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OET-RV by cross-referenced section NEH 9:1

NEH 9:1–9:38 ©

This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

The people confess their sins

Neh 9:1–38

9On the 24th of that month, the Israelis dressed in sackcloth, put dust on their heads, fasted, and gathered together. 2Those of Jewish descent stood separately from the descendants of foreigners, and they confessed their own sins, as well as those of their ancestors. 3They stood and listened to the scroll with Yahweh’s instructions being read for three hours, then for another three hours they confessed and bowed down to Yahweh their God. 4Then Yeshua went up the Levites’ stairs with Bani, Kadmi’el, Shevanyah, Bunni, Shereveyah, another Bani, and Kenani, and they called out loudly to their God Yahweh.

5Then some Levites (Yeshua, Kadmi’el, Bani, Hashavneyah, Shereveyah, Hodiyyah, Shevanyah, and Petahyah) said, “Stand up and bless your eternal God Yahweh: May the peoples bless your wonderful reputation which is greater than anything else that we bless or praise. 6Yahweh, you alone are God. You yourself made the heavens, the galaxies in the heavens and all their stars, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and all the stars bow down to you.

7“You are Yahweh, the God who chose Abram. Then you brought him out from Ur in the Chaldean region, then you renamed him to Abraham (meaning ‘father of many’). 8You discovered that he was sincere and faithful to you, and made an agreement with him—to give the Canaanite, Hittite, Amorite, Perizzite, Yebusite, and the Girgashite regions to his descendants, and you have ensured that it’s all come to be because you’re righteous.[ref] 9You noticed the suffering of our ancestors enslaved in Egypt, and then you heard their cry for help at the edge of the Red Sea.

10“You displayed miracles to Far-oh (Pharaoh), and to all his servants and to all the Egyptian people, because you knew that they were acting as if you weren’t real, so you got yourself a reputation which you still have to this day.[ref] 11Then you split the sea open the sea right in front of their eyes, and they walked through the middle of it on dry land. After that, you drowned their pursuers into the deep sea like a stone in a huge lake.[ref] 12You led them during the day with a pillar of cloud, and during the night with a pillar of fire to illuminate the way that they should go.[ref]

13Then you came down to Mt. Sinai and spoke with them from the sky, and you gave to them principles of justice and laws of truth—good statutes and instructions.[ref] 14You revealed the concept of a rest day to them, and you gave them rules and instructions and laws via your servant Mosheh (Moses).

15“You gave them bread from the sky when they were hungry, and you made water come of of a rock when they were thirsty, then eventually you told them to go ahead to possess the land that you had said that you’d give to them.[ref]

16But our ancestors were proud and stubborn and they refused to obey your instructions.[ref] 17Not only did they refuse to listen, they forgot about all the miracles that you’d done for them and they became stubborn and appointed a leader to take them back to their slavery. But you are a God of forgivenessgracious and compassionate, slow to get angry and generously showing loyal affection, and you didn’t abandon them.[ref] 18Even when they molded a metal calf for themselves and said, ‘This is your God who brought you out of Egypt’, and they badly insulted you,[ref] 19you didn’t abandon them in the wilderness because you’re so merciful. You didn’t remove the pillar of cloud that led them on the way during the day, or remove the pillar of fire that shone at night for them to show them which way they should go.[ref] 20You gave them your good spirit to give them insight. You didn’t withhold your manna for them to eat, and you still gave them water to drink, 21yes, you sustained them in the wilderness for forty years—they had everything they needed—their clothes didn’t wear out, and their feet didn’t swell.

22Then you handed kingdoms and people groups over to them, and you let them settle in even the far corners of the regions. They took possession of the King Sihon’s Heshbon region, and King Og’s Bashan region.[ref] 23You gave our ancestors lots of children so they were like the many stars in the sky, then you brought them into this land which you’d told their ancestors to enter and take ownership of.[ref] 24Their children went in and took over the land after you went ahead of them and subdued the previous inhabitants, the Canaanites. You allowed them to defeat them and their kings, and the people groups in the land—letting them do whatever they wanted to do with them.[ref] 25They captured fortified cities and productive land, and they took over houses full of all good things, stone cisterns, vineyards and olive orchards, and lots of fruit trees. They ate and were satisfied, and grew fat and enjoyed themselves as a result of your amazing goodness.[ref]

26But they disobeyed and rebelled against you, and they turned their backs on your instructions. They killed your prophets who testified against them in order to bring them back to you and they badly insulted you.[ref] 27So you allowed their enemies to harass and conquer them. Then in the time of their distress, they cried out to you, and you yourself heard from heaven. Because you’re so merciful, you sent saviours to them who rescued them from their enemies. 28After they’d returned to an era of peace, they reverted to doing evil again in front of you and you left them to submit to their enemies and the oppression that followed. Then they’d return and cry out to you, and you heard from heaven and delivered them many times because you’re merciful. 29You showed them their errors so they’d return to following your instructions, but instead they ignored you and didn’t obey your commands. They ignored your values which would have helped them if they’d lived by them and they turned a stubborn shoulder, stiffened their necks, and refused to listen.[ref] 30Yet you put up with them for many years, and you testified against them with your spirit through the messages of your prophets, but they still didn’t take any notice, so you allowed the other people groups to conquer them.[ref] 31Howevever, because you’re so merciful, you didn’t abandon them and you didn’t wipe them out completely. Yes, you’re a God who’s gracious and merciful.

32So now God, our amazing, powerful, and awesome God who keeps his agreements due to his loyal commitment, don’t just ignore all our current hardships affecting us, our kings and our leaders, our priests and our prophets, and our ancestors and all your people, from the period of the Assyrian kings until today.[ref] 33You are totally fair in allowing all that to happen to us, because you have behaved faithfully, but in contrast, we have behaved wickedly 34and our kings, our leaders, our priests, and our ancestors haven’t obeyed your instructions and they haven’t bothered with following your commands or taking notice of your complaints that you made know to them. 35They served in their own kingdom and enjoyed the incredible goodness that you poured on them and the wide and prosperous land that you gave them, but they didn’t serve you, and they didn’t turn away from their evil actions.

36Take notice of us today—we’re servants, and the land that you gave to our ancestors so we could eat its fruit and its produce, but look at us now—we’re servants in our own land. 37Now its plentiful produce belongs to the kings who you’ve placed over us due to our sins, and who rule over our bodies and over our livestock just however they want to, so we’re terribly distressed.

38So now in all of this, we’re faithfully making an agreement, and our leaders, our Levites, and our priests will even write it down on a document and sign it.”

Collected OET-RV cross-references

Gen 15:18-21:

18On that day Yahweh made an agreement with Abram, saying, “I’ve given this land to your descendants, from Egypt’s river to the famous Euphrates River.[ref] 19That includes the land of the Kenites, the Kenizzites, the Kadmonites, 20the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Rephaim, 21the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Girgashites, and the Yebusites.”

15:18: Acts 7:5.

Exo 7:8–12:32:

8Then Yahweh told Mosheh and Aharon, 9When Far’oh tells you to perform a miracle as a sign, then just tell Aharon to take his[fn]staff and throw it down in front of Far’oh so it turns into a snake.” 10So Mosheh and Aharon went in to Far’oh’s court and did what Yahweh had told them: Aharon threw his staff down in front of Far’oh and his servants and it turned into a snake. 11Then Far’oh also called for his wise men and sorcerers, and the Egyptian magicians did the same thing using their magic— 12each of them threw down his staff and they became snakes, except that Aharon’s staff swallowed up their staffs. 13But Far’oh’s mind was made up and he took no notice of them as Yahweh had said earlier.

