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1The vision of Isaiah son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

Rebellious Judah

20But if you refuse and you rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword.For the mouth of Yahweh has spoken.”

Purifying Jerusalem

The Mountain of Yahweh

2The word that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem:

The Day of Yahweh

Leaders of Judah and Jerusalem

declares[fn] the Lord Yahweh of hosts.

The Pride of Jerusalem’s Women

“We will eat our own bread,

The Glory of the Branch of Yahweh

The Song of the Vineyard

Woes on the Wicked

Yahweh’s Outstretched Hand

Isaiah’s Commission

6In the year of the death of Uzziah the king,I saw the Lord sitting on a high and raised throne,

and the hem of his robe was filling the temple.

2Seraphs were standing above him. Each had six wings:[fn] with two he covered his face,

and with two he covered his feet,

and with two he flew.

6Then one of the seraphs flew to me,and in his hand was a hot coal he had taken from the altar with tongs.

And I said,

9And he said,“Go and say to this people,

11Then I said,“Until when, Lord?”

And he said,

The Sign to Ahaz

7This happened in the days of Ahaz, son of Jotham, son of Uzziah, king of Judah. Rezin, king of Aram, and Pekah, son of Remaliah, king of Israel, went[fn] up to Jerusalem for warfare against it,[fn] but he was not able to fight against it.[fn] 2When it was reported to the house of David, saying “Aram stands by Ephraim,” his heart and the heart of his people shook like the shaking of the trees of the forest because of the wind.

3Then Yahweh said to Isaiah, “Go out to meet Ahaz, you and Shear-Jashub your son, at the end of the conduit of the upper pool on the highway of the washer’s field. 4And you must say to him, ‘Take heed and be quiet! You must not fear, and your heart must not be faint because of these two stumps of smoldering firebrands, because of the fierce anger of[fn] Rezin and Aram and the son of Remaliah. 5Because Aram has plotted evil against you with Ephraim and the son of Remaliah, saying, 6“Let us go up against Judah and let us tear her apart, and let us lay it open and so bring it unto ourselves,[fn] and let us install the son of Tabeel as king in her midst.” 7Thus says the Lord Yahweh, “It shall not stand, and it shall not come to pass. 8For the head of Aram is Damascus, and the head of Damascus is Rezin, and in sixty-five years from now Ephraim will be too shattered to be a people. 9And the head of Ephraim is Samaria, and the head of Samaria is the son of Remaliah. If you do not believe then you will not endure.” ’ ”

10And Yahweh continued to speak to Ahaz, saying, 11“Ask for a sign for yourself from Yahweh God; make it deep as Sheol or make it high as above.” 12But Ahaz said, “I will not ask, and I will not put Yahweh to the test.”

13Then he said, “Hear, house of David! Is it too little for you to make men weary, that you should also make my God weary? 14Therefore the Lord himself will give you[fn] a sign. Look! the virgin[fn] is with child and she is about to give birth to a son, and she shall call his name ‘God with us.’ 15He shall eat curds and honey until he knows to reject the evil and to choose the good. 16For before the boy knows to reject the evil and to choose the good, the land whose two kings you dread will be abandoned.[fn]

That Day

17“Yahweh will bring on you and on your people and on the house of your ancestor[fn] days that have not come since the day Ephraim departed from Judah: the king of Assyria.” 18And this shall happen: On that day, Yahweh will whistle for the fly that is at the end of the stream of Egypt and the bee that is in the land of Assyria. 19And all of them will come and settle in the rivers of the cliffs and in the clefts of the rocks and on all of the thornbushes and watering places. 20On that day, the Lord will shave the head and the hair of the feet with a razor of the one hired from beyond the river—with the king of Assyria—and it will even take off the beard. 21And this shall happen: on that day, a young man will keep a young cow of the herd and two sheep alive. 22And this shall happen: because of the abundance of milk production, he will eat curds, for every one that is left in the midst of the land will eat curds and honey. 23And this shall happen on that day: Every place where there are a thousand vines[fn] for a thousand silver pieces will become briers,[fn] and it will be thornbushes.[fn] 24One will go there with arrows and bow, for all of the land will be briers[fn] and thornbushes.[fn] 25And as for all of the hills that they hoed with the hoe, you will not go there, for fear of briers[fn] and thornbushes.[fn] And it will become like pastureland for cattle and overtrodden land for sheep.

