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1 The prouerbes of Solomon the sonne of Dauid, kyng of Israel: 2 To learne wisdome and instruction, & to perceaue the wordes of vnderstandyng, 3 To receaue the instruction of wisdome, iustice, iudgement, and equitie: 4 To geue wyt vnto the simple, and that the young men myght haue knowledge and vnderstandyng. 5 The wise man wyll geue eare, and wyll come by more wisdome, and he that is endued with vnderstanding shal attayne vnto wise counsayles. 6 To vnderstande a parable, and the interpretation therof, the wordes of the wise, and their darke speaches. 7 The feare of the Lorde is the begynnyng of knowledge: but fooles dispise wisdome and instruction. 8 My sonne, heare thy fathers doctrine, & forsake not the lawe of thy mother: 9 For they shalbe an encrease of grace vnto thy head, and as a chayne about thy necke. 10 My sonne, if sinners entice thee, consent not vnto them. 11 If they say, come with vs, let vs lay wayte for blood, and lurke priuily for the innocent without a cause: 12 Let vs swallowe them vp lyke the graue quicke and whole, as those that go downe into the pit: 13 So shall we finde all maner of costly riches, and fill our houses with spoyles: 14 Cast in thy lot among vs, and let vs all haue one purse. 15 My sonne, walke not thou with them, refrayne thy foote from their wayes. 16 For their feete runne to euyll, and are hasty to shed blood. 17 But as in vayne, the nette is layde foorth before the birdes eyes: 18 So these lay wayte for the blood of them, and lye priuily for their liues. 19 Such are the wayes of euery one that is greedie of gayne, who taketh away the life of the owner therof. 20 Wisdome cryeth without, and putteth foorth her voyce in the streetes: 21 She calleth before the congregation in the open gates, and sheweth her wordes through the citie, saying: 22 O ye children, howe long wyll ye loue childishnesse? howe long wyll the scorners delite in scornyng, and the vnwise hate knowledge? 23 O turne you at my correction: lo I wyll expresse my mynde vnto you, and make you vnderstande my wordes. 24 Because I haue called, and ye refused, I haue stretched out my hande, and no man regarded: 25 But all my counsels haue ye dispised, and set my correction at naught: 26 Therfore wyll I also laugh at your destruction, and mocke you, when the thyng that ye feare commeth vpon you, 27 Euen when the thyng that ye be afraide of falleth in sodenly like a storme, and your miserie lyke a tempest, yea when trouble and heauinesse commeth vpon you. 28 Then shall they call vpon me, but I wyll not aunswere: they shall seeke me early, but they shall not finde me: 29 And that because they hated knowledge, and did not choose the feare of the Lorde, 30 They woulde none of my counsayle, but dispised all my correction. 31 Therfore shall they eate of the fruite of their owne way, and be fylled with their owne inuentions. 32 For the turnyng away of the vnwise shall slay them, and the prosperitie of fooles shall destroy them. 33 But whoso hearkeneth vnto me, shal dwell safely, and be sure from any feare of euyll. 2 My sonne, if thou wylt receaue my wordes, and lay vp my commaundementes within thee, 2 That thou wylt encline thine eares vnto wisdome: applye thine heart then to vnderstandyng. 3 For if thou cryest after wisdome, and cryest for knowledge: 4 If thou seekest for her as for siluer, and searchest for her as for treasures: 5 Then shalt thou vnderstand the feare of the Lorde, and finde the knowledge of God. 6 For the Lorde geueth wisdome, out of his mouth commeth knowledge and vnderstandyng. 7 He stirreth vp health for the righteous: and defendeth them that walke vprightly, 8 That they may kepe the right path: and he preserueth the way of such as do serue him with godlinesse. 9 Then shalt thou vnderstande righteousnesse, and iudgement, and equitie, yea and euery good path. 10 When wisdome entreth into thine heart, and thy soule deliteth in knowledge: 11 Then shall counsayle preserue thee, and vnderstandyng shall kepe thee, 12 That thou mayest be deliuered from the euyll way, and from the man that speaketh frowarde thynges: 13 From such as leaue the wayes of righteousnesse, to walke in the wayes of darknesse: 14 Which reioyce in doyng naught, and delite in the wickednesse of the euyll: 15 Whose wayes are croked, and they frowarde in their pathes. 16 That thou mayest be deliuered also from the straunge woman, and from her that is not thine owne, which geueth sweete wordes, 17 Forsaketh the husbande of her youth, & forgetteth the couenaunt of her God. 18 For her house is enclined vnto death, and her pathes vnto hell. 19 All they that go in vnto her, come not agayne, neither take they holde of the way of lyfe. 20 Therfore walke thou in the way of such as be vertuous, & kepe the pathes of the righteous. 21 For the iust shal dwell in the lande, and they that be perfect shall remayne in it. 22 But the vngodly shall be cut of from the earth: and the wicked doers shalbe rooted out of it. 3 My sonne, forget not thou my lawe, but see that thine heart kepe my commaundementes: 2 For they shal prolong the dayes and yeres of thy lyfe, and bryng thee peace. 3 Let mercie and faithfulnesse neuer go from thee: binde them about thy necke, and write them in the tables of thyne heart: 4 So shalt thou finde fauour and good vnderstandyng in the sight of God and men. 5 Put thy trust in God with all thine heart: & leane not vnto thine owne wit: 6 In all thy wayes acknowledge him, and he shall order thy goynges. 7 Be not wise in thine owne conceipt: but feare the Lorde, and depart from euyll: 8 So shall thy nauell be whole, and thy bones strong. 9 Honour the Lorde with thy substaunce, and with the firstlynges of all thyne encrease: 10 So shall thy barnes be filled with plenteousnesse, and thy presses shall flowe ouer with sweete wine. 11 My sonne refuse not the chastening of the Lorde, neither faynt when thou art corrected of hym: 12 For whom the Lorde loueth, him he chasteneth, and yet deliteth in him, euen as a father in his owne sonne. 13 Well is hym that findeth wysdome, and getteth vnderstandyng: 14 For the marchaundise of it, is better then the marchaundise of siluer, and the gayne therof is better then golde. 15 She is more worth then pretious stones: and all the thinges that thou canst desire, are not to be compared vnto her. 16 In her right hande is long life, and in her left hande riches and honour. 17 Her wayes are pleasaunt wayes, and all her pathes are peaceable. 18 She is a tree of lyfe to them that lay holde vpon her: and blessed is he that kepeth her fast. 19 With wysdome hath the Lorde layde the foundation of the earth, and thorow vnderstanding hath he stablished the heauens. 20 Thorow his knowledge the deapthes are broken vp, and the cloudes droppe downe the deawe. 21 My sonne, let not these thinges depart from thyne eyes, but kepe wysdome and vnderstanding: 22 So they shall be lyfe vnto thy soule, and grace vnto thy mouth. 23 Then shalt thou walke safely in thy way, and thy foote shall not stumble. 24 If thou sleepest, thou shalt not be afraide: but shalt take thy rest, and sleepe sweetely. 25 Thou shalt not be afraide of any sodayne feare, neither for the violent rushing in of the vngodly when it commeth. 26 For the Lorde shall stande by thy side, & kepe thy foote that thou be not taken. 27 Withdraw no good thyng from them that haue nede, so long as thyne hande is able to do it. 28 Say not vnto thy neyghbour, go thy way and come agayne, and to morowe wyll I geue thee: where as thou hast nowe to geue hym. 29 Intende no hurt against thy neyghbour, seing he hopeth to dwell in rest by thee. 30 Striue not with any man without a cause, where as he hath done thee no harme. 31 Folowe not a wicked man, and chose none of his wayes: 32 For the Lord abhorreth the froward: but his counsayle is among the righteous. 33 The curse of the Lord is in the house of the vngodly: but he blesseth the dwellinges of the righteous. 34 As for the scornfull, doth he not laugh them to scorne? but he geueth grace vnto the lowly. 35 The wyse shall haue honour in possession: but shame is the promotion that fooles shall haue. 4 Heare O ye chyldren a fatherly instruction, & take good heede, that ye may learne vnderstanding. 2 For I haue geuen you a good doctrine, forsake not ye my lawe. 3 For when I my selfe was my fathers deare sonne, and tenderly beloued of my mother: 4 He taught me also and sayde vnto me, let thyne heart receaue my wordes, kepe my commaundementes and thou shalt liue. 5 Get thee wysdome, and get thee vnderstanding: forget not the wordes of my mouth, and shrinke not from them. 6 Forsake her not, and she shall preserue thee, loue her, and she shall kepe thee. 7 The chiefe poynt of wysdome, is to possesse wysdome: and before all thy goodes to get thee vnderstanding. 8 Make much of her, and she shall promote thee, yea if thou embrace her, she shall bryng thee vnto honour: 9 She shal beautifie thy head with manyfolde graces, and garnishe thee with a crowne of glory. 10 Heare my sonne, and receaue my wordes, and the yeres of thy life shalbe many. 11 I haue shewed thee the way of wysdome, & led thee into the right pathes. 12 So that if thou goest in them, there shall no straitnesse hinder thee: & when thou runnest, thou shalt not fall. 13 Take fast holde of doctrine, and let her not go: kepe her, for she is thy life. 14 Come not in the pathe of the vngodlye, and walke not in the way of the wicked: 15 Abhorre it and go not therein, depart aside, and passe ouer by it. 16 For they sleepe not except they haue done mischiefe: and sleepe is taken from them, vntyll they haue done harme. 17 For they eate the bread of wickednes, and drinke the wine of robberie. 18 The path of the righteous shineth, as the light that is euer bryghter and bryghter vnto the perfect day. 19 But the way of the vngodly is as the darkenesse, they knowe not where they fall. 20 My sonne marke my wordes, and encline thyne eare vnto my sayinges: 21 Let them not depart from thine eyes, but kepe them euen in the middest of thyne heart: 22 For they are life vnto those that finde them, and health vnto all their bodyes. 23 Kepe thyne heart with all diligence, for out of it issueth lyfe. 24 Put away from thee a frowarde mouth, and let the lippes of slaunder be farre from thee. 25 Let thyne eyes beholde that thyng that is right, and let thyne eye liddes loke straight before thee. 26 Ponder the path of thy feete, and let all thy wayes be ordred aright. 27 Turne not aside, neither to the right hande nor to the left: but wihholde thy foote from euyll. 5 My sonne geue heede vnto my wisdome, and bowe thyne eare vnto my prudence: 2 That thou mayest regarde good counsell, and that thy lippes may kepe knowledge. 3 For the lippes of a straunge woman are a dropping hony combe, and her throte is more glistering then oyle: 4 But at the laste she is as bitter as wormewood, and as sharpe as a two edged sworde. 