I_will_stretch_out DOM hand_my on the_inhabitants the_earth/land the_utterance of_Yahweh.
13If/because from_least_them and_unto greatest_them everyone_him [is]_gaining unjust_gain and_from_prophet and_unto priest everyone_him [is]_doing falsehood.
14And_treated DOM the_fracture people_my on a_trifling_[thing] to_say peace peace and_there_is_no peace.
15Are_they_ashamed if/because_that an_abomination they_have_done neither at_all_(ashamed) not they_are_ashamed nor to_exhibit_shame not they_know for_so/thus/hence they_will_fall in/on/at/with_fall in/on/at/with_time punish_them they_will_stumble he_says Yahweh.

6:16 The repentance from Israel of advice of God




16thus he_says Yahweh stand at [the]_roads and_look and_ask for_paths of_ancient_time where this [is_the]_way the_good and_walk in/on/at/with_it and_find rest for_souls_your_all’s and_they_said not we_will_walk.
17And_raised_up over_you_all watchmen pay_attention to_sound/voice of_a_trumpet and_they_said not we_will_pay_attention.
18For_so/thus/hence listen the_nations and_know Oh_congregation DOM [that]_which in/on/at/with_them.
19Hear the_earth/land here I [am]_about_to_bring calamity to the_people the_this the_fruit schemes_their if/because on words_my not they_have_paid_attention and_law_my and_rejected in/on/at/with_it.
20To/for_what this to_me frankincense from_Sheba it_comes and_cane the_sweet from_land of_distance burnt_offerings_your_all’s not for_acceptable and_sacrifices_your_all’s not they_are_pleasing to_me.
21for_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh see_I [am]_about_to_give to the_people the_this stumbling_blocks and_stumble in/on/at/with_them fathers and_sons alike a_neighbor and_friend_his wwww[fn].

6:22 The enemies from north




22thus he_says Yahweh there a_people [is]_about_to_come from_land of_[the]_north and_nation great it_will_be_roused from_farthest_parts of_[the]_earth.
23Bow and_javelin they_take_hold_of [is]_cruel it and_not they_have_mercy sound_their like_the_sea [which]_it_roars and_on horses they_ride [they_are]_arranged like_man for_the_battle against_you Oh_daughter of_Tsiyyōn.
24We_heard DOM news_it they_dropped our_both_hands distress seized_us anguish as_a_woman_in_labour.
25Do_not go_out[fn] the_field and_in/on/at/with_road do_not walk[fn] if/because a_sword has_enemy terror on_every_side.
26Oh_daughter people_my gird_yourself sackcloth and_roll in/on/at/with_ashes [the]_mourning of_an_only_[child] observe to/for_you(fs) wailing of_bitterness(es) if/because suddenly it_will_come the_destroyer upon_us.
27An_assayer made_you in/on/at/with_people_my fortification and_know and_test DOM ways_their.
28All_they [are_those_who]_turn_aside of_rebels [who]_go_about of_slander bronze and_iron all_them [are]_behaving_corruptly they.
29It_puffs [the]_bellow[s] by_fire[fn] lead in_the_vain someone_has_refined thoroughly_(refine) and_wicked not they_have_been_separated.
30Silver rejected people_called to/for_them if/because he_has_rejected Yahweh in/on/at/with_them.

7:1 The preaching of Jeremiah there to Timplu




7the_word which it_came to Yirməyāh from_with Yahweh to_say.
2Stand in/on/at/with_gate of_the_house of_Yahweh and_proclaim there DOM the_word the_this and_say hear the_word of_Yahweh Oh_all Yəhūdāh the_(ones_who)_went in/on/at/with_gates the_these to_worship to/for_YHWH.
3thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) make_good ways_your_all’s and_deeds_your_all’s and_dwell DOM_you_all in/on/at/with_place the_this.
4Do_not trust to/for_you_all to (the)_words the_deceptive to_say the_temple of_Yahweh the_temple of_Yahweh [are]_the_temple of_Yahweh they.
5If/because if really_(make_good) you_all_will_make_good DOM ways_your_all’s and_DOM deeds_your_all’s if really_(do) you_all_will_do justice between everyone and_between his/its_neighbour.
6[the]_sojourner [the]_fatherless and_widow not you_all_must_oppress and_blood innocent do_not shed in/on/at/with_place the_this and_after gods other not you_all_must_walk to_harm on_yourselves.
7And_dwell DOM_you_all in/on/at/with_place the_this on_the_earth which I_gave to_ancestors_your_all’s at_from antiquity and_unto perpetuity.
8Here you_all [are]_relying to/for_you_all on (the)_words the_deceptive to_not to_profit.
9Steal will_you_murder and_commit_adultery[fn] and_swear by_the_falsehood and_burn_incense to_the_Baˊal and_go after gods other which not you_all_have_known.
10And_come and_stand to/for_my_face/front in/on/at/with_house the_this which it_is_called name_my on/upon/above_him/it and_say we_are_delivered so_as to_do DOM all the_abominations the_these.
11The_den of_robbers has_it_become the_house the_this which it_is_called name_my on/upon/above_him/it in/on/at/with_eyes_your_all’s also I here I_have_seen the_utterance of_Yahweh.
12if/because go please to place_my which in/on/at/with_Shiloh where I_caused_to_dwell name_my there in/on/at/with_first and_see DOM [that]_which I_did to_him/it from_face/in_front_of the_wickedness people_my Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
13And_now because done_you_all DOM all the_things the_these the_utterance of_Yahweh and_spoke to_you_all rising_early and_speaking and_not you_all_listened and_called DOM_you_all and_not you_all_answered.
14And_do to_the_house which it_is_called name_my on/upon/above_him/it which you_all [are]_trusting in/on/over_him/it and_to_the_place which I_gave to/for_you_all and_to_ancestors_your_all’s just_as I_did to_Shiloh.
15And_throw DOM_you_all from_under sight_my just_as I_throw_out DOM all brothers_your_all’s DOM all the_offspring of_ʼEfrayim.

7:16 The pegkamasinupaken of people




16and_you(ms) do_not pray for the_people the_this and_not lift_up for_them a_cry_of_entreaty and_prayer and_not entreat in/on/at/with_me if/because not_I [will_be]_hearing DOM_you.
17Not_you seeing what [are]_they doing in/on/at/with_towns of_Yəhūdāh and_in/on/at/with_streets of_Yərūshālayim.
18The_children [are]_gathering wood(s) and_the_fathers [are]_kindling DOM the_fire and_the_women [are]_kneading dough for_doing cakes for_queen the_heavens and_pour_out drink_offerings to_gods other so_as provoke_toanger_me.
19DOM_I [are]_they provoking the_utterance of_Yahweh am_not DOM_them for_the_sake_of the_shame faces_their_own.
20for_so/thus/hence thus he_says my_master Yahweh here anger_my and_severe_anger_my [is]_about_to_be_poured_out against the_place the_this on the_humankind and_on the_cattle/livestock and_on the_tree[s] the_field and_on the_fruit the_soil and_burn and_not it_will_be_quenched.
21thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) burnt_offerings_your_all’s add to sacrifices_your_all’s and_eat meat.
22If/because not I_spoke with ancestors_your_all’s and_not command_them in/on_day wwww[fn] DOM_them of_land of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) on matters of_burnt_offering and_sacrifices.
23If/because (if) DOM the_command the_this I_commanded DOM_them to_say listen in/on/at/with_voice_my and_I_will_be to/for_you_all as_god and_you_all you_all_will_become to_me as_people and_walk in_all the_way which I_will_command DOM_you_all so_that it_may_go_well with_you_all.
24And_not they_listened and_not they_inclined DOM ear_their and_walked in/on/at/with_counsels in/on/at/with_stubbornness heart_their the_evil and_they_were toward_back and_not toward_fronts.
25At_from the_day when they_came_out ancestors_your_all’s of_land of_Miʦrayim until the_day the_this and_sent to_you_all DOM all servants_my the_prophets day rising_early and_sending.
26And_not they_listened to_me and_not they_inclined DOM ear_their and_stiffened DOM neck_their they_did_evil more_than_ancestors_their.
27And_speak to_them DOM all the_words the_these and_not they_will_listen to_you and_call to_them and_not answer_you.
28And_say to_them this the_nation which not they_listened in/on/at/with_voice of_Yahweh his/its_god and_not they_accepted correction it_has_perished the_truth and_cut_off from_lips_their.

7:29 The bad deeds there to plain of Hinum




29shave hair_your and_throw_away and_take_up on bare_heights a_lamentation if/because he_has_rejected Yahweh and_forsaken DOM the_generation severe_anger_his.
30If/because they_have_done the_people of_Yəhūdāh the_evil in/on/at/with_sight_my the_utterance of_Yahweh they_have_put abominations_their in/on/at/with_house which it_is_called name_my on/upon/above_him/it to_defile_it.
31And_built the_high_places the_Topheth which in/on/at/with son_of wwww to_burn DOM sons_their and_DOM daughters_their in/on/at/with_fire which not I_commanded and_not it_came_up on mind_my.
32for_so/thus/hence here days [are]_coming the_utterance of_Yahweh and_not it_will_be_said again the_Topheth and son_of wwww if/because (if) the_valley the_slaughter and_bury in/on/at/with_Topheth until_there_is_no room.
33And_be the_corpse[s] the_people the_this as_food for_birds the_heavens and_for_beasts the_earth/land and_no [one_who]_terrifies.
34And_bring from_cities of_Yəhūdāh and_from_streets of_Yərūshālayim [the]_sound of_joy and_voice of_gladness [the]_sound of_a_bridegroom and_voice of_a_bride if/because as_waste it_will_become the_earth/land.
8In/on/at/with_time the_that the_utterance of_Yahweh and[fn] DOM the_bones of_the_kings of_Yəhūdāh and_DOM the_bones officials_its and_DOM the_bones the_priests and_DOM the_bones the_prophets and_DOM the_bones of_the_inhabitants of_Yərūshālayim from_graves_their.
2And_exposed_they to_the_sun and_before_the_moon and_to/for_all the_host the_heavens which loved_them and_which served_them and_which they_walked after_them and_which consulted_them and_which they_bowed_down to/for_them not they_will_be_gathered and_not they_will_be_buried like_dung on the_surface the_soil they_will_become.
3And_preferred death to_life to_all/each/any/every the_remnant the_remains from the_family the_evil the_this in_all the_places the_remain where driven_them there the_utterance of_Yahweh of_hosts.

8:4 The sin and punishment





4and_say to_them thus he_says Yahweh fall and_not do_they_stand_up or does_anyone_turn_away and_not does_he_return.
5Why has_it_turned_away the_people the_this Yərūshālayim apostasy enduring they_have_kept_hold in/on/at/with_deceit they_have_refused to_return.
6I_have_paid_attention and_listened not right they_speak there_[is]_not anyone [who]_relents on wickedness_his to_say what have_I_done everyone_them [is]_turning in/on/at/with_course_his[fn] like_horse [which]_rushes in/on/at/with_battle.
7Also a_stork in_the_heavens it_knows seasons_her and_turtledove and[fn] and_thrush[fn] they_keep DOM the_time coming_their and_people_my not they_know DOM the_ordinance of_Yahweh.
8How will_you_all_say [are]_wise we and_law of_Yahweh with_us truly here into_a_lie it_has_made_[it] a_stylus of_falsehood of_scribes.
9They_will_be_put_to_shame wise_[people] they_will_be_dismayed and_taken there in/on/at/with_word of_Yahweh they_have_rejected and_wisdom of_what to/for_them.
10for_so/thus/hence I_will_give DOM wives_their to_others fields_their to_conquerors if/because from_least and_unto [the]_great everyone_them [is]_gaining unjust_gain from_prophet and_unto priest everyone_them [is]_doing falsehood.
11And_treated DOM the_fracture of_the_daughter people_my on a_trifling_[thing] to_say peace peace and_there_is_no peace.
12Are_they_ashamed if/because_that an_abomination they_have_done also at_all_(ashamed) not they_are_ashamed and_blush not they_know for_so/thus/hence they_will_fall in/on/at/with_fall in/on/at/with_time punish_them they_will_stumble he_says Yahweh.
13surely_(gather) bring_toan_end_them the_utterance of_Yahweh there_[will]_not_[be] grapes in/on/at/with_vine and_no figs in/on/at/with_fig_tree and_the_leaves it_will_wither and_given to/for_them passed_away_them.
14Concerning what [are]_we sitting gather_yourselves and_go into the_cities the_fortified and_perish there if/because Yahweh god_our doomed_us and_given_todrink_us water of_poison if/because we_have_sinned to/for_YHWH.
15We_waited_eagerly for_peace and_no good for_time of_healing and_see/lo/see terror.
16From_Dān it_has_been_heard the_snorting horses_their at_sound of_the_neighings stallions_their it_has_shaken all the_earth/land and_come and_devour [the]_land and_everything_it [the]_city and_live in/on/at/with_it.
17if/because see_I [am]_about_to_send in/on/at/with_you_all snakes vipers which there_[is]_not to/for_them charming and_bite DOM_you_all the_utterance of_Yahweh.

8:18 The peglungku of Jeremiah due to his people



















18joy_my on sorrow within_me heart_my [is]_faint.
19There the_sound of_the_cry_for_help of_the_daughter people_my from_land of_distance(s) LORD not in/on/at/with_Tsiyyōn or king_her not in/on/at/with_her why provoked_toanger_me in/on/at/with_images_their in/on/at/with_idols of_foreignness.
20It_has_passed harvest it_has_come_to_an_end summer and_we not we_have_been_saved.
21On the_brokenness of_the_daughter people_my I_have_been_broken I_am_in_mourning desolation taken_hold_of_me.
22The_balm [is]_there_not in/on/at/with_Gilˊād or a_physician [is]_there_not there if/because why not has_it_come_up the_healing of_the_daughter people_my.
23[fn] who will_he_give my_head [was]_water and_eyes_my [was]_a_fountain of_tear[s] and_weep by_day and_night DOM [those]_slain of_the_daughter people_my.
9[fn] who he_would_give_I in/on/at/with_wilderness a_lodging_place of_travelers and_leave DOM people_my and_go_away from_with_them if/because all_they [are]_adulterers an_assembly of_[those_who]_act_treacherously.
2[fn] and_bend DOM tongue_their bow_their of_falsehood and_not for_truth they_are_strong in/on_the_earth if/because from_evil to evil they_have_gone_out and_DOM_me not they_know the_utterance of_Yahweh.
3[fn] each against_neighbor_his take_heed and_in any brother do_not rely if/because every brother persistently_(betray) he_betrays and_all neighbor slander he_goes_about.
4[fn] and_everyone in/on/at/with_neighbor_his they_deceive and_truth not they_speak they_have_taught tongues_their to_speak falsehood to_do_iniquity they_are_weary.
5[fn] live_you in_the_middle deceit in/on/at/with_deceit they_have_refused to_know DOM_me the_utterance of_Yahweh.
6[fn] for_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts see_I refine_them and_test_them if/because how will_I_act from_face/in_front_of the_daughter people_my.
7[fn] [is]_an_arrow beaten[fn] tongue_their deceit it_speaks in/on/at/with_mouth_his peace with his/its_neighbour someone_speaks[fn] and_in/on/at/with_heart_his he_sets ambush_him.
8[fn] for these_[things] not will_I_visit in/on/at/with_them the_utterance of_Yahweh or in/on/at/with_nation which such_as_this not will_it_avenge_itself self_of_me.
9[fn] on the_mountains I_will_take_up weeping and_wailing and_for [the]_pastures of_[the]_wilderness lamentation if/because they_are_left_desolate so_that_no anyone [who]_passes_through and_not people_hear [the]_sound of_livestock from_birds the_heavens and_unto animal[s] they_have_fled they_have_gone.
10[fn] and_make DOM Yərūshālayim as_heap_of_ruins a_habitation of_jackals and_DOM the_cities of_Yəhūdāh I_will_make a_waste from_without inhabitant.
11[fn] who the_man the_wise and_understand DOM this and_which it_has_spoken the_mouth of_Yahweh to_him/it and_declare_it concerning what has_it_been_destroyed the_earth/land has_it_become_ruined like_the_wilderness so_that_no [one_who]_passes_through.
12[fn] and_he/it_said Yahweh because forsaken_they DOM law_my which I_set before_face/front_them and_not they_have_listened in/on/at/with_voice_my and_not they_have_walked in/on/at/with_it.
13[fn] and_went after the_stubbornness hearts_their and_after the_Baˊals which taught_them fathers_their.
14[fn] for_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) see_I feed_them DOM the_people the_this wormwood and_give_todrink_them water of_poison.
15[fn] and_scatter_them in/on/at/with_nations which not they_knew they and_fathers_their and_send after_them DOM the_drought//sword/knife until consumed_I DOM_them.
16[fn] thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts consider and_call for_the_mourning and_come and_near/to the_skillful send and_come.

9:17 The requesting of people of Yerusalem










17[fn] and_come_quickly and_raise over_us wailing and_overflow eyes_our tear[s] and_eyelids_our they_may_flow water.
18[fn] if/because a_sound of_wailing it_has_been_heard from_Tsiyyōn how we_have_been_devastated we_have_been_put_to_shame exceedingly if/because we_have_left [the]_land if/because people_have_throw_down dwellings_our.
19[fn] if/because hear Oh_women the_word of_Yahweh and_receive ear_your_all’s the_word mouth_his and_teach daughters_your_all’s a_mourning_song and_one neighbor_her a_lamentation.
20[fn] if/because it_has_come_up death in/on/at/with_windows_our it_has_come in/on/at/with_fortresses_our to_cut_off child[ren] from_streets young_men from_squares.
21[fn] speak thus the_utterance of_Yahweh and_fall the_corpse[s] the_humankind like_dung on the_surface the_field and_like_cut_grain at_behind the_reaper and_no [one_who]_gathers.
22[fn] thus he_says Yahweh not let_him_boast a_wise_[person] in/on/at/with_wisdom_his and_not let_him_boast the_mighty in/on/at/with_might_his not let_him_boast a_rich_[person] in/on/at/with_wealth_his.
23[fn] if/because (if) in/on/at/with_this let_him_boast the_boasts he_has_insight and_knows DOM_me if/because_that I [am]_Yahweh [who]_does covenant_loyalty justice and_righteousness on_the_earth if/because in/on/at/with_these I_delight the_utterance of_Yahweh.
24[fn] here days [are]_coming the_utterance of_Yahweh and_punish on every [man]_circumcised in/on/at/with_foreskin.
25[fn] on Miʦrayim/(Egypt) and_to Yəhūdāh and_to ʼₑdōm and_to the_people of_Ammon and_to Mōʼāⱱ and_to all [those_who_are]_cut_off of_[the]_corner the_live in/on/at/with_wilderness if/because all the_nations [are]_uncircumcised and_all the_house of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) [are]_uncircumcised of_heart.

10:1 The worshipping of false gods and the true/correct worshipping











10hear DOM the_word which he_has_spoken Yahweh to_you_all Oh_house of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
2Thus he_says Yahweh (to) the_way the_nations do_not learn and_by_signs the_heavens do_not be_dismayed if/because they_are_dismayed the_nations by_them.
3If/because the_customs the_peoples [is]_futility it if/because a_tree from_forest cut_down_it [the]_work of_[the]_hands of_a_craftsman in/on/at/with_chisel.
4In/on/at/with_silver and_in/on/at/with_gold decorates_it in/on/at/with_nails and_in/on/at/with_hammer fasten_it and_not it_will_stagger.
5Like_scarecrows of_a_cucumber_field they and_not they_speak actually_(carry) they_are_carried if/because not they_walk do_not be_afraid from_them if/because not they_do_harm and_also doing_good there_[is]_not DOM_they.
6from_there_is_no like_you Oh_Yahweh [are]_great you and_great name_your in/on/at/with_might.
7Who not fear_you Oh_king the_nations if/because to/for_yourself(m) it_is_befitting if/because in/on/at/with_all the_wise_[people] the_nations and_on/over_all kingdoms_their from_there_is_no like_you.
8And_in/on/at/with_same they_are_stupid and_foolish [the]_correction of_futilities [is]_wood it.
9Silver beaten from_Tarshish it_is_brought and_gold from_Uphaz [the]_work of_a_craftsman and_hands of_a_metalsmith [is]_violet_stuff and_purple clothing_their [are_the]_work of_skillful_[people] all_they.
10And_YHWH [is]_god truth he [is]_god living and_king of_perpetuity at_severe_anger_his it_shakes the_earth/land and_not they_will_endure nations indignation_his.
11as_this you_all_will_say to_them gods_the who the_heavens and_earth_the not they_made may_they_perish from_earth_the and_from under the_heavens these.

10:12 The song of praising of God






12[he_was]_making (of)_[the]_earth in/on/at/with_power_his [he_was]_establishing [the]_world in/on/at/with_wisdom_his and_in/on/at/with_understanding_his he_stretched_out [the]_heavens.
13To_sound/voice utters_he a_tumult of_waters in/on/at/with_heavens and_rise clouds from_ends wwww[fn] lightning_flashes for_the_rain he_makes and_brings_out [the]_wind from_storehouses_his.
14He_is_stupid every person without_knowledge he_is_put_to_shame every metalsmith by_idols if/because [is]_deception images_his and_not breath in/on/at/with_them.
15[are]_futility they a_work of_mockeri(es) in/on/at/with_time punishment_their they_will_perish.
16Not like_these the_portion of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) if/because [is_the_one_who]_formed the_all he and_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) [is]_the_tribe inheritance_his [is]_Yahweh of_hosts his/its_name.

10:17 The capture of people of Huda









17gather_up from_ground bundle_your Oh_[you_who]_dwell[fn] in/on/at/with_siege.
18if/because thus he_says Yahweh look_I [am]_about_to_sling_forth DOM the_inhabitants the_earth/land in/on/at/with_time the_this and_bring_distress to/for_them so_that they_may_find.
19woe to_me on injury_my [is]_severe wound_my and_I I_said surely this [is]_a_sickness and_bear_it.
20Tent_my it_has_been_devastated and_all tent_cords_my they_have_been_snapped sons_my gone_me and_no_more_they there_[is]_not [one_who]_pitches again tent_my and_set_up curtains_my.
21If/because they_are_stupid the_shepherds and_DOM Yahweh not they_have_sought on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so not they_have_prospered and_all flock_their it_has_been_scattered.
22[the]_sound of_a_report there [it_is]_coming and_commotion great from_land of_[the]_north to_make DOM the_cities of_Yəhūdāh a_desolation a_habitation of_jackals.
23I_know Oh_Yahweh if/because_that not to_the_human_beings its_road/course not in_man [who]_walks and_direct DOM steps_his.
24Correct_me Oh_Yahweh only in/on/at/with_justice not in/on/at/with_anger_your lest bring_tonothing_me.
25Pour_out severe_anger_your on the_nations which not know_you and_on clans which in/on/at/with_name_your not they_have_called if/because they_have_consumed DOM Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_devoured_him and_consumed_him and_DOM habitation_his they_have_devastated.

11:1 Jeremiah and the agreement






11the_word which it_came to Yirməyāh from_with Yahweh to_say.
2Hear DOM the_words the_covenant the_this and_speak_them to everyone of_Yəhūdāh and_to the_inhabitants of_Yərūshālayim.
3And_say to_them thus he_says Yahweh the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) [is]_cursed the_man who not he_will_hear DOM the_words the_covenant the_this.
4Which I_commanded DOM ancestors_your_all’s in/on_day brought_out_I DOM_them of_land of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) from_furnace the_iron to_say listen in/on/at/with_voice_my and_do DOM_them according_to_all that I_will_command DOM_you_all and_you_all_will_be to_me as_people and_I I_will_become to/for_you_all as_god.
5So_as to_carry_out DOM the_oath which I_swore to_ancestors_your_all’s to_give to/for_them a_land flowing of_milk and_honey as_the_day the_this and_answered and_said amen Oh_Yahweh.
6and_he/it_said Yahweh to_me proclaim DOM all the_words the_these in/on/at/with_cities of_Yəhūdāh and_in/on/at/with_streets of_Yərūshālayim to_say hear DOM the_words the_covenant the_this and_do DOM_them.
7If/because solemnly_(warn) I_warned in/on/at/with_ancestors_your_all’s in/on_day brought_up_I DOM_them from_land of_Miʦrayim and_unto the_day the_this rising_early and_warning to_say listen in/on/at/with_voice_my.
8And_not they_listened and_not they_inclined DOM ear_their and_walked everyone in/on/at/with_stubbornness heart_his the_evil and_brought on_them DOM all the_words the_covenant the_this which I_commanded for_doing and_not they_did.
9and_he/it_said Yahweh to_me it_has_been_found a_conspiracy in/on/at/with_people of_Yəhūdāh and_in/on/at/with_inhabitants of_Yərūshālayim.
10They_have_returned to the_iniquities ancestors_their the_of_old who they_refused to_obey DOM words_my and_they they_have_walked after gods other to_serve_them they_have_broken the_house of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_house of_Yəhūdāh DOM covenant_my which I_made with ancestors_their.
11for_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh see_I [am]_about_to_bring on_them a_calamity which not they_will_be_able to_escape from_her/it and_cry_out to_me and_not I_will_listen to_them.
12And_go the_cities of_Yəhūdāh and_inhabitants of_Yərūshālayim and_cry_out to the_ʼₑlhīmv which they [are]_making_smoke to/for_them and_to_help not they_will_deliver to/for_them in/on/at/with_time disaster_their.
13If/because the_number towns_your they_are gods_your Oh_Yəhūdāh and_many of_the_streets of_Yərūshālayim you_all_have_made altars to_the_shame altars to_burn_incense to_the_Baˊal.
14and_you(ms) do_not pray for the_people the_this and_not lift_up for_them a_cry_of_entreaty and_prayer if/because not_I [will_be]_listening in/on/at/with_time call_they to_me for trouble_their.
15what has_beloved_my in/on/at/with_house_my done_she the_vile_deeds the_many and_flesh of_holiness they_will_pass_away from_against_you if/because disaster_your then you_will_rejoice.
16An_olive_tree luxuriant beautiful of_fruit of_form he_called Yahweh name_you to_sound/voice of_a_rainstorm great he_has_kindled a_fire on/upon_it(f) and_consumed branches_its.
17And_LORD of_hosts the_planted DOM_you he_has_spoken against_you evil in/on/at/with_because_of of_the_evil of_the_house of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_house of_Yəhūdāh which they_have_done to/for_them to_provoking_toanger_me by_burning_incense to_the_Baˊal.

11:18 The bad plan to Jeremiah




18and_YHWH made_known_me and_knew then showed_me deeds_their.
19And_I like_lamb a_tame_one [which]_it_is_led to_slaughter and_not I_knew if/because_that against_me they_had_planned plans let_us_destroy [the]_tree in/on/at/with_fruit_its and_cut_off_him from_land of_[the]_living and_his/its_name not may_it_be_remembered again.
20And_YHWH of_hosts [who]_judges (of)_righteousness [who]_tests kidneys and_mind let_me_see vengeance_your from_them if/because to_you I_have_made_known DOM cause_my.
21for_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh on the_people of_Anathoth the_seek DOM life_your to_say not you_must_prophesy in/on_name_of of_Yahweh and_not you_will_die in/on/at/with_hand_our.
22for_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts see_I [am]_about_to_visit_[judgement] to_them the_young_men they_will_die in/on/at/with_sword sons_their and_daughters_their they_will_die in/on/at/with_famine.
23And_remnant not it_will_belong to/for_them if/because I_will_bring calamity to the_people of_Anathoth the_year punishment_their.

12:1 The questioning of Jeremiah of Master







12[are]_righteous you Oh_Yahweh if/because I_bring_a_case against_you nevertheless judgements I_will_speak with_you why [the]_way of_wicked_[people] does_it_prosper are_they_at_ease all [those_who]_act_treacherously of_treachery.
2Planted_them also they_have_taken_root they_walk also they_have_produced fruit [are]_near you in/on/at/with_lips_their and_far from_hearts_their.
3And_you(ms) Oh_Yahweh know_me see_me and_test heart_my with_you drag_off_them like_sheep for_slaughter and_set_apart_them for_day of_slaughter.
4until when will_it_dry_up the_earth/land and_grass of_every the_field will_it_be_dried_up for_wickedness of_[those_who]_dwell in/on/at/with_it it_has_dwindled_away animals and_birds if/because people_have_said not he_will_see DOM end_our.
5If/because with foot_soldiers you_have_run and_worn_out_you and_how will_you_compete with the_horses and_in/on/at/with_land of_safety you [are]_falling_to_the_ground and_how will_you_do in/on/at/with_thickets the_Yardēn.
6If/because also brothers_your and_house I_will_show_you(ms) also they they_have_dealt_treacherously in/on/at/with_you also they they_have_called_out after_you full do_not trust in/on/at/with_them if/because they_speak to_you good_things.

12:7 The peglungku of Master due to his people








7I_have_forsaken DOM house_my I_have_abandoned DOM inheritance_my I_have_given DOM the_one_beloved soul_my in/on/at/with_hands enemies_her.
8It_has_become to/for_me inheritance_my like_lion in/on/at/with_forest it_has_given_forth against_me in/on/at/with_voice_her on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so hate_her.
9Bird_of_prey speckled inheritance_my to_me the_birds_of_prey all_around on/upon_it(f) go gather every (the)_animal the_field bring_[them] for_food.
10Shepherds many they_have_ruined vineyard_my they_have_trodden_down DOM plot_of_land_my they_have_made DOM the_portion pleasant_my into_wilderness of_desolation.
11Made_it into_desolation it_is_in_mourning before_me desolate it_has_been_made_desolate all the_earth/land if/because there_[is]_not anyone [who]_puts_[it] on heart.
12Over all [the]_bare_heights in/on/at/with_wilderness they_have_come destroyers if/because a_sword to/for_YHWH [is]_devouring from_end of_[the]_land and_unto the_end the_earth/land there_[is]_not peace to/from_all/each/any/every flesh.
13people_have_sown wheat(s) and_thorns they_have_reaped they_have_wearied_themselves not they_have_profited and_ashamed of_harvests_your_all’s because_of_fierce of_the_anger of_Yahweh.

12:14 The what was said of God concerning the nations surrounding Israel


14thus he_says Yahweh on all neighbors_my the_evil the_touch in/on/at/with_inheritance which I_gave_as_an_inheritance DOM people_my DOM Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) see_I uproot_them from_under land_their and_DOM the_house of_Yəhūdāh I_will_pluck_up from_among_them.
15And_it_was after uprooted_I DOM_them I_will_return and_have_compassion_on_them and_bring_back_them everyone to_inheritance_his and_each_one to_land_his.
16And_it_was if really_(learn) they_will_learn DOM the_ways people_my to_swear in/on/at/with_name_my [by]_the_life of_Yahweh just_as they_taught DOM people_my to_swear in/on/at/with_Baˊal and_built_up in_the_middle people_my.
17And_if not they_will_listen and_uproot DOM the_nation (the)_that plucking_up and_destroy the_utterance of_Yahweh.

13:1 Impabeli of Master Jeremiah of like hamit




13thus he_said Yahweh to_me go and_buy for_yourself a_loincloth of_linen(s) and_put_it on waist_your and_in/on/at/with_water not put_it.
2And_bought DOM the_loincloth according_to_word of_Yahweh and_put on waist_my.
3and_he/it_was the_word of_Yahweh to_me a_second_[time] to_say.
4Take DOM the_loincloth which you_bought which [is]_on waist_your and_arise go Fərāt_to and_hide_it there in/on/at/with_crevice the_rock.
5And_went and_hid_it in/on/at/with_Fərāt just_as he_had_commanded Yahweh DOM_me.
6And_he/it_was from_the_end/extremity of_days many and_he/it_said Yahweh to_me arise go Fərāt_to and_take from_there DOM the_loincloth which I_commanded_you(ms) to_hide_him there.
7And_went Fərāt_to and_dug and_took DOM the_loincloth from the_place where hidden_it  there_at and_see/lo/see it_was_ruined the_loincloth not it_was_profitable for_the_all.
8and_he/it_was the_word of_Yahweh to_me to_say.
9Thus he_says Yahweh thus I_will_ruin DOM the_pride of_Yəhūdāh and_DOM the_pride of_Yərūshālayim the_great.
10The_people the_this the_evil the_refuse to_listen DOM words_my the_follow in/on/at/with_stubbornness hearts_their and_gone after gods other to_serve_them and_to_worship to/for_them and_let_it_be like_the_loincloth the_this which not it_is_profitable for_the_all.
11If/because just_as it_clings the_loincloth to [the]_loins of_a_person so I_have_made_cling to_me DOM all the_house of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_DOM all the_house of_Yəhūdāh the_utterance of_Yahweh to_be to_me as_people and_for_name and_for_praise and_for_glory and_not they_listened.

13:12 The container of wine


12And_say[fn] to_them DOM the_word the_this thus he_says Yahweh the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) every jar it_will_be_filled wine and_say to_you to_know not do_we_know if/because_that every jar it_will_be_filled wine.
13And_say[fn] to_them thus he_says Yahweh see_I [am]_about_to_fill DOM all the_inhabitants the_earth/land the_this and_DOM the_kings the_sit for_Dāvid’s on throne_his and_DOM the_priests and_DOM the_prophets and_DOM all the_inhabitants of_Yərūshālayim drunkenness.
14And_smash_them each to his/its_woman and_the_fathers and_the_sons alike the_utterance of_Yahweh not I_will_show_pity and_not I_will_have_mercy and_not I_will_have_compassion from_destroying_them.

13:15 The warning of Jeremiah concerning the pegpaambug






15hear and_pay_attention do_not be_haughty if/because Yahweh he_has_spoken.
16Give to/for_YHWH god_your_all’s glory in/on/at/with_before he_will_bring_darkness and_in/on/at/with_before they_will_stumble feet_your_all’s on mountains of_twilight and_hope for_light and_makes_it into_gloom wwww[fn] as_deep_darkness.
17And_if not listen_it in/on/at/with_secret it_will_weep soul_my from_face/in_front_of pride and_to_weep it_will_weep and_run_down eyes_my tear[s] if/because it_has_been_taken_captive the_flock of_Yahweh.
18say to/for_the_king and_to_the_queen_mother make_low sit if/because it_has_come_down head_your_all’s the_crown beautiful_your_all’s.
19The_cities the_Negeⱱ they_have_been_shut_up and_no [one_who]_opens it_has_been_taken_into_exile Yəhūdāh all_her it_has_been_taken_into_exile completeness(es).
20lift_up[fn] your_all’s_eyes and_see[fn] the_(ones_who)_went from_north where the_flock [which]_it_was_given to/for_you(fs) the_sheep beautiful_your.
21What will_you_say if/because he_will_appoint over_you and_you you_taught DOM_them over_you close_friends as_head am_not labour-pains take_hold_of_you like a_woman of_giving_birth.
22And_because/when you_will_say in/on/at/with_heart_your why happened_me these_[things] in/on/at/with_greatness iniquity_your they_have_been_uncovered skirts_your they_have_suffered_violence body_your.
23Change a_ūshiyte skin_his and_leopard spots_his also you_all you_all_will_be_able to_do_good Oh_[those]_accustomed (of)_to_do_evil.
24And_scatter_them like_chaff [which]_passes_away to/for_wind/breath/spirit of_the_wilderness.
25This lot_your the_portion decreed_you from_with_I the_utterance of_Yahweh that you_have_forgotten DOM_me and_trusted in/on/at/with_lies.
26And_also I I_will_strip_off skirts_your over face_your and_seen shame_your.
27Adulteries_your and_neighings_your the_wickedness prostitution_your on hills in_the_field I_have_seen abominations_your woe to/for_you(fs) Oh_Yərūshālayim not you_are_clean after when yet.