Signs of the Assyrian Invasion

8Then Yahweh said to me, “Take yourself a large tablet and write on it with a common stylus pen: Maher-Halal-Hash-Baz. 2And I will require reliable witnesses as a witness for me: Uriah the priest and Zechariah son of Jeberekiah.” 3And I approached the prophetess, and she conceived, and she gave birth to a son. And Yahweh said to me, “Call his name Maher-Halal-Hash-Baz. 4For before the boy knows to call ‘my father’ and ‘my mother,’ one will carry away the wealth of Damascus and the spoil of Samaria in the presence of the king of Assyria.”

Shiloah Waters and Euphrates Flood

5And Yahweh continued to speak to me again, saying,

6“Because this people has refused the gently flowing waters of Shiloah and rejoices over Rezin and the son of Remaliah,

Wait for Yahweh

18Look! I and the children whom Yahweh has given to me are like signs and portents in Israel from Yahweh of hosts, the one who dwells on the mountain of Zion. 19Now if they tell you, “Consult the ghosts and the spirits, those who chirp and those who mutter. Should not a people consult its gods, the dead on behalf of the living, 20for teaching and for testimony?” surely they who speak like this have no dawn.[fn]

21And it[fn] will pass through it[fn] distressed and hungry, and this shall happen: when it is hungry, it will be enraged, and it will curse its king and its gods,[fn] and it will face upwar 22or look to the earth. But look! Distress and darkness, the gloom of affliction! And it will be thrust into darkness!

New Light: The Birth of a King

9[fn] But there will be no gloom for those who were in distress.[fn] In former times he[fn] treated the land of Zebulun and Naphtali with contempt, but in the future he will honor the way of the sea beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the nations.

Yahweh’s Anger against Arrogance

Woes on the Wicked

Judgment on Assyria’s Arrogance

10As my hand has reached to the kingdoms of the idols[fn] —and their images were greater than those of[fn] Jerusalem and Samaria—

11shall I not do to Jerusalem and its idolswhat I have done to Samaria and her idols?”

12And this shall happen: when the Lord has finished all his work against Mount Zion[fn] and Jerusalem, “I will punish the arrogance[fn] of the king of Assyria andhis haughtiness.”[fn]

The Return of the Remnant

24Therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh of hosts:“My people who live in Zion, you must not be afraid of Assyria.

The Branch’s Righteous Reign

The Regathered Remnant

A Song of Thanksgiving

3And you will draw water from the wells of salvation in joy.

An Oracle against Babylon

13The oracle of Babylon that Isaiah son of Amoz saw:

19And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the splendor of the Chaldeans’ pride, will be like when God overthrew[fn] Sodom and Gomorrah.

The Restoration of Israel

And this will happen:

The Downfall of the King of Babylon

3And it shall happen on the day Yahweh gives you rest from your pain and turmoil and hard labor which you had to perform,[fn]

The descendants[fn] of evildoers will not be mentioned for eternity!

22“And I will rise up against them,”declares[fn] Yahweh of hosts,

declares[fn] Yahweh.

declares[fn] Yahweh of hosts.

Oracle of Judgment on Assyria

Oracle of Judgment on Philistia

28In the year of the death of king Ahaz there was this oracle:

Oracle of Judgment on Moab

13This was the word that Yahweh spoke to Moab in the past.[fn] 14But now Yahweh speaks, saying, “In three years, like the years of a hired worker, the glory of Moab will become contemptible, with all of the great multitude, and the remnant will be a few, small, not strong.

Oracle of Judgment on Damascus

declares[fn] Yahweh of hosts.

declares[fn] Yahweh, the God of Israel.

9On that day, its fortified cities[fn] will be like the abandonment of the wooded place and the summit,[fn] which they deserted because of the children of Israel; and there will be desolation.

The Roar of the Peoples

Oracle of Judgment on Cush

Oracle of Judgment on Egypt

The Future Blessing of Egypt, Assyria, and Egypt

20And it will be a sign and a witness to Yahweh of hosts in the land of Egypt;when they cry out to Yahweh because of oppressors,

A Sign regarding Egypt and Cush

20In the year the commander-in-chief came[fn] to Ashdod, when Sargon the king of Assyria sent him, and he fought against Ashdod and he took it,

and he had done so, walking naked and barefoot.