14Then Yahweh told Mosheh, “Far’oh is very stubborn and he’s refused to let the people go. 15So go to Far’oh. Listen, every morning he goes down to the river, so station yourself to meet him on the bank. Take the staff with you that turned into a snake, 16and tell him, ‘Yahweh, the God of the Hebrews, previously sent me to you to say, “Let my people go so they can serve me in the wilderness.” But listen, until now you haven’t done it 17so Yahweh says, “Now you will know that I am Yahweh because of this: See, I’m about to use my staff to strike the water in the Nile and it will turn to blood[ref] 18and the fish in the river will die and the river will stink. Then your people will gag to drink the water from the river.” ’

19“Tell Aharon to take his staff and stretch out his hand over the waters of Egypt: over their streams, their canals, and their pools, and over every reservoir of their water, and the water will become blood. Then there’ll be blood in the entire country—even in wooden or stone containers of water.”

20So And Mosheh and Aharon did exactly what Yahweh had commanded: Aharon raised the staff and struck the river, while Far’oh and his servants watched, and the entire river turned to blood. 21Then the fish in the river died and the river stank, so the Egyptians couldn’t drink water from the river, and the blood was all over Egypt. 22But the Egyptian sorcerers did the same with their magic, and so Far’oh stayed stubborn and wouldn’t listen to them, just as Yahweh had said earlier. 23The Far’oh turned around and went back to his house, and he put all of that out of his mind. 24Meanwhile, all the Egyptians dug holes around the river to get water to drink, because river water was undrinkable.

25So a week went by since Yahweh had struck the river 8and he said to Mosheh, “Go to Far’oh and tell him, ‘Yahweh says that you must let my people go so they can serve me.[fn] 2But if you refuse to let them go, then look, I’m about to pound your entire territory with frogs. 3The frogs will swarm in the river, then they’ll climb out and go into your house and in your bedroom and onto your bed. They’ll go into your servants’ houses and among your people, and in your cooking bowls and into your ovens. 4They’ll climb on you and on your people and on all your servants.’ ”

5Then Yahweh said to Mosheh, “Tell Aharon: Hold your staff out over the canals, the streams, and the pools, and cause the frogs to come up onto the land of Egypt.” 6So Aharon reached out his hand over the Egyptian water supplies and frogs came up and covered the land of Egypt. 7But the sorcerers did the same with their magic, and they too brought up frogs over the land of Egypt.

8Then Far’oh called for Mosheh and Aharon, and told them, “Ask Yahweh to take the frogs away from me and from my people. Then I’ll let your people go, and they can sacrifice to Yahweh.”

9Mosheh answered, “I’ll pray for you and your servants and your people, praying that the frogs will keep away from you and your homes and only be left in the river. And I’ll give you the honour of specifying when it’ll happen.”

10“Tomorrow morning,” the king replied.

“Just as you say,” Mosheh responded, “so that you’ll know that there’s no one else like our God Yahweh. 11Tomorrow the frogs will leave you and go away from your houses, and from your servants and your people. They’ll only be left in the river.” 12Then Mosheh and Aharon left Far’oh and Mosheh called out to Yahweh concerning the retraction of the frogs that he’d sent against the king. 13So Yahweh did what Mosheh had requested and the frogs died off from the houses and the courtyards, and from the fields. 14The people collected them into many piles and the whole country stank. 15But when Far’oh saw that there was relief from the frogs, he firmed his resolve and didn’t listen to Mosheh and Aharon, just as Yahweh had said previously.

16Then Yahweh said to Mosheh, “Tell Aharon: Stretch out your staff and strike the dust on the ground, and it will turn into lice[fn] all over Egypt.” 17So Aharon held out his staff and struck the dust with it, and the dust became lice on the people and on the animals. All over Egypt, the dust turned into lice 18and the sorcerers tried to do the same with their magic but they were unable to. So there were lice on people and animals 19and the magicians said to Far’oh, “This is God’s finger.” But Far’oh was stubborn and he didn’t listen to them, just as Yahweh had said previously.[ref]

20Then Yahweh said to Mosheh, “Get up early in the morning and when you see Far’oh coming down to the river, station yourself in front of him and tell him, ‘Yahweh saw that you must let my people go so they can serve me. 21Certainly if you don’t release my people immediately, then take note: I’m about to send the swarm[fn] at you and your servants and at your people and into your houses. The Egyptians’ houses will be full of the swarm and even the ground that they’re on. 22But when it happens, I’ll distinguish the Goshen region where my people live so the swarm won’t be there, so that you’ll be able to see that I’m Yahweh and I’m right here in this land. 23This sign will happen tomorrow and you’ll see how I plan to set my people free from your people.’ ” 24So Yahweh did what he’d said and a heavy swarm came to Far’oh’s house and the houses of his servants and all the Egyptians—the country was ruined by the arrival of the swarm.

25Then Far’oh called for Mosheh and to Aharon and told them, “Go and sacrifice to the God of you all, but here in Egypt.”

26“It wouldn’t be right to do that,” Mosheh replied, “because our sacrifices to Yahweh our God would be offensive to Egyptians. Listen, if we made sacrifices in front of the Egyptians that are repulsive to them, wouldn’t they throw rocks at us to try to kill us? 27We need to travel into the wilderness for three days, then we’ll sacrifice to our God Yahweh there, just like he’s telling us to.”

28So Far’oh relented, “I’ll let you all go into the wilderness and sacrifice to Yahweh your God—except you definitely can’t go very far. Now, ask God for me for the plague to stop.”

29“Listen, I’m about to leave now,” Mosheh responded, “and I’ll pray to Yahweh and he’ll withdraw the swarm from Far’oh tomorrow, and from his servants and his people. But may Far’oh not be dishonest again and fail to let our people go to sacrifice to Yahweh.”

30Then Mosheh left Far’oh and prayed to Yahweh 31and Yahweh did what Mosheh asked him and he withdrew the swarm from Far’oh, and from his servants and his people. Not one remained. 32But Far’oh changed his mind and remained stubborn and he wouldn’t let the Israelis leave.

9Then Yahweh said to Mosheh, “Go in to Far’oh and tell him: ‘This is what the God of the Hebrews. Yahweh, says: Let my people go so they can serve me. 2Certainly if you’re unwilling to release them and if you keep holding onto them, 3then listen. Yahweh is about to inflict a very serious plague on your livestock which are in the fields—on the horses, the donkeys, the camels, the cattle, and on the flock. 4But Yahweh will distinguish between the livestock of the Israelis and the Egyptians—none of the Israelis’ animals will die.’ ” 5Then Yahweh said when it would happen, “Yahweh will do this to Egypt tomorrow.”

6So the next day Yahweh did what he’d said and all of the livestock of the Egyptians died, yet none at all from the livestock of the Israelis died. 7Far’oh sent people to investigate, and wow, not even one of the livestock of the Israelis had died. But Far’oh was strong-willed and wouldn’t let the people go.

8Then Yahweh told Mosheh and Aharon, “Take handfuls of ash out of a furnace, then Mosheh should toss it up in the air in front of Far’oh. 9It will become a powder over all Egypt and then it will turn into boils—bursting blisters—on people and on animals all over Egypt.” 10So they took some ash from a furnace, and standing in front of Far’oh, Mosheh tossed it up into the air and it turned into boils with bursting blisters on the people and the animals.[ref] 11Because of the boils, the sorcerers weren’t even able to stand there with Mosheh because the sorcerers suffered with them along with all the Egyptians. 12But Yahweh caused Far’oh to remain stubborn and he didn’t listen to them, just as Yahweh had told Mosheh previously.