14:1 The mangune-kune famine
















14[that]_which it_came the_word of_Yahweh to Yirməyāh on the_matters the_drought.
2It_is_in_mourning Yəhūdāh and_gates_her they_are_languishing they_are_in_mourning on_the_ground and_cry of_Yərūshālayim it_has_gone_up.
3And_nobles_their they_have_sent servants_their[fn] for_the_water they_have_come to [the]_cisterns not they_have_found water they_have_returned vessels_their empty they_are_ashamed and_humiliated and_cover heads_their.
4In_account_of the_soil [which]_it_is_cracked if/because not it_has_come rain on_the_earth they_are_ashamed farmers they_have_covered heads_their.
5If/because also a_doe in_the_field it_has_given_birth and_forsakes if/because not it_is fresh_grass.
6And_wild_donkeys they_have_stood on [the]_bare_heights they_have_panted_for breath like_the_jackals they_have_failed eyes_their if/because there_[is]_not vegetation.
7Though iniquities_our they_have_testified in/on/at/with_us Oh_Yahweh act for_the_sake_of your(ms)_name if/because they_are_many apostasies_our to/for_yourself(m) we_have_sinned.
8Oh_hope of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) saviour_its in/on/at/with_time of_distress to/for_what are_you like_stranger on_the_earth and_like_traveler [who]_he_has_turned_aside to_spend_the_night.
9To/for_what are_you like_man astounded like_warrior [who]_not he_is_able to_save and_you(ms) in/on/at/with_midst_us Oh_Yahweh and_name_your upon_we it_is_called do_not forsake_us.
10thus he_says Yahweh concerning_the_people the_this thus they_have_loved to_wander feet_their not they_have_restrained and_LORD not accept_them now he_will_remember iniquity_their and_punish sins_their.
11and_he/it_said Yahweh to_me do_not pray for the_people the_this for_welfare.
12If/because they_will_fast not_I [will_be]_listening to cry_their and_because/when they_will_offer_up a_burnt_offering and_grain_offering not_I accept_them if/because in/on/at/with_sword and_in/on/at/with_famine and_in/on/at/with_plague I [will_be]_bringing_to_an_end DOM_them.
13and_said alas my_master Yahweh here the_prophets [are]_saying to/for_them not you_all_will_see sword and_famine not it_will_happen to/for_you_all if/because peace of_reliability I_will_give to/for_you_all in/on/at/with_place the_this.
14and_he/it_said Yahweh to_me falsehood the_prophets [are]_prophesying in/on/at/with_name_my not sent_them and_not command_them and_not I_spoke to_them a_vision of_falsehood and_divination and_worthless[fn] and_deceit[fn] minds_their_own they [are]_prophesying to_you_all.
15for_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh on the_prophets the_prophesy in/on/at/with_name_my and_I not send_them and_they [are]_saying sword and_famine not it_will_happen on_the_earth the_this in/on/at/with_sword and_in/on/at/with_famine they_will_meet_their_end the_prophets the_those.
16And_the_people whom they [are]_prophesying to/for_them they_will_be thrown_out in/on/at/with_streets of_Yərūshālayim from_face/in_front_of the_famine and_the_sword and_there_will_be_no [one_who]_buries to_them them wives_their and_sons_their and_daughters_their and_pour_out on_them DOM wickedness_their.
17And_say to_them DOM the_word the_this let_them_run_down eyes_my tear[s] night and_day and_not let_them_cease if/because a_breaking great she_has_been_broken the_virgin of_the_daughter people_my a_wound severe very.
18If I_went_out the_field and_see/lo/see [those]_slain of_a_sword and_if I_went the_city and_see/lo/see diseases of_famine if/because both prophet as_well_as priest they_have_gone_about to a_land and_not they_know.

14:19 The pegpeyid‑u-mercy of people there to Master





19to_reject have_you_rejected DOM Yəhūdāh or in/on/at/with_Tsiyyōn does_it_abhor soul_your why struck_down_us and_no to/for_us healing we_waited_eagerly for_peace and_no good and_for_time of_healing and_see/lo/see terror.
20We_know Oh_Yahweh wickedness_our the_iniquity fathers_our if/because we_have_sinned to/for_you(fs).
21Do_not spurn for_the_sake_of name’s_your do_not treat_with_contempt the_throne glorious_your remember do_not break covenant_your with_us.
22Are_there in/on/at/with_idols the_nations [those_who]_send_rain and_if the_heavens do_they_give showers not you [is]_it Oh_Yahweh god_our and_hope in_you if/because you you_have_done DOM all these_[things].

15:1 The destruction of people of Huda








15and_he/it_said Yahweh to_me if he_will_stand Mosheh and_Shəʼēl to/for_my_face/front not heart_my [will_be]_to the_people the_this send_[them]_away from_under presence_my and_go.
2And_it_was if/because they_will_say to_you where will_we_go_out and_say to_them thus he_says Yahweh [those]_who for_the_death to_the_death and_which for_the_sword to_the_sword and_which for_the_famine to_the_famine and_which for_the_captivity to_the_captivity.
3And_appoint over_them four kinds the_utterance of_Yahweh DOM the_drought//sword/knife to_kill and_DOM the_dogs to_drag_away and_DOM the_bird[s] the_heavens and_DOM the_animal[s] the_earth/land to_devour and_to_destroy.
4And_make_them mmm[fn] to_all/each/any/every the_kingdoms the_earth/land in/on/at/with_because_of of_Mənashsheh the_son of_Ḩizqiyyāh the_king of_Yəhūdāh on [that]_which he_did in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim.
5If/because who will_he_have_compassion on_you Oh_Yərūshālayim and_who will_he_show_sympathy to/for_you(fs) and_who will_he_turn_aside to_ask about_welfare to/for_you(fs).
6You you_abandoned DOM_me the_utterance of_Yahweh backwards you_go and_stretched_out DOM hand_my against_you and_destroyed_you I_had_wearied_myself to_relent.
7And_winnowed_them in/on/at/with_winnowing_fork in/on/at/with_gates the_earth/land I_have_made_childless I_have_destroyed DOM people_my from_ways_their not they_have_turned_away.
8They_are_numerous to_me widows_their[fn] more_than_sand of_[the]_seas I_have_brought to/for_them on a_mother of_a_young_man a_destroyer in/on/at/with_noonday I_have_made_fall on/upon_it(f) suddenly anguish and_terror.
9She_has_languished the_[one_who]_bore the_seven it_has_panted breath_her it_went[fn] sun_her in/on/at/with_still by_day she_is_ashamed and_humiliated and_rest_them to_the_sword I_will_give to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before enemies_their the_utterance of_Yahweh.

15:10 The pegsagsahukul of Jeremiah of Master





10woe to_me mother_my (cmp) bore_me a_man of_strife and_man of_contention to/from_all/each/any/every the_earth/land not I_have_lent and_not people_have_lent in/on/at/with_me everyone_them curses_me.
11he_said Yahweh if not set_free_you[fn][fn] for_good if not I_will_cause_to_plead in_you(ms) in/on/at/with_time of_evil and_in/on/at/with_time of_distress DOM the_enemy.
12Break iron iron from_north and_bronze.
13Wealth_your and_treasures_your as_plunder I_will_give not in/on/at/with_price and_on/over_all sins_your and_on/over_all borders_your.
14And_serve DOM enemies_your in_land [which]_not you_have_known if/because a_fire it_has_been_kindled in/on/at/with_anger_my against_you_all it_will_burn.
15you you_know Oh_Yahweh remember_me and_visit_me and_avenge to_me on_persecutors_my do_not in_length_of anger_of_your take_away_me know suffer_I for_sake_your reproach.
16They_were_found words_your and_ate_them and_he/it_was words_your[fn] to_me as_joy and_as_delight heart_my if/because it_is_called name_your on_I Oh_Yahweh the_god of_hosts.
17not I_sat in/on/at/with_company of_merry_makers and_exult from_face/in_front_of hand_your alone I_sat if/because indignation filled_me.
18to/for_what is_it pain_my perpetuity and_wound_my incurable it_has_refused to_be_healed surely_(be) you_are to_me like a_deceitful_thing waters [which]_not they_are_reliable.
19for_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh if you_will_return and_take_back_you to/for_my_face/front you_will_stand and_if you_will_bring_forth [the]_precious not_worthless as_spokesman_my you_will_be they_will_return they to_you and_you(ms) not you_must_return to_them.
20And_make_you to_the_people the_this as_wall of_bronze fortified and_fight against_you and_not they_will_prevail to/for_you(fs) if/because with_you I to_save_you and_to_deliver_you the_utterance of_Yahweh.
21And_deliver_you from_hand of_wicked_[people] and_redeem_you from_grasp of_ruthless_[people].

16:1 Not egpaasaween of Master Jeremiah





16and_he/it_was the_word of_Yahweh to_me to_say.
2Not you_must_take to/for_yourself(m) a_wife and_not they_will_belong to/for_yourself(m) sons and_daughters in/on/at/with_place the_this.
3If/because thus he_says Yahweh on the_sons and_concerning the_daughters the_born in/on/at/with_place the_this and_concerning mothers_their the_bear DOM_them and_concerning fathers_their the_beget DOM_them on_the_earth the_this.
4Deaths of_diseases they_will_die not they_will_be_mourned and_not they_will_be_buried like_dung on the_surface the_soil they_will_become and_in/on/at/with_sword and_in/on/at/with_famine they_will_come_to_an_end and_become dead_bodies_their for_food for_birds the_heavens and_for_wild_animals the_earth/land.
5if/because thus he_says Yahweh do_not enter a_house of_mourning and_not go to_lament and_not show_sympathy to/for_them if/because I_have_withdrawn DOM peace_my from_with the_people the_this the_utterance of_Yahweh DOM the_love and_DOM the_compassion.
6And_die great_[people] and_small on_the_earth the_this not they_will_be_buried and_not people_will_mourn to/for_them and_not anyone_will_cut_himself and_not anyone_will_make_himself_bald to/for_them.
7And_not people_will_break to/for_them on mourning to_comfort_him on a_dead_[person] and_not people_will_give_to_drink DOM_them a_cup of_consolations on his/its_father and_for his/its_mother.
8And_house of_a_feast not you_must_go to_sit with_them to_eat and_to_drink.
9if/because thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) see_I [am]_about_to_cause_to_cease from the_place the_this before_eyes_your_all’s and_in/on/at/with_days_your_all’s [the]_sound of_joy and_voice of_gladness [the]_sound of_a_bridegroom and_voice of_a_bride.
10And_it_was if/because you_will_tell to_the_people the_this DOM all the_words the_these and_say to_you concerning what has_he_spoken Yahweh against_us DOM all the_evil the_great the_this and_what iniquity_our and_what sin_our which we_have_sinned to/for_YHWH god_our.
11And_say to_them on that they_forsook fathers_your_all’s DOM_me the_utterance of_Yahweh and_gone after gods other and_served_them and_worshiped to/for_them and_DOM_me they_forsook and_DOM law_my not they_kept.
12And_you_all you_all_have_done_evil for_doing more_than_fathers_your_all’s and_look_you_all [are]_walking everyone after the_stubbornness his/its_heart the_evil to_not to_listen to_me.
13And_hurl DOM_you_all from_under the_earth/land the_this to the_earth/land which not you_all_have_known you_all and_fathers_your_all’s and_serve there DOM gods other by_day and_night that not I_will_give to/for_you_all favour.

16:14 The return from capture


14for_so/thus/hence here days [are]_coming the_utterance of_Yahweh and_not it_will_be_said again [by]_the_life of_Yahweh who he_brought_up DOM the_people of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) out_of_land of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt).
15If/because (if) [by]_the_life of_Yahweh who he_brought_up DOM the_people of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) from_land of_[the]_north and_from_all the_lands where banished_them  there_to and_bring_back_them to land_their_own which I_gave to_ancestors_their.

16:16 The coming punishment


16see_I [am]_about_to_send for_fishermen[fn] many the_utterance of_Yahweh and_catch_them and_after thus I_will_send for_many hunters and_hunt_them from_under every mountain and_from_on every hill and_from_clefts the_rocks.
17If/because eyes_my [are]_on all ways_their not they_have_been_hidden from_before_presence_me and_not it_has_been_concealed iniquity_their from_before eyes_my.
18And_repay first the_double iniquity_their and_sin_their because polluted_they DOM land_my in/on/at/with_carcasses detestable_idols_their and_abominations_their they_have_filled DOM inheritance_my.

16:19 The mapahetpet praying for Jeremiah



19Oh_Yahweh strength_my and_stronghold_my and_refuge_my in/on_day of_trouble to_you nations they_will_come from_ends of_[the]_earth and_say surely falsehood they_possessed fathers_our futility and_no in/on/at/with_them [that_which]_profits.
20Make for_him/it anyone gods and_they not [are]_gods.
21For_so/thus/hence see_I teach_them in/on/at/with_time the_this know_them DOM power_my and_DOM might_my and_know if/because_that name_my [is]_Yahweh.

17:1 The sin of Huda and the punishment


17the_sin of_Yəhūdāh [is]_inscribed in/on/at/with_stylus of_iron in/on/at/with_point of_diamond [it_is]_engraved on the_tablet hearts_their and_on_horns altars_you_all.
2While_remember children_their altars_their and_asherah_poles_their at tree[s] luxuriant on hills the_high.
3Mountain_my in_the_field wealth_your all treasures_your for_spoil I_will_give high_places_your in/on/at/with_sin in_all borders_your.
4And_lose and_in/on/at/with_your_own from_inheritance_your which I_gave to/for_you(fs) and_serve_you DOM enemies_your on_the_earth which not you_know if/because a_fire you_all_have_kindled in/on/at/with_anger_my until perpetuity it_will_burn.

17:5 The various sayings








5thus he_says Yahweh [is]_cursed the_person who he_trusts in/on/at/with_mankind and_makes flesh strength_his and_from Yahweh it_turns_aside his/its_heart.
6And_it_was like_juniper in/on/at/with_wilderness and_not he_will_see if/because it_will_come good and_dwell parched_places in/on/at/with_wilderness a_land of_saltiness and_not anyone_dwells.
7[is]_blessed the_man who he_trusts in/on/at/with_LORD and_it_was Yahweh trust_whose.
8And_it_was like_tree planted at water and_by a_stream it_sends_out roots_its and_not it_will_see[fn] if/because it_will_come heat and_it_was leaves_its luxuriant and_in_year_of of_drought not it_will_be_anxious and_not it_will_cease to_bear fruit.
9[is]_deceitful the_heart from_all and_desperately_sick it who understand_it.
10I Yahweh [am]_searching [the]_heart [I_am]_testing [the]_kidneys and_to_give to_each mmm[fn] according_to_fruit deeds_his.
11a_partridge [which]_it_gathers_a_brood and_not it_has_laid [one_who]_makes wealth and_not in/on/at/with_justice in/on/at/with_middle days_his[fn] leave_him and_in/on/at/with_end_his he_will_be a_fool.

17:12 The requesting of Jeremiah of Master


12[is]_a_throne of_glory a_high_place from_beginning the_place sanctuary_our.
13Oh_hope of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) Oh_Yahweh all forsake_you they_will_be_ashamed turn_away[fn] on_the_earth they_will_be_written_down if/because they_have_forsaken [the]_spring of_water living DOM Yahweh.
14heal_me Oh_Yahweh and_healed save_me and_saved if/because praise_my you.
15Here they [are]_saying to_me where [is]_the_word of_Yahweh let_it_come please.
16And_I not I_have_hastened from_shepherd after_your and_day incurable not I_have_desired you you_know the_utterance lips_my in_front_of face_your it_was.
17Do_not become to_me as_terror refuge_my you in/on_day of_calamity.
18Let_them_be_put_to_shame persecutors_my and_not let_me_be_put_to_shame I let_them_be_dismayed they and_not let_me_be_dismayed I bring on_them a_day of_calamity and_double breaking destroy_them.

17:19 The obedience of Day of Resting



19thus he_said Yahweh to_me go and_stand in/on/at/with_gate of_the_sons wwww[fn] which they_go in_him/it the_kings of_Yəhūdāh and_which they_go_out in_him/it and_in/on/at/with_all the_gates of_Yərūshālayim.
20And_say to_them hear the_word of_Yahweh Oh_kings of_Yəhūdāh and_all Yəhūdāh and_all/each/any/every the_inhabitants of_Yərūshālayim the_(ones_who)_went in/on/at/with_gates the_these.
21thus he_says Yahweh take_heed in/on/at/with_lives_your_all’s and_not carry a_burden in/on_day the_sabbath and_bring_in in/on/at/with_gates of_Yərūshālayim.
22And_not you_all_must_bring_out a_burden of_houses_your_all’s in/on_day the_sabbath and_all work not you_all_must_do and_keep_holy DOM the_day the_sabbath just_as I_commanded DOM ancestors_your_all’s.
23And_not they_listened and_not they_inclined DOM ear_their and_stiffened DOM necks_their to_not to_listen[fn] and_to/for_not to_accept correction.
24And_it_was if carefully_(listen) listen to_me the_utterance of_Yahweh to_not to_bring a_burden in/on/at/with_gates the_city the_this in/on_day the_sabbath and_to_keep_holy DOM the_day the_sabbath to_not to_do in/on/at/with_it[fn] any work.
25And_enter in/on/at/with_gates the_city the_this kings and_princes [who]_sit on the_throne of_Dāvid [who]_ride in/on/at/with_chariots and_in/on/at/with_horses they and_officials_their everyone of_Yəhūdāh and_inhabitants of_Yərūshālayim and_inhabited the_city the_this to_forever.
26And_come from_towns of_Yəhūdāh and_from_around Yərūshālayim and_from_land of_Binyāmīn and_from the_shephelah and_from the_hill_country and_from the_Negeⱱ [those_who]_bring burnt_offering and_sacrifices and_grain_offerings and_frankincense and_bringing (of)_a_thank-offering the_house of_Yahweh.
27And_if not you_all_will_listen to_me to_keep_holy DOM the_day the_sabbath and_by_not to_carry a_burden and_enter in/on/at/with_gates of_Yərūshālayim in/on_day the_sabbath and_kindle a_fire in/on/at/with_gates_its and_devour the_fortresses of_Yərūshālayim and_not it_will_be_extinguished.

18:1 The going of Jeremiah of house of creator of kuren land



18the_word which it_came to Yirməyāh from_with Yahweh to_say.
2Arise and_go_down the_house the_potter’s and_there_at hear_you DOM words_my.
3And_went_down the_house the_potter’s and_there[fn][fn] [was]_doing work on the_wheel.
4And_spoiled the_vessel which he [was]_making in/on/at/with_clay in/on/at/with_hand the_potter and_again and_made_it a_vessel another just_as it_was_pleasing in/on_both_eyes_of the_potter for_doing.
5and_he/it_was the_word of_Yahweh to_me to_saying.
6As_the_potter the_this not am_I_able for_doing to/for_you_all Oh_house of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) the_utterance of_Yahweh here like_the_clay in/on/at/with_hand the_potter’s so you_all in/on/at/with_hand_my Oh_house of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
7a_moment I_will_speak on a_nation and_concerning a_kingdom to_uproot and_to_tear_down and_to_destroy.
8And_turns the_nation (the)_that from_evil_its which I_had_spoken on/upon/above_him/it and_relent on the_disaster which I_had_planned for_doing to_him/it.
9and_at_another_time I_will_speak on a_nation and_concerning a_kingdom to_build and_to_plant.
10And_does the_evil[fn] in/on/at/with_sight_my to_not to_listen in/on/at/with_voice_my and_relent on the_good which I_had_said to_do DOM_it.
11and_now say please to everyone of_Yəhūdāh and_to the_inhabitants of_Yərūshālayim to_say thus he_says Yahweh here I [am]_about_to_fashion against_you_all calamity and_devising against_you_all a_plan turn_back please everyone from_way_his the_evil and_reform ways_your_all’s and_deeds_your_all’s.
12And_say despairing if/because after plans_our_own we_will_walk and_each the_stubbornness his/its_heart the_evil we_will_act.

18:13 Nalingawan e of Israel the Master din






13for_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh ask please in/on/at/with_nations who has_he_heard like_this a_horrible_[thing] she_has_done exceedingly the_virgin of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
14Leave from_crags of_[the]_field the_snow of_Ləⱱānōn or are_they_plucked_up waters strange cool flowing.
15If/because forgotten_me people_my to_the_delusion they_make_smoke and_stumble_them in/on/at/with_ways_their paths of_antiquity to_go paths a_way not throw_up.
16To_make land_their to_horror hissings[fn][fn] of_perpetuity every [one_who]_passes_by on/upon_it(f) he_will_be_appalled and_shake in/on/at/with_heads_their.
17Like_wind of_[the]_east scatter_them to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before an_enemy neck and_not face show_them in/on_day calamity_their.

18:18 The bad plan of people to Jeremiah



18and_they_said come and_make_plots on Yirməyāh plans if/because not it_will_be_lost instruction from_priest and_counsel from_wise and_word from_prophet come and_strike_him in/on/at/with_tongue and_no let_us_pay_attention to all words_his.
19Give_heed Oh_Yahweh to_me and_listen to_sound/voice opponents_my.
20The_repaid in_place_of good evil if/because they_have_dug a_pit for_life_my remember stood_I to_your_face to_speak on_behalf_their good to_turn_away DOM severe_anger_your from_them.
21For_so/thus/hence give DOM children_their to_the_famine and_hand_over_them over [the]_hands of_[the]_sword and_become wives_their childless and_widowed and_men_their may_they_be slain of_death young_men_their struck_down of_[the]_sword in/on/at/with_battle.
22May_it_be_heard a_cry_of_distress from_houses_their if/because you_will_bring upon_them a_marauding_band suddenly if/because they_have_dug a_pit[fn] to_capture_me and_snares they_have_hidden for_feet_my.
23And_you(ms) Oh_Yahweh you_know DOM all plots_their against_me of_the_kill do_not atone on iniquity_their and_sin_their from_before_sight_your do_not wipe_out and_be[fn] overthrown to_your_face in/on/at/with_time anger_your deal in/on/at/with_them.

19:1 The broken banga




19thus he_said Yahweh go and_buy a_jar of_a_potter earthenware and_some_of_elders the_people and_some_of_senior the_priests.
2And_go_out to wwww son_of wwww which [is_at]_the_entrance of_the_gate the_potsherd[fn] and_proclaim there DOM the_words which I_will_speak to_you.
3And_say hear the_word of_Yahweh Oh_kings of_Yəhūdāh and_inhabitants of_Yərūshālayim thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) see_I [am]_about_to_bring calamity on the_place the_this which every hears_it they_will_tingle ears_his.
4Because that forsaken_me and_profaned DOM the_place the_this and_burned_sacrifices in_him/it to_gods other which not known they and_fathers_their and_kings of_Yəhūdāh and_filled DOM the_place the_this [the]_blood of_innocent_[ones].
5And_built DOM the_high_places the_Baˊal to_burn DOM children_their in/on/at/with_fire burnt_offerings to_the_Baˊal which not I_commanded and_not I_spoke and_not it_came_up on mind_my.
6for_so/thus/hence here days [are]_coming the_utterance of_Yahweh and_not it_will_be_called to_the_place the_this again the_Topheth and son_of wwww if/because (if) the_valley the_slaughter.
7And_make_void DOM the_plan of_Yəhūdāh and_Yərūshālayim in/on/at/with_place the_this and_fall_them in/on/at/with_sword to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before enemies_their and_in/on/at/with_hand of_[those_who]_seek life_their and_give DOM dead_bodies_their as_food to_birds the_heavens and_to_beasts the_earth/land.
8And_make DOM the_city the_this as_horror and_as_object_of_scorn every [one_who]_passes_by on/upon_it(f) he_will_be_appalled and_hiss on all wounds_its.
9And_eat_them DOM the_flesh sons_their and_DOM the_flesh daughters_their and_one the_flesh his/its_neighbour they_will_eat in/on/at/with_siege and_in/on/at/with_distress which they_will_bring_distress to/for_them enemies_their and_seek life_their.
10And_break the_jar in_sight the_men the_go with_you.
11And_say[fn] to_them thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts thus I_will_break DOM the_people the_this and_DOM the_city the_this just_as someone_breaks DOM the_vessel the_potter’s which not it_will_be_able to_repaired again and_in/on/at/with_Topheth people_will_bury until_there_is_no room to_bury.
12Thus I_will_do to_the_place the_this the_utterance of_Yahweh and_to_inhabitants_its and_to_make DOM the_city the_this like_Topheth.
13And_they_will_be the_houses of_Yərūshālayim and_houses of_the_kings of_Yəhūdāh like_place the_Topheth the_defiled to_all/each/any/every the_houses which people_made_smoke on roofs_whose to_all/each/any/every the_host the_heavens and_poured_out drink_offerings to_gods other.
14and_came Yirməyāh from_the_Topheth where sent_him Yahweh there to_prophesy and_stood in/on/at/with_court of_the_house of_Yahweh and_he/it_said to all the_people.
15thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) see_I [am]_about_to_bring[fn] to the_city the_this and_upon all towns_its DOM all the_disaster which I_have_spoken on/upon_it(f) if/because they_have_stiffened DOM necks_their to_not to_hear DOM words_my.

20:1 The pegpekeg-apul of Jeremiah to Pasur


20And_he/it_listened Pashhur the_son of_Immer the_priest/officer and_he [was]_an_overseer a_chief in_house_of of_Yahweh DOM Yirməyāh prophesying DOM the_things the_these.
2And_beaten Pashhur DOM Yirməyāh the_prophet and_he/it_gave DOM_him/it on the_stocks which in/on/at/with_gate of_Binyāmīn the_upper which in_house_of of_Yahweh.
3And_he/it_was on_next_day and_released Pashhur DOM Yirməyāh from the_stocks and_he/it_said to_him/it Yirməyāh not Pashhur he_has_called Yahweh your(ms)_name if/because (if) Magor- from_all_around.
4if/because thus he_says Yahweh see_I make_you[fn] as_terror to/for_yourself(m) and_to/for_all friends_your and_fall in/on/at/with_sword enemies_their and_eyes_your [will_be]_seeing and_DOM all Yəhūdāh I_will_give in/on/at/with_hand of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_deport_them Bāⱱelh_to and_put_them in/on/at/with_sword.
5And_give DOM all the_wealth the_city the_this and_DOM all products_its and_DOM every valuables_its and_DOM all the_treasures of_the_kings of_Yəhūdāh I_will_give in/on/at/with_hand enemies_their and_plunder_them and_seize_them and_carry_off_them Bāⱱelh_to.
6And_you(ms) Oh_Pashhur and_all/each/any/every [those_who]_dwell house_your you_all_will_go in/on/at/with_captivity and_Bāⱱelh you_will_go and_there you_will_die and_there you_will_be_buried you and_all friends_your whom you_prophesied to/for_them in/on/at/with_lies.

20:7 The pegsagsahukul of Jeremiah of Master













7deceived_me Oh_Yahweh and_deceived overpowered_me and_prevailed I_have_become for_laughingstock all the_day everyone_him [is]_mocking to_me.
8If/because from_sufficiency I_speak I_cry_out violence and_destruction I_proclaim if/because it_has_become the_word of_Yahweh to_me for_reproach and_for_derision all the_day.
9And_say not mention_him and_not I_will_speak again in/on/at/with_name_his and_it_was in/on/at/with_heart_my like_fire burning shut_up in/on/at/with_bones_my and_weary to_hold_[it]_in and_not I_will_be_able.
10If/because I_have_heard [the]_whispering of_many_[people] terror on_all_around tell and_denounce_him every (the)_person trusted_my [are]_watching fall_my perhaps he_will_be_deceived and_prevail to_him/it and_take revenge_our on_him.
11And_YHWH with_me like_warrior ruthless on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so persecutors_my they_will_stumble and_not they_will_prevail they_will_be_ashamed exceedingly if/because not they_will_succeed ignominy of_perpetuity not it_will_be_forgotten.
12And_LORD of_hosts [who]_tests [the]_righteous [who]_sees kidneys and_mind let_me_see vengeance_your from_them if/because to_you I_have_made_known DOM cause_my.
13sing to/for_YHWH praise DOM Yahweh if/because he_has_delivered DOM [the]_life of_[the]_needy from_hand of_evil-doers.
14[be]_cursed the_day when I_was_born in/on/over_him/it [the]_day when bore_me mother_my not let_it_be blessed.
15[be]_cursed the_man who he_bore_the_news DOM father_my to_say he_has_been_born to/for_yourself(m) a_son a_male greatly_(make_rejoice) he_made_glad_him.
16And_it_was the_man (the)_that like_the_cities which he_overthrew Yahweh and_not he_had_compassion and_hear a_cry_of_distress in/on/at/with_morning and_alarm in/on/at/with_time of_noon(s).
17That not kill_me in_womb and_it_became to_me mother_my grave_my and_womb_her [was]_pregnant of_perpetuity.
18To/for_what this from_womb did_I_come_forth to_see trouble and_sorrow and_end in/on/at/with_shame days_my.

21:1 The prediction of defeat of Yerusalem




21the_word which it_came to Yirməyāh from_with Yahweh in/on/at/with_sent to_him/it the_king Zedekiah DOM Pashhur the_son of_Malkijah and_DOM Tsəfanyāh/(Zephaniah) the_son of_Maaseiah the_priest/officer to_say.
2Seek please on_behalf_our DOM Yahweh if/because Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh [is]_waging_war against_us perhaps he_will_do Yahweh for_us according_to_all wonderful_his and_withdraw from_against_us.
3and_he/it_said Yirməyāh to_them thus say to Zedekiah.
4Thus he_says Yahweh the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) see_I [am]_about_to_turn_round DOM the_weapons the_war which in/on/at/with_hands_your_all’s which you_all [are]_fighting in/on/at/with_them with the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_DOM the_Kasdim the_besieging to_you_all from_outside to_the_wall and_gather DOM_them into the_middle the_city the_this.
5And_fight I against_you_all in/on/at/with_hand outstretched and_in/on/at/with_arm strong and_in/on/at/with_anger and_in/on/at/with_fury and_in/on/at/with_severe_anger great.
6And_strike_down DOM the_inhabitants the_city the_this and_DOM the_humankind and_DOM the_cattle/livestock in/on/at/with_plague great they_will_die.
7And_after thus the_utterance of_Yahweh I_will_give DOM Zedekiah the_king of_Yəhūdāh and_DOM servants_his and_DOM the_people and_DOM the_survive in/on/at/with_city the_this from the_plague from the_drought//sword/knife and_from the_famine in/on/at/with_hand of_Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_in/on/at/with_hand enemies_their and_in/on/at/with_hand of_[those_who]_seek lives_their and_strike_down_them with_edge of_[the]_sword not he_will_have_mercy on_them and_not he_will_show_pity and_not he_will_have_compassion.
8And_near/to the_people the_this you_will_say thus he_says Yahweh look_I [am]_setting before_face/front_you_all DOM the_way the_life and_DOM the_way the_death.
9The_stays in/on/at/with_city the_this he_will_die in/on/at/with_sword and_in/on/at/with_famine and_in/on/at/with_plague and_the_goes_out and_surrenders on the_Kasdim the_besieging to_you_all wwww[fn] and_be for_him/it life_his as_prize_of_war.
10If/because I_have_set face_my in/on/at/with_city the_this for_harm and_not for_good the_utterance of_Yahweh in/on/at/with_hand of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh it_will_be_given and_burn_it in/on/at/with_fire.

21:11 The punishment of Master of kings of Huda


11and_to_house of_the_king of_Yəhūdāh hear the_word of_Yahweh.
12Oh_house of_Dāvid thus he_says Yahweh judge in_the_morning justice and_deliver [one_who_has_been]_robbed from_hand of_an_oppressor lest it_should_go_forth like_the_fire severe_anger_my and_burn and_none [one_who]_extinguishes from_face/in_front_of the_wickedness deeds_your_all’s[fn].
13Behold_I against_you Oh_inhabitant the_valley Oh_rock the_plain the_utterance of_Yahweh the_say who will_he_come_down against_us and_who will_he_come in/on/at/with_habitations_our.
14And_punish to_you_all according_to_fruit deeds_your_all’s the_utterance of_Yahweh and_kindle a_fire in/on/at/with_forest_its and_devour all around_it.

22:1 The speech of Jeremiah of family of King of Huda




22thus he_said Yahweh go_down the_house of_the_king of_Yəhūdāh and_speak there DOM the_word the_this.
2And_say hear the_word of_Yahweh Oh_king of_Yəhūdāh the_sits on the_throne of_Dāvid you and_servants_your and_people_your the_(ones_who)_went in/on/at/with_gates the_these.
3thus he_says Yahweh do justice and_righteousness and_deliver [one_who_has_been]_robbed from_hand of_an_oppressor and_alien fatherless and_widow do_not maltreat do_not treat_violently and_blood innocent do_not shed in/on/at/with_place the_this.
4If/because if carefully_(do) you_all_will_do DOM the_word the_this and_enter in/on/at/with_gates the_house the_this kings [who]_sit for_Dāvid on throne_his [who]_ride in/on/at/with_chariots and_in/on/at/with_horses he and_servants_their[fn] and_people_their.
5And_if not you_all_will_listen_to DOM the_words the_these in/on/at/with_myself I_swear the_utterance of_Yahweh if/because_that as_desolation it_will_become the_house the_this.
6if/because thus he_says Yahweh on the_house of_the_king of_Yəhūdāh [are]_Gilˊād you to_me the_top the_Ləⱱānōn if not make_you a_wilderness cities [which]_not they_are_inhabited[fn].
7And_set_apart against_you destroyers everyone and_weapons_his and_cut_down the_choicest cedars_your and_throw on the_fire.
8And_pass nations many at the_city the_this and_say each to his/its_neighbour concerning what did_he_do Yahweh thus to_the_city the_great the_this.
9And_answer on that they_forsook DOM the_covenant of_Yahweh god_their and_worshiped to_gods other and_served_them.

22:10 The speech of Jeremiah concerning Huwakas



10do_not weep for_dead and_not show_sympathy to_him/it weep bitterly_(weep) for_the_goes_away if/because not he_will_return again and_see DOM the_land his/its_descendants.
11if/because thus he_says Yahweh to Shallum the_son of_Yʼoshiyyāh the_king of_Yəhūdāh the_became_king in_place_of Yʼoshiyyāh his/its_father who he_went_forth from the_place the_this not he_will_return there again.
12If/because in/on/at/with_place (of)_where they_took_into_exile DOM_him/it there he_will_die and_DOM the_earth/land the_this not he_will_see again.