3Then[fn] Yahweh said, “Just as my servant Isaiah has walked naked and barefoot three years as a sign and a portent against Egypt and Cush, 4so shall the king of Assyria lead the captives[fn] of Egypt and the exiles of Cush, young and old, naked and barefoot, with bared buttocks,[fn] the shame of Egypt.

6And the inhabitant[fn] of the coastland will say this on that day:‘Look! This is our hope to whom we fled for help, to be delivered from[fn] the king of Assyria, and how shall we escape?’ ”

The Fall of Babylon

21The oracle of the wilderness of the sea:As storm winds passing over in the Negev,

I put an end to all of her sighing.

Then[fn] he responded and said,

I will announce to you what I have heard from Yahweh of hosts, the God of Israel.

Oracle regarding Dumah

11The oracle of Dumah:One is calling to me from Seir,

If you will inquire, inquire;

come back again.”[fn]

Oracle against Arabia

13An oracle concerning[fn] Arabia: You will spend the night in the thicket in a desert-plateau,[fn]

caravans of Dedanites.

16For the Lord said this to me:“In one more year,[fn] like the years of a hired worker,

17And the remainder of the number of the bows[fn] of the warriors of the sons of Kedar will be few.” For Yahweh, the God of Israel, has spoken.

Oracle against Jerusalem

22The oracle of the valley of vision:What business do you have going[fn] up, all of you, to the roofs,

you must not insist on comforting me

for the destruction of the daughter of my people.”

14And it was revealed in my ears by Yahweh of hosts:“Surely this sin will not be atoned for you until you die!”

says the Lord, Yahweh of hosts.

Oracle regarding Shebna

15The Lord, Yahweh of hosts, says this:“Go! Go to this steward, to Shebna, who is over the house:

25On that day, declares[fn] Yahweh of hosts, the peg that was driven will move away into a secure place,

and it will be cut down and fall,

and the load that was on her will be cut off.

For Yahweh has spoken.’ ”

Oracle against Tyre

5When the report comes to Egypt, they will be in anguish at the report about[fn] Tyre.

10Cross over your own land like the Nile, daughter of Tarshish;there is no longer a harbor.[fn]

Yahweh has commanded concerning Canaan to destroy her fortresses.

13Look at the land of the Chaldeans! This people no longer exists.Assyria destined[fn] it for wild animals.

14Wail, ships of Tarshish! For your fortress is destroyed.

15And this will happen on that day:And Tyre will be forgotten seventy years,[fn]

like the days of one king.

At the end of seventy years,[fn] it will be for Tyre like the song of the prostitute:

17And this shall happen:at the end of seventy years,[fn] Yahweh will visit Tyre,

18And this shall happen:her merchandise and her harlot’s wages will be set apart for Yahweh;

The Judgment on the Earth

for Yahweh has spoken this word.

17Terror and the pit and the snare are upon you, inhabitants[fn] of the earth!

Praise for Salvation

for Yahweh has spoken.

Judah’s Song of Praise

2Open the gates so that[fn] the righteous nation who keeps faithfulness may enter!

Yahweh’s People Vindicated

your discipline was on them.

So we were because of your presence, Yahweh.

21For look! Yahweh is about to come out from his placeto punish the iniquity of the inhabitants[fn] of the earth against him,

Israel Rescued

27On that day, Yahweh will punish with his cruel, great and strong sword Leviathan, the fleeing serpent, and Leviathan, the twisting serpent, and he will kill the sea monster that is in the sea.

2On that day:“A vineyard of beauty! Sing in praise of it!

4I have no wrath.[fn] Whatever gives me thorns and briers,

For it is not a people of understanding;

12And this shall happen:on that day, Yahweh will thresh from the floodwaters of the Euphrates to the wadi[fn] of Egypt, and as for you, you will be gathered one by one, sons of Israel.

13And this shall happen:on that day, a great trumpet will be blown,

and they will bow down to Yahweh on the holy mountain[fn] at Jerusalem.

Judgment against the Leaders of Ephraim

which is at the head of the rich valley,[fn] ones overcome[fn] with wine!

he will put them to the earth with his hand.

4and the withering flower of the glory of its beauty which is at the head of the rich valley[fn] will be like its early fig before summer, which the one who sees it swallows[fn] while it is still in his hand.

11For he will speak with stammering[fn] and another tongue to this people,

The Cornerstone of Zion

The overwhelming flood, when it passes through, will not come to us,

‘The one who trusts will not panic.’[fn]

and understanding the message will be only terror.”

for I have heard from the Lord, Yahweh of hosts:

A Parable of Yahweh’s Work

Woe to Jerusalem

And it will happen in an instant, suddenly.