5 Her feete go downe vnto death, and her steppes pearce thorowe vnto hell. 6 Perchaunce thou wylt ponder the path of her lyfe: so vnstedfast are her wayes that thou canst not know them. 7 Heare me nowe therefore O ye chyldren, and depart not from the wordes of my mouth. 8 Kepe thy way farre from her, & come not nigh the doores of her house. 9 That thou geue not thy honour vnto other, and thy yeres to the cruell: 10 That other men be not filled with thy vertues, and that thy labours come not in a straunge house. 11 Yea, that thou mourne not at the last, when thou hast spent thy bodye and lustie youth, and then say: 12 Alas, why hated I nurture? why did my heart dispise correction? 13 Wherefore was not I obedient vnto the voyce of my teachers, and hearkened not vnto them that enfourmed me? 14 I was come almost into all misfortune, in the middest of the multitude and congregation. 15 Drinke of the water of thyne owne well, and of the riuers that runne out of thyne owne spring. 16 Let thy welles flowe out abrode, that there may be riuers of waters in the streates: 17 But let them be onlye thyne owne, and not straungers with thee. 18 Let thy well be blessed, and be glad with the wyfe of thy youth. 19 Let her be as the louyng Hinde and pleasaunt Roe: let her breastes alway satisfie thee, and holde thee euer content with her loue. 20 Why wylt thou my sonne haue pleasure in a straunge woman, and embrace the bosome of a straunger? 21 For euery mans wayes are open in the sight of the Lord, and he pondereth all their goynges. 22 The wickednes of the vngodly shall catche him selfe, and with the snares of his owne sinne shall he be trapped. 23 He shall dye without amendement, and for his great foolishnes he shall go astray. 6 My sonne if thou be suretie for thy neyghbour, and hast fastened thyne hande for another man: 2 Thou art bounde with thine owne wordes, and taken with thine owne speach. 3 Therfore my sonne do this, and thou shalt be discharged: When thou art come into thy neyghbours daunger, go thy wayes then soone, humble thy selfe, and with thy frendes intreate thy creditour. 4 Let not thyne eyes sleepe, nor thyne eye liddes slumber. 5 Saue thy self as a Doe from the hand of the hunter and as a byrde from the hande of the fouler. 6 Go to the emmet thou sluggarde, consider her wayes, and learne to be wyse: 7 She hath no guyde, nor ouerseer, nor ruler, 8 Yet in the sommer she prouideth her meate, and gathereth her foode together in the haruest. 9 Howe long wylt thou sleepe thou sluggishe man? When wylt thou aryse out of thy sleepe? 10 Yea, sleepe on still a litle, slumber a litle, folde thyne handes together yet a litle that thou mayest sleepe: 11 So shall pouertie come vnto thee as one that trauayleth by the way, and necessitie like a weaponed man. 12 An vngodly person, a wicked man, goeth with a frowarde mouth. 13 He winketh with his eyes, he tokeneth with his feete, he teacheth with his fingers. 14 He is euer imagining mischiefe and frowardnes in his heart, and causeth discorde. 15 Therefore shall his destruction come hastyly vpon hym, sodainly shall he be all to broken, and not be healed. 16 These sixe thinges doth the Lorde hate, and the seuenth he vtterly abhorreth: 17 A proude loke, a lying tongue, handes that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that goeth about wicked imaginations, feete that be swyft in running to mischiefe, 19 A false witnesse that bringeth vp lyes, and hym that soweth discorde among brethren. 20 My sonne, kepe thy fathers commaundement, and forsake not the lawe of thy mother: 21 Tye them continually in thyne heart, and bynde them about thy necke. 22 That shall leade thee when thou goest, preserue thee when thou art asleepe, and when thou awakest talke with thee. 23 For the commaundement is a lanterne, and the lawe a light: yea chastening and nurture is the way of life: 24 That they may kepe thee from the euyll woman, and from the flattering tongue of the straunge woman. 25 Lust not after her beautie in thyne heart, lest thou be taken with her fayre lokes. 26 By an harlot a man is brought to beg his bread, and a woman wyll hunte for the pretious life of man. 27 May a man take fire in his bosome, and his clothes not be brent? 28 Or can one go vpon hotte coales, and his feete not be brent? 29 Euen so, whosoeuer goeth in to his neyghbours wife and toucheth her, can not be vngiltie. 30 Men do not vtterly despise a thiefe that stealeth to satisfie his soule, when he is hungrie: 31 But if he may be gotten, he restoreth agayne seuen tymes as muche, or els he maketh recompence with all the good of his house. 32 But whoso committeth adultrie with a woman, lacketh vnderstanding: and he that doth it, destroyeth his owne soule. 33 He getteth him selfe a plague and dishonour, and his reproche shall neuer be put out: 34 For the ielousie and wrath of the man wyll not be entreated, 35 No though thou wouldest offer hym great gyftes to make amendes, he wyll not receaue them. 7 My sonne kepe my words, and lay vp my commaundements by thee. 2 Kepe my commaundementes & my lawe, euen as the apple of thyne eye, and thou shalt liue. 3 Binde them vpon thy fingers, and wryte them in the table of thyne heart. 4 Say vnto wysdome, thou art my sister: and call vnderstanding thy kinsewoman: 5 That they may kepe thee from the straunge woman, and from the forraine woman which geueth sweete wordes. 6 For at the windowe of my house I loked through the windowe, 7 And behelde among the simple people and among the chyldren a young man voyde of wyt, 8 Goyng ouer the streate by the corner in the way towarde her house 9 In the twylight of the euening, when it began nowe to be night and darke: 10 And behold there met hym a woman with open tokens of an harlot, onlye her heart was hid: 11 She was full of loude wordes and redye to dallie, whose feete coulde not abide in the house: 12 Nowe is she without, nowe in the streates, and lyeth in wayte at euery corner. 13 She caught hym and kissed him, and was not ashamed, saying: 14 I had a vowe of peace offeringes to pay, and this day I perfourme it: 15 Therefore came I foorth to meete thee, that I might seeke thy face, and so haue I founde thee. 16 I haue deckt my bed with coueringes of tapessarie, and clothes of Egypt. 17 My bed haue I made to smell of Myrre, Aloes, and Cinamon. 18 Come let vs take our fill of loue vntyll the morning, and let vs solace our selues with the pleasures of loue. 19 For the good man is not at home, he is gone farre of. 20 He hath taken the bagge of money with hym, and wyll returne at the appointed solempne feast. 21 Thus with many sweete wordes she ouercame him, and with her flattering lippes she entised hym. 22 Sodainly he folowed her, as it were an oxe led to the slaughter, and lyke as it were a foole that laugheth when he goeth to the stockes to be punished, 23 So long tyll she had wounded his lyuer with her dart: lyke as if a byrde hasted to the snare, not knowing that the perill of his life lieth thervpon. 24 Heare me now therfore O my chylde, and marke the wordes of my mouth: 25 Let not thyne heart wander in her wayes, and be not thou deceaued in her pathes. 26 For many one hath she wounded and cast downe, yea many a strong man hath ben slaine by the meanes of her. 27 Her house is the way vnto hell, and bryng men downe into the chaumbers of death. 8 Doth not wysdome crye? doth not vnderstanding put foorth her voyce? 2 She standeth in the top of high places, by the way in the place of the pathes: 3 She cryeth at the gates of the citie, at the entrye of the doores: 4 It is you O ye men saith she whom I call, vnto the chyldren of men do I lyft vp my voyce. 5 Take heede vnto knowledge O ye ignoraunt, be ye wise in heart O ye fooles. 6 Geue eare, for I wyll speake of great matters, and open my lippes to tell thinges that be right: 7 For my mouth shall be talking of the trueth, and my lippes abhorre vngodlynesse. 8 All the wordes of my mouth are righteous, there is no frowardnes nor falsehood in them. 9 They are all playne to suche as wyll vnderstande, and right to them that finde knowledge. 10 Receaue my doctrine and not siluer, and knowledge rather then fine golde: 11 For wysdome is more worth then pretious stones, yea all thinges that thou canst desire, may not be compared vnto it. 12 I wysdome dwell with counsell, and finde out knowledge and vnderstanding. 13 The feare of the Lorde abhorreth wickednes, pryde, disdayne, and the euil way, and a mouth that speaketh wicked thinges I vtterly abhorre. 14 Counsell is mine, and direction, I am vnderstanding, and I haue strength. 15 Through me kinges raigne, and princes make iust lawes. 16 By me princes beare rule, and noble men do iudge the earth. 17 I am louing vnto those that loue me: and they that seeke me early, shall finde me. 18 Riches and honour are with me, yea durable riches and righteousnes. 19 My fruite is better then golde and pretious stones, and mine encrease more worth then fine siluer. 20 I wyll guyde thee in the way of righteousnes, and in the midst of the pathes of iudgement: 21 That I maye stablishe the inhetaunce of them that loue me, and encrease their treasure. 22 The Lorde him selfe had me in possession in the beginning of his wayes, or euer he began his workes aforetime. 23 I haue ben ordayned from euerlasting, and from the beginning or euer the earth was made. 24 When I was borne there were neither depthes nor springes of water. 25 Before the foundations of the mountaines were layde: yea before all hilles, was I borne: 26 The earth, and all that is vpon the earth was not yet made, no not the dust it selfe. 27 For when he made the heauens, I was present, when he compassed the deapthes about: 28 When he hanged the cloudes aboue, when he fastened the springes of the deepe: 29 When he shut the sea within certaine boundes, that the waters should not go ouer their markes that he commaunded: when he layde the foundations of the earth, 30 I was with him ordring all thinges, deliting dayly and reioysyng alway before hym. 31 As for the rounde compasse of this worlde I make it ioyfull: for my delite is to be among the chyldren of men. 32 Therefore hearken vnto me: O ye chyldren, blessed are they that kepe my wayes. 33 O geue eare vnto nurture, be wyse, and refuse it not: 34 Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching dayly at my gates, and geuing attendaunce at the postes of my doores. 35 For whoso findeth me, findeth life, and shall obtaine fauour of the Lorde. 36 But whoso offendeth against me, hurteth his owne soule: and they that hate me, are the louers of death. 9 Wysdome hath buylded her house, and hewen out seuen pillers: 2 She hath kylled her victuals, powred out her wine, and prepared her table: 3 She hath sent foorth her maydens to crye vpon the highest place of the citie, 4 Who so is without knowledge, let him come hither: And to the vnwise she said, 5 O come on your way, eate my bread, and drinke my wine whiche I haue powred out for you. 6 Forsake foolishnes, and ye shall lyue: and see that ye go in the way of vnderstandyng. 