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UBS Dictionary of the Greek New Testament



MainId: 002601000000000

Version: 0

HasAramaic: False

InLXX: True

AlphaPos: κ

StrongCodes: G2596

Notes: [{'Caller': 1, 'LanguageCode': 'en', 'LastEdited': '', 'LastEditedBy': '', 'References': [], 'Content': 'κατά[e] differs in meaning from μέσος[a], ἀνὰ μέσον[a],ἐντός[a], εν[b], μετά[h], εἰς[e], ἐπί[c], πρός[d], and παρά[b] ({D:83.9}) in that the focus of meaning is upon distribution rather than upon inclusion within any defined area or set.'}, {'Caller': 2, 'LanguageCode': 'en', 'LastEdited': '', 'LastEditedBy': '', 'References': ['04402700500010'], 'Content': 'It is possible that κατά in {S:04402700500010} refers to a position parallel with the coast and possibly involving a type of extension.'}, {'Caller': 3, 'LanguageCode': 'en', 'LastEdited': '', 'LastEditedBy': '', 'References': [], 'Content': 'The difference in meaning between the set κατά[g], ἐπί[s], ἐν[s], ἐκ[k], and καθώς[d] and the set πότε, ποτέ[b], ὁπότε, ὅτε[a], and ὅταν[b] ({D:67.30}) is largely a matter of class meanings, but there may be certain subtle rhetorical differences as well.'}, {'Caller': 4, 'LanguageCode': 'en', 'LastEdited': '', 'LastEditedBy': '', 'References': [], 'Content': 'It would seem that the meanings of items in subdomains {D:70.1}-{D:70.4} (ὅλως[b], ὄντως, ἀληθής[b], ἀληθινός[a], ἀληθῶς, and idioms with ἀλήθεια) do reflect certain subtle differences, but it is not at all easy to determine precisely how they differ.'}, {'Caller': 5, 'LanguageCode': 'en', 'LastEdited': '', 'LastEditedBy': '', 'References': [], 'Content': 'It is possible to interpret κατ ἰδίαν as being primarily an element of setting, that is to say, without the presence of other persons, but in some contexts the focus seems to shift from setting to the fact that such events take place without the general knowledge of the public. Depending therefore upon the context, one may render κατ ἰδίαν by such expressions as without others knowing or without other people being present.'}]


  1. BaseFormID: 002601001000000

    PartsOfSpeech: prep. (with gen. or acc.)


    1. LEXID: 002601001001000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 84.21

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Spacial Extensions

      LEXSubDomains: Extension To a Goal


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-09-15 11:43:00

        DefinitionShort: extension to a goal, normally down

        Glosses: ['down', 'down to', 'downward']

        Comments: In going from Jerusalem to Jericho ({S:04201003200000}), the movement would be downhill.

      LEXReferences: MAT 8:32, MARK 5:13, LUKE 8:33, LUKE 10:32, LUKE 10:33, ACTs 2:10, ACTs 16:7, ACTs 27:29

    2. LEXID: 002601001002000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 84.30

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Spacial Extensions

      LEXSubDomains: Extension Along a Path


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-09-15 11:43:00

        DefinitionShort: extension along a path or road, implying movement

        Glosses: ['along', 'on']

      LEXReferences: LUKE 10:4, ACTs 8:36, ACTs 25:3, ACTs 26:13, ACTs 27:2

    3. LEXID: 002601001003000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 84.31

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Spacial Extensions

      LEXSubDomains: Extension Along a Path


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-09-15 11:43:00

        DefinitionShort: extension in every direction throughout an area

        Glosses: throughout

      LEXReferences: LUKE 4:14, LUKE 8:39, LUKE 9:6, LUKE 23:5, ACTs 8:1, ACTs 9:42, ACTs 10:37, ACTs 11:1, ACTs 13:1, ACTs 15:23, ACTs 24:5, ACTs 24:12

    4. LEXID: 002601001004000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 83.45

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Spacial Positions

      LEXSubDomains: Opposite, Over Against, Across From, Offshore From


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-09-15 11:43:00

        DefinitionShort: the position of an object oriented toward a particular direction

        Glosses: ['facing', 'toward']

        Comments: For κατὰ σκοπὸν διώκω as an idiom ({S:05000301400002}), see {D:89.56}.