So shall be the multitude of all the nations who fight against Mount Zion.

Blessing after Punishment

Warning against Alliance with Egypt

so as to add[fn] sin to sin.

Oracle regarding the Negev

6An oracle of the animals of the Negev:Through a land of trouble and distress,

to a people that cannot profit them.

put an end to the holy one of Israel from our face.”

But[fn] you were not willing,

Yahweh Will Show Mercy

Judgment against Assyria

The Egyptians are No Help

31Ah! Those who go down to Egypt for help!They rely on horses

when a full group[fn] of shepherds is called against him,

6Turn back to the one against whom the sons of Israel have made deep rebellion.

The Kingdom of Righteousness

Against the Carefree Women

Yahweh’s Judgment and Help

The fear of Yahweh is his treasure.

Judgment on the Nations

The Ransomed Return to Zion

Sennacherib Threatens Jerusalem

36And this happened: In the fourteenth year[fn] of King Hezekiah, Sennacherib king of Assyria went up against all the fortified cities of Judah, and he captured them. 2And the king of Assyria sent Rabshakeh[fn] from Lachish to Jerusalem, to King Hezekiah, with a large army, and he stood by the conduit of the upper pool on the highway of the field of the washer. 3And Eliakim son of Hilkiah, who was in charge of the palace,[fn] came out to him, and Shebna the secretary, and Joah son of Asaph, the reminder.

4And Rabshakeh said to them, “Now say to Hezekiah, ‘Thus says the great king, the king of Assyria: “What is this confidence in which you trust? 5I said, ‘Only a word of lips! War has power and a plan!’[fn] Now, in whom do you trust, that you have rebelled against me? 6Look, you trust in the staff of this broken reed, on Egypt, which if a man leans on it, goes into his hand and bores through it! Such is Pharaoh, king of Egypt, to all those who trust in him. 7And if you say to me, ‘We trust in Yahweh our God,’ was it not he whose high places and altars Hezekiah removed? And he said to Judah and to Jerusalem, ‘You shall bow down in the presence[fn] of this altar.’ ” 8And now please make a wager with my master the king of Assyria, and I will give you two thousand horses, that is, if you are able put[fn] riders for yourself on them! 9But how can you drive back one governor among the least of my master’s servants,[fn] when[fn] you trust in Egypt for chariots[fn] and horsemen? 10And now was it without Yahweh that I have come up against this land to destroy it? Yahweh said to me, “Go up against this land and destroy it!” ’ ”

11And Eliakim, Shebna, and Joah said to Rabshakeh, “Please speak to your servants in Aramaic, for we can understand[fn] it, and you must not speak to us in Judean in the hearing[fn] of the people who are on the wall.”

12But[fn] Rabshakeh said, “Has my master sent me to speak these words to your masters and you? Was it not for the people who sit on the wall, to eat their dung and drink their urine[fn] with you?”

13Then[fn] Rabshakeh stood and called in a great voice in Judean and said, “Hear the words of the great king, the king of Assyria. 14Thus says the king: ‘Do not let Hezekiah deceive you, for he will not be able to deliver you! 15And do not let Hezekiah make you rely on Yahweh, saying, “Surely Yahweh will deliver us; this city will not be given into the hand of the king of Assyria!” 16You must not listen to Hezekiah, for thus says the king of Assyria: “Make a blessing[fn] with me, and come out to me, and each one will eat from his vine and from his fig tree and drink water from[fn] his cistern, 17until I come[fn] and take you to a land like your land, a land of grain and new wine, a land of bread and vineyards, 18lest Hezekiah mislead you, saying, ‘Yahweh will save us!’ Did the gods of the nations each save his land from the hand of the king of Assyria? 19Where are the gods of Hamath and Arpad? Where are the gods of Sepharvaim? Indeed, have they delivered Samaria from my hand? 20Who are there among all the gods of these countries who have saved their land from my hand, that Yahweh should save Jerusalem from my hand?” ’ ”

21But[fn] they were silent and did not answer him a word, for the command of the king was, “You must not answer him.” 22Then[fn] Eliakim son of Hilkiah, who was over the palace,[fn] Shebna the secretary, and Joah son of Asaph, the reminder, came to Hezekiah with torn garments and told him the words of Rabshakeh.