13Then Yahweh told Mosheh, “Get up early in the morning, and stand in front of Far’oh and say to him, ‘This is what Yahweh, the God of the Hebrews, says: Let my people go so they can serve me 14because this time, I’m about to send all my plagues to you and your servants, and your people. You’ll all be deeply distressed by them, in order that you might know that there is no one else like me in all the world. 15By this time, I could have reached out and struck you and your people with such a plague that you would all have been obliterated from the land. 16However, I’ve kept you for this reason: to show you my power and in order to proclaim my name all over the world.[ref] 17You’re still considering yourself to be greater than my people by failing to release them. 18Now listen: I’m about to cause extremely heavy hail to rain down at this time tomorrow. It’ll be hail like which has never been seen before in Egypt from the day it was founded until now. 19So send for your livestock and everything you own in the country now, and bring it in under cover because the hail will come down on every person and animal that is found in the countryside and not sheltering under a roof, and they will die.’ ” 20Some of Far’oh’s servants who believed what Yahweh said, quickly brought their slaves and their livestock back into their houses, 21but those people who didn’t believe Yahweh just left their slaves and their animals out in the countryside.

22“Raise your arm up toward the sky,” Yahweh told Mosheh, “and hail will strike all over Egypt—on the people and animals and on every plant in the Egyptian countryside.” 23So Mosheh lifted his staff to the sky, and Yahweh sent thunder and hail, and lightning caused fires on the land, and so Yahweh rained hail down onto Egypt. 24There was hail, and also fire coming down in the middle of the hail. It was very heavy, such as had never been in all of Egypt since it became a nation.[ref] 25The hail struck everything in Egypt—everything that was in the countryside, from people to animals. It also struck every plant and broke every tree out in the countryside. 26Only in the Goshen region where the Israelis were, was there no hail.

27Then Far’oh sent for Mosheh and Aharon and told them, “I’ve sinned this time. Yahweh is righteous, and me and my people are guilty. 28Pray to Yahweh to stop it, because the thunder of God and hail are too much. Then I’ll release you all—you won’t have to remain here.”

29“As I’m leaving the city,” Mosheh replied, “I’ll spread my palms out to Yahweh. The thunder will stop and the hail won’t continue so that you will be able to see that the earth belongs to Yahweh. 30But as for you and your servants, I know that you still don’t fear Yahweh God.”

31(Now the flax and the barley were flattened by the hail because the barley was full grown and starting to fill out and the flax was in bloom. 32But the wheat and the spelt weren’t destroyed because they come later in the season.)

33So Mosheh left Far’oh, and as he was leaving the city, he spread his palms out to Yahweh and the thunder and hail ceased, and the rain stopped pouring down on the land. 34But when Far’oh saw that the rain and hail and thunder had stopped, he added to his sins and he firmed his resolve—he and his servants. 35And so Far’oh remained stubborn and didn’t let the Israelis leave, just as Yahweh had said through Mosheh previously.

10Then Yahweh told Mosheh, “Go in to Far’oh because I’ve made him and his servants stubborn in order to be able to demonstrate these miracles of mine among them, 2and so that in the future you’ll be able to tell your descendants that I made Egypt look foolish, and my miracles which I demonstrated among them—and so that you will know that I am Yahweh.”

3So Mosheh and Aharon went in to Far’oh and told him, “This is what Yahweh, God of the Hebrews says: how long before you’ll submit to me? Let my people go so they can serve me, 4because if you refuse to release them, then listen, I’ll bring locusts into your territory tomorrow. 5They’ll cover the ground so that no one will even be able to see it, and they’ll devour whatever remains after the hail. Plus they’ll devour every tree growing in the countryside. 6They’ll fill your houses and the houses of all your servants and the houses of all the Egyptians. It’ll be nothing like anything which your parents generation ever saw, nor anything seen by the previous generations from the day they came to be on the earth until today.” Then Mosheh turned around and went out from Far’oh with Aharon.

7Then Far’oh’s servants asked him, “How much longer is this going to cause trouble for us? Let the men go and they’ll worship their God Yahweh. Don’t you understand yet that Egypt is being destroyed?”

8So Mosheh and Aharon were brought back to Far’oh, and he told them, “Go and worship your God Yahweh. Who are the ones who’ll be going?”

9“We’ll take our children and our old folks,” Mosheh answered. “We’ll go with our sons and daughters, and with our flocks and herds, because the festival of Yahweh is for all of us.”

10You’d need Yahweh with you if I ever let you and your children go together,” Far’oh responded. “You’re clearly plotting an evil trick! 11Well that won’t happen! The men may go and worship Yahweh since that’s what you’ve been wanting.” Then he drove them out of the room.

12Then Yahweh told Mosheh, “Extend your hand over Egypt and let the locusts rise up over the land, and let them devour all the plants—everything which the hail had spared.” 13So Mosheh stretched his staff out over Egypt, and Yahweh sent an east wind over the land all that day and all night. Then morning came, and the east wind had brought the locusts. 14The locusts covered across all the land of Egypt and came to rest everywhere within the country’s borders. They were extremely numerous—never before were there so many locusts, and it’ll never be repeated again.[ref] 15The cloud of locusts blocked the sun and prevented people from being able to see very far. They devoured all the plants on the land and all of the fruit on the trees that the hail had left, and no piece of greenery remained on any tree or plant in the entire Egyptian countryside.

16Far’oh quickly summoned Mosheh and Aharon and said, “I’ve sinned against your God Yahweh and against you. 17So now just this once, please overlook my sin and pray to your God Yahweh and just let him take this deathly plague away from me.” 18So Mosheh left Far’oh and went out and prayed to Yahweh, 19and Yahweh caused a very strong sea wind. The wind carried away the locusts and drove them into the Red Sea—not a single locust remained anywhere in Egyptian territory. 20But Yahweh caused Far’oh to remain stubborn and he wouldn’t release the Israelis.

21Then Yahweh told Mosheh, “Raise your hand up toward the sky and let it become dark over all Egypt—darkness that can be felt.” 22So Mosheh stretched his hand out towards the sky, and a thick darkness was in all Egypt for three days.[ref] 23No one could see anyone else, and for three days no one was able to go anywhere, yet there was light in the region where the Israelis lived.

24Then Far’oh summoned Mosheh and told him, “Go serve Yahweh. Your children can go with you all, but your flocks and your herds must remain behind.”

25“On top of that,” Mosheh responded, “you must also give us the sacrifices and offerings to be burnt when we will sacrifice to Yahweh our God. 26And even our livestock needs to go with us. Not a hoof will be left behind because we’ll choose from them to serve Yahweh our God. You see, we won’t know what we must sacrifice to Yahweh until we arrive there.”

27But Yahweh caused Far’oh to strengthen his resolve and he wouldn’t agree to let them go. 28“Get out of here!” Far’oh shouted. “And watch yourself! You’ll never see me again, because if I ever see you again, I’ll have you executed!”

29Yes,Mosheh responded. “It’s just as you say: I’ll never see you again!”

11Then Yahweh told Mosheh, “I’ll send one more plague to Far’oh and Egypt. After that he’ll let you all go from here. What’s more, when he does he’ll actually chase you all right out of here. 2Go and quietly tell the people that both men and women should ask their Egyptian neighbours for items of gold and silver.” 3Then Yahweh gave the Israelis favour in the eyes of the Egyptians. What’s more, Mosheh was very prestigious in the eyes of Far’oh’s servants and in the eyes of the Egyptian people.