      LEXReferences: ACTs 3:13, ACTs 8:26, ACTs 27:12, ACTs 27:12, PHP 3:14

    5. LEXID: 002601001005000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 83.12

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Spacial Positions

      LEXSubDomains: Among, Between, In, Inside


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-09-15 11:43:00

        DefinitionShort: a variety of positions distributed throughout an area or among a number of objects{N:001}

        Glosses: ['throughout', 'among']

      LEXReferences: LUKE 9:6, ACTs 9:31, ACTs 13:1, ACTs 15:36, ACTs 21:21

    6. LEXID: 002601001006000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 83.44

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Spacial Positions

      LEXSubDomains: Opposite, Over Against, Across From, Offshore From


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-09-15 11:43:00

        DefinitionShort: a position directly opposite and implying some space between

        Glosses: ['opposite', 'off', 'offshore from']

      LEXReferences: ACTs 27:5, ACTs 27:7, ACTs 27:7

    7. LEXID: 002601001007000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 67.33

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Time

      LEXSubDomains: A Point of Time with Reference to Other Points of Time: Before, Long Ago, Now, At the Same Time, When, About, After


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-09-15 11:43:00

        DefinitionShort: a marker of a point of time which is simultaneous to or overlaps with another point of time{N:003}

        Glosses: ['when', 'at the time of']

      LEXReferences: MARK 15:6, ACTs 12:1, ACTs 19:23, ROM 5:6, ROM 9:9, 1COR 16:2, HEB 1:10, HEB 3:8, HEB 3:13

    8. LEXID: 002601001008000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 67.35

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Time

      LEXSubDomains: A Point of Time with Reference to Other Points of Time: Before, Long Ago, Now, At the Same Time, When, About, After


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-09-15 11:43:00

        DefinitionShort: a marker of a point of time which is approximately simultaneous to another point of time

        Glosses: about

      LEXReferences: ACTs 16:25, ACTs 27:27

    9. LEXID: 002601001009000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 90.29

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Case

      LEXSubDomains: Guarantor Participant with Oaths


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-09-15 11:43:00

        DefinitionShort: (with the genitive) a marker of a supernatural person or force called upon to guarantee the carrying out of an oath or vow

        Glosses: ['by', 'in the name of']

        Comments: Depending upon the context, it may be necessary to be quite specific in some languages in marking the relations between swearing and the supernatural power invoked to guarantee the fulfillment of an oath. For example, in swearing that something is true, it may be necessary to translate ‘I swear that this is true and call upon God to punish me if it is not true,’ or if the swearing involves a promise, then one may translate ‘I promise to do this, but if I do not, may God punish me.’

      LEXReferences: MAT 26:63, HEB 6:13, HEB 6:16

    10. LEXID: 002601001010000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 90.31

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Case

      LEXSubDomains: Opposition


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-09-15 11:43:00

        DefinitionShort: (with the genitive) a marker of opposition, with the possible implication of antagonism

        Glosses: ['against', 'in opposition to', 'in conflict with']

      LEXReferences: MAT 5:11, MAT 5:23, MAT 10:35, MAT 10:35, MAT 10:35, MAT 12:14, MAT 12:25, MAT 12:25, MAT 12:30, MAT 12:32, MAT 12:32, MAT 20:11, MAT 26:59, MAT 27:1, MARK 3:6, MARK 9:40, MARK 11:25, MARK 14:55, MARK 14:56, MARK 14:57, LUKE 9:50, LUKE 11:23, LUKE 23:14, YHN 18:29, YHN 19:11, ACTs 4:26, ACTs 4:26, ACTs 6:13, ACTs 16:22, ACTs 19:16, ACTs 21:28, ACTs 24:1, ACTs 25:2, ACTs 25:3, ACTs 25:15, ACTs 25:27, ACTs 27:14, ROM 8:31, ROM 8:33, ROM 11:2, 1COR 4:6, 1COR 15:15, 2COR 10:5, 2COR 13:8, GAL 3:21, GAL 5:17, GAL 5:17, GAL 5:23, COL 2:14, YAC 3:14, YAC 5:9, 1PET 2:11