22:13 The speech of Jeremiah concerning Huwakim








13woe_to [one_who]_builds house_his in/on/at/with_without righteousness and_upper_rooms_his in/on/at/with_without justice in/on/at/with_neighbor_his he_works without_paying and_wages_his not he_gives to_him/it.
14The_says I_will_build to/for_me a_house of_size(s) and_upper_rooms spacious and_cuts_out to_him/it windows and_paneling in/on/at/with_cedar and_painting in/on/at/with_vermilion.
15king if/because you [are]_competing in/on/at/with_cedar I_will_show_you(ms) am_not did_he_eat and_drink and_do justice and_righteousness then good to_him/it.
16He_defended [the]_cause of_[the]_poor and_needy then good am_not [is]_it the_knowledge DOM_me the_utterance of_Yahweh.
17If/because not eyes_your and_heart_your [are]_if/because (if) on dishonest_gain_your and_on the_blood the_innocent to_shedding and_on the_oppression and_on the_extortion for_doing.
18for_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh to Jehoiakim the_son of_Yʼoshiyyāh the_king of_Yəhūdāh not people_will_mourn to_him/it alas my_brother/kindred and_alas Oh_sister not people_will_mourn to_him/it alas Oh_master and_alas majesty_his.
[fn] 19[the]_burial of_a_donkey he_will_be_buried people_will_drag_[him] and_thrown to_outside of_gates of_Yərūshālayim.

22:20 The speech of Jeremiah concerning the egpangkusan of Yerusalem





20go_up the_Ləⱱānōn and_cry_out and_in/on/at/with_Bashan give_forth voice_your and_cry_out from_Abarim if/because they_have_been_broken all lovers_your.
21I_spoke to_you in/on/at/with_secure_you you_said not I_will_listen this way_your from_youth_your if/because not you_have_listened in/on/at/with_voice_my.
22All shepherds_your it_will_shepherd a_wind and_lovers_your in/on/at/with_captivity they_will_go if/because then you_will_be_ashamed and_humiliated from_all wickedness_your.
23Oh_[you_who]_dwell[fn] in/on/at/with_Ləⱱānōn Oh_[you_who_are]_nested[fn] in/on/at/with_cedars how you_will_groan in/on/at/with_come to/for_you(fs) labour-pains anguish like_the_woman_in_labour.

22:24 The judging of God to Huwakin





24[by]_the_life of_me the_utterance of_Yahweh if/because if he_will_be Coniah the_son of_Jehoiakim the_king of_Yəhūdāh a_signet-ring on the_hand right_my if/because from_there pull_off_you.
25And_give_you in/on/at/with_hand of_[those_who]_seek life_your and_in/on/at/with_hand of_[those]_whom you [are]_fearful from_their_face/front and_in/on/at/with_hand of_Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_in/on/at/with_hand the_Kasdim.
26And_hurl DOM_you and mother_your who bore_you to the_earth/land another where not you_all_were_born there and_there you_all_will_die.
27And_to the_earth/land where they [will_be]_lifting DOM self_of_them to_return there it_to not they_will_return.
28pot despised smashed the_man the_this Coniah or a_vessel [which]_there_[is]_not pleasure in/on/over_him/it why have_they_been_hurled_down he and_offspring_his and_throw to the_earth/land which not they_knew.
29Oh_land Oh_land Oh_land hear the_word of_Yahweh.
30thus he_says Yahweh record DOM the_man the_this childless a_man [who]_not he_will_prosper in/on/at/with_days_his if/because not he_will_prosper of_offspring_his anyone [will_be]_sitting on the_throne of_Dāvid and_ruling again in/on/at/with_Yəhūdāh.

23:1 The egkapallateng



23Woe_to [the]_shepherds [who_are]_causing_to_stray and_scatter DOM the_flock pasture_my the_utterance of_Yahweh.
2For_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) on the_shepherds the_shepherd DOM people_my you_all you_all_have_scattered DOM flock_my and_driven_away_them and_not you_all_have_paid_attention_to DOM_them see_I [am]_about_to_visit to_you_all DOM the_wickedness deeds_your_all’s the_utterance of_Yahweh.
3And_I I_will_gather_together DOM the_remnant flock_my from_all the_lands where I_have_banished DOM_them there and_bring_back DOM_them to pasture_their and_fruitful and_multiply.
4And_raise_up over_them shepherds and_tend_them and_not they_will_be_afraid again and_not they_will_be_terrified and_not they_will_be_missing the_utterance of_Yahweh.
5here days [are]_coming the_utterance of_Yahweh and_raise_up for_Dāvid a_branch righteous and_reign a_king and_wisely and_do justice and_righteousness on_the_earth.
6In/on/at/with_days_his it_will_be_saved Yəhūdāh and_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) it_will_dwell in_safety and_this name_his which called_he Yahweh righteousness_our.
7for_so/thus/hence here days [are]_coming the_utterance of_Yahweh and_not people_will_say again [by]_the_life of_Yahweh who he_brought_up DOM the_people of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) from_land of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt).
8If/because (if) [by]_the_life of_Yahweh who he_brought_up and_which he_brought DOM the_offspring of_the_house of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) from_land north_at and_from_all the_countries where driven_them there and_live on land_their_own.

23:9 The speech of Jeremiah concerning the prophets












9concerning_the_prophets it_is_broken heart_my in/on/at/with_midst_me they_have_become_weak all bones_my I_have_become like_man drunk[fn] and_like_man overcome_him wine from_face/in_front_of Yahweh and_from_because_of the_words holy_his.
10If/because adulterers it_is_full the_earth/land if/because from_face/in_front_of a_curse it_has_dried_up the_earth/land they_have_become_dry [the]_pastures of_[the]_wilderness and_it_became course_their evil and_power_their [is]_not right.
11If/because both prophet as_well_as priest they_are_polluted also in/on/at/with_house_my I_have_found wickedness_their the_utterance of_Yahweh.
12For_so/thus/hence it_will_become way_their to/for_them like_slippery in/on/at/with_darkness they_will_be_pushed_down and_fall in/on/at/with_it if/because I_will_bring on_them calamity the_year punishment_their the_utterance of_Yahweh.
13And_in/on/at/with_prophets of_Shomrōn I_saw offensiveness they_prophesied in/on/at/with_Baˊal and_led_astray DOM people_my DOM Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
14and_in/on/at/with_prophets of_Yərūshālayim I_have_seen a_horrible_[thing] they_have_committed_adultery and_walk in/on/at/with_lies and_strengthen the_hands of_evil-doers to_not they_have_turned_away anyone from_wickedness_his they_have_become to_me all_them like_Şədom and_inhabitants_its like_ˊₐmorāh.
15for_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts on the_prophets see_I [am]_about_to_make_eat DOM_them wormwood and_give_todrink_them water of_poison if/because from_with the_prophets of_Yərūshālayim it_has_gone_out wicked_behavior to/from_all/each/any/every the_earth/land.
16thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts do_not listen to the_words the_prophets the_prophesy to/for_you_all [are]_causing_to_become_vain they DOM_you_all the_vision minds_their_own they_speak not from_mouth of_Yahweh.
17[they_are]_saying continually_(say) to_despise_me he_says Yahweh peace it_will_belong to/for_you_all and_all/each/any/every [one_who]_walks in/on/at/with_stubbornness his/its_heart they_have_said not it_will_come upon_you_all calamity.
18If/because who has_he_stood in/on/at/with_council of_Yahweh and_see and_hear DOM word_his who has_he_paid_attention_to word_his[fn] and_heard.
19there the_storm of_Yahweh rage it_has_gone_out and_tempest whirling on [the]_head of_wicked_[people] it_will_whirl_about.
20Not it_will_turn_back the_anger of_Yahweh until executed_he and_unto accomplished_his the_purposes his/its_heart in/on/at/with_latter the_days you_all_will_understand in/on/at/with_it understanding.
21Not I_sent DOM the_prophets and_they they_ran not I_spoke to_them and_they they_prophesied.
22And_if they_had_stood in/on/at/with_council_my and_proclaimed words_my DOM people_my and_turned_them from_way_their the_evil and_from_evil deeds_their.
23god from_near [am]_I the_utterance of_Yahweh and_not a_god from_far.
24Or will_he_hide_himself anyone in/on/at/with_secret_places and_I not see_him the_utterance of_Yahweh am_not DOM the_heavens and_DOM the_earth/land [am]_I filling the_utterance of_Yahweh.
25I_have_heard DOM [that]_which they_have_said the_prophets the_prophesy in/on/at/with_name_my falsehood to_say I_have_dreamed I_have_dreamed.
26Until when continue in/on/at/with_hearts the_prophets [who]_prophesy the_lies and_prophets of_the_deceitfulness heart_their_own.
27The_plan to_forget DOM people_my name_my in/on/at/with_dreams_their which they_recount each to_another_his just_as they_forgot fathers_their DOM name_my in/on/at/with_Baˊal.
28The_prophet whom with_him/it a_dream let_him_recount [the]_dream and_which word_my with_him/it let_him_speak word_my faithfulness what has_the_straw with the_grain the_utterance of_Yahweh.
29Am_not thus word_my like_THE_fire the_utterance of_Yahweh and_like_hammer [which]_it_shatters rock.
30for_so/thus/hence see_I [am]_on the_prophets the_utterance of_Yahweh [who]_steal words_my each from_with his/its_neighbour.
31Behold_I [am]_on the_prophets the_utterance of_Yahweh the_use tongues_their_own and_says an_utterance.
32Behold_I [am]_on [those_who]_prophesy (of)_dreams of_falsehood the_utterance of_Yahweh and_tell_them and_lead_astray DOM people_my in/on/at/with_lies_their and_in/on/at/with_reckless_their and_I not send_them and_not commanded_them and_to_benefit not they_benefit to_the_people the_this the_utterance of_Yahweh.

23:33 The not true/correct prophet


33And_because/when asks_you the_people the_this or the_prophet or a_priest to_say what [is]_the_burden of_Yahweh and_say to_them DOM what burden and_forsake DOM_you_all the_utterance of_Yahweh.
34And_the_prophet and_the_priest and_the_people who he_will_say the_burden of_Yahweh and_punish on the_man (the)_that and_to household_his.
35Thus you_all_will_say each to his/its_neighbour and_each_one to his/its_woman what did_he_answer Yahweh and_what did_he_say Yahweh.
36And_burden of_Yahweh not you_will_remember again if/because the_burden it_is to_every_man’s word_his and_pervert DOM the_words of_god living Yahweh of_hosts god_our.
37Thus you_will_say to the_prophet what answered_you Yahweh and_what did_he_say Yahweh.
38And_if the_burden of_Yahweh you_all_will_say for_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh because said_you_all DOM the_words the_this the_burden of_Yahweh and_sent to_you_all to_say not you_all_must_say the_burden of_Yahweh.
39For_so/thus/hence see_I and_I_will_forget DOM_you_all totally_(forget) and_throw_away DOM_you_all and_DOM the_city which I_gave to/for_you_all and_to_fathers_your_all’s from_under presence_my.
40And_bring upon_you_all a_reproach of_perpetuity and_shame of_perpetuity which not it_will_be_forgotten.

24:1 The two leban behas of fig




24showed_me Yahweh and_see/lo/see two baskets of_figs [were]_set to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_temple of_Yahweh after took_into_exile Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh DOM Jeconiah the_son of_Jehoiakim the_king of_Yəhūdāh and_DOM the_officials of_Yəhūdāh and_DOM the_craftsmen and_DOM the_smiths from_Yərūshālayim and_brought_them Bāⱱelh.
2The_basket one [was]_figs good very like_figs the_first-ripe and_the_basket one [was]_figs bad very which not they_will_be_eaten because_of_bad.
3and_he/it_said Yahweh to_me what [are]_you seeing Oh_Yirməyāh and_said figs the_figs the_good [are]_good very and_the_bad [are]_bad very which not they_will_be_eaten because_of_bad.
4and_he/it_was the_word of_Yahweh to_me to_say.
5Thus he_says Yahweh the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) like_the_figs the_good the_these so I_will_regard DOM the_exile[s] of_Yəhūdāh whom I_have_sent from the_place the_this the_land of_[the]_ones_from_Kasdiy as_good.
6And_set eyes_my on_them for_good and_bring_back_them to the_earth/land the_this and_build_up_them and_not I_will_tear_[them]_down and_plant_them and_not I_will_pluck_[them]_up.
7And_give to/for_them a_heart to_know DOM_me if/because_that I [am]_Yahweh and_they_will_be to_me as_people and_I I_will_become to/for_them as_god if/because they_will_return to_me in_all heart_their.
8and_like_the_figs the_bad which not they_will_be_eaten because_of_bad if/because thus he_says Yahweh so I_will_make DOM Zedekiah the_king of_Yəhūdāh and_DOM officials_his and_DOM the_remnant of_Yərūshālayim the_remain on_the_earth the_this and_the_live in_land of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt).
9And_make_them mmm[fn] as to_all/each/any/every the_kingdoms the_earth/land as_disgrace and_as_byword as_taunt and_as_curse in_all the_places where drive_them there.
10And_send in/on/at/with_them DOM the_drought//sword/knife DOM the_famine and_DOM the_plague until destroyed_they from_under the_soil which I_gave to/for_them and_to_ancestors_their.

25:1 The enemies from north



25the_word which it_came to Yirməyāh on all the_people of_Yəhūdāh in/on/at/with_year the_fourth of_Jehoiakim the_son of_Yʼoshiyyāh the_king of_Yəhūdāh it the_year the_first of_Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh.
2Which he_spoke Yirməyāh the_prophet to all the_people of_Yəhūdāh and_near/to all the_inhabitants of_Yərūshālayim to_say.
3Since thir- teen year of_Yʼoshiyyāh the_son of_ʼĀmōn the_king of_Yəhūdāh and_unto the_day the_this this three and_twenty year[s] it_has_come the_word of_Yahweh to_me and_spoken to_you_all rising_early and_to_speak and_not you_all_have_listened.
4And_sent Yahweh to_you_all DOM all servants_his the_prophets rising_early and_to_send and_not you_all_listened and_not you_all_inclined DOM ear_your_all’s to_hear.
5To_say turn_back please everyone from_way_his the_evil and_from_evil deeds_your_all’s and_live on the_soil which he_gave Yahweh to/for_you_all and_to_ancestors_your_all’s at_from antiquity and_unto perpetuity.
6And_not walk after gods other to_serve_them and_to_worship to/for_them and_not you_all_must_provoke_to_anger DOM_me in/on/at/with_work hands_your_all’s and_not I_will_do_harm to_you_all.
7And_not you_all_have_listened to_me the_utterance of_Yahweh so_as provoked_toanger_me[fn] in/on/at/with_work hands_your_all’s to_harm on_yourselves.
8for_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts because that not you_all_have_listened_to DOM words_my.
9Behold_I [am]_about_to_send and_take DOM all [the]_clans of_[the]_north the_utterance of_Yahweh and_near/to Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh servant_my and_bring_them on the_earth/land the_this and_against inhabitants_its and_against all the_nations the_these round_about and_completely_destroy_them and_make_them of_horror and_of_hissing and_as_ruins of_perpetuity.
10And_banish from_them [the]_sound of_joy and_sound of_gladness [the]_sound of_a_bridegroom and_voice of_a_bride [the]_sound of_a_hand-mill and_light of_a_lamp.
11And_become all the_earth/land the_this as_ruin as_waste and_serve the_nations the_these DOM the_king of_Bāⱱelh seventy year[s].
12And_it_was when_completed seventy year[s] I_will_visit on the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_to the_nation (the)_that the_utterance of_Yahweh DOM iniquity_their and_on the_land of_[the]_ones_from_Kasdiy and_make DOM_him/it as_waste of_perpetuity.
13And_bring[fn] on the_earth/land the_that DOM all words_my which I_spoke on/upon_it(f) DOM every the_written in/on/at/with_book the_this which he_prophesied Yirməyāh on all the_nations.
14If/because they_will_work in/on/at/with_them also they nations many and_kings great and_repay to/for_them according_to_deeds_their and_according_to_work hands_their.

25:15 The punishment of God of nations



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15if/because thus he_said Yahweh the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) to_me take DOM the_cup the_wine the_severe_anger the_this from_hand_my and_make_drink DOM_him/it DOM all the_nations which I [am]_sending DOM_you to_them.
16And_drink and_stagger and_go_mad from_face/in_front_of the_drought//sword/knife which I [am]_about_to_send among_them.
17And_took DOM the_cup from_hand of_Yahweh and_drink DOM all the_nations which sent_me Yahweh to_them.
18DOM Yərūshālayim and_DOM the_cities of_Yəhūdāh and_DOM kings_its DOM officials_its to_make DOM_them as_ruin as_horror as_hissing and_of_cursing as_the_day the_this.
19DOM Farˊoh the_king of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) and_DOM servants_his and_DOM officials_his and_DOM all people_his.
20And_DOM every the_foreign_people and_DOM all the_kings of_the_land the_ˊŪʦ and_DOM all the_kings of_the_land of_[the]_Philistines and_DOM Ashkelon and_DOM ˊAzzāh and_DOM Ekron and_DOM the_remnant of_Ashdod.
21DOM ʼₑdōm and_DOM Mōʼāⱱ and_DOM the_people of_Ammon.
22And_DOM all the_kings of_Tsor and_DOM all the_kings of_Tsīdōn and_DOM the_kings the_coastland which in/on/at/with_across the_sea.
23And_DOM Dedan and_DOM Tema and_DOM Buz and_DOM all [those_who_are]_cut_off of_[the]_corner.
24And_DOM all the_kings of_Arabia and_DOM all the_kings the_mixed_peoples the_dwell in/on/at/with_wilderness.
25And_DOM all the_kings of_Zimri and_DOM all the_kings of_Elam and_DOM all the_kings of_Media.
26And_DOM all the_kings the_north the_near and_the_far each to his/its_woman and_DOM all the_kingdoms the_earth/land which [are]_on the_surface the_soil and_king of_Sheshach he_will_drink after_them.
27And_say to_them thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) drink and_get_drunk and_vomit and_fall and_not you_all_will_rise from_face/in_front_of the_drought//sword/knife which I [am]_about_to_send among_you.
28And_it_was if/because they_will_refuse to_take the_cup from_hand_your to_drink and_say to_them thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts certainly_(drink) you_all_will_drink.
29If/because here in/on/at/with_city which it_is_called name_my on/upon_it(f) I [am]_beginning to_bring_disaster and_you_all completely_(exempt_from_punishment) will_you_all_be_exempt_from_punishment not you_all_will_be_exempt_from_punishment if/because a_sword I [am]_calling on all the_inhabitants the_earth/land the_utterance of_Yahweh of_hosts.
30And_you(ms) you_will_prophesy against_them DOM all the_words the_these and_say to_them Yahweh from_on_high he_will_roar and_from_habitation holy_his he_will_give_forth voice_his mightily_(roar) he_will_roar on fold_his shouting like_tread he_will_sing to all the_inhabitants the_earth/land.
31It_has_come an_uproar to the_end the_earth/land if/because a_controversy to/for_YHWH in/on/at/with_nations [is]_about_to_enter_into_judgement he to/from_all/each/any/every flesh the_wicked put_them to_the_sword the_utterance of_Yahweh.
32thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts there calamity [is]_about_to_go_forth from_nation to nation and_storm great it_will_be_roused from_farthest_parts of_[the]_earth.
33And_they_will_be [those]_slain of_Yahweh in_the_day (the)_that from_end the_earth/land and_unto the_end the_earth/land not they_will_be_mourned and_not they_will_be_gathered and_not they_will_be_buried like_dung on the_surface the_soil they_will_become.
34Wail the_shepherds and_cry_out and_roll_in_ashes Oh_noble_[ones] the_flock if/because they_have_been_completed days_your_all’s to_slaughter and_dispersions_your_all’s and_fall like_vessel of_desire.
35And_perish a_place_of_escape from the_shepherds and_escape for_leaders the_flock.
36The_sound of_the_cry_of_distress the_shepherds and_wailing of_the_noble_[ones] the_flock if/because [is]_destroying Yahweh DOM pasture_their.
37And_devastated the_pastures the_peaceful from_face/in_front_of the_burning of_the_anger of_Yahweh.
38He_has_left like_the_lion den_his if/because it_has_become land_their as_horror from_face/in_front_of the_anger the_oppressor and_from_because_of the_burning anger_his.

26:1 The carrying to Jeremiah there to hukumanan










26in_beginning of_the_kingship of_Jehoiakim the_son of_Yʼoshiyyāh the_king of_Yəhūdāh it_came the_word the_this from_with Yahweh to_say.
2Thus he_said Yahweh stand in/on/at/with_courtyard of_the_house of_Yahweh and_speak to all the_cities of_Yəhūdāh the_(ones_who)_went to_worship the_house of_Yahweh DOM all the_words which I_commanded_you(ms) to_speak to_them do_not hold_back a_word.
3Perhaps they_will_listen and_turn everyone from_way_his the_evil and_relent concerning the_disaster which I [am]_planning for_doing to/for_them from_face/in_front_of the_wickedness deeds_their.
4And_say to_them thus he_says Yahweh if not you_all_will_listen to_me to_go in/on/at/with_law_my which I_have_set before_face/front_you_all.
5To_listen to the_words servants_my the_prophets whom I [have_been]_sending to_you_all and_over_and_over_again and_to_send and_not you_all_have_listened.
6And_make DOM the_house the_this like_Shiloh and_DOM the_city the_this[fn] I_will_make as_curse to_all/each/any/every the_nations the_earth/land.
7and_they_heard the_priests and_the_prophets and_all the_people DOM Yirməyāh speaking DOM the_words the_these in_house_of of_Yahweh.
8And_he/it_was when_finished Yirməyāh to_speaking DOM all that he_had_commanded Yahweh to_speak to all the_people and_laid_hold_of DOM_him/it the_priests and_the_prophets and_all the_people to_say surely_(die) you_will_die.
9Why have_you_prophesied in/on/at/with_name of_Yahweh to_say like_Shiloh it_will_be the_house the_this and_the_city the_this it_will_be_desolate with_no an_inhabitant and_gathered all the_people to Yirməyāh in_house_of of_Yahweh.
10And_they_heard the_officials of_Yəhūdāh DOM the_things the_these and_came_up from_house the_king the_house of_Yahweh and_they_lived in/on/at/with_entrance of_the_gate of_Yahweh the_new.
11and_they_said the_priests and_the_prophets to the_officials and_near/to all the_people to_say a_sentence of_death for_the_man the_this if/because he_has_prophesied against the_city the_this just_as you_all_have_heard in/on/at/with_ears_your_all’s_own.
12And_he/it_said Yirməyāh to all the_officials and_near/to all the_people to_say Yahweh sent_me to_prophesy against the_house the_this and_near/to the_city the_this DOM all the_words which you_all_have_heard.
13And_now make_good ways_your_all’s and_deeds_your_all’s and_obey in/on/at/with_voice of_Yahweh god_your_all’s and_relent Yahweh concerning the_disaster which he_has_spoken against_you_all.
14And_me here_I in/on/at/with_hands_your_all’s do to_me as_the_good and_as_the_right in/on/at/with_eyes_you_all.
15Only certainly_(know) you_all_will_know if/because_that if [are]_about_to_put_to_death you_all DOM_me if/because_that blood innocent you_all [are]_about_to_put on_yourselves and_near/to the_city the_this and_near/to inhabitants_its if/because in/on/at/with_truth sent_me Yahweh to_you_all to_speak in/on/at/with_ears_your_all’s DOM all the_words the_these.
16and_they_said the_officials and_all the_people to the_priests and_near/to the_prophets there_[is]_not for_the_man the_this a_sentence of_death if/because in/on_name_of of_Yahweh god_our he_has_spoken to_us.
17And_arose men some_of_elders the_earth/land and_they_said to all the_assembly the_people to_say.
18Mīkāh[fn] the_Moresheth he_was prophesying in/on/at/with_days of_Ḩizqiyyāh the_king of_Yəhūdāh and_he/it_said to all the_people of_Yəhūdāh to_say thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts Tsiyyōn a_field it_will_be_plowed and_Yərūshālayim heaps_of_ruins it_will_be and_mountain the_house as_height of_a_forest.
19The_to_put_to_death put_todeath_him Ḩizqiyyāh the_king of_Yəhūdāh and_all Yəhūdāh not [was_he]_fearing DOM Yahweh and_entreat DOM the_face of_Yahweh and_he/it_sighed/regretted Yahweh concerning the_disaster which he_had_spoken against_them and_we [are]_about_to_do an_evil great on selves_of_us.
20And_also a_man he_was prophesying in/on_name_of of_Yahweh ʼYyriyyāh the_son of_Shemaiah from wwww and_prophesied on the_city the_this and_against the_earth/land the_this in_all the_words of_Yirməyāh.
21And_he/it_listened the_king Jehoiakim and_all warriors_his and_all the_officials DOM words_his and_he/it_sought the_king put_todeath_him and_he/it_listened ʼYyriyyāh and_afraid and_fled and_went Miʦrayim/(Egypt).
22And_sent the_king Jehoiakim men Miʦrayim DOM Elnathan the_son of_Achbor and_men with_him/it to Miʦrayim.
23And_brought_out DOM ʼYyriyyāh from_Miʦrayim and_brought_him to the_king Jehoiakim and_struck_down_him in/on/at/with_sword and_threw DOM dead_body_his to the_graves of_the_sons the_people.
24Nevertheless the_hand of_Ahikam the_son of_Shaphan it_was with Yirməyāh to_not to_give DOM_him/it in/on/at/with_hands the_people to_put_to_death_him.

27:1 The pegyuyuggu of Jeremiah






27in_beginning of_the_reign of_Jehoiakim the_son of_Yʼoshiyyāh the_king of_Yəhūdāh it_came the_word the_this to Yirməyāh from_with Yahweh to_say.
2Thus he_said Yahweh to_me make to/for_yourself(m) fetters and_yoke and_put_them on neck_your.
3And_send_them to the_king of_ʼₑdōm and_near/to the_king of_Mōʼāⱱ and_near/to the_king of_the_people of_Ammon and_near/to the_king of_Tsor and_near/to the_king of_Tsīdōn in/on/at/with_hand of_messengers the_(ones_who)_went Yərūshālayim to Zedekiah the_king of_Yəhūdāh.
4And_command DOM_them to masters_their to_say thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) thus you_all_will_say to masters_your_all’s.
5I I_made DOM the_earth/land DOM the_humankind and_DOM the_cattle/livestock which [are]_on the_surface the_earth/land in/on/at/with_power_my the_great and_in/on/at/with_arm_my the_outstretched and_give_it to_whomever it_is_pleasing in/on/at/with_eyes_I.
6And_now I I_give DOM all the_lands the_these in/on/at/with_hand of_Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh servant_my and_also DOM the_animal[s] the_field I_give to_him/it to_serve_him.
7And_serve DOM_him/it all the_nations and_DOM his/its_son and the_son his/its_son until comes the_time land_his_own also he and_make_slave in_him/it nations many and_kings great.
8And_it_was the_nation and_the_kingdom which not they_will_serve DOM_him/it DOM Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_DOM which not it_will_put DOM neck_its in/on/at/with_yoke of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh in/on/at/with_sword and_in/on/at/with_famine and_in/on/at/with_plague I_will_visit_[judgement] on the_nation (the)_that the_utterance of_Yahweh until destroyed_I DOM_them in_his/its_hand.
9And_you_all do_not listen to prophets_your_all’s and_near/to diviners_your_all’s and_near/to dreamers_your_all’s and_near/to soothsayers_your_all’s and_near/to sorcerers_your_all’s who they [are]_saying to_you_all to_say not you_all_will_serve DOM the_king of_Bāⱱelh.
10If/because falsehood they [are]_prophesying to/for_you_all so_as to_remove_far_away DOM_you_all from_under land_your_all’s and_drive_out DOM_you_all and_perish.
11And_the_nation which it_will_bring DOM neck_its in/on/at/with_yoke of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_serve_him and_leave_it on land_its_own the_utterance of_Yahweh and_till_it and_live in/on/at/with_it.
12And_near/to Zedekiah the_king of_Yəhūdāh I_spoke like_all the_words the_these to_say bring DOM necks_your_all’s in/on/at/with_yoke of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_serve DOM_him/it and_people_his and_live.
13To/for_what will_you_all_die you and_people_your in/on/at/with_sword in/on/at/with_famine and_in/on/at/with_plague with_which he_has_spoken Yahweh to the_nation which not it_will_serve DOM the_king of_Bāⱱelh.
14And_not listen to the_words the_prophets the_telling to_you_all to_say not you_all_will_serve DOM the_king of_Bāⱱelh if/because falsehood they [are]_prophesying to_you_all.
15If/because not sent_them the_utterance of_Yahweh and_they [are]_prophesying in/on/at/with_name_my about_the_lies so_as drive_out_I DOM_you_all and_perish you_all and_the_prophets the_prophesying to_you_all.
16And_near/to the_priests and_near/to all the_people the_this I_spoke to_say thus he_says Yahweh do_not listen to the_words prophets_your_all’s the_prophesying to/for_you_all to_say there the_articles of_the_house of_Yahweh [are]_about_to_be_brought_back from_Bāⱱelh_at now quickly if/because falsehood they [are]_prophesying to_you_all.
17Do_not listen to_them serve DOM the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_live to/for_what will_it_become the_city the_this a_ruin.
18And_if [are]_prophets they and_if (there) the_word of_Yahweh with_them let_them_entreat please in/on/at/with_LORD of_hosts to_not go the_vessels the_left in_house_of of_Yahweh and_house of_the_king of_Yəhūdāh and_in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim Bāⱱelh_to.
19if/because thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts concerning the_pillars and_concerning the_sea and_concerning the_stands and_concerning the_remainder the_vessels the_left in/on/at/with_city the_this.
20Which not take_those Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh in/on/at/with_deported_he DOM Jeconiah[fn] the_son of_Jehoiakim the_king of_Yəhūdāh from_Yərūshālayim Bāⱱelh_to and_DOM all the_nobles of_Yəhūdāh and_Yərūshālayim.
21if/because thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) on the_vessels the_left the_house of_Yahweh and_house of_the_king of_Yəhūdāh and_Yərūshālayim.
22Bāⱱelh_to they_will_be_taken and_there_at they_will_remain until the_day visit_I DOM_them the_utterance of_Yahweh and_bring_up_them and_restore_them to the_place the_this.

28:1 Jeremiah and Prophet Ananiyas







28and_he/it_was in/on/at/with_year the_that_same in_beginning of_the_reign of_Zedekiah the_king of_Yəhūdāh in/on/at/with_year[fn] the_fourth in/on/at/with_month the_fifth he_said to_me Hananiah the_son of_Azzur the_prophet who from_Gibeon in_house_of of_Yahweh in_presence the_priests and_all the_people to_say.
2Thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) to_say I_will_break DOM the_yoke of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh.
3In/on/at/with_yet two_years days I [will]_bring_back to the_place the_this DOM all the_articles of_the_house of_Yahweh which he_took Nebuchadnezzar[fn] the_king of_Bāⱱelh from the_place the_this and_he/it_brought_them Bāⱱelh.
4And_DOM Jeconiah the_son of_Jehoiakim the_king of_Yəhūdāh and_DOM all the_exile[s] of_Yəhūdāh the_(ones_who)_went Bāⱱelh_to I [will]_bring_back to the_place the_this the_utterance of_Yahweh if/because I_will_break DOM the_yoke of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh.
5And_he/it_said Yirməyāh the_prophet to Hananiah the_prophet in_presence the_priests and_before_eyes of_all the_people the_standing in_house_of of_Yahweh.
6And_he/it_said Yirməyāh the_prophet amen thus may_he_do Yahweh may_he_carry_out Yahweh DOM words_your which you_have_prophesied to_bring_back the_articles of_the_house of_Yahweh and_all the_exiles from_Bāⱱelh to the_place the_this.
7Nevertheless listen_to please the_word the_this which I [am]_about_to_speak in/on/at/with_hearing_your and_in/on/at/with_hearing of_all the_people.
8The_prophets who they_were to/for_my_face/front and_to/for_preceding_you from the_ancient_times and_prophesied against lands many and_against kingdoms great of_war and_of_disaster and_of_plague.
9The_prophet who he_prophesies of_peace in/on/at/with_comes_true the_word the_prophet he_will_be_recognized the_prophet whom sent_him Yahweh in/on/at/with_truth.
10And_he/it_took Hananiah the_prophet DOM the_yoke from_under the_neck of_Yirməyāh the_prophet and_broke_it.
11And_he/it_said Hananiah in_presence of_all the_people to_say thus he_says Yahweh thus I_will_break DOM the_yoke of_Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh in/on/at/with_yet two_years days from_under[fn] the_neck of_all the_nations and_he/it_went Yirməyāh the_prophet on_way_his.
12and_he/it_was the_word of_Yahweh to Yirməyāh after broke Hananiah the_prophet DOM the_yoke from_under the_neck of_Yirməyāh the_prophet to_say.
13Go and_tell to Hananiah to_say thus he_says Yahweh yoke-bars of_wood you_have_broken and_made in_place_them yoke-bars of_iron.
14If/because thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) a_yoke of_iron I_have_put on the_neck of_all the_nations the_these to_serve DOM Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_serve_him and_also DOM the_animal[s] the_field I_have_given to_him/it.
15And_he/it_said Yirməyāh the_prophet to Hananiah the_prophet listen please Oh_Hananiah not sent_you Yahweh and_you(ms) you_have_made_rely DOM the_people the_this on falsehood.
16For_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh see_I send_you from_under the_surface the_soil the_year you [will]_die if/because rebellion you_have_spoken against Yahweh.
17And_he/it_died Hananiah the_prophet in/on/at/with_year the_that in/on/at/with_month the_seventh.