4Then Mosheh told Far’oh, “This is what Yahweh says: Sometime around the middle of the night I’ll go out around Egypt, 5and every oldest son in Egypt will die, from the oldest son of Far’oh who sits on his throne, to the oldest son of the slave girl who lives behind the mill, as well as every oldest male offspring of your livestock. 6Then there’ll be loud wailing right across Egypt which will be nothing anything that’s ever happened before, and nothing like it will ever happen again. 7But amongst the Israelis, the dogs won’t growl at any person or animals so that you’ll know that Yahweh distinguishes between Egypt and Israel. 8Then all your servants will come down to me, and they’ll bow to me, pleading, ‘Go, you and all the people who follow you.’ And after that I’ll leave Egypt.” Then Mosheh left Far’oh in a fiery rage.

9Then Yahweh told Mosheh, “Far’oh refused to listen to you, so that I’m able to multiply my miracles in Egypt.” 10Mosheh and Aharon had done all those miracles in front of Far’oh but Yahweh had made Far’oh stubborn so he hadn’t let the Israelis leave his country.

12Then Yahweh told Mosheh and Aharon Egypt,[ref] 2“This month is to become the beginning of the months for you all—from now on it will be the first month of the new year. 3Assemble the people and tell them that on the tenth of this month, every man who’s the head of the household must select a lamb or young goat for his family. 4But if the household’s too small to cook a whole animal, then neighbours can combine and share—budgeting on how much each person eats. 5You all can choose either a sheep or a goat, but it must be a perfect, one-year-old male—without any defects. 6You all must take special care of those animals until the fourteenth day of this month, then every Israeli household will slaughter their animal early that evening. 7Then they must take some of the blood and put it on both doorposts and on the lintel of the houses that they’ll be in when they eat it. 8They must roast them on the fire and eat the meat that night, along with flat bread and bitter herbs. 9Don’t eat any of the meat raw and don’t boil it in water—it must be roasted over the fire with its head, legs, and internal organs. 10Nothing must be left by morning—anything that’s not eaten must be burnt in the fire. 11And this is how you all must eat it: with your belts fastened on your waists, your sandals on your feet, and your staffs in your hands. You all must eat it in a hurry. It is the Passover to Yahweh.

12Then during that night, I will move throughout Egypt and I will kill all the oldest malesboth people and animals. I will execute judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am Yahweh. 13That blood on the doorposts and lintel will be your sign on the houses which you are all in. I will see the blood and will pass over above you all, and the plague won’t affect you all with destruction as I strike against Egypt. 14Then this day will become a memorial for you all, and you’ll celebrate it as a festival to Yahweh for future generations—a statute that you’ll all celebrate forever.[ref]

15For seven days you all must only eat flat bread made without yeast. Yes, on the first day you all must remove any yeast from your houses, because anyone who eats bread with yeast during those seven days, that person must be permanently driven out of Israel. 16On the first day, you all must gather for a sacred assembly, and similarly on the seventh day. No work can be done on those days other than meal preparation. 17You all must regularly observe the Flat Bread Celebration, because on this very day I will have brought your divisions out from Egypt. You all must observe this day throughout future generations—a statute that you’ll all celebrate forever. 18Starting on 14th of the first month in the evening, you all must eat only flat bread until the 21st day of the month in the evening. 19For seven days you all must have no yeast in your homes, because anyone who eats bread with yeast in it, that person must be driven out from the Israeli people whether they’re a foreigner or a native. 20You all mustn’t eat anything made with yeast. Wherever you live, you all must only eat flat bread.

21Then Mosheh summoned the Israeli elders and told them, “Go ahead and select a lamb or young goat for each family and slaughter it. 22Then you all must take a bunch of leafy hyssop stalks, and dip it in the basin with the blood from the sacrifice and paint the blood onto the lintel and both doorposts. After that, absolutely no one should go out the door of your houses until morning. 23Then Yahweh will pass through out Egypt to strike the Egyptians and when he sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts, he’ll ‘pass over’ that doorway and won’t permit ‘the destroyer’ to enter into your houses to strike.[ref] 24All of you and your descendants must maintain this as a law and celebrate it forever, 25so when you all enter into the land that Yahweh will give to you just as he promised, then you must observe this ceremony. 26Then when it occurs, your children will ask, ‘What does this ceremony mean to you?’ 27you all must tell them, ‘It’s the sacrifice of ‘pass-over’ to Yahweh, who passed over the houses of the Israelis in Egypt when he struck the Egyptians and rescued our families.’ ”

And the people bowed their heads and prostrated themselves, 28and the Israelis went and did just as Yahweh had commanded through Mosheh and Aharon.

29Then, in the middle of the night, Yahweh struck all the oldest males in Egypt, from the oldest son of Far’oh who sat on his throne, to the firstborn of the prisoner in the dungeon and all oldest male offspring of the animals.[ref] 30During the night, all the Egyptians got up, including Far’oh and all his servants. There was tremendous wailing throughout Egypt because it was a very rare house where there wasn’t someone dead. 31Far’oh called for Mosheh and Aharon in the night and told them, “Pack up and get out from among my people—you two and all the other Israelis. Go and serve Yahweh as you’ve said. 32Also take your flocks and your herds as you’ve said, and go. And bless me as well.

7:9 It’s not clear here in this account, or even in the following events, if Mosheh and Aharon had separate miraculous sticks, or if Mosheh had (temporarily?) entrusted his original staff/rod/stick to his brother and spokesman Aharon.

8:1 This is 7:26 in some versifications (and the following three verses are 7:27, 28, & 29).

8:16 The Hebrew word ‘כֵּן/כִּנִּם’ (kēn/kinnim) could refer to either lice, gnats, or fleas. However, unlike lice, gnats don’t usually reside on people and animals (which seems to be implied by the text).

8:21 The Hebrew word ‘עָרֹב’ (ˊārov) probably meaning ‘mixture’ is sometimes translated as ‘swarm’. This plague could have been anything from flies to other insects (hornets or mosquitoes???) all the way to a mixture of wild animals.

7:17: Rev 16:4.

8:19: Luk 11:20.

9:10: Rev 16:2.

9:16: Rom 9:17.

9:24: Rev 8:7; 16:21.

10:14-15: Rev 9:2-3.

10:22: Psa 105:28; Rev 16:10.

12:1-13: Lev 23:5; Num 9:1-5; 28:16; Deu 16:1-2.

12:14-20: Exo 23:15; 34:18; Lev 23:6-8; Num 28:17-25; Deu 16:3-8.

12:23: Heb 11:28.

12:29: Exo 4:22-23.

Exo 14:21-29:

21Then Mosheh stretched his arm out over the sea and Yahweh sent a strong east wind. It blew all night and divided the sea on each side and dried the strip of land in the middle. 22So then the Israelis entered through the middle of the sea on dry ground with a wall of water on each side of them.[ref] 23However, the Egyptians pursued after them. Every one of Far’oh’s horses and chariots and his horsemen also entered into the middle of the sea. 24By now morning was coming and Yahweh looked down through the pillar of fire and cloud, and he caused confusion for the Egyptian army. 25He caused the wheels of their chariots to turn unevenly so they became difficult to drive, and the Egyptians complained, “Let’s retreat from following the Israelis, because Yahweh is fighting against Egypt and for them.”