    11. LEXID: 002601001011000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 89.8

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Relations

      LEXSubDomains: Relations Involving Correspondences [Isomorphisms]


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-09-15 11:43:00

        DefinitionShort: a marker of a relation involving similarity of process

        Glosses: ['in accordance with', 'in relation to']

      LEXReferences: MAT 2:16, MAT 9:29, MAT 16:27, MAT 23:3, MAT 25:15, MARK 7:5, LUKE 1:9, LUKE 1:38, LUKE 2:22, LUKE 2:24, LUKE 2:27, LUKE 2:29, LUKE 2:39, LUKE 2:42, LUKE 4:16, LUKE 10:31, LUKE 22:22, LUKE 22:39, LUKE 23:56, YHN 2:6, YHN 7:24, YHN 8:15, YHN 10:3, YHN 18:31, YHN 19:7, ACTs 3:22, ACTs 7:44, ACTs 13:22, ACTs 13:23, ACTs 15:11, ACTs 17:2, ACTs 18:15, ACTs 22:3, ACTs 22:12, ACTs 23:3, ACTs 23:31, ACTs 24:14, ACTs 24:14, ACTs 26:5, ACTs 27:25, ROM 2:2, ROM 2:5, ROM 2:6, ROM 2:16, ROM 3:5, ROM 4:4, ROM 4:4, ROM 4:16, ROM 4:18, ROM 8:4, ROM 8:4, ROM 8:5, ROM 8:5, ROM 8:12, ROM 8:13, ROM 8:27, ROM 8:28, ROM 9:11, ROM 10:2, ROM 11:5, ROM 11:21, ROM 11:24, ROM 11:24, ROM 12:6, ROM 12:6, ROM 14:15, ROM 15:5, ROM 16:25, ROM 16:25, ROM 16:26, 1COR 3:3, 1COR 3:8, 1COR 3:10, 1COR 7:6, 1COR 7:6, 1COR 7:40, 1COR 9:8, 1COR 12:8, 1COR 12:31, 1COR 14:40, 1COR 15:3, 1COR 15:4, 1COR 15:32, 2COR 1:17, 2COR 4:13, 2COR 7:9, 2COR 7:10, 2COR 7:11, 2COR 8:3, 2COR 8:8, 2COR 10:2, 2COR 10:3, 2COR 10:13, 2COR 10:15, 2COR 11:15, 2COR 11:17, 2COR 11:18, 2COR 13:10, GAL 1:4, GAL 1:11, GAL 1:13, GAL 2:2, GAL 3:15, GAL 3:29, GAL 4:23, GAL 4:28, GAL 4:29, GAL 4:29, EPH 1:5, EPH 1:7, EPH 1:9, EPH 1:11, EPH 1:11, EPH 1:19, EPH 2:2, EPH 2:2, EPH 3:7, EPH 3:11, EPH 3:16, EPH 3:20, EPH 4:7, EPH 4:16, EPH 4:24, EPH 6:6, PHP 1:20, PHP 2:3, PHP 2:3, PHP 3:21, PHP 4:19, COL 1:11, COL 1:25, COL 1:29, COL 2:8, COL 2:8, COL 2:8, COL 2:22, COL 3:10, 2TH 1:12, 2TH 2:9, 2TH 3:6, 2TIM 1:1, 2TIM 1:8, 2TIM 1:9, 2TIM 1:9, 2TIM 2:8, 2TIM 4:3, 2TIM 4:14, TIT 1:1, TIT 1:1, TIT 1:3, TIT 1:4, TIT 1:9, TIT 3:5, TIT 3:7, PHM 1:14, HEB 2:4, HEB 3:3, HEB 4:15, HEB 5:6, HEB 5:10, HEB 6:20, HEB 7:5, HEB 7:11, HEB 7:15, HEB 7:16, HEB 7:16, HEB 7:17, HEB 7:20, HEB 7:22, HEB 8:4, HEB 8:5, HEB 8:9, HEB 9:9, HEB 9:19, HEB 9:22, HEB 9:27, HEB 10:8, HEB 11:7, HEB 11:13, HEB 12:10, YAC 2:8, YAC 3:9, 1PET 1:2, 1PET 1:15, 1PET 1:17, 1PET 4:19, 1YHN 5:14, 2YHN 1:6

    12. LEXID: 002601001012000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 89.90

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Relations

      LEXSubDomains: Distribution


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-09-15 11:43:00

        DefinitionShort: a marker of distributive relations, whether of place, time, or number

        Glosses: ['throughout', 'from … to', '… after .']