7 Whoso reproueth a scornefull person, getteth him selfe dishonour: and he that rebuketh the vngodly, stayneth hym selfe. 8 Reproue not a scorner, lest he owe thee euyll will: but rebuke a wyse man, and he wyll loue thee. 9 Geue a discrete man but an occasion, and he wyll be the wyser: teache a righteous man, and he wyll encrease in knowledge. 10 The feare of the Lorde is the beginning of wisdome: and the knowledge of holy thinges, is vnderstanding. 11 For thorowe me thy dayes shalbe prolonged, and the yeres of thy life shall be many. 12 If thou be wise, thy wysdome shal do thy selfe good: but if thou thinkest scorne therof, it shalbe thine owne harme. 13 A foolishe retchlesse woman full of wordes, and suche a one as hath no knowledge, 14 Sitteth at the doore of her house, and in the hye places of the citie, 15 To call such as go by, and that walke straight in their wayes. 16 Who so is ignoraunt sayeth she let hym come hyther: and to the vnwyse she saith, 17 Stolen waters are sweete, & the bread that is priuily eaten, hath a good taste. 18 And he doth not consider that they are but dead whiche be there, and that her ghestes are in the deepe of hell. 10 A wyse sonne maketh a glad father: but an vndiscrete sonne is an heauinesse vnto his mother. 2 Treasures that are wickedly gotten, profite nothing: but righteousnesse deliuereth from death. 3 The Lorde wyll not let the soule of the righteous suffer hunger: but he taketh away the richesse of the vngodly. 4 An idle hande maketh poore: but a quicke labouring hande maketh riche. 5 Who so gathereth in sommer is wyse: but he that is sluggishe in haruest, bringeth hym selfe to confusion. 6 Blessinges are vpon the head of the righteous: and the mouth of the vngodly kepeth mischiefe in secrete. 7 The memoriall of the iust shall haue a good report: but the name of the vngodly shall stincke. 8 A wyse man wyll receaue warning: but a prating foole shalbe punished. 9 He that walketh vprightly, walketh surely: but whoso goeth a wrong way, shalbe knowen. 10 He that winketh with his eye, wyll cause sorowe: but he that hath a foolishe mouth, shalbe beaten. 11 The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life: but the mouth of the vngodly kepeth mischiefe in secrete. 12 Hatred stirreth vp strifes: but loue couereth the multitude of sinnes. 13 In the lippes of him that hath vnderstanding, a man shall finde wysdome: but the rod belongeth to the backe of the foolishe. 14 Wyse men lay vp knowledge: but the mouth of the foolish is nye destruction. 15 The riche mans goodes are his strong holde: but their owne pouertie feareth the poore. 16 The labour of the righteous tendeth to lyfe: but the fruites of the vngodly, to sinne. 17 Nurture kepeth the way of lyfe: but he that refuseth to be nurtured, deceaueth hym selfe. 18 He that hydeth hatred with lying lippes, and he that speaketh slaunder, is a foole. 19 Where much babblyng is, there must needes be offence: and he that refrayneth his lippes, is wyse. 20 The tongue of the iust man is as tried siluer: but the heart of the vngodly is a thyng of naught. 21 The lippes of the ryghteous feede a whole multitude: but fooles shall dye in their owne follie. 22 The blessyng of the Lorde maketh riche: and bryngeth no sorowe of heart with it. 23 A foole doth wickedly, and maketh but a sport of it: but wisdome ruleth the man that hath vnderstandyng. 24 The thing that the vngodly is afraide of, shall come vpon hym: but the ryghteous shall haue their desire. 25 As the tempest, so passeth away the vngodly and is not: but the ryghteous remayneth sure for euer. 26 As vineger is to the teeth, & as smoke is vnto the eyes: euen so is a sluggishe person to them that sendeth him foorth. 27 The feare of the Lorde maketh a long lyfe: but the yeres of the vngodly shalbe shortened. 28 The patient abydyng of the righteous shalbe turned to gladnesse: but the hope of the vngodly shall perishe. 29 The way of the Lord geueth courage vnto the godly: but it is a feare for wicked doers. 30 The ryghteous shall neuer be ouerthrowen: but the vngodly shall not remayne in the lande. 31 The mouth of the iust wyll be talking of wisdome: but the tongue of the frowarde shall be cut out. 32 The lippes of the ryghteous vtter that which is acceptable: but the mouth of the vngodly speaketh frowarde thynges. 11 A false ballaunce is an abomination vnto the Lorde: but a true wayght pleaseth him. 2 Where pryde is, there is shame also and confusion: but wheras is lowlinesse, there is wisdome. 3 The innocent dealyng of the iust shall leade them: but the wickednesse of the offendours shalbe their owne destruction. 4 Riches helpe not in the day of vengeaunce: but ryghteousnesse deliuereth from death. 5 The ryghteousnesse of the innocent ordereth his way: but the vngodly shall fall in his owne wickednesse. 6 The righteousnesse of the iust shall delyuer them: but the wicked shalbe taken in their owne vngodlynesse. 7 When an vngodly man dyeth, his hope is gone: the confidence of riches shall perishe. 8 The ryghteous shalbe delyuered out of trouble: and the vngodly shall come in his steade. 9 The dissembler with his mouth hurteth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the iust be deliuered. 10 When it goeth well with the ryghteous the citie is mery: and when the vngodly perishe there is gladnesse. 11 In the blessyng of the ryghteous the citie is exalted: but it is ouerthrowen by the mouth of the wicked. 12 A foole slaundereth his neyghbour: but a wise man holdeth his peace. 13 A dissemblyng person wyll discouer priuie thynges: but he that is of a faythfull heart wyll kepe counsayle. 14 Where no counsayle is, there the people decay: but wheras many are that can geue counsayle, there is wealth. 15 He that is suretie for a straunger shall smart for it: and he that hateth suretishyp is sure. 16 A gratious woman getteth honour: but the strong men attayne riches. 17 He that is mercifull, doth hym selfe a benefite: but who so hurteth his neyghbour, is a tiraunt. 18 The vngodly worketh deceiptfull workes: but he that soweth righteousnesse shall receaue a sure rewarde. 19 Lyke as ryghteousnesse bringeth lyfe: euen so to cleaue vnto euyll, bryngeth death. 20 The Lorde abhorreth them that be of a corrupt heart: but he hath pleasure in them that are of an vndefiled conuersation. 21 Though hand be ioyned in hande, yet the wicked shall not escape: but the seede of the ryghteous shalbe preserued. 22 A faire woman without discrete maners, is lyke a ryng of golde in a swines snoute. 23 The desire of the ryghteous is acceptable: but the hope of the vngodly is indignation. 24 Some man geueth out his goodes and is the richer: but the niggarde hauyng inough, wyll depart from nothyng, and yet is euer in pouertie. 25 He that is liberall in geuyng, shall haue plentie: and he that watereth, shalbe watered also hym selfe. 26 Who so hoordeth vp his corne, shalbe cursed among the people: but blessyng shall lyght vpon his head that geueth foode. 27 He that searcheth for good thynges fyndeth fauour: but who so seketh after mischiefe, it shall happen vnto hym. 28 He that trusteth in his riches shall haue a fall: but the ryghteous shall florishe as the greene leafe. 29 Who so maketh disquietnesse in his owne house, he shal haue winde for his heritage: and the foole shalbe seruaunt to the wise. 30 The fruite of the ryghteous is a tree of life: and he that winneth mens soules is wise. 31 If the ryghteous be recompensed vpon earth: howe much more then the vngodly and the sinner? 12 Who so loueth correction loueth knowledge: but he that hateth to be reproued is a foole. 2 A good man is acceptable vnto the Lorde: but the wicked imaginer wyll he condempne. 3 A man can not endure in vngodlinesse: but the roote of the ryghteous shall not be moued. 4 A huswifely woman is a crowne vnto her husbande: but she that behaueth her selfe vnhonestly, is as corruption in his bones. 5 The thoughtes of the ryghteous are ryght: but the imaginations of the vngodly are deceptfull. 6 The talkyng of the vngodly is howe they may lay wayte for blood: but the mouth of the righteous will deliuer the. 7 God ouerturneth the estate of the wicked, and they stande not: but the house of the ryghteous shall stande. 8 A man shalbe commended for his wisdome: but a foole shalbe dispised. 9 He that is dispised and is yet his owne man, is better then the glorious that lacketh bread. 10 A ryghteous man regardeth the lyfe of his cattell: but the vngodly haue cruell heartes. 11 He that tylleth his lande, shall haue plenteousnesse of bread: but he that foloweth idlenesse is a very foole. 12 The desire of the vngodly is a net of euyls: but the roote of the ryghteous bryngeth foorth fruite. 13 The wicked falleth into the snare thorowe the malice of his owne mouth: but the iust shall escape out of all perill. 14 Man shalbe satisfied with good thinges: by the fruite of his mouth, and after the workes of his handes shall he be rewarded. 15 The way of a foole is strayght in his owne eyes: but he that hearkeneth vnto counsayle is wise. 16 A foole vttereth his wrath in all the haste: but a discrete man couereth his owne shame. 17 A iust man wyll tell the trueth and shewe the thyng that is ryght: but a false witnesse deceaueth. 18 A slaunderous person pricketh lyke a sworde: but a wise mans tongue is wholsome. 19 The lippe of trueth shalbe stable for euer: but a dissemblyng tongue is soone chaunged. 20 Deceipt is in the heart of them that imagine euyll: but to the counsaylers of peace shalbe ioy. 21 There shall no aduersitie happen vnto the iust: but the vngodly shalbe fylled with miserie. 22 The Lorde abhorreth lying lippes: but they that deale truely please hym. 23 A discrete man doth hyde knowledge: but the heart of fooles blabbeth out foolishnesse. 24 A diligent hande shall beare rule: but the idle shalbe vnder tribute. 25 Heauinesse discourageth the heart of man: but a good worde maketh it glad agayne. 26 The ryghteous excelleth his neyghbour: but the way of the vngodly wyll deceaue them selues. 27 The deciptfull man shall not coste that he toke in huntyng: but the riches of the iust man is of great value. 28 In the way of ryghteousnesse there is life: & in the same way there is no death. 13 A wise sonne wil hearken to his fathers warnyng: but he that is scorneful wil not heare when he is reproued. 2 Of the fruite of a wise mans mouth shall eche man eate good thynges: but the wicked shall eate of the fruite of the transgressours. 3 He that kepeth his mouth, kepeth his lyfe: but who so rashlye openeth his lippes, destroyeth hym selfe. 4 The sluggarde woulde fayne haue and can not get his desire: but the soule of the diligent shall haue plentie. 5 A ryghteous man abhorreth lyes: but the vngodly shameth hym selfe, and is put to scilence. 6 Ryghteousnesse kepeth the innocent in the way: but vngodlinesse doth ouerthrowe the sinner. 7 Some men make them selues riche though they haue nothyng: agayne, some make them selues poore hauyng great riches. 