26On the other side, Yahweh told Mosheh, “Stretch your arm out over the sea and the waters will flow back onto the Egyptians and onto Far’oh’s chariots and his horsemen.” 27So Mosheh stretched his arm out over the sea, and as the day broke, the sea began to return to its normal place. The Egyptians turned and fled before its impact but Yahweh shook the Egyptians off their horses and chariots in the middle of the sea. 28So the sea returned and covered the chariots and the horsemen—even Far’oh’s entire army that had entered into the sea after the Israelis. Not even one of the pursuers remained. 29But the Israelis had walked through the middle of the sea on dry land with a wall of water on each side of them.

14:22: 1Cor 10:1-2; Heb 11:29.

Exo 15:4-5:

4He threw Far’oh’s chariots and his army into the sea.

His hand-picked officers have been sunk in the sea.

5The deep waters cover them.

They descended into the depths like a stone.

Exo 13:21-22:

21During the day, Yahweh went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to lead them on the way, and at nighttime, he went in a pillar of fire to be light to them, so they could travel both in the daytime and at night. 22The daytime pillar of cloud and the nighttime pillar of fire didn’t ever leave their place in front of the people.

Exo 19:18–23:33:

18Yahweh descended onto Mount Sinai surrounded by fire and the entire mountain smoked. Its smoke went up like the smoke from a furnace, and the whole mountain trembled violently. 19Then it happened after the sound of the horn got extremely loud, that Mosheh was speaking and God was answering him in a voice. 20Yahweh had descended onto the top of Mt. Sinai, and he called Mosheh up to the top of the mountain, so Mosheh ascended. 21But Yahweh told him, “Go back down and warn the people in case they force their way through to look at me and many of them perish. 22Also, the priests who come nearer to me, they must be very careful to purify themselves in case I suddenly punish them.” 23But Mosheh questioned Yahweh, “The people aren’t able to come up on Mount Sinai, because you yourself warned us,[ref] ‘Set boundaries all around the mountain to keep it sacred.’ ” 24“Go back down,” Yahweh responded, “and bring Aharon back up with you. However, the priests and the people must not cross the boundary to come up to me, in case I suddenly punish them.” 25So Mosheh went down and spoke to the people.

20Then God gave these instructions to the Israelis: 2I’m your God Yahweh, who rescued you[fn] from where you were enslaved in Egypt.

3You mustn’t own any other gods in my sight. 4You mustn’t make a carved figure for yourself, nor carve a copy of anything in the sky above or in the earth below, or that’s in the water under the earth.[ref] 5Don’t bow down to idols and don’t serve them, because I, your God Yahweh, am a jealous God. I remember the sins of the fathers and punish the children of even the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,[ref] 6but I faithfully fulfil my promises to thousands of generations of those who love me and who obey my instructions.

7You mustn’t wrongly promote the name of Yahweh your God, because I will not leave anyone unpunished who does that.[ref]

8Keep Saturday different from all the other days[ref] 9there’s six days every week for working.[ref] 10The seventh day is a rest day for Yahweh your God: you mustn’t do any work—not you, or your children, or your male or female servants, or your cattle, or the foreigners live among you 11because Yahweh made the heavens and earth, the sea, and everything that’s in them in six days. Then he rested on the seventh day, so that’s why he blessed the rest day and made it sacred.[ref]

12Honour your father and your mother, so that you’ll have a long life on the land that your God Yahweh is about to give you.[ref]

13You mustn’t murder.[ref]

14You mustn’t commit adultery.[ref]

15You mustn’t steal.[ref]

16You mustn’t lie in court.[ref]

17You mustn’t covet your neighbour’s house or spouse, or their male or female servants, or their animals, or anything else they own.[ref]

18All of the people could hear and see the thunder and the lightning, the sound of the horn, and the mountain smoking. They trembled when they saw it, and they remained standing at a distance.[ref] 19They begged Mosheh, “You be the one to speak to us, and we’ll listen, but don’t let God speak directly to us, in case we die.”

20Don’t be afraid,” Mosheh responded, “because God has come to test you so that the fear of him will remain with you so that you all won’t disobey him.” 21So the people stood at a good distance while Mosheh approached toward the thick darkness where God was.

22Then Yahweh told Mosheh, “This is what you need to tell the Israelis: ‘You yourselves have seen that I, Yahweh, have talked with you from heaven. 23You all mustn’t make gods out of silver or gold for yourselves to have alongside me. 24You need to make an altar for me out of dirt, and then you can sacrifice your burnt offerings and peace offerings, and your sheep and cattle, on it. I’ll inform you about every place where I want to be worshipped and I’ll come to you and will bless you there. 25If you do make me an altar with stones, you mustn’t use cut stones to build it because moving your tools over it will defile it.[ref] 26And don’t use steps to get up to the altar because you might expose your private parts under your robes.

21These are the rules that you must present to them:

Hebrew slaves

2If you buy a Hebrew slave, he should serve for six years, then in the seventh year he must be set free without having to pay you anything.[ref] 3If he came by himself, he can go free by himself. If he’s married with a wife, then his wife must be set free with him. 4If his master gave him a wife and she bore him sons or daughters, then the wife and her children are her master’s, and only the husband must be set free. 5But if he plainly says, “I love my master, my wife, and my children so I voluntarily choose not to be set free,” 6then his master must take him to the place of worship. He must bring him to a door or to a doorpost, and his master must bore a hole his ear with an awl. Then he must serve him for life.

7And if a man sells his daughter as a female slave, she won’t be sent away after six years like the male slaves. 8If the man who bought her wanted her to become his slave-wife, but later he isn’t pleased with her behaviour, he must allow her to be bought back by her relatives. He has no authority to sell her on to outsiders, because that would break the understanding of proper treatment of her. 9Or if he selected her to become his son’s slave-wife, then he must treat her like a daughter would expect to be treated. 10If he go on to take another slave-wife, he mustn’t reduce the first one’s food or clothing, or her marital rights, 11but if he doesn’t provide these three things to her, then she can go free without having to pay anything.

12Whoever strikes someone and that person dies, must definitely be put to death.[ref] 13But if it wasn’t premeditated—if God had let it happen as an accident—then I’ll assign a place where the one who hit them can flee to.[ref] 14However, if someone had schemed to trap and kill their neighbour, then even if the killer clings to my altar, you must take them for execution.

15Anyone who strikes their father or mother must certainly be put to death.

16Anyone who abducts another person—either to sell or to keep as a slavethat person must certainly be put to death.[ref]

17Anyone who curses their father or mother must certainly be put to death.[ref]

18If two people fight and one hits their neighbour with a stone or with their fist, and the injured one doesn’t die but is bedridden, 19if that person eventually rises and can walk about outside using a staff, then the person who struck them is free, other than reimbursing the costs of their lost work and their medical expenses.

20If a master hits their male or female slave with a staff and the slave dies, then the death must certainly be avenged. 21However, if the slave is able to stand within a couple of days, then the owner won’t be punished because the slave is their property.

22If two people fight together and strike a pregnant woman and cause her to deliver the baby, if there’s no serious injury, then he must certainly be fined whatever the husband of the woman demands and the judges allow. 23But if there’s serious injury, then you must give a life for a life, 24an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot,[ref] 25a burn for a burn, a wound for a wound, and a bruise for a bruise.

26If a master hits their male or female slave’s eye and damages it, they must let the slave go free in compensation for the eye. 27Or if the master knocks out a tooth of a male or female slave, they must let the slave go free in compensation for the tooth.