Hezekiah Consults Isaiah

37And this happened: When King Hezekiah heard, he tore his garments, covered himself with sackcloth, and entered the temple[fn] of Yahweh. 2And he sent Eliakim, who was in charge of[fn] the palace,[fn] and Shebna the secretary, and the elders of the priests covered[fn] with sackcloth to Isaiah son of Amoz, the prophet. 3And they said to him, “Thus says Hezekiah: ‘This day is a day of distress, rebuke, and disgrace, for children have come to the cervical opening, and there is no strength to give birth. 4Maybe Yahweh your God heard the words of Rabshakeh whom the king of Assyria, his master, has sent to taunt the living God, and he will rebuke the words that Yahweh your God hears. And you must lift up a prayer for the benefit of the remnant that is found.’ ”

5When[fn] the servants of King Hezekiah came to Isaiah, 6Isaiah said to them, “You must say this to your master: ‘Thus says Yahweh: “You must not be afraid because of the words that you have heard, with which the servants of the king of Assyria have blasphemed me. 7Look! I am about to put[fn] a spirit in him so that[fn] he shall hear a rumor and he shall return to his land, and I will cause him to fall by the sword in his land.” ’ ”

8And Rabshakeh returned and found the king of Assyria fighting against Libnah, for he had heard that he had left from Lachish.

9Now[fn] he[fn] heard concerning Tirhakah the king of Cush, saying, “He has set out to fight against[fn] you.” When[fn] he heard it, he sent messengers to Hezekiah, saying, 10“You shall say this to Hezekiah, king of Judah: ‘Do not let your God in whom you trust in him deceive you by saying, “Jerusalem will not be given into the hand of the king of Assyria.” 11Look! you have heard what the kings of Assyria have done to all lands to destroy them, and you—shall you be delivered? 12Did the gods of the nations that my predecessors[fn] destroyed deliver them—Gozan, Haran, Rezeph, and the sons of Eden who were in Telassar? 13Where is the king of Hamath, the king of Arpad, the king of the city of Sepharvaim, Hena, or[fn] Ivvah?’ ”

Hezekiah’s Prayer

14And Hezekiah took the letter from the hand of the messengers, and he read[fn] it. Then[fn] he went up to the temple[fn] of Yahweh, and Hezekiah spread it out before the presence[fn] of Yahweh. 15And Hezekiah prayed to Yahweh, saying, 16“Yahweh of hosts, God of Israel who is enthroned on[fn] the cherubim, you are the one, God by yourself, of all the kingdoms of the earth; you are the one who made the heavens and the earth. 17Yahweh, extend your ear and hear! Yahweh, open your eyes and see, and hear all the words of Sennacherib that he has sent to taunt the living God! 18Truly, Yahweh, the kings of Assyria have laid waste all the lands[fn] and their land, 19to set[fn] their gods in the fire, for they were not gods, but the work of human hands, wood and stone, and they destroyed them. 20So[fn] now, Yahweh, our God, save us from his hand so that[fn] all the kingdoms of the earth may know that you are Yahweh, you alone!”

God’s Answer

21And Isaiah son of Amoz sent to Hezekiah, saying, “Thus says Yahweh the God of Israel: ‘Because you have prayed to me concerning[fn] Sennacherib, king of Assyria,

To the holy one of Israel!

Now I have brought it about,

and it is for fortified cities to collapse into heaps of destroyed stones.

and I will turn you back on the way by which you came.

30And this shall be the sign for you: the eating of volunteer plants[fn] this[fn] year, and in the second year self-seeded plants,[fn] and in the third year sow, reap, plant vineyards, and eat their fruit. 31And the remnant of the house of Judah that remain shall grow[fn] roots[fn] downwards and make fruit upwards.

The zeal of Yahweh of hosts will do this.’

declares[fn] Yahweh.

35‘And I will defend this city, to save it for my sake and for the sake of David, my servant.’ ”

Sennacherib’s Defeat

36And the angel of Yahweh set out and struck one hundred and eighty-five thousand in the camp of the Assyrians. When[fn] they rose in the morning, look! All of them were dead corpses. 37Then[fn] Sennacherib king of Assyria left, went, and returned and lived at Nineveh. 38And this happened: he was bowing in worship in the house of Nisroch his god, and Adrammelech and Sharezer, his sons, struck him with the sword. And they themselves escaped to the land of Ararat, and Esar-haddon his son reigned as king in his place.

