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1 These are the names of the children of Israel, whiche came into Egypt with Iacob, euery ma came with his housholde: 2 Ruben, Simeon, Leui, and Iuda: 3 Isachar, Zabulon, and Beniamin, 4 Dan and Nephthali, Gad & Aser. 5 All the soules that came out of the line of Iacob, were seuentie: 6 But Ioseph was in Egypt alredy, & Ioseph dyed, and all his brethren, and all that generation. 7 And the children of Israel were fruitfull, encreased, multiplied, & waxed exceedyng myghtie, and the lande was full of them. 8 But there arose vp a newe kyng in Egypt, which knewe not Ioseph: 9 And he sayde vnto his folke, Beholde, the people of the chyldren of Israel are greater and myghtier then we. 10 Come on, let vs deale wyttyly with the, lest they multiplie, & lest it come to passe, that if there be any warre, they ioyne them selues vnto our enemies, & fight agaynst vs, & so get them vp out of ye land. 11 Therfore dyd they set taske maisters ouer them, to kepe the vnder with burthens: And they buylt vnto Pharao treasure cities, Pithom & Raamses. 12 But the more they vexed them, the more they multiplied and grewe: so that they abhorred at the syght of the chyldren of Israel. 13 And the Egyptians helde the children of Israel in bondage without mercie, 14 And they made their lyues bytter vnto them in that cruell bondage, in claye, and bricke, and all maner of worke in the fielde: for all their bondage wherein they serued them was ful of tirannie. 15 And the kyng of Egypt spake vnto the mydwyfes of the Hebrues women: (of which the one was named Siphrah and the other Puah) and sayde: 16 When ye do the office of a mydwyfe to the women of the Hebrues, and see in the birth tyme that it is a boy, ye shall kyl it: but if it be a daughter, it shal liue. 17 Notwithstanding, the mydwifes feared God, and dyd not as the kyng of Egypt commaunded them, but saued the men chyldren. 18 And the kyng of Egypt called for the mydwyfes, and sayde vnto them: why haue ye dealt on this maner, and haue saued the men chyldren? 19 And the mydwyfes aunswered Pharao: that ye Hebrues women are not as the women of Egypt: for they are more liuely women, and are deliuered yer the mydwyfes come at them. 20 And God dealt well therefore with the mydwyfes: and the people multiplied and waxed very myghtie. 21 And it came to passe, that because the midwifes feared God, he made them houses. 22 And Pharao charged all his people, saying: All the men chyldren that are borne, cast into the ryuer, and saue the mayde chyldren alyue. 2 And there went a man out of the house of Leui, and toke to wyfe a daughter of Leui. 2 And the wyfe conceaued and bare a sonne: and when she sawe that it was a proper childe, she hyd him three monethes. 3 And when she coulde no longer hyde hym, she toke a basket made of bull russhes, and dawbed it with slyme and pitche, and layed the chylde therein, and put it in the flagges by the riuers brinke 4 And his sister stoode a farre of, to wit what woulde come of it. 5 And the daughter of Pharao came downe to wasshe her selfe in the ryuer, and her maydens walked along by the ryuers syde: And when she sawe the basket among the flagges, she sent her mayde to fetch it. 6 And when she had opened it, she sawe it was a chylde: and beholde, the babe wept. And she had compassion on it, and sayde: it is one of the Hebrues chyldren. 7 Then sayde his sister to Pharaos daughter: shall I go and call to thee a nurse of the Hebrues women, to nurse thee the chylde? 8 Pharaos daughter aunswered her: go. And the mayde ranne and called the chyldes mother. 9 To whom Pharaos daughter sayde: Take this chylde away, and nurse it for me, and I wyll rewarde thee. And the woman toke the chylde, & nursed it vp. 10 The chylde grewe, and she brought it vnto Pharaos daughter, and it was made her sonne. And she called ye name of it Moyses: because sayde she I toke hym out of the water. 11 And in those dayes, when Moyses was waxed great, he went out vnto his brethren, & loked on their burdens, and spyed an Egyptian smytyng an Hebrue which was one of his brethren. 12 And he loked rounde about, and when he sawe no man by, he slewe the Egyptian, and hyd hym in the sande. 13 And when he was gone out another day, beholde, two men of the Hebrues stroue together: And he saide vnto him that dyd the wrong, Wherefore smytest thou thy felowe? 14 He aunswered: Who made thee a man of aucthoritie and a iudge ouer vs? intendest thou to kyll me, as thou kylledst the Egyptian? And Moyses feared and sayde: Of a suretie this thyng is knowen. 15 And Pharao heard of it, and went about to slaye Moyses. And Moyses fleyng from the face of Pharao, dwelt in the lande of Madian: and he sate downe by the welles syde. 16 The priest of Madian had vij. daughters, which came and drewe water and filled the troughes for to water their fathers sheepe. 17 And the shepheardes came and droue them away: but Moyses stoode vp and helped them, and watred their sheepe. 18 And when they came to Raguel their father, he sayde: Howe came it to passe that ye are come so soone to day? 19 And they aunswered: A man of Egypt deliuered vs from the handes of the shepheardes, and so drewe vs water, and watered the sheepe. 20 He saide vnto his daughters: & where is he? why haue ye so left the man? Call hym, that he may eate bread. 21 And Moyses was content to dwell with the man: & he gaue Moyses Sephora his daughter: 22 Which bare him a sonne, and he called his name Gershom: For he saide, I haue ben a straunger in a straunge land. 23 And in processe of tyme the kyng of Egypt dyed, and the chyldren of Israel syghed by the reason of bondage, and cryed. 24 And their complaynt came vp vnto God from the bondage: and God heard their mone, and God remembred his couenaunt with Abraham, Isahac, and Iacob. 25 And God loked vpon the chyldren of Israel, and God had respecte vnto them. 3 Moyses kept the sheepe of Iethro his father in lawe, priest of Madian: and he droue the flocke to the backesyde of the desert, aud came to the mountayne of God Horeb. 2 And the angell of the Lorde appeared vnto hym in a flambe of fire out of the middes of a busshe: And he loked, and beholde the busshe burned with fire, and the busshe was not consumed. 3 Therfore Moyses sayde: I wyll go nowe and see this great syght, howe it commeth that the busshe burneth not. 4 And when ye Lorde sawe that he came for to see, God called vnto him out of the middes of the busshe, & sayde: Moyses, Moyses? And he answered, here am I. 5 And he said: Draw not nigh hither, put thy shoes of thy feete, for the place whereon thou standest, is holy ground. 6 And he sayde: I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isahac, and the God of Iacob. And Moyses hid his face, for he was afrayde to loke vpon God. 7 And the Lorde saide: I haue surely seene the trouble of my people which are in Egypt, and haue heard their crie from the face of their taske maisters: for I knowe their sorowes, 8 And am come downe to deliuer the out of the hande of the Egyptians, and to bryng them out of that lande, vnto a good lande & a large, vnto a lande that floweth with mylke and hony, euen vnto the place of the Chanaanites, and Hethites, and Amorites, and Pherizites, and Heuites, and of the Iebusites. 9 Nowe therfore beholde the complaint of the chyldren of Israel is come vnto me: and I haue also seene the oppressio wherwith ye Egyptians oppressed them. 10 Come thou therfore, and I wyll sende thee vnto Pharao, that thou mayest bryng my people the chyldren of Israel out of Egypt. 11 And Moyses saide vnto God: what am I to go vnto Pharao, and to bryng the chyldren of Israel out of Egypt? 12 And he aunswered. For I wyll be with thee: and this shalbe a token vnto thee that I haue sent thee, After that thou hast brought the people out of Egypt, ye shall serue God vpon this moutayne. 13 And Moyses sayde vnto God: behold when I come vnto the chyldren of Israel, and shall say vnto them: the God of your fathers hath sent me vnto you. And if they saye vnto me, what is thy name? what answere shall I geue the? 14 And God aunswered Moyses: I am that I am. And he said: This shalt thou say vnto the chyldren of Israel, I am, hath sent me vnto you. 15 And God spake further vnto Moyses, Thus shalt thou say vnto the chyldren of Israel: The Lorde God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isahac, and the God of Iacob hath sent me vnto you: This is my name for euer, and this is my memoriall into generation and generation. 16 Go, and gather the elders of Israel together, and thou shalt saye vnto them, The Lorde God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isahac, and the God of Iacob appeared vnto me, and sayde: In visityng, haue I visited you, and know that which is done to you in Egypt. 17 And I haue sayde: I wyll bryng you out of the tribulation of Egypt, vnto the land of the Chanaanites, and Hethites, and Amorites, and Pherizites, and Heuites, and Iebusites, euen into a land which floweth with milke & hony. 18 And they shall heare thy voyce: Then both thou and the elders of Israel shall go vnto the kyng of Egypt, and say vnto him: The Lord God of the Hebrues hath met with vs, and nowe let vs go we beseche thee three dayes iourney into the wyldernesse, and do sacrifice vnto the Lorde our God. 19 And I am sure that the king of Egypt wyl not let you go, no not in a mightie hande. 20 And I wyll stretche out my hande, & smyte Egypt with al my wonders whiche I wyll do in the middes therof, and after that he wyll let you go. 21 And I wyll get this people fauour in the syght of the Egyptians, so that when ye go, ye shall not go emptie: 22 But a wyfe shall borowe of her neighbour, and of her that soiourneth in her house, iewels of syluer, and iewels of golde, and rayment: and ye shall put them on your sonnes and daughters, & shall robbe the Egyptians. 4 Moyses aunswered, and said: See, they wyll not beleue me, nor harken vnto my voyce: but wyll saye, The Lorde hath not appeared vnto thee. 2 And the Lorde sayde vnto him: What is that which is in thine hande? He aunswered: a rodde. 3 And he sayde: Cast it on the grounde. And he cast it on the grounde, and it became a serpent: and Moyses fled fro the syght of it. 4 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: Put foorth thy hande, and take it by the tayle. And therefore he put foorth his hande, and caught it: and it became a rodde in his hande. 5 By this thing shall they beleue, that the Lord God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isahac, & the God of Iacob hath appeared vnto thee. 6 And the Lorde sayde furthermore vnto hym: Thrust thyne hande into thy bosome. And he thruste his hande into his bosome: and when he toke it out agayne, beholde his hande was leprous, euen as snowe. 7 And he sayde: Put thine hande into thy bosome againe. And he put his hand into his bosome agayne: and plucked it out of his bosome, and behold, it was turned agayne as his other fleshe. 8 Therfore yf they wyll not beleue thee, neither heare ye voyce of the first signes, yet wyll they beleue for the voyce of the seconde signes. 9 But & if they wyl not beleue these two signes, neither hearken vnto thy voyce: thou shalt take of the water of the riuer and powre it vpon the drye lande, and the water which thou takest out of the riuer shalbe turned into blood vpon the drye lande. 10 Moyses sayd vnto the Lorde: Oh my Lord, I am neither yesterday nor yer yesterday a man eloquet, neither sence thou hast spoken vnto thy seruaunt: but I am slowe mouthed, & slowe tounged. 11 And the Lorde sayd vnto hym: who hath made mans mouth? or who maketh the dumbe, or deafe, the seyng, or the blynde? Haue not I the Lorde? 12 And nowe go, and I wyll be with thy mouth, and teache thee what thou shalt say. 13 He said: oh my Lorde, sende I pray thee, by the hande of hym whom thou wylt sende. 14 And the Lorde was angry with Moyses, and sayde: Do not I knowe Aaron thy brother the Leuite, that he can speake? For lo, he commeth foorth to meete thee: and when he seeth thee, he wyll be glad in his heart. 15 Therfore thou shalt speake vnto him, and put these wordes in his mouth, and I wilbe with thy mouth, and with his mouth: and wyll teache you what you ought to do. 16 And he shalbe thy spokesman vnto the people, and he shalbe euen he shalbe to thee in steade of a mouth, and thou shalt be to him, in steade of God. 17 And thou shalt take this rodde in thy hande, wherewith thou shalt do miracles. 18 Therfore Moyses went and returned to Iethro his father in law againe, and said vnto him: Let me go I pray thee nowe, and turne agayne vnto my brethren which are in Egypt, and see whether they be yet aliue. And Iethro said to Moyses: go in peace. 19 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses in Madian, Go and returne agayne into Egypt: for all the men are dead whiche went about to kill thee. 20 And Moyses toke his wyfe, and his sonnes, and put them on an asse, and went agayne to Egypt: And Moyses toke the rodde of God in his hande. 21 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: When thou art entred and come into Egypt agayne, see that thou do all the wonders before Pharao whiche I haue put in thy hand: but I wyll hold his heart, & he shal not let the people go. 22 And thou shalt saye vnto Pharao: Thus sayeth the Lorde, Israel is my sonne euen my first borne sonne. 23 And I sayde vnto thee, that thou let my sonne go, that he may serue me. And if thou refuse to let him go: beholde, I do slay thy sonne euen thy first borne. 24 And it came to passe by the way in the Inne that the Lorde met hym, and woulde haue kylled hym. 25 And Sephora toke a stone, and cut away the foreskin of her sonne, and cast it at his feete, and sayd: a blooddy husbande art thou vnto me. 26 Then he let him go, and she sayde: a blooddy husbande, because of her circumcision. 27 Then said the Lorde vnto Aaron: go meete Moyses in the wyldernesse. And he went and met him in the mounte of God, and kissed him. 28 And Moyses tolde Aaron all the wordes of the Lorde whiche had sent him, and all the signes whiche he had charged him withall. 29 So went Moyses and Aaron, and gathered all the elders of the chyldren of Israel. 30 And Aaron told all the wordes which the Lord had spoken vnto Moyses: and did ye miracles in the sight of the people. 31 And the people beleued. And when they hearde that the Lorde had visited the children of Israel, and had looked vpon their tribulation, they bowed the selues, and worshipped. 5 Moyses and Aaron went in afterward and told Pharao, Thus sayeth the Lorde God of Israel: let my people go, that they maye holde a feast vnto me in the wyldernesse. 2 And Pharao sayde: who is the Lorde that I shoulde heare his voyce, and let Israel go? I knowe not the Lorde, neyther wyll I let Israel go. 3 And they sayde, The God of the Hebrewes is called ouer vs: let vs go we pray thee three dayes iourney into the desert, and do sacrifice vnto the Lorde our God: lest he smyte vs with pestilence or with the sworde. 4 Then saide the kyng of Egypt vnto them: wherfore do ye, Moyses and Aaron let the people from their workes? get you vnto your burthens. 5 And Pharao sayde furthermore: beholde, there is much people nowe in the lande, and you make them leaue theyr burthens. 6 And Pharao comaunded the same day, ye taskmaisters which were amongest the people and the officers, saying: 7 Ye shall geue the people no more strawe to make brycke withal, as ye did in tyme passed: let them go and gather them strawe them selues. 8 And the number of bricke which they were wont to make in tyme passed, lay vnto their charges also, and minishe nothing therof: for they be idell, and therfore crye, saying: we wyll go, and do sacrifice vnto our God. 9 They must haue more worke layed vpon them, that they may labour therin, and not regarde vayne wordes. 10 Then went the taskemaisters of the people, and the officers out, and tolde the people, saying: Thus sayeth Pharao, I wyll geue you no more strawe. 11 Go your selues and gather you straw where ye can finde it: yet shall none of your labour be minished. 12 And so were the people scattered abrode throughout all ye land of Egypt, for to gather stubble in steade of strawe. 13 And the taskemaisters hasted them forwarde, saying: fulfyll your worke, your dayly taskes in their due tyme, as if you had strawe. 14 And the officers of the children of Israel which Pharaos taskemasters had set ouer them, were beaten. And they sayde vnto them: wherfore haue ye not fulfilled your taske in makyng of brycke both yesterday and to day, as well as in tymes past? 15 The officers also of the children of Israel, came & complayned vnto Pharao, saying: Wherfore dealest thou thus with thy seruauntes? 16 There is no strawe geuen vnto thy seruauntes, and they say vnto vs, make brycke: and thy seruauntes are beaten, and the fault is thyne owne people. 17 He sayde: you are idle, idle are you: and therfore you say, we will go, and do sacrifice vnto the Lorde. 18 Go therfore nowe, & worke, and there shall no strawe be geuen you, & yet shall ye deliuer the whole tale of bricke. 19 And the officers of the children of Israel did see that they were in worse case, after it was sayde, ye shall minishe nothyng of your brycke, of your dayly taske in due tyme: 20 And they met Moyses and Aaron, which stoode in their way as they came out from Pharao. 21 And saide vnto them: The Lorde looke vpon you & iudge you, which hath made the sauour of vs to be abhorred in the eyes of Pharao, and in the eyes of his seruauntes, and haue put a sworde in their hande to slay vs. 22 Moyses returned vnto the Lorde, and sayd: Lorde, wherfore hast thou so euyll intreated this people? And wherfore hast thou sent me? 23 For since I came to Pharao to speake in thy name, he hath fared foule with this folke, and yet thou hast not deliuered thy people at all. 6 Then the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: Nowe shalt thou see what I wyll do vnto Pharao: for in a mightie hande shal he let them go, and in a mightie hande shall he dryue them out of his lande. 2 And God spake vnto Moyses, and said vnto him: I am Iehouah. 3 I appeared vnto Abraham, Isahac, and Iacob as an almightie God: but in my name Iehouah was I not knowen vnto them. 4 Moreouer I made a couenaunt with them, to geue them the lande of Chanaan, the land of their pilgrimage, wherein they were straungers. 5 And therefore I haue also heard the groning of the childre of Israel, whom the Egyptians kepe in bondage, and haue remembred my couenaunt. 6 Wherfore say vnto the children of Israel: I am Iehouah, I wil bryng you out from the burthens of the Egyptians, and will ryd you out of their bondage, and will deliuer you in a stretched out arme, and in great iudgementes. 7 And I will take you for my people, and wilbe to you a God: And ye shall knowe that I am the Lord your God which bring you out from the burthens of the Egyptians. 8 And I will bryng you into the lande, concerning the whiche I did lift vp my hand to geue it vnto Abraham, Isahac, and Iacob, and wyll geue it vnto you for a possession: for I am Iehouah. 9 And Moyses tolde the children of Israel euen so: but they hearkened not vnto Moyses for anguishe of spirite and for cruell bondage. 10 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying: 11 Go in, and speake vnto Pharao king of Egypt, that he let the children of Israel go out of his lande. 12 And Moyses spake before the Lorde, saying: beholde, the children of Israel hearken not vnto me: howe then shall Pharao heare me, whiche am of vncircumcized lippes? 13 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses and vnto Aaron, & gaue them a charge concerning the chyldren of Israel, and concerning Pharao king of Egypt, that they shoulde bring the children of Israel out of the lande of Egypt. 14 15 The chyldren of Simeon: Iemuel, and Iamin, Ohad, & Iachin, Sohar, and Saul the sonne of the Chanaanitishe woman: these are the kinredes of Simeon. 16 These also are the names of the chyldren of Leui in their generations: Gerson, and Cehath, and Merari: Leui liued an hundred thirtie and seuen yere. 17 The sonnes of Gerson: Libni, and Simi by their kinredes. 18 The chyldren of Cehath: Amram, & Ishar, and Hebron, and Uziel. And Cehath liued an hundred thirtie and three yere. 19 The children of Merari: Mahli, and Musi: these are the kinredes of Leui by their geuerations. 20 Amram toke Iochebed his fathers sister to wyfe, and she bare hym Aaron and Moyses: and Amram liued an hundred and thirtie and seuen yeres. 21 And the chyldren of Ishar: Corah, Nepheg, and Sichri. 22 The chyldren of Usiel: Misael, Elzaphan, and Zithri. 23 And Aaron toke Eliseba, daughter of Aminadab, and sister of Nahason to wyfe, whiche bare hym Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. 24 The chyldren of Corah: Assir, and Elcanah, and Abiasaph: these are the kinredes of the Corahites. 25 Eleazar Aarons sonne, toke him one of the daughters of Putiel to wyfe, whiche bare hym Phinces: and these are the principal fathers of the Leuites throughout their kinredes. 26 This is that Aaron and Moyses to whom the Lorde sayd: Leade the children of Israel out of the lande of Egypt, according to theyr armies. 27 These are that Moyses and Aaron, which spake to Pharao king of Egypt, that they might bryng the chyldren of Israel out of Egypt. 28 And in the day when the Lorde spake vnto Moyses in the lande of Egypt, 29 He spake vnto hym, saying: I am the Lorde: speake thou vnto Pharao the king of Egypt all that I say vnto thee. 30 And Moyses sayde before the Lorde: beholde, I am of vncircumcized lippes, & how shall Pharao geue me audience? 