28If a bull gores a man or a woman and they die, the bull must certainly be killed by throwing rocks at it. The owner of the animal is to be considered innocent, but its meat mustn’t be eaten. 29But if the bull had a habit of goring in the past and its owner was warned but didn’t keep it fenced in, and it kills a man or a woman, then the bull must be killed by throwing rocks at it and its owner must also be put to death. 30If a ransom payment is demanded instead, the owner may buy back their life by paying the full amount demanded. 31Those rules also apply if the bull gores a person’s son or daughter. 32If the bull gores a male or female slave, its owner must give thirty silver shekels to the slave owner and the bull must be killed by throwing rocks at it.

33If someone uncovers a pit for storage, or digs a new one and leaves it uncovered, and a cow or a donkey falls into it, 34the owner of the pit must pay compensation. The pit owner must pay in cash, but the dead animal will then belong to them. 35If one person’s bull attacks someone else’s bull and it dies, then they should sell the live animal and divide the money as well as dividing up the dead animal. 36But if it was known that the bull had a habit of goring in the past and its owner hadn’t kept it fenced in, then that owner must certainly give a live bull for the dead one, but the dead animal will become theirs.

22If someone steals a cow or a sheep and slaughters it or sells it, he must compensate five cattle for the cow or four sheep for the sheep.

2(If a thief is discovered at night while breaking in, and is struck and dies, no one should be charged for murder. 3But if it’s daylight already, then that person is guilty of murder.)

A thief who’s caught must make restitution, but if they’re unable to pay, then the thief must be sold to cover it. 4If a thief is found in the possession of a stolen animal, be it a cow or a donkey or a sheep, then they must pay back another matching animal as well.[fn]

5If a person releases their livestock to graze their own field or vineyard, and it ends up grazing in the someone else’s field, the owner of the animal must compensate from the best of their field and from the best of their vineyard.

6If a fire breaks out and spreads in the bush, and grain that’s already stacked or is still in the field gets burnt up, the person who started the fire must certainly pay compensation.

7If anyone gives their neighbour money or goods for safekeeping, and if it is stolen from the neighbour’s house, if the thief is found, they must pay double in compensation. 8If the thief can’t be found, then the owner of the house must be brought to the judges for God’s decision as to whether or not they have improperly handled their neighbour’s property.

9Concerning every other squabble about any cattle or a donkey or sheep, or about clothing or any lost property that’s under dispute, both parties must go to the judges for God’s decisionanyone who God declares to be guilty must pay his neighbour double as compensation.

10If anyone gives their neighbour a donkey or a cow or a sheep or any animal to look after, and it dies or is injured or disappears without anyone seeing, 11both of them must declare in front of Yahweh as to whether or not they improperly handled their neighbour’s property. The owner must accept the sworn statement and no compensation is required, 12but if it was truly stolen from the neighbour, they must pay compensation to the owner. 13If it was truly killed by a some other animal, the neighbour must bring the remains as evidence, and no compensation is required.

14If anyone borrows an animal from their neighbour and it gets injured or dies without the owner being with it, the person who borrowed it must pay compensation, 15but if its owner was there with it, no compensation is required—if it was for hire, then that was included in its hiring fee.

16If a man entices a young woman who’s not engaged, and sleeps with her, he must certainly pay the bride price to her father for her to become his wife.[ref] 17If her father absolutely refuses to give her to him, the man must still pay the normal bride price in cash.

18You must execute any woman who practices sorcery.[ref]

19Anyone who has sex with an animal must be executed.[ref]

20You must execute anyone who offers a sacrifice to any god other than Yahweh.[ref]

21You mustn’t disadvantage or oppress any foreigner staying in your country, because you were foreigners staying in the land of Egypt.[ref] 22You mustn’t mistreat any widow or any fatherless child, 23because if you do and they ask me to help them, I’ll help them 24and get angry. I’ll cause you all to die in battle, and your wives will become widows and your children will become fatherless.

25If you loan money to any my people who’re poor, you mustn’t act like an impartial creditor to them—you mustn’t charge them interest.[ref] 26If you actually take the your neighbour’s cloak as a security, you must return it to them by sunset,[ref] 27because it’s their only covering. What else could they cover themselves with when they try to sleep? If they cry out to me, I’ll act on it, because I’m compassionate.

28You mustn’t insult God, and don’t curse your leaders.[ref]

29You mustn’t fail to give me the best parts of the grain that you harvest, or the best olive oil or wine that you produce.

You must give your firstborn sons to me, 30plus you must do the same with your cattle and your sheep and goats. The young must stay seven days with their mothers, then you must give them to me on the eighth day.

31You must be different from others because you’re dedicated to me. So you mustn’t eat the meat of animals that are mauled in the countryside—throw it to the dogs instead.[ref]

23You mustn’t present a false statement. Don’t conspire with a wicked person to give false evidence.[ref] 2Don’t just follow the crowd into doing what’s wrong, and don’t just say what others say in court if it’s untrue, 3and don’t automatically favour the poor in court either.[ref]

4If you come across your enemy’s cow or donkey going astray, you must certainly take it back to them.[ref] 5If you see that the donkey of someone who hates you has fallen to the ground under its load, you mustn’t just walk way—you must certainly help them with it.

6You mustn’t deny justice to the poor in their lawsuits.[ref] 7Stay far way from deceptive words. You mustn’t kill innocent or honest people because I won’t allow wicked people to be declared innocent. 8You mustn’t accept bribes, because bribes stop people from being unbiased and they undermine the words of honest people.

9You mustn’t oppress foreigners since you yourselves know how that feels because you all were foreigners in Egypt.[ref]

10You should plant your land and gather its produce for six years,[ref] 11but in the seventh year you must let the harvest drop and just leave it there and allow the poor people to eat it. Then the animals in the countryside can eat the reminder. You must also do that to your vineyards and your olive orchards.

12Six days You should work for six days, then on the seventh day you must rest so that your cow and your donkey can rest, and the children of your slaves and the foreigner staying in your land can be refreshed.[ref]

13Take careful notice of everything that I’ve told you all. You all mustn’t invoke other godsin fact don’t even mention their names.

14You must celebrate me three times every year. 151/ You must observe the Flat Bread Celebration. You must eat unleavened bread for seven days as I commanded you, in late March or early April because that’s when you came out from Egypt. You mustn’t come without an offering.[ref]

162/ You must observe the Spring Harvest Celebration, bringing the first portion of your harvests from what you planted.

3/ You must observe the Finished Harvest Celebration at the end of the year, after you’ve finished harvesting everything you planted. 17So all your males must gather in front of the master Yahweh three times each year.

18You mustn’t sacrifice the blood of my sacrifices together with bread that’s been risen, and all the fat must be burnt during the night so that none remains in the morning.

19You must bring the best of the firstfruits of your harvests to the house of Yahweh your God.

You mustn’t boil a young goat in its mother’s milk.[ref]

20Listen, I’m about to send a messenger in front of you to guard you on the way, and to take you to the place that I have prepared. 21Stay behind him and listen to what he says. Don’t annoy him because he won’t put up with disobedience because he represents my authority. 22But if you take careful notice of his words and do everything that I say, then I’ll be an enemy to your enemies and I’ll be against those who’re against you. 23My messenger will go ahead of you and take you to face the Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Canaanites, the Hivites, and the Yebusites, and then I’ll annihilate them. 24You mustn’t serve or bow down to their gods, and you mustn’t do what those people do, because you must completely overthrow them and completely smash their sacred stone pillars. 25You all must worship your God Yahweh, and he’ll bless your food and your water. I’ll keep sickness away from you 26and there won’t be any miscarriages or women in your land that can’t conceive. I’ll ensure that you live your full number of days.