29:1 The letter of Jeremiah of Jews there to Babylon







29and_these [are]_the_words the_letter which he_sent Yirməyāh the_prophet from_Yərūshālayim to the_remainder of_the_elders the_exiles and_near/to the_priests and_near/to the_prophets and_near/to all the_people which he_had_taken_into_exile Nebuchadnezzar from_Yərūshālayim Bāⱱelh_to.
2After went_out Jeconiah the_king and_the_queen_mother and_the_court_officials the_officials of_Yəhūdāh and_Yərūshālayim and_the_craftsmen and_the_smiths from_Yərūshālayim.
3In/on/at/with_hand of_Eleasah the_son of_Shaphan and_Gemariah the_son of_Hilkiah whom he_sent Zedekiah the_king of_Yəhūdāh to Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh Bāⱱelh_to to_say.
4thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) to/from_all/each/any/every the_exiles whom I_sent_into_exile from_Yərūshālayim Bāⱱelh_to.
5Build houses and_live and_plant gardens and_eat DOM produce_their.
6Take wives and_have sons and_daughters and_take for_sons_your_all’s wives and_DOM daughters_your_all’s give to_men and_bear sons and_daughters and_increase/multiply there and_not diminish.
7And_seek DOM the_welfare the_city where I_have_sent_into_exile DOM_you_all  there_to and_pray on_behalf_its to Yahweh if/because in/on/at/with_welfare_its it_will_belong to/for_you_all welfare.
8if/because thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) not let_them_deceive to/for_you_all prophets_your_all’s who in/on/at/with_midst_you_all and_diviners_your_all’s and_not listen to dreams_your_all’s which you_all [are]_dreaming.
9If/because in/on/at/with_lie they [are]_prophesying to/for_you_all in/on/at/with_name_my not sent_them the_utterance of_Yahweh.
10if/because thus he_says Yahweh if/because by_mouth_of_me (of)_will_be_completed for_Bāⱱelh seventy year[s] I_will_give_attention_to DOM_you_all and_fulfill to_you_all DOM promise_my the_good to_bring_back DOM_you_all to the_place the_this.
11If/because I I_know DOM the_plans which I [am]_planning for_you_all the_utterance of_Yahweh plans of_well-being and_not for_harm to_give to/for_you_all a_future and_hope.
12And_call_upon DOM_me and_come and_pray to_me and_listen to_you_all.
13And_seek DOM_me and_find if/because seek_me in_all heart_your_all’s.
14And_found to/for_you_all the_utterance of_Yahweh and_restore DOM fortunes_your_all’s[fn] and_gather DOM_you_all from_all the_nations and_from_all the_places where I_banished DOM_you_all there the_utterance of_Yahweh and_bring_back DOM_you_all to the_place where I_sent_into_exile DOM_you_all from_there.
15If/because you_all_have_said he_has_raised_up to/for_us Yahweh prophets Bāⱱelh_in.
16if/because thus he_says Yahweh concerning the_king the_sits to the_throne of_Dāvid and_near/to all the_people the_live in/on/at/with_city the_this brothers_your_all’s who not they_went_out with_you_all in/on/at/with_exile.
17Thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts see_I [am]_about_to_send in/on/at/with_them DOM the_drought//sword/knife DOM the_famine and_DOM the_plague and_make DOM_them like_the_figs the_rotten which not they_will_be_eaten because_bad.
18And_pursue after_them in/on/at/with_sword in/on/at/with_famine and_in/on/at/with_plague and_make_them mmm[fn] to_all/each/any/every the_kingdoms the_earth/land as_curse and_as_horror and_as_hissing and_as_reproach in_all the_nations where driven_them there.
19Because that not they_listened to words_my the_utterance of_Yahweh which I_sent to_them DOM servants_my the_prophets rising_early and_sending and_not you_all_listened the_utterance of_Yahweh.
20And_you_all hear the_word of_Yahweh Oh_all the_exiles whom I_sent from_Yərūshālayim Bāⱱelh_to.
21thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) concerning Ahab the_son of_Kolaiah and_near/to Zedekiah the_son of_Maaseiah the_prophesying to/for_you_all in/on/at/with_name_my falsehood see_I [am]_about_to_give DOM_them in/on/at/with_hand of_Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_kill_them before_eyes_your_all’s.
22And_used from_them a_curse to_all/each/any/every the_exile[s] of_Yəhūdāh who in/on/at/with_Bāⱱelh to_say make_you Yahweh like_Zedekiah and_like_Ahab whom roasted_them the_king of_Bāⱱelh in/on/at/with_fire.
23Because that they_did disgraceful_folly in/on/at/with_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_committed_adultery DOM the_wives neighbors’_their and_spoken a_word in/on/at/with_name_my falsehood which not command_them and_I wwww wwww[fn][fn] and_witness the_utterance of_Yahweh.

29:24 The letter of Simayas




24and_near/to Shemaiah the_Nehelamite you_will_say to_say.
25Thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) to_say because that you you_sent in/on/at/with_name_your_own letters to all the_people which in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim and_near/to Tsəfanyāh/(Zephaniah) the_son of_Maaseiah the_priest/officer and_near/to all the_priests to_say.
26Yahweh made_you priest in_place_of Jehoiada the_priest/officer to_be overseers the_house of_Yahweh to/from_all/each/any/every person [who_is]_mad and_acts_like_a_prophet and_you(ms)_will_give DOM_him/it into the_stocks and_near/to the_iron_collar.
27And_now to/for_what not have_you_rebuked in/on/at/with_Yirməyāh the_Anathoth the_plays_prophet for_you_all.
28If/because on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so he_has_sent to_us Bāⱱelh to_say [will_be]_long it build houses and_live and_plant gardens and_eat DOM produce_their.
29And_he/it_called Tsəfanyāh the_priest/officer DOM the_letter the_this in/on/at/with_hearing of_Yirməyāh the_prophet.
30and_he/it_was the_word of_Yahweh to Yirməyāh to_say.
31Send to all the_exiles to_say thus he_says Yahweh concerning Shemaiah the_Nehelamite because that he_has_prophesied to/for_you_all Shemaiah and_I not send_him and_trust DOM_you_all on falsehood.
32For_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh see_I [am]_about_to_visit_[judgement] on Shemaiah the_Nehelamite and_to his/its_seed not he_will_belong to_him/it anyone [who]_dwells in_the_middle the_people the_this and_not he_will_look in/on/at/with_good which I [will_be]_doing to_people_my the_utterance of_Yahweh if/because rebellion he_has_spoken on Yahweh.

30:1 The promise of Master of his people





















30the_word which it_came to Yirməyāh from_with Yahweh to_say.
2Thus he_says Yahweh the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) to_say write to/for_yourself(m) DOM all the_words which I_have_spoken to_you into a_book.
3If/because here days [are]_coming the_utterance of_Yahweh and_restore DOM the_captivity people_my Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_Yihudah he_says Yahweh and_bring_back_them to the_earth/land which I_gave to_ancestors_their and_possess_it.
4and_these the_words which he_spoke Yahweh concerning Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_near/to Yəhūdāh.
5If/because thus he_says Yahweh a_voice of_trembling we_have_heard dread and_there_is_no peace.
6Ask please and_see if [is]_giving_birth a_male why have_I_seen every man hands_his [are]_on loins_his like_a_woman_in_labour and_turned all faces to_pale.
7Woe if/because [will_be]_great the_day (the)_that with_no_other like_it and_time of_distress it for_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_from_it he_will_be_saved.
8And_it_was in/on/at/with_day (the)_that the_utterance of_Yahweh of_hosts I_will_break yoke_his from_under neck_your and_bonds_your I_will_tear_apart and_not they_will_work in_him/it again strangers.
9And_serve DOM Yahweh god_their and_DOM Dāvid king_their whom I_will_raise_up to/for_them.
10and_you(ms) do_not fear servant_my Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) the_utterance of_Yahweh and_not be_dismayed Oh_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) if/because see_I save_you from_distant and your(ms)_seed/fruit from_land captivity_their and_return Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_have_quiet and_at_ease and_no [one_who]_terrifies.
11If/because with_you I the_utterance of_Yahweh to_save_you if/because I_will_make complete_destruction in_all the_nations where scattered_you there nevertheless DOM_you not I_will_make complete_destruction and_discipline_you in_the_just and_to_let_go_unpunished not leave_unpunished_you.
12if/because thus he_says Yahweh [is]_incurable to_injury_your [is]_severe wound_your.
13There_[is]_not [one_who]_pleads cause_your for_sore medications healing there_[are]_not to/for_you(fs).
14All lovers_your forgotten_you DOM_you not they_care_for if/because [the]_blow of_an_enemy struck_you [the]_correction of_a_cruel_[person] on the_greatness guilt_your they_are_numerous sins_your.
15Why do_you_cry_out on wound_your [is]_incurable pain_your on the_greatness guilt_your they_are_numerous sins_your I_have_done these_[things] to/for_you(fs).
16For_so/thus/hence all devour_you they_will_be_devoured and_all foes_your every_one_them in/on/at/with_captivity they_will_go and_they_will_be plunder_you as_plunder and_all prey_you I_will_make as_prey.
17If/because I_will_bring_up healing to/for_you(fs) and_of_wounds_your heal_you the_utterance of_Yahweh if/because a_banished_[one] people_have_called to/for_you(fs) [is]_Tsiyyōn it [one_who]_cares there_[is]_not to/for_her/it.
18thus he_says Yahweh see_I [am]_about_to_turn_back the_captivity of_the_tents of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_dwellings_his I_will_have_compassion and_rebuilt a_city on mound_its and_palace on rightful_site_its it_will_remain.
19And_come from_them thanksgiving and_sound of_merry_makers and_multiply_them and_not they_will_diminish and_honour_them and_not they_will_be_insignificant.
20And_they_will_be children_their as_of_old and_congregation_their to/for_my_face/front it_will_be_established and_punish on all oppressors_them.
21And_it_was leader_their from_him/it and_ruler_their from_midst_their he_will_come_forth and_bring_near_him and_approach to_me if/because who that this has_he_pledged DOM his/its_heart to_approach to_me the_utterance of_Yahweh.
22And_you_all_will_be to_me as_people and_I I_will_become to/for_you_all as_god.
23there the_storm of_Yahweh rage it_has_gone_out a_storm staying_as_a_sojourner on [the]_head of_wicked_[people] it_will_whirl_about.
24Not it_will_turn_back the_burning of_the_anger of_Yahweh until executed_he and_unto accomplished_his the_purposes his/its_heart in_end/latter the_days you_all_will_understand in/on/at/with_this.

31:1 The returning home of people of Israel










31In/on/at/with_time the_that the_utterance of_Yahweh I_will_become as_god to_all/each/any/every the_clans of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_they they_will_become to_me as_people.
2thus he_says Yahweh it_found favour in/on/at/with_wilderness [the]_people of_[the]_survivors of_[the]_sword he_went to_find_rest_their Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
3From_far_away Yahweh he_appeared to_me and_love of_perpetuity loved_you on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so drawn_you covenant_loyalty.
4Again build_you and_rebuilt Oh_virgin of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) again you_will_adorn_yourself tambourines_your and_go_forth in/on/at/with_dance of_merry_makers.
5Again you_will_plant vineyards in/on/at/with_mountains of_Shomrōn they_will_plant planters and_enjoy.
6If/because there_[will_be] a_day [when]_they_will_call_out watchmen in/on/at/with_hill_country of_ʼEfrayim arise and_go_up Tsiyyōn to Yahweh god_our.
7if/because thus he_says Yahweh cry_out for_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) gladness and_shout in/on/at/with_chief the_nations make_a_proclamation praise and_say save Oh_Yahweh DOM people_your DOM the_remnant of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
8See_I [am]_about_to_bring DOM_them from_land of_[the]_north and_gather_them from_farthest_parts of_[the]_earth in/on/at/with_them [the]_blind and_lame [the]_pregnant and_give_birth alike a_company great they_will_return hither.
9In/on/at/with_weeping they_will_come and_in/on/at/with_pleas_for_mercy bring_back_them walk_them to torrents of_water in/on/at/with_path straight [which]_not they_will_stumble in/on/at/with_which if/because I_have_become to_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) as_father and_ʼEfrayim firstborn_my he.
10hear the_word of_Yahweh Oh_nations and_declare in/on/at/with_coastlands from_afar and_say the_[one_who]_scattered (of)_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) gather_him and_keep_him as_shepherd flock_his.
11If/because he_has_ransomed Yahweh DOM Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_redeemed_him from_hand of_[one_too]_strong than_he.
12And_come and_shout_for_joy in/on/at/with_height of_Tsiyyōn and_radiant because_of the_good_thing[s] of_Yahweh on grain and_over new_wine and_over fresh_oil and_over [the]_young of_[the]_flock and_herd and_be life_their like_garden watered and_not they_will_repeat to_languish again.
13Then she_will_rejoice a_virgin in/on/at/with_dance and_young_men and_old alike and_turn mourning_their into_joy and_comfort_them and_give_gladness_them for_sorrow_their.
14And_give_fill the_appetite the_priests fatness and_people_my DOM goodness_my they_will_be_satisfied the_utterance of_Yahweh.

31:15 The mercy of Master of Israel









15thus he_says Yahweh a_voice in/on/at/with_Rāmāhh [is]_heard a_wailing weeping of_bitterness(es) Rāḩēl [is]_weeping on her/its_sons/descendants she_has_refused to_comforted on her/its_sons/descendants if/because no_more_they.
16thus he_says Yahweh restrain voice_your from_weeping and_eyes_your from_tears if/because there_[will_be] a_reward for_work_your the_utterance of_Yahweh and_return from_land of_[the]_enemy.
17And_there_is hope for_future_your the_utterance of_Yahweh and_return children to_territory_their_own.
18indeed_(hear) I_have_heard ʼEfrayim bemoaning_itself disciplined_me and_disciplined like_calf [which]_not it_had_been_trained bring_back_me and_return if/because you [are]_Yahweh god_my.
19If/because after turned_away_I I_repented and_after instructed_I I_slapped on a_thigh I_was_ashamed and_also I_was_humiliated if/because I_bore the_reproach youth_my.
20son dear to_me [is]_ʼEfrayim or a_child of_delight(s) if/because from_sufficiency speak_I in/on/over_him/it certainly_(remember) remember_him still on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so they_are_in_a_tumult heart_my to_him/it surely_(have_compassion) I_have_compassion_for_him the_utterance of_Yahweh.
21set_up to/for_you(fs) road_markers place to/for_you(fs) guideposts set mind_your to_the_highway [the]_way [which]_you_went[fn] return Oh_virgin of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) return to cities_your these.
22Until when waver the_daughter the_faithless if/because he_has_created Yahweh a_new_[thing] on_the_earth a_female she_will_surround a_man.

31:23 The coming keupianan of people of Israel










23thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) again people_will_say DOM the_words the_this in_land of_Yəhūdāh and_in/on/at/with_towns_its in/on/at/with_restore_I DOM fortunes_their bless_you Yahweh Oh_abode of_righteousness Oh_mountain the_holy.
24And_live in/on/at/with_it Yəhūdāh and_all towns_its together farmers and_wander in/on/at/with_flocks.
25If/because I_give_water_to [the]_throat of_[the]_weary and_all person [who]_it_has_become_faint I_fill.
26On this I_awoke and_looked and_sleep_my it_was_pleasing to/for_me.
27here days [are]_coming the_utterance of_Yahweh and_sow DOM the_house of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_DOM the_house of_Yəhūdāh [the]_seed of_humankind and_seed of_animal[s].
28And_it_was just_as I_kept_watch over_them to_pluck_up and_to_break_down and_to_overthrow and_to_destroy and_to_bring_disaster so I_will_keep_watch over_them to_build and_to_plant the_utterance of_Yahweh.
29In_the_days the_those not people_will_say again fathers they_have_eaten sour_grape[s] and_teeth of_children they_will_be_blunt.
30If/because (if) everyone in/on/at/with_iniquity_his_own he_will_die every the_humankind the_eats the_sour_grapes they_will_be_blunt teeth_his.
31here days [are]_coming the_utterance of_Yahweh and_make with the_house of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_DOM the_house of_Yəhūdāh a_covenant new.
32Not like_the_covenant which I_made with ancestors_their in/on_day took_I in/on/at/with_hand_them to_bring_out_them of_land of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) who they they_broke DOM covenant_my and_I I_was_a_husband in/on/at/with_them the_utterance of_Yahweh.
33If/because this the_covenant which I_will_make with the_house of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) after the_days the_those the_utterance of_Yahweh I_will_put DOM law_my in/on/at/with_inward_parts_them and_on hearts_their write_it and_I_will_be to/for_them as_god and_they they_will_become to_me as_people.
34And_not they_will_teach again each DOM his/its_neighbour and_each DOM his/its_woman to_say know DOM Yahweh if/because all_they they_will_know DOM_me to/for_from_least_them and_unto greatest_them the_utterance of_Yahweh if/because I_will_forgive to_iniquity_their and_to_sin_their not I_will_remember again.
35thus he_says Yahweh [who]_gives [the]_sun for_light by_day [the]_fixed_order(s) of_[the]_moon and_stars for_light night [who]_stirs_up the_sea and_roar waves_its [is]_Yahweh of_hosts his/its_name.
36If they_will_depart the_fixed_order the_these from_before_presence_me the_utterance of_Yahweh also the_offspring of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) they_will_cease from_be a_nation to/for_my_face/front all the_days.
37thus he_says Yahweh if they_will_be_measured [the]_heavens at_to/for_above and_explored [the]_foundations of_[the]_earth at_below also I I_will_reject in_all the_offspring of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) on all that they_have_done the_utterance of_Yahweh.
38here days[fn][fn] the_utterance of_Yahweh and_rebuilt the_city to/for_YHWH from_tower of_Hananel the_gate the_corner.
39And_go_out again the_measuring-line[fn] the_measuring straight_it to the_hill of_Gareb and_turn Goah_to.
40And_all the_valley the_dead_bodies and_the_ashes and_all the_fields[fn] to the_wadi of_Kidron to the_corner of_the_gate the_horse east_toward [will_be]_holy to/for_YHWH not it_will_be_plucked_up and_not it_will_be_torn_down again to_forever.

32:1 The pegbeli of Jeremiah of kamet



32the_word which it_came to Yirməyāh from_with Yahweh in/on/at/with_year[fn] the_tenth of_Zedekiah the_king of_Yəhūdāh that the_year [was]_eight- teen year of_Nebuchadnezzar.
2And_at_that_time the_army of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh [were]_laying_siege on Yərūshālayim and_Yirməyāh the_prophet he_was shut_up in/on/at/with_courtyard the_guard which [was]_the_house of_the_king of_Yəhūdāh.
3That imprisoned_him Zedekiah the_king of_Yəhūdāh to_say why [are]_you prophesying to_say thus he_says Yahweh look_I [am]_about_to_give DOM the_city the_this in/on/at/with_hand of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_capture_it.
4And_Zedekiah the_king of_Yəhūdāh not he_will_escape out_of_hand the_Kasdim if/because certainly_(be_given) he_will_be_given in/on/at/with_hand of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_speak mouth_of_him with mouth_of_him and_eye_him DOM eye_him[fn] they_will_see.
5And_Bāⱱelh he_will_take DOM Zedekiah and_there he_will_be until attend_I DOM_him/it the_utterance of_Yahweh if/because you_all_will_fight with the_Kasdim not you_all_will_succeed.
6and_he/it_said Yirməyāh it_came the_word of_Yahweh to_me to_say.
7Here Hanamel the_son of_Shallum uncle_your [is]_about_to_come to_you to_say buy to/for_yourself(m) DOM field_my which in/on/at/with_Anathoth if/because to/for_yourself(m) the_right the_redemption to_buy.
8And_came to_me Hanamel the_son uncle_my according_to_word of_Yahweh to the_courtyard the_guard and_he/it_said to_me buy please DOM field_my which in/on/at/with_Anathoth which in_land of_Binyāmīn if/because to/for_yourself(m) the_right the_possession and_to_you the_redemption buy_[it] to/for_you(fs) and_knew if/because_that [was]_the_word of_Yahweh it.
9And_bought DOM the_field from_with Hanamel the_son uncle_my which in/on/at/with_Anathoth and_weighed_out for_him/it DOM the_money [was]_seven shekels and_ten the_silver.
10And_signed in/on/at/with_deed and_sealed and_called_witnesses witnesses and_weighed_out the_silver in/on/at/with_scales.
11And_took DOM the_document the_purchase DOM the_sealed the_terms and_the_conditions and_DOM the_open.
12And_gave DOM the_deed the_purchase to Baruch the_son of_Nēriyyāhah the_son of_Mahseiah in_presence of_Hanamel cousin_my and_in_presence the_witnesses the_signed in/on/at/with_deed the_purchase in_presence of_all the_Judeans the_sitting in/on/at/with_courtyard the_guard.
13And_charged DOM[fn] Baruch in_presence_their to_say.
14Thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) take DOM the_deeds the_these DOM the_document the_purchase the_this and_DOM the_sealed and_DOM [the]_document the_open the_this and_put_them in/on/at/with_jar of_earthenware so_that they_may_remain days many.
15if/because thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) again they_will_be_bought houses and_fields and_vineyards on_the_earth the_this.

32:16 The praying for Jeremiah




16and_prayed to Yahweh after given_I DOM the_document the_purchase to Baruch the_son of_Nēriyyāhah to_say.
17Alas my_master Yahweh there you you_made DOM the_heavens and_DOM the_earth/land in/on/at/with_power_your the_great and_in/on/at/with_arm_your the_outstretched not it_is_[too]_difficult too_for_you any thing.
18[you_are]_doing covenant_loyalty to_thousands and_repay [the]_iniquity of_fathers into the_bosom children_their after_them the_god the_great the_mighty [is]_Yahweh of_hosts his/its_name.
19(the)_great the_counsel and_mighty the_deed who eyes_your [are]_opened on all [the]_ways of_[the]_children of_humankind in_order_to_reward to_everyone according_to_ways_his and_according_to_fruit deeds_his.
20Who you_performed signs and_wonders in_land_of of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) until the_day the_this and_in/on/at/with_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_in/on/at/with_mankind and_made for_yourself a_name as_the_day the_this.
21And_brought_out DOM people_your DOM Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) of_land of_Miʦrayim in/on/at/with_signs and_in/on/at/with_wonders and_in/on/at/with_hand strong and_in/on/at/with_arm outstretched and_in/on/at/with_terror great.
22And_she/it_gave to/for_them DOM the_earth/land the_this which you_had_sworn to_ancestors_their to_give to/for_them a_land flowing of_milk and_honey.
23And_they_came and_took_possession_of DOM_her/it and_not they_listened in/on/at/with_voice_your and_in/on/at/with_law_your[fn] not they_walked DOM all that you_had_commanded to/for_them for_doing not they_did and_come_upon DOM_them DOM all the_disaster the_this.
24There the_siege_ramps they_have_come the_city to_take_it and_the_city it_has_been_given in/on/at/with_hand the_Kasdim the_fighting on/upon_it(f) from_face/in_front_of the_drought//sword/knife and_the_famine and_the_plague and_which you_spoke it_has_happened and_look_you [are]_seeing_[it].
25And_you(ms) you_have_said to_me my_master Yahweh buy to/for_yourself(m) the_field in/on/at/with_money and_call_witnesses witnesses and_the_city it_has_been_given in/on/at/with_hand the_Kasdim.
26And_he/it_was the_word of_Yahweh to Yirməyāh to_say.
27Here I [am]_Yahweh the_god of_all flesh too_for_me is_it_[too]_difficult any thing.
28For_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh see_I [am]_about_to_give DOM the_city the_this in/on/at/with_hand the_Kasdim and_in/on/at/with_hand of_Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_capture_it.
29And_come the_Kasdim the_fighting on the_city the_this and_they_will_set_on_fire DOM the_city the_this in/on/at/with_fire and_burn_it and_DOM the_houses which people_made_smoke on roofs_their to_the_Baˊal and_poured_out drink_offerings to_gods other so_as provoke_toanger_me.
30If/because they_have_been the_people of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_the_sons of_Yəhūdāh only doing the_evil in/on/at/with_sight_my from_youth_their if/because the_people of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) only [are]_provoking_to_anger DOM_me in/on/at/with_work hands_their the_utterance of_Yahweh.
31If/because on anger_my and_of severe_anger_my it_has_been to/for_me the_city the_this at_from the_day when they_built DOM_it and_unto the_day the_this so_that_remove_it from_under sight_my.
32On all the_evil of_the_people of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_the_sons of_Yəhūdāh which they_have_done to_provoke_toanger_me they kings_their officials_their priests_their and_prophets_their and_men of_Yəhūdāh and_inhabitants of_Yərūshālayim.
33And_turned to_me a_neck and_not a_face and_taught DOM_them rising_early and_teaching and_not_they [were]_listening to_take/accept/receive correction.
34And_set_up abominations_their in/on/at/with_house which it_was_called name_my on/upon/above_him/it to_defiled_it.
35And_built DOM the_high_places the_Baˊal which in/on/at/with son_of wwww to_offer_up DOM sons_their and_DOM daughters_their to_the_Molech which not commanded_them and_not it_had_come_up on mind_my for_doing the_abomination the_this so_as to_cause_to_sin[fn] DOM Yəhūdāh.

32:36 The promise of Master



36and_now for_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) concerning the_city the_this which you_all [are]_saying it_has_been_given in/on/at/with_hand of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh in/on/at/with_sword and_in/on/at/with_famine and_in/on/at/with_pestilence.
37Behold_I gather_them from_all the_lands where driven_them there in/on/at/with_anger_my and_in/on/at/with_severe_anger_my and_in/on/at/with_severe_anger great and_bring_back_them to the_place the_this and_dwell_them in_safety.
38And_they_will_be to_me as_people and_I I_will_become to/for_them as_god.
39And_give to/for_them a_heart one and_way one that_fear DOM_me all the_days for_good to/for_them and_of_children_their after_them.
40And_make to/for_them a_covenant of_perpetuity which not I_will_turn_back from_after_them to_doing_good_my DOM_them and_DOM fear_me I_will_put in/on/at/with_hearts_their to_not to_turn_aside from_with_me.
41And_rejoice in_them to_do_good DOM_them and_plant_them on_the_earth the_this in/on/at/with_faithfulness in_all heart_my and_on/over_all soul_my.
42if/because thus he_says Yahweh just_as I_have_brought to the_people the_this DOM all the_disaster the_great the_this so I [will]_bring upon_them DOM all the_good which I [am]_speaking to_them.
43And_bought the_field on_the_earth the_this which you_all [are]_saying [is]_a_desolation it with_no human_being and_animals it_has_been_given in/on/at/with_hand the_Kasdim.
44fields in/on/at/with_money people_will_buy and_signed in/on/at/with_deeds and_sealed and_call_witnesses witnesses in_land of_Binyāmīn and_in/on/at/with_places_around of_Yərūshālayim and_in/on/at/with_cities of_Yəhūdāh and_in/on/at/with_cities the_hill_country and_in/on/at/with_cities the_shephelah and_in/on/at/with_cities the_Negeⱱ if/because I_will_turn_back DOM fortunes_their the_utterance of_Yahweh.

33:1 The promised me blessing







33and_he/it_was the_word of_Yahweh to Yirməyāh a_second_[time] and_he still_he [was]_shut_up in/on/at/with_courtyard the_guard to_say.
2Thus he_says Yahweh made_her Yahweh [who]_formed DOM_it to_establish_it [is]_Yahweh his/its_name.
3Call to_me and_answer_you and_tell to_you great_[things] and_hidden [which]_not know_which.
4if/because thus he_says Yahweh the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) on the_houses the_city the_this and_concerning the_houses of_the_kings of_Yəhūdāh the_torn_down because_of the_siege_ramps and_near/to the_sword.
5[they_are]_coming to_fight with the_Kasdim and_to_fill_them with the_corpses the_humankind which I_struck_down in/on/at/with_anger_my and_in/on/at/with_severe_anger_my and_which I_have_hidden face_my from_the_city the_this on all wickedness_their.
6Behold_I [will]_bring_up to_it healing and_healing and_heal_them and_reveal to/for_them an_abundance of_well-being and_security.
7And_restore DOM the_captivity of_Yəhūdāh and_DOM the_captivity of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_rebuild_them as_in/on/at/with_first.
8And_cleanse_them from_all guilt_their which they_have_sinned to_me and_forgive to_all[fn] iniquities_their which they_have_sinned to_me and_which they_have_rebelled in/on/at/with_me.
9And_be to/for_me as_name of_joy as_praise and_as_glory to_all/each/any/every the_nations the_earth/land who they_will_hear DOM all the_good which I [will_be]_doing DOM_them and_fear and_tremble on all the_good and_because_of all the_peace which I [will_be]_doing for_it.
10thus he_says Yahweh again it_will_be_heard in/on/at/with_place the_this which you_all [are]_saying [is]_desolate it with_no human_being and_with_no animal in/on/at/with_towns of_Yəhūdāh and_in/on/at/with_streets of_Yərūshālayim the_desolate by_no human_being and_with_no an_inhabitant and_with_no animal.
11[the]_sound of_joy and_voice of_gladness [the]_sound of_a_bridegroom and_voice of_a_bride [the]_sound of_[those_who]_say give_thanks_to DOM Yahweh of_hosts if/because [is]_good Yahweh if/because to_forever steadfast_love_his [who]_bring a_thank-offering the_house of_Yahweh if/because I_will_turn_back DOM the_captivity the_earth/land as_in/on/at/with_first he_says Yahweh.
12thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts again it_will_be in/on/at/with_place the_this the_waste with_no human_being and_unto an_animal and_on/over_all towns_its pasture of_shepherds [who]_make_to_lie_down flock[s].
13In/on/at/with_towns the_hill_country in/on/at/with_cities the_shephelah and_in/on/at/with_cities the_Negeⱱ and_in/on/at/with_land of_Binyāmīn and_in/on/at/with_places_around of_Yərūshālayim and_in/on/at/with_towns of_Yəhūdāh again they_will_pass the_flocks on [the]_hands of_[one_who]_counts_[them] he_says Yahweh.
14here days [are]_coming the_utterance of_Yahweh and_fulfill DOM the_promise the_good which I_have_spoken to the_house of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_to the_house of_Yəhūdāh.
15In_the_days the_those and_in/on/at/with_time the_that I_will_cause_to_sprout for_Dāvid a_branch of_righteousness and_execute justice and_righteousness on_the_earth.
16In_the_days the_those it_will_be_saved Yəhūdāh and_Yərūshālayim it_will_dwell in_safety and_this [is_that]_which anyone_will_call to/for_her/it Yahweh righteousness_our.
17if/because thus he_says Yahweh not it_will_be_cut_off for_Dāvid a_man [who]_sits on the_throne of_the_house of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
18And_have_the_priests the_Levitical not it_will_be_cut_off a_man in_to/for_presence_me [who]_offers_up a_burnt_offering and_burn a_grain_offering and_make a_sacrifice[fn] all the_days.
19and_he/it_was the_word of_Yahweh to Yirməyāh to_saying.
20Thus he_says Yahweh if you_all_will_break DOM covenant_my the_day and_DOM covenant_my the_night and_to/for_not to_be daytime and_night in/on/at/with_appointed_time_their.
21Also covenant_my it_will_be_broken with Dāvid servant_my so_that_not_happen to_him/it a_son [who]_reigns on throne_his and_DOM the_Levites the_priests ministers_my.
22Which not it_will_be_counted the_host the_heavens and_not it_will_be_measured the_sand the_sea so I_will_increase DOM the_offspring of_Dāvid servant_my and_DOM the_Levites [who]_serve DOM_me.
23and_he/it_was the_word of_Yahweh to Yirməyāh to_say.
24Am_not have_you_seen what the_people the_this have_they_said to_say the_two the_families which he_chose Yahweh (is)_in_them and_rejected_them and_DOM people_my despise no_are again a_nation in_sight_them.
25thus he_says Yahweh if not covenant_my of_daytime and_night [the]_fixed_order(s) of_heaven and_earth not I_have_ordained.
26Also the_offspring of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_Dāvid servant_my I_will_reject not_choose from_descendants_his rulers to the_offspring of_ʼAⱱrāhām Yiʦḩāq/(Isaac) and_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) if/because I_will_turn_back[fn] DOM fortunes_their and_have_compassion_on_them.

34:1 The warning to Sidikiyas


34the_word which it_came to Yirməyāh from_with Yahweh and_Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_all army_his and_all [the]_kingdoms of_[the]_earth the_rule his/its_hand and_all the_peoples [were]_fighting on Yərūshālayim and_against all cities_its to_say.
2Thus he_says Yahweh the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) go and_speak to Zedekiah the_king of_Yəhūdāh and_say to_him/it thus he_says Yahweh see_I [am]_about_to_give DOM the_city the_this in/on/at/with_hand of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_burn_it in/on/at/with_fire.
3And_you(ms) not you_will_escape from_hand_his if/because certainly_(capture) you_will_be_captured and_in/on/at/with_hand_him you_will_be_given and_eye_you DOM the_eyes of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh they_will_see and_mouth_of_him with mouth_of_you it_will_speak and_Bāⱱelh you_will_go.
4Nevertheless hear the_word of_Yahweh Oh_Zedekiah the_king of_Yəhūdāh thus he_says Yahweh concerning_you not you_will_die in/on/at/with_sword.
5In/on/at/with_peace you_will_die and_as_burned ancestors_your the_kings the_former who they_were to_your_face so people_will_burn to/for_you(fs) and_alas Oh_master they_will_mourn to/for_you(fs) if/because a_promise I I_have_spoken the_utterance of_Yahweh.
6and_he/it_spoke Yirməyāh the_prophet to Zedekiah the_king of_Yəhūdāh DOM all the_words the_these in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim.
7And_army of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh [were]_fighting on Yərūshālayim and_against all the_cities of_Yəhūdāh the_left against Lachish and_near/to Azekah if/because they they_remained in/on/at/with_cities of_Yəhūdāh cities of_fortification.

34:8 The kaligwangan of slaves



8the_word which it_came to Yirməyāh from_with Yahweh after made the_king Zedekiah a_covenant with all the_people which in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim to_call to/for_them liberty.
9To_go_free everyone DOM slave_his and_each_one DOM female_slave_his the_Hebrew and_the_Hebrew free_[people] to_not to_work in/on/at/with_them in/on/at/with_Jew fellow_his anyone.
10And_obeyed all the_officials and_all the_people who they_went in/on/at/with_covenant that_let_go everyone DOM slave_their and_each_one DOM female_slave_his free_[people] to_not to_work in/on/at/with_them again and_they_heard and_set_free.
11And_turned_around after thus and_took_back DOM the_slaves and_DOM the_female_slaves whom they_had_let_go free_[people] and_brought_intosubjection_them[fn] as_slaves and_for_female_slaves.
12and_he/it_was the_word of_Yahweh to Yirməyāh from_with Yahweh to_say.
13Thus he_says Yahweh the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) I I_made a_covenant with ancestors_your_all’s in/on_day brought_out_I DOM_them of_land of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) out_of_house of_slaves to_say.
14From_the_end/extremity of_seven years you_all_will_let_go everyone DOM his/its_woman the_Hebrew who he_will_sell_himself to/for_yourself(m) and_served_you six years and_let_go_him a_free_[person] from_with_your and_not they_listened ancestors_your_all’s to_me and_not they_inclined DOM ears_their.
15And_repented you_all the_day and_did DOM the_right in/on/at/with_sight_my to_call liberty everyone to_neighbor_his and_made a_covenant to/for_my_face/front in/on/at/with_house which it_is_called name_my on/upon/above_him/it.
16And_turned_around and_profaned DOM name_my and_took_back everyone DOM slave_his and_each_one DOM female_slave_his whom you_all_had_let_go free_[people] according_to_desire_their and_brought_intosubjection DOM_them to_be to/for_you_all as_slaves and_as_female_slaves.
17for_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh you_all not you_all_have_listened to_me to_call liberty everyone to_fellow_his and_each_one to_neighbor_his see_I [am]_about_to_proclaim to/for_you_all liberty the_utterance of_Yahweh to the_drought//sword/knife to the_plague and_near/to the_famine and_make DOM_you_all mmm[fn] to_all/each/any/every the_kingdoms the_earth/land.
18And_treat DOM the_men the_transgressed DOM covenant_my who not they_have_carried_out DOM the_words the_covenant which they_made before_face/front_me the_calf which they_cut in_two and_passed between parts_its.
19The_officials of_Yəhūdāh and_officials of_Yərūshālayim the_eunuchs and_the_priests and_all/each/any/every the_people the_earth/land the_passed between the_pieces the_calf.
20And_give DOM_them in/on/at/with_hand enemies_their and_in/on/at/with_hand of_[those_who]_seek lives_their and_become dead_bodies_their as_food for_birds the_heavens and_for_beasts the_earth/land.
21And_DOM Zedekiah the_king of_Yəhūdāh and_DOM officials_his I_will_give in/on/at/with_hand enemies_their and_in/on/at/with_hand of_[those_who]_seek lives_their and_in/on/at/with_hand of_the_army of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh the_withdrawn from_against_you_all.
22Behold_I [am]_about_to_command the_utterance of_Yahweh and_bring_back_them to the_city the_this and_fight on/upon_it(f) and_take_it and_burn_it in/on/at/with_fire and_DOM the_cities of_Yəhūdāh I_will_make a_waste with_no-one an_inhabitant.