8 With goodes a man redeemeth his life: and the poore wyll not be reproued. 9 The lyght of the ryghteous maketh ioyfull: but the candell of the vngodly shalbe put out. 10 Among the proude there is euer strife: but with the well aduised is wisdome. 11 Uaynly gotten goodes are soone spent: but they that be gathered together with the hande, shall encrease. 12 Hope deferred greeueth the heart: but whe the desire cometh, it is a tree of life. 13 Who so dispiseth the worde, shall perishe for the same: but he that feareth the commaundement, shall haue the rewarde. 14 The lawe of the wise is a well of life, to auoyde from the snares of death. 15 Good vnderstandyng geueth fauour: but harde is the way of the dispisers. 16 A wise man doth all thynges with discretion: but a foole wyll declare his follie. 17 An vngodly messenger falleth into mischiefe: but a faythfull embassadour is as health. 18 He that thinketh scorne to be refourmed, commeth to pouertie and shame: but who so regardeth correction, shall come to honour. 19 When a desire is brought to passe, it deliteth the soule: but fooles count it abhomination to depart from euyll. 20 He that goeth in the companie of wise men, shalbe wise: but who so is a companion of fooles, shalbe afflicted. 21 Mischiefe foloweth vpon sinners: but the righteous shal haue a good reward. 22 He that is vertuous leaueth an heritaunce vnto his childers children, & the riches of ye sinner is layde vp for the iust. 23 There is plenteousnesse of foode in the fieldes of the poore: but the fielde not well ordered, is without fruite. 24 He that spareth the rodde, hateth his sonne: but who so loueth hym, chasteneth hym betymes. 25 The righteous eateth and is satisfied: but the belly of the vngodly hath neuer enough. 14 Wyse women vpholde their house: but a foolishe wyfe plucketh it downe. 2 He that walketh vpryghtlye, feareth the Lorde: but he that turneth hym selfe from his wayes, dispiseth hym. 3 In the mouth of the foolishe is the rodde of pryde: but the lippes of the wyse wyll preserue them. 4 Where no oxen are, there the cribbe is emptie: but much encrease commeth by the toyle of the oxe. 5 A faithfull witnesse will not dissemble: but a false recorde wyll make a lye. 6 A scornfull body seketh wisdome, and fyndeth it not: but knowledge is easie vnto hym that wyll vnderstande. 7 Get thee from a foolishe man, when thou perceauest not in hym the lippes of knowledge. 8 The wisdome of the circumspect man, is to vnderstande his way: but the foolishnesse of the vnwise, deceaueth. 9 Fooles make but a sport of sinne: but there is a fauourable loue among the ryghteous. 10 The heart knoweth his owne soules bitternesse: and the straunger shall not be partaker of his ioy. 11 The house of the vngodly shalbe ouerthrowen: but the tabernacle of the righteous shall florishe. 12 There is a way which seemeth right vnto a man: but the ende therof are the wayes of death. 13 The heart is sorowfull euen in laughter, and the ende of myrth is heauinesse. 14 A backe slydyng heart shalbe fylled with his owne wayes: but a good man shall depart from hym. 15 An ignorant body beleueth euery worde: but who so hath vnderstanding, loketh well to his goynges. 16 A wyse man feareth, and departeth from euyll: but the foole is angry, and counteth hym selfe sure. 17 An vnpatient man dealeth foolishly: but he that is well aduised, is hated of the foole. 18 The ignoraunt haue foolishnesse in possession: but the wyse are crowned with knowledge. 19 The euyll shall bowe them selues before the good: and the vngodly shall wayte at the gates of the ryghteous. 20 The poore is hated euen of his owne neyghbours: but the riche hath many frendes. 21 Who so dispiseth his neighbour, sinneth: but blessed is he that hath pitie of the poore. 22 Without doubt they erre that worke wickednesse: but they that muse vpon good thynges, vnto such shall happen mercie and trueth. 23 In euery labour there is some profite: but vayne wordes bryng foorth onely penurie. 24 Riches are as a crowne vnto the wise: but the ignoraunce of fooles is very foolishnesse. 25 A faythfull witnesse deliuereth soules: but a deceiptfull witnesse bryngeth foorth lyes. 26 In the feare of the Lord is an assured strength: and his children are vnder a sure defence. 27 The feare of the Lorde is a well of lyfe, to auoyde the snares of death. 28 In the multitude of people is the kynges honour: but the decay of the people is the confusion of the prince. 29 He that is patient hath much vnderstanding: but he that is soone displeased, exalteth foolishnesse. 30 A mery heart is the lyfe of the body: but enuie consumeth away the bones. 31 He that doth a poore man wrong, blasphemeth his maker: but who so honoureth him, hath pitie on the poore. 32 The vngodly is cast away for his iniquitie: but the ryghteous hath a good hope, euen in death. 33 Wisdome resteth in the heart of hym that hath vnderstandyng, and it shalbe knowen among them that are vnlearned. 34 Righteousnesse setteth vp the people: but the sacrifice of the heathen is sinnefull. 35 A discrete seruaunt is a pleasure vnto the kyng: but his wrath is agaynst hym that doth dishonour hym. 15 A soft aunswere appeaseth wrath: but rough wordes stirre vp anger. 2 The tongue of such as be wise vseth knoweledge aryght: as for a foolishe mouth it babbleth out nothyng but foolishnesse. 3 The eyes of the Lorde in euery place, beholdeth both the good and the bad. 4 A wholsome tongue is a tree of lyfe: but the frowardnesse therof doth make sad the spirite. 5 A foole dispiseth his fathers correction: but he that taketh heede when he is reproued, shall haue the more vnderstandyng. 6 The house of the ryghteous is full of riches: but in the fruites of the vngodly there is trouble. 7 The lippes of the wise do sowe knowledge: but the heart of the foolishe do not so. 8 The Lorde abhorreth the sacrifice of the vngodly: but the prayer of the righteous is acceptable vnto hym. 9 The way of the vngodly is an abhomination vnto the Lorde: but who so foloweth righteousnesse, him he loueth. 10 Correction is greeuous vnto hym that forsaketh the way: and who so hateth correction shall dye. 11 Hell and destruction are before the Lorde: howe much more then the heartes of the children of men? 12 A scornefull body loueth not one that rebuketh hym: neither wyll he come vnto the wyse. 13 A mery heart maketh a chearfull countenaunce: but by the sorowe of the heart the mynde is heauy. 14 The heart of hym that hath vnderstandyng doth seke knowledge: but the mouth of fooles is fed with foolishnesse. 15 All the dayes of the poore are miserable: but a quiet heart is a continuall feast. 16 Better is a litle with the feare of the Lorde: then great treasure, and trouble therwith. 17 Better is a dynner of hearbes with loue, then a fat oxe with euyll wyll. 18 An angry man stirreth vp strife: but he that is patient stylleth discorde. 19 The way of a slouthfull man is as an hedge of thornes: but the way of the ryghteous is playne. 20 A wyse sonne maketh a glad father: but a foolishe man dispiseth his mother. 21 Foolishnesse is ioy to him that is destitute of knowledge: but a man of vnderstandyng walketh vprightly. 22 Thoughtes without counsayle shall come to naught: but wheras men are that can geue good counsayle, there is stedfastnesse. 23 A ioyfull thing it is to a man whe his counsayle is folowed: and howe good is a worde spoken in season. 24 The way of lyfe is on hygh to the wise, that a man shoulde beware of hell beneath. 25 The Lorde wyll breake downe the house of the proude: but he shall make fast the borders of the wydowe. 26 The Lorde abhorreth the imaginations of the wicked: but the wordes of the pure are pleasaunt. 27 The greedy couetous man rooteth vp his owne house: but who so hateth rewardes shall lyue. 28 The heart of the ryghteous studyeth his aunswere afore: but the wicked mans mouth spueth out mischiefe. 29 The Lorde is farre from the vngodly: but he heareth the prayer of the ryghteous. 30 The clearnes of the eye reioyseth the heart, & a good name feedeth the bones. 31 The eare that hearkeneth to the refourmation of lyfe, shall dwell among the wyse. 32 He that refuseth to be refourmed, dispiseth his owne soule: but he that submitteth him selfe to correction, is wyse. 33 The feare of the Lorde is the ryght science of wisdome, and lowlynesse goeth before honour. 16 A man may wel purpose a thyng in his heart: but the aunswere of the tongue commeth of the Lorde. 2 A man thynketh all his wayes to be cleane: but it is the Lorde that iudgeth the myndes. 3 Commit thy workes vnto the Lorde: and what thou deuisest it shall prosper. 4 The Lorde hath made all thynges for his owne sake: yea, the vngodly for the day of wrath. 5 The Lorde abhorreth all such as be of a proude heart: and though hande be ioyned in hande, yet they shall not be vnpunished. 6 With mercie and faythfulnesse sinnes be forgeuen: and by the feare of the Lorde euyll is eschewed. 7 When a mans wayes please the Lord, he maketh his very enemies to be his frendes. 8 Better it is to haue a litle with ryghteousnesse, then great rentes wrongfully gotten. 9 A man deuiseth a way in his heart: but it is the Lorde that ordereth his goynges. 10 When the prophecie is in the lippes of the kyng, his mouth shall not go wrong in iudgement. 11 A true wayght and ballaunce are the Lordes iudgement: all the wayghtes of the bagge are his worke. 12 Wicked doers are an abhomination to the kyng, for a kynges seate shoulde be holden vp with ryghteousnesse. 13 Ryghteous lippes are pleasaunt vnto kynges, and them that speaketh the trueth shall he loue. 14 The kinges displeasure is a messenger of death: but a wise man wyll pacifie hym. 15 The chearfull countenaunce of the kyng is life: and his louyng fauour is as a cloude of the latter rayne. 16 To haue wisdome in possession, is better then to haue golde: and to get vnderstandyng, is rather to be chosen then to haue siluer. 17 The path of the ryghteous is to eschewe euyll, and who so loketh well to his wayes, kepeth his owne soule. 18 Pryde goeth before destruction, and an hygh mynde before the fall. 19 Better it is to be of humble mynde with the lowly, the to deuide the spoyles with the proude. 20 He that handleth a matter wisely obteyneth good: and blessed is he that putteth his trust in the Lorde. 21 Who so is wyse in heart, shalbe called prudent: and the sweetnesse of his lippes encreaseth learnyng. 22 Vnderstandyng is a well of lyfe vnto hym that hath it: as for the chastenyng of fooles it is but foolishnesse. 23 A wyse heart ordereth his mouth wisely, and ministreth learnyng vnto his lippes. 24 Fayre wordes are an hony combe, a refresshyng of the mynde, and health of the bones. 25 There is a way that men thynke to be ryght: but the ende therof leadeth vnto death. 26 A troublous soule disquieteth her selfe, for her owne mouth hath brought her therto. 