      LEXReferences: MAT 24:7, MAT 26:55, MAT 27:15, MARK 6:40, MARK 6:40, MARK 13:8, MARK 14:19, LUKE 2:41, LUKE 8:1, LUKE 8:4, LUKE 13:22, LUKE 15:14, LUKE 21:11, YHN 8:9, ACTs 2:46, ACTs 2:46, ACTs 2:47, ACTs 5:42, ACTs 8:3, ACTs 13:27, ACTs 14:23, ACTs 15:21, ACTs 15:21, ACTs 18:4, ACTs 20:20, ACTs 20:23, ACTs 22:19, ACTs 26:11, 1COR 14:27, TIT 1:5, HEB 7:27, HEB 9:25, HEB 10:1, HEB 10:3, 3YHN 1:15

    13. LEXID: 002601001013000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 89.4

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Relations

      LEXSubDomains: Specification


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-09-15 11:43:00

        DefinitionShort: a marker of a specific element bearing a relation to something else

        Glosses: ['in relation to', 'with regard to']

      LEXReferences: MAT 27:19, MARK 1:27, ACTs 17:22, ACTs 19:20, ACTs 24:22, ACTs 25:14, ACTs 25:23, ROM 1:3, ROM 1:4, ROM 3:2, ROM 4:1, ROM 7:13, ROM 7:22, ROM 9:3, ROM 9:5, ROM 11:28, ROM 11:28, ROM 16:5, 1COR 1:26, 1COR 10:18, 1COR 15:15, 1COR 16:19, 2COR 1:8, 2COR 5:16, 2COR 5:16, 2COR 11:21, EPH 4:22, EPH 6:5, EPH 6:21, PHP 1:12, PHP 3:5, PHP 3:6, PHP 3:6, PHP 4:11, COL 3:20, COL 3:22, COL 3:22, COL 4:7, TIT 1:4, PHM 1:2, PHM 1:14, HEB 2:17, HEB 4:15, HEB 7:16, HEB 7:16, HEB 9:5, HEB 9:9, HEB 9:27, YAC 2:17, 1PET 4:6, 1PET 4:6

    14. LEXID: 002601001014000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 89.113

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Relations

      LEXSubDomains: Association


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-09-15 11:43:00

        DefinitionShort: a marker of association, involving common, cultural, or ethnic elements

        Glosses: ['with', 'among (but often expressed by so-called possessive forms).']

      LEXReferences: ACTs 17:28, ACTs 26:3, ACTs 28:16, ROM 1:15, ROM 14:22, COL 4:15

    15. LEXID: 002601001015000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 70.4

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Real, Unreal

      LEXCollocations: κατὰ ἀλήθειαν


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-09-15 11:43:00

        DefinitionShort: (an idiom, literally: according to truth) pertaining to being a real or actual event or state{N:004}

        Glosses: ['actually', 'really']

      LEXReferences: ROM 2:2

    16. LEXID: 002601001016000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 28.67

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Know

      LEXSubDomains: Able To Be Known

      LEXCollocations: κατ’ ἰδίαν


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-09-15 11:43:00

        DefinitionShort: (an idiom, literally: according to that which is private) pertaining to what occurs in a private context or setting, in the sense of not being made known publicly{N:005}

        Glosses: privately

      LEXReferences: MAT 14:13, MAT 14:23, MAT 17:1, MAT 17:19, MAT 20:17, MAT 24:3, MARK 4:34, MARK 6:31, MARK 6:32, MARK 7:33, MARK 9:2, MARK 9:28, MARK 13:3, LUKE 9:10, LUKE 10:23, ACTs 23:19, GAL 2:2

    17. LEXID: 002601001017000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 83.34

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Spacial Positions

      LEXSubDomains: In Front Of, Face To Face, In Back Of, Behind

      LEXCollocations: ['κατ᾽ ὀφθαλμούς', 'κατὰ πρόσωπον']