35:1 Jeremiah and the descendants of Rikab





35the_word which it_came to Yirməyāh from_with Yahweh in/on/at/with_days of_Jehoiakim the_son of_Yʼoshiyyāh the_king of_Yəhūdāh to_say.
2Go to the_house the_Rechabites and_speak DOM_them and_bring_them the_house of_Yahweh to one the_chambers and_give_todrink DOM_them wine.
3And_took DOM Jaazaniah the_son of_Yirməyāh the_son Habazziniah and_DOM brothers_his and_DOM all sons_his and_DOM all the_house the_Rechabites.
4And_brought_into DOM_them the_house of_Yahweh to the_room of_the_sons of_Hanan the_son Igdaliah the_man the_ʼₑlhīmv which [was]_beside the_room the_officials which at_over to_chamber of_Maaseiah the_son of_Shallum the_keeper the_threshold.
5And_set to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_sons of_the_house the_Rechabites bowls full wine and_cups and_said to_them drink wine.
6And_they_said not we_drink wine if/because Jonadab the_son of_Rechab ancestor_our he_commanded to_us to_say not you_all_must_drink wine you_all and_children_your_all’s until perpetuity.
7And_house not you_all_must_build and_seed not you_all_must_sow and_vineyard not you_all_must_plant and_not it_will_belong to/for_you_all if/because in/on/at/with_tents you_all_will_dwell all days_your_all’s so_that you_all_may_live days many on the_surface the_soil where you_all [are]_sojourning there.
8And_obeyed in/on/at/with_voice of_Jonadab the_son of_Rechab ancestor_our to_all/each/any/every that commanded_us to_not to_drink wine all days_our we wives_our sons_our and_daughters_our.
9And_to/for_not to_build houses to_live_our and_vineyard and_field and_seed not it_belongs to/for_ourselves.
10And_lived in/on/at/with_tents and_obeyed and_done according_to_all that commanded_us Jonadab ancestor_our.
11And_he/it_was in/on/at/with_came_up Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh against the_earth/land and_said come and_go Yərūshālayim from_face/in_front_of the_army the_Kasdim and_because_of the_army of_Rām and_living in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim.
12and_he/it_was the_word of_Yahweh to Yirməyāh to_say.
13Thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) go and_say to_men of_Yəhūdāh and_to_inhabitants of_Yərūshālayim am_not will_you_all_accept correction by_obey to words_my the_utterance of_Yahweh.
14It_was_carried_out DOM the_words of_Jonadab the_son of_Rechab which he_commanded DOM descendants_his to_not to_drink wine and_not they_have_drunk until the_day the_this if/because they_have_obeyed DOM the_commandment ancestor’s_their and_I I_have_spoken to_you_all rising_early and_to_speak and_not you_all_have_listened to_me.
15And_sent to_you_all DOM all servants_my the_prophets rising_early and_sent to_say turn_back please everyone from_way_his the_evil and_amend deeds_your_all’s and_not walk after gods other to_serve_them and_live to the_soil which I_gave to/for_you_all and_to_ancestors_your_all’s and_not you_all_inclined DOM ear_your_all’s and_not you_all_listened to_me.
16If/because they_have_carried_out the_sons of_Jonadab the_son of_Rechab DOM the_commandment ancestor_their which commanded_them and_the_people the_this not they_have_listened to_me.
17for_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh the_god of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) see_I [am]_about_to_bring to Yəhūdāh and_near/to all the_inhabitants of_Yərūshālayim DOM all the_disaster which I_spoke against_them because I_spoke to_them and_not they_listened and_called to/for_them and_not they_answered.
18And_to_house the_Rechabites he_said Yirməyāh thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) because that you_all_have_listened to the_commandment of_Jonadab ancestor_your_all’s and_kept DOM all commands_his and_done according_to_all that he_commanded DOM_you_all.
19for_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) not it_will_be_cut_off a_man have_Jonadab the_son of_Rechab [who_will]_stand to/for_my_face/front all the_days.

36:1 Imbasa of Baruk there to temple the letter of Jeremiah




36and_he/it_was in/on/at/with_year the_fourth of_Jehoiakim the_son of_Yʼoshiyyāh the_king of_Yəhūdāh it_came the_word the_this to Yirməyāh from_with Yahweh to_say.
2Take to/for_yourself(m) a_scroll of_a_document and_write to_her/it DOM all the_words which I_have_spoken to_you on Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_against Yəhūdāh and_against all the_nations from_day [when]_I_spoke to_you from_days of_Yʼoshiyyāh and_unto the_day the_this.
3Perhaps they_will_hear the_house of_Yəhūdāh DOM all the_disaster which I [am]_planning for_doing to/for_them so_that they_may_turn_back everyone from_way_his the_evil and_forgive to_iniquity_their and_to_sin_their.
4and_he/it_called Yirməyāh DOM Baruch the_son of_Nēriyyāhah and_wrote Baruch at_dictation of_Yirməyāh DOM all the_words of_Yahweh which he_had_spoken to_him/it on a_scroll of_a_document.
5And_commanded Yirməyāh DOM Baruch to_say I [am]_shut_up not I_am_able from_enter the_house of_Yahweh.
6And_go you and_read in/on/at/with_scroll which you_have_written at_dictation_my DOM the_words of_Yahweh in/on/at/with_hearing the_people the_house of_Yahweh in/on_day of_fasting and_also in/on/at/with_hearing of_all Yəhūdāh the_(ones_who)_went from_towns_their read_them.
7Perhaps it_will_fall plea_their to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before Yahweh and_turn everyone from_way_his the_evil if/because [is]_great the_anger and_the_severe_anger which he_has_spoken Yahweh against the_people the_this.
8And_he/it_made Baruch the_son of_Nēriyyāhah according_to_all that commanded_him Yirməyāh the_prophet to_call in/on/at/with_scroll the_words of_Yahweh the_house of_Yahweh.
9and_he/it_was in/on/at/with_year the_fifth of_Jehoiakim the_son of_Yʼoshiyyāh the_king of_Yəhūdāh in/on/at/with_month the_ninth they_proclaimed a_fast to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before Yahweh all the_people in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim and_all the_people the_(ones_who)_went from_towns of_Yəhūdāh in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim.
10And_he/it_called Baruch in/on/at/with_scroll DOM the_words of_Yirməyāh the_house of_Yahweh in/on/at/with_chamber of_Gemariah the_son of_Shaphan the_secretary in/on/at/with_courtyard the_upper the_entrance of_the_gate of_the_house of_Yahweh the_new in/on/at/with_hearing of_all the_people.

36:11 Ke pegbasa of sinulat there to officials




11And_he/it_listened Micaiah the_son of_Gemariah the_son of_Shaphan DOM all the_words of_Yahweh from_under the_scroll.
12And_he/it_descended the_house the_king to the_room the_secretary’s and_see/lo/see there all the_officials [were]_sitting ʼₑlīshāˊma the_secretary and_Delaiah the_son of_Shemaiah and_Elnathan the_son of_Achbor and_Gemariah the_son of_Shaphan and_Zedekiah the_son of_Hananiah and_all the_officials.
13And_told to/for_them Micaiah DOM all the_words which he_had_heard in/on/at/with_read Baruch in/on/at/with_scroll in/on/at/with_hearing the_people.
14And_sent all the_officials to Baruch DOM Jehudi the_son of_Nethaniah the_son of_Shelemiah the_son of_ūshiy to_say the_scroll which you_have_read_aloud in/on/at/with_her in/on/at/with_hearing the_people take_it in/on/at/with_hand_your and_come and_he/it_took Baruch the_son of_Nēriyyāhah DOM the_scroll in_his/its_hand and_went to_them.
15And_they_said to_him/it sit please and_read_it in/on/at/with_hearing_us and_he/it_called Baruch in/on/at/with_hearing_them.
16And_he/it_was when_heard_they DOM all the_words they_were_in_dread each to his/its_neighbour and_they_said to Baruch certainly_(tell) we_will_tell to/for_the_king DOM all the_words the_these.
17And_DOM Baruch they_asked to_say tell please to/for_us how did_you_write DOM all the_words the_these at_dictation_his.
18And_he/it_said to/for_them Baruch at_dictation_his he_proclaimed to_me DOM all the_words the_these and_I [was]_writing on the_scroll in/on/at/with_ink.
19and_they_said the_officials to Baruch go hide_yourself you and_Yirməyāh and_one not let_him_know where [are]_you_all.

36:20 The pegsilab of King of eglulunen document


20And_they_came to the_king courtyard_in and_DOM the_scroll they_had_deposited in/on/at/with_chamber of_ʼₑlīshāˊma the_secretary and_reported in/on/at/with_hearing the_king DOM all the_words.
21And_sent the_king DOM Jehudi to_take/accept/receive DOM the_scroll and_took_it from_chamber of_ʼₑlīshāˊma the_secretary and_read_it Jehudi in/on/at/with_hearing the_king and_in/on/at/with_hearing of_all the_officials the_stood from_under the_king.
22And_the_king [was]_sitting the_house the_winter in/on/at/with_month the_ninth and_DOM the_brazier in_front_him [was]_kindled.
23And_he/it_was as_read Jehudi three doors and_four cut_off_them in/on/at/with_knife the_scribe’s and_throw into the_fire which [was]_to the_brazier until was_consumed all the_scroll on the_fire which [was]_on the_brazier.
24And_not they_were_afraid and_not they_tore DOM garments_their the_king and_all servants_his the_heard DOM all the_words the_these.
25And_also Elnathan and_Delaiah and_Gemariah they_had_made_entreaty in/on/at/with_king to_not to_burn DOM the_scroll and_not he_listened to_them.
26And_commanded the_king DOM Jerahmeel the_son the_king and_DOM Seraiah the_son of_Azriel and_DOM Shelemiah the_son of_Abdeel to_take/accept/receive DOM Baruch the_scribe and_DOM Yirməyāh the_prophet and_hid_them Yahweh.

36:27 Migsulat e again Jeremiah



27and_he/it_was the_word of_Yahweh to Yirməyāh after burned the_king DOM the_scroll and_DOM the_words which he_had_written Baruch at_dictation of_Yirməyāh to_say.
28Return take to/for_yourself(m) a_scroll another and_write on/upon_it(f) DOM all the_words the_former which they_were on the_scroll the_first which he_burned Jehoiakim the_king of_Yəhūdāh.
29And_concerning Jehoiakim the_king of_Yəhūdāh you_will_say thus he_says Yahweh you you_burned DOM the_scroll the_this to_say why did_you_write on/upon_it(f) to_say certainly_(come) he_will_come the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_destroy DOM the_earth/land the_this and_cut_off from_her/it human_being and_animals.
30for_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh on Jehoiakim the_king of_Yəhūdāh not he_will_belong for_him/it [one_who]_sits on the_throne of_Dāvid and_dead_body_his it_will_be thrown_out to_the_heat in_the_day and_to_the_frost in/on/at/with_night.
31And_punish on/upon/above_him/it and_to his/its_seed and_to servants_his DOM iniquity_their and_bring on_them and_on the_inhabitants of_Yərūshālayim and_near/to everyone of_Yəhūdāh DOM all the_disaster which I_have_spoken against_them and_not they_listened.
32and_Yirməyāh he_took a_scroll another and_gave_it to Baruch the_son of_Nēriyyāhah the_scribe and_wrote on/upon_it(f) at_dictation of_Yirməyāh DOM all the_words the_scroll which he_had_burned Jehoiakim the_king of_Yəhūdāh in/on/at/with_fire and_other it_was_added to_them words many similar_them.

37:1 The requesting of Sidikiyas to Jeremiah




37and_reigned king Zedekiah the_son of_Yʼoshiyyāh in_place_of Coniah the_son of_Jehoiakim whom he_made_king Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh in_land of_Yəhūdāh.
2And_not he_listened he and_servants_his and_people the_earth/land to the_words of_Yahweh which he_spoke in/on/at/with_hand of_Yirməyāh the_prophet.
3And_sent the_king Zedekiah DOM Jehucal the_son of_Shelemiah and_DOM Tsəfanyāh/(Zephaniah) the_son of_Maaseiah the_priest/officer to Yirməyāh the_prophet to_say pray please for_us to Yahweh god_our.
4And_Yirməyāh [was]_coming and_going_out in_the_middle the_people and_not they_had_put DOM_him/it the_house the_imprisonment[fn].
5And_army of_Farˊoh it_had_come_forth of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) and_heard the_Kasdim the_besieging on Yərūshālayim DOM report_them and_withdrew from_under Yərūshālayim.
6and_he/it_was the_word of_Yahweh to Yirməyāh the_prophet to_say.
7Thus he_says Yahweh the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) thus[fn] you_all_will_say to the_king of_Yəhūdāh the_sent DOM_you_all to_me to_inquire_of_me there the_army of_Farˊoh the_set_out to/for_you_all to_help [is]_about_to_return to_land_its_own Miʦrayim.
8And_return the_Kasdim and_fight on the_city the_this and_capture_it and_burn_it in/on/at/with_fire.
9thus he_says Yahweh do_not deceive selves_of_you_all to_say surely_(go) they_will_go from_against_us the_Kasdim if/because not they_will_go.
10If/because if you_all_defeated all the_army of_[the]_ones_from_Kasdiy the_fighting against_you_all and_remained in/on/at/with_them men pierced_through everyone in/on/at/with_tent_his they_will_arise and_burn DOM the_city the_this in/on/at/with_fire.

37:11 The capturing and pegprisu to Jeremiah






11And_it_was in/on/at/with_withdrawn the_army the_Kasdim from_under Yərūshālayim from_face/in_front_of the_army of_Farˊoh.
12and_he/it_went_out Yirməyāh from_Yərūshālayim to_go the_land of_Binyāmīn to_receive_shareof_property from_there in_the_middle the_people.
13And_he/it_was he in/on/at/with_gate of_Binyāmīn and_there a_captain of_[the]_guard and_his/its_name [was]_Irijah the_son of_Shelemiah the_son of_Hananiah and_arrested DOM Yirməyāh the_prophet to_say to the_Kasdim you [are]_falling.
14And_he/it_said Yirməyāh a_lie not_I [am]_falling on the_Kasdim and_not he_listened to_him/it and_arrested Irijah in/on/at/with_Yirməyāh and_brought_him to the_officials.
15And_angry the_officials towards Yirməyāh and_beat DOM_him/it and_put DOM_him the_house the_prison the_house of_Yōnātān the_secretary if/because DOM_him/it they_had_made into_house_of the_prison.
16If/because he_went Yirməyāh into the_house the_dungeon and_near/to the_vaulted_cell and_he/it_sat_down//remained//lived there Yirməyāh days many.
17and_sent the_king Zedekiah and_received_him and_asked_him the_king in/on/at/with_house_his in/on/at/with_secrecy and_he/it_said is_there a_word from_with Yahweh and_he/it_said Yirməyāh there_[is] and_he/it_said in/on/at/with_hand of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh you_will_be_given.
18and_he/it_said Yirməyāh to the_king Zedekiah what have_I_sinned to/for_yourself(m) and_to_servants_your and_to_the_people the_this (cmp) you_all_have_put DOM_me into the_house the_prison.
19And_where[fn] prophets_your_all’s who they_prophesied to/for_you_all to_say not he_will_come the_king of_Bāⱱelh against_you_all and_against the_earth/land the_this.
20And_now listen please my_master the_king may_it_fall please petition_my to_your_face and_not send_back_me the_house of_Yōnātān the_secretary and_not I_will_die there.
21And_gave_orders the_king Zedekiah and_committed DOM Yirməyāh in/on/at/with_courtyard the_guard and_given to_him/it a_round_loaf of_bread on_the_day from_street the_bakers’ until was_finished all the_bread from the_city and_he/it_sat_down//remained//lived Yirməyāh in/on/at/with_courtyard the_guard.

38:1 The peg-ulug to Jeremiah there to mammara belun





38And_he/it_listened Shephatiah the_son of_Mattan and_Gəddalyāh the_son of_Pashhur and_Jucal the_son of_Shelemiah and_Pashhur the_son of_Malkijah DOM the_words which Yirməyāh [was]_speaking to all the_people to_say.
2thus he_says Yahweh the_stays in/on/at/with_city the_this he_will_die in/on/at/with_sword in/on/at/with_famine and_in/on/at/with_plague and_the_goes_out to the_Kasdim wwww[fn] and_be for_him/it life_his as_prize_of_war and_live.
3thus he_says Yahweh certainly_(be_given) it_will_be_given the_city the_this in/on/at/with_hand of_the_army of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_capture_it.
4And_they_said the_officials to the_king let_him_be_put_to_death please DOM the_man the_this if/because on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so he [is]_making_drop DOM the_hands of_the_men the_war the_left in/on/at/with_city the_this and_DOM the_hands of_all the_people by_speaking to_them in_the_words the_these if/because the_man the_this not_he [is]_seeking for_welfare of_the_people the_this if/because (if) for_harm.
5And_he/it_said the_king Zedekiah there he in/on/at/with_hands_your_all’s if/because not the_king he_is_able DOM_you_all anything.
6And_they_took DOM Yirməyāh and_threw DOM_him/it into the_cistern of_Malkijah the_son the_king which in/on/at/with_courtyard the_guard and_let_down DOM Yirməyāh in/on/at/with_ropes and_in/on/at/with_cistern there_[was]_not water if/because (if) mud and_sank Yirməyāh in/on/at/with_mud.
7and_he/it_listened wwww king the_ūshiyte a_man a_court-official and_he in_house_of the_king if/because_that they_had_put DOM Yirməyāh into the_cistern and_the_king [was]_sitting in/on/at/with_gate of_Binyāmīn.
8And_he/it_went_out wwww king from_palace the_king and_he/it_spoke to the_king to_say.
9My_master the_king they_have_done_evil the_men the_these DOM all that they_have_done to_Yirməyāh the_prophet DOM whom they_have_thrown into the_cistern and_he/it_died where_he from_face/in_front_of the_hunger if/because not the_bread yet in/on/at/with_city.
10And_commanded the_king DOM wwww king the_ūshiyte to_say take in/on/at/with_authority_you from_here thirty men and_pull_up DOM Yirməyāh the_prophet from the_cistern in/on/at/with_before he_will_die.
11And_he/it_took wwww king DOM the_men in_his/its_hand and_went the_house the_king to under the_storehouse and_he/it_took from_there worn_out_things the[fn] and_worn-out of_rags and_let_down_them to Yirməyāh into the_cistern in/on/at/with_ropes.
12And_he/it_said wwww king the_ūshiyte to Yirməyāh put please the_worn_out_things the_rags and_the_clothes under the_joints arms_your from_under to_ropes and_he/it_made Yirməyāh thus.
13And_pulled_up DOM Yirməyāh in/on/at/with_ropes and_lifted DOM_him/it from the_cistern and_he/it_sat_down//remained//lived Yirməyāh in/on/at/with_courtyard the_guard.

38:14 The pegpatambag of King Sidikiyas to Jeremiah









14and_sent_for the_king Zedekiah and_he/it_took DOM Yirməyāh the_prophet to_him/it to an_entrance the_third which in_house_of of_Yahweh and_he/it_said the_king to Yirməyāh [am]_about_to_ask I DOM_you a_matter do_not hide from_me anything.
15And_he/it_said Yirməyāh to Zedekiah if/because I_will_tell to/for_yourself(m) am_not certainly_(put_to_death) kill_me and_because/when give_advice_you not you_will_listen to_me.
16And_swore the_king Zedekiah to Yirməyāh in/on/at/with_secret to_say [by]_the_life of_Yahweh wwww[fn] who he_has_made to/for_us DOM the_living_creatures the_this if kill_you and_if give_you in/on/at/with_hand the_men the_these who [are]_seeking DOM life_your.
17and_he/it_said Yirməyāh to Zedekiah thus he_says Yahweh the_god of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) if indeed_(go_out) you_will_go_out to the_commanders of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_spared life_your and_the_city the_this not it_will_be_burned in/on/at/with_fire and_live you and_house_your.
18And_if not you_will_go_out to the_commanders of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_given the_city the_this in/on/at/with_hand the_Kasdim and_burn_it in/on/at/with_fire and_you(ms) not you_will_escape from_hand_their.
19and_he/it_said the_king Zedekiah to Yirməyāh I [am]_dreading DOM the_Judeans who they_have_fallen to the_Kasdim lest they_should_give DOM_me in/on/at/with_hand_them and_abuse in/on/at/with_me.
20and_he/it_said Yirməyāh not they_will_give listen please in/on/at/with_voice of_Yahweh in_what I [am]_speaking to_you and_go_well to/for_yourself(m) and_spared life_your.
21And_if [are]_refusing you to_surrender this the_verdict which shown_me Yahweh.
22And_see/lo/see all the_women who they_are_left in_house_of of_the_king of_Yəhūdāh [are]_about_to_be_brought_out to the_commanders of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_those [will_be]_saying misled_you and_overcame to/for_yourself(m) the_people trusted_your they_are_sunk in/on/at/with_mud feet_your they_have_turned backwards.
23And_DOM all wives_your and_DOM children_your [people_will]_bring_out to the_Kasdim and_you(ms) not you_will_escape from_hand_their if/because in/on/at/with_hand of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh you_will_be_captured and_DOM the_city the_this you_will_burn in/on/at/with_fire.
24and_he/it_said Zedekiah to Yirməyāh anyone not let_him_know in/on/at/with_conversation the_these and_not you_will_die.
25And_because/when they_will_hear the_officials if/because_that I_have_spoken with_you and_come to_you and_say to_you tell please to/for_us what did_you_say to the_king do_not hide_[it] from_him/it and_not kill_you and_what did_he_say to_you the_king.
26And_say to_them [was]_making_fall I plea_my to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_king to_not return_me the_house of_Yōnātān to_die there.
27and_they_came all the_officials to Yirməyāh and_questioned DOM_him/it and_reported to/for_them in_all the_words the_these which he_had_commanded the_king and_stopped_questioning from_him/it if/because not it_had_been_heard the_conversation.
28and_he/it_sat_down//remained//lived Yirməyāh in/on/at/with_courtyard the_guard until [the]_day when it_was_captured Yərūshālayim and_it_was just_as it_was_captured Yərūshālayim.

39:1 The pegkaahew of Yerusalem



39in/on/at/with_year the_ninth of_Zedekiah the_king of_Yəhūdāh in/on/at/with_month the_tenth he_came Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_all army_his to Yərūshālayim and_laid_siege to_it.
2in/on/at/with_one_of ten year of_Zedekiah in/on/at/with_month the_fourth in/on/at/with_ninth of_the_month it_was_broken_into the_city.
3And_they_came all the_officials of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_they_lived in/on/at/with_gate the_middle wwww chief wwww wwww wwww chief wwww [the]_Rab- saris wwww chief wwww [the]_Rab- mag and_all the_rest of_the_officials of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh.
4And_he/it_was just_as saw_them Zedekiah the_king of_Yəhūdāh and_all/each/any/every the_men the_fighting and_fled and_they_went_out night from the_city the_way of_the_garden the_king in/on/at/with_gate between the_walls and_he/it_went_out the_way the_arabah.
5And_pursued the_army of_[the]_ones_from_Kasdiy after_them and_overtook DOM Zedekiah in/on/at/with_plains of_Yərīḩō and_they_took DOM_him/it and_brought_up_him to Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh Riblah_at in_land of_Hamath and_he/it_spoke with_him/it judgements.
6And_slaughtered the_king of_Bāⱱelh DOM the_sons of_Zedekiah in/on/at/with_Riblah before_eyes_his and_DOM all the_nobles of_Yəhūdāh he_slaughtered the_king of_Bāⱱelh.
7And_DOM the_eyes of_Zedekiah he_made_blind and_bound_him in/on/at/with_fetters to_take DOM_him/it Bāⱱelh_to.
8And_DOM the_house the_king and_DOM the_house the_people they_burned the_Kasdim in/on/at/with_fire and_DOM the_walls of_Yərūshālayim they_pulled_down.
9And_DOM the_rest the_people the_left in/on/at/with_city and_DOM the_wildernessers who they_had_fallen on/upon/above_him/it and_DOM the_rest the_people the_remained he_took_into_exile wwww wwww[fn] [the]_chief of_[the]_bodyguards Bāⱱelh.
10And_from the_people the_poor who there_[belonged]_not to/for_them anything he_left Nebuzaradan [the]_chief of_[the]_bodyguards in_land of_Yəhūdāh and_he/it_gave to/for_them vineyards and_fields in_the_day (the)_that.

39:11 The pegleke to Jeremiah


11And_he/it_commanded Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh on Yirməyāh in/on/at/with_hand_of of_Nebuzaradan [the]_chief of_[the]_bodyguards to_say.
12Take_him and_eyes_your set on/upon/above_him/it and_no do to_him/it anything harmful if/because wwww[fn] just_as_whatever he_will_say to_you so do with_him/it.
13And_sent Nebuzaradan [the]_chief of_[the]_bodyguards and[fn] [the]_Rab- saris and chief wwww [the]_Rab- mag and_all/each/any/every the_chiefs of_the_king of_Bāⱱelh.
14And_sent and_they_took DOM Yirməyāh from_courtyard the_guard and_entrusted DOM_him/it to Gəddalyāh the_son of_Ahikam the_son of_Shaphan to_take_him to the_home and_he/it_sat_down//remained//lived in_the_middle the_people.

39:15 The egkapallateng of Ibid-Milik


15and_to Yirməyāh it_had_come the_word of_Yahweh in/on/at/with_was_he shut_up in/on/at/with_courtyard the_guard to_say.
16Go and_say to king[fn] the_ūshiyte to_say thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) see_I [am]_about_to_bring[fn] DOM words_my against the_city the_this for_disaster and_not for_good and_they_will_be to_your_face in_the_day (the)_that.
17And_rescue_you in/on/at/with_day (the)_that the_utterance of_Yahweh and_not you_will_be_given in/on/at/with_hand the_men whom you [are]_fearful because_of_face/front_them.
18If/because certainly_(rescue) I_will_save_you and_in/on/at/with_sword not you_will_fall and_be to/for_yourself(m) life_your as_prize_of_war if/because you_trusted in/on/at/with_me the_utterance of_Yahweh.

40:1 The peglemung of Jeremiah to Gidaliyas




40the_word which it_came to Yirməyāh from_with Yahweh after set_free DOM_him/it Nebuzaradan [the]_chief of_[the]_bodyguards from the_Rāmāhh in/on/at/with_found_he DOM_him/it and_he [was]_bound in/on/at/with_chains in_the_middle all the_exile[s] of_Yərūshālayim and_Yihudah the_exiled Bāⱱelh_to.
2And_he/it_took [the]_chief of_[the]_bodyguards to_Yirməyāh and_he/it_said to_him/it Yahweh god_your he_spoke DOM the_disaster the_this against the_place the_this.
3And_he/it_brought and_he/it_made Yahweh just_as he_said if/because you_all_sinned to/for_YHWH and_not you_all_listened in/on/at/with_voice_his and_it_was to/for_you_all wwww[fn] the_this.
4And_now here released_you the_day from the_chains which [are]_on hands_your if [is]_good in/on/at/with_eyes_you to_come with_me Bāⱱelh come and_I_will_set DOM eye_of_me of_you and_if [is]_displeasing in/on/at/with_eyes_you to_come with_me Bāⱱelh refrain see all the_earth/land to_your_face to [the_place]_good and_near/to the_right in/on/at/with_eyes_you to_go there_to go.
5And_still_he not he_will_return and_return to Gəddalyāh the_son of_Ahikam the_son of_Shaphan whom he_has_appointed the_king of_Bāⱱelh in/on/at/with_towns of_Yəhūdāh and_stay with_him/it in_the_middle the_people or to any the_right in/on/at/with_eyes_you to_go go and_gave to_him/it [the]_chief of_[the]_bodyguards a_food_allowance and_present and_he/it_sent_out/away_him/it.
6And_went Yirməyāh to Gəddalyāh the_son of_Ahikam the_Mizpah_at and_he/it_sat_down//remained//lived with_him/it in_the_middle the_people the_left on_the_earth.

40:7 Gidaliyas gubirnadur of Huda

(2 Kgs 25:22-24)


7and_heard all the_commanders the_forces which in_the_field they and_men_their if/because_that he_had_appointed the_king of_Bāⱱelh DOM Gəddalyāh the_son of_Ahikam on_the_earth and_because/when he_had_appointed with_him/it men and_women and_children and_of_poorest the_earth/land of_who not they_had_been_taken_into_exile Bāⱱelh_to.
8And_they_came to Gəddalyāh the_Mizpah_at and_Yishmāˊēʼl/(Ishmael) the_son Nethaniah and_Johanan and_Yōnātān the_sons of_Kareah and_Seraiah the_son of_Tanhumeth and_the_sons of_Ephai[fn] the_Netophathite and_Jezaniah the_son the_Maacathite they and_men_their.
9And_swore to/for_them Gəddalyāh the_son of_Ahikam the_son of_Shaphan and_to_men_their to_say do_not be_afraid to_serve the_Kasdim dwell in/on_the_earth and_serve DOM the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_go_well with_you_all.
10And_me look_I [will_be]_dwelling in/on/at/with_Mizpah to_represent to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_Kasdim who they_will_come to_us and_you_all gather wine and_summer_fruit and_oil and_put in/on/at/with_vessels_your_all’s and_live in/on/at/with_towns_your_all’s which you_all_have_taken_hold_of.
11And_also all the_Judeans who in/on/at/with_Mōʼāⱱ and_in/on/at/with_sons of_Ammon and_in/on/at/with_ʼₑdōm and_which in_all the_lands they_heard if/because_that he_had_given the_king of_Bāⱱelh a_remnant in_Yəhūdāh and_because/when he_had_appointed over_them DOM Gəddalyāh the_son of_Ahikam the_son of_Shaphan.
12And_returned all the_Judeans from_all the_places where they_had_been_driven_away there and_they_came the_land of_Yəhūdāh to Gəddalyāh the_Mizpah_at and_gathered wine and_summer_fruit much exceedingly.

40:13 The killing to Gidaliyas

(2 Kgs 25:25-26)








13and_Johanan the_son of_Kareah and_all the_commanders the_forces which in_the_field they_came to Gəddalyāh the_Mizpah_at.
14And_they_said to_him/it to_know[fn] do_you_know if/because_that Baˊalis the_king of_the_people of_Ammon he_has_sent DOM Yishmāˊēʼl/(Ishmael) the_son of_Nethaniah to_kill_your life and_not he_believed to/for_them Gəddalyāh the_son of_Ahikam.
15And_Johanan the_son of_Kareah he_said to Gəddalyāh in/on/at/with_private in/on/at/with_Mizpah to_say let_me_go please and_kill DOM Yishmāˊēʼl/(Ishmael) the_son of_Nethaniah and_one not he_will_know to/for_what kill_your life and_scattered all Yəhūdāh the_gathered around_you and_perish the_remnant of_Yəhūdāh.
16And_he/it_said Gəddalyāh the_son of_Ahikam to Johanan the_son of_Kareah do_not do[fn] DOM the_thing the_this if/because falsehood you [are]_speaking concerning Yishmāˊēʼl/(Ishmael).
41and_he/it_was in/on/at/with_month the_seventh he_came Yishmāˊēʼl/(Ishmael) the_son of_Nethaniah the_son of_ʼₑlīshāˊma of_family the_royalty and_chief_officers the_king and_ten men with_him/it to Gəddalyāh the_son of_Ahikam the_Mizpah_at and_ate there food together in/on/at/with_Mizpah.
2And_he/it_rose_up Yishmāˊēʼl/(Ishmael) the_son of_Nethaniah and_ten the_men who they_were with_him/it and_struck_down DOM Gəddalyāh the_son of_Ahikam the_son of_Shaphan in/on/at/with_sword and_killed DOM_him/it whom he_had_appointed the_king of_Bāⱱelh on_the_earth.
3And_DOM all the_Judeans who they_were with_him/it with Gəddalyāh in/on/at/with_Mizpah and_DOM the_Kasdim who they_were_found there DOM the_men the_war he_struck_down Yishmāˊēʼl/(Ishmael).
4And_he/it_was in_the_day the_second after_killing DOM Gəddalyāh and_anyone not he_knew.
5And_they_came men from_Shəkem from_Shiloh and_from_Shomrōn eighty man shaven of_beard and_torn of_clothes and_gashed and_grain_offerings and_incense in/on/at/with_hands_their to_bring the_house of_Yahweh.
6And_he/it_went_out Yishmāˊēʼl/(Ishmael) the_son of_Nethaniah to_meet_them from the_Mizpah going going and_weeping and_he/it_was as_met DOM_them and_he/it_said to_them come to Gəddalyāh the_son of_Ahikam.
7and_he/it_was when_came_they into the_middle the_city and_slaughtered_them Yishmāˊēʼl/(Ishmael) the_son of_Nethaniah into the_middle the_cistern he and_the_men who with_him/it.
8And_ten men they_were_found in/on/at/with_them and_they_said to Yishmāˊēʼl/(Ishmael) do_not kill_us if/because there_[belongs] to/for_us hidden_treasures in_the_field wheat(s) and_barley and_oil and_honey and_refrained and_not kill_them in_the_middle companions_their.
9And_the_cistern where he_threw there Yishmāˊēʼl/(Ishmael) DOM all the_corpses the_men whom he_had_struck_down in/on/at/with_side_of of_Gəddalyāh it [was_the_one]_which he_had_made the_king Asa from_face/in_front_of Baasha the_king of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) DOM_him/it he_filled Yishmāˊēʼl/(Ishmael) the_son of_Nethaniah [those]_slain.
10And_took_captive Yishmāˊēʼl/(Ishmael) DOM all the_rest the_people which in/on/at/with_Mizpah DOM the_daughters the_king and_DOM all the_people the_left in/on/at/with_Mizpah whom he_had_appointed Nebuzaradan [the]_chief of_[the]_bodyguards DOM Gəddalyāh the_son of_Ahikam and_took_captive_them Yishmāˊēʼl/(Ishmael) the_son of_Nethaniah and_he/it_went to_cross_over to the_people of_Ammon.
11and_he/it_listened Johanan the_son of_Kareah and_all the_commanders the_forces who with_him/it DOM all the_evil which he_had_done Yishmāˊēʼl/(Ishmael) the_son of_Nethaniah.
12And_they_took DOM all the_men and_went to_fight with Yishmāˊēʼl/(Ishmael) the_son of_Nethaniah and_they_found DOM_him/it to water great which in/on/at/with_Gibeon.
13And_he/it_was when_saw all the_people which [was]_with Yishmāˊēʼl/(Ishmael) DOM Johanan the_son of_Kareah and_DOM all the_commanders the_forces who with_him/it and_glad.
14And_turned_around all the_people which he_had_taken_captive Yishmāˊēʼl/(Ishmael) from the_Mizpah and_came_back and_went to Johanan the_son of_Kareah.
15And_Yishmāˊēʼl/(Ishmael) the_son of_Nethaniah he_escaped in/on/at/with_eight men from_face/in_front_of Johanan and_he/it_went to the_people of_Ammon.
16and_he/it_took Johanan the_son of_Kareah and_all the_commanders the_forces who with_him/it DOM all the_rest the_people which he_had_brought_back from_with Yishmāˊēʼl/(Ishmael) the_son of_Nethaniah from the_Mizpah after he_had_struck_down DOM Gəddalyāh the_son of_Ahikam men the_men the_army and_women and_children and_eunuchs whom he_had_brought_back from_Gibeon.
17And_set_out and_they_lived in/on/at/with_geruth mmm[fn] which [is]_beside house_of wwww to_go to_go Miʦrayim/(Egypt).
18From_face/in_front_of the_Kasdim if/because they_were_afraid from_their_face/front if/because he_had_struck_down Yishmāˊēʼl/(Ishmael) the_son of_Nethaniah DOM Gəddalyāh the_son of_Ahikam whom he_had_appointed the_king of_Bāⱱelh on_the_earth.