27 An vngodly person stirreth vp euyll, and in his lippes he is as an hotte burnyng fyre. 28 A frowarde body causeth strife: and he that is a blabbe of his tongue maketh deuision among princes. 29 A wicked man beguyleth his neyghbour, and leadeth hym into the way that is not good: 30 He shutteth his eyes to deuise mischiefe: and moueth his lippes to bryng euyll to passe. 31 Age is a crowne of worshyp, yf it be founde in the way of ryghteousnesse. 32 A patient man is better the one strong: and he that can rule hym selfe, is more worth then he that wynneth a citie. 33 The lottes are cast into the lappe: but the orderyng therof standeth all in the Lorde. 17 Better is a drye morsell with quietnesse, then a house full of fat offeryng with strife. 2 A discrete seruaunt shall haue rule ouer a lewde sonne, and shal haue heritage with the brethren. 3 As siluer is tryed in the fire, and golde in the furnace: so doth the Lorde proue the heartes. 4 A wicked body geueth heede to false lippes, and a lyer geueth eare to a deceiptfull tongue. 5 Who so scorneth the poore, blasphemeth his maker: and he that is glad at another mans hurt, shall not be vnpunished. 6 Childers children are a crowne of the aged, and the fathers are the honour of the children. 7 Speache of aucthoritie becommeth not a foole, much lesse a lying mouth then beseemeth a prince. 8 A gyft is as a precious stone vnto hym that hath it: but vnto whom soeuer it turneth, it maketh hym vnwise. 9 Who so couereth a fault, procureth loue: but he that discloseth it, deuideth very frendes. 10 One reproofe more feareth a wise man, then an hundred stripes doth a foole. 11 A seditious person seketh mischiefe, and a cruell messenger shalbe sent agaynst hym. 12 It were better to meete a shee beare robbed of her whelpes, then a foole trusting in his foolishnesse. 13 Who so rewardeth euill for good, euil shall not depart from his house. 14 The beginning of strife is, as when a man maketh an issue for water: therfore leaue of before the contention be medled with. 15 The Lorde hateth as well hym that iustifieth the vngodly, as him that condempneth the innocent. 16 Whereto hath a foole treasure in his hande to bye wisdome, seeing he hath no minde therto? 17 He is a frende that alway loueth, and in aduersitie a man shall knowe who is his brother. 18 Who so promiseth by the hande and is suretie for his neighbour, he is a foole. 19 He that delighteth in sinne, loueth strife: and who so setteth his doore to hye, seeketh destruction. 20 Who so hath a frowarde heart, obteyneth no good: and he that hath a double tongue, shall fall into mischiefe. 21 He that begetteth a foole, begetteth his sorowe: and the father of a foole can haue no ioy. 22 A mery heart make a lustie age: but a sorowfull minde dryeth vp the bones. 23 The vngodly taketh gyftes out of the bosome, to wrest the wayes of iudgement. 24 Wisdome shineth in the face of hym that hath vnderstanding: but the eyes of fooles wander throughout al landes. 25 An vndiscrete sonne is a griefe vnto his father: and an heauinesse vnto his mother. 26 Certaynely to condempne the iust is not good: nor to strike the gouernours whiche iudge rightly. 27 A wyse man vseth fewe wordes, and a man of vnderstanding is of a pacient spirite. 28 Yea, a very foole when he holdeth his tongue is counted wise: and he that stoppeth his lippes is esteemed prudent. 18 Who so hath an earnest desire to wysdome he will sequester him selfe to seeke it, and occupie him selfe in all stedfastnesse & sounde doctrine. 2 A foole hath no delight in vnderstanding: but onlye to vtter the fansies of his owne heart. 3 When the vngodly commeth, then commeth also disdayne: and with the dishonest person commeth shame and dishonour. 4 The wordes of a wyse mans mouth are lyke deepe waters: and the well of wisdome is like a full streame. 5 It is not good to regarde the person of the vngodly, to ouerthrowe the righteous in iudgement. 6 A fooles lippes come with brawling, and his mouth prouoketh vnto stripes. 7 A fooles mouth is his owne destruction, and his lippes are the snare for his owne soule. 8 The wordes of a slaunderer are very woundes, and go through vnto the innermost partes of the body. 9 Who so is slouthfull in his labour, is the brother of hym that is a waster. 10 The name of the Lorde is a strong castell, the righteous runneth vnto it and is in safegarde. 11 The rich mans goodes are his strong citie, and as an high wall in his owne conceipt. 12 Before destruction the heart of a man is proude: and before honour goeth humilitie. 13 He that geueth sentence in a matter before he heare it, the same to hym is folly and shame. 14 A good stomacke beareth out sickenesse: but the minde beyng sicke, who shall heale it? 15 A wise heart possesseth knowledge, & a prudent eare seeketh vnderstanding. 16 A mans gyft maketh an open way, to bryng hym before great men. 17 The righteous declareth his owne cause first him selfe, and his neighbour commeth and tryeth hym. 18 The lot causeth variaunce to ceasse: and parteth the mightie a sunder. 19 Brethren beyng at variaunce are harder to be wonne then a strong citie, and their contentions are like the barre of a castell. 20 A mans belly shalbe satisfied with the fruite of his owne mouth, and with the encrease of his lippes shall he be filled. 21 Death and life are in the instrument of the tongue, and they that loue it, shall eate the fruite thereof. 22 Who so findeth a wyfe, findeth a good thing, and receaueth fauour of the Lorde. 23 The poore prayeth meekely: but the riche geueth a rough aunswere. 24 A man that wyll haue frendes, must shewe hym selfe frendly: and there is a frende whiche is nearer then a brother. 19 Better is the poore that liueth godly, then he that abuseth his lippes, and is a foole. 2 The desire without discretion is not good: but as a man whiche hasteth with his feete offendeth. 3 The foolishnesse of man paruerteth his way: and his heart fretteth against the Lorde. 4 Riches maketh many frendes: but the poore is separated from his neighbour. 5 A false witnesse shall not be vnpunished: and he that speaketh lyes shall not escape. 6 The multitude hangeth vpon great men: and euery man fauoureth hym that geueth rewardes. 7 All the brethren of the poore do hate hym, yea his owne frendes withdrawe them selues from hym: and he that geueth credence to wordes, getteth nothing. 8 He that is wise loueth his owne soule, and kepeth vnderstanding, that he may prosper. 9 A false witnesse shall not be vnpunished: and he that speaketh lyes shall perishe. 10 Pleasure is not seemely for a foole: muche lesse for a bondman to haue rule of princes. 11 A wyse man can put of displeasure, and it is his honour to let some faultes passe. 12 The kynges displeasure is lyke the roaryng of a Lion: but his fauour is lyke the deawe vpon the grasse. 13 An vndiscrete sonne is the heauinesse of his father, and a brawlyng wyfe is like the toppe of an house wherthrough it is euer dropping. 14 House and riches may a man haue by the heritage of his elders: but a discrete woman is the gyft of the Lorde. 15 Slouthfulnesse bryngeth sleepe, and a soule accustomed with craft, shall suffer hunger. 16 Who so kepeth the commaundement, kepeth his owne soule: but he that regardeth not his wayes, shall dye. 17 He that hath pitie vpon the poore, lendeth vnto the Lord: and looke what he layeth out, it shalbe payde hym agayne. 18 Chasten thy sonne whyle there is hope: and let not thy soule spare for his crying. 19 A man of great wrath shall suffer punishment: and though thou once deliuer hym, thou must do it agayne. 20 O geue eare vnto good counsayle, and be content to be refourmed, that thou mayest be wyse in the latter dayes. 21 There are many deuises in a mans heart: neuerthelesse, the counsayle of the Lorde shall stande. 22 It is a mans worship to do good: and a poore man is better then a lyer. 23 The feare of the Lord bringeth a man to lyfe: and he shall rest the whole night in plenteousnesse without visitation of any plague. 24 A slouthfull man shutteth his hande into his bosome, and wyll not take payne to put it to his mouth. 25 If thou smytest a scornefull person, the ignoraunt shall take better heede: and if thou reprouest one that hath vnderstanding, he wyll be the wyser. 26 He that hurteth his father, or shutteth out his mother, is a shamefull and an vnworthy sonne. 27 My sonne heare no more the doctrine that leadeth thee vnto errours from the wordes of vnderstanding. 28 A wicked witnesse mocketh iudgement: and the mouth of the vngodly deuoureth wickednesse. 29 Iudgementes are ordeyned for the scornefull, and stripes for fooles backes. 20 Wine maketh a man to be scornefull, & strong drinke causeth a man to be vnquiet: who so delighteth therin shall not be wyse. 2 The feare of the king is as the roaring of a Lion, who so prouoketh hym vnto anger, offendeth against his owne soule. 3 It is a mans honour to kepe him selfe from strife: but euery foole wyll be medling. 4 A slouthfull body wyll not go to plow for colde of the winter: therefore shall he begge in sommer, and haue nothing. 5 Counsayle in the heart of man is like deepe water: but a man of vnderstanding wyll drawe it out. 6 Many there be that woulde be called good doers: but where shall one finde a faythfull man? 7 The chyldren of the iust man which walketh vprightly, shalbe blessed after hym. 8 A kyng that sitteth in the throne of iudgement, chaseth away all euyll with his looke. 9 Who can say, I haue made my heart cleane, I am pure from my sinne? 10 Two maner of wayghtes or two maner of measures, both these are abhomination vnto the Lorde. 11 A chylde is knowen by his conuersation, whether his workes be pure and right. 12 The eare to heare, the eye to see: the Lorde hath made them both. 13 Loue not sleepe, lest thou come vnto pouertie: but open thyne eyes, that thou mayest haue bread inough. 14 It is naught, it is naught (saith he that byeth): but when he commeth to his owne house, then he boasteth of his peny worth. 15 There is golde, and a multitude of precious stones: but the lippes of knowledge are a precious iewell. 16 Take his garment that is suretie for a straunger: and take a pledge of hym for the vnknowen sake. 17 A man liketh the bread that is gotten with deceipt: but at the last his mouth shalbe filled with grauell. 18 Thorowe counsayle, the thinges that men deuise are made strong: and with good aduise take warre in hande. 19 The craftie deceiptfull bewrayeth secrete counsayle: therefore meddle not with hym that flattereth with his lips. 20 Who so curseth his father and mother, his light shalbe put out in the depth of darknesse. 21 The heritage that commeth hastylye at the first, shall not be blessed at the ende. 22 Say not thou, I wyll recompence euyll: but put thy trust in the Lorde, and he shall deliuer thee. 23 Diuers wayghtes are an abhomination vnto the Lord, and a false balaunce is not good. 24 The Lord ordereth euery mans goinges: how can a man then vnderstand his owne way? 25 It is a snare for a man to deuour that whiche is holy, and after the vowe to make inquirie. 