Hezekiah’s Illness

38In those days, Hezekiah became sick to death, and Isaiah son of Amoz, the prophet, came to him and said to him, “Thus says Yahweh: ‘Order your house, for you are about to die, and you shall not recover.’ ” 2Then[fn] Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to Yahweh, 3and he said, “O Yahweh, please remember how[fn] I have walked before your presence[fn] in faithfulness with a whole heart, and I have done the good in your eyes!” And Hezekiah wept with great weeping.

4Then[fn] the word of Yahweh came[fn] to Isaiah, saying, 5“Go and say to Hezekiah, ‘Thus says Yahweh, the God of David your ancestor:[fn] “I have heard your prayer; I have seen your tears. Look, I am going to[fn] add fifteen years to your days. 6And I will deliver you and this city from the hand of the king of Assyria, and I will defend this city.” ’

7And this is the sign to you from Yahweh, that Yahweh will do this thing that he has spoken: 8Look! I will cause the shadow of the steps, which it had gone down on the steps of Ahaz with the sun, to turn backwards ten steps.” And the sun turned back ten steps on the steps which it had gone down.

9A writing of Hezekiah, king of Judah, when he was sick and had recovered from his sickness:

21And Isaiah said, “Let them take[fn] a lump of figs, and let them rub it on the boil so that[fn] he may recover.” 22And Hezekiah said, “What is the sign that I shall go up to the temple[fn] of Yahweh?”

The Delegation from Babylon

39At that time, Merodach-Baladan, son of Baladan, king of Babylon, sent letters and a present to Hezekiah, for[fn] he heard that he had been sick and recovered. 2And Hezekiah rejoiced over them and showed them his house of aromatic gum, the silver, gold, spices, good oil, all the house of his weapons, and all that was found in his storehouses. There was nothing that Hezekiah had not shown them in his house or in all his dominion. 3And Isaiah the prophet came to King Hezekiah and said to him, “What did these men say, and from where did they come to you?” And Hezekiah answered,[fn] “They came to me from a distant country, from Babylon.” 4And he[fn] said, “What have they seen in your house?” And Hezekiah answered,[fn] “They have seen all that is in my house. There is nothing that I have not shown them in my storehouses.”

5And Isaiah said to Hezekiah, “Hear the word of Yahweh of hosts: 6‘Look! days are coming, and all that is in your house and that which your ancestors[fn] have stored up to this day shall be carried off to Babylon. Nothing shall be left,’ says Yahweh. 7‘And some of your sons who go out from you, whom you fathered, shall be taken, and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon.’ ” 8And Hezekiah said to Isaiah, “The word of Yahweh that you have spoken is good,” for[fn] he thought,[fn] “Surely there will be peace and security in my days.”

Comfort for God’s People

for the mouth of Yahweh has spoken.”

25“And to whom you will compare me, and am I equal?” says the holy one.

29He gives power to the weary,and he increases power for the powerless.[fn]

30Even[fn] young people will be faint and grow weary, and the young will stumble, exhausted.

31But[fn] those who wait for Yahweh shall renew their strength.They shall go up with wings[fn] like eagles;

they shall run and not grow weary;

they shall walk and not be faint.

God Helps Israel

declares[fn] Yahweh,

“and your redeemer is the holy one of Israel.

He shall call on my name,

27First to Zion, look! Look at them!And I give a herald[fn] of good tidings to Jerusalem.

The Mission of Yahweh’s Servant

A Song of Praise to Yahweh

Blind and Deaf Israel

Was it not Yahweh, against whom[fn] we have sinned?

The Restorer of Israel

Yahweh Rescues His People

21this people whom I formed for myself,so they might make known[fn] my praise.

Yahweh Blesses Chosen Israel

Yahweh the Only God

Idolatry Is Ridiculous

Yahweh Remembers Israel

Return to me, for I have redeemed you!

Jerusalem Restored through Cyrus

not for price or a gift,” says Yahweh of hosts.

Yahweh the Only Savior

“I am Yahweh and there is none besides me.

Babylon’s Idols

Babylon’s Fall

4Our redeemer, Yahweh of hosts is his name, the holy one of Israel.

5Sit silently and go into the darkness, daughter of Chaldea,for they shall no longer call[fn] you mistress of kingdoms.

Yahweh Refines Stubborn Israel

Yahweh Frees Israel

14Assemble, all of you, and hear!Who among them declared these things?