7 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: behold, I haue made thee Pharaos God: and Aaron thy brother shalbe thy prophete. 2 Thou shalt speake all that I commaunde thee, and Aaron thy brother shall speake vnto Pharao, that he sende the children of Israel out of his lande. 3 And I will harden Pharaos heart, and multiplie my miracles & my wonders in the lande of Egypt. 4 But Pharao shall not hearken vnto you, that I may set my hande vpon Egypt, and bryng out myne armies, and my people the chyldren of Israel out of the land of Egypt in great iudgmentes. 5 And the Egyptians shall knowe that I am the Lord, when I stretch foorth my hande vpon Egypt, and bryng out the children of Israel fro among them. 6 Moyses and Aaron did as the Lord commaunded them, euen so did they. 7 Moyses was fourescore yere olde, and Aaron fourescore and three, when they spake vnto Pharao. 8 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses and Aaron, saying: 9 If Pharao speake vnto you, saying, shewe a miracle for you: thou shalt say vnto Aaron, Take thy rod, and cast it before Pharao, that it may be a serpent. 10 Then went Moyses and Aaron in vnto Pharao, and dyd euen as the Lorde had commaunded: and Aaron caste foorth his rodde before Pharao, and before his seruauntes, and it turned to a serpent. 11 Then Pharao called for the wyse men, and enchaunters: and those sorcerers of Egypt dyd in like maner with their sorcerie. 12 For they cast downe euery man his rod, and they turned to serpentes: but Aarons rodde did eate vp their roddes. 13 And he helde Pharaos heart that he hearkened not vnto them, euen as the Lorde had sayde. 14 The Lorde also sayde vnto Moyses: Pharaos heart is hardened, he refuseth to let the people go. 15 Get thee vnto Pharao in the morning, loe, he wyll come vnto the water, and thou shalt stand vpo the ryuers brincke agaynst he come: and the rodde whiche was turned to a serpent, shalt thou take in thyne hande: 16 And thou shalt say vnto hym: the Lorde God of the Hebrewes hath sent me vnto thee, saying: Let my people go, that they may serue me in the wyldernesse: and beholde, hytherto thou wouldest not heare. 17 Thus sayeth the Lord, In this thou shalt knowe that I am the Lorde: beholde, I wyll smyte with the rodde that is in my hande, the waters whiche are in the ryuers, and they shalbe turned to blood. 18 And the fishe that is in the riuer, shall dye: and the ryuer shall corrupt, and it shall greeue the Egyptians to drinke of the water of the ryuer. 19 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses: say vnto Aaron, Take thy rodde, and stretche out thyne hand ouer the waters of Egypt, ouer their streames, ouer their riuers and pondes, and all pooles of water whiche they haue, that they may be blood, and that there may be blood throughout all ye lande of Egypt, both in vesselles of wood, & also of stone. 20 And Moyses and Aaron did euen as the Lorde commaunded: and he lyfte vp the rodde, and smote the waters that were in the ryuer in the sight of Pharao, and in the sight of his seruauntes: and all the water that was in the ryuer, turned into blood. 21 And the fishe that was in the ryuer dyed: and the ryuer corrupted, and the Egyptians coulde not drinke of the waters of the ryuer, and there was blood throughout all the lande of Egypt. 22 And the enchaunters of Egypt dyd lykewyse with their sorceries, and he heardened Pharaos heart, neyther did he hearken vnto them, as the Lorde had sayde. 23 And Pharao turned him selfe, and went agayne into his house, and set not his heart thervnto. 24 And the Egyptians dygged rounde about the ryuer for water to drinke: for they coulde not drinke of the water of the ryuer. 25 And it continued seuen dayes after that the Lorde had smyten the ryuer. 8 The Lorde spake vnto Moyses, go vnto Pharao & tell hym, Thus sayeth the Lord: Let my people go, that they may serue me. 2 And if thou refuse to let them go, beholde, I wyll smyte all thy borders with frogges: 3 And the riuer shall scraule with frogges, whiche shall go vp and come into thine house, and into thy priuie chaumber where thou slepest, and vpon thy bed, & into the house of thy seruauntes, and vpon thy people, and into thyne ouens, and vpon al thy vitayles in store: 4 And the frogges shall come vp vpon thee, and on thy people, and vpon all thy seruauntes. 5 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses: say vnto Aaron, stretch foorth thyne hande with thy rod ouer the streames, ouer the ryuers, and ouer the pondes: and cause frogges to come vp vpon the lande of Egypt. 6 And Aaron stretched his hande ouer ye waters of Egypt, & the frogges came vp and couered the lande of Egypt. 7 And the sorcerers did likewise with their sorcerie, and brought frogges vp vpon the lande of Egypt. 8 Then Pharao called for Moyses and Aaron, and sayde: pray ye vnto the Lorde that he maye take away the frogges from me, and from my people: and I will let the people go, that they may do sacrifice vnto the Lorde. 9 And Moyses sayde vnto Pharao: glory herein because of me, and appoynt when I shall pray for thee, and for thy seruauntes, and for thy people to dryue away the frogges from thee and thy houses: and they may remayne but in the ryuer onlye. 10 He sayd: to morowe. And he sayde, euen as thou hast said: that thou mayest knowe that there is none like vnto the Lorde our God. 11 And so the frogges shall depart from thee, and from thy houses, from thy seruauntes, and from thy people: and shall remayne in the ryuer onlye. 12 Moyses and Aaron went out from Pharao, and Moyses cryed vnto the Lorde, as touching the frogges whiche he had brought against Pharao. 13 And the Lorde dyd accordyng to the saying of Moyses: and the frogges dyed out of the houses, out of the courtes and fieldes. 14 And they gathered them together vpon heapes, and the lande had an euill smell through them. 15 But when Pharao sawe that he had rest geuen him, he hardened his heart, and hearkened not vnto them, as the Lorde had sayde. 16 And the Lord sayd vnto Moses, Say vnto Aaron: Stretche out thy rod, and smyte the dust of the lande, that it may be turned to lyce throughout all the lande of Egypt. 17 And they did so: for Aaron stretched out his hande with his rodde, and smote the dust of the earth, whiche turned to lyce in man and beast: so that all the dust of the lande turned to lyce throughout all the lande of Egypt. 18 And the enchaunters assayed likewise with their enchauntmetes to bring foorth lyce, but they coulde not: and the lyce were both vpon men & beastes. 19 Then said the enchaunters vnto Pharao: this is the finger of God. And Pharaos heart remayned obstinate, and he hearkened not vnto them, euen as the Lorde had sayde. 20 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: ryse vp early in the mornyng, and stand before Pharao, lo, he wyll come foorth vnto the water, and thou shalt say vnto him, Thus sayeth the Lorde: Let my people go that they may serue me. 21 Els if thou wylt not let my people go, behold, I will send all maner of flyes both vpon thee and thy seruauntes, and thy people, & into thy houses: and the houses of the Egyptians shalbe full of flyes, and the ground wheron they are. 22 And the land of Gosen where my people are, will I cause to be wonderfull in that day, so that there shal no flyes be there: wherby thou shalt know that I am the Lorde in the myddest of the earth. 23 And I will put a diuision betweene my people and thine: and euen to morowe shall this miracle be done. 24 And the Lord dyd euen so, & there came an intollerable swarme of flyes into the house of Pharao, and into his seruauntes houses, and into all the land of Egypt: and the land was corrupt with these flyes. 25 And Pharao called for Moyses and Aaron, and sayd: Go, and do sacrifice vnto your God in this lande. 26 And Moyses aunswered, It is not meete that we so do: for we must offer vnto the Lorde our God, that which is an abhomination vnto the Egyptians. Lo, if we sacrifice that which is an abhomination vnto the Egyptians before theyr eyes, wyl they not stone vs? 27 We wyll go three dayes iourney into the desert, and sacrifice vnto the Lorde our God, as he hath comaunded vs. 28 And Pharao sayd: I will let you go, that ye may sacrifice vnto the Lorde your God in the wyldernesse, but go not farre away: pray for me. 29 And Moyses sayd, beholde, I will go out from thee, and pray vnto the Lord, that the flyes may depart from Pharao, and from his seruauntes, and from his people to morowe: but let Pharao from hence foorth deale deceiptfully no more, that he wyll not let the people go, to sacrifice vnto the Lorde: 30 And Moyses went out from Pharao, and prayed vnto the Lorde. 31 And the Lorde did accordyng to the saying of Moyses: and the flyes departed from Pharao, and from his seruauntes, and from his people: and there remayned not one. 32 And Pharao hardened his heart once more at this time, and dyd not let the people go. 9 The Lorde said vnto Moyses, go in vnto Pharao, and thou shalt tell hym, Thus sayeth the Lorde God of the Hebrues: Let my people go, that they may serue me. 2 If thou refuse to let them go, and wylt holde them styll, 3 Beholde, the hande of the Lorde is vpon thy flocke which is in the fielde, for vpon Horses, vpon asses, vpon camelles, vpon oxen, and vpon sheepe, there shalbe a mightie great morayne. 4 And the Lorde shall do wonderfully betweene the beastes of Israel, and the beastes of Egypt, so that there shall nothyng dye of all that pertayneth to the children of Israel. 5 And the Lorde appoynted a tyme, saying: to morowe the Lorde shall finishe this worde in the lande. 6 And the Lorde dyd that thyng on the morowe, and all the cattell of Egypt dyed: but of the cattell of the children of Israel, dyed not one. 7 And Pharao sent, and beholde, there was not one of the cattell of the Israelites dead: And the heart of Pharao hardened, and he did not let the people go. 8 And the Lord said vnto Moyses and Aaron: take your handes full of asshes out of ye furnace, & Moyses shal sprinckle it vp into the ayre in ye sight of Pharao: 9 And it shalbe dust in all the lande of Egypt, and shalbe swelling sores with blaynes both on man & beast throughout all the lande of Egypt. 10 And they toke asshes out of the furnace, and stoode before Pharao: and Moyses sprinkled it vp into the ayre, and there were swellyng sores with blaynes, both in men and in beastes: 11 And the sorcerers could not stande before Moyses because of the blaynes: for there were botches vpon the enchaunters, and vpon al the Egyptians. 12 And the Lorde hardened the heart of Pharao, and he hearkened not vnto them, as ye Lord had said vnto Moyses. 13 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: rise vp early in the morning, and stande before Pharao, and thou shalt tell him, Thus sayeth the Lorde God of the Hebrues: Let my people go, that they may serue me: 14 Or els I wyll at this tyme sende all my plagues vpon thine heart, and vpon thy seruauntes, and on thy people, that thou mayest knowe that there is none lyke me in all the earth. 15 For now I will stretch out my hand, that I may smyte thee and thy people with pestilence, and thou shalt peryshe from the earth. 16 And in very deede for this cause haue I kept thee, for to shewe thee my power, and that my name may be declared throughout all the worlde. 17 Yet exaltest thou thy selfe agaynst my people, that thou wylt not let them go? 18 Beholde, to morowe this time I wyl sende downe a mightie great hayle, euen suche a one as was not in Egypt since the foundation thereof was layde, vnto this tyme. 19 Sende therfore nowe, and gather thy beastes, & all that thou hast in the fielde: For vpon all the men and the beastes whiche are founde in the fielde, and not brought home, shall the hayle fall, and they shall dye. 20 And as many as feared the worde of the Lorde amongest the seruauntes of Pharao, made their seruauntes and their beastes flee into the houses. 21 But he that regarded not the worde of the Lord, left his seruauntes and his beastes in the fielde. 22 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: stretche foorth thyne hande vnto heauen, that there may be hayle in all the lande of Egypt, vpon man, and vpon beastes, and vpon all the hearbes of the fielde throughout the lande of Egypt. 23 And Moyses stretched foorth his rod vnto heauen, and the Lord thundred and hayled, and the fire ranne a long vpon the grounde, and the Lorde hayled in the lande of Egypt. 24 So there was hayle, and fire mingled with the hayle, so greeuous, and such as there was none throughout al the land of Egypt since people inhabited it. 25 And the hayle smote throughout all the lande of Egypt all that was in the fielde, both man & beast: and the hayle smote all the hearbes of the fielde, and broke all the trees of the fielde. 26 Only in the lande of Gosen where the chyldren of Israel were, was there no hayle. 27 And Pharao sent and called for Moyses and Aaron, and sayde vnto them, I haue nowe sinned: the Lorde is righteous, and I & my people are vngodly. 28 Pray ye vnto the Lorde, that these thundringes of God and hayle may be sufficient, and I will let you go, and ye shall tary no longer. 29 Moyses sayd vnto him: Assoone as I am out of the citie, I wyll spreade abrode my handes vnto the Lorde, and the thunder shall ceasse, neyther shall there be any more hayle: that thou mayest knowe howe that the earth is the Lordes. 30 But I knowe that thou and thy seruauntes yet feare not the face of the Lorde God. 31 And so the flaxe and the barlye were smytten, for the barly was shot vp, and the flaxe was boulled: 32 But the wheate and the rye were not smytten, for they were late sowen. 33 And Moyses went out of the citie fro Pharao, and spread abrode his handes vnto the Lorde: and the thunder and hayle ceassed, neyther rayned it vpon the earth. 34 And when Pharao sawe that the rayne, and the hayle, and thunder were ceassed, he sinned yet more, and hardened his heart, he and his seruauntes: 35 And the heart of Pharao was hardened, neyther woulde he let the chyldren of Israel go, as the Lorde had sayd by the hande of Moyses, 10 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses, go in vnto Pharao: for I haue hardened his heart, & the heart of his seruauntes, that I might shewe these my signes before hym, 2 And that thou tell in the audience of thy sonne, & of thy sonnes sonne what thinges I haue done in Egypt, and the miracles which I haue done amongest them: that they may know howe that I am the Lorde. 3 And so Moyses and Aaron came vnto Pharao, and said vnto him, Thus sayeth the Lord God of the Hebrues: How long wilt thou refuse to submit thy selfe vnto me? Let my people go, that they may serue me. 4 Or els if thou refuse to let my people go, beholde, to morowe wyll I bryng greshoppers into thy coastes: 5 And they shall couer the face of the earth, that it can not be seene: and they shall eate the residue which remayneth vnto you and is escaped from the hayle, and they shall eate euery greene tree that beareth you fruite in the fielde. 6 And they shall fill thy houses, and all thy seruauntes houses, and the houses of all the Egyptians, after suche a maner, as neyther thy fathers, nor thy fathers fathers haue seene since the tyme they were vpon the earth vnto this day. And he turned him selfe about, and went out from Pharao. 7 And Pharaos seruauntes sayde vnto him: howe long shall he be hurtfull vnto vs? Let the men go, that they may serue the Lorde their God: knowest thou not yet that Egypt is destroyed? 8 And Moyses & Aaron were brought againe vnto Pharao, and he sayde vnto them, Go and serue the Lorde your God: but who are they that shall go? 9 And Moyses aunswered: we will go with our young, and with our olde, yea, and with our sonnes, & with our daughters, and with our sheepe, and with our oxen we must go: for we must holde a feast vnto the Lorde. 10 And he said vnto them: Let the Lord be so with you, as I will let you go, and your chyldren: take heede, for ye haue some mischiefe in hande. 11 Nay not so, but go they that are men, and serue the Lorde: for that was your desire. And they were thrust out of Pharaos presence. 12 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: Stretch out thyne hand ouer the lande of Egypt for greshoppers, that they may come vpon the land of Egypt, and eate all the hearbes of the lande, and all that the hayle left behynde. 13 And Moyses stretched foorth his rod ouer the lande of Egypt, and the Lorde brought an east winde vpon the lande all that day, and all that nyght: and in the morning the east winde brought the greshoppers. 14 And the greshoppers went vp ouer all the lande of Egypt, and remayned in all quarters of Egypt very greeuouslye: before them were there no suche greshoppers, neither after them shalbe. 15 For they couered all the face of the earth, so that the lande was darke, and they did eate al the hearbes of the land, and all the fruites of the trees whatsoeuer the hayle had lefte: there was no greene thyng left in the trees & hearbes of the fielde through al ye land of Egypt. 16 Therefore Pharao called for Moyses and Aaron in haste, and sayde: I haue sinned agaynst the Lord your God, and agaynst you: 17 And nowe forgeue me my sinne only this once, and pray vnto the Lord your God that he may take awaye from me this death only. 18 And Moyses went out from Pharao, and prayed vnto the Lorde. 19 And the Lorde turned a myghtie strong west wynde, and it toke awaye the grashoppers, and cast them into the red sea: so that there was not one grashopper in all the coastes of Egypt. 20 And the Lorde hardened Pharaos heart, so that he woulde not let the children of Israel go. 21 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: Stretche out thy hande vnto heauen, that there may be vpon the lande of Egypt darknesse which may be felt. 22 And Moyses stretched foorth his hand vnto heauen: and there was a thicke darkenesse vpon all the lande of Egypt three dayes long. 23 No man sawe another, neither rose vp from the place where he was by the space of three dayes: But al the children of Israel had light where thei dwelled. 24 And Pharao called for Moyses, and sayde, Go, and serue the Lorde: onlye let your sheepe & your oxen abyde, and let your chyldren go with you. 25 And Moyses sayde: Thou must geue vs also offeringes and burnt offeringes, for to do sacrifice vnto the Lorde our God. 26 Our cattell also shall go with vs, and there shall not one hoofe be left behynd, for therof must we take to serue ye Lorde our God: neither do we knowe with what we must do seruice vnto the Lord vntyll we come thyther. 27 But the Lorde hardened Pharaos heart, and he woulde not let them go. 28 And Pharao sayde vnto hym: Get thee from me, and take heede vnto thy selfe that thou seest my face no more: for whensoeuer thou commest in my syght, thou shalt dye. 29 And Moyses sayde: Let it be as thou hast sayde, I wyll see thy face no more. 11 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: Yet wyl I brynge one plague more vpo Pharao, and vpon Egypt, and after that, he wyll let you go hence: when he shal let you go quite, he shall vtterly dryue you hence. 2 Speake thou therfore in the eares of the people, that euery man borowe of his neighbour, and euery woman of her neighbour, iewels of syluer, and iewels of golde. 3 And the Lorde shall geue the people fauour in the syght of the Egyptians: Moreouer, Moyses was a very great man in the lande of Egypt in the syght of Pharaos seruauntes, and in the syght of the people. 4 And Moyses sayde, Thus sayth the Lorde: At mydnyght, wyll I go out into the myddest of Egypt, 5 And all the first borne in all the land of Egypt shall dye, euen fro the first borne of Pharao that sytteth on his seate, vnto the first borne of the mayde seruaunt that is behynde the myll, and all the first gendred of the cattell. 6 And there shalbe a great crye throughout all the lande of Egypt, such as there was neuer none lyke, nor shalbe. 7 But amongst the chyldren of Israel shal not a dogge moue his tounge, from a man vnto a beast: that ye may knowe how that the Lord putteth a difference betweene the Egyptians and Israel. 8 And these thy seruauntes shal al come downe vnto me, and fall before me, and say: Get thee out, and all the people that are vnder thee, and then wyll I depart. And he went out from Pharao with an angry countenaunce. 9 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: Pharao shall not heare you, that my wonders may be multiplied in the land of Egypt. 10 And Moyses and Aaron dyd all these wonders before Pharao: And the Lord hardened Pharaos heart, so that he woulde not let the chyldren of Israel go out of his lande. 12 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses and Aaron in the lande of Egypt, saying: 2 This moneth shalbe vnto you ye begynnyng of monethes, and the first moneth of the yere shall it be vnto you. 3 Speake ye vnto all the congregation of Israel, saying: In the tenth daye of this moneth, euery man take vnto hym a lambe according to ye house of the fathers, a lambe throughout euery house. 4 If the houshold be to litle for ye lambe, let hym take his neyghbour whiche is next vnto his house, accordyng to the number of the soules, euery one of you accordyng to his eatyng shal make your compt for a lambe. 5 And let the lambe of yours be without blemishe, a male of a yere olde whiche ye shal take out from among the sheepe, and from among the goates. 