26 A wyse kyng disperseth the vngodly, and bringeth the wheele ouer them. 27 The lanterne of the Lorde is the breath of man, searching all the inwarde partes of the body. 28 Mercy and trueth preserueth the king, and with louing kindnes his seate is holden vp. 29 The strength of young men is their worship, and a gray head is an honour vnto the aged. 30 Blewe woundes driue away euyll, and stripes in the inwarde partes of the body. 21 The kynges heart is in the hand of the Lord, lyke as are the riuers of water, he maye turne it whyther soeuer he wyll. 2 Euery mans way seemeth right in his owne eyes: but the Lorde pondereth the heart. 3 To do righteousnes and iudgement, is more acceptable to the Lorde then sacrifice. 4 An high looke, a proude heart, and the plowing of the vngodly is sinne. 5 The deuises of one that is diligent, bring plenteousnesse: but he that is vnaduised, commeth vnto pouertie. 6 To hoorde vp riches with a deceiptfull tongue, is vanitie tossed to and fro of them that seeke death. 7 The robberies of the vngodly shalbe their owne destruction: for they wyll not do the thing that is right. 8 The way of the vngodly is frowarde and straunge: but of the pure man his worke is right. 9 It is better to dwel in a corner on the house toppe, then with a brawling woman in a wide house. 10 The soule of the vngodly wisheth euyll, and his neighbour findeth no fauour in his eyes. 11 When the scornefull is punished, the ignoraunt take the better heede: and when the wyse is instructed, he wyll receaue vnderstanding. 12 The righteous man wysely considereth the house of the wicked, and for their wickednesse God ouerthroweth the vngodly. 13 Who so stoppeth his eares at the crying of the poore, he shall crye hym selfe and not be hearde. 14 A priuie rewarde pacifieth displeasure: and a gyft in the bosome stylleth furiousnesse. 15 The iust delighteth in doing the thing that is right: but destruction shalbe to the workers of wickednesse. 16 The man that wandereth out of the way of wysdome, shall remaine in the congregation of the dead. 17 He that hath pleasure in bankettes shalbe a poore man: and whoso delighteth in wyne and delicates, shall not be riche. 18 The vngodly shalbe a raunsome for the righteous: and the wicked for the iust. 19 It is better to dwell in the wyldernesse, then with a chydyng and an angrye woman. 20 In a wise mans house there is a great treasure and oyle: but a foolishe body spendeth vp all. 21 Who so foloweth righteousnesse and mercy, findeth both life, righteousnesse, and honour. 22 A wyse man skaleth the citie of the mightie, & ouerthroweth the strength wherein they trusted. 23 Who so kepeth his mouth and his tongue, the same kepeth his soule from troubles. 24 He that is proude and arrogant; is called a scorner, whiche in his wrath worketh presumptuously. 25 The desire of the slouthfull kylleth him: for his handes wyll not labour. 26 He coueteth greedyly all day long: but the righteous geueth and spareth not. 27 The sacrifice of the vngodly is abhomination: howe muche more when they offer the thing that is gotten with wickednesse? 28 A false witnesse shall perishe: but a good man speaketh constantly what he hath hearde. 29 An vngodly man hardeneth his face: but the iust refourmeth his owne way. 30 There is no wysdome, there is no vnderstanding, there is no counsayle against the Lorde. 31 The horse is prepared against the day of battayle: but the Lorde geueth victorie. 22 A good name is more to be desired then great riches: and louing fauour is better then siluer and golde. 2 The riche and poore meete together: the Lorde is the maker of them all. 3 A wyse man seeth the plague, and hydeth hym selfe: but the foolishe go on still, and are punished. 4 By humilitie and the feare of the Lorde, commeth riches, honour, and life. 5 Thornes and snares are in the way of the frowarde: but he that doth kepe his soule, wyll flee farre from them. 6 Teache a chylde what way he should go: for he shall not leaue it when he is olde. 7 The ryche ruleth the poore, and the borower is seruaunt to the lender. 8 He that soweth wickednes, shal reape wickednes: and the rodde of his anger shall fayle. 9 He that hath a bountifull eye, shalbe blessed: for he geueth of his bread to the poore. 10 Cast out the scorneful man, and so shal strife go out with hym: yea variaunce and sclaunder shall ceasse. 11 Who so loueth cleannes of heart, for the grace of his lippes the kyng shalbe his frende. 12 The eyes of the Lord preserue knowledge: and he ouerthroweth the wordes of the transgressours. 13 The slouthfull body saith there is a Lion without: I might be slaine in the streate. 14 The mouth of straunge women is a deepe pit: wherein he falleth that the Lorde is angrye withall. 15 Foolishnes is bounde in the heart of the chylde: and the rodde of correction shall driue it away. 16 Who so doth a poore man wrong, to increase his owne riches and geueth vnto the ryche, at the last commeth to pouertie hym selfe. 17 Bowe downe thyne eare, and heare the wordes of the wise: applie thy mind vnto my doctrine: 18 For it is a pleasaunt thing if thou kepe them in thyne heart, and order them in thy lippes: 19 That thou mayest put thy trust in the Lorde, I haue shewed thee this day the thing that thou knowest. 20 Haue not I warned thee very oft with counsayle and learning, 21 That I might make thee knowe the trueth, that thou with the veritie mightest aunswere them that sende vnto thee? 22 Rob not the poore, because he is poore: and oppresse not the simple in iudgement: 23 For the Lorde him selfe wyll defende their cause, and do violence vnto them that haue vsed violence. 24 Make no frendship with an angrye wylfull man, and walke not with the furious: 25 Lest thou learne his wayes, and receaue hurt to thy soule. 26 Be not thou one of them that binde their hande vpon promise, and are suretie for waightie causes: 27 For if thou hast nothing to pay, they shall take away thy bed from vnder thee. 28 Thou shalt not remoue the auncient lande marke, whiche thy fore elders haue set. 29 Seest thou not that they which be diligent in their businesse stande before kinges, & not among the simple people? 23 When thou sittest to eate with a noble man, consider diligently what is set before thee. 2 Measure thyne appetite if it be gredyly set. 3 Be not desirous of his daintie meates, for meate begyleth and deceaueth. 4 Take not ouer great trauayle to be riche, beware of suche a purpose. 5 Wylt thou set thyne eye vpon the thing which sodenly vanisheth away? For riches make them selues wynges, and take their flight lyke an Egle into the ayre. 6 Eate thou not the bread of hym that hath an euyll eye: neither desire thou his daintie meate. 7 For as though he thought it in his heart, he saith, eate and drinke: where as his heart is not with thee. 8 The morsels that thou hast eaten shalt thou parbreake, and loose those sweete wordes. 9 Tell nothing into the eares of a foole: for he wyll despise the wysdome of thy wordes. 10 Remoue not the olde lande marke, and come not within the fielde of the fatherlesse: 11 For their redeemer is mightie, euen he shall defend their cause against thee. 12 Applye thyne heart vnto correction, and thyne eare to the wordes of knowledge. 13 Withholde not correction from the chylde: for if thou beatest hym with the rodde, he shall not dye thereof: 14 If thou smyte hym with the rodde, thou shalt deliuer his soule from hell. 15 My sonne if thy heart receaue wysdome, my heart also shall reioyce: 16 Yea my raynes shalbe very glad, if thy lippes speake the thing that is right. 17 Let not thyne heart be ielous to folowe sinners, but kepe thee styll in the feare of the Lorde all the day long: 18 For veryly there is an ende, and thy pacient abiding shall not be cut of. 19 My sonne geue eare and be wyse, and set straight thyne heart in the way of the Lorde. 20 Kepe not company with wine bibbers, and riotous eaters of fleshe: 21 For suche as be drunkardes and riotours shall come to pouertie: and he that is geuen to muche sleepe, shall go with a ragged coate. 22 Geue eare vnto thy father that begat thee, and despise not thy mother when she is olde. 23 Purchase trueth, wysdome, nurture, and vnderstanding, and sell them not. 24 The father of the righteous shall greatly reioyce: and he that begetteth a wyse chylde, shall haue ioy of hym. 25 Do so that thy father and mother may be glad of thee, and that she that bare thee may reioyce. 26 My sonne geue me thyne heart, and let thyne eyes haue pleasure in my wayes: 27 For an whore is a deepe graue, and a straunge woman is a narowe pit. 28 She lyeth in wayte as for a pray, and increaseth the transgressours amongst men. 29 Who hath wo? who hath sorowe? who hath strife? who hath brawling? and who hath woundes without a cause? 30 Or who hath red eyes? euen they that be euer at the wine, & seeke excesse. 31 Looke not thou vpon the wine howe red it is, and what a colour it geueth in the glasse: 32 It goeth downe sweetely, but at the last it byteth like a serpent, and stingeth lyke an adder. 33 Thyne eyes shall beholde straunge women, and thyne heart shall vtter lewde thinges: 34 Yea thou shalt be as though thou layest in the middest of the sea, or slepest vppon the top of the maste of a ship. 35 They haue beaten me shalt thou say and I was not sicke, they haue stricken me, and I felt it not: When I am well wakened, I wil go to the drinke again. 24 Be not thou enuious to folow wicked men, and desire not to be among them: 2 For their heart imagineth to do hurt, and their lippes talke mischiefe. 3 Thorowe wysdome is an house buylded, & with vnderstanding is it set vp. 4 Thorowe discretion shall the chaumbers be filled with all costly and pleasaunt riches. 5 A wise man is euer strong: yea a man of vnderstanding increaseth strength. 6 For with discretion must warres be taken in hand: and where as are many that can geue counsaile, there is health. 7 Wysdome is to hye a thyng for a foole: for he dare not open his mouth in the gate. 8 He that imagineth mischiefe, maye well be called an vngratious person. 9 The wicked thought of the foolishe is sinne: and the scornefull is an abhomination vnto men. 10 If thou be faynt in the day of aduersitie, thy strength is small. 11 Deliuer them that are drawen vnto death, and ceasse not to preserue them that are led to be slayne: 12 If thou wylt say, beholde I knewe not of it: doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? And he that kepeth thy soule, knoweth he it not? Shall not he also recompence euery man according to his workes? 13 My sonne, eate thou hony because it is good, and the hony combe, for it is sweete vnto thy mouth: 14 So sweete shal the knowledge of wysdome be vnto thy soule when thou hast found it: and there shalbe hope, and thy hope shall not be cut of. 15 Laye no priuie wayte (O wicked man) against the house of the righteous, and spoyle not his resting place. 16 For a iust man falleth seuen tymes, and ryseth vp agayne: but the vngodly fall into mischiefe. 