27I’ll go ahead of you and will terrify and confuse all of the people groups whose lands you’ll enter, and I’ll cause them to flee from you in battle. 28I’ll send hornets ahead of you and they’ll drive out the Hivites, the Canaanites, and the Hittites before you get there. 29I won’t drive them out more than a year ahead of you in case the area becomes desolate and the wild animals proliferate too much in the countryside. 30I’ll drive them out little by little ahead of you until your numbers increase and you take over the land. 31Then I’ll help you establish your borders from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean, and from the wilderness to the Euphrates river, because I’ll help you defeat the existing inhabitants of the land and so you’ll drive them right out. 32You mustn’t make any agreement with those people or with their gods. 33They mustn’t live in your land, in case they cause you to sin against me. Their gods would certainly become a trap for you, and then you’d end up worshipping them.

20:2 Although modern English doesn’t easily distinguish it, this discourse is addressed to singular ‘you’, i.e., to the Israelis as one group. While some of our modern, individualistic cultures might naturally interpret these rules as applying to individuals, they were given to Israel to implement at a national level.

22:4 Or possibly, must pay back two additional animals.

19:23 19:12.

20:4-5: Exo 34:17; Lev 19:4; 26:1; Deu 4:15-18; 27:15.

20:5-6: Exo 34:6-7; Num 14:18; Deu 7:9-10.

20:7: Lev 19:12.

20:8: Exo 16:23-30; 31:12-14.

20:9-10: Exo 23:12; 31:15; 34:21; 35:2; Lev 23:3.

20:11: Gen 2:1-3; Exo 31:17.

20:12: a Deu 27:16; Mat 15:4; 19:19; Mrk 7:10; 10:19; Luk 18:20; Eph 6:2; b Eph 6:3.

20:13: Gen 9:6; Lev 24:17; Mat 5:21; 19:18; Mrk 10:19; Luk 18:20; Rom 13:9; Jam 2:11.

20:14: Lev 20:10; Mat 5:27; 19:18; Mrk 10:19; Luk 18:20; Rom 13:9; Jam 2:11.

20:15: Lev 19:11; Mat 19:18; Mrk 10:19; Luk 18:20; Rom 13:9.

20:16: Exo 23:1; Mat 19:18; Mrk 10:19; Luk 18:20.

20:17: Rom 7:7; 13:9.

20:18-19: Heb 12:18-19.

20:25: Deu 27:5-7; Josh 8:31.

21:2-6: Lev 25:39-46.

21:12: Lev 24:17.

21:13: Num 35:10-34; Deu 19:1-13; Josh 20:1-9.

21:16: Deu 24:7.

21:17: Lev 20:9; Mat 15:4; Mrk 7:10.

21:24: Lev 24:19-20; Deu 19:21; Mat 5:38.

22:16-17: Deu 22:28-29.

22:18: Deu 18:10-11.

22:19: Lev 18:23; 20:15-16; Deu 27:21.

22:20: Deu 17:2-7.

22:21-22: Exo 23:9; Lev 19:33-34; Deu 24:17-18; 27:19.

22:25: Lev 25:35-38; Deu 15:7-11; 23:19-20.

22:26-27: Deu 24:10-13.

22:28: Acts 23:5.

22:31: Lev 17:15.

23:1: Exo 20:16; Lev 19:11-12; Deu 5:20.

23:3: Lev 19:15.

23:4-5: Deu 22:1-4.

23:6-8: Lev 19:15; Deu 16:19.

23:9: Exo 22:21; Lev 19:33-34; Deu 24:17-18; 27:19.

23:10-11: Lev 25:1-7.

23:12: Exo 20:9-11; 31:15; 34:21; 35:2; Lev 23:3; Deu 5:13-14.

23:15: Exo 12:14-20; Lev 23:6-8; Num 28:17-25.

23:19: Deu 26:2; Exo 34:26; Deu 14:21.

Exo 16:4-15:

4Then Yahweh told Mosheh, “Just watch me make food rain down from the sky for you all. Then the people will be able to go out every day and gather enough for that day so that I can test them: Will they obey my law or not?[ref] 5But every Friday they can gather and prepare twice as much as what they gather on the other days.”

6So Mosheh and Aharon told all the Israelis, “This evening you’ll all know that Yahweh was the one who brought you out from Egypt. 7In the morning you’ll all see Yahweh’s greatness as he’s heard your murmurings against him. I mean, who are we that you’d murmur against us?” 8Then Mosheh continued, “So Yahweh will give you all meat to eat in the evening and enough bread in the morning to make you all full. Yes, Yahweh has heard your murmurings against him. As for us, we’re insignificant. Your murmuring isn’t against us, but against Yahweh.”

9Then Mosheh told Aharon, “Summon everyone to come and face Yahweh, because he’s heard their murmurings.” 10And so while Aharon spoke to all the Israelis, they turned toward the wilderness, and wow, Yahweh’s dazzling brightness appeared in the cloud! 11Then Yahweh told Mosheh, 12“I’ve heard the murmurings of the Israelis. Speak to them saying, ‘In the evenings, you’ll all eat meat, and in the mornings you’ll all be satisfied with bread. Then you’ll all know that I’m your God, Yahweh.’ ”

13And so that evening, quail appeared and covered the camp. And in the morning, something like dew was lying all around the camp, 14and when it evaporated, wow, it left behind thin flakes—thin like frost on the ground there in the wilderness. 15When the Israelis saw it, they asked each other, ‘What is it?’ because they didn’t know what it was.

And Mosheh told them, “It’s the food that Yahweh has given you all to eat.[ref]

16:4: Yhn 6:31.

16:15: 1Cor 10:3.

Exo 17:1-7:

17Then all the Israelis moved on from Siyn in the wilderness, travelling following Yahweh’s instructions. They camped at Refidim but there was no water for the people to drink.[ref] 2So the people argued with Mosheh again, saying, “Give us water to drink!”

“Why are you all quarrelling with me?” Mosheh answered. “Why are you all testing Yahweh?”

3But the people were very thirsty there and they murmured against Mosheh, so he demanded, “Is this why you brought us out of Egypt? To kill me and my sons and my cattle with thirst?” ???

4Mosheh cried out to Yahweh, asking, “What should I do for these people? It won’t take much more and they’ll stone me.”

5“Walk on ahead of the people,” Yahweh told Mosheh, “and take some of the Israeli elders with you, and your staff—the one which you struck the river with. Take it in your hand and go. 6Watch me. I will stand in front of you there on the rock at Horev (Mt. Sinai). Then you will strike the rock and water will come out of it, and the people will drink.” So Mosheh did that while the Israeli elders watched.

7Mosheh named that place bothMassah(which means ‘testing’) and ‘Meribah(which means ‘complaining’), because of the conflict among the Israelis and because of how they tested of Yahweh by saying, ‘Is Yahweh among us or not?’

17:1-7: Num 20:2-13.

Deu 1:21:


Num 14:1-4:

14 2 3 4

Deu 1:26-33:

26[ref] 27 28

29 30 31[ref] 32[ref] 33

1:26: Deu 9:23; Heb 3:16.

1:31: Acts 13:18.

1:32: Heb 3:19.

Exo 34:6:

6Yahweh passed over above his face and proclaimed, “I am Yahweh, a compassionate and gracious God, slow to get angry but exuding faithfulness and trustworthiness.[ref]

34:6-7: Exo 20:5-6; Num 14:18; Deu 5:9-10; 7:9-10.