6 And ye shall kepe hym in vntyll the fourteenth day of the same moneth: and euery assemble of the congregation of Israel shall kyll hym about euen. 7 And they shall take of the blood and stryke it on the two syde postes, and on the vpper doore post, euen in the houses where they shall eate hym. 8 And they shall eate the fleshe the same nyght, rost with fire, and with vnleauened bread: and with sowre hearbes they shall eate it. 9 See that ye eate not therof rawe, nor sodden with water, but roste with fire: the head, feete, and purtenaunce therof. 10 And ye shall let nothyng of it remayne vnto the morning: That which remayneth of it vntyll the morowe, shall ye burne with fire. 11 Of this maner shall ye eate it: with your loynes girded, and your shooes on your feete, and your staffe in your hand, and ye shall eate it in haste: for it is the Lordes passouer. 12 For I wyll passe through the lande of Egypt this same nyght, and wyll smyte all the first borne of Egypt from man to beast, and vpon all the gods of Egypt I wyll execute iudgement: I am the Lorde. 13 And the blood shalbe vnto you a token in the houses wherin you are: and whe I see the blood, I wyll passe ouer you, and the plague shall not be vpon you to destroy you when I smyte the lande of Egypt. 14 And this day shalbe vnto you a remebraunce: and you shall kepe it an holy feast vnto the Lorde throughout your generations, ye shall kepe it holy for an ordinaunce for euer. 15 Seuen dayes shal ye eate vnleauened bread, so that euen the first day ye put away leauen out of your house: For who so euer eateth leauened bread from the first daye vntyll the seuenth daye, that soule shalbe rooted out of Israel. 16 The first day shalbe a holy conuocation, and the seuenth day shalbe an holy conuocation vnto you: there shalbe no maner of worke done in the, saue about that only which euery man must eate, that only may ye do. 17 And ye shal obserue the feast of vnleauened bread: for this same day haue I brought your armies out of the lande of Egypt, therefore ye shall obserue this day and all your chyldren after you, by an euerlastyng decree. 18 The first moneth, and the fourteenth daye of the moneth, at euen ye shall eate vnleauened bread, vnto the 21 day of the same moneth at euen againe. 19 Seuen dayes shal ther be no leauened bread founde in your houses: and whosoeuer eateth leauened bread, that soule shalbe rooted out from the congregatio of Israel, whether he be straunger or borne in the lande. 20 Ye shall eate nothyng leauened: but in all your habitations shall ye eate vnleauened bread. 21 Moyses called for the elders of Israel, and sayde vnto them: Choose out, and take you to euery housholde of you a lambe, and kyll the passouer. 22 And take a bunche of Isope and dip it in the blood that is in the bason, & strike the vpper post of the doore, and the two syde postes, with the blood that is in the bason: & none of you go out at the doore of his house vntyll the mornyng. 23 For the Lord wyll passe ouer to smyte the Egyptians: and when he seeth the blood vpon the vpper doore post and the two syde postes, he wyll passe ouer the doore, and wyll not suffer the destroyer to come into your house to plague you. 24 Therfore shall ye obserue this thyng for an ordinaunce to thee & thy sonnes for euer. 25 And when ye be come to the lande whiche the Lorde wyll geue you, accordyng as he hath promised, ye shall kepe this seruice. 26 And when your chyldren aske you, what maner of seruice is this ye do? 27 Ye shall saye, it is the sacrifice of the Lordes passouer, whiche passed ouer the houses of the chyldren of Israel in Egypt, and he smote the Egyptians, and saued our houses. And the people bowed them selues, and worshipped. 28 And the chyldren of Israel went and dyd as the Lorde hadde commaunded Moyses and Aaron, euen so dyd they. 29 And at mydnyght the Lorde smote the first borne in the lande of Egypt, fro the first borne of Pharao that sate on his seate, vntyl the first borne of the captiue that was in prison, and all the firste gendred of cattell. 30 And Pharao rose in the nyght, he and his seruauntes, and all the Egyptians, and there was a great crye in Egypt: for there was not a house where there was not one dead. 31 And he called vnto Moyses and Aaro by nyght, saying: Ryse vp, and get you out from amongst my people, both you and also the chyldren of Israel: and go, and serue the Lorde as ye haue sayde. 32 And take your sheepe and your droues with you as ye haue sayde: and depart, and blesse me. 33 And the Egyptians were fierce vpon the people, that they myght sende them out of the lande in haste: for they sayde, we be all but dead men. 34 And the people toke there dowgh before it was sowred, whiche they had in store, being bounde in clothes vpon their shoulders. 35 And the chyldren of Israel dyd accordyng to the saying of Moyses: and they borowed of the Egyptians iewels of siluer, and iewels of golde, and rayment. 36 And the Lord gaue the people fauour in the syght of the Egyptians, so that they graunted such thynges as they required: And they robbed the Egyptians. 37 And the children of Israel toke their iourney from Rameses to Suchoth, sixe hundred thousand men of foote, besyde chyldren. 38 And a great multitude of sundry other nations wet also with them, and sheepe and oxen, and exceedyng much cattell. 39 And they baked vnleauened cakes of the dowgh whiche they brought out of Egypt, for it was not sowred: For they were thrust out of Egypt, and could not tary, nether had they prepared for them selues any prouision of meate. 40 The dwellyng of the chyldren of Israel which they dwelled in Egypt, was foure hundred and thirtie yeres. 41 And when the foure hundred & thirtie yeres were expired, euen the selfe same day departed al the hoastes of the Lord out of the lande of Egypt. 42 It is a nyght to be obserued vnto the Lorde, in the whiche he brought them out of the lande of Egypt: This is that nyght of the Lorde, whiche all the chyldren of Israel must kepe throughout their generations. 43 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses and Aaron, This is the lawe of passouer: there shall no straunger eate thereof. 44 But euery seruaunt that is bought for money, after that thou hast circumcised hym, shall eate therof. 45 A straunger & an hired seruaunt shall not eate therof. 46 In one house shall it be eaten, thou shalt carry none of the flesshe out of the house, neither shall ye breake a bone therof. 47 All the congregation of Israel shall obserue it. 48 If a straunger also dwell among you, and wyl holde passouer vnto the Lord, let him circumcise all that be males, and then let him come and obserue it, and he shalbe as one that is borne in the lande: for no vncircumcised person shall eate therof. 49 One maner of lawe shalbe vnto hym that is borne in the lande, and vnto the straunger that dwelleth among you. 50 And all the chyldren of Israel dyd as the Lorde commaunded Moyses and Aaron, euen so dyd they. 51 And the selfe same day, dyd the Lorde bryng the chyldren of Israel out of the lande of Egypt with their armies. 13 And the Lord spake vnto Moyses, saying: 2 Sanctifie vnto me al the first borne, what so euer openeth the wombe among ye chyldren of Israel, aswell of man as of beast, for it is mine. 3 And Moyses saide vnto the people: ye ought to remember this day in whiche ye came out of Egypt out of ye house of bondage: for through a myghtie hande the Lorde brought you from thence: there shall no leauened bread be eaten. 4 This daye came ye out, in the month Abib 5 When the Lorde hath brought thee into the lande of the Chanaanites, Hethites, Amorites, Heuites, and Iebusites, which he sware vnto thy fathers that he would geue thee, a lande wherin mylke and hony floweth: thou shalt kepe this seruice in this same month. 6 Seuen dayes thou shalt eate vnleauened bread, and in the seuenth daye it is the feast of the Lorde. 7 Unleauened bread shalbe eaten seuen dayes, and there shal no leauened bread be seene nor yet eaten with thee in al thy quarters. 8 And thou shalt shewe thy sonne in that day, saying: This is done because of that whiche the Lorde dyd vnto me when I came out of Egypt. 9 And it shalbe as a signe vnto thee vppon thyne hande, and as a remembraunce betweene thyne eyes, that the Lordes lawe may be in thy mouth: for in a strong hande the Lorde brought thee out of Egypt. 10 Kepe therfore this ordinaunce in his season from yere to yere. 11 And it wyll come to passe that ye Lord shal bryng the land of the Chanaanites, which he sware vnto thee and to thy fathers, and shall geue it thee. 12 And then thou shalt appoynt vnto the Lorde all that openeth the matrice, and euery firstlyng that commeth of a beast which thou hast, yf it be a male, it shalbe the Lordes. 13 And euery firstlyng of an asse, thou shalt redeeme with a lambe: yf thou redeeme hym not, thou shalt breake his necke: All the first borne amongst thy chyldren also shalt thou bye out. 14 And when thy sonne aske thee in time to come, saying: what is this? Thou shalt saye vnto hym: With a myghtie hande the Lorde brought vs out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 15 And when Pharao was very loth to let vs go, the Lorde slewe all the first borne in the lande of Egypt, aswell the first borne of man, as the firstlyng of beast: Therefore I sacrifice vnto the Lorde all the males that open the matrice: but all the first borne of my chyldren I redeeme. 16 This shalbe as a token vppon thyne hande, & as a remembraunce betweene thyne eyes, that the Lorde brought vs out of Egypt through a myghtie hande. 17 It came to passe, that when Pharao had let the people go, God caryed them not through the way of the lande of the Philistines, which was the more nygh way. But God saide: lest peraduenture the people repent whe they see warre, and so turne agayne to Egypt. 18 But God led the people about through the way of the wyldernesse of the redde sea, and the chyldren of Israel went vp harnessed out of the lande of Egypt. 19 And Moyses toke the bones of Ioseph with him: for he made the children of Israel sweare, saying: God wyl surely visite you, and ye shall take my bones away hence with you. 20 And they toke their iourney from Sucoth, and abode in Etham in the edge of the wyldernesse. 21 And the Lorde went before them by day in a pyller of a cloude to leade them the way, and by nyght in a pyller of fire to geue them lyght, that they myght go both by day and nyght. 22 The piller of the cloude departed not by daye, nor the pyller of fire by nyght, out of the syght of the people. 14 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying: 2 Speake to the chyldre of Israel, that they turne & pitch their tentes before Pi-hahiroth betweene Migdol and the sea, ouer agaynst Baal-sephon, and before that shall they pitche by the sea. 3 For Pharao wyll say of the chyldren of Israel: they are tangled in the lande, the wyldernesse hath shut them in. 4 And I wyll harden Pharaos heart, that he shall folowe after you, and I wyll get me honour vpon Pharao, and vpon al his hoast: The Egyptians also shall knowe that I am the Lorde. And they dyd euen so. 5 And it was tolde the kyng of Egypt that the people fledde. And the heart of Pharao and of his seruauntes turned agaynst the people, and they said: Why haue we done this, that we haue let Israel go out of our seruice? 6 And he made redy his charette, and toke his people with hym. 7 And toke sixe hundred chosen charets, and all the charets of Egypt, and capitaynes vpon euery one of them. 8 And the Lorde hardened the heart of Pharao kyng of Egypt, and he folowed after ye children of Israel: but the childre of Israel went out with an hye hande. 9 And the Egyptians folowed after the, and al the horses and charettes of Pharao, and his horsemen, and his hoast ouertoke them pitchyng of their tent by the sea beside Pi-hahiroth before Baal-sephon. 10 And when Pharao drewe nygh, the chyldren of Israel lift vp their eyes, and beholde, the Egyptians folowed after them, and they were sore afrayde: and the chyldren of Israel cryed out vnto the Lorde. 11 But they sayde vnto Moyses: because there were no graues in Egypt, hast thou therfore brought vs away for to dye in the wildernesse? Wherfore hast thou serued vs thus, for to carry vs out of Egypt? 12 Dyd not we tell thee this in Egypt, saying, let vs be in rest, that we maye serue the Egyptians? For it had ben better for vs to haue serued the Egyptians, then for to dye in the wyldernesse. 13 And Moyses saide vnto the people: Feare ye not, stande styll, and beholde the saluation of the Lorde whiche he wyll shewe to you this day: For ye that haue seene the Egyptians this day, shal see them no more for euer. 14 The Lorde shall fyght for you, and ye shall holde your peace. 15 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: Wherfore cryest thou vnto me? speake vnto the children of Israel that they go forwarde. 16 But lyft thou vp thy rod, and stretche out thy hande ouer the sea, and deuide it a sunder, and let the children of Israel go on drye grounde through the middes of the sea. 17 And beholde I euen I wyll harden the heart of the Egyptians, and they shall folowe after them: and I wyll get me honour vpon Pharao, and vpon all his hoast, and vpon his charettes, and vpon his horsemen. 18 And the Egyptians shal know that I am the Lorde, when I haue gotten me honour vpo Pharao, vpon his charets, and vpon his horsemen. 19 And the angell of God which went before the hoast of Israel, remoued and went behynde them: and the pyller of the cloude went from before their face, and stoode behynde them, 20 And came betweene the tentes of the Egyptians, and the tentes of Israel, and it was a cloude and darknesse, and gaue lyght by nyght: and all the nyght long the one came not at the other. 21 And Moyses stretched out his hande ouer the sea, & the Lorde caused the sea to go backe by a very strong east wynde all that nyght, and made the sea drye lande and the waters were deuided. 22 And the children of Israel went into the middest of the sea vppon the drye grounde, and the waters were a wall vnto them on their ryght hande and on their left hande. 23 And the Egyptians folowed, & went in after them to the myddest of the sea, euen all Pharaos horses, his charettes, and his horsemen. 24 And in the mornyng watche, the Lord loked vnto the hoast of the Egyptians out of the pyller of the fire and of the cloude, and troubled the hoast of the Egyptians. 25 And toke of his charet wheeles, and caryed them away violently: So that the Egyptians sayde, Let vs flee fro the face of Israel, for the Lord fighteth for them agaynst the Egyptians. 26 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: Stretche out thyne hande ouer the sea, that the waters may come againe vpon the Egyptians, vpon their charets, and vpon their horsemen. 27 And Moyses stretched foorth his hand ouer the sea, and it came agayne to his course early in the mornyng, and the Egyptians fled agaynst it: and the Lorde ouerthrewe the Egyptians in the middest of the sea. 28 And the water returned, and couered the charettes, and the horsemen, and all the hoast of Pharao that came into the sea after them, so that there remayned not one of them. 29 But the children of Israel walked vppon drye lande through the middest of the sea, and the waters were a wall vnto them on the right hande of them, and on the left. 30 Thus the Lorde deliuered Israel the selfe same daye out of the hande of the Egyptians: and Israel sawe the Egyptians dead vpon the sea syde. 31 And Israel sawe that myghtie power which the Lorde shewed vpon the Egyptians: and the people feared the Lorde, and beleued the Lorde and his seruaunt Moyses. 15 Then Moyses & the children of Israel sange this sounge vnto the Lorde, and sayde on this maner: I wil sing vnto the Lorde, for he hath triumphed gloriouslie, the horse and hym that rode vpon hym hath he ouerthrowen in the sea. 2 The Lorde is my strength and praise, and he is become my saluation: he is my God, and I wyll glorifie hym, my fathers God, and I wyll exalt hym. 3 The Lorde is a man of warre, the Lorde is his name. 4 Pharaos charets and his hoast hath he cast into the sea, his chosen captaynes also are drowned in the red sea. 5 The deepe waters hath couered them, they sunke to the bottome as a stone. 6 Thy ryght hande Lorde is become glorious in power, thy ryght hande Lorde hath all to dasshed the enemie. 7 And in thy great glorie thou hast ouerthrowe them that rose vp agaynst thee: thou sendest foorth thy wrath, whiche consumed them euen as stubble. 8 Through the wynde of thy nosethrils the water gathered together, ye fluddes stoode styll as an heape, and the deepe water congeled together in the heart of the sea. 9 The enemie sayde, I wyll folowe on the I wyll ouertake them I wyll deuide the spoyle, and my lust shalbe satisfied vppon them: I wyll drawe my sworde, myne hande shall destroy them. 10 Thou diddest blowe with thy wynde, the sea couered the, they sanke as leade in the myghtie waters. 11 Who is like vnto thee O Lord amongst gods? Who is like thee, so glorious in holynesse, fearefull in prayses, shewyng wonders? 12 Thou stretchedst out thy right hande, the earth swalowed them. 13 Thou in thy mercie hast caryed this people which thou hast redeemed, and hast brought them in thy strength vnto thy holy habitation. 14 The nations shal heare, & be afraide, sorowe shall come vpon Palestina. 15 Then the dukes of the Edomites shalbe amazed, and the myghtyest of the Moabites tremblyng shall come vpon them, al the inhabiters of Chanaan shal waxe faynt hearted. 16 Feare & dreade shal fall vpon them, in the greatnesse of thine arme they shalbe as styll as a stone, tyll thy people passe through, O Lorde, whyle this people passe through which thou hast gotten. 17 Thou shalt bryng them in, and plant them in the mountayne of thine inheritaunce, the place Lord which thou hast made for to dwell in, the sanctuarie, O Lord, which thy handes haue prepared 18 The Lorde shall raigne for euer and euer. 19 For Pharao on horsebacke went in with his charettes and horsemen into the sea, and the Lorde brought the waters of the sea vpon them: But the chyldren of Israel went on drye land in the middest of the sea. 20 And Miriam a prophetisse, the sister of Aaron, toke a tymbrell in her hande, and all the women came out after her with tymbrelles and daunces. 21 And Miriam sang before them: Sing ye vnto the Lorde, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he ouerthrowen in the sea. 22 And so Moyses brought Israel from the redde sea, and they went out into the wyldernesse of Sur: and they went three dayes long in the wildernesse, and founde no waters. 23 And when they came to Marah, they coulde not drynke of the waters of Marah, for they were bytter: therefore the name of the place was called Marah. 24 And the people murmured agaynst Moyses, saying: What shall we drinke? 25 And he cryed vnto the Lorde, and the Lorde shewed hym a tree, whiche when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweete: There he made them an ordinaunce and a lawe, and there he proued hym, 26 And sayde: If thou wylt hearken vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God, & wylt do that which is right in his sight, and wylt geue eare vnto his commaundementes, and kepe all his ordinaunces: then wyll I put none of these diseases vpon thee, which I haue brought vpon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee. 27 And the children of Israel came to Elim, where were twelue welles of water, and threescore and ten palme trees: and they pitched their tentes there by the waters. 16 And they toke theyr iourney from Elim, & all the congregation of the chyldren of Israel came to the wildernes of Sin, whiche is betweene Elim & Sinai, the fyfteenth day of the seconde moneth after their departyng out of the lande of Egypt. 2 And the whole congregation of the chyldren of Israel murmured agaynst Moyses and Aaron in the wyldernesse. 3 And the chyldren of Israel sayde vnto them: Woulde to God we had dyed by the hande of the Lorde in the lande of Egypt, whe we sate by the fleshe pottes, and when we dyd eate bread our bellies full: for ye haue brought vs out into this wildernesse, to kyl this whole multitude with hunger. 4 Then sayde the Lorde vnto Moyses: Beholde, I wyll rayne bread from heauen to you, and the people shall go out & gather a certaine rate euery day, that I may proue them whether they wyll walke in my lawe, or no. 5 The sixt day they shall prepare for themselues that which they will bring in, and let it be twyse as muche as they gather in dayly. 6 And Moyses and Aaron sayde vnto the chyldren of Israel: At euen ye shall know that it is the Lord which brought you out of the lande of Egypt. 7 And in the morning ye shal see the glorye of the Lorde, because he hath heard your grudgynges agaynst the Lorde: And what are we, that ye haue murmured agaynst vs? 8 And Moyses sayde: At euen shall the Lord geue you fleshe to eate, and in the mornyng bread inough, for the Lorde hath heard your murmuringes which ye murmure agaynst him: for what are we? Your murmurings are not against vs, but agaynst the Lorde. 9 And Moyses spake vnto Aaron: say vnto al the congregation of the children of Israel, come foorth before the Lord: for he hath hearde your grudgynges. 10 And as Aaron spake vnto the whole congregation of the chyldren of Israel, they looked towarde the wyldernesse, and beholde, the glory of the Lorde appeared in the cloude. 11 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying: 12 I haue hearde the murmuringes of the children of Israel, tell them therfore and say: at euen ye shall eate fleshe, and in the mornyng ye shalbe fylled with bread, and ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde your God. 13 And at euen the quailes came vp and couered the tentes, and in the mornyng the deawe lay rounde about them. 14 And when the deawe was gone, beholde, vpon the grounde in the wyldernesse there lay a small rounde thyng, as small as the hoare frost on the ground. 