17 Reioyce not thou at the fall of thyne enemie, and let not thyne heart be glad when he stumbleth: 18 Lest the Lorde when he seeth it be angry, and turne his wrath from hym vnto thee. 19 Fret not thy selfe because of the malitious, neither be enuious at the wicked: 20 For the wicked shall haue no posteritie, and the candle of the vngodly shalbe put out. 21 My sonne, feare thou the Lorde and the kyng, and kepe no company with them that slide backe from his feare: 22 For their destruction shall rise sodainlye: and who knoweth the aduersitie that may come from them both? 23 It is not good to haue respect of any person in iudgement. 24 He that saith to the vngodly thou art righteous, hym shall the people curse, yea the comminaltie shall abhorre him: 25 But they that rebuke the vngodly in them doth God delight, and a rych blessing shall come vpon them. 26 Euery man shall kisse his lippes that geueth a good aunswere. 27 Make redie thy worke that is without, and looke well vnto that whiche thou hast in the fielde: and then buylde thyne house. 28 Be not a false witnesse against thy neighbour, and speake no falsehood with thy lippes. 29 Say not, I wyll handle hym euen as he hath dealt with me: and wyll rewarde euery man according to his deedes. 30 I went by the fielde of the slouthfull, and by the vineyarde of the foolishe man: 31 And lo, it was all couered with nettles, and stoode full of thornes, and the stone wall was broken downe. 32 This I sawe, and considered it well: I looked vpon it, and toke it for a warning. 33 Yea sleepe on styll I say a litle, slumber a litle, folde thy handes together yet a litle: 34 So shall pouertie come vnto thee as one that trauayleth by the way, and necessitie lyke a weaponed man. 25 These are also parables of Solomon, which the men of Ezekia king of Iuda copied out. 2 It is the glory of God to kepe a thing secrete: but the kynges honour is to searche out a thing. 3 The heauen is hye, the earth is deepe: and the kinges heart is vnsearcheable. 4 Take the drosse from the siluer, and there shalbe a vessell for the siner. 5 Take away the vngodly from the kyng: and his seate shalbe stablished with righteousnesse. 6 Put not foorth thy selfe in the presence of the king, and preasse not into the place of great men: 7 For better is it, that it be sayde vnto thee, come vp hyther: then thou to be put lower in the presence of the priuce whom thou seest with thyne eyes. 8 Be not hastie to go to lawe: lest haplye thou knowest not what to do when thy neighbour hath confounded thee. 9 Handle thy matter with thy neighbour himselfe, and discouer not thy secrete to another: 10 Lest he that heareth it put thee to shame, and thy infamie do not ceasse. 11 A worde spoken in due season, is lyke apples of golde in a graued worke of siluer. 12 Who so reproueth a wyse man that hath an obedient eare, is as a golden earring, and an ornament of fine golde. 13 As the colde of snowe in the tyme of haruest: so is a faythfull messenger to them that sende hym, for he refresheth his maisters mynde. 14 Whoso maketh great boastes and geueth nothing, is lyke cloudes and winde without rayne. 15 With pacience is a prince pacified, and with a softe tongue is rigorousnesse broken. 16 If thou findest honie, eate so muche as is sufficient for thee: lest thou be ouer full, and parbreake it out agayne. 17 Withdrawe thy foote from thy neighbours house: lest he be werie of thee, and so hate thee. 18 Whoso beareth false witnesse against his neighbour, he is a very club, a sworde, and a sharpe arrowe. 19 The confidence that is put in an vnfaythfull man in tyme of trouble, is like a broken tooth, and a sliding foote. 20 Who so taketh away a mans garment in the colde weather, is like vineger vpon lime, or lyke hym that singeth songues to an heauie heart. 21 If thyne enemie hunger, feede hym, if he thirst, geue him drinke: 22 For so shalt thou heape coles of fire vpon his head, and the Lorde shall rewarde thee. 23 The northwinde dryueth away the rayne: euen so doth an angry countenaunce a backbiters tongue. 24 It is better to sit in a corner vpon the house toppe, then with a brawling woman in a wide house. 25 Good newes from a straunge countrey, are as colde water to a thirstie soule. 26 A righteous man fallyng downe before the vngodly, is like a troubled wel, and a spring that is corrupted. 27 As it is not good to eate to muche honye, so curiously to searche the glory of heauenly thinges, is not commendable. 28 He that can not rule him selfe, is like a citie whiche is broken downe and hath no walles. 26 Lyke as snowe is not meete in sommer and rayne in haruest: euen so is worship vnseemely for a foole. 2 As the byrde and the swalowe take their flight and flee here and there: so the curse that is geuen in vayne, shall not light vpon a man. 3 Unto the horse belongeth a whip, to the asse a brydle: and a rod to the fooles backe. 4 Geue not the foole an aunswere after his foolishnes, lest thou become like vnto him. 5 But make the foole an aunswere to his foolishnesse, lest he be wyse in his owne conceipt. 6 As he that cutteth of his messengers feete endamageth himselfe: so doth he that committeth a message to a foole. 7 Like as in a lame man his legges are not equall: euen so is a parable in a fooles mouth. 8 He that setteth a foole in hye dignitie, that is euen as if a man would bynde a stone in a sling. 9 As is a thorne in the hande of a drunkarde: so is a parable in a fooles mouth. 10 The mightie that fourmed al thinges, rewardeth the fooles & transgressours. 11 Like as the dogge turneth agayne to his owne vomite: euen so a foole beginneth his foolishnes agayne afreshe. 12 If thou seest a man that is wise in his owne conceipt: there is more hope in a foole, then in hym. 13 The slouthfull saith, there is a lion in the way, and a lion in the middest of the streates. 14 Like as the doore turneth about vpon the hynges: euen so doth the slouthfull walter him selfe in his bed. 15 The slouthfull body thrusteth his hande into his bosome, and it greeueth hym to put it agayne to his mouth. 16 The sluggarde thinketh him selfe wiser then seuen men that sit and teache. 17 Who so goeth by and medleth with other mens strife: he is like one that taketh a dogge by the eares. 18 As he that fayneth him selfe mad, casteth firebrandes, deadly arrowes and dartes: 19 So doth a dissembler with his neighbour, and saith, am not I in sport? 20 Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out: euen so where the talebearer is taken away, there the strife ceasseth. 21 As coles kindle heate, and wood the fire: euen so doth a brawling felowe stirre vp variaunce. 22 A talebearers wordes are lyke men that strike with hammers, and they pearse the inwarde partes of the body. 23 Burning lippes and a wicked heart, are like a potsharde couered with siluer drosse. 24 An enemie wyll dissemble with his lippes, and layeth vp deceipt in his heart. 25 But when he speaketh fayre, beleue hym not: for there are seuen abhominations in his heart. 26 Hatred maye be couered by deceipt: but the malice therof shalbe shewed before the whole congregation. 27 Who so diggeth vp a pit, shal fall therin: and he that rolleth vp a stone, it wyl returne vpon hym. 28 A lying tongue hateth the afflicted: and a flattering mouth worketh mischiefe. 27 Make not thy boast of to morowe: for thou knowest not what a day may bring foorth. 2 Let another man prayse thee, and not thyne owne mouth, yea other folkes, and not thyne owne lippes. 3 The stone is heauie, and the sande wayghtie: but a fooles wrath is heauier then them both. 4 Wrath is a cruell thing, and furiousnesse is a very tempest: but who is able to abide enuie? 5 Open rebuke, is better then secrete loue. 6 Faythfull are the woundes of a louer: but the kysses of an enemie are cruell. 7 He that is full, abhorreth an honye combe: but vnto hym that is hungrye, euery sowre thing is sweete. 8 He that oft times flitteth, is like a byrd that forsaketh her nest. 9 Baulme and sweete incense make the heart merie: so sweete is that frende that geueth counsell from the heart. 10 Thyne owne frende and thy fathers frende see thou forsake not, and go not into thy brothers house in tyme of thy trouble: for better is a frende at hand, then a brother farre of. 11 My sonne be wyse, and make me a glad heart, that I may make aunswere vnto my rebukers. 12 A wyse man seing the plague, wyll hide hym selfe: as for fooles they go on styll and suffer harme. 13 Take his garment that is suretie for a straunger, and take a pledge of hym for the vnknowen sake. 14 He that is to hastie to praise his neighbour aboue measure, shalbe taken as one that geueth hym an euyll report. 15 A brawling woman and the roofe of the house dropping in a raynie day, may well be compared together. 16 He that stilleth her, stilleth the winde, and stoppeth the smell of the oyntment in his hande. 17 Like as one iron whetteth another, so doth one man comfort another. 18 Whoso kepeth his figge tree, shall eate the fruites thereof: so he that wayteth vpon his maister, shall come to honour. 19 Like as in one water there appeare diuers faces: euen so diuers men haue diuers heartes. 20 Hell and destruction are neuer full: euen so the eyes of men can neuer be satisfied. 21 As is the fining pot for the siluer, and the furnace for golde: so is a man tryed by the mouth of him that prayseth him. 22 Though thou shouldest bray a foole with a pestel in a morter like furmentie corne: yet wyll not his foolishnes go from hym. 23 Be thou diligent to knowe the state of thy cattell thy selfe, and loke well to thy flockes. 24 For riches abideth not alway, and the crowne endureth not for euer. 25 The hay groweth, the grasse commeth vp, and hearbes are gathered in the mountaynes. 26 The lambes shall clothe thee, and for the goates thou shalt haue money to thy husbandry. 27 Thou shalt haue goates milke inough to feede thee, to vpholde thy housholde, and to sustayne thy maydens. 28 The vngodly fleeth when no man pursueth him: but the righteous are bolde as a Lion. 2 For the wickednes of the lande, the prince is oft chaunged: but thorowe a man of vnderstanding and wysdome, a realme endureth long. 3 One poore man oppressing another by violence, is like a raging rayne that destroyeth the fruite. 4 They that forsake the lawe, prayse the vngodly: but such as kepe the lawe are greeued at them. 5 Wicked men vnderstande not iudgement: but they that seeke the Lord, vnderstande all thinges. 6 Better is he that walketh in his vprightnes: then he that peruerteth his wayes, and is riche. 7 Who so kepeth the lawe, is a chylde of vnderstanding: but he that is a companion of riotous men, shameth his father. 8 He that by vsurie and vniust gaynes gathereth riches: he shall lay them in store for a man that will pitie the poore. 9 He that turneth away his eare from hearing the lawe, his prayer shalbe abhominable. 10 Who so causeth the righteous to go astray by an euill way, shall fall into his owne pit: but the iust shall haue the good in possession. 