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-09-15 11:43:00

        DefinitionShort: (idioms, literally: according to eyes, and: according to face) a position in front of an object, with the implication of direct sight

        Glosses: ['in front of', 'before', 'to the face of', 'in the presence of']

      LEXReferences: LUKE 2:31, GAL 3:1

    18. LEXID: 002601001018000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 78.22

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Degree

      LEXSubDomains: Much, Little [Positive-Negative Degree]

      LEXCollocations: κατὰ βάθους


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-09-15 11:43:00

        DefinitionShort: (an idiom, literally: according to depth) an extreme point on a scale of extent

        Glosses: ['extremely', 'exceedingly great', 'very very']

      LEXReferences: 2COR 8:2

    19. LEXID: 002601001019000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 49.16

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Activities Involving Clothing and Adorning

      LEXCollocations: κατὰ κεφαλῆς ἔχω


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-09-15 11:43:00

        DefinitionShort: (an idiom, literally: to have down on the head) to wear a covering over one’s head

        Glosses: ['to have one’s head covered', 'to cover one’s head']

      LEXReferences: 1COR 11:4

    20. LEXID: 002601001020000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 56.10

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Courts and Legal Procedures

      LEXSubDomains: Accusation

      LEXCollocations: κατὰ λόγον ἀνέχομαι


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-09-15 11:43:00

        DefinitionShort: (an idiom, literally: to accept in accordance with a charge) to accept a complaint against someone for a legal review

        Glosses: ['to accept a complaint in court', 'to admit a complaint to judgment']

        Comments: It is also possible to understand the expression κατὰ λόγον ἀνέχομαι in {S:04401801400048} not as an idiom, but as meaning ‘to be reasonably patient with.’ See {D:25.171} and {D:89.18}.

      LEXReferences: ACTs 18:14

    21. LEXID: 002601001021000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 63.16

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Whole, Unite, Part, Divide

      LEXSubDomains: Part

      LEXCollocations: κατὰ μέρος


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-09-15 11:43:00

        DefinitionShort: (an idiom, literally: in accordance with a part) pertaining to an activity which proceeds part by part

        Glosses: ['in detail', 'one item after another']

      LEXReferences: HEB 9:5

    22. LEXID: 002601001022000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 58.51

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Nature, Class, Example

      LEXSubDomains: Distinctive, Unique

      LEXCollocations: κατὰ μόνας


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-09-15 11:43:00

        DefinitionShort: (an idiom, literally: throughout only places) the only item of a class in a place

        Glosses: ['alone', 'all by oneself']

      LEXReferences: MARK 4:10, LUKE 9:18

    23. LEXID: 002601001023000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 83.38

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Spacial Positions

      LEXSubDomains: In Front Of, Face To Face, In Back Of, Behind

      LEXCollocations: κατὰ πρόσωπον


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-09-15 11:43:00

        DefinitionShort: (an idiom, literally: according to face) the position of one person facing another, with or without the implication of opposition

        Glosses: ['face to face', 'in person', 'to one’s face']

      LEXReferences: ACTs 25:16, 2COR 10:1, GAL 2:11

    24. LEXID: 002601001024000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 89.56

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Relations

      LEXSubDomains: Purpose

      LEXCollocations: κατὰ σκοπὸν διώκω


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-09-15 11:43:00

        DefinitionShort: (an idiom, literally: to pursue to a goal, to press toward a goal) to strive energetically for some purpose

        Glosses: ['to strive toward a goal', 'to press on with the purpose of']

      LEXReferences: PHP 3:14

    25. LEXID: 002601001025000

      LEXIsBiblicalTerm: Y

      LEXEntryCode: 31.31

      LEXIndent: 0

      LEXDomains: Hold a View, Believe, Trust

      LEXSubDomains: Suppose, Think Possible

      LEXCollocations: τὰ κατὰ πρόσωπον


      1. LanguageCode: en

        LastEdited: 2021-09-15 11:43:00

        DefinitionShort: (an idiom, literally: those things according to the face) that which seems to be so

        Glosses: ['outward appearance', 'what things seem to be']

      LEXReferences: 2COR 10:7