15 And when the children of Israel saw it, they said euery one to his neighbour, it is Manna: for they wist not what it was. And Moyses said vnto the: This is the bread whiche the Lorde hath geuen you to eate. 16 This is the worde whiche the Lorde hath commaunded: gather of it euerye man for him selfe for to eate, a gomer full for euery man, according to the number of your soules, and take euery man for them whiche are in his tentes. 17 And the children of Israel did euen so, and gathered some more, some lesse. 18 And when they did meate it with a gomer, vnto him that gathered much, remayned nothyng ouer, and vnto hym that had gathered litle, was there no lacke: euery man gathered sufficient for his eatyng. 19 And Moyses sayde vnto them: see that no man let ought remayne to the mornyng. 20 Notwithstanding, they hearkened not vnto Moyses: but some of them left of it vntill the mornyng, and it waxed full of wormes, & corrupted: and Moyses was angry with them. 21 And they gathered all mornynges euery man as muche as sufficed for his eatyng: and assoone as the heate of the sunne came, it moult. 22 And the sixt day they gathered twise as muche bread, two gomers for one man: and all the rulers of the congregation came and tolde Moyses. 23 He sayd vnto them, This is that whiche the Lorde hath sayd: To morowe is the rest of the holy sabboth vnto the Lorde, bake that whiche you will bake to day, and sethe that ye will sethe, and that whiche remayneth, lay vp tyll the mornyng. 24 And they layed it vp till the morning as Moyses bad: and it did not corrupt, neyther bred there any worme therein. 25 And Moyses sayde: eate that to day, for it is the sabboth vnto the Lorde, to day ye shall not finde it in the fielde. 26 Sixe dayes ye shall gather it, and in the seuenth day whiche is the sabboth, in it there shalbe none. 27 Notwithstandyng, there went out some of the people in the seuenth day for to gather, and they founde none. 28 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: Howe long refuse ye to kepe my commaundementes and my lawes? 29 See, the Lorde hath geuen you a sabboth, therfore he geueth you the sixt day bread for two dayes: byde therfore euerye man at home, and let no man go out of his place the seuenth day. 30 And the people rested the seuenth day. 31 And the house of Israel called the name therof Manna: and it was like coriander seede, but yet whyte, and the taste of it was lyke wafers made with honye. 32 And Moyses sayd: this is that which the Lorde commaundeth, fill a gomer of it, whiche may be kept for your chyldren after you, that they may see the bread wherwith I haue fed you in the wyldernesse when I brought you out of the lande of Egypt. 33 And Moyses spake vnto Aaron: Take a pot, and put a gomer full of Manna therein, and lay it vp before the Lorde, to be kept for your children after you. 34 As the Lorde commaunded Moyses, so Aaron layde it vp before the testimonie to be kept. 35 And the chyldren of Israel dyd eate Manna fourtie yeres, vntil thei came to a land inhabited, and so they did eate Manna, euen vntill they came vnto the borders of the lande of Chanaan. 36 A gomer, is the tenth part of an epha. 17 And all the congregation of the children of Israel went on theyr iourneys fro the wyldernesse of Sin, after the commaundement of the Lorde, and pitched in Raphidim, there was no water for the people to drinke. 2 And ye people dyd chyde with Moyses, and sayde: geue vs water to drinke. Moyses said vnto them: why chyde you with me? wherfore do ye tempt ye Lord? 3 There the people thirsted for water, and ye people murmured agaynst Moyses, and saide: wherefore hast thou thus brought vs vp out of Egypt, to kil me, & my children, and my cattell with thyrst? 4 And Moyses cryed vnto the Lorde, saying: What shall I do vnto this people, they be almost redy to stone me? 5 And the Lorde said vnto Moyses: Go before the people, and take with thee of the elders of Israel: & thy rod wherewith thou smotest the ryuer take in thine hande, and go. 6 Beholde, I stande before thee vpon the rocke that is in Horeb, & thou shalt smyte the rocke, and there shall come water out thereof, that the people may drinke. And Moyses dyd euen so before the eyes of the elders of Israel. 7 And he called the name of the place Massah, and Meribah, because of the chiding of the children of Israel, and because they tempted the Lorde, saying: Is the Lorde amongest vs, or not? 8 Then came Amelec and fought with Israel in Raphidim. 9 And Moyses sayde vnto Iosua: Chose vs out men, and go fight with Amelec, and to morowe I will stande on the toppe of the hill, and the rodde of God shalbe in my hande. 10 Iosua did as Moyses bad hym, and fought with Amelec: and Moyses and Aaron, and Hur, went vp to the toppe of the hyll. 11 And it came to passe, that when Moyses helde vp his hande, Israel had the better: and when he let his hande downe, Amelec had the better. 12 But Moyses hands were heauie, and therfore they toke a stone and put it vnder him, and he sat downe theron: and Aaron and Hur stayed vp his handes, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side: And his handes remayned stedye, vntill the goyng downe of the sunne. 13 And Iosua discomforted Amelec and his people with the edge of the sworde. 14 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: Wryte this for a remembraunce in a booke, and commit it into the eares of Iosua, for I will vtterly put out the remembraunce of Amelec from vnder heauen. 15 And Moyses made an aulter, and called the name of it: The Lorde is he that worketh miracles for me. 16 For he said: the hande is on the seate of God, the Lord wil haue warre with Amalec fro generation to generation. 18 Iethro ye priest of Madian Moyses father in lawe, heard of all that god had donefor Moyses, and for Israel his people, and that the Lord had brought Israel out of Egypt. 2 Therefore he toke Sephora Moyses wyfe, after he had sent her backe, 3 And her two sonnes, of which the one was called Gershom: for he sayde, I haue ben an aliaunt in a straunge land: 4 The name of the other was Eliezer: for the God of my father sayde he was mine helpe, and deliuered me from the sworde of Pharao. 5 And Iethro Moyses father in lawe, came with his two sonnes, & his wife, vnto Moyses into ye wildernesse, where he abode by the mounte of God. 6 And he saide vnto Moyses: I thy father in lawe Iethro am come to thee, and thy wyfe also, and her two sonnes with her. 7 And Moyses went out to meete his father in lawe, and did obeysaunce, and kyssed hym: and eche asked other of his health, and they came into the tent. 8 And Moyses tolde his father in lawe all that the Lorde had done vnto Pharao and to the Egyptians for Israels sake, and al the trauaile that had come vpon them by the way, and howe the Lorde deliuered them. 9 And Iethro reioyced ouer al the goodnesse which the Lorde had done to Israel, and because he had deliuered them out of the handes of the Egyptians. 10 And Iethro sayd: blessed be the Lord which hath deliuered you out of ye hand of the Egyptians, and out of the hand of Pharao, which hath also deliuered his people from ye captiuitie of ye Egyptians. 11 Nowe I knowe that the Lorde is greater then all gods: for in the thyng whereby they dealt cruelly with them, were they destroyed them selues. 12 And Iethro Moyses father in lawe toke burnt offeringes and sacrifices, to offer to God: And Aaron and all the elders of Israel came to eate bread with Moyses father in lawe before God. 13 And on the morowe Moyses sate to iudge the people: and the people stoode about Moyses from morning vnto eue. 14 And when Moyses father in lawe sawe all that he dyd vnto the people, he sayd: what is this that thou doest vnto the people? Why sittest thou thy selfe alone, and all the people stande about thee from morning vnto euen? 15 And Moyses sayde to his father in lawe: because the people come vnto me to seeke counsayle of God. 16 When they haue a matter, they come vnto me, and I iudge betweene euery man & his neyghbour, & shew them the ordinaunces of God and his lawes. 17 And Moyses father in lawe sayde vnto hym: It is not well that thou doest. 18 Thou both weryest thy selfe, and this people that is with thee: For this thing is of more wayght, then thou art able to perfourme thy selfe alone. 19 Heare therfore nowe my voyce, and I wyll geue thee councell, and God shalbe with thee: Be thou vnto the people to Godwarde, that thou mayest bring the causes vnto God: 20 And thou shalt teache them ordinaunces and lawes, and shew them the way wherein they must walke, & the worke that they must do. 21 Moreouer, thou shalt seeke out among all the people, men of actiuitie and such as feare God, true men hating couetousnes, and place of these ouer the people rulers of thousandes, rulers of hundrethes, rulers of fiftithes, and rulers of tennes, 22 And let them iudge the people at all seasons: and euery great matter that commeth, let them bryng vnto thee, but let them iudge all small causes them selues, and so shall it be easier for thy selfe, and they shall beare a burthen with thee. 23 If thou shalt do this thing, and God charge thee withall, thou shalt be able to endure, and yet the people shall come to their place in peace. 24 And so Moyses obeyed the voyce of his father in lawe, and dyd all that he had sayde. 25 And Moyses chose actiue men out of all Israel, and made them as heades ouer the people, namely rulers of thousandes, rulers of hundrethes, rulers of fiftithes, and rulers of tennes, 26 And they iudged the people at all seasons: but brought the harde causes vnto Moyses, and iudged all small matters them selues. 27 And Moyses let his father in lawe depart: and he went into his owne lande. 19 In the thirde moneth when the chyldren of Israel were gone out of the lande of Egypt, the same day came they into the wyldernesse of Sinai. 2 For they were departed from Raphidim, and were come to the desert of Sinai, and had pitched their tentes in the wyldernesse, and there Israel campped before the mounte. 3 But Moyses went vp vnto God, and the Lorde called vnto hym out of the mountayne, saying: Thus shalt thou say vnto the house of Iacob, and tell the chyldren of Israel, 4 Ye haue seene what I did vnto the Egyptians, and toke you vp vpon Eagles wynges, and haue brought you vnto my selfe. 5 Nowe therefore yf ye wyll heare my voyce in deede, and kepe my couenaunt, ye shall be as a deare treasure vnto me aboue all nations: for al the earth is myne. 6 Ye shalbe vnto me also a kingdome of priestes, & an holy people: And these are the wordes whiche thou shalt say vnto the children of Israel. 7 Moyses came and called for the elders of the people, and layde before theyr faces all these wordes whiche the Lorde commaunded hym. 8 And the people aunswered altogether, and sayde: All that the Lorde hath sayd, we will do. And Moyses brought the wordes of the people vnto ye Lord. 9 And the Lorde sayd vnto Moyses: lo, I come vnto thee in a thicke cloude, that the people may heare me talkyng with thee, and beleue thee for euer. Moyses shewed the wordes of the people vnto the Lorde. 10 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: Go vnto the people, and sanctifie the to day and to morowe, and let them washe theyr clothes. 11 And be redy against the thirde day, for the thirde day the Lorde wyll come downe in the sight of all the people vppon mount Sinai. 12 And thou shalt set boundes vnto the people rounde about, & say: take heede to your selues that ye go not vp into the mount, or touche the border of it: whosoeuer toucheth the mounte, shall surelye dye. 13 There shall not an hande touche it, els he shalbe stoned, or shot through: whether it be beast, or man, it shall not liue: when the trumpet bloweth long, then may they come vp into the mountayne. 14 And Moyses went downe from the mount vnto the people, and sanctified them, and they washed their clothes. 15 And he sayd vnto the people: be redy agaynst the thirde day, and come not at your wyues. 16 And the thirde day in the mornyng there was thunder and lyghtnyng, and a thicke cloude vpon the mount, and the voyce of the trumpet exceedyng loude, so that all the people that was in the hoast was afrayde. 17 And Moyses brought the people out of the tentes to meete with God, and thei stoode at the neather part of the hil. 18 And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the Lorde descended downe vpon it in fire, and the smoke thereof, ascended vp as the smoke of a furnace, and all the mount quaked exceedyngly. 19 And when the voyce of the trumpet blewe long, and waxed louder and louder, Moyses spake, and God aunswered hym by a voyce. 20 And the Lorde came downe vpon mount Sinai, euen in the toppe of the hill: & when the Lord called Moyses vp into the top of the hil, Moyses went vp. 21 And the Lorde sayd vnto Moyses: Go downe, charge the people, lest they breake out from their boundes to see the Lorde, and so many of them perishe. 22 And let the priestes also whiche come to the Lorde sanctifie them selues, lest the Lorde destroy them. 23 And Moyses said vnto the Lord: The people can not come vp into the mount Sinai, for thou chargest vs, saying: set boundes about the hill, and sanctifie it. 24 And the Lord sayd vnto him: Away, and get thee downe, & thou shalt come vp, thou and Aaron with thee: but let not the priestes and the people presume for to come vp vnto the Lord, lest he destroy them. 25 And so Moyses went downe vnto the people, and tolde them. 20 And God spake all these wordes, and said. 2 I am the Lord thy GOD, whiche haue brought thee out of the lande of Egypt, out of ye house of bondage. 3 Thou shalt haue none other Gods in my sight. 4 Thou shalt make thee no grauen image, neyther any similitude that is in heauen aboue, eyther in the earth beneath, or in the waters vnder the earth. 5 Thou shalt not bowe downe to them, neyther serue them: for I the Lord thy God, am a gelous God, and visite the sinne of the fathers vpon the chyldren, vnto the thirde and fourth generation of them that hate me: 6 And shewe mercy vnto thousandes in them that loue me, and kepe my commaundementes. 7 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vayne: for the Lorde will not holde him giltlesse that taketh his name in vayne. 8 Remember the sabboth day that thou sanctifie it. 9 Sixe dayes shalt thou labour, and do all that thou hast to do. 10 But the seuenth day is the sabboth of the Lorde thy God: in it thou shalt do no maner of worke, thou and thy sonne, and thy daughter, thy man seruaunt, and thy mayde seruaunt, thy cattel, and the straunger that is within thy gates. 11 For in sixe dayes the Lorde made heauen and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seuenth day: wherfore the Lorde blessed the seuenth day, and halowed it. 12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy dayes may be long in the lande whiche the Lorde thy God geueth thee. 13 Thou shalt not kyll. 14 Thou shalt not commit adulterie. 15 Thou shalt not steale. 16 Thou shalt not beare false witnesse agaynst thy neyghbour. 17 Thou shalt not couet thy neyghbours house, neyther shalt thou couet thy neyghbours wyfe, nor his man seruaut, nor his mayde, nor his oxe, nor his asse, or whatsoeuer thy neighbour hath. 18 And all the people saw the thunder and lightning, and the noyse of the trumpet, and the mountayne smoking: And when the people sawe it, they remoued, and stoode a farre of: 19 And said vnto Moyses, Talke thou with vs, and we wyll heart: But let not God talke with vs, lest we dye. 20 And Moyses sayde vnto the people: feare not, for God is come to proue you, and that his feare may be before your eyes, that ye sinne not. 21 And the people stoode a farre of: and Moyses went into the thicke cloude where God was. 22 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses, Thus thou shalt say vnto the chyldren of Israel: Ye haue seene that I haue talked with you from out of heauen. 23 Ye shall not make therfore with me gods of siluer, neyther shall ye make ye gods of golde. 24 An aulter of earth thou shalt make vnto me, and theron offer thy burnt offeringes, and thy peace offeringes, thy sheepe, and thyne oxen: In all places where I shall put the remembraunce of my name, thyther I wyll come vnto thee, and blesse thee. 25 And if thou wylt make me an aulter of stone, see thou make it not of hewen stone: els if thou lyft vp thy toole vpon it, thou hast poluted it. 26 Neyther shalt thou go vp by steppes vnto myne aulter, that thy shame be not shewed theron. 21 These art the lawes whiche thou shalt set before them. 2 If thou bye a seruaunt that is an Hebrue, sixe yeres he shall serue, & in the seuenth, he shall go out free paying nothyng. 3 If he came alone, he shall go out alone: and yf he came maryed, his wyfe shall go out with hym. 4 And if his maister haue geuen hym a wyfe, and she haue borne him sonnes or daughters: then the wyfe and her chyldren shalbe her maisters, and he shall go out alone. 5 And yf the seruaunt say: I loue my maister, my wyfe, and my chyldren, I wyll not go out free: 6 His maister shall bryng hym vnto the iudges, and set hym to the doore or the doorepost, and his maister shal bore his eare through with a naule, and he shalbe his seruaunt for euer. 7 And if a man sell his daughter to be a seruaunt, she shal not go out as the men seruauntes do. 8 If she please not her maister, who hath nowe promised her mariage, then shall he let her redeeme her selfe: To sell her vnto a straunge nation shall he haue no power, seyng he despised her. 9 If he haue promysed her vnto his sonne to wyfe, he shall deale with her as men do with their daughters. 10 And if he take hym another wyfe: yet her foode, her rayment, and duetie of maryage shall he not minishe. 11 And if he do not these three vnto her, the shal she go out free & pay no money. 12 He that smyteth a man, that he dye, shalbe slayne for it. 13 If a man lay not awayte, but God deliuer him into his hande, then I wyll poynt thee a place whither he shal flee. 14 If a man come presumpteously vpon his neyghbour to slay hym with guyle, thou shalt take him from myne aulter that he dye. 15 He that smyteth his father or his mother, let hym be slayne for it. 16 He that stealeth a man, and selleth him, if he be proued vppon hym, shalbe slayne for it. 17 And he that curseth his father or mother, shalbe put to death for it. 18 If men stryue together, and one smite another with a stone, or with his fyste, and he dye not, but lyeth in his bed: 19 If he rise agayne, and walke without vpon his staffe, then shall he that smote hym go quite, saue only he shall beare his charges for leesyng his tyme, and shall paye for his healyng. 20 And if a man smyte his seruaunt or his mayde with a rod, & they dye vnder his hande, he shalbe greeuously punished. 21 And if he continue a day or two, it shal not be reueged, for he is his money. 22 If men striue, & hurt a woman with chylde, so that her fruite depart from her, and yet no destruction folow: then he shalbe sore punished according as the womans husbande wyll laye to his charge, and he shall pay as the dayes men wyll appoynt hym. 23 And if any destruction folowe, then he shall geue life for life, 24 Eye for eye, tothe for tothe, hande for hande, foote for foote, 25 Burnyng for burnyng, wounde for wounde, strype for strype. 26 And if a man smyte his seruaunt or his mayde in the eye, that it perishe, he shall let them go free for the eyes sake. 27 Also if he smyte out his seruaunt or his maydes tothe, he shall let them go out free for the tothes sake. 28 If an oxe gore a man or a woman, that they dye, then the oxe shalbe stoned, and his fleshe shall not be eaten: but the owner of the oxe shall go quite. 29 If the oxe were wont to pushe with his horne in time past, and it hath ben tolde his maister, and he hath not kept him, but that he hath killed a man or a woman: then the oxe shalbe stoned, and his owner shall dye also. 30 If there be set to hym a sume of money, then he shal geue for the redeeming of his life whatsoeuer is layde vpo him. 31 And whether he haue gored a sonne or a daughter, accordyng to the same iudgement shall it be done vnto him. 32 But if it be a seruaunt or a mayde that the oxe hath gored, then he shall geue vnto their maister thirtie sicles, and the oxe shalbe stoned. 33 If a man open a well, or digge a pitte, and couer it not, and an oxe or an asse fall therein: 34 The owner of the pitte shall make it good, & geue money vnto their maister, and the dead beast shall be his. 35 If one mans oxe hurt another, that he dye: then they shall sell the lyue oxe, and deuide the money, and the dead oxe also they shall deuide. 36 Or if it be knowen that the oxe hath vsed to pushe in tyme past, & his maister hath not kept hym: he shall paye oxe for oxe, and the dead shalbe his owne. 22 If a man steale an oxe or a sheepe, and kill it, or sell it: he shall restore fiue oxen for an oxe, foure sheepe for a sheepe. 2 If a theefe be found breaking vp, and be smitten that he dye: there shall no blood be shed for hym. 3 But if the sunne be vp vpon him, then there shalbe blood shed for hym, for he should make restitution: if he haue not wherwith, he shalbe solde for his theft. 4 If the theft be founde in his hande, aliue, whether it be oxe, asse, or sheepe, he shall restore double. 5 If a man do hurt fielde or vineyarde, and put in his beast to feede in another mans fielde: of the best of his owne fielde, and of the best of his owne vineyarde, shall he make restitution. 