42:1 The requesting of people egpaampu to Jeremiah




42and_approached all the_commanders the_forces and_Johanan the_son of_Kareah and_Jezaniah the_son of_Hoshaiah and_all the_people from_least and_unto [the]_great.
2And_they_said to Yirməyāh the_prophet may_it_fall please petition_our to_your_face and_pray for_us to Yahweh god_your for all the_remnant the_this if/because we_are_left a_few out_of_many just_as eyes_your [are]_seeing DOM_us.
3And_tell to/for_us Yahweh god_your DOM the_way which we_will_go in/on/at/with_her and_DOM the_thing which we_will_do.
4And_he/it_said to_them Yirməyāh the_prophet I_have_heard see_I [am]_about_to_pray to Yahweh god_your_all’s according_to_words_your_all’s and_it_was every the_word which he_will_answer Yahweh DOM_you_all I_will_tell to/for_you_all not I_will_withhold from_you_all a_word.
5And_they they_said to Yirməyāh may_he_become Yahweh in/on/at/with_us as_witness of_truth and_faithful if not according_to_everything the_word which sends_you Yahweh god_your to_us so we_will_do.
6Whether good and_if bad in/on/at/with_voice of_Yahweh god_our whom we[fn] [are]_sending DOM_you to_him/it we_will_listen so_that that it_may_go_well to/for_us if/because we_will_listen in/on/at/with_voice of_Yahweh god_our.

42:7 The answer of Master of praying for Jeremiah





7and_he/it_was from_the_end/extremity of_ten days and_he/it_was the_word of_Yahweh to Yirməyāh.
8And_he/it_called (to) Johanan the_son of_Kareah and_near/to all the_commanders the_forces who with_him/it and_to/for_all the_people to_from_least and_unto [the]_great.
9And_he/it_said to_them thus he_says Yahweh the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) whom you_all_sent DOM_me to_him/it to_present petition_your_all’s before_face/front_him.
10If returning you_all_will_remain on_the_earth the_this and_build_up DOM_you_all and_not I_will_tear_[you]_down and_plant DOM_you_all and_not I_will_pluck_[you]_up if/because I_am_grieved concerning the_disaster which I_have_done on_you_all.
11Do_not be_afraid from_face/in_front_of the_king of_Bāⱱelh whom you_all [are]_afraid because_of_face/front_him do_not be_afraid from_him/it the_utterance of_Yahweh if/because with_you_all I to_save DOM_you_all and_to_deliver DOM_you_all from_hand_his.
12And_show to/for_you_all compassion(s) and_have_compassion_on DOM_you_all and_restore DOM_you_all to soil_your_all’s.
13And_if [are]_saying you_all not we_will_remain on_the_earth the_this to_not to_listen in/on/at/with_voice of_Yahweh god_your_all’s.
14To_say no if/because the_land of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) we_will_go where not we_will_see warfare and_sound of_a_trumpet not we_will_hear and_for_the_bread not we_will_be_hungry and_there we_will_dwell.
15And_now for_so/thus/hence hear the_word of_Yahweh Oh_remnant of_Yəhūdāh thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) if you_all really_(set) set your_all’s_faces to_go Miʦrayim and_go to_settle there.
16And_be the_drought//sword/knife which you_all [are]_afraid from_her/it there it_will_overtake DOM_you_all in_land of_Miʦrayim and_the_famine which you_all [are]_anxious from_him/it there it_will_pursue_closely after_you_all Miʦrayim and_there you_all_will_die.
17And_they_will_be all the_people who they_have_set DOM faces_their to_go Miʦrayim to_settle there they_will_die in/on/at/with_sword in/on/at/with_famine and_in/on/at/with_plague and_not he_will_belong to/for_them a_survivor and_survivor from_face/in_front_of the_disaster which I [will]_bring on_them.
18if/because thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) just_as it_was_poured_out anger_my and_severe_anger_my on the_inhabitants of_Yərūshālayim so it_will_pour_out severe_anger_my on_you_all in/on/at/with_go_you_all Miʦrayim/(Egypt) and_you_all_will_be as_curse and_as_horror and_of_curse and_as_disgrace and_not you_all_will_see again DOM the_place the_this.
19He_has_spoken Yahweh to_you_all Oh_remnant of_Yəhūdāh do_not go Miʦrayim assuredly_(know) you_all_will_know if/because_that I_have_warned in/on/at/with_you_all the_day.
20If/because_that mmm[fn][fn] in/on/at/with_lives_your_all’s if/because you_all you_all_sent DOM_me to Yahweh god_your_all’s to_say pray for_us to Yahweh god_our and_accordingly_all that he_will_say Yahweh god_our so tell to/for_us and_do.
21And_told to/for_you_all the_day and_not you_all_have_listened in/on/at/with_voice of_Yahweh god_your_all’s and_to/for_all that sent_me to_you_all.
22And_now assuredly_(know) you_all_will_know if/because_that in/on/at/with_sword in/on/at/with_famine and_in/on/at/with_plague you_all_will_die in/on/at/with_place where you_all_desire to_go to_settle there.

43:1 The pegduma to Jeremiah there to Egypt




43and_he/it_was when_finished Yirməyāh to_speaking to all the_people DOM all the_words of_Yahweh god_their which sent_him Yahweh god_their to_them DOM all the_words the_these.
2and_he/it_said Azariah the_son of_Hoshaiah and_Johanan the_son of_Kareah and_all the_men the_arrogant saying to Yirməyāh falsehood you [are]_speaking not sent_you Yahweh god_our to_say not you_all_must_go Miʦrayim/(Egypt) to_settle there.
3If/because Baruch the_son of_Nēriyyāhah [is]_inciting DOM_you in/on/at/with_us so_as to_give DOM_us in/on/at/with_hand the_Kasdim to_kill DOM_us and_to_deport DOM_us Bāⱱelh.
4And_not he_listened Johanan the_son of_Kareah and_all the_commanders the_forces and_all the_people in/on/at/with_voice of_Yahweh to_stay in_land of_Yəhūdāh.
5And_he/it_took Johanan the_son of_Kareah and_all the_commanders the_forces DOM all the_remnant of_Yəhūdāh who they_had_come_back from_all the_nations where they_had_been_driven_away there to_live in_land of_Yəhūdāh.
6DOM the_men and_DOM the_women and_DOM the_children and_DOM the_daughters the_king and_DOM every the_living_creatures whom he_had_left Nebuzaradan [the]_chief of_[the]_bodyguards with Gəddalyāh the_son of_Ahikam the_son of_Shaphan and_DOM Yirməyāh the_prophet and_DOM Baruch the_son of_Nēriyyāhah.
7And_they_came the_land of_Miʦrayim if/because not they_had_listened in/on/at/with_voice of_Yahweh and_they_came to Tahpanhes.
8and_he/it_was the_word of_Yahweh to Yirməyāh in/on/at/with_Tahpanhes to_say.
9Take in/on/at/with_hands_your stones large and_bury_them in/on/at/with_mortar in/on/at/with_brick_pavement which in/on/at/with_entrance of_the_house of_Farˊoh in/on/at/with_Tahpanhes in_sight of_[the]_people Judeans.
10And_say to_them thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) see_I [am]_about_to_send and_take DOM Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh servant_my and_set throne_his at_over to_the_stones the_these which I_have_hidden and_spread DOM royal_canopy_his[fn] over_them.
11And_come[fn] and_ravage DOM the_land of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) [those]_who for_the_death to_the_death and_which for_the_captivity to_the_captivity and_which for_the_sword to_the_sword.
12And_kindle fire in/on/at/with_temples of_the_gods of_Miʦrayim and_burn_them and_take_captive_them and_wrap DOM the_land of_Miʦrayim just_as he_delouses the_shepherd DOM cloak_his and_depart from_there in/on/at/with_unscathed.
13And_break DOM the_sacred_pillars house_of wwww which in_land of_Miʦrayim and_DOM the_houses of_the_gods of_Miʦrayim he_will_burn in/on/at/with_fire.

44:1 The speech of Master for of Israelis there to Egypt








44the_word which it_came to Yirməyāh concerning all the_Jews the_living in_land of_Miʦrayim the_living in/on/at/with_Migdōl and_in/on/at/with_Tahpanhes and_in/on/at/with_Memphis and_in/on/at/with_land of_Pathros to_say.
2thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) you_all you_all_have_seen DOM all the_disaster which I_brought on Yərūshālayim and_on all the_cities of_Yəhūdāh and_see_they [are]_a_ruin the_day the_this and_without (is)_in_them an_inhabitant.
3From_face/in_front_of wickedness_their which they_did to_provoking_toanger_me to_go to_burning_incense to_serve to_gods other which not known_them they you_all and_fathers_your_all’s.
4And_sent to_you_all DOM all servants_my the_prophets rising_early and_sending to_say do_not please do DOM the_thing the_detestable the_this which I_hate.
5And_not they_listened and_not they_inclined DOM ears_their to_turn from_wickedness_their to_not to_make_smoke to_gods other.
6And_poured_out severe_anger_my and_anger_my and_burned in/on/at/with_towns of_Yəhūdāh and_in/on/at/with_streets of_Yərūshālayim and_became as_desolate as_desolation as_the_day the_this.
7and_now thus he_says Yahweh the_god of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) to/for_for_why [are]_you_all doing harm great to selves_of_you_all to_cut_off to/for_you_all man and_woman child and_infant from_midst of_Yəhūdāh to_not to_leave to/for_you_all a_remnant.
8To_provoke_toanger_me in/on/at/with_works hands_your_all’s to_burning_incense to_gods other in_land of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) where you_all [have]_come to_live there so_as to_cut_off to/for_you_all and_so_that become_you_all as_curse and_as_reproach in/on/at/with_all the_nations the_earth/land.
9The_forgotten DOM the_wicked_deeds fathers_your_all’s and_DOM the_wicked_deeds of_the_kings of_Yəhūdāh and_DOM the_wicked_deeds wives_their and_DOM wickedness_your_all’s_own and_DOM the_wicked_deeds wives_your_all’s which they_did in_land of_Yəhūdāh and_in/on/at/with_streets of_Yərūshālayim.
10Not they_have_been_made_contrite until the_day the_this and_not they_have_feared and_not they_have_walked in/on/at/with_law_my and_in/on/at/with_statutes_my which I_set before_face/front_you_all and_before ancestors_your_all’s.
11for_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) see_I [am]_about_to_set face_my in/on/at/with_you_all to_disaster and_to_cut_off DOM all Yəhūdāh.
12And_take_away DOM the_remnant of_Yəhūdāh who they_set faces_their to_come the_land of_Miʦrayim to_settle there and_perish everyone in_land of_Miʦrayim they_will_fall in/on/at/with_sword in/on/at/with_famine they_will_meet_their_end from_least and_unto [the]_great in/on/at/with_sword and_in/on/at/with_famine they_will_die and_they_will_be as_curse as_horror and_of_curse and_as_disgrace.
13And_punish on the_live in_land of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) just_as I_visited_[judgement] on Yərūshālayim in/on/at/with_sword in/on/at/with_famine and_in/on/at/with_plague.
14And_not he_will_belong an_escapee and_survive of_remnant of_Yəhūdāh the_(ones_who)_went to_live there in_land of_Miʦrayim and_to_return the_land of_Yəhūdāh where they [are]_lifting_up DOM self_of_them to_return to_live there if/because not they_will_return if/because (if) fugitives.
15and_answered DOM Yirməyāh all the_men the_knew if/because_that [were]_making_smoke wives_their to_gods other and_all the_women the_standing_by a_company great and_all the_people the_living in_land_of of_Miʦrayim in/on/at/with_Pathros to_say.
16The_word which you_have_spoken to_us in/on_name_of of_Yahweh not_we [are]_about_to_listen to_you.
17If/because certainly_(do) we_will_do DOM every the_word which it_has_gone_out from_mouths_we to_burn_incense to_queen the_heavens and_pour_out to/for_her/it drink_offerings just_as we_have_done we and_fathers_our kings_our and_officials_our in/on/at/with_towns of_Yəhūdāh and_in/on/at/with_streets of_Yərūshālayim and_had_plenty_of food and_were good and_disaster not we_saw.
18And_from then we_ceased to_making_offerings to_queen the_heavens and_pouring_out to/for_her/it drink_offerings we_have_lacked everything and_in/on/at/with_sword and_in/on/at/with_famine we_have_met_our_end.
19And_because/when we [were]_making_smoke to_queen the_heavens and_to_pouring_out to/for_her/it drink_offerings at_apart_from husbands_our did_we_make to/for_her/it cakes with_image_her and_poured_out to/for_her/it drink_offerings.
20and_he/it_said Yirməyāh to all the_people to the_men and_to the_women and_to all the_people the_answering DOM_him/it a_word to_say.
21Am_not DOM the_incense which you_all_made_smoke in/on/at/with_towns of_Yəhūdāh and_in/on/at/with_streets of_Yərūshālayim you_all and_fathers_your_all’s kings_your_all’s and_officials_your_all’s and_people the_earth/land DOM_them did_he_remember Yahweh and_come on his/its_heart.
22And_not he_was_able Yahweh still to_bear from_face/in_front_of the_wickedness deeds_your_all’s from_face/in_front_of the_abominations which you_all_did and_it_became land_your_all’s as_waste and_as_waste and_as_curse with_no an_inhabitant as_the_day the_this.
23From_face/in_front_of that you_all_made_smoke and_which you_all_had_sinned to/for_YHWH and_not you_all_listened in/on/at/with_voice of_Yahweh and_in/on/at/with_law_his and_in/on/at/with_statutes_his and_in/on/at/with_testimonies_his not you_all_walked on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so it_has_happened_to DOM_you_all the_disaster the_this as_the_day the_this.
24and_he/it_said Yirməyāh to all the_people and_near/to all the_women hear the_word of_Yahweh Oh_all Yəhūdāh which in_land of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt).
25thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) to_say you_all and_wives_your_all’s and_promised in/on/at/with_mouths_your_all’s and_in/on/at/with_hands_your_all’s you_all_have_fulfilled to_say certainly_(perform) we_will_perform DOM vows_our which we_have_vowed to_burn_incense to_queen the_heavens and_to_pour_out to/for_her/it drink_offerings indeed_(carry_out) you_all_will_carry_out DOM vows_your_all’s and_to_keep you_all_will_perform DOM vows_your_all’s.
26for_so/thus/hence hear the_word of_Yahweh Oh_all Yəhūdāh the_live in_land of_Miʦrayim see_I I_swear in/on/at/with_name_my the_great he_says Yahweh if it_will_be again name_my named in/on/at/with_mouth of_any person of_Yəhūdāh [who]_says [by]_the_life my_master Yahweh in_all the_land of_Miʦrayim.
27Behold_I [am]_keeping_watch over_them for_harm and_not for_good and_perish every person of_Yəhūdāh who in_land_of of_Miʦrayim in/on/at/with_sword and_in/on/at/with_famine until left_they.
28And_who_escape of_[the]_sword return from the_land of_Miʦrayim the_land of_Yəhūdāh men of_number and_know all the_remnant of_Yəhūdāh the_(ones_who)_went to_land of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) to_live there the_word of_whom will_it_be_established from_me and_from_them.
29And_this to/for_you_all the_sign the_utterance of_Yahweh (cmp) [am]_about_to_visit_[judgement] I to_you_all in/on/at/with_place the_this so_that you_all_may_know if/because_that certainly_(established) they_will_be_established words_my against_you_all for_harm.
30thus he_says Yahweh see_I [am]_about_to_give DOM Farˊoh Hophra the_king of_Miʦrayim in/on/at/with_hand enemies_his and_in/on/at/with_hand of_[those_who]_seek life_his just_as I_gave DOM Zedekiah the_king of_Yəhūdāh in/on/at/with_hand of_Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh enemy_his and_sought life_his.

45:1 The promise of God to Baruk



45the_word which he_spoke Yirməyāh the_prophet to Baruch the_son of_Nēriyyāhah in/on/at/with_wrote_he DOM the_words the_these on a_scroll at_dictation of_Yirməyāh in/on/at/with_year the_fourth of_Jehoiakim the_son of_Yʼoshiyyāh the_king of_Yəhūdāh to_say.
2thus he_says Yahweh the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) to_you Oh_Baruch.
3You_said woe please to_me if/because he_has_added Yahweh sorrow to pain_my I_am_weary in/on/at/with_groaning_my and_rest not I_have_found.
4thus you_will_say to_him/it thus he_says Yahweh here [that]_which I_have_built I [am]_about_to_tear_down and_DOM [that]_which I_have_planted I [am]_about_to_pluck_up and_DOM all the_earth/land it.
5And_you(ms) you_are_seeking to/for_yourself(m) great_[things] do_not seek_[them] if/because see_I [am]_about_to_bring calamity on all flesh the_utterance of_Yahweh and_give to/for_yourself(m) DOM life_your as_prize_of_war at all the_places where you_will_go there.

46:1 The speech concerning the Egypt












46[that]_which it_came the_word of_Yahweh to Yirməyāh the_prophet on the_nations.
2About_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) on the_army of_Farˊoh Necho the_king of_Miʦrayim which it_was at the_river of_Fərāt in/on/at/with_Carchemish which he_defeated Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh in_year the_fourth of_Jehoiakim the_son of_Yʼoshiyyāh the_king of_Yəhūdāh.
3Set_in_order shield and_shield and_approach for_the_battle.
4Harness the_horses and_mount the_steeds and_take_positions in/on/at/with_helmets polish the_spears put_on the_armor.
5Why have_I_seen they [will_be]_filled_with_terror [they_will_be]_turned_back backwards and_warriors_their they_will_be_crushed and_place_of_refuge they_will_flee and_not they_will_turn_back terror on_all_around the_utterance of_Yahweh.
6Not let_him_flee the_swift and_cannot let_him_escape the_warrior north_in on the_side of_the_river of_Fərāt they_will_stumble and_fallen.
7Who this like_the_Nile does_he_rise like_the_rivers they_surge waters_whose.
8Miʦrayim like_the_Nile it_rises and_like_the_rivers they_surge waters and_he/it_said I_will_rise I_will_cover [the]_earth I_will_destroy a_city and_inhabitants in/on/at/with_their.
9Go_up the_horses and_drive_madly the_chariots and_go_forth the_warriors Cush and_Put [who]_wield (of)_a_shield and_Lud [who]_wield (of)_[those_who]_bend (of)_a_bow.
10And_the_day (the)_that to_master Yahweh of_hosts a_day of_vengeance to_avenge on_foes_his and_devour [the]_sword and_satisfied and_drink_fill of_blood_their if/because a_sacrifice for_master Yahweh of_hosts in_land of_[the]_north to the_river of_Fərāt.
11Go_up Gilˊād and_take balm Oh_virgin of_the_daughter of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) in_the_vain you_have_multiplied[fn] medications healing there_[is]_not to/for_you(fs).
12They_will_hear nations shame_your and_cries_your it_will_be_full the_earth/land if/because warrior in/on/at/with_warrior they_will_stumble together they_will_fall both_them.

46:13 The arrival of Nibukadnisar














13the_word which he_spoke Yahweh to Yirməyāh the_prophet about_coming of_Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh to_attack DOM the_land of_Miʦrayim.
14Declare in/on/at/with_Miʦrayim and_proclaim in/on/at/with_Migdōl and_proclaim in/on/at/with_Memphis and_in/on/at/with_Tahpanhes say take_your_stand and_prepared to/for_you(fs) if/because it_will_devour [the]_sword around_you.
15Why will_he_be_prostrated mighty_your not he_will_stand if/because Yahweh thrust_down_him.
16He_will_multiply [one_who]_stumbles also he_will_fall each to his/its_neighbour and_they_said get_up and_go_back to people_our_own and_near/to the_land birth_our from_face/in_front_of the_sword the_oppressor.
17People_will_call_out there Farˊoh the_king of_Miʦrayim [is]_a_noise he_has_let_pass_by the_opportunity.
18[by]_the_life of_me the_utterance the_king [is]_Yahweh of_hosts his/its_name if/because like_Tabor in/on/at/with_mountains and_like_Carmel in/on/at/with_sea he_will_come.
19Baggage(s) of_exile make to/for_you(fs) Oh_inhabitant[s] (of)_the_daughter of_Miʦrayim/(Egypt) if/because Memphis as_waste it_will_become and_ruin with_no an_inhabitant.
20[is]_a_heifer wwww wwww Miʦrayim a_gadfly from_north [is]_about_to_come [is]_about_to_come.
21Also mercenaries_her in/on/at/with_midst_her like_calves of_[the]_stall if/because also they they_will_turn they_will_flee together not they_will_stand_their_ground if/because the_day calamity_their it_will_come upon_them the_time punishment_their.
22Sound_she like_a_snake [which]_it_goes if/because in/on/at/with_force they_will_come and_in/on/at/with_axes they_will_come to/for_her/it like_fell of_wood(s).
23They_will_cut_down forest_her the_utterance of_Yahweh if/because not it_will_be_searched if/because they_will_be_many more_than_locusts and_without to/for_them number.
24It_will_be_put_to_shame the_daughter of_Miʦrayim it_will_be_given in/on/at/with_hand of_[the]_people of_[the]_north.
25He_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) see_I [am]_about_to_visit_[judgement] to ʼĀmōn of_Thebes and_on Farˊoh and_on Miʦrayim and_on gods_her and_on kings_her and_upon Farˊoh and_on the_trust in/on/over_him/it.
26And_give_them in/on/at/with_hand of_[those_who]_seek lives_their and_in/on/at/with_hand of_Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_in/on/at/with_hand officers_his and_after thus it_will_settle as_days of_antiquity the_utterance of_Yahweh.

46:27 The saving/explaining of God of his people



27and_you(ms) do_not fear servant_my Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_not be_dismayed Oh_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) if/because look_I save_you from_far_away and your(ms)_seed/fruit from_land captivity_their and_return Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) and_have_quiet and_ease and_no [one_who]_terrifies.
28you do_not fear servant_my Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) the_utterance of_Yahweh if/because with_you I if/because I_will_make complete_destruction in_all the_nations where banished_you  there_to and_DOM_you not I_will_make complete_destruction and_discipline_you in_the_just and_to_let_go_unpunished not leave_unpunished_you.

47:1 The speech of God concerning the me from-Pilistiya







47[that]_which it_came the_word of_Yahweh to Yirməyāh the_prophet concerning [the]_Philistines in/on/at/with_before he_attacked Farˊoh DOM ˊAzzāh.
2thus he_says Yahweh here waters [are]_rising from_north and_they_will_be as_torrent overflowing and_overflow a_land and_everything_it a_city and_live in/on/at/with_it and_cry_out the_humankind and_wail every (the)_inhabitant the_earth/land.
3At_sound of_the_stamping of_the_hooves stallions_his at_clatter of_chariots_his the_din wheels_their not they_have_turned_back fathers to children because_of_feeble of_hands.
4On the_day the_coming to_destroy DOM all [the]_Philistines to_cut_off from_Tsor and_from_Tsīdōn every survivor [who]_helps if/because [is]_about_to_devastate Yahweh DOM [the]_Philistines the_remnant of_the_coastland of_Caphtor.
5It_will_come baldness to ˊAzzāh it_will_be_silent Ashkelon Oh_remnant valley_their until when will_you_cut_yourself.
6alas Oh_sword to/for_YHWH until when not you_will_be_inactive gather_yourself not sheath_your rest and_still.
7How will_you_be_inactive and_YHWH he_has_commanded to/for_her/it against Ashkelon and_near/to the_coast the_sea there appointed_it.

48:1 The speech of God concerning the me from-Moab











48concerning_Mōʼāⱱ thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) woe to Nebo if/because it_will_be_devastated it_will_be_put_to_shame it_will_be_captured Kiriathaim it_will_be_put_to_shame the_fortress and_shattered.
2Not [will_be]_again the_praise of_Mōʼāⱱ in/on/at/with_Heshbon people_have_planned on/upon_it(f) calamity come and_cut_off_her from_nation also Oh_Madmen you_will_be_silent after_you it_will_go [the]_sword.
3[the]_sound of_a_cry_of_distress from_Horonaim devastation and_destruction great.
4It_will_be_broken Mōʼāⱱ they_will_make_heard a_cry_of_distress little_her[fn].
5If/because the_ascent the_Luhith[fn][fn] in/on/at/with_weeping someone_will_ascend weeping if/because in/on/at/with_descent of_Horonaim [the]_distresses of_the_cry_of_distress of_destruction people_will_hear.
6Flee save lives_your_all’s and_be like_juniper in/on/at/with_wilderness.
7If/because because trust_you in/on/at/with_works_your and_in/on/at/with_treasures_your also you you_will_be_captured and_go Chemosh[fn] in/on/at/with_exile priests_his and_officials_his together[fn].
8And_come a_destroyer to every city and_town not it_will_escape and_perish the_valley and_destroyed the_plain which he_has_spoken Yahweh.
9Give salt for_Mōʼāⱱ if/because flying it_will_go_out and_towns_her as_desolation they_will_become with_no an_inhabitant in/on/at/with_them.
10[is]_cursed [one_who]_does the_work of_Yahweh slackness and_cursed [one_who]_withholds sword_his from_bloodshed.

48:11 Nareetan e the cities of Moab











11It_has_been_at_ease Mōʼāⱱ from_youth_his and_settled it to dregs_its and_not it_has_been_poured from_vessel to vessel and_in/on/at/with_exile not it_has_gone on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so it_has_remained taste_his in/on/over_him/it and_aroma_his not it_has_been_changed.
12for_so/thus/hence here days [are]_coming the_utterance of_Yahweh and_send to_him/it [those_who]_tilt and_pour_out_him and_vessels_his they_will_empty_out and_jars_his they_will_smash.
13And_ashamed Mōʼāⱱ of_Chemosh just_as they_were_ashamed the_house of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) of wwww confidence_their.
14How will_you_all_say [are]_warriors we and_men of_strength for_the_battle.
15It_will_be_devastated Mōʼāⱱ and_towns_his someone_will_go_up and_choicest young_men_his they_will_go_down to_the_slaughter the_utterance the_king [is]_Yahweh of_hosts his/its_name.
16[is]_near the_disaster of_Mōʼāⱱ to_come and_disaster_his it_will_hasten exceedingly.
17Show_sympathy to_him/it Oh_all around_his and_all/each/any/every [you_all_who]_know his/its_name say how it_is_broken a_staff of_strength a_staff of_splendor.
18Come_down from_glory wwww[fn] in/on/at/with_parched_ground Oh_inhabitant[s] of_the_daughter of_Dibon if/because the_destroyer of_Mōʼāⱱ he_will_come_up in/on/at/with_you he_will_ruin strongholds_your.
19To [the]_road stand and_watch Oh_inhabitant[s] of_Aroer ask a_[man_who]_flees and_escaping say what has_it_happened.
20It_has_been_put_to_shame Mōʼāⱱ if/because it_has_been_shattered wail[fn] and_cry_out[fn] declare in/on/at/with_Arnon if/because_that it_has_been_devastated Mōʼāⱱ.
21And_judgement it_will_come to the_land the_plateau to Holon and_near/to Jahzah and_on Mephaath[fn].
22And_on Dibon and_on Nebo and_on house_of wwww.
23And_on Kiriathaim and_on house_of wwww and_on house_of wwww.
24And_on Kerioth and_on Bozrah and_on all the_cities of_the_land of_Mōʼāⱱ the_far and_the_near.
25It_will_be_cut_off the_horn of_Mōʼāⱱ and_arm_his it_will_be_broken the_utterance of_Yahweh.

48:26 The pegpeyilew of Moab





26Drunk_him if/because on Yahweh it_has_magnified_itself and_wallow Mōʼāⱱ in/on/at/with_vomit_his and_it_was for_laughingstock also it.
27And_if not the_laughingstock was_it to/for_yourself(m) Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) or in/on/at/with_thieves was_it_found[fn] (cmp) from_sufficiency speak_you in/on/over_him/it you_shook_yourself.
28Abandon cities and_dwell in/on/at/with_rock Oh_inhabitants of_Mōʼāⱱ and_be like_dove [which]_it_makes_a_nest in/on/at/with_sides of_[the]_mouth of_a_pit.
29We_have_heard the_pride of_Mōʼāⱱ proud very loftiness_his and_pride_his and_arrogance_his and_haughtiness his/its_heart.
30I I_know[fn] the_utterance of_Yahweh insolence_his and_not right boasts_his not right they_have_accomplished.
31On/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so on Mōʼāⱱ I_will_wail and_for_Mōʼāⱱ all_it I_will_cry_out concerning the_people wwww wwww he_will_groan.
32More_than_weeping of_Jazer I_will_weep for_you the_vine of_Sibmah branches_your they_passed_over [the]_sea to the_sea of_Jazer they_reached on summer_fruits_your and_upon vintage_your a_destroyer[fn] he_has_fallen.
33And_taken_away joy and_joy from_fruitful_land and_from_land of_Mōʼāⱱ and_wine from_wine_presses I_have_made_to_cease not anyone_will_tread shouting shouting not [will_be]_shouting.
34From_cry of_Heshbon to Elealeh to Jahaz people_will_give_forth voice_their from_Zoar to Horonaim wwww wwww if/because also the_waters of_Nimrim as_desolate they_will_become.
35And_bring_to_an_end in_Mōʼāⱱ the_utterance of_Yahweh [one_who]_offers_up a_high_place and_burns_incense to_gods_his.
36On/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so heart_my for_Mōʼāⱱ like_flute it_will_moan and_heart_my concerning the_people wwww wwww like_flute it_will_moan on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so [the]_wealth (of)_[which]_he_acquired they_will_be_lost.
37If/because every head [will_be]_baldness and_all beard [will_be]_clipped [will_be]_on all hands cuts and_on loins sackcloth.
38On all the_roofs of_Mōʼāⱱ and_in/on/at/with_public_squares_its there_is_nothing_but_him [will_be]_wailing if/because I_will_break DOM Mōʼāⱱ like_vessel [which]_there_[is]_not pleasure in/on/over_him/it the_utterance of_Yahweh.
39How it_has_been_shattered they_will_wail how it_has_turned a_neck Mōʼāⱱ it_will_be_ashamed and_it_was Mōʼāⱱ as_derision and_as_horror to/from_all/each/any/every around_him.

48:40 Kenad eg-alihu the Moab



40if/because thus he_says Yahweh there like_an_eagle someone_will_swoop_down and_spread wings_his against Mōʼāⱱ.
41It_will_be_captured the_Kerioth and_the_strongholds it_will_be_seized and_it_was the_heart of_the_warriors of_Mōʼāⱱ in_the_day (the)_that like_heart of_a_woman [who_is]_in_labour.
42And_destroyed Mōʼāⱱ as_people if/because on Yahweh it_has_magnified_itself.
43Terror and_pit and_snare before_you Oh_inhabitant of_Mōʼāⱱ the_utterance of_Yahweh.
44The[fn][fn] from_face/in_front_of the_terror he_will_fall into the_pit and_the_climbs from the_pit he_will_be_caught in/on/at/with_snare if/because I_will_bring to_her/it to Mōʼāⱱ the_year punishment_their the_utterance of_Yahweh.
45In/on/at/with_shadow of_Heshbon they_will_stand without_strength [those_who]_flee if/because a_fire it_will_go_forth from_Heshbon and_flame from_midst_of Sihon and_she/it_ate the_forehead of_Mōʼāⱱ and_skulls of_[the]_sons of_uproar.
46Woe to/for_yourself(m) Oh_Mōʼāⱱ it_will_perish the_people of_Chemosh if/because they_will_be_taken sons_your in/on/at/with_captive and_daughters_your in/on/at/with_captivity.
47And_restore the_captivity of_Mōʼāⱱ in_end/latter the_days the_utterance of_Yahweh [is]_to here the_judgement of_Mōʼāⱱ.

49:1 The speech of God concerning the me from-Amun


49concerning_sons of_Ammon thus he_says Yahweh sons [do]_there_not_[belong] has_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) or an_heir [does]_there_not_[belong] to_him/it why has_he_dispossessed milcom DOM Gād and_people_his in/on/at/with_towns_its has_it_dwelt.
2For_so/thus/hence here days [are]_coming the_utterance of_Yahweh and_cause_tobe_heard against Rabbah of_the_people of_Ammon a_shout of_battle and_become as_mound of_desolation and_villages_its in/on/at/with_fire they_will_be_kindled and_dispossess Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) DOM dispossessors_his he_says Yahweh.
3Wail Oh_Heshbon if/because it_has_been_devastated ˊAy cry_out Oh_daughters of_Rabbah gird_yourselves sackcloth(s) mourn and_run_back_and_forth in/on/at/with_walls if/because milcom in/on/at/with_exile he_will_go priests_his and_officials_his together.
4Why do_you_boast in/on/at/with_valleys [is]_flowing valleys_your the_daughter the_faithless the_trusted in/on/at/with_treasures_her who will_he_come against_me.
5Look_I [am]_about_to_bring on_you terror the_utterance my_master Yahweh of_hosts from_all around_you and_scattered everyone before_face/front_it and_no [one_who]_gathers_together to_the_fugitives.
6And_after thus I_will_turn_back DOM the_captivity of_the_people of_Ammon the_utterance of_Yahweh.

49:7 The speech of God concerning the me from-Idum





7concerning_ʼₑdōm thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts is_there_no still wisdom in/on/at/with_Tēymān has_it_been_lost counsel from_prudent has_it_been_corrupted wisdom_their.
8Flee be_turned_back make_deep to_dwell Oh_inhabitants of_Dedan if/because the_disaster of_ˊĒsāv I_will_bring on/upon/above_him/it a_time punish_him.
9If grape_gatherers they_came to/for_you(fs) not will_they_leave gleanings if thieves in/on/at/with_night they_destroyed enough_they.
10If/because I I_will_strip_bare DOM ˊĒsāv I_will_uncover DOM hiding_places_his and_conceal not it_will_be_able it_will_be_devastated his/its_seed and_relatives_his and_neighbors_his and_no_more_he.
11Leave orphans_your I I_will_preserve_[them]_alive and_widows_your in_me let_them_rely.
12if/because thus he_says Yahweh there [those]_who not deserve_those to_drink the_cup certainly_(drink) they_will_drink_[it] and_you(ms) he completely_(exempt_from_punishment) will_you_be_exempt_from_punishment not you_will_be_exempt_from_punishment if/because certainly_(drink) you_will_drink_[it].
13If/because in/on/at/with_myself I_swear the_utterance of_Yahweh if/because_that as_object_of_horror as_disgrace as_waste and_as_curse it_will_become Bozrah and_all towns_her they_will_become as_ruins of_perpetuity.
14A_report I_have_heard from_with Yahweh and_messenger in/on/at/with_nations [has_been]_sent gather_together and_come on/upon_it(f) and_rise_up for_the_battle.
15If/because here small make_you in/on/at/with_nations despised in/on/at/with_humankind.
16Terror_you it_has_deceived DOM_you the_presumption heart_your Oh_[you_who]_dwell in/on/at/with_clefts the_rock Oh_[you_who]_occupy [the]_height[s] of_a_hill if/because you_will_make_high as_as_the_eagle’s nest_your from_there bring_down_you the_utterance of_Yahweh.
17And_become ʼₑdōm as_object_of_horror every [one_who]_passes_by on/upon_it(f) he_will_be_appalled and_hiss on all wounds_its.
18As_overthrown of_Şədom and_Amorah and_neighbors_their he_says Yahweh not he_will_dwell there anyone and_not he_will_sojourn in/on/at/with_it a_child of_humankind.
19There like_lion [which]_it_goes_up from_thickets the_Yardēn to pastureland of_an_ever-flowing_[stream] if/because I_will_act_in_a_moment chase_him from_upon_it and_whoever [is]_chosen to_her/it I_will_appoint if/because who like_me and_who summon_me and_who this [is]_a_shepherd who he_will_stand against_face/front_me.
20for_so/thus/hence hear the_plan of_Yahweh which he_has_planned against ʼₑdōm and_purposes_his which he_has_purposed against the_inhabitants of_Tēymān if not dragged_away_them the_young_[ones] the_flock if not he_will_make_appalled because_of_them pasture_their.
21At_sound fall_their it_will_shake the_earth/land [the]_calling_out in/on/at/with_sea of_reed[s] it_will_be_heard sound_their.
22There like_an_eagle someone_will_ascend and_swoop_down and_spreading wings_his over Bozrah and_it_was the_heart of_the_warriors of_ʼₑdōm in_the_day (the)_that like_heart of_a_woman [who_is]_in_labour.