11 The riche man thinketh hym selfe to be wise: but the poore that hath vnderstandyng can perceaue hym well inough. 12 When righteous men do reioyce, there is great glory: but when the wicked come vp, the man is tryed. 13 He that hydeth his sinnes, shall not prosper: but whoso knowledgeth them and forsaketh them, shall haue mercy. 14 Well is hym that standeth alway in awe: as for hym that hardeneth his heart, he shall fall into mischiefe. 15 As a roaring Lion and an hungrye Beare, so is an vngodly prince ouer the poore people. 16 Where the prince is without vnderstanding, there is great oppression and wrong: but if he hateth couetousnes, he shall long raigne. 17 He that by violence shedeth any mans blood, shalbe a runnagate vnto his graue, and no man shalbe able to succour hym. 18 Whoso leadeth an innocent life, shalbe saued: but he that goeth frowarde wayes, shall once haue a fall. 19 He that tylleth his lande shall haue plenteousnes of bread: but he that foloweth idle persons, shall haue pouertie inough. 20 A faythfull man shalbe fylled with blessinges, and he that maketh haste to be riche, shall not be vngyltie. 21 To haue respect of persons in iudgement is not good, for that man wyll do wrong, yea euen for a peece of bread. 22 He that wyll be riche all to soone, hath an euyll eye: and considereth not that pouertie shall come vpon hym. 23 He that folowyng my preceptes rebuketh a man, shall fynde more fauour at the last then he that flattereth hym. 24 Who so robbeth his father and mother, and sayth it is no sinne: the same is the companion of a destroyer. 25 He that is of a proude stomacke stirreth vp strife: but he that putteth his trust in the Lorde shalbe well fed. 26 He that trusteth in his owne heart is a foole: but he that dealeth wisely shalbe safe. 27 He that geueth vnto the poore shall not lacke: but he that hydeth his eyes from them, shall haue many a curse. 28 When the vngodly are come vp, men are fayne to hide themselues: but when they perishe, the ryghteous encrease. 29 He that is stifnecked and wyll not be refourmed, shall sodaynly be destroyed without any helpe. 2 When the ryghteous are in aucthoritie the people do reioyce: but when the wicked beare rule, the people mourne. 3 Who so loueth wisdome, maketh his father a glad man: but he that kepeth companie with harlottes, spendeth away that he hath. 4 With true iudgement the kyng stablissheth the lande: but yf he be a man that oppresse the people with gatherynges, he turneth it vpside downe. 5 Who so flattereth his neighbour, layeth a net for his feete. 6 The sinne of the wicked is his owne snare: but the ryghteous doth syng and reioyce. 7 The righteous considereth the cause of the poore: but the vngodly regardeth no vnderstandyng. 8 Scornefull men bryng a citie into a snare: but wise men turne away wrath. 9 If a wise man contendeth with a foole: whether he be angry or laugh, there is no rest. 10 The bloodthirstie hate the righteous: but the iust seeke his soule. 11 A foole vttereth all his mynde at once: but a wyse man kepeth it in tyll afterwarde. 12 If a prince delight in lyes, all his seruauntes are vngodly. 13 The poore and the lender meete together, and the Lorde lyghteneth both their eyes. 14 The seate of the kyng that faithfully iudgeth the poore, shall continue sure for euermore. 15 The rodde and correction geueth wisdome: but a childe left to his owne will, bryngeth his mother to shame. 16 When the vngodly are multiplied, wickednesse encreaseth: but the ryghteous shall see their fall. 17 Nurture thy sonne with correction, and thou shalt be at rest: yea, he shall do thee good at thine heart. 18 When the worde of God is not preached, the people perishe: but well is hym that kepeth the lawe. 19 A stubbourne seruaunt wyll not be the better for wordes: for though he vnderstande, yet will he not regarde them. 20 Seest thou a man that is hastie to speake vnaduisedly? there is more hope in a foole then in hym. 21 He that delicately bryngeth vp his seruaunt from a chylde, shall make hym his maister at length. 22 An angry man stirreth vp strife, and he that beareth euyll will in his mynde doth much euyll. 23 After pryde commeth a fall: but a lowly spirite bryngeth great worshyp. 24 Who so is partner with a thiefe, hateth his owne soule: he heareth blasphemie and telleth it not foorth. 25 He that feareth men shall haue a fall: but who so putteth his trust in the Lorde, is without daunger. 26 Many there be that seke the princes fauour: but euery mans iudgement commeth from the Lorde. 27 The righteous abhorreth the vngodlye: and the wicked hateth hym that is in the ryght way. 30 And the prophecie that the same man spake vnto Ithiel, euen vnto Ithiel and Uchal. 2 Surely I am more foolishe then any man, and haue no mans vnderstandyng. 3 I neuer learned wisdome, nor had knowledge of holy thynges. 4 Who hath clymed vp into heauen, and come downe from thence? who hath holden the wynde fast in his hande? who hath gathered together the waters in a garment? who hath established all the endes of the worlde: what is his name, and what is his sonnes name, yf thou canst tell? 5 Euery worde of God is pure: he is a shielde vnto all them that put their trust in hym. 6 Put thou nothyng vnto his wordes, lest he reproue thee, and thou be founde a lyar. 7 Two thinges haue I required of thee, denie me them not before I dye: 8 Remoue farre fro me vanitie and lyes, geue me neither pouertie nor riches, only graunt me a necessary lyuyng: 9 Lest peraduenture I beyng full, shoulde denie thee, and say, who is the Lorde? or beyng oppressed with pouertie fall to stealyng, and forswere the name of my God. 10 Accuse not a seruaunt vnto his maister, lest he speake euyll of thee, and thou be hurt. 11 There is a generation that curseth their father, and doth not blesse their mother. 12 There is a generation that thynke them selues cleane, and yet is not cleansed from their filthinesse. 13 There is a generation that hath a proude loke, and doth cast vp their eye lyddes. 14 There is a generation whose teeth are as swordes, and their chawes as knyues, to deuour the poore from of the earth, & the needy from among men. 15 The horse leache hath two daughters crying: bryng hyther, bryng hyther. There be three thynges that are neuer satisfied, yea foure thynges sayth neuer hoe: 16 The graue, the barren wombe, and the earth that hath neuer water enough: as for fire it sayth neuer hoe. 17 Who so laugheth his father to scorne, and setteth his mothers commaundement at naught, the rauens of the valley picke out his eyes, and deuoured be he of the young Egles. 18 There be three thynges whiche are wonderfull to me, yea foure whiche passe my vnderstandyng: 19 The way of an Egle in the ayre, the way of a serpent vpon a stone, the way of a ship in the middest of the sea, and the way of a man with a young woman: 20 Such is the way also of a wyfe that breaketh wedlocke, which wypeth her mouth lyke as when she hath eaten, and sayth, as for me I haue done no wickednesse. 21 For three thynges the earth is disquieted, and the fourth may it not abyde. 22 A seruaunt that beareth rule, a foole that is full fedde, 23 A spiteful woman when she is maried, and an handmayde that is heire to her maistresse. 24 These be foure thynges in the earth the which are very litle, but in wisdome they exceede the wyse: 25 The emmets are but a weake people, which yet gather their meate in the sommer: 26 The conies are but a feeble folke, yet make their boroughes among the rockes: 27 The grashoppers haue not a guide, yet go they foorth together by heapes: 28 The spyder laboureth with her handes, and is in kynges palaces. 29 There be three thynges that go well, yea foure are comely in goyng. 30 A lion whiche is strongest among beastes, and shunneth not at the syght of any: 31 A grayhounde strong in the hynder partes, a ramme also, and a king against whom no man aryseth vp. 32 If thou hast done foolishly when thou wast in hye estate, or yf thou hast taken euyll counsayle, then lay thine hande vpon thy mouth. 33 Who so chirneth mylke bringeth foorth butter, and he that rubbeth his nose, maketh it bleede: Euen so he that forceth wrath, bringeth foorth strife. 31 The wordes of king Lamuel, and the lesson that his mother taught him. 2 What my sonne? what the sonne of my body? and what O my deare beloued sonne? 3 Geue not ouer thy strength & wayes vnto women, which are the destruction euen of kynges. 4 O Lamuel, it is not for kynges, it is not I say for kynges to drynke wine, nor princes strong drynke. 5 Lest they by drnkyng forget the lawe, and peruert the iudgement of all poore mens children. 6 Geue strong drynke vnto such as are redy to perishe, and wine vnto those that mourne: 7 That they may drynke it, and forget their miserie and aduersitie. 8 Be thou an aduocate for the dumbe, to speake in the cause of all such as be succourlesse in this transitorie worlde. 9 Open thy mouth, defende the thyng that is lawfull and ryght, and the cause of the poore and helpelesse. 10 Who so fyndeth an honest faythfull woman, she is much more worth then pearles. 11 The heart of her husbande may safely trust in her, so that he shall fall into no pouertie. 12 She wyll do hym good, and not euill, all the dayes of her lyfe. 13 She occupieth wooll and flaxe, and laboureth gladly with her handes. 14 She is like a marchauntes ship, that bryngeth her vittayles from a farre. 15 She is vp in the nyght season, to prouide meate for her housholde, and foode for her maydens. 16 She considereth lande, and byeth it: and with the fruite of her handes she planteth a vineyarde. 17 She girdeth her loynes with strength, and fortifieth her armes. 18 And yf she perceaue that her huswiferie doth good, her candell goeth not out by nyght. 19 She layeth her fingers to the spindle, & her hande taketh holde of the distaffe. 20 She openeth her hande to the poore, yea she stretcheth foorth her handes to such as haue neede. 21 She feareth not that the colde of wynter shall hurt her housholde, for all her housholde folkes are clothed with scarlet. 22 She maketh her selfe faire ornametes, her clothyng is white silke and purple. 23 Her husbande is much set by in the gates, when he sitteth among the rulers of the lande. 24 She maketh cloth of silke, and selleth it: and deliuereth girdles vnto the marchaunt. 25 Strength and honour is her clothing, and in the latter day she shall reioyce. 26 She openeth her mouth with wisdome, and in her tongue is the lawe of grace. 27 She loketh well to the wayes of her housholde: and eateth not her bread with idlenesse. 28 Her children arise vp & call her blessed: and her husbande shall make much of her. 29 Many daughters there be that gather riches together: but thou goest aboue them all. 30 As for fauour it is deceiptfull, & beautie is a vayne thyng: but a woman that feareth the Lorde, shalbe praysed. 31 Geue her of the fruite of her handes: and let her owne workes prayse her in the gates.