6 If fire breake out and catche in the thornes and the stackes of corne, or the standyng corne, or fielde be consumed therewith: he that kyndeled the fyre, shall make restitution. 7 If a man deliuer his neyghbour money or stuffe to kepe, and it be stolen out of his house: if the theefe be founde, let hym pay double: 8 And if the theefe be not founde, then the good man of ye house shalbe brought vnto the Iudges, that it may be knowen whether he haue put his hande vnto his neyghbours good. 9 And in al maner of trespasse, whether it be for oxe, asse, or sheepe, rayment, or any maner of lost thing, which another chalengeth to be his: the cause of both parties shall come before the Iudges, and whom the Iudges condemne, let him pay double vnto his neyghbour. 10 If a man delyuer vnto his neyghbour to kepe, asse, oxe, sheepe, or whatsoeuer beast it be: and it dye, or be hurt, or taken away by enemies, & no man see it: 11 Then shall an oth of the Lorde be betweene them, that he hath not put his hande vnto his neyghbours good: and the owner of it shall take the oth, and the other shall not make it good. 12 And if it be stollen from hym, then he shall make restitution vnto the owner therof. 13 If it be torne in peeces, then let him bryng recorde of the tearing, and he shall not make it good. 14 And if a man borowe ought of his neighbour, and it be hurt, or els dye, and the owner therof be not by: he shall surely make it good. 15 But if the owner therof be by, he shall not make it good: if it be an hired thing, it came for his hire. 16 If a man entice a mayde that is not betrouthed, and lye with her, he shall endowe her, and take her to his wyfe. 17 And if her father refuse to geue her vnto him, he shal pay money, according to the dowrie of virgins. 18 Thou shalt not suffer a witche to lyue. 19 Whosoeuer lyeth with a beast, shall be slayne for it. 20 He that offereth vnto any gods, saue vnto ye Lord only, he shalbe killed. 21 Uexe not a straunger, neither oppresse him: for ye were straungers in the land of Egypt. 22 Ye shall trouble no wydowe nor fatherlesse chylde. 23 If ye shall euyll entreate them, and they crye out vnto me, I wyll surelye heare theyr crye. 24 And then wyl my wrath waxe hotte, and I wyll kyll you with the sworde, & your wyues shalbe widowes, and your chyldren fatherlesse. 25 If thou lende money to any of my people that is poore by thee, thou shalt not be as a tiraunt vnto him, neither shalt thou lay vpon him vsurie. 26 If thou take thy neyghbours rayment to pledge, thou shalt deliuer it vnto him by that the sunne go downe. 27 For that is his couering only, euen the rayment for his skinne, wherein he slepeth: and when he cryeth vnto me, I wyll heare him, for I am mercyfull. 28 Thou shalt not rayle vpon ye gods, neither blaspheme ye ruler of the people. 29 Thy fruites, whether they be drie or moyst, see thou kepe the not backe: thy first borne sonne thou shalt geue me. 30 Likewise also shalt thou do with thine oxen, and with thy sheepe: seuen dayes it shalbe with the damme, & the eyght day thou shalt geue it me. 31 Ye shalbe an holy people vnto me, neither shall ye eate any fleshe that is torne of beastes in the fielde, but shall cast it to a dogge. 23 Thou shalt not haue to do with any false report, neither shalt thou put thine hand with the wicked, to be an vnrighteous witnesse. 2 Thou shalt not folow a multitude to do euill, neither shalt thou speake in a matter of iustice according to the greater number, for to peruert iudgement. 3 Neither shalt thou esteeme a poore man in his cause. 4 If thou meete thyne enemies oxe or asse goyng astray, thou shalt bryng them to him agayne. 5 If thou see the asse of him that hateth thee sincke vnder his burthen, thou shalt not passe by and let him alone, but shalt helpe hym to lyft hym vp agayne. 6 Thou shalt not hinder the right of thy poore in his suite. 7 Kepe thee farre from a false matter, and the innocent and righteous see thou slay not: for I wyll not iustifie the wicked. 8 Thou shalt take no gyftes: for gyftes blinde the seyng, and peruert the wordes of the righteous. 9 Thou shalt not oppresse a straunger: for ye know the heart of a straunger, seyng ye were straungers in the lande of Egypt. 10 Sixe yeres thou shalt sowe thy lande, and gather in the fruites therof. 11 And the seuenth yere thou shalt let it rest and lie styll, that the poore of thy people may eate: And what they leaue, the beastes of the fielde shall eate. In lyke maner thou shalt deale with thy vineyarde and thyne oliue tree. 12 Sixe daies thou shalt do thy worke, and in the seuenth day thou shalt rest: that thyne oxe and thyne asse may rest, and the sonne of thy mayde and the straunger may be refreshed. 13 In all thinges that I haue saide vnto you, be circumspect: and make no rehearsall of the names of straunge gods, neither let it be hearde out of thy mouth. 14 Three feastes thou shalt holde vnto me in a yere. 15 Thou shalt kepe the feast of vnleauened bread: thou shalt eate vnleauened bread seuen daies long, as I commaunded thee, in the tyme appoynted of the moneth Abib: for in that moneth ye came out of Egypt, and see that no man appeare before me emptie. 16 And the feast of haruest when thou reapest the first fruites of thy laboures, whiche thou hast sowen in the fielde: And the feast of ingathering, whiche is in the end of the yere, when thou hast gathered in thy labours out of the field. 17 These three times in the yere, shall all thy men chyldren appeare before the Lorde God. 18 Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice vpon leauened bread, neither shall the fat of my feast remayne vntyll the mornyng. 19 The first of the first fruites of thy land, thou shalt bryng into the house of the Lorde thy God: thou shalt not seethe a kydde in his mothers mylke. 20 Behold I sende an angell before thee, to kepe thee in the way, and to bryng thee into the place whiche I haue prepared. 21 Beware of hym, and heare his voyce, and resist him not: for he wyll not spare your misdeedes, and my name is in him. 22 But and if thou shalt in deede hearken vnto his voyce, & do al that I speake, I wylbe an enemie vnto thyne enemies, & an aduersarie vnto thine aduersaries. 23 For myne angell shall go before thee, and bryng thee in vnto the Amorites, and Hethites, and Pharezites, & Chanaanites, Heuites, and Iebusites, and I shall destroy them. 24 Thou shalt not bowe downe to their gods, neither serue the, neither do after ye workes of them: but ouerthrowe the, and breake downe the images of them. 25 And ye shall serue the Lord your God, and he shall blesse thy bread and thy water: and I wyll take all sicknesses away from the middest of thee. 26 There shall no woman haue any vntymely byrth, nor be vnfruitefull in thy lande: the number of thy dayes I wyll fulfill. 27 I will sende my feare before thee, and wyll destroy all the people whyther thou shalt go: & I wyll make all thine enemies turne theyr backes vnto thee. 28 And I wyll sende hornettes before thee, which shall driue out the Heuites, the Chanaanites, and the Hethites, before thee. 29 Neuerthelesse, I wyll not cast them out before thee in one yere, lest the land growe to a wyldernesse, and the beast of the fielde multiplie agaynst thee. 30 By litle and litle I wyll dryue them out before thee, vntyl thou be increased, and inherite the lande. 31 And I wyll make thy coastes from the red sea, vnto the sea of the Philistines, and from the desert vnto the riuer: For I wyll deliuer the inhabitours of the lande into thyne hand, and thou shalt driue them out before thee. 32 Thou shalt make no couenaunt with them, nor with theyr gods. 33 Neither let them dwell in thy lande, lest they make thee sinne against me: for if thou serue their gods, it wyll surely be thy decay. 24 And he said vnto Moyses: Come vp vnto the Lorde, thou and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, & the threscore and ten elders of Israel, and ye shall worship a farre of. 2 And Moyses hym selfe alone shall go vnto the Lorde: but they shall not come nygh, neither shall the people go vp with hym. 3 And Moyses came and tolde the people all the wordes of the Lorde, and all the iudgementes: And all the people aunswered with one voyce, and sayde: All the wordes whiche the Lorde hath sayde wyll we do. 4 And Moyses wrote all the wordes of the Lord, and rose vp early, and set him an aulter vnder the hill, and 12 stones, according to the 12 tribes of Israel. 5 And sent young men of the children of Israel, whiche brought burnt offeringes, and offered peace offeringes of oxen vnto the Lorde. 6 And Moyses toke halfe of the blood, and put it in basins, and the other halfe he spinckled on the aulter. 7 And he toke the booke of the couenaut, & read it in the audience of the people: And they sayd, All that the Lord hath sayd, wyll we do, and be obedient. 8 And Moyses toke the blood, & sprinckled it on the people, and sayd: Beholde, this is the blood of the couenaut which the Lorde hath made with you vpon all these wordes. 9 Then went Moyses and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and the threscore and ten elders of Israel vp. 10 And they saw the God of Israel: and there was vnder his feete as it were a worke of a Saphire stone, & as it were the heauen when it is cleare. 11 And he layde not his hande vpon the nobles of the children of Israel: and they saw God, and did eate and drinke. 12 And the Lord said vnto Moyses: Come vp to me into the hill, and be there, and I wyll geue thee tables of stone, and a law & comaundementes which I haue written, that thou mayest teache them. 13 And Moyses rose vp, and his minister Iosuah: and Moyses went vp into the hill of God, 14 And said vnto the elders, Tary ye here vntill we come agayne vnto you: Behold, here is Aaron and Hur with you. If any man haue any matters to do, let hym come to them. 15 And Moyses went vp into the mount, aud a cloude couered the hyll. 16 And the glory of the Lord abode vpon the mout Sinai, & the cloude couered it six days: & the seuenth day he called vnto Moses out of ye middes of the cloude. 17 And the sight of the glory of the Lord, was like consumyng fire on ye top of the hill, in the eyes of ye children of Israel. 18 And Moyses went into the middes of the cloude, and gate hym vp into the moutaine: & Moyses was in the mount fourtie dayes and fourtie nyghtes. 25 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying: 2 Speake vnto the childre of Israel, that thei bring me an offering: ye shall take it of euery man that geueth it willingly with his heart. 3 This is the offering whiche ye shall take of them, golde, and siluer, & brasse, 4 And blewe silke, and purple, and scarlet, and white silke, and goates heere. 5 And Rammes skynnes that are red, & the skynnes of Tarus, & Sittim wood. 6 Oyle for lyght, spyces for annoyntyng oyle and for sweete sence: 7 Onix stones, and stones to be set in the Ephod, and in the brest plate. 8 And let them make me a sanctuarie, that I may dwell amongst them. 9 And accordyng to all that I shewe thee, both after the fashion of the tabernacle, and after the fashion of the ornamentes therof, euen so shall ye make it. 10 And they shall make an arke of Sittim wood, two cubites and a halfe long, a cubite and a halfe brode, and a cubite and a halfe high. 11 And thou shalt ouerlay it with pure golde, within and without shalt thou ouerlay it, and shalt make an hye vpon it a crowne of golde rounde about. 12 And thou shalt caste foure ringes of golde for it, and put them in the foure corners therof: two ringes shalbe in the one corner, and two in the other. 13 And thou shalt make barres of Sittim wood, and couer them with golde, 14 And put the barres in the ringes along by the sydes of the arke, that the arke may be borne with them. 15 And the barres shalbe in the ringes of the arke, and shall not be taken from it. 16 And thou shalt put in the arke, the testimonie whiche I shall geue thee. 17 And thou shalt make a mercy seate of pure golde: two cubites and a halfe long, and a cubite and a halfe brode. 18 And thou shalt make two Cherubims of golde: euen of a whole worke shalt thou make them, in the two endes of the mercy seate. 19 And the one Cherubim shalt thou make on the one ende, and the other on the other ende: euen of the same mercy seate shall ye make Cherubims in the two endes thereof. 20 And the Cherubins shal stretch foorth theyr winges abrode ouer an hye, couering the mercy seate with their winges, and their faces shall loke one to another: euen to the mercy seateward shall the faces of the Cherubins be. 21 And thou shalt put the mercy seate aboue vpon the arke, and in the arke thou shalt put the witnesse that I shall geue thee. 22 And from thence I wyll testifie vnto thee, and I wyll common with thee from vpon the mercy seate, from betweene the two Cherubins whiche are vpon the arke of witnesse, of all thinges whiche I wyll geue thee in commaundement vnto the chyldren of Israel. 23 Thou shalt also make a table of Sittim wood, of two cubites long, and one cubite brode, and a cubite & an halfe hye. 24 And thou shalt couer it with pure golde, and make thereto a crowne of golde rounde about. 25 And make vnto that an hoope of foure fingers brode rounde about, and make a golden crowne also to the hoope rounde about. 26 And make for it foure ringes of golde, and put the rynges in the corners that are on the foure feete thereof. 27 Euen ouer against the hoope shall the ringes be, to put in barres to beare the table withall. 28 And thou shalt make ye barres of Sittim wood, & ouerlay them with golde, that the table may be borne with them. 29 And thou shalt make his dishes, and spones, coueringes, & bowles to powre out with all: euen of fine golde shalt thou make them. 30 And thou shalt set vpon the table shewe bread before me alway. 31 And thou shalt make a candelsticke of pure golde, euen of a whole worke shall the candelsticke be made, with his shaft, his braunches, his bolles, his knoppes, and his flowres proceeding therout. 32 Sixe braunches also shall proceede out of the sides of it: three braunches of the candelsticke out of the one side, and three out of the other. 33 Three bolles like vnto almondes, with a knop and a flowre in one braunche: And three bolles like almondes in the other braunche, with a knop & a flowre, according to the sixe braunches that proceede out of the candelsticke. 34 And in the candelsticke it selfe there shalbe foure bolles like vnto almondes, with their knoppes and flowres. 35 And there shalbe a knop vnder two braunches of the same in three places, according to the sixe braunches that proceede out of the candelsticke. 36 Their knoppes and their braunches shalbe of it: and it shalbe one whole worke, euen of pure golde. 37 And thou shalt make the seuen lampes of it, and the seuen lampes therof shalt thou put on hye theron, to geue light vnto the other syde that is ouer agaynst it. 38 The snuffers and the vessels of the snuffe, shalbe of pure golde. 39 Of a talent of fine gold shall he make it, with all these vessels. 40 Loke therefore that thou make them after the fashion that was shewed thee in the mount. 26 Thou shalt make the tabernacle with ten curtaines of whyte twyned sylke, and blewe sylke, and purple, and scarlet: and in them thou shalt make Cherubins of brodered worke. 2 The length of one curtayne shalbe eight & twentie cubites, and the breadth of one curtayne, foure cubites: and euerye one of the curtaynes shall haue one measure. 3 Fiue curtaynes shalbe coupled together one to another, and other fiue curtaynes shalbe coupled one to another. 4 And thou shalt make loupes of blewe sylke a long by the edge of the one curtaine which is in the seluedge of the coupling curtayne: and likewise shalt thou make in the edge of the vttermost curtayne, in the seconde couplyng. 5 Fiftie loupes shalt thou make in the one curtayne, & fiftie loupes shalt thou make in the edge of the curtayne that is to be coupled therewith on the other syde, that the loupes may take holde one of another. 6 And yu shalt make fiftie taches of gold, and couple the curtaines together with the taches: and it shalbe one tabernacle. 7 And thou shalt make curtaynes of goates heere, to be a coueryng vpon the tabernacle, a leuen curtaines shalt thou make. 8 The length of one curtaine shalbe thirtie cubites, and the breadth of one curtayne foure cubites: & the eleuen shalbe all of one measure. 9 And thou shalt couple fiue curtaynes by them selues, and sixe curtaynes by them selues, & shalt double the sixt curtayne in the forefront of the tabernacle. 10 And thou shalt make fiftie loupes in the edge of the vttermost curtayne on the one side, euen in the edge of the couplyng curtayne and fiftie loupes in the other certayne of the seconde coupling. 11 And thou shalt make fiftie taches of brasse, and put them on the loupes, and couple the coueryng together, that it may be one. 12 And the remnaunt that resteth in the curtaines of the couering, euen the halfe curtaine that resteth, shalbe left on the backe sydes of the tabernacle. 13 That a cubite on the one syde, and a cubite on the other syde, which may remayne in the length of the curtaines of the coueryng, may remayne on eyther syde of the tabernacle to couer it withal. 14 And vppon the tabernacle, thou shalt make a coueryng of Rammes skynnes dyed red, and yet a coueryng aboue all of Taxus skynnes. 15 And thou shalt make boordes for the tabernacle of Sittim wood, to stande vpryght. 16 Ten cubites long shall euery boorde be, and a cubite and a halfe brode. 17 Two tenons shall there be in one boorde, set in order, as ladder staues one from another: and thus shalt thou make for all the boordes of the tabernacle. 18 And thou shalt make boordes for the tabernacle euen twentie boordes on the south side, euen full south. 19 And thou shalt make fourtie sockettes of siluer vnder the twentie boordes: two sockettes vnder one boorde for his two tenons, and two sockettes vnder another boorde for his two tenons. 20 In lyke maner, in the seconde syde of the tabernacle towarde the north, there shalbe twentie boordes. 21 And fourtie sockettes of syluer: two sockettes vnder one boorde, and two sockettes vnder another boorde. 22 And in the west ende of the tabernacle, thou shalt make sixe boordes. 23 And two boordes shalt thou make in the corners of the tabernacle, in the meetyng together of the two sydes: 24 And they shalbe coupled together beneathe, and lykewyse shalbe coupled aboue to a rynge: and thus shall it be for the two boordes that are in the corners. 25 And they shalbe eyght boordes, hauing sockettes of siluer, euen sixteene sockets: that there may be two sockets vnder one boorde, & two vnder another boorde. 26 And thou shalt make barres of Sittim wood, fiue for the boordes of the tabernacle in one syde, 27 And fiue barres for the boordes of the tabernacle on the other syde, and fiue barres for the boordes of the tabernacle in the west ende. 28 And the middle barre shall go alonge through the middest of the boordes fro the one ende to the other. 29 And thou shalt couer the boordes with golde, and make their ringes of golde to put the barres through, and thou shalt couer the barres with golde also. 30 And thou shalt reare vp the tabernacle, accordyng to the fassion therof, as it was shewed thee in the mount. 31 And thou shalt make a vayle of blewe silke, of purple, skarlet, and whyte twyned silke: of brodered worke with Cherubims shall ye make it. 32 And hang it vpon foure pillers of Sittim wood couered with golde (whose head shalbe of golde) standing vpon foure sockets of siluer. 33 And thou shalt hang vp the vayle on the taches, that thou mayest bryng in within the vayle the arke of witnesse, and the vayle shall deuide vnto you the holy place from the most holy place. 34 And thou shalt put the mercy seate vpon the arke of witnesse, in the holyest place. 35 And thou shalt put the table without the vayle, and the candelsticke ouer against the table on the south side of the tabernacle, and put the table on the north syde. 36 And thou shalt make an hanging for the doore of the tabernacle of blew silke, purple, scarlet, and whyte twyned silke wrought with needle worke. 37 And thou shalt make for the hanging fiue pillers of Sittim wood, and couer them with golde, and their knoppes shalbe of golde, and thou shalt cast fiue sockets of brasse for them. 27 And thou shalt make an aulter of Sittim wood, fiue cubites long & fiue cubites broade, it shalbe foure square, and three cubites hye. 2 And thou shalt make vnto it hornes in his foure corners: his hornes shalbe of the same as it is of, and thou shalt couer it with brasse. 3 And make his ashpannes for his ashes, his beesomes, his basons, his fleshehookes, his firepannes: and all the vessels thereof thou shalt make of brasse. 4 And thou shalt make vnto it a grediren also like a net of brasse, and vpon that net shalt thou make foure brasen ringes in the foure corners therof. 5 And thou shalt put it vnder the compasse of the aulter beneath, that the net may be in the middest of the aulter. 6 And thou shalt make two barres for the aulter of Sittim wood, and couer them with brasse, 7 And let them be put in the ringes along by the sides of the aulter, to beare it with all. 8 And make the aulter holowe with boordes: euen as it was shewed thee in the mount, so shalt thou make it. 9 And thou shalt make the court of the tabernacle on the south side, euen full south: the curtaines for the court shalbe of whyte twined silke of an hundreth cubites long for one side. 10 And twentie pillers therof, with their twentie sockets of brasse: but the knops of the pillers and their whopes shalbe siluer. 