Num 14:18:


Exo 32:1-4:

32Meanwhile, the people had noticed that Mosheh had been up on the mountain for a long time, so they people gathered themselves around Aharon and told him, “Come on. Make some gods for us that can go ahead of us, because we don’t know what’s happened to that Mosheh—the man[fn] who brought us out of Egypt.”[ref]

2Aharon replied, “Go and get the gold earrings off your wives and your sons and daughters, and bring them to me.” 3So the people took off all their gold earrings and brought them to Aharon, 4and he took them and smelted and crafted the gold into the form of a young bull. Then the people said, “These are your gods,[fn] Israel, who brought you out of Egypt.”[ref]

32:1 The way that the people speak of Mosheh here suggests that maybe they never really ever regarded him as being one of them—remember, he did grow up in an Egyptian palace.

32:4 After crafting the gold into the form of a young bull (which wasn’t necessarily solid but may have had an internal wooden frame or a clay centre), it’s not clear here why the text refers to plural ‘gods’.

32:1: Acts 7:40.

32:4: 1Ki 12:28; Acts 7:41.

Deu 8:2-4:

2 3[ref] 4

8:3: Mat 4:4; Luk 4:4.

Num 21:21-35:

21 22 23 24 25 26 27




31 32

33 34 35

21:28-29: Jer 48:45-46.

Gen 15:5:

5Then Yahweh took Abram outside and said, “Look up at the sky and see if you can count the stars.” Then he said to him, “Your descendants will be like that.”[ref]

15:5: Rom 4:18; Heb 11:12.


17I’ll bless you tremendously and I’ll cause your descendants to be as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the beach, and your descendants will be victorious over their enemies.[ref]

22:17: Heb 11:12.

Josh 3:14-17:

14So once the people had packed up their tents ready to cross the river, the priests carrying the sacred box walked ahead in front of them. 15Then as soon as those priests steeped into the edge of the fast-flowing river (because it overflowed its banks at harvest time in the spring), 16then the water coming from upstream suddenly stopped flowing. The water far upstream piled up near a town called Adam (near Tsaretan), and the water that normally flowed down towards the Sea of Arabah (also called the Dead Sea or the Salt Sea) stopped flowing, so the people were able to cross what was the Yordan River opposite Yericho. 17The priests carrying the sacred chest with Yahweh’s agreement in it, stood on firm, dry ground in what had been the middle of the river. All the Israelis crossed over on dry ground until everyone was across.

Josh 11:23:

23Yehoshua captured the entire region, just as Yahweh had told Mosheh, and Yehoshua gave it as an inheritance to Israel, divided into portions according to their tribes, and then the region was peaceful.

Deu 6:10-11:

10[ref] 11

6:10: a Gen 12:7; b Gen 26:3; c Gen 28:13.

Jdg 2:11-16:

11They did things that Yahweh considered evil and worshipped Baal idols 12and abandoned the god of their ancestors, Yahweh, the one who brought them out of Egypt. Instead they went after other gods—the gods of the people around them. They worshipped them and that made Yahweh angry. 13They abandoned Yahweh and worshipped the Baal and Ashtarot idols. 14So Yahweh got angry with Israel so he caused raiders to come and take their property and he allowed their enemies to become more powerful so they could no longer stand against them. 15Whenever the Israelis went into battle, Yahweh worked against them just like he’d said he would and they became very distressed.

16Then Yahweh gave them leaders[fn] to save them from the raiders.

2:16 Traditionally called ‘judges’ in most English translations, but that modern term doesn’t fit their various functions in this account at all well. (‘Leaders’ isn’t perfect either but it’s generic enough to cover most of their roles.)

Lev 18:5:


18:5: Neh 9:29; Eze 18:9; 20:11-13; Luk 10:28; Rom 10:5; Gal 3:12.

2Ki 17:13-18:

13So Yahweh had warned Israel and Yehudah by the proclamations of all of his prophets who said, “Turn from your evil ways and obey my commands and statutes, following all of the instructions that I gave your ancestors and which I delivered to you through my servants, the prophets.” 14However, they hadn’t listened and had hardened their attitudes just like their ancestors who wouldn’t put their trust in their God Yahweh. 15They rejected his statutes and the agreement that he made with their ancestors, and the warning that he gave them. They chose to worship lifeless objects, and they became hollow and empty themselves, just like the people of the surrounding countries which Yahweh had commanded them not to imitate. 16They disobeyed the instructions given to them by their God Yahweh by molding two metal calves for themselves and making an Asherah pole. Then they bowed down and worshipped the sun, moon, and stars, and they served Baal.[ref] 17They sacrificed their sons and daughters, and used fortune-tellers and witchcraft—making themselves slaves to evil by doing what Yahweh had forbidden, and so making him angry.[ref] 18So that’s why Yahweh had become very angry at the northern kingdom of Israel and caused them to be removed from the land. Only the southern kingdom of Yehudah remained,

17:16: 1Ki 12:28.

17:17: Deu 18:10.

2Ch 36:15-16:

15 16

2Ki 15:19-29:

19King Pul (Tiglat-Pileser) of Assyria attacked Israel, and Menahem gave Pul over thirty tonnes of silver, so he would support Menahem’s reign. 20(Menahem had taxed all the wealthy families across Israelfifty silver coins per adult male.) As a result, the Assyrian king cancelled his plans to attack and returned home.

21Everything else that Menahem said and did is written in the book of the events of the kings of Israel. 22Then Menahem died and was buried, and his son Pekahyah replaced him as king.

23In the fiftieth year of King Azaryah’s reign over Yehudah, Menahem’s son Pekahyah became king over Israel and reigned from Shomron (Samaria) for two years. 24He did what Yahweh had said was evil—he didn’t avoid the kinds of behaviour that had been done by Nebat’s son Yarave’am who had caused Israel to sin. 25But Pekah the son of Remalyah, Pekahyah’s third officer, plotted to assassinate him, and he attacked him in the palace in Shomron with the assistance of Argov and Aryeh and fifty Gileadites. So Pekah he killed King Pekahyah and replaced him as king. 26Everything else that Pekahyah said and did is written in the book of the events of the kings of Israellook at it.

27In the fifty-second year of King Azaryah’s reign over Yehudah, Remalyah’s son Pekah became king over Israel and reigned from Shomron (Samaria) for twenty years. 28He did what Yahweh had said was evil—he didn’t avoid the kinds of behaviour that had been done by Nebat’s son Yarave’am who had caused Israel to sin.

29During the reign of King Pekah over Israel, Assyria’s King Tiglat-Pileser came, and he captured the cities of Iyyon, Abel-Beyt-Maakah, Yanoah, Kedesh, and Hatsor, and the regions of Gilead, Galilee, and Naftali, and he exiled their people to Assyria.


3Assyria’s King Shalmaneser attacked and defeated him, and Hoshea became his servant and paid tribute to him. 4But the Assyrian king discovered that Hoshea was planning a revolt and had sent messengers to the Egyptian King So and hadn’t kept up the annual tribute payment. So the Assyrian king arrested Hoshea and imprisoned him.

5Then the Assyrian king attacked the whole country, including besieging Shomron (Samaria) for three years. 6In the ninth year of Hoshea’s reign, the Assyrian king captured Shomron. He exiled the Israelis to Assyria and settled them in Halah, and in Havor along the Gozan River, and in the cities of the Medes.

Ezr 4:2,10:

2so they went to Zerubavel and to the other clan leaders and they said to them, “Let us help you with the building work, because like you, we worship your God and we’ve been sacrificing to him since the days of the Assyrian king Esar-Haddon—the one who sent us here.”[ref]

10and the rest of the nations that the famous and powerful King Asenappar exiled from other nations and forced them to live in the cities of Samaria, and the province went of the Euphrates river.

And now

4:2: 2Ki 17:24-41.