49:23 The speech of God concerning the me from-Damasku


23concerning_Dammeseq it_will_be_ashamed Hamath and_Arpad if/because new[s] bad they_have_heard they_will_melt_away in/on/at/with_sea anxiety to_be_quiet not it_will_be_able.
24It_will_be_disheartened Dammeseq it_will_turn_back to_flee and_panic it_will_take_hold distress and_labour_pains taken_hold_of_her like_a_woman_in_labour.
25How not it_has_been_forsaken a_city of_praise[fn] the_town joy_my.
26For_so/thus/hence they_will_fall young_men_her in/on/at/with_public_squares_her and_all the_men the_war they_will_perish in_the_day (the)_that the_utterance of_Yahweh of_hosts.
27And_kindle a_fire in/on/at/with_wall of_Dammeseq and_devour the_fortresses son_of wwww.

49:28 The punishment of God of tribe of Kidar and of kingdom of Hasur




28concerning_Kedar and_concerning_kingdoms of_Hazor which he_attacked Nebuchadnezzar[fn] the_king of_Bāⱱelh thus he_says Yahweh arise go_up against Kedar and_destroy DOM [the]_people of_[the]_east.
29Tents_their and_flocks_their people_will_take_away tent_curtains_their and_all goods_their and_camels_their they_will_carry_off to/for_them and_call_out to_them terror on_every_side.
30Flee take_flight exceedingly make_deep to_dwell Oh_inhabitants of_Hazor the_utterance of_Yahweh if/because he_has_planned against_you_all Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh a_plan and_devised against_you_all[fn] a_purpose.
31Arise go_up against a_nation at_ease [which]_dwells in_security the_utterance of_Yahweh not a_pair_of_gates and_not a_bar to_him/it alone they_dwell.
32And_they_will_be camels_their as_plunder and_herds cattle_their as_spoil and_scatter_them to/from_all/each/any/every wind [those_who_are]_cut_off of_[the]_corner and_from_every side_their I_will_bring DOM disaster_them the_utterance of_Yahweh.
33And_become Hazor as_haunt of_jackals a_desolation until perpetuity not he_will_dwell there anyone and_not he_will_sojourn in/on/at/with_it a_child of_humankind.

49:34 The speech of God concerning the me from-Ilam


34[that]_which it_came the_word of_Yahweh to Yirməyāh the_prophet concerning Elam in_beginning of_the_reign of_Zedekiah the_king of_Yəhūdāh to_say.
35Thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts see_I [am]_about_to_break DOM the_bow of_Elam the_beginning might_their.
36And_bring against Elam four winds from_four the_ends the_heavens and_scatter_them to_all/each/any/every the_winds the_these and_not it_will_be the_nation where not it_will_go there [those_who_were]_banished of_Elam[fn].
37And_shatter DOM Elam to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before enemies_their and_to/for [those_who]_seek lives_their and_bring upon_them calamity DOM the_burning anger_my the_utterance of_Yahweh and_send after_them DOM the_drought//sword/knife until consumed_I DOM_them.
38And_set throne_my in/on/at/with_Elam and_destroy from_there king and_officials the_utterance of_Yahweh.
39And_it_was in_end/latter the_days I_will_turn_back[fn] DOM the_captivity[fn] of_Elam the_utterance of_Yahweh.

50:1 The speech of God concerning the me from-Babylon




50the_word which he_spoke Yahweh concerning Bāⱱelh concerning [the]_land of_[the]_ones_from_Kasdiy in/on/at/with_hand of_Yirməyāh the_prophet.
2Declare in/on/at/with_nations and_proclaim and_lift_up a_standard make_a_proclamation do_not hide_[it] say it_will_be_captured Bāⱱelh it_will_be_put_to_shame Bel it_will_be_shattered Marduk they_will_be_put_to_shame images_her they_will_be_shattered idols_her.
3If/because it_will_go_up on/upon_it(f) a_nation from_north it it_will_make DOM land_her as_desolation and_not he_will_be an_inhabitant in/on/at/with_it from_humankind and_unto animal[s] they_will_take_flight they_will_go.

50:4 The returning home of Israelis




4In_the_days the_those and_in/on/at/with_time the_that the_utterance of_Yahweh they_will_come the_people of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) they and_the_sons of_Yəhūdāh together going and_weeping they_will_go and_DOM Yahweh god_their they_will_seek.
5Tsiyyōn they_will_ask_for [will_be]_the_direction hither faces_their come and_join to Yahweh a_covenant of_perpetuity not it_will_be_forgotten.
6sheep lost they_have_become[fn] people_my shepherds_their led_astray_them mountains wwww[fn] from_hill to hill they_have_gone they_have_forgotten resting_place_their.
7All found_them devoured_them and_enemies_their they_said not we_are_guilty because that they_have_sinned to/for_YHWH [the]_habitation of_righteousness and_hope ancestors_their Yahweh.
8take_flight from_midst of_Bāⱱelh and_from_land of_[the]_ones_from_Kasdiy go_forth[fn] and_be like_male_goats to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before [the]_flock.
9If/because here I [am]_about_to_rouse and_bring on Bāⱱelh an_assembly of_nations great from_land of_[the]_north and_array to/for_her/it from_there it_will_be_captured arrows_their like_warrior [who]_miscarries not he_returns empty.
10And_be Chaldea as_plundered all plunder_her they_will_be_satisfied the_utterance of_Yahweh.

50:11 The defeat of Babylon



11If/because you_are_rejoicing[fn] if/because you_are_gloating[fn][fn] Oh_[you_all_who]_plunder inheritance_my if/because you_are_skipping_about[fn] like_heifer threshing and_neigh[fn] like_the_stallions.
12She_will_be_ashamed mother_your_all’s exceedingly she_will_be_abashed bore_you_all there [the]_last of_nations a_wilderness a_wilderness and_wilderness.
13Because_of_severe_anger of_Yahweh not it_will_remain and_be a_waste completely_her every [one_who]_passes_by at Bāⱱelh he_will_be_appalled and_hiss on all wounds_her.
14Line_up on Bāⱱelh all_around Oh_all [those_who]_bend (of)_a_bow shoot to_her/it do_not spare (to) an_arrow if/because to/for_YHWH it_has_sinned.
15Shout_out on/upon_it(f) all_around it_will_give hands_her they_will_fall towers_her[fn] they_will_be_torn_down walls_her if/because [is]_the_vengeance of_Yahweh it avenge_yourselves(pl) in/on/at/with_her just_as it_has_done do to/for_her/it.
16Cut_off [the]_sower from_Bāⱱelh and_wields (of)_a_sickle in/on/at/with_time of_harvest from_face/in_front_of the_sword the_oppressor everyone to people_his_own they_will_turn and_each to_land_his_own they_will_flee.

50:17 Nekeuli e the people of Israel


17[is]_sheep scattered Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) [which]_lions they_have_driven_away the_first devoured_him the_king of_Assyria and_this the_last gnawed_bones_his Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh.
18for_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) see_I [am]_about_to_visit_[judgement] to the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_near/to land_his just_as I_visited_[judgement] to the_king of_Assyria.
19And_restore DOM Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) to pasture_his and_feed the_Carmel and_the_Bashan and_in/on/at/with_hills of_ʼEfrayim and_the_Gilˊād it_will_be_satisfied desire_his.
20In_the_days the_those and_in/on/at/with_time the_that the_utterance of_Yahweh it_will_be_sought DOM the_iniquity of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_not_existing_he and_DOM the_sins of_Yəhūdāh and_not they_will_be_found if/because I_will_forgive to_whom I_will_leave_as_a_remnant.

50:21 The judging of God of Babylon















21On the_earth/land of_Merathaim go_up on/upon_it(f) and_near/to the_inhabitants of_Pekod kill and_completely_destroy last_them the_utterance of_Yahweh and_do according_to_all that I_commanded_you(ms).
22a_sound of_battle on_the_earth and_destruction great.
23How it_has_been_cut_off and_broken the_hammer of_all the_earth/land how it_has_become as_horror Bāⱱelh in/on/at/with_nations.
24I_laid_a_trap to/for_you(fs) and_also you_were_caught Oh_Bāⱱelh and_you not you_knew you_were_found and_also you_were_caught if/because in/on/at/with_LORD you_engaged_in_strife.
25He_has_opened Yahweh DOM armory_his and_brought_out DOM the_weapons severe_anger_his if/because [is]_a_work it of_master_my Yahweh of_hosts in_land of_[the]_ones_from_Kasdiy.
26Come to/for_her/it from_the_end/extremity open granaries_her pile_up_her like heaps and_completely_destroy_her not let_it_belong to/for_her/it a_remnant.
27Kill all young_bulls_her let_them_go_down to_the_slaughter woe to_them if/because it_has_come day_their the_time punishment_their.
28[the]_sound of_[those_who]_flee and_refugees from_land of_Bāⱱelh to_announce in/on/at/with_Tsiyyōn DOM the_vengeance of_Yahweh god_our the_vengeance temple_his.
29Summon against Bāⱱelh archers all [those_who]_bend (of)_a_bow encamp on/upon_it(f) all_around not let_it_belong[fn][fn] escape repay to/for_her/it according_to_deeds_her according_to_all that it_has_done do to/for_her/it if/because (to) Yahweh it_has_acted_presumptuously against the_holy_[one] of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
30For_so/thus/hence they_will_fall young_men_her in/on/at/with_public_squares_her and_all the_men war_her they_will_perish in_the_day (the)_that the_utterance of_Yahweh.
31look_I against_you Oh_presumption the_utterance my_master Yahweh of_hosts if/because it_has_come day_your [the]_time punish_you.
32And_stumble presumption and_fall and_no to_him/it [one_who]_raises_up and_kindle fire in/on/at/with_cities_his and_devour all around_him.
33thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts [are]_oppressed the_people of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_the_sons of_Yəhūdāh together and_all captors_their they_have_kept_hold in/on/at/with_them they_have_refused let_go_them.
34Redeemer_their [is]_strong [is]_Yahweh of_hosts his/its_name certainly_(conduct) he_will_conduct DOM cause_their so_as to_give_rest_to DOM the_earth/land and_unrest to_inhabitants of_Bāⱱelh.
35A_sword on [the]_ones_from_Kasdiy the_utterance of_Yahweh and_near/to the_inhabitants of_Bāⱱelh and_near/to officials_her and_near/to wise_her.
36A_sword against the_diviners and_become_fools a_sword against warriors_her and_filled_with_terror.
37A_sword against horses_her and_near/to chariots_her and_near/to every the_foreigners who in/on/at/with_midst_her and_they_will_be like_women a_sword against treasures_her and_plundered.
38A_drought against waters_her and_dried_up if/because [is]_a_land of_idols it and_in/on/at/with_idols they_will_act_like_mad_people.
39For_so/thus/hence they_will_dwell wilderness-dwellers with hyenas and_inhabit in/on/at/with_her daughters of_an_ostrich and_not it_will_remain again to_forever and_not it_will_settle until a_generation and_generation.
40As_overthrew of_god DOM Şədom and_DOM ˊₐmorāh and_DOM neighbors_their the_utterance of_Yahweh not he_will_dwell there anyone and_not he_will_sojourn in/on/at/with_it a_child of_humankind.
41There a_people [is]_about_to_come from_north and_nation great and_kings many they_will_be_roused from_farthest_parts of_[the]_earth.
42Bow and_javelin they_will_take_hold_of [will_be]_cruel they and_not they_will_have_mercy sound_their like_the_sea it_roars and_on horses they_will_ride [they_were]_arranged like_man for_the_battle against_you Oh_daughter of_Bāⱱelh.
43He_heard the_king of_Bāⱱelh DOM report_them and_hang_limp hands_his distress seized_him anguish like_the_woman_in_labour.
44There like_lion [which]_it_goes_up from_thickets the_Yardēn to pastureland of_an_ever-flowing_[stream] if/because I_will_act_in_a_moment chase_them[fn] from_upon_her and_whoever [is]_chosen to_her/it I_will_appoint if/because who like_me and_who summon_me and_who this [is]_a_shepherd who he_will_stand against_face/front_me.
45For_so/thus/hence hear the_plan of_Yahweh which he_has_planned against Bāⱱelh and_purposes_his which he_has_purposed against the_land of_[the]_ones_from_Kasdiy if not dragged_away_them the_young_[ones] the_flock if not he_will_make_appalled because_of_them [the]_pastureland.
46At_sound it_has_been_captured Bāⱱelh it_will_quake the_earth/land and_cry in/on/at/with_nations it_will_be_heard.

51:1 The timul pad speech of God concerning the Babylon





51thus he_says Yahweh see_I [am]_about_to_rouse on Bāⱱelh and_near/to the_inhabitants wwww wwww a_wind a_destroyer.
2And_send to_Bāⱱelh strangers and_winnow_her and_devastate DOM land_her if/because they_will_be on/upon_it(f) on_every_side in/on_day of_calamity.
3To let_him_bend wwww[fn] the_archer bow_his and_near/to let_him_lift_himself in/on/at/with_armor_his and_not spare (to) young_men_her totally_destroy all army_her.
4And_fall_down slain in_land of_[the]_ones_from_Kasdiy and_pierced_through in/on/at/with_streets_her.
5If/because not [is]_forsaken Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) and_Yihudah by_god_their from_LORD of_hosts if/because land_their it_is_full guilt before_holy of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel).
6Flee from_midst of_Bāⱱelh and_save everyone lives_his do_not perish in/on/at/with_guilt_her if/because [is]_a_time of_vengeance it to/for_YHWH recompense he [is]_about_to_repay to/for_her/it.
7[was]_a_cup of_gold Bāⱱelh in/on/at/with_hand of_Yahweh [it_was]_making_drunk all the_earth/land of_wine_her they_have_drunk nations on/upon/above/on_account_of//he/it_went_in yes/correct/thus/so they_are_acting_like_mad_people nations.
8Suddenly it_will_fall Bāⱱelh and_shattered wail on/upon_it(f) get balm for_pain_her perhaps it_will_be_healed.
9We_healed[fn] DOM Bāⱱelh and_not it_was_healed forsake_her and_go everyone to_country_his_own if/because it_has_reached to the_heavens judgement_her and_lifted_up to [the]_clouds.
10He_has_brought_forth Yahweh DOM vindication_our come and_tell in/on/at/with_Tsiyyōn DOM the_work of_Yahweh god_our.
11Polish the_arrows fill the_quivers he_has_roused Yahweh DOM the_spirit of_the_kings of_Media if/because on Bāⱱelh purpose_his to_destroy_it if/because [is]_the_vengeance of_Yahweh it the_vengeance temple_his.
12Against the_walls of_Bāⱱelh lift_up a_standard strengthen the_watch station watchmen prepare the_ambushes if/because both he_has_planned Yahweh as_well_as he_will_do DOM [that]_which he_spoke concerning the_inhabitants of_Bāⱱelh.
13Oh_[you_who]_dwell[fn] at waters many greatness of_treasures it_has_come end_your the_cubit cut_your.
14He_swears Yahweh of_hosts in/on/at/with_self_of_him if/because (if) fill_you person[s] like_the_locusts and_sing over_you shouting.

51:15 The song of praising of God






15[he_was]_making (of)_[the]_earth in/on/at/with_power_his [he_was]_establishing [the]_world in/on/at/with_wisdom_his and_in/on/at/with_understanding_his he_stretched_out [the]_heavens.
16To_sound/voice utters_he a_tumult of_waters in/on/at/with_heavens and_he/it_ascended clouds from_ends of_[the]_earth lightning_flashes for_the_rain he_makes and_brings_out [the]_wind from_storehouses_his.
17He_is_stupid every person without_knowledge he_is_put_to_shame every metalsmith by_idols if/because [is]_deception images_his and_not breath in/on/at/with_them.
18[are]_futility they a_work of_mockeri(es) in/on/at/with_time punishment_their they_will_perish.
19Not like_these the_portion of_Yaˊₐqoⱱ/(Jacob) if/because [is_the_one_who]_formed the_all he and_tribe inheritance_his [is]_Yahweh of_hosts his/its_name.

51:20 The buntuk of God





20[are]_a_war-club you to_me weapons of_war and_smash in_you(ms) nations and_destroy in_you(ms) kingdoms.
21And_smash in_you(ms) horse and_rider_its and_smash in_you(ms) chariotry and_rider_its.
22And_smash in_you(ms) man and_woman and_smash in_you(ms) old_[man] and_youth and_smash in_you(ms) young_man and_young_woman.
23And_smash in_you(ms) shepherd and_flock_his and_smash in_you(ms) farmer and_team_his and_smash in_you(ms) governors and_officials.

51:24 The punishment of Babylon





24And_repay to_Bāⱱelh and_to/for_all the_inhabitants of_Chaldea DOM all evil_their which they_did in/on/at/with_Tsiyyōn before_eyes_your_all’s the_utterance of_Yahweh.
25look_I against_you Oh_mountain the_destroying the_utterance of_Yahweh the_destroys DOM all the_earth/land and_stretch_out DOM hand_my against_you and_roll_down_you from the_cliffs and_make_you into_mountain of_burning.
26And_not people_will_take from_you stone for_corner and_stone_of for_foundation if/because wastes of_perpetuity you_will_be the_utterance of_Yahweh.
27Lift_up a_standard on_the_earth blow a_trumpet in/on/at/with_nations consecrate on/upon_it(f) nations summon on/upon_it(f) the_kingdoms of_Ararat Minni and_Ashkenaz appoint on/upon_it(f) an_official bring_up horse[s] like_locusts bristly.
28Consecrate on/upon_it(f) nations DOM the_kings of_Media DOM governors_their and_DOM all officials_their and_DOM all the_land dominion_their.
29And_quakes the_earth/land and_writhes if/because it_will_be_fulfilled on Bāⱱelh the_plans of_Yahweh to_make DOM the_land of_Bāⱱelh as_desolation with_no-one an_inhabitant.
30They_will_cease the_warriors of_Bāⱱelh to_fighting they_will_remain in/on/at/with_strongholds it_will_be_dry strength_their they_will_become like_women they_will_be_set_on_fire dwelling_places_her they_will_be_broken bars_her.
31A_runner to_meet a_runner he_will_run and_messenger to_meet a_messenger to_announce to_king of_Bāⱱelh if/because_that it_has_been_captured city_his from_end.
32And_the_fords they_have_been_seized and_DOM the_marshes they_have_burned in/on/at/with_fire and_men the_fighting they_are_terrified.
33if/because thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_god of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) the_daughter of_Bāⱱelh like_threshing_floor a_time trampled_it yet a_little and_come the_time the_harvest to/for_her/it.
34Devoured_me[fn] crushed_me[fn] Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh made_me[fn] a_vessel of_emptiness swallowed_me[fn] like_the_monster he_filled belly_his with_delicacies_my spewed_out_me[fn].
35Violence_me and_flesh_my [be]_on Bāⱱelh she_will_say the_inhabitant[s] of_Tsiyyōn and_blood_my [be]_to the_inhabitants of_Chaldea it_will_say Yərūshālayim.

51:36 The assisting of God of Israel


36for_so/thus/hence thus he_says Yahweh see_I [am]_about_to_conduct DOM cause_your and_avenge DOM vengeance_you and_dry_up DOM sea_her and_make_dry DOM fountain_her.
37And_become Bāⱱelh as_heap_of_ruins a_habitation of_jackals a_horror and_hissing with_no-one an_inhabitant.
38Together like_the_young_lions they_roar they_growl like_cubs of_lions.
39In/on/at/with_inflamed_they I_will_make DOM their_drinking/feast and_make_drunk_them so_that they_may_celebrate and_sleep a_sleep of_perpetuity and_not they_will_awake the_utterance of_Yahweh.
40Bring_down_them like_lambs to_slaughter like_rams with goats.

51:41 The what happened of Babylon



41How it_will_be_captured Sheshach and_seized the_praise of_all the_earth/land how it_will_become as_horror Bāⱱelh in/on/at/with_nations.
42It_will_go_up over Bāⱱelh the_sea in/on/at/with_tumultuous waves_its it_will_be_covered.
43They_will_become cities_her as_object_of_horror a_land of_dryness and_wilderness a_land [where]_not he_will_dwell in/on/at/with_which any person and_not he_will_pass in/on/at/with_which a_child of_humankind.
44And_punish on Bel in/on/at/with_Bāⱱelh and_disgorge DOM what_hasswallowed_he of_mouth_his and_not they_will_stream to_him/it again nations also the_wall of_Bāⱱelh it_will_fall.
45Come_out from_midst_her people_my and_save everyone DOM lives_his from_fierce of_the_anger of_Yahweh.
46And_not it_should_be_timid heart_you_all and_afraid in/on/at/with_report the_heard on_the_earth and_comes in/on/at/with_year the_report and_after_it in/on/at/with_year the_report and_violence on_the_earth and_ruler [will_be]_on ruler.
47For_so/thus/hence here days [are]_coming and_punish on the_images of_Bāⱱelh and_all land_her it_will_be_ashamed and_all slain_her they_will_fall in/on/at/with_midst_her.
48And_shout_for_joy on Bāⱱelh heaven and_earth and_all/each/any/every that (is)_in_them if/because from_north he_will_come to/for_her/it the_destroyers the_utterance of_Yahweh.
49Both Bāⱱelh to_fall [those]_slain of_Yisrāʼēl/(Israel) as_well_as because_of_Bāⱱelh they_have_fallen [those]_slain of_all the_earth/land.

51:50 The speech of God of Israelis there to Babylon


50Oh_escapees of_sword go do_not stand_still remember from_distant DOM Yahweh and_Yərūshālayim let_it_come_up on mind_your_all’s.
51We_are_ashamed if/because we_have_heard scorn it_has_covered ignominy faces_our if/because they_have_gone strangers to the_holy_places of_the_house of_Yahweh.
52for_so/thus/hence here days [are]_coming the_utterance of_Yahweh and_punish on idols_her and_on/over_all land_her he_will_groan [the]_fatally_wounded.
53If/because it_will_go_up Bāⱱelh the_heavens and_because/when it_will_fortify the_height stronghold_her from_with_me they_will_come destroyers to/for_her/it the_utterance of_Yahweh.

51:54 The other pad destruction egkeulaula of Babylon






54[the]_sound of_a_cry_of_distress from_Bāⱱelh and_destruction great from_land of_[the]_ones_from_Kasdiy.
55If/because [is]_about_to_destroy Yahweh DOM Bāⱱelh and_silence from_her/it a_sound great and_roar waves_their like_waters many it_will_be_given_forth the_uproar voices_their.
56If/because [is]_about_to_come on/upon_it(f) on Bāⱱelh a_destroyer and_captured warriors_her it_will_be_shattered bows_their if/because [is]_a_god of_recompense(s) Yahweh fully_(repay) he_will_repay.
57And_drunk officials_her and_wise_her governors_her and_officials_her and_warriors_her and_sleep a_sleep of_perpetuity and_not they_will_awake the_utterance the_king [is]_Yahweh of_hosts his/its_name.
58thus he_says Yahweh of_hosts the_walls of_Bāⱱelh the_broad utterly_(laid_bare) it_will_be_laid_bare and_gates_her the_high in/on/at/with_fire they_will_be_kindled and_exhaust peoples in/on/at/with_sake_of of_emptiness and_nations in/on/at/with_sake_of of_fire and_weary.

51:59 The sending of Jeremiah there to Babylon of eglulunen document


59the_word which he_commanded Yirməyāh the_prophet DOM Seraiah the_son of_Nēriyyāhah the_son of_Mahseiah in/on/at/with_went_he with Zedekiah the_king of_Yəhūdāh Bāⱱelh in_year the_fourth of_reign_his and_Seraiah [was]_an_official of_a_resting_place.
60And_wrote Yirməyāh DOM all the_disasters which it_will_come to Bāⱱelh to a_scroll one DOM all the_words the_these the_written concerning Bāⱱelh.
61And_he/it_said Yirməyāh to Seraiah when_come_you Bāⱱelh and_see and_read_aloud DOM all the_words the_these.
62And_say Oh_Yahweh you you_have_spoken concerning the_place the_this to_destroy_it to_not to_be in/on/over_him/it an_inhabitant to/for_either_man and_unto animal if/because desolations of_perpetuity it_will_be.
63And_it_was when_finish_you to_call DOM the_scroll the_this you_will_tie on/upon/above_him/it a_stone and_throw_it into the_middle of_[the]_Fərāt.
64And_say thus it_will_sink Bāⱱelh and_not it_will_rise from_face/in_front_of the_disaster which I [am]_about_to_bring on/upon_it(f) and_grow_weary [are]_to here the_words of_Yirməyāh.

52:1 The demolition of Yerusalem

(2 Kgs 24:18–25:7)



52[was]_a_son of_twenty and_one_of year[s] Zedekiah in/on/at/with_became_king_he and_one_of ten year[s] he_reigned in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim and_name_of his/its_mother [was]_Hamutal[fn] the_daughter of_Yirməyāh of_Libnah.
2And_he/it_made the_evil in/on_both_eyes_of of_Yahweh like_all that he_had_done Jehoiakim.
3If/because on the_anger of_Yahweh it_happened in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim and_Yihudah until throw_out_he DOM_them from_under his/its_faces/face and_rebelled Zedekiah in/on/at/with_king of_Bāⱱelh.
4And_he/it_was in/on/at/with_year the_ninth of_reign_his in/on/at/with_month the_tenth in/on/at/with_tenth of_the_month he_came Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh he and_all army_his on Yərūshālayim and_laid_siege on/upon_it(f) and_built on/upon_it(f) a_siege-work all_around.
5And_came the_city in/on/at/with_siege until one_plus ten year to/for_the_king Zedekiah.
6In/on/at/with_month the_fourth in/on/at/with_ninth of_the_month and_severe the_famine in/on/at/with_city and_not it_belonged food for_people the_earth/land.
7And_broken_into the_city and_all the_men the_war they_fled and_they_went_out from_the_city night [the]_way of_[the]_gate between the_walls which [was]_at the_garden the_king and_ones_from_Kasdiy [were]_on the_city all_around and_went the_way the_arabah.
8And_pursued the_army of_[the]_ones_from_Kasdiy after the_king and_overtook DOM Zedekiah in/on/at/with_plains of_Yərīḩō and_all army_his they_were_scattered from_with_him.
9And_captured DOM the_king and_brought_up DOM_him/it to the_king of_Bāⱱelh Riblah_at in_land of_Hamath and_he/it_spoke with_him/it judgements.
10And_slaughtered the_king of_Bāⱱelh DOM the_sons of_Zedekiah before_eyes_his and_also DOM all the_officials of_Yəhūdāh he_slaughtered in/on/at/with_Riblah_at.
11And_DOM the_eyes of_Zedekiah he_made_blind and_bound_him in/on/at/with_bronze_fetters and_brought_him the_king of_Bāⱱelh Bāⱱelh_to and_put_him in/on/at/with[fn] the_prisons until the_day death_his.

52:12 The pegguhus of me from-Babylon of temple

(2 Kgs 25:8-17)



12And_in/on/at/with_month the_fifth in/on/at/with_tenth of_the_month it [was]_year nine- teen year to/for_the_king Nebuchadnezzar the_king of_Bāⱱelh he_came Nebuzaradan [the]_chief of_[the]_bodyguards he_stood to_(the)_face_of/in_front_of/before the_king of_Bāⱱelh in/on/at/with_Yərūshālayim.
13And_burned DOM the_house of_Yahweh and_DOM the_house the_king and_DOM all the_houses of_Yərūshālayim and_DOM every (the)_house the_great he_burned in/on/at/with_fire.
14And_DOM all the_walls of_Yərūshālayim all_around they_pulled_down all the_army of_[the]_ones_from_Kasdiy which [was]_with [the]_chief of_[the]_bodyguards.
15And_some_of_poorest the_people and_DOM the_rest the_people the_left in/on/at/with_city and_DOM the_wildernessers who they_had_fallen to the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_DOM the_rest the_craftsmen he_took_into_exile Nebuzaradan [the]_chief of_[the]_bodyguards.
16And_some_of_poorest the_earth/land he_left_behind Nebuzaradan [the]_chief of_[the]_bodyguards as_vinedressers and_as_farmers.
17And_DOM the_pillars the_bronze which in_house of_Yahweh and_DOM the_stands and_DOM the_sea the_bronze which in_house_of of_Yahweh they_broke [the]_ones_from_Kasdiy and_carried DOM all bronze_their Bāⱱelh_to.
18And_DOM the_pots and_DOM the_shovels and_DOM the_snuffers and_DOM the_basins and_DOM the_dishes and_DOM all the_articles the_bronze which people_served in/among_them they_took_away.
19And_DOM the_bowls and_DOM the_firepans and_DOM the_basins and_DOM the_pots and_DOM the_lampstands and_DOM the_pans and_DOM the_drink_offering_bowls which [were]_gold gold and_which [were]_silver silver he_took_away [the]_chief of_[the]_bodyguards.
20The_pillars two the_sea one and_the_bulls two_plus ten bronze which [were]_under the_stands which he_had_made the_king Shəlmoh for_temple of_Yahweh not it_belonged weight of_bronze_them all the_vessels the_these.
21And_the_pillars [was]_eight- teen cubit[s] the_height[fn] the_pillar the_one and_thread of_two_plus ten cubit[s] surrounded_it and_thickness_its [was]_four fingers hollow.
22And_capital on/upon/above_him/it bronze and_height the_capital the_one(f) [was]_five cubits and_network and_pomegranates [were]_on the_capital all_around the_all [was]_bronze and_same_these to_the_pillar the_second and_pomegranates.
23And_they_were the_pomegranates ninety and_six sides_on all the_pomegranates [were]_one_hundred on the_network all_around.

52:24 The capturing of Jews and carrying them there to Babylon

(2 Kgs 25:18-21)




1:2: 2Ki 22:3–23:27; 2Ch 34:8–35:19.

1:3: a 2Ki 23:36–24:7; 2Ch 36:5-8; b 2Ki 24:18–25:21; 2Ch 36:11-21.

3:6: 2Ki 22:1–23:30; 2Ch 34:1–35:27.

4:3: Hos 10:12.

5:21: Isa 6:9-10; Eze 12:2; Mrk 8:18.

5:22: Yob 38:8-11.

6:14: Eze 13:10.

6:12-15: Jer 8:10-12.

7:11: Mat 21:13; Mrk 11:17; Luk 19:46.

7:12-14: Josh 18:1; Psa 78:60; Jer 26:6.

7:18: Jer 44:17-19.

7:31: a 2Ki 23:10; Jer 32:35; b Lev 18:21.

7:34: Jer 16:9; 25:10; Rev 18:23.

8:11: Eze 13:10.

8:10-12: Jer 6:12-15.

9:24: 1Cor 1:31; 2Cor 10:17.

10:7: Rev 15:4.

15:1: a Exo 32:11-14; Num 14:13-19; b 1Sam 7:5-9.

15:2: Rev 13:10.

15:4: 2Ki 21:1-16; 2Ch 33:1-9.

16:9: Jer 7:34; 25:10; Rev 18:23.

17:8: Psa 1:3.

17:10: a Rev 2:23; b Psa 62:12.

17:21: Neh 13:15-22.

19:2: 2Ki 23:10; Jer 7:30-32; 32:34-35.

19:5: Lev 18:21.

20:14-18: Yob 3:1-19.

21:2: 2Ki 25:1-11; 2Ch 36:17-21.

22:5: Mat 23:28; Luk 13:35.

22:11: 2Ki 23:31-34; 2Ch 36:1-4.

22:18: 2Ki 23:36–24:6; 2Ch 36:5-7.

22:24: 2Ki 24:8-15; 2Ch 36:9-10.

23:5-6: Jer 33:14-16.

23:14: Gen 18:20; Eze 16:49.

24:1: 2Ki 24:12-16; 2Ch 36:10.

25:10: a Jer 7:34; 16:9; b Rev 18:22-23.

25:11: 2Ch 36:21; Jer 29:10; Dan 9:2.

26:6: Josh 18:1; Psa 78:60; Jer 7:12-14.

26:18: Mic 3:12.

27:1: 2Ki 24:18-20; 2Ch 36:11-13.

28:1: 2Ki 24:18-20; 2Ch 36:11-13.

29:1-2: 2Ki 24:12-16; 2Ch 36:10.

29:10: 2Ch 36:21; Jer 25:11; Dan 9:2.

29:13: Deu 4:29.

30:10-11: Jer 46:27-28.

31:15: a Gen 35:16-19; b Mat 2:18.

31:29: Eze 18:2.

31:31: Mat 26:28; Mrk 14:24; Luk 22:20; 1Cor 11:25; 2Cor 3:6.

31:33: Heb 10:16.

31:34: Heb 10:17.

32:1: 2Ki 25:1-7.

32:28: 2Ki 25:1-11; 2Ch 36:17-21.

32:34: 2Ki 23:10; Jer 7:30-31; 19:1-6.

32:35: a 2Ki 23:10; Jer 7:31; b Lev 18:21.

33:11: 1Ch 16:34; 2Ch 5:13; 7:3; Ezr 3:11; Psa 100:5; 106:1; 107:1; 118:1; 136:1.

33:17: 2Sam 7:12-16; 1Ki 2:4; 1Ch 17:11-14.

33:18: Num 3:5-10.

34:1: 2Ki 25:1-11; 2Ch 36:17-21.

34:14: Exo 21:2; Deu 15:12.

35:1: 2Ki 23:36–24:6; 2Ch 36:5-7.

36:1: 2Ki 24:1; 2Ch 36:5-7; Dan 1:1-2.

37:1: 2Ki 24:17; 2Ch 36:10.

38:28: Eze 33:21.

40:7-9: 2Ki 25:22-24.

41:1-3: 2Ki 25:25.

43:5-7: 2Ki 25:26.

44:30: 2Ki 25:1-7.

45:1: 2Ki 24:1; 2Ch 36:5-7; Dan 1:1-2.

46:2-26: Isa 19:1-25; Eze 29:1–32:32.

46:13: Jer 43:10-13.