11 In likewise on the north syde there shalbe curtaynes of an hundred cubites long, and twentie pillers, with their twentie sockets of brasse, and the knops and the whopes of siluer. 12 And the breadth of the court whiche is westwarde, shall haue curtaynes of fiftie cubites, and the pillers of them shalbe ten, and the sockets of them ten. 13 Fiftie cubites shalbe in the court eastwarde, euen full east. 14 The curtaynes of one syde shalbe of fifteene cubites, the pillers of them three, and the sockets three. 15 And likewise on the other side shalbe curtaines of fifteene cubites, with their three pillers and three sockets. 16 And in the gate of the court shalbe a vayle of twentie cubites of blewe silke, purple, and scarlet, and white twyned silke wrought with needle worke, and foure pillers with their foure sockets. 17 All the pillers rounde about the court shalbe whoped with siluer, and their knoppes shalbe of siluer, and their sockets of brasse. 18 The length of the court shalbe an hundred cubites, and the breadth fiftie on euery side, and the heyght of the curtaynes shalbe fiue cubites of whyte twyned silke, and their sockettes of brasse. 19 All the vessels of the tabernacle in all maner of seruice, and the pinnes therof, yea and all the pinnes also of the court, shalbe of brasse. 20 And thou shalt commaunde the chyldren of Israel that they geue thee pure oyle oliue beaten for the light, that they may make the lampes to borne alwayes. 21 In the tabernacle of the congregation without the vayle whiche is before the witnesse, shall Aaron & his sonnes dresse the lampes both euening and morning before the Lorde: and it shalbe a statute for euer vnto the generations of the chyldren of Israel. 28 And take thou vnto thee Aaron thy brother, and his sonnes with him from among the children of Israel, that Aaron may minister vnto me in the priestes office, Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar, Aarons sonnes. 2 And thou shalt make holy rayment for Aaron thy brother, glorious and beautifull. 3 And thou shalt speake vnto all that are wise hearted, whom I haue filled with the spirite of wisdome, that they make Aarons rayment to consecrate him, that he may minister vnto me in the priestes office. 4 These are the garmentes which they shall make, a brestlap and an ephod, a tunicle, a brodered coate, a miter, and a girdle, these holy garmentes shall they make for Aaron thy brother and his sonnes, that they may minister vnto me in the priestes office. 5 And let them take golde, blewe silke, purple, scarlet, and whyte twined silke, 6 They shall make the ephod of golde, blewe silke, purple, scarlet, and whyte twined silke, with brodered worke. 7 The two sides shall come together, and be closed vp in the two edges therof. 8 And the girdle of the ephod shalbe of the same workmanship, and of the same stuffe, euen of golde, blewe silke, purple, scarlet, and whyte twined silke. 9 And thou shalt take two Onyx stones, and graue in them the names of the children of Israel. 10 Sixe names of them in the one stone, and the other sixe in the other stone, accordyng to their birth. 11 After the worke of a stone grauer and of him that graueth signettes, shalt thou graue the two stones, with the names of the children of Israel, and shalt make them to be set in ouches of golde. 12 And thou shalt put the two stones vpon the two shoulders of the ephod that they may be stones of remembraunce vnto the children of Israel: and Aaron shal beare their names before the Lord vpon his two shoulders for a remembraunce. 13 And thou shalt make ouches of golde: 14 And two chaynes of fine golde of a certayne length, linke worke & wreathed, and fasten the wreathed chaynes to the ouches. 15 And thou shalt make the brestlap of iudgement with brodered worke: euen after the worke of the ephod thou shalt make it namely of golde, blewe silke, purple, scarlet, and whyte twined silke. 16 Foure square it shalbe and double, an hande bredth long, and an hande bredth brode. 17 And thou shalt fill it with foure rowes of stones: in the first rowe shalbe a Sardius, a Topas, and Smaragdus. 18 In the seconde rowe, a Rubi, Saphir, and Diamonde. 19 In the thirde a Lyncurius, an Achat, and an Ametyst. 20 In the fourth a Turcas, an Onyx, and a Iaspis: and they shalbe set in golde in their inclosers. 21 And the stones shalbe grauen, as signettes be grauen with the names of the children of Israel, euen with twelue names, euery one with his name accordyng to the twelue tribes. 22 And thou shalt make vpon the brestlap two fastenyng chaynes of pure golde and wreathen worke. 23 And thou shalt make likewise vpon the brestlap two ringes of golde, and put them on the edges of the brestlap. 24 And put the two wreathen chaynes of golde in the two ringes which are in the edges of the brestlap. 25 And the other two endes of the chaines thou shalt fasten in two close ouches, and put them vpon the shoulders of the ephod on the foreside of it. 26 And thou shalt yet make two ringes of golde, which thou shalt put in the two edges of the brestlap euen in the borders therof, towarde the inside of the ephod ouer agaynst it. 27 And yet two other ringes of gold thou shalt make, and put them on the two sides of ye Ephod beneath ouer agaynst the brestlap, alowe where the sides are ioyned together vpon the brodered gyrdle of the Ephod. 28 And they shall bynde the brestlap by his ringes, vnto ye ringes of the Ephod, with a lase of blewe silke, that it may lye close aboue the brodered gyrdle of the Ephod, and that the brestlap be not loosed from the Ephod. 29 And Aaron shall beare the names of the children of Israel in the brestlap of iudgement vpon his heart, when he goeth into the holy place, for a remembraunce before the Lorde alway. 30 And thou shalt put in the brestlap of iudgment the Urim & the Thummim, and they shalbe euen vpo Aarons heart whe he goeth in before the Lord: and Aaron shall beare the iudgement of the children of Israel vpon his heart before the Lorde alway. 31 And thou shalt make the tunicle vnto the Ephod, altogether of blewe silke. 32 And there shalbe an hole for the head in the middest of it, hauyng a bonde of wouen worke rounde about the coller of it, as it were the coller of a partlet, that it rent not. 33 And beneath vpon the hem, thou shalt make pomgranates of blewe sylke, and of purple, and of scarlet, rounde about the hem, and belles of gold betweene them rounde about. 34 And let there be euer a golden bell and a pomgranate: a golden bell and a pomgranate rounde about vpon the hem of the tunicle. 35 And Aaron shall haue it vpon hym when he ministreth, and the sound shalbe hearde when he goeth into the holy place before the Lorde, & when he commeth out: and he shall not dye. 36 And thou shalt make a plate of pure gold, and graue theron as signettes are grauen, the holynes of the Lorde. 37 And put it on a blewe sylke lase to be vpon the mytre, euen vpon the forefront of it. 38 And it shalbe vpon Aarons forehead, that Aaron may beare the sinne of the holy thinges, whiche the children of Israel halowe in all their holy gyftes: and it shalbe alwayes vpon his forehead, for the reconciling of them before the Lorde. 39 And thou shalt make a coate of white sylke, embrodered with knottes, & thou shalt make a mytre of whyte sylke, and a gyrdle of needle worke. 40 And thou shalt make for Aarons sonnes also coates, and thou shalt make for them gyrdles, & bonettes shalt thou make for them, glorious and bewtiful. 41 And thou shalt put them vpon Aaron thy brother, & on his sonnes with hym, and shalt annoynt them, and fill their handes, & sanctifie them, that they may minister vnto me in the priestes office. 42 And thou shalt make them lynnen sloppes to couer their priuities: fro the loynes vnto ye thighes they shal reache. 43 And they shalbe vpon Aaron and his sonnes when they come into the tabercle of the congregatio, or whe they come vnto the aulter to minister in holines: that they beare no sinne, & so dye. And it shalbe a lawe for euer vnto Aaron, and his seede after him. 29 This thyng also shalt thou do vnto them, when thou halowest the to be my priestes. Thou shalt take one young calfe, and two rammes yt are without blemyshe: 2 And vnleauened bread, and cakes vnleauened tempered with oyle, and wafers vnleauened annoynted with oyle: of wheaten floure shalt thou make the. 3 And thou shalt put them in a maunde, and bryng them in the maunde with the calfe and the two rammes. 4 And bryng Aaron and his sonnes vnto the doore of the tabernacle of the congregation, & washe the with water. 5 And take the garmentes, and put vppon Aaron, the coate, the tunicle of the Ephod, and the Ephod it selfe, and the brestlap, & gyrde them to hym with the brodered gyrdle which is in the Ephod. 6 And put the mytre vpon his head: and put the holy crowne vpon the mytre. 7 Then shalt thou take the anoyntyng oyle, and powre it vpon his head, and anoynt hym, 8 And bryng his sonnes, and put coates vpon them: 9 And gyrde them with gyrdels, aswell Aaron as his sonnes, and put the bonnettes on them, and the priestes office shalbe theirs for a perpetuall lawe, and thou shalt fill the handes of Aaron, and the handes of his sonnes. 10 And thou shalt cause a calfe to be brought before the tabernacle of witnesse: and Aaron and his sonnes shall put theyr handes vpon the head of the calfe. 11 And thou shalt kyll hym before the Lord, by the doore of the tabernacle of witnesse. 12 And take of the blood of the calfe, and put it vpon the hornes of the aulter with thy finger: and powre all the rest of the blood beside the bottome of the aulter. 13 And take all the fat that couereth the inwardes, and the kall that is on the lyuer, and the two kydneys, and the fat that is vpon them, and burne them vpon the aulter. 14 But the flesh of the calfe, and his skin, and his doung, shalt thou burne with fire without the hoast: it is a synne offeryng. 15 Thou shalt also take one Ramme, and Aaron and his sonnes shall put theyr handes vpon the head of the Ramme. 16 And when thou hast slaine the Rame, thou shalt take his blood, and sprinckle it rounde about vpon the aulter: 17 And cut the Ramme in peeces, and washe the inwardes of hym, and his legges, and put them vnto the peeces, and vnto his head. 18 And then burne the whole Ramme vpo the aulter: for it is a burnt offering vnto the Lorde for a sweete sauour, a sacrifice made by fire vnto the Lord. 19 And take the other Ramme, and Aaron & his sonnes shall put theyr handes vpon his head. 20 Then shalt thou kyll hym, and take of his blood and put it vpon the tip of the right eare of Aaron, and vpon the tip of the right eare of his sonnes, and vpon the thombe of theyr right handes, and vpon the great toe of theyr right foot, and sprinckle the blood vpon the aulter rounde about. 21 And thou shalt take of the blood that is vpon the aulter, & of the anoyntyng oyle, and sprinckle it vpon Aaron & his vestmentes, and vpon his sonnes and vpon theyr garmentes, with hym, and he shalbe halowed and his clothes, and his sonnes and theyr clothes, with him. 22 And thou shalt take the fat of the Ramme, & his rumpe, and the fat that couereth the inwardes, and the kall of the lyuer, and the two kydneys, and the fat that is vpon them, and the right shoulder, for that Ramme is a ful offeryng: 23 And a synmell of bread, and a cake of oyled bread, and a wafer out of the basket of vnleauened bread that is before the Lord. 24 And put all vpo the handes of Aaron, and on the handes of his sonnes, and waue them for a waue offeryng before the Lord. 25 And agayne thou shalt take it from of their handes, and burne it vpon the aulter for a burnt offeryng, to be a sauour of sweetnes before the Lorde: for it is a sacrifice by fire vnto the Lord. 26 And thou shalt take the brest of the Ramme of Aarons consecration, and waue it for a waue offeryng before the Lord, and it shalbe thy part. 27 And thou shalt sanctifie the brest of the waue offeryng, and the shoulder of the heaue offeryng, which is waued & heaued vp of the Ramme of the consecration for Aaron and for his sonnes. 28 And it shalbe Aarons and his sonnes by a statute for euer from the childre of Israel, for it is an heaue offeryng: & it shalbe an heaue offeryng fro the children of Israel of the sacrifice of theyr peace offerynges, euen theyr heaue offeryng shall it be vnto the Lord. 29 And the holy garmentes of Aaron shalbe his sonnes after him, to be anoynted therein, and to fyll theyr handes therein. 30 And that sonne that is priest in his steede after hym, shall put them on seuen dayes, when he cometh into the tabernacle of wytnesse to minister in the holy place. 31 And thou shalt take the Ramme of the consecration, & seethe his flesh in the holy place. 32 And Aaron and his sonnes shall eate the fleshe of the Ramme, and the bread that is in the basket, euen by the doore of the tabernacle of wytnesse. 33 And they shall eate them, because the attonement was made therwith to fyll theyr handes and to consecrate them: but a straunger shall not eate therof, because they are holy. 34 And yf ought of the flesh of the consecration, or of the bread, remayne vnto the mornyng, thou shalt burne it with fire: and it shall not be eaten, because it is holy. 35 Therfore shalt thou do vnto Aaron and his sonnes euen so, accordyng to all thynges which I haue commaunded thee: seuen dayes shalt thou fyll theyr handes. 36 And thou shalt offer euery day a calfe for a sinne offeryng for to recosile withall: and thou shalt clense the aulter whe thou reconsilest vpon it, and thou shalt annoynt it, to sanctifie it. 37 Seuen dayes thou shalt reconsile vpo the aulter, and sanctifie it, & it shalbe an aulter most holy: and whatsoeuer toucheth the aulter, shalbe holy. 38 This is that which thou shalt offer vpon the aulter, euen two Lambes of one yere old day by day continually: 39 The one thou shalt offer in the mornyng, and the other at euen. 40 And with the one Lambe, a tenth deale of flowre mingled with the fourth part of an hyn of beaten oyle: and the fourth part of an hyn of wyne for a drynk offeryng. 41 And the other Lambe thou shalt offer at euen, and shalt do thereto accordyng to the meate offeryng & drinke offeryng in the morning, to be an odour of a sweet sauour, and a sacrifice by fire vnto the Lorde. 42 And let this be a continuall burnt offering amongst your children after you, before the doore of ye tabernacle of witnesse before the Lord, where I will meete you, to speake there vnto thee. 43 There I will meete with the children of Israel, and the place shall be sanctified in my glorie. 44 And I will sanctifie the tabernacle of witnesse and the aulter: and I will sanctifie also both Aaron & his sonnes, to be my priestes. 45 And I will dwell amongst the chyldren of Israel, and will be their God: 46 And they shall knowe that I am the Lord theyr God, that brought them out of the lande of Egypt, for to dwell amongst them euen I the Lord their God. 30 And thou shalt make an aulter for sweete incense: of Sittim wood shalte thou make it. 2 A cubite long, and a cubite brode, eue foure square shall it be, and two cubites hye: the hornes therof shall proceede out of it. 3 And thou shalt ouerlaye it with fine gold, both the ruffe & the walles round about, and his hornes also: and shalt make vnto it a crowne of gold round about. 4 And two golden ringes shalt thou make to it on either side, euen vnder the crowne, that they maye be as places for the barres to beare it withall. 5 And thou shalt make the barres of Sittim wood, & couer them with gold. 6 And thou shalt put it before the vayle that is by the arke of testimonie before the mercie seate, that is, vpon the testimonie where I wyll meete with thee. 7 And Aaron shall burne theron sweete incense euery mornyng when he dresseth the lampes, euen then shall he burne it. 8 And lykewise at euen when he setteth vp the lampes he shall burne incense, & this incensing shall be perpetually before the Lord throughout your generations. 9 Ye shall offer no straunge incense thereon nor burnt sacrifice nor meate offeryng, neither powre any drinke offeryng thereon. 10 And Aaron shall reconsile vppon the hornes of it once in a yere, with the blood of the sinne offeryng of reconsiling, euen once in the yere shal he reconsile vpon it through your generations: it is most holy vnto the Lorde. 11 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying: 12 If thou takest the sume of the childre of Israel after theyr number, they shal geue euery man a recosiling of his soule vnto the Lorde when thou numbrest them, that there be no plague amongst them when thou nubrest them. 13 And thus much shall euery man geue that goeth into the number: halfe a sicle after the sicle of the sanctuarie. A sicle is twentie halfpence: an halfe sicle shalbe the heaue offeryng of the Lorde. 14 All that are numbred from twentie yere olde and aboue, shall geue a heaue offeryng vnto the Lorde. 15 The riche shall not passe, and the poore shall not go vnder halfe a sicle, but ye shall geue an heaue offeryng vnto the Lorde, that he may haue mercie on your soules. 16 And thou shalt take the reconsilyng monye of the children of Israel, and shalt put it vnto the vse of the tabernacle of the congregation, that it may be a memoriall vnto the chyldren of Israel before the Lord, that he may haue mercie vpon your soules. 17 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying: 18 Thou shalt make a lauer of brasse, & his foot also of brasse, to washe withall, and shalt put it betwene the tabernacle of the congregation and the aulter, and put water therin. 19 For Aaron and his sonnes shall washe their handes and their feete therin. 20 Euen when they go into the tabernacle of the congregation, or when they go in to the aulter to minister and to burne the Lordes offeryng, they shall washe them selues with water, lest they dye. 21 Likewise they shal washe their handes & their feete, lest they dye: and it shalbe an ordinaunce vnto them for euer, both vnto hym & his seede, throughout their generations. 22 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying: 23 Take vnto thee principal spices, of the most pure Mirrhe fiue hudreth sicles, of sweete Synamond halfe so much, euen two hundreth and fiftie sicles, of sweete Calamus two hundreth and fiftie sicles. 24 Of Cassia fiue hundreth sicles, after the waight of the sanctuarie, and of oyle Olyue an hyn: 25 And thou shalt make of the oyle an holy oyntment, euen an oyntment compound after the craft of the apoticarie: 26 It shalbe the oyle of holy oyntment, and thou shalt annoynt the tabernacle of the congregation therwith, and the arke of the testimonie, 27 And the table and al his apparell, and the candlesticke and all his vessels, and the aulter of incense, 28 And the aulter of burnt sacrifice with all his vessels, and the lauer & his foote. 29 And thou shalt sanctifie them, that they may be most holye: whatsoeuer toucheth them, shalbe sanctified. 30 And thou shalt anoynt Aaron and his sonnes, and consecrate them, that they may minister vnto me in the priestes office. 31 And thou shalt speake vnto the children of Israel, saying: This shalbe an holy oynting oyle vnto me, throughout your generations. 32 Upon mans fleshe shall it not be powred, neither shal ye make any other after the makyng of it: for it is holy, and shalbe holy vnto you. 33 Whosoeuer maketh lyke that, or whosoeuer putteth any of it vpon a strauger, shall perishe from amongst his people. 34 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: Take vnto thee sweete spices, Starte, Onycha, sweete Galbanum: these spices with pure Frankensence, of eche a lyke wayght. 35 And make of them sweete smellyng incense, after the craft of the apoticarie, mingled together, pure and holy. 36 And beate it to powder, and put of it before the arke of the testimonie in the tabernacle of the congregation, where I wyll meete with thee: it shalbe vnto you most holy. 37 And you shal not make to your selues, after the makyng of that incense which thou shalt make: it shalbe vnto you holy for the Lorde. 38 Whosoeuer shall make lyke vnto that to smell thereto, shall perishe from amongst his people. 31 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying: 2 Beholde, I haue called by name Besaleel the sonne of Uri, the sonne of Hur, of the tribe of Iuda, 3 And I haue fylled hym with the spirite of God, in wisedome and vnderstandyng, in knowledge, and in all maner worke, 4 To fynde out wittie deuises, and to worke in golde, siluer, and in brasse, 5 And in the craft to set stones, and to carue in tymber, and to worke in all maner workmanship. 6 And beholde, I haue geuen hym to be his companion Ooliab the sonne of Achisamec, of the tribe of Dan: and in the heartes of all that are wise hearted I haue put wisedome, to make all that I haue commaunded thee: 7 The tabernacle of the congregation, the arke of the testimonie, & the mercie seate that is thervpon, and all the furniture of the tabernacle: 8 And the table and his furniture, and the pure candlesticke with all his furniture, and the aulter of incense, 9 And the aulter of burnt offeryng and all his furniture, and the lauer with his foote, 10 The vestmentes to minister in, and the holy garmentes for Aaron the priest, and the garmentes of his sonnes to minister in: 11 And the annoyntyng oyle, and sweete incense for the sanctuarie: accordyng to all that I haue commaunded thee, shal they do. 12 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying: 13 Speake vnto the children of Israel, and say, In any wyse see that ye kepe my Sabbothes: for it is a signe betweene me & you in your generations, for to knowe that I the Lorde am he that doth sanctifie you. 14 Kepe my Sabboth therefore, for it is holy vnto you. He that defileth it shalbe put to death: for whosoeuer worketh therin, the same soule shalbe rooted out from amongst his people. 15 Six dayes shall men worke, and in the seuenth day is the Sabboth of the holy rest of the Lorde: whosoeuer doth any worke in the Sabboth day shall dye the death. 16 Wherefore let the children of Israel kepe the Sabboth, that they obserue the Sabboth throughout their generations: it is a perpetuall couenaunt. 17 For it is a signe betweene me and the children of Israel for euer: for in six dayes the Lorde made heauen and earth, and in the seuenth day he rested and was refreshed. 18 And when the Lorde had made an end of commnuyng with Moyses vpon the mount Sinai, he gaue hym two tables of witnesse, euen tables of stone, writen with the finger of God. 32 And when ye people sawe that it was log or Moyses came downe out of the mountaine, they gathered them selues together vnto Aaron, and sayd vnto hym, Up, make vs Gods to go before vs: for we wote not what is become of this Moyses, the man that brought vs out of the lande of Egypt. 2 And Aaron sayd vnto them: Plucke of the golden earynges which are in the eares of your wiues, of your sonnes, & of your daughters, & bring them vnto me. 3 And all the people plucked of the golden earinges which they had in their eares, and brought them vnto Aaron. 4 And he receaued them of their handes, & fashioned it with a grauer, & made of it a calfe of molten mettel: and they said, These be thy gods O Israel, which brought thee out of the lande of Egypt. 5 And when Aaron sawe that, he made an aulter before it, and Aaron made proclamation, saying: To morowe is the holy day of the Lorde. 6 And they rose vp in the mornyng, and offered burnt offeringes, and brought peace offeringes also: and the people sat them downe to eate and drinke, and rose vp agayne to play. 7 And the Lord sayd vnto Moyses: Go get thee downe, thy people which thou broughtest out of the lande of Egypt, hath marred all. 8 They are turned quickly out of the way whiche I commaunded them: for they haue made them a calfe of moulten mettall, and haue worshipped it, and haue offred thervnto, saying: These be thy goddes O Israel, whiche haue brought thee out of the lande of Egypt. 9 And the Lorde sayd vnto Moyses, I haue seene this people: and beholde, it is a styfnecked people. 10 And nowe suffer me, that my wrath may waxe whot against them, and consume them: and I wyll make of thee a mightie people. 11 And Moyses besought the Lorde his God, and sayd: O Lord, why doth thy wrath waxe whot agaynst thy people whiche thou hast brought out of the lande of Egypt with great power, and with a mightie hande? 12 Wherfore should the Egyptians speake and say: For a mischiefe dyd he bryng them out, euen for to slay them in the mountaynes, & to consume them from the face of the earth? Turne from thy fierce wrath, and repent of this euyll deuise agaynst thy people. 13 Remember Abraham, Isahac, and Israel thy seruauntes, to whom thou swarest by thy owne selfe, and saydest vnto them: I wyll multiplie your seede as the starres of heauen, and all this lande that I haue spoken of wyll I geue vnto your seede, and they shall inherite it for euer. 14 And the Lorde refrayned hym selfe from the euill whiche he sayd he would do vnto his people. 15 And Moyses turned his backe, & went downe from the hyll, & the two tables of the testimonie were in his hande. 16 And the same tables were written in both the leaues, euen on the one side, & on the other, were they written: And these tables were the worke of God, and the writing was the writing of God, grauen in the tables. 17 And when Iosuah hearde the noyse of the people as they showted, he sayde vnto Moyses: there is a noyse of warre in the hoast. 18 And he aunswered: It is not the crie of them that haue the masterie, nor of the that haue the worse: but I do heare the noyse of them that sing. 19 And assoone as he came nigh vnto the hoast, he sawe the calfe, and the daunsing: and Moyses wrath waxed whot, and he cast the tables out of his handes, and brake them beneath the hyll. 20 And he toke the calfe whiche they had made, and burned it in the fire, & stampt it into pouder, & strawed it in the water, & made the childre of Israel drinke of it. 21 And Moyses said vnto Aaron: What did this people vnto thee, that thou hast brought so great a sinne vpon them? 22 And Aaron aunswered, Let not the wrath of my Lorde waxe fierce: thou knowest the people that they are euen set on mischiefe. 23 For they sayde vnto me: Make vs goddes to go before vs, for we wote not what is become of Moyses, the man that brought vs out of ye land of Egypt. 24 And I said vnto them: Let them that haue gold, plucke it of: And thei brought it vnto me, and I did cast it into the fire, and therof came out this calfe. 25 Moyses therfore sawe that the people were naked (and that Aaron had made them naked vnto their shame, amongest their enemies) 26 And Moyses stode in the gate of the hoast, and sayd: Who pertayneth to the Lorde, let hym come vnto me. And all the sonnes of Leui gathered theselues together vnto hym. 27 And he said vnto them, Thus sayeth the Lord God of Israel: Put euery ma his sworde by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the hoast, and slay euery man his brother, & euery man his companion, and euery man his neighbour. 28 And the chyldre of Leui dyd as Moyses had said: And there fel of the people ye same day about three thousande men. 29 And Moyses sayd: Fill your handes vnto the Lord this day, euery man vpo his sonne, & vpo his brother, & that there may be geuen you a blessing this day. 30 And on the morowe Moyses said vnto ye people, Ye haue sinned a great sinne: And nowe I will go vp vnto the Lord, peraduenture I may purchase an attonement for your sinne. 31 Moyses therefore went agayne vnto the Lorde, and sayde: Oh, this people haue sinned a great sinne, and haue made them gods of golde. 32 And nowe forgeue them their sinne: or if thou wylt not, wype me I pray thee out of thy booke whiche thou hast written. 33 And the Lorde sayd vnto Moyses: I wyll put hym out of my booke that hath sinned agaynst me. 34 And nowe go thou, bryng the people vnto the place whiche I said vnto thee, behold, mine angell shal go before thee: Neuerthelater, in that day when I visite, I wyl visite their sinne vpo them. 35 And the Lorde plagued the people, because they made the calfe whiche Aaron made. 33 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: Depart and go vp hence, thou and the people whiche thou hast brought out of the lande of Egypt, vnto the lande which I sware vnto Abraham, Isahac, & Iacob, saying, vnto thy seede wyll I geue it. 2 And I will send an angell before thee, and I wyll cast out the Chanaanites, the Amorites, & the Hethites, the Pherezites, the Heuites, and the Iebusites: 3 Unto a lande that floweth with mylke and hony. For I wyll not go amongest you my selfe: for ye are a styfnecked people, lest I consume thee in the way. 4 And when the people hearde this euil tidinges, they sorowed: and no man dyd put on his best rayment. 5 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses: Say vnto the chyldren of Israel, ye are a styfnecked people: I must come once sodaynly vpon you, and make an ende of you: therefore nowe put thy goodly rayment from thee, that I may wyt what to do vnto thee. 6 And the children of Israel layde their goodly rayment from them, euen by the mount Horeb. 7 And Moyses toke the tabernacle, and pitched it without the hoast a farre of from the hoast, and called it the tabernacle of the congregation: And so it came to passe that euery one whiche woulde pray vnto the Lorde, went out vnto the tabernacle of the congregation whiche was without the hoast. 8 And when Moyses went out vnto the tabernacle, all the people rose vp, and stode euery man at his tent doore, and loked after Moyses, vntill he was gone into the tabernacle. 9 And assoone as Moyses was entred into the tabernacle, the cloudie piller descended, and stode at the doore of the tabernacle, and he talked with Moyses. 10 And all the people sawe the cloudie piller stand at the tabernacle doore, and they rose vp and worshipped euery man in his tent doore. 11 And the Lord spake vnto Moyses face to face, as a man speaketh vnto his freende. And he turued agayne into the hoast: but the young man Iosuah his seruaunt the sonne of Nun, departed not out of the tabernacle. 12 And Moyses said vnto the Lord: See, thou sayest vnto me, Leade this people foorth: & thou hast not shewed me who thou wylt send with me. And thou hast sayd moreouer, I knowe thee by name, & thou hast also found grace in my sight. 13 Nowe therfore, if I haue founde fauour in thy sight, then I pray thee shew me thy way, that I may know thee, and that I may finde grace in thy sight, and consider also that this nation is thy people. 14 And he said: My presence shall go with thee, and I wyll geue thee rest. 15 He sayd vnto hym: If thy presence go not with me, cary vs not hence. 16 For howe shall it be knowen here, that I and thy people haue founde fauour in thy sight, but in that thou goest with vs? If thou goest with vs, shall not I and thy people haue preeminence before all the people that are vpon the face of the earth? 17 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: I wyll do this also that thou hast sayd, for thou hast founde grace in my sight, and I knowe thee by name. 18 And he sayde: I beseche thee shewe me thy glorie. 19 Who aunswered: I wyll make all my good go before thee, & I wyll call in the name of Iehouah before thee: and wyl shewe mercy to whom I wyll shewe mercy, and wyll haue compassion, on whom I wyll haue compassion. 20 And he said furthermore, Thou mayest not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and lyue. 21 And the Lorde sayd: Beholde, there is a place by me, and thou shalt stande vpon a rocke. 22 And whyle my glory goeth foorth, I wyll put thee in a clyft of the rocke, and will put my hand vpon thee, while I passe by. 23 And I wyll take away myne hande, and thou shalt see my backe partes: but my face shall not be seene. 34 And the Lord saide vnto Moyses: hewe thee two tables of stone like vnto the first, and I wyll wryte vpon these tables, ye wordes that were in the first tables whiche thou brakest. 2 And be redy in the morning, and come vp early vnto the mount of Sinai, and thou shalt stande there for me in the top of the mount. 3 There shall no man come vp with thee, neither let any man be seene thorowout al the mount, neither let sheepe nor oxen feede before the hyll. 4 And Moyses hewed two tables of stone like vnto the first, and rose vp earlye in the mornyng, and went vp vnto the mount Sinai as the Lorde had commaunded hym, & toke in his hande the two tables of stone. 5 And the Lord descended in the cloude, and stode with him there: and he called vpon the name of the Lorde. 6 And the Lorde passed by before hym, and cryed, Lorde, Lorde, God, strong, mercyfull and gracious, long suffering, and aboundaunt in goodnes & trueth, 7 And kepyng mercy in store for thousandes, forgeuing wickednes, vngodlynes and sinne, and not leauing one innocent, visiting the wickednes of the fathers vpon the chyldren, and vpon the chyldrens chyldren, euen vnto the third and fourth generation. 8 And Moyses made haste, and bowed hym selfe to the earth, and worshipped, 9 And sayd: If I haue founde grace in thy sight, O Lorde, then let my Lorde I pray thee go in the middest of vs, for it is a styfnecked people: and thou shalt haue mercy vpon our wickednes and our sinne, and shalt take vs for thine inheritaunce. 10 And he said: Beholde, I make a couenaunt before all thy people, & I will do meruayles, such as haue not ben done in all the worlde, neither in all nations: & all the people amongest whiche thou art, shall see the worke of the Lorde: for it is a terrible thyng that I wyll do with thee. 11 Kepe diligently those thinges that I commaunde thee this day: Beholde, I cast out before thee, the Amorites, Chanaanites, Hethites, Pherezites, Heuites and Iebusites. 12 Take heede to thy self, lest thou make any compact with the inhabitours of the lande whyther thou goest, lest they be cause of ruine amongest you: 13 But ouerthrowe their aulters, and breake their images, and cut downe their groues. 14 Thou shalt worship no straunge God: for the Lorde is called ielous, because he is a ielous God. 15 Lest if thou make any agreement with the inhabitours of the lande, and they go a whoring after their gods, and do sacrifice vnto their gods: they call thee, and thou eate of theyr sacrifice. 16 And thou take of their daughters vnto thy sonnes, and their daughters go a whoryng after their gods, and make thy sonnes go a whoryng after their gods also. 17 Thou shalt make thee no gods of mettall. 18 The feast of vnleauened bread shalt thou kepe: Seuen daies thou shalt eate vnleauened bread, as I commaunded thee in the tyme of the moneth Abib: for in the moneth Abib thou camest out of Egypt. 19 All that openeth the matrice is myne, and al that breaketh the matrice amongest thy cattell if it be male, whether it be oxe or sheepe. 20 But the firstling of the asse thou shalt bye out with a lambe: and if thou redeeme hym not, thou shalt breake his necke. All the first borne of thy sonnes thou shalt redeeme: & see that no man appeare before me emptie. 21 Sixe dayes thou shalt worke, and in the seuenth day thou shalt rest, both from earyng and reapyng. 22 Thou shalt obserue the feast of weekes with thy first fruites of wheate haruest: and the feast of ingatheryng at the yeres ende. 23 Thryse in a yere shall all your men chyldren appeare before the Lorde Iehouah God of Israel. 24 For I wyll cast out the nations before thee, and enlarge thy coastes: neyther shall any man desyre thy lande, when thou shalt go vp to appeare before the Lorde thy God thryse in a yere. 25 Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice vpon leauen, neither shal ought of the sacrifice of the feast of Passouer be left vnto the mornyng. 26 The first rype fruites of thy lande, thou shalt bryng vnto the house of the Lorde thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kyd in his mothers mylke. 27 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses: Write these wordes, for after the tenour of these wordes, I haue made a couenaunt with thee and with Israel. 28 And he was there with the Lorde fourtie dayes and fourtie nyghtes, and dyd neither eate bread, nor drinke water: and he wrote vpon the tables the wordes of the couenaunt, euen ten commaundementes. 29 And when Moyses came downe from mount Sinai, the two tables of testimonie were in Moyses hande: when he came downe from the mount, Moyses wyste not that the skynne of his face shone, whyle he talked with hym. 30 And Aaron and all the chyldren of Israel looked vpon Moyses: and beholde, the skynne of his face shone, and they were afrayde to come nye hym. 31 And when Moyses had called them, Aaron and all the chiefe of the congregation came vnto him: and Moyses talked with them. 32 And afterwarde all the chyldren of Israel came nye: and he commaunded them all that the Lorde had sayde vnto hym in mount Sinai. 33 And when Moyses had made an ende of communyng with them, he put a coueryng vpon his face. 34 And agayne when Moyses went in before the Lorde to speake with hym, he toke the coueryng of, vntyll he came out: And he came out and spake vnto the chyldren of Israel, that whiche he was commaunded. 35 And the chyldren of Israel sawe the face of Moyses: that the skynne of Moyses face shone, and Moyses put the coueryng vpon his face agayne, vntyll he went in to commune with hym. 35 And Moyses gathered al the congregation of the children of Israel together, and sayd vnto the: These are the wordes whiche the Lord hath commaunded, that ye shoulde do them. 2 Sixe dayes ye shall worke: but the seuenth day shalbe vnto you the holy Sabboth of the lordes rest, whosoeuer doth any worke therin, shall dye. 3 Ye shall kindle no fire throughout your habitation vpo the Sabboth day. 4 And Moyses spake vnto all the congration of the childre of Israel, saying: This is the thyng whiche the Lorde commaunded, saying: 5 Take from amongest you an heaue offering vnto the Lorde: Whosoeuer is of a wyllyng heart, let hym bryng that heaue offeryng to the Lorde, namely golde, syluer, and brasse, 6 And blewe silke, purple, scarlet, white sylke, goates heere, 7 And Rammes skynnes red, & Taxus skynnes, with Sittim wood, 8 Oyle for light, and spyces, for annoyntyng oyle, and for the sweete incense. 9 And Onyx stones, and stones to be set in the Ephod, and in the brestlap. 10 And let all them that are wise hearted among you, come and make all that the Lorde hath commaunded. 11 The tabernacle, and the tent therof, & his couering, & his ringes, his boordes, his barres, his pillers and his sockets. 12 The arke & the staues therof, with the mercy seate, & the vaile that couereth it: 13 The table and his barres, and all his vessels, and the shew bread: 14 The candelsticke of light and his furniture, and his lampes with the oyle for the lyght: 15 The incense aulter and his barres, the annoyntyng oyle, and the sweete incense, and the hangyng of the doore at the entryng in of the tabernacle: 16 The aulter of burnt sacrifice, with his brasen grediron, his staues, and all his vessels, the lauer and his foote: 17 And the hangynges of the court, with his pyllers, and their sockettes, and the hangyng in the doore of the court, 18 The pinnes of the tabernacle, and the pinnes of the court with their cordes: 19 The ministring garmentes to minister in the holy place, and the holy vestmentes for Aaron the priest, and the vestmentes of his sonnes, that thei may minister in the priestes office. 20 And all the congregation of the chyldren of Israel, departed from the presence of Moyses: 21 And euery one came, as many as their heartes couraged them, & as many as their spirites made them wyllyng, and brought an heaue offering for the Lord, to the makyng of the tabernacle of the congregation, and for all his vses, & for the holy vestmentes. 22 And they came both men and women, euen as many as were wyllyng hearted, and brought bracelettes and earinges, ringes and chaynes, whiche iewelles were all of golde: & all the men brought a waue offeryng of golde vnto the Lorde. 23 And euery man with whom was found blewe silke, purple, scarlet, whyte silke, and Goates heere, & red skynnes of Rammes, and Taxus skynnes, brought them. 24 All that dyd heaue vp an oblation of golde and brasse, brought an heaue offering vnto the Lorde: and all men with whom was founde Sittim wood for any maner worke of the ministration, brought it. 25 And all the women that were wyse hearted, dyd spinne with their handes, and brought the spun worke, both of blewe silke, purple, scarlet, & white silke. 26 And all the women that excelled in wisdome of heart, spun Goates heere. 27 And the lordes brought Onyx stones, and stones to be set in the Ephod, and in the brestlap. 28 And spyce, and oyle for lyght, & for the anoynting oyle, & for the sweete incense. 29 And the chyldren of Israel brought a willing offeryng vnto the Lorde, both men & women, as many as had willing heartes, to bryng for all maner workes, whiche the Lorde had commaunded to be made by the handes of Moyses. 30 And Moyses sayde vnto the chyldren of Israel: beholde, the Lord hath called by name Besaleel ye sonne of Uri, the sonne of Hur, of the tribe of Iuda. 31 And hath filled hym with the spirite of God, in wisdome and vnderstanding, in knowledge, and in all maner worke, 32 To finde out curious workes, which are made in golde, siluer, and brasse: 33 In the crafte of stones to set them, and in caruing of wood to make any maner of subtile worke. 34 And he hath put in his heart that he may teache, both he and Ooliab, the son of Achisamech, of the tribe of Dan. 35 Them hath he filled with wysdome of heart, to worke al maner of grauen, and brodered, & needle worke, in blew silke and purple, in scarlet and whyte silke, and in weauyng, and to do all maner of worke and wittie deuises. 36 And Besaleel wrought and Ooliab, and all wyse hearted men, to whom the Lord gaue wysdome and vnderstandyng, to knowe howe to worke all maner of worke for the seruice of the sanctuarie, and all that the Lorde had commaunded. 2 And Moyses called Besaleel, Ooliab, and all the wyse hearted men, and such as the Lord had geuen wysdome vnto, and as many as their heartes couraged to come vnto the worke, to worke it. 3 And they receaued of Moyses all the heaue offering whiche the chyldren of Israel had brought for the worke of the seruice of ye sanctuarie, to make it withall: And beside yt, they brought free offeringes vnto it euery day in ye morning. 4 And all the wyse men that wrought all the holy worke, came euery man from his worke whiche they made: 5 And they spake vnto Moyses, saying: The people bryng to muche, and more then enough for the seruice and worke whiche the Lorde hath commaunded to be made: 6 And then Moyses gaue commaundement, and they caused it to be proclaymed throughout the hoast, saying: See that neither man nor woman prepare any more worke for the heaue offering of the sanctuarie: & so the people were forbydden to bryng. 7 For the stuffe they had, was sufficient for all the worke to make it, & to much. 8 9 The length of one curtaine was twentie & eyght cubites, & the breadth foure: and the curtaynes were all of one sise. 10 And he coupled fiue curtaines by them selues, and other fiue by them selues. 