46:27-28: Jer 30:10-11.

47:1-7: Isa 14:29-31; Eze 25:15-17; Yoel 3:4-8; Amos 1:6-8; Zeph 2:4-7; Zech 9:5-7.

48:1-47: Isa 15:1–16:14; 25:10-12; Eze 25:8-11; Amos 2:1-3; Zeph 2:8-11.

49:1-6: Eze 21:28-32; 25:1-7; Amos 1:13-15; Zeph 2:8-11.

49:7-22: Isa 34:5-17; 63:1-6; Eze 25:12-14; 35:1-15; Amos 1:11-12; Oba 1-14; Mic 1:2-5.

49:18: Gen 19:24-25.

49:23-27: Isa 17:1-3; Amos 1:3-5; Zech 9:1.

50:1–51:64: Isa 13:1–14:23; 47:1-15.

50:8: Rev 18:4.

50:29: Rev 18:6.

50:39: Rev 18:2.

50:40: Gen 19:24-25.

51:7: Rev 17:2-4; 18:3.

51:9: Rev 18:5.

51:13: Rev 17:1.

51:48: Rev 18:20.

51:49: Rev 18:24.

51:63-64: Rev 18:21.

52:4: Eze 24:2.

52:7: Eze 33:21.

52:11: Eze 12:13.

52:13: 1Ki 9:8.

52:17-23: 1Ki 7:15-47.

24And_he/it_took [the]_chief of_[the]_bodyguards DOM Seraiah the_priest the_chief and_DOM Tsəfanyāh/(Zephaniah) the_priest the_second and_DOM the_three the_keepers the_threshold.
25And_from the_city he_took a_court-official one who he_was an_officer over the_men the_war and_seven men of_ones_seeing_of (of)_the_face the_king who they_were_found in/on/at/with_city and_DOM the_scribe of_the_commander the_army the_mustered DOM the_people the_earth/land and_sixty man of_people the_earth/land the_found in_the_middle the_city.
26And_he/it_took DOM_them Nebuzaradan [the]_chief of_[the]_bodyguards and_brought DOM_them to the_king of_Bāⱱelh Riblah_at.
27And_struck_down DOM_them the_king of_Bāⱱelh and_put_todeath_them in/on/at/with_Riblah in_land of_Hamath and_went_into_exile Yəhūdāh from_under land_its.
28This the_people which he_took_into_exile Nebuchadnezzar in_year seven Judeans three thousand(s) and_twenty and_three.
29In_year eight- teen of_Nebuchadnezzar from_Yərūshālayim person[s] eight hundred(s) thirty and_two.
30In_year three and_twenty of_Nebuchadnezzar he_took_into_exile Nebuzaradan [the]_chief of_[the]_bodyguards Judeans person[s] seven hundred(s) forty and_five every person [was]_four thousand(s) and_six hundred(s).
31and_he/it_was in/on/at/with_thirty and_seven year of_exile of_Yōyākīn the_king of_Yəhūdāh in/on/at/with_two ten month in/on/at/with_twenty and_five of_the_month he_lifted_up wwww wwww the_king of_Bāⱱelh in_year reign_his DOM the_head of_Yōyākīn the_king of_Yəhūdāh and_brought_out DOM_him from_house_of the_prison[fn].
32And_he/it_spoke with_him/it good_things and_he/it_gave DOM seat_his at_above to_seats wwww[fn] who with_him/it in/on/at/with_Bāⱱelh.
33And_changed DOM the_clothes prison_his and_he/it_will_eat bread at_presence_him continually all the_days life_his.
34And_allowance_his a_food_allowance of_continuity it_was_given for_him/it from_with the_king of_Bāⱱelh a_matter of_a_day in_its_day until the_day death_his all the_days his/its_life.

1:5 Variant note: אצור/ך: (x-qere) ’אֶצָּרְ/ךָ֤’: lemma_3335 morph_HVqi1cs/Sp2ms id_24BsK אֶצָּרְ/ךָ֤

1:6 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

2:2 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

2:3 Note: We have abandoned or added a ketib/qere relative to BHS. In doing this we agree with L against BHS.

2:15 Variant note: נצתה: (x-qere) ’נִצְּת֖וּ’: lemma_3341 n_0.0 morph_HVNp3cp id_24Z4D נִצְּת֖וּ

2:16 Variant note: ו/תחפנס: (x-qere) ’וְ/תַחְפַּנְחֵ֑ס’: lemma_c/8471 n_1 morph_HC/Np id_24p7s וְ/תַחְפַּנְחֵ֑ס

2:20 Variant note: אעבד: (x-qere) ’אֶעֱב֑וֹר’: lemma_5674 a n_1 morph_HVqi1cs id_24x72 אֶעֱב֑וֹר

2:24 Variant note: נפש/ו: (x-qere) ’נַפְשָׁ/הּ֙’: lemma_5315 n_1.1.0 morph_HNcbsc/Sp3fs id_24Cpt נַפְשָׁ/הּ֙

2:25 Variant note: ו/גורנ/ך: (x-qere) ’וּ/גְרוֹנֵ֖/ךְ’: lemma_c/1627 n_1.0 morph_HC/Ncmsc/Sp2fs id_24LZU וּ/גְרוֹנֵ֖/ךְ

2:27 Variant note: ילדת/ני: (x-qere) ’יְלִדְתָּ֔/נוּ’: lemma_3205 n_1.1 morph_HVqp2fs/Sp1cp id_24hDf יְלִדְתָּ֔/נוּ

2:33 Variant note: למדתי: (x-qere) ’לִמַּ֖דְתְּ’: lemma_3925 n_0.0 morph_HVpp1cs id_24WMK לִמַּ֖דְתְּ

3:2 Variant note: שגלת: (x-qere) ’שֻׁכַּ֔בְתְּ’: lemma_7901 n_1.2 morph_HVPp2fs id_24YfW שֻׁכַּ֔בְתְּ

3:4 Variant note: קראתי: (x-qere) ’קָרָ֥את’: lemma_7121 morph_HVqp2fs id_24uXm קָרָ֥את

3:5 Variant note: דברתי: (x-qere) ’דִבַּ֛רְתְּ’: lemma_1696 n_0.0.0 morph_HVpp2fs id_24wtX דִבַּ֛רְתְּ

3:5 Note: Yathir readings in L which we have designated as Qeres when both Dotān and BHS list a Qere.

3:7 Variant note: ו/תראה: (x-qere) ’וַ/תֵּ֛רֶא’: lemma_c/7200 n_0.0.0 morph_HC/Vqw3fs id_24Cdg וַ/תֵּ֛רֶא

3:19 Variant note: תקראו: (x-qere) ’תִּקְרְאִי’: lemma_7121 morph_HVqi2fs id_24e5T תִּקְרְאִי

3:19 Variant note: תשובו: (x-qere) ’תָשֽׁוּבִי’: lemma_7725 n_0 morph_HVqi2fs id_24jGt תָשֽׁוּבִי

4:5 Variant note: ו/תקעו: (x-qere) ’תִּקְע֥וּ’: lemma_8628 morph_HVqv2mp id_24C5b תִּקְע֥וּ

4:19 Variant note: אחולה: (x-qere) ’אוֹחִ֜ילָה’: lemma_3176 n_1.0.0.0 morph_HVhh1cs id_245Xt אוֹחִ֜ילָה

4:19 Variant note: שמעתי: (x-qere) ’שָׁמַ֣עַתְּ’: lemma_8085 morph_HVqp2fs id_249XH שָׁמַ֣עַתְּ

4:30 Variant note: ו/אתי: (x-qere) ’וְ/אַ֨תְּ’: lemma_c/859 b morph_HC/Pp2fs id_24DdX וְ/אַ֨תְּ

5:6 Variant note: משבותי/הם: (x-qere) ’מְשׁוּבוֹתֵי/הֶֽם’: lemma_4878 n_0 morph_HNcfpc/Sp3mp id_24pBm מְשׁוּבוֹתֵי/הֶֽם

5:6 Note: We have abandoned or added a ketib/qere relative to BHS. In doing this we agree with L against BHS.

5:7 Variant note: אסלוח: (x-qere) ’אֶֽסְלַֽח’: lemma_5545 morph_HVqi1cs id_24BPG אֶֽסְלַֽח

5:7 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

5:24 Variant note: ו/ירה: (x-qere) ’יוֹרֶ֥ה’: lemma_3138 morph_HNcmsa id_24GE5 יוֹרֶ֥ה

6:1 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

6:7 Variant note: בור: (x-qere) ’בַּ֨יִר֙’: lemma_953 a n_1.1.0 morph_HNcmsa id_24FSa בַּ֨יִר֙

6:21 Variant note: יאבדו: (x-qere) ’וְ/אָבָֽדוּ’: lemma_c/6 n_0 morph_HC/Vqq3cp id_24vu4 וְ/אָבָֽדוּ

6:25 Variant note: תצאי: (x-qere) ’תֵּֽצְאוּ֙’: lemma_3318 n_1.1.0 morph_HVqj2mp id_24MrQ תֵּֽצְאוּ֙

6:25 Variant note: תלכי: (x-qere) ’תֵּלֵ֑כוּ’: lemma_1980 n_1 morph_HVqj2mp id_24ST2 תֵּלֵ֑כוּ

6:29 Variant note: מ/אשת/ם: (x-qere) ’מֵ/אֵ֖שׁ’: lemma_m/784 n_1.0 morph_HR/Ncbsa id_243Hf מֵ/אֵ֖שׁ ’תַּ֣ם’: lemma_8552 morph_HVqp3ms id_247G6 תַּ֣ם

7:9 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

7:22 Variant note: הוציא: (x-qere) ’הוֹצִיאִ֥/י’: lemma_3318 morph_HVhc/Sp1cs id_24mn4 הוֹצִיאִ֥/י

8:1 Variant note: ו/יציאו: (x-qere) ’יוֹצִ֣יאוּ’: lemma_3318 morph_HVhi3mp id_24dp9 יוֹצִ֣יאוּ

8:6 Variant note: ב/מרצות/ם: (x-qere) ’בִּ/מְר֣וּצָתָ֔/ם’: lemma_b/4794 n_0.1 morph_HR/Ncfsc/Sp3mp id_24Sgi בִּ/מְר֣וּצָתָ֔/ם

8:7 Variant note: ו/סוס: (x-qere) ’וְ/סִיס֙’: lemma_c/5483 a n_1.1.0 morph_HC/Ncmsa id_24vWK וְ/סִיס֙

8:7 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

8:23 Note: KJB: Jer.9.1

9:1 Note: KJB: Jer.9.2

9:2 Note: KJB: Jer.9.3

9:3 Note: KJB: Jer.9.4

9:4 Note: KJB: Jer.9.5

9:5 Note: KJB: Jer.9.6

9:6 Note: KJB: Jer.9.7

9:7 Note: KJB: Jer.9.8

9:7 Variant note: שוחט: (x-qere) ’שָׁח֛וּט’: lemma_7819 a n_1.0.0 morph_HVqsmsa id_24hgx שָׁח֛וּט

9:7 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

9:8 Note: KJB: Jer.9.9

9:9 Note: KJB: Jer.9.10

9:10 Note: KJB: Jer.9.11

9:11 Note: KJB: Jer.9.12

9:12 Note: KJB: Jer.9.13

9:13 Note: KJB: Jer.9.14

9:14 Note: KJB: Jer.9.15

9:15 Note: KJB: Jer.9.16

9:16 Note: KJB: Jer.9.17

9:17 Note: KJB: Jer.9.18

9:18 Note: KJB: Jer.9.19

9:19 Note: KJB: Jer.9.20

9:20 Note: KJB: Jer.9.21

9:21 Note: KJB: Jer.9.22

9:22 Note: KJB: Jer.9.23

9:23 Note: KJB: Jer.9.24

9:24 Note: KJB: Jer.9.25

9:25 Note: KJB: Jer.9.26

10:13 Variant note: ארץ: (x-qere) ’הָ/אָ֑רֶץ’: lemma_d/776 n_1 morph_HTd/Ncbsa id_24fZb הָ/אָ֑רֶץ

10:17 Variant note: ישבתי: (x-qere) ’יֹשֶׁ֖בֶת’: lemma_3427 n_0.0 morph_HVqrfsa id_24EMh יֹשֶׁ֖בֶת

13:12 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

13:13 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

13:16 Variant note: ישית: (x-qere) ’וְ/שִׁ֖ית’: lemma_c/7896 n_0.0 morph_HC/Vqc id_24Xqr וְ/שִׁ֖ית

13:20 Variant note: שאי: (x-qere) ’שְׂא֤וּ’: lemma_5375 morph_HVqv2mp id_246ev שְׂא֤וּ

13:20 Variant note: ו/ראי: (x-qere) ’וּ/רְא֔וּ’: lemma_c/7200 n_1.1 morph_HC/Vqv2mp id_24dmq וּ/רְא֔וּ

14:3 Variant note: צעורי/הם: (x-qere) ’צְעִירֵי/הֶ֖ם’: lemma_6810 n_1.0 morph_HAampc/Sp3mp id_24rN2 צְעִירֵי/הֶ֖ם

14:14 Variant note: ו/אלול: (x-qere) ’וֶֽ/אֱלִיל֙’: lemma_c/457 n_0.1.0 morph_HC/Ncmsa id_249Yo וֶֽ/אֱלִיל֙

14:14 Variant note: ו/תרמות: (x-qere) ’וְ/תַרְמִ֣ית’: lemma_c/8649 b morph_HC/Ncfsc id_24t1Z וְ/תַרְמִ֣ית

15:4 Variant note: ל/זועה: (x-qere) ’לְ/זַֽעֲוָ֔ה’: lemma_l/2189 n_1.1 morph_HR/Ncfsa id_24U8E לְ/זַֽעֲוָ֔ה

15:8 Note: We have abandoned or added a ketib/qere relative to BHS. In doing this we agree with L against BHS.

15:9 Variant note: באה: (x-qere) ’בָּ֥א’: lemma_935 morph_HVqp3ms id_24x3o בָּ֥א

15:11 Variant note: שרות/ך: (x-qere) ’שֵֽׁרִיתִ֖י/ךָ’: lemma_8281 n_1.0 morph_HVpp1cs/Sp2ms id_24gHx שֵֽׁרִיתִ֖י/ךָ

15:11 Note: We read one or more consonants in L differently from BHS.

15:16 Variant note: דברי/ך: (x-qere) ’דְבָֽרְ/ךָ֙’: lemma_1697 n_1.1.0 morph_HNcmsc/Sp2ms id_24Wom דְבָֽרְ/ךָ֙

16:16 Variant note: ל/דוגים: (x-qere) ’לְ/דַיָּגִ֥ים’: lemma_l/1771 morph_HR/Ncmpa id_24Jp4 לְ/דַיָּגִ֥ים

17:8 Variant note: ירא: (x-qere) ’יִרְאֶה֙’: lemma_7200 n_1.1.0 morph_HVqi3ms id_24agE יִרְאֶה֙

17:10 Variant note: כ/דרכ/ו: (x-qere) ’כִּ/דְרָכָ֔י/ו’: lemma_k/1870 n_0.1 morph_HR/Ncbpc/Sp3ms id_24nHt כִּ/דְרָכָ֔י/ו

17:11 Variant note: ימ/ו: (x-qere) ’יָמָי/ו֙’: lemma_3117 n_0.1.0 morph_HNcmpc/Sp3ms id_24qJK יָמָי/ו֙

17:13 Variant note: יסור/י: (x-qere) ’וְ/סוּרַ/י֙’: lemma_c/5493 n_0.1.0 morph_HC/Vqrmpc/Sp1cs id_24q5z וְ/סוּרַ/י֙

17:19 Variant note: עם: (x-qere) ’הָ/עָ֔ם’: lemma_d/5971 a n_1.2 morph_HTd/Ncmsa id_24Ddt הָ/עָ֔ם

17:23 Variant note: שומע: (x-qere) ’שְׁמ֔וֹעַ’: lemma_8085 n_0.1 morph_HVqc id_244aE שְׁמ֔וֹעַ

17:24 Variant note: ב/ה: (x-qere) ’בּ֖/וֹ’: lemma_b n_0.0 morph_HR/Sp3ms id_248MU בּ֖/וֹ

18:3 Variant note: ו/הנ/הו: (x-qere) ’וְ/הִנֵּה’: lemma_c/2009 morph_HC/Tm id_24FZn וְ/הִנֵּה־ ־’ה֛וּא’: lemma_1931 n_0.0.0 morph_HPp3ms id_24HhN ה֛וּא

18:3 Note: Adaptations to a Qere which L and BHS, by their design, do not indicate.

18:10 Variant note: ה/רעה: (x-qere) ’הָ/רַע֙’: lemma_d/7451 a n_1.1.0 morph_HTd/Aamsa id_24Zvg הָ/רַע֙

18:16 Variant note: שרוקת: (x-qere) ’שְׁרִיק֣וֹת’: lemma_8322 morph_HNcfpc id_24Jo5 שְׁרִיק֣וֹת

18:16 Note: We read one or more consonants in L differently from BHS.

18:22 Variant note: שיחה: (x-qere) ’שׁוּחָה֙’: lemma_7745 n_0.1.0 morph_HNcfsa id_24L1P שׁוּחָה֙

18:23 Variant note: ו/היו: (x-qere) ’וְ/יִהְי֤וּ’: lemma_c/1961 morph_HC/Vqi3mp id_24CbA וְ/יִהְי֤וּ

19:2 Variant note: ה/חרסות: (x-qere) ’הַֽ/חַרְסִ֑ית’: lemma_d/2777 n_1 morph_HTd/Ncfsa id_24mtF הַֽ/חַרְסִ֑ית

19:11 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

19:15 Variant note: מבי: (x-qere) ’מֵבִ֜יא’: lemma_935 n_1.2.0.0 morph_HVhrmsa id_24NL7 מֵבִ֜יא

20:4 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

21:9 Variant note: יחיה: (x-qere) ’וְ/חָיָ֔ה’: lemma_c/2421 n_0.1 morph_HC/Vqq3ms id_24Ui1 וְ/חָיָ֔ה

21:12 Variant note: מעללי/הם: (x-qere) ’מַעַלְלֵי/כֶֽם’: lemma_4611 n_0 morph_HNcmpc/Sp2mp id_24ytA מַעַלְלֵי/כֶֽם

22:4 Variant note: ו/עבד/ו: (x-qere) ’וַ/עֲבָדָ֖י/ו’: lemma_c/5650 n_0.0 morph_HC/Ncmpc/Sp3ms id_24Xge וַ/עֲבָדָ֖י/ו

22:6 Variant note: נושבה: (x-qere) ’נוֹשָֽׁבוּ’: lemma_3427 n_0 morph_HVNp3cp id_24yT7 נוֹשָֽׁבוּ

22:18 Note: We have abandoned or added a ketib/qere relative to BHS. In doing this we agree with L against BHS.

22:23 Variant note: ישבתי: (x-qere) ’יֹשַׁבְתְּ֙’: lemma_3427 n_1.1.0 morph_HVqrfsc id_24zeo יֹשַׁבְתְּ֙

22:23 Variant note: מקננתי: (x-qere) ’מְקֻנַּ֖נְתְּ’: lemma_7077 n_1.0 morph_HVPsfsa id_24ZPC מְקֻנַּ֖נְתְּ

23:9 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

23:18 Variant note: דבר/י: (x-qere) ’דְּבָר֖/וֹ’: lemma_1697 n_0.0 morph_HC/Vqw3ms id_24ght דְּבָר֖/וֹ

24:9 Variant note: ל/זועה: (x-qere) ’לְ/זַעֲוָ֣ה’: lemma_l/2113 morph_HR/Ncfsa id_2466z לְ/זַעֲוָ֣ה

25:7 Variant note: הכעסו/ני: (x-qere) ’הַכְעִיסֵ֛/נִי’: lemma_3707 n_0.0.0 morph_HVhc/Sp1cs id_24nu8 הַכְעִיסֵ֛/נִי

25:13 Variant note: ו/הבאיתי: (x-qere) ’וְ/הֵֽבֵאתִי֙’: lemma_c/935 n_1.1.0 morph_HC/Vhq1cs id_24FpP וְ/הֵֽבֵאתִי֙

26:6 Variant note: ה/זאתה: (x-qere) ’הַ/זֹּאת֙’: lemma_d/2063 n_0.1.0 morph_HTd/Pdxfs id_24h7X הַ/זֹּאת֙

26:18 Variant note: מיכיה: (x-qere) ’מִיכָה֙’: lemma_4318 n_1.2.0 morph_HNp id_24CTb מִיכָה֙

27:20 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

28:1 Variant note: ב/שנת: (x-qere) ’בַּ/שָּׁנָה֙’: lemma_b/8141 n_1.1.0 morph_HRd/Ncfsa id_24wRc בַּ/שָּׁנָה֙

28:3 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

28:11 Note: We read punctuation in L differently from BHS.

29:14 Variant note: שבית/כם: (x-qere) ’שְׁבוּתְ/כֶ֗ם’: lemma_7622 n_1.0.2 morph_HNcfsc/Sp2mp id_24pPf שְׁבוּתְ/כֶ֗ם

29:18 Variant note: ל/זועה: (x-qere) ’לְ/זַעֲוָ֜ה’: lemma_l/2189 n_0.1.1.1 morph_HR/Ncfsa id_24J16 לְ/זַעֲוָ֜ה

29:23 Variant note: הוידע: (x-qere) ’הַ/יּוֹדֵ֥עַ’: lemma_d/3045 morph_HTd/Vqrmsa id_24xzj הַ/יּוֹדֵ֥עַ

29:23 Exegesis note: A single word in the text has been divided for exegesis.

31:21 Variant note: הלכתי: (x-qere) ’הָלָ֑כְתְּ’: lemma_1980 n_1 morph_HVqp2fs id_24fUh הָלָ֑כְתְּ

31:38 Variant note: (x-qere) ’בָּאִ֖ים’: lemma_935 n_1.0 morph_HVqrmpa id_24hu2 בָּאִ֖ים

31:38 Note: Adaptations to a Qere which L and BHS, by their design, do not indicate.

31:39 Variant note: קוה: (x-qere) ’קָ֤ו’: lemma_6957 b morph_HNcmsc id_24KUc קָ֤ו

31:40 Variant note: ה/שרמות: (x-qere) ’הַ/שְּׁדֵמוֹת֩’: lemma_d/7709 morph_HTd/Ncfpa id_24s5d הַ/שְּׁדֵמוֹת֩

32:1 Variant note: ב/שנת: (x-qere) ’בַּ/שָּׁנָה֙’: lemma_b/8141 n_1.1.0 morph_HRd/Ncfsa id_24mRt בַּ/שָּׁנָה֙

32:4 Variant note: עינ/ו: (x-qere) ’עֵינָ֥י/ו’: lemma_5869 a morph_HTd/Aofsa id_24Gnb עֵינָ֥י/ו

32:13 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

32:23 Variant note: ו/ב/תרות/ך: (x-qere) ’וּ/בְ/תוֹרָתְ/ךָ֣’: lemma_c/b/8451 morph_HC/R/Ncfsc/Sp2ms id_24qeu וּ/בְ/תוֹרָתְ/ךָ֣

32:35 Variant note: החטי: (x-qere) ’הַחֲטִ֥יא’: lemma_2398 morph_HVhc id_24jmt הַחֲטִ֥יא

33:8 Variant note: ל/כול: (x-qere) ’לְ/כָל’: lemma_l/3605 morph_HR/Ncmsc id_24HJr לְ/כָל

33:18 Note: We read punctuation in L differently from BHS.

33:26 Variant note: אשוב: (x-qere) ’אָשִׁ֥יב’: lemma_7725 morph_HVhi1cs id_24K5U אָשִׁ֥יב

34:11 Variant note: ו/יכבישו/ם: (x-qere) ’וַֽ/יִּכְבְּשׁ֔וּ/ם’: lemma_c/3533 n_0.1 morph_HC/Vqw3mp/Sp3mp id_249Ga וַֽ/יִּכְבְּשׁ֔וּ/ם

34:17 Variant note: ל/זועה: (x-qere) ’לְ/זַעֲוָ֔ה’: lemma_l/2189 n_0.1 morph_HR/Ncfsa id_24L7e לְ/זַעֲוָ֔ה

37:4 Variant note: ה/כליא: (x-qere) ’הַ/כְּלֽוּא’: lemma_d/3628 n_0 morph_HTd/Ncmsa id_24fJr הַ/כְּלֽוּא

37:7 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

37:19 Variant note: ו/אי/ו: (x-qere) ’וְ/אַיֵּה֙’: lemma_c/346 n_1.1.0 morph_HC/Ti id_24sQJ וְ/אַיֵּה֙

38:2 Variant note: יחיה: (x-qere) ’וְ/חָיָ֔ה’: lemma_c/2421 n_0.1 morph_HC/Vqq3ms id_2411s וְ/חָיָ֔ה

38:11 Variant note: ה/סחבות: (x-qere) ’סְחָב֔וֹת’: lemma_5499 n_1.1 morph_HNcfpa id_24srU סְחָב֔וֹת

38:16 Variant note: את: (x-qere)

39:9 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

39:12 Variant note: אם: (x-qere)

39:13 Note: Small letter(s). Shown as small letters without a superscript note number.

39:16 Note: We read one or more vowels in L differently from BHS.

39:16 Variant note: מבי: (x-qere) ’מֵבִ֨יא’: lemma_935 morph_HVhrmsa id_24tzm מֵבִ֨יא

40:3 Variant note: דבר: (x-qere) ’הַ/דָּבָ֥ר’: lemma_d/1697 morph_HTd/Ncmsa id_242Lg הַ/דָּבָ֥ר

40:8 Variant note: עופי: (x-qere) ’עֵיפַ֣י’: lemma_5778 morph_HNp id_24sir עֵיפַ֣י

40:14 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

40:16 Variant note: תעש: (x-qere) ’תַּעֲשֵׂ֖ה’: lemma_6213 a n_1.0 morph_HVqj2ms id_249Tk תַּעֲשֵׂ֖ה

41:17 Variant note: כמו/הם: (x-qere) ’כִּמְהָ֔ם’: lemma_3643 n_1.1 morph_HNp id_24aMS כִּמְהָ֔ם

42:6 Variant note: אנו: (x-qere) ’אֲנַ֜חְנוּ’: lemma_587 n_1.0.0.0 morph_HPp1cp id_24JrR אֲנַ֜חְנוּ

42:20 Variant note: התעתי/ם: (x-qere) ’הִתְעֵיתֶם֮’: lemma_8582 n_1.3.0 morph_HVhp2mp id_24NKg הִתְעֵיתֶם֮

42:20 Note: We read one or more consonants in L differently from BHS.

43:10 Variant note: שפרור/ו: (x-qere) ’שַׁפְרִיר֖/וֹ’: lemma_8237 n_0.0 morph_HNcmsc/Sp3ms id_24GLo שַׁפְרִיר֖/וֹ

43:11 Variant note: ו/בא/ה: (x-qere) ’וּ/בָ֕א’: lemma_c/935 n_1.1 morph_HC/Vqq3ms id_24cbW וּ/בָ֕א

46:11 Variant note: הרביתי: (x-qere) ’הִרְבֵּ֣ית’: lemma_7235 a morph_HVhp2fs id_24RTA הִרְבֵּ֣ית

48:4 Variant note: צעורי/ה: (x-qere) ’צְעִירֶֽי/הָ’: lemma_6810 n_0 morph_HAampc/Sp3fs id_24zaA צְעִירֶֽי/הָ

48:5 Variant note: ה/לחות: (x-qere) ’הַ/לּוּחִ֔ית’: lemma_d/3872 n_1.1 morph_HTd/Np id_24Khg הַ/לּוּחִ֔ית

48:5 Note: We read one or more consonants in L differently from BHS.

48:7 Variant note: כמיש: (x-qere) ’כְמוֹשׁ֙’: lemma_3645 n_0.1.0 morph_HNp id_24snw כְמוֹשׁ֙

48:7 Variant note: יחד: (x-qere) ’יַחְדָּֽיו’: lemma_3162 b n_0 morph_HD id_24Ydf יַחְדָּֽיו

48:18 Variant note: ישבי: (x-qere) ’וּ/שְׁבִ֣י’: lemma_c/3427 morph_HC/Vqv2fs id_24MLT וּ/שְׁבִ֣י

48:20 Variant note: הילילי: (x-qere) ’הֵילִ֣ילוּ’: lemma_3213 morph_HVhv2mp id_247z2 הֵילִ֣ילוּ

48:20 Variant note: ו/זעקי: (x-qere) ’וּֽ/זְעָ֑קוּ’: lemma_c/2199 n_1 morph_HC/Vqv2mp id_24cLh וּֽ/זְעָ֑קוּ

48:21 Variant note: מופעת: (x-qere) ’מֵיפָֽעַת’: lemma_4158 n_0 morph_HNp id_24Hdc מֵיפָֽעַת

48:27 Variant note: נמצאה: (x-qere) ’נִמְצָ֑א’: lemma_4672 n_1 morph_HVNp3ms id_24teg נִמְצָ֑א

48:30 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

48:32 Note: We read one or more accents in L differently than BHS. Often this notation indicates a typographical error in BHS.

48:44 Exegesis note: WLC has this word divided as הניס

48:44 Variant note: הניס: (x-qere) ’הַ/נָּ֞ס’: lemma_d/5127 n_1.2.0.0 morph_HTd/Vqrmsa id_24Rwm הַ/נָּ֞ס

49:25 Variant note: תהלה: (x-qere) ’תְּהִלָּ֑ת’: lemma_8416 n_1 morph_HNcfsc id_249XL תְּהִלָּ֑ת

49:28 Variant note: נבוכדראצור: (x-qere) ’נְבֽוּכַדְרֶאצַּ֣ר’: lemma_5019 morph_HNp id_249Xm נְבֽוּכַדְרֶאצַּ֣ר

49:30 Variant note: עלי/הם: (x-qere) ’עֲלֵי/כֶ֖ם’: lemma_5921 a n_0.0 morph_HR/Sp2mp id_24e1F עֲלֵי/כֶ֖ם

49:36 Variant note: עולם: (x-qere) ’עֵילָֽם’: lemma_5867 a n_0 morph_HNcmsa id_246gu עֵילָֽם

49:39 Variant note: אשוב: (x-qere) ’אָשִׁ֛יב’: lemma_7725 n_0.0.0 morph_HVhi1cs id_249Jg אָשִׁ֛יב

49:39 Variant note: שבית: (x-qere) ’שְׁב֥וּת’: lemma_7622 morph_HNcfsc id_241No שְׁב֥וּת

50:6 Variant note: היה: (x-qere) ’הָי֣וּ’: lemma_1961 morph_HVqp3cp id_24K4p הָי֣וּ

50:6 Variant note: שובבים: (x-qere) ’שֽׁוֹבְב֑וּ/ם’: lemma_7725 n_1 morph_HVop3cp/Sp3mp id_24sjy שֽׁוֹבְב֑וּ/ם

50:8 Variant note: יצאו: (x-qere) ’צֵ֑אוּ’: lemma_3318 n_1 morph_HVqv2mp id_24BBy צֵ֑אוּ

50:11 Variant note: תשמחי: (x-qere) ’תִשְׂמְחוּ֙’: lemma_8055 n_1.1.0 morph_HVqi2mp id_24Pdb תִשְׂמְחוּ֙

50:11 Variant note: תעלזי: (x-qere) ’תַֽעֲלְז֔וּ’: lemma_5937 n_1.1 morph_HVqi2mp id_24Tum תַֽעֲלְז֔וּ

50:11 Note: BHS has been faithful to the Leningrad Codex where there might be a question of the validity of the form and we keep the same form as BHS.

50:11 Variant note: תפושי: (x-qere) ’תָפ֨וּשׁוּ֙’: lemma_6335 a n_0.1.0 morph_HVqi2mp id_24zT5 תָפ֨וּשׁוּ֙

50:11 Variant note: ו/תצהלי: (x-qere) ’וְ/תִצְהֲל֖וּ’: lemma_c/6670 a n_0.0 morph_HC/Vqi2mp id_24EJj וְ/תִצְהֲל֖וּ

50:15 Variant note: אשויתי/ה: (x-qere) ’אָשְׁיוֹתֶ֔י/הָ’: lemma_803 n_1.1 morph_HNcfpc/Sp3fs id_24bRx אָשְׁיוֹתֶ֔י/הָ

50:29 Variant note: (x-qere) ’לָ/הּ֙’: lemma_l n_1.2.0 morph_HR/Sp3fs id_24CRs לָ/הּ֙

50:29 Note: Adaptations to a Qere which L and BHS, by their design, do not indicate.

50:44 Variant note: ארוצ/ם: (x-qere) ’אֲרִיצֵ/ם֙’: lemma_7323 n_1.1.0 morph_HVhi1cs/Sp3mp id_24eYS אֲרִיצֵ/ם֙

51:3 Variant note: ידרך: (x-qere)

51:9 Variant note: רפאנו: (x-qere) ’רִפִּ֣ינוּ’: lemma_7495 morph_HVpp1cp id_24snx רִפִּ֣ינוּ

51:13 Variant note: שכנתי: (x-qere) ’שֹׁכַנְתְּ֙’: lemma_7931 n_1.1.0 morph_HVqrfsc id_24Xh2 שֹׁכַנְתְּ֙

51:34 Variant note: אכל/נו: (x-qere) ’אֲכָלַ֣/נִי’: lemma_398 morph_HVqp3ms/Sp1cs id_24fqc אֲכָלַ֣/נִי

51:34 Variant note: הממ/נו: (x-qere) ’הֲמָמַ֗/נִי’: lemma_2000 n_1.3.1 morph_HVqp3ms/Sp1cs id_24QAy הֲמָמַ֗/נִי

51:34 Variant note: הציג/נו: (x-qere) ’הִצִּיגַ֨/נִי֙’: lemma_3322 n_1.2.0 morph_HVhp3ms/Sp1cs id_24BMJ הִצִּיגַ֨/נִי֙

51:34 Variant note: בלע/נו: (x-qere) ’בְּלָעַ֨/נִי֙’: lemma_1104 n_1.1.0 morph_HVqp3ms/Sp1cs id_24GLM בְּלָעַ֨/נִי֙

51:34 Variant note: הדיח/נו: (x-qere) ’הֱדִיחָֽ/נִי’: lemma_1740 n_0 morph_HVhp3ms/Sp1cs id_2464g הֱדִיחָֽ/נִי

52:1 Variant note: חמיטל: (x-qere) ’חֲמוּטַ֥ל’: lemma_2537 morph_HNp id_24v3H חֲמוּטַ֥ל

52:11 Variant note: ב/בית: (x-qere) ’בֵֽית’: lemma_1004 b morph_HNcmsc id_24JoE בֵֽית

52:21 Variant note: קומה: (x-qere) ’קוֹמַת֙’: lemma_6967 n_1.1.0 morph_HNcfsc id_24GkJ קוֹמַת֙

52:31 Variant note: ה/כליא: (x-qere) ’הַ/כְּלֽוּא’: lemma_d/3628 n_0 morph_HTd/Ncmsa id_24Bxf הַ/כְּלֽוּא

52:32 Variant note: מלכים: (x-qere) ’הַ/מְּלָכִ֛ים’: lemma_d/4428 n_0.0.0 morph_HTd/Ncmpa id_24chJ הַ/מְּלָכִ֛ים