11 And he made loopes of blewe silke along by the edge of one curtayne, euen in the seluedge of the coupling curtaine: and lykewyse he made on the syde of the coupling curtayne on the other side. 12 Fiftie loopes made he in the one curtayne, and fiftie in the edge of the couplyng curtayne on the other side: & the loopes helde one curtayne to another. 13 And he made fiftie taches of golde, and coupled the curtaynes one to another with the taches: & so was it made one tabernacle. 14 And he made eleuen curtaynes of goates heere, to be a tent ouer the tabernacle. 15 The length of one curtayne had thirtie cubites, & was foure cubites brode, and they all eleuen of one sise. 16 And he coupled fiue curtaynes by the selues, and sixe by them selues. 17 And he made fiftie loopes along by the border of the vttermost couplyng curtayne, and fiftie in the edge of the other couplyng curtayne. 18 And he made fiftie taches of brasse, to couple the tent together, that it myght be one. 19 And he made a coueryng vpon the tent of Rammes skynnes red, and yet another of Taxus skynnes aboue that. 20 And he made standyng boordes for the tabernacle, of Sittim wood. 21 The length of a boorde was ten cubites, the breadth one cubite & a halfe. 22 One boorde had two tenons, wherby they were ioyned one to another: and thus made he for all the boordes of the tabernacle. 23 And he made twentie boordes for the south side of the tabernacle. 24 And fourtie sockettes of siluer vnder the twentie boordes: two sockettes vnder one boorde for his two tenons, and two sockettes vnder another boorde for his two tenons. 25 And for the other side of the tabernacle, whiche is towarde the north, he made twentie boordes, 26 And their fourtie sockettes of siluer: two sockettes vnder one boorde, and two sockettes vnder the other boorde. 27 And towarde the west ende of the tabernacle he made sixe bordes. 28 And two other boordes made he in the corners of the tabernacle, for either side. 29 And they were ioyned close beneath and aboue with a ring: and thus they dyd to both the corners. 30 And there were eyght boordes, and sixteene sockettes of siluer: vnder euery boorde two sockettes. 31 And he made barres of Sittim wood: fiue for the boordes of the tabernacle in the one side, 32 And fiue for the boordes of the tabernacle in the other side, and fiue barres for the boordes of the tabernacle in the west ende. 33 And he made the myddest barre to shut through the boordes, euen from the one ende to the other. 34 And ouerlayde the boordes with gold, and made rynges of golde to thrust the barres through, and couered the barres with golde. 35 And he made a vayle of blewe silke, purple, scarlet, and whyte twined silke: euen with Cherubims made he it of brodered worke. 36 And he made thervnto foure pillers of Sittim wood, and ouerlayde them with golde: their knoppes were also of golde, and he cast for them foure sockettes of siluer. 37 And he made an hangyng for the tabernacle doore, of blewe silke, purple, scarlet, and whyte twined silke of needle worke, 38 And the fiue pyllers of it, with theyr knoppes: and ouerlayde the knoppes of them, and the hoopes with golde: theyr fiue sockettes also were of brasse. 37 And Besaleel made the arke of Sittim wood: two cubites & a halfe long, & a cubite and a halfe brode, and a cubite and a halfe hygh. 2 And ouerlaide it with fine golde within & without, and made a crowne of golde to it rounde about. 3 And cast for it foure rynges of golde for the foure corners of it: two rynges for the one syde, and two for the other. 4 And made barres of Sittim wood, and couered them with golde. 5 And put the barres in the rynges, along by the side of the arke, to beare the arke withall. 6 And he made the mercy seate of pure golde: two cubites and a halfe was the length thereof, and one cubite and a halfe the breadth. 7 And he made two Cherubims of thicke gold, vpo the two endes of ye mercy seat. 8 One Cherub on the one end, and another Cherub on the other ende: euen of the mercy seate made he the Cherubims, namely in the endes therof. 9 And the Cherubims spread out theyr wynges aboue on hye, & couered ye mercy seate therwith: And their faces were one to another, euen to the mercy seate warde were the faces of ye Cherubims. 10 And he made the table of Sittim wood: two cubites was the length therof, and a cubite the breadth, and a cubite and a halfe the height of it. 11 And he ouerlayde it with fine golde, and made thervnto a crowne of golde rounde about. 12 And made therevnto an hoope of an hande brode rounde about: and made vpon the hoope a crowne of golde rounde about. 13 And he caste for it foure rynges of golde, and put the rynges in the foure corners that were in the foure feete thereof. 14 Euen harde by the hoope were the ringes into the whiche the barres were put, to beare the table withall. 15 And he made the barres of Sittim wood, and couered them with golde, to beare the table withall. 16 And made the vessels for the table of pure gold, his dishes, his incense cuppes, his couerynges, & his bowles to powre out with all. 17 And he made the candelsticke of pure golde, euen of a whole worke made he the candelsticke, his staffe, his braunches, his bolles, his knoppes, and his flowres were of one peece. 18 Sixe braunches proceeding out of the sides therof: three braunches of the candelsticke out of the one side thereof, and three braunches of the candelsticke out of the other side thereof. 19 And in one braunch three bolles made like vnto almondes, with a knop and a flowre: and in another braunche three bolles made like almondes, with a knop and a flowre: and so throughout the sixe braunches that proceede out of the candelsticke. 20 And vpon the candelsticke selfe, were foure bolles after the fashion of almondes, with knoppes and floures. 21 Under euery two braunches a knop of the same, and a knop vnder two braunches of the same, and a knop vnder two brauches of the same according to the sixe brauches yt proceede out of it. 22 And the knoppes and the braunches proceeded out of it: and it was all one peece of pure thicke golde. 23 And he made his seuen lampes, with the snuffers, and vessels for the snuffe, of pure golde. 24 Euen of a talent of pure golde made he it, with all the vessels therof. 25 And he made the incense aulter of Sittim wood: the length of it was a cubite, and the breadth a cubite, for it was foure square: and two cubites hye, with hornes proceedyng out of it. 26 And he couered it with pure golde, both the top and the sides therof round about, and the hornes of it: and made vnto it a crowne of golde round about. 27 And he made two rynges of golde for it euen vnder the crowne therof in the two corners of it, & in the two sides therof, to put barres in, for to beare it withal. 28 And he made the barres of Sittim wood, & ouerlayde them with golde. 29 And he made the holy anoynting oyle, and the sweete pure incense, after the apoticaries craft. 38 And he made the burnt offering aulter of Sittim wood: fiue cubites was the length thereof, and fiue cubites the breadth euen foure square, and three cubites hye. 2 And he made vnto it hornes in the foure corners of it, proceedyng out of it: and he ouerlayde it with brasse. 3 And he made all the vessels of the aulter, the ashpannes, and besomes, and basins, fleshehokes, & fire pannes: all the vessels therof made he of brasse. 4 And he made a brasen grediron of networke vnto the aulter, rounde about alowe beneath, vnto the middest of the aulter. 5 And cast foure ringes of brasse for the foure endes of the grediron, to put barres in. 6 And he made the barres of Sittim wood, and couered them with brasse: 7 And put the barres into the ringes in the foure corners of the aulter to beare it with all, and made the aulter holowe within the boordes. 8 And he made the lauer of brasse, and the foote of it also of brasse of the glasses of the women assemblyng, whiche came together at the doore of the tabernacle of the congregation. 9 And he made the court on the south side, full south: and the hanginges of the court were of whyte twined silke, hauing a hundreth cubites. 10 Their pillers were twentie, and their brasen sockettes twentie: but the knoppes of the pyllers and their hoopes were of siluer. 11 And on the northsyde the hangynges were an hundred cubites, their pillers were twentie, and their sockettes of brasse twentie: but the knoppes and the hoopes of the pyllers were of siluer. 12 On the west syde were hangynges of fiftie cubites, ten pillers, and their ten sockettes: but the knoppes and the hoopes of the pyllers were of siluer. 13 And towarde the east syde full easte, were hangynges of fiftie cubites. 14 The hangynges of the one syde of the gate were fifteene cubites long, with three pillers and three sockettes. 15 And of the other side of the court gate, were hangynges also of fifteene cubites long, with three pillers & three sockets. 16 All the hangynges of the court rounde about, were of whyte twyned silke: 17 But the sockettes of the pillers were of brasse, and the knoppes & the hoopes were of siluer, and the coueryng of the heades was of siluer: and all the pillers of the court were hooped about with siluer. 18 And the hangyng of the gate of the court was needle worke, of blewe silke, purple, scarlet, and whyte twyned silke: twentie cubites long, & fiue in breadth, ouer against the hanginges of the court. 19 And their pillers were foure, and their foure sockettes of brasse, & the knoppes of siluer, and the heades ouerlayde with siluer, and hooped about with siluer. 20 And all the pynnes of the tabernacle and of the court rounde about, were of brasse. 21 This is the sume of the tabernacle euen of the tabernacle of ye congregation, as it was couted accordyng to the comaundement of Moyses, for the office of the Leuites by the hande of Ithamar, sonne to Aaron the priest. 22 And Betsaleel the sonne of Uri, the sonne of Hur, of the tribe of Iuda, made all that the Lorde commaunded Moyses: 23 And with hym was Aholiab, sonne of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, a cunnyng workeman, an embroderer, and a worker of needle worke, in blewe silke, purple, scarlet, and whyte twyned silke. 24 All the golde that was occupyed for all the worke of the holy place, was the golde of the waue offeryng, twentie and nine talentes, and seuen hundred and thirtie sicles, after the sicle of the sanctuarie. 25 And the summe of siluer of them that were numbred in the congregation, was an hundred talentes, and a thousande seuen hundred and three score and fifteene sicles, after the sicle of the sanctuarie. 26 For euery man an halfe weyght, euen halfe a sicle, after the sicle of the sanctuarie, for all them that went to be numbred, from twentie yere olde and aboue, euen for sixe hundred thousande and three thousande, and fiue hundreth and fiftie men. 27 And of the hundred talentes of siluer were cast the sockets of the sanctuarie, and the sockettes of the vayle: an hundred sockettes of the hundred talentes, a talent to euery socket. 28 And of the thousande seuen hundred seuentie and fiue sicles, he made knoppes to the pillers, and ouerlayde the heades, and hooped them. 29 And the brasse of the waue offeryng was three score & ten talentes, and two thousande and foure hundred sicles. 30 And therwith he made the sockettes to the doore of the tabernacle of the congregatio, and the brasen aulter, & the brasen grediron for it, with all the vessels of the aulter, 31 And the sockettes of the court rounde about, and the sockettes for the court gate, and all the pinnes of the tabernacle, and all the pinnes of the court rounde about. 39 And of the blewe silke, purple, & scarlet, they made vestmentes of ministration, to do seruice in the holy place: and made the holye garmentes for Aaron as the Lorde commaunded Moyses. 2 And he made the Ephod of golde, blewe silke, purple, scarlet, and whyte twyned silke. 3 And they dyd beate the golde into thinne plates, and cut it into wyers to worke it in the blewe silke, purple, scarlet, and in the fine whyte with brodered worke. 4 And they made two sydes for it, to close them vp by the two edges. 5 And the broderyng of the girdle that was vpon it, was of the same stuffe, and after the same worke, of golde, blewe silke, purple, scarlet, and twyned whyte silke, as the Lord comaunded Moyses. 6 And they wrought Onyx stones closed in ouches of golde, and graued as signettes are grauen, with the names of the chyldren of Israel. 7 And he put them on the shoulders of the Ephod, that they shoulde be stones for a remembraunce of the children of Israel, as the Lorde commaunded Moyses. 8 And he made the brestlap of brodered worke lyke the worke of the Ephod, euen of gold, blewe silke, purple, scarlet, and twyned whyte silke. 9 It was foure square: and they made the brestlap double, an hande breadth long, and an hande breadth brode. 10 And they fylled it with foure rowes of stones. The first rowe, a Sardius, a Topazius, and a Smaragdus. 11 The seconde rowe, a Rubie, a Saphire, and a Diamonde. 12 In the thirde rowe, a Lyncurius, an Achates, and an Amethyst. 13 In the fourth rowe, a Turcas, an Onyx, and a Iaspis: and they were closed in ouches of golde in their inclosers. 14 And the twelue stones were grauen as signets, with the names of the children of Israel, euery stone with his name, accordyng to the twelue tribes. 15 And they made vpon the brestlap two fastenyng chaynes of writhen worke and pure golde. 16 And they made two ouches of golde, and two golde ringes: and put the two ringes in ye two corners of the brestlap. 17 And they put the two chaynes of golde in the two ringes in the corners of the brestlap. 18 And the two endes of the two chaynes they fastened in the two ouches, and put them on the shoulders of the Ephod, vpon the forefront of it. 19 And they made two ringes of golde, and put them on the two corners of the brestlap vpon the edge of it which was on the insyde by the Ephod. 20 And they made two golden ringes, and put them on the two sydes of the Ephod, beneath on the fore syde of it, and ouer agaynst his felowe, aboue vpon the broderyng of the Ephod. 21 And they strayned the brestlap by his ringes vnto the ringes of the Ephod with a lase of blewe silke, that it myght be vpon the broderyng of the Ephod, & that the brestlap shoulde not be loosed from of the Ephod, as the Lorde commaunded Moyses. 22 And he made the tunicle vnto the Ephod of wouen worke, altogether of blewe silke: 23 And there was a hole in the myddest of the tunicle, as the coller of a partlet, with a bande rounde about the coller, that it shoulde not rent. 24 And in the tunicle they made hemmes with pomgranates of blewe silke, purple, scarlet, and whyte twyned silke. 25 And they made litle belles of pure golde, and put them amongst the pomgranates rounde about vpon the edge of the tunicle. 26 A bell and a pomgranate, a bell and a pomgranate rounde about the hemmes of the tunicle to minister in, as the Lord commaunded Moyses. 27 And they made coates of fine whyte silke of wouen worke, for Aaron and his sonnes. 28 And a mitre of fine whyte silke, and goodly bonettes of fine whyte silke, and lynnen sloppes of twyned whyte silke. 29 And a girdle of twyned whyte silke, blew, purple, and scarlet, euen of needle worke, as the Lorde commaunded Moyses. 30 And they made the plate of the holy crowne of fine golde, and wrote vpon it with grauen worke as signets are grauen, The holynes of the Lorde. 31 And tyed vnto it a lase of blewe silk, to fasten it an hye vpon the mitre, as the Lorde commaunded Moyses. 32 Thus was all the worke of the tabernacle euen of the tabernacle of the congregation finished: And the children of Israel did according to al that the lorde commaunded Moyses, euen so did they. 33 And they brought the tabernacle vnto Moyses euen the tabernacle and all his furniture, his taches, his boordes, his barres, his pillers, & his sockettes. 34 The coueryng of Rammes skynnes redde, and the coueryng of Taxus skynnes, and the hangyng vayle, 35 The arke of the testimonie, and the barres therof, and the mercie seate, 36 The table and all the vessels thereof, and the shewe bread, 37 The pure candlesticke with ye lampes therof, euen with the lampes to be prepared, and al the vessels therof, and the oyle for lyght, 38 The golden aulter, and the annointing oyle, and the sweete incense, and the hangyng of the tabernacle doore, 39 And ye brasen aulter with his grediron of brasse, his barres and all his vessels, the lauer and his foote. 40 The curtaynes of the court with his pillers and sockettes, the hangyng to the court gate and his pynnes and cordes, and all the vessel of the seruice of the tabernacle, euen of the tabernacle of the congregation. 41 The ministryng vestmentes to serue in the holy place, & the holy vestmentes for Aaron the priest, and his sonnes raymentes to minister in, in ye priestes office: 42 Accordyng to all that the Lorde commaunded Moyses, euen so the chyldren of Israel made all the worke. 43 And Moyses dyd loke vpon all the worke: and beholde, they had done it as the Lorde had commaunded, euen so had they done it: and Moyses blessed them. 40 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying: 2 In the first day of the first moneth shalt thou set vp the tabernacle, euen the tabernacle of the congregation. 3 And put therin the arke of the testimonie, and couer the arke with the vayle: and thou shalt bring in the table, and order it accordyng to the appoyntment therof: 4 And thou shalt bryng in the candelsticke, and lyght his lampes, 5 And set the incense aulter of golde before the arke of the testimonie, and put the hangyng at the doore of the tabernacle. 6 And set the burnt offeryng aulter before the doore of the tabernacle euen of the tabernacle of the congregation. 7 And set the lauer betweene the tabernacle of the congregatio and the aulter, and put water therein. 8 And make the court rounde about, & hang vp the hangyng at the court gate. 9 And thou shalt take the annoyntyng oyle, and annoynt the tabernacle, and all that is therin, and halow it with all the vessels therof: and it shalbe holy. 10 And thou shalt annoynt the aulter of burnt offeryng and all his vessels, and sanctifie the aulter: and it shalbe an aulter most holy. 11 And thou shalt also annoynt the lauer and his foote, and sanctifie it. 12 And thou shalt bryng Aaron and his sonnes vnto the doore of the tabernacle of the congregation, and washe them with water. 13 And thou shalt put vppon Aaron the holy vestmentes, and annoynt hym, & sanctifie hym, that he may minister vnto me in the priestes office. 14 And thou shalt bryng his sonnes, and clothe them with garmentes. 15 And annoynt them as thou diddest annoynt their father, that they may minister vnto me in the priestes office: For their annoyntyng shalbe an euerlasting priesthood vnto them throughout all their generations. 16 And Moyses dyd accordyng to all that the Lorde commaunded hym, euen so dyd he. 17 Thus was the tabernacle reared vp the first day in the first moneth, in the seconde yere. 18 And Moyses reared vp the tabernacle, and fastened his sockettes, and set vp the boordes therof, and put in the barres of it, and reared vp his pillers. 19 And spread abrode the tent ouer the tabernacle, and put the coueryng of the tent an hye aboue it, as the Lorde commaunded Moyses. 20 And he toke the testimonie, and put it in the arke, and set the barres to the arke, and put the mercie seate an hye vpon the arke. 21 And he brought the arke into the tabernacle, and hanged vp the vayle, and couered the arke of the testimonie, as the Lorde commaunded Moyses. 22 And he put the table in the tabernacle of the congregation in the north syde of the tabernacle without the vayle, 23 And set the bread in order before the Lorde euen as the Lorde had commaunded Moyses. 24 And he put the candlesticke in the tabernacle of the congregation, ouer agaynst the table towarde the south syde of the tabernacle, 25 And set vp the lampes before ye Lorde: as the Lorde commaunded Moyses. 26 And he put the golden aulter in the tabernacle of the congregation before the vayle, 27 And burnt sweete incense thereon, as the Lorde commaunded Moyses. 28 And he hanged vp the hangyng at the doore of the tabernacle: 29 And set the burnt offeryng aulter by the entryng in of the tabernacle that is the tabernacle of the congregation, and offered burnt offerynges, and meate offerynges theron, as the Lorde commaunded Moyses. 30 And he set the lauer betweene the tabernacle of the congregation and the aulter, and powred water therein, to washe withall. 31 And Moyses, Aaron, and his sonnes, wasshed their handes and their feete thereat, 32 When they went into the tabernacle of the congregation, and when they went to the aulter they wasshed them selues, as the Lorde commaunded Moyses. 33 And he reared vp the court rounde about the tabernacle and the aulter, and set vp an hangyng at the court gate: and so Moyses finished the worke. 34 And the cloude couered the tabernacle of the congregatio, and the glorie of the Lorde fylled the tabernacle. 35 And Moyses coulde not enter into the tabernacle of the congregation, because the cloude abode theron, and the glorie of the Lorde fylled the tabernacle. 36 And when the cloude was taken vp from of the tabernacle, the children of Israel toke their iourneys throughout their armies: 37 And whe the cloude was not taken vp, they iourneyed not tyll it was taken vp. 38 For the cloude of the Lord was vpon the tabernacle by day, and fire by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel throughout all their armies.