Yahweh loves him;

22“There is no peace,” says Yahweh, “for the wicked.”

Yahweh’s Servant Brings Salvation

Yahweh Restores the Afflicted

Yahweh Remembers Zion

The Servant’s Vindication

Yahweh Comforts Zion

Yahweh Redeems Zion

4For thus says the Lord Yahweh:“My people went down to Egypt in the beginning, to dwell as aliens there, and Assyria oppressed him without cause.[fn] 5And now what do I have here?”declares[fn] Yahweh, “for my people is taken without cause. Its rulers howl,” declares[fn] Yahweh—“and my name is reviled continually, all day. 6Therefore my people shall know my name, therefore in that day, that I am the one who speaks. Here am I.”[fn]

The Servant’s Suffering and Exaltation

The Fertile Wife of Yahweh

declares[fn] Yahweh.

Invitation to True Rewards

declares[fn] Yahweh.

Salvation for All Who Obey

8declares[fn] the Lord Yahweh, who gathers[fn] the scattered ones of Israel (still I will gather to[fn] him, to his gathered ones).

Wicked Leaders

Idolatry is Adultery

Shall I relent concerning these things?

Peace for the Contrite

19creating fruit of lips.Peace, peace to the far and near,” says Yahweh, “and I will heal him.

21There is no peace,” says my God, “for the wicked.”

True Fasts and Sabbaths

for the mouth of Yahweh has spoken.”

Rampant Transgression

declares[fn] Yahweh.

Zion Glorified

I am Yahweh; I will hasten it in its time.”

The Year of Yahweh’s Favor

Zion’s New Identity

Yahweh’s Day of Vengeance

Remembering Yahweh’s Mercy

8And he said, “Surely my people are children; they will not break faith.” And he became a Savior to them.

Prayer for Mercy

Look! Behold, now! We all are your people!

Judgment and Salvation

8Thus says Yahweh: “Just as the new wine is found in the cluster, and they say ‘You must not destroy it, for there is a blessing in it,’ so I will do for the sake of my servants by[fn] not destroying everyone.[fn]

New Creation

Proper Worship

declares[fn] Yahweh, “but[fn] I look to this one:

Zion’s Delivery

Yet when she was in labor, Zion indeed gave birth to her children.

Yahweh’s Final Judgment

shall come to an end!” declares[fn] Yahweh.

And they shall declare my glory among the nations, 20and bring all your countrymen[fn] from all the nations as an offering to Yahweh on horses and chariots[fn] and in litters and on mules and camels, to[fn] my holy mountain,[fn] Jerusalem,” says Yahweh, “just as the sons of Israel bring an offering in a clean vessel to the house of Yahweh. 21And indeed, I will take some of them as priests and the Levites,” says Yahweh. 22“For just as the new heavens and earth that I am about to make shall stand before me,” declares[fn] Yahweh, “so shall your descendants[fn] and your name stand.

23And this shall happen: From new moon to new moon[fn] and from Sabbath to Sabbath[fn] all flesh shall come to bow in worship before me,” says Yahweh.

1:1 Or “preserved”

1:1 Hebrew “survivor”

1:1 Literally “increase” or “add to”

1:1 Hebrew “offering”

1:1 Hebrew “prayer”

1:1 Literally “it will be called for you”

1:1 Literally “they,” but a few manuscripts read “you,” which fits the context better

2:1 Or “temple”

2:1 Literally “head”

2:1 Or “temple”

2:1 Possibly “of diviners” was part of the original text here

2:1 Literally “they clap hands

2:1 Hebrew “his”

2:1 Hebrew “his”

2:1 Literally “eyes of the haughtiness”

2:1 The Hebrew is singular

2:1 Or “it will be humbled”

2:1 Literally “in his rising”

2:1 Or “moles”

2:1 Literally “in his rising”

2:1 Hebrew “nostril”

2:1 Or “in”

3:? Literally “man by man”

3:? Literally “a cloak for you”

3:? Singular

3:? Singular

3:? Literally “What to you”

3:? Literally “declaration of”

3:? There are two Hebrew words for “because” here

3:? Literally “they go walking and mincing along”

3:? Literally “they tinkle with their feet”

3:? Hebrew “head”

3:? Literally “houses of the breath”

3:? That is, Jerusalem’s

4:? Literally “let your name be called upon us”

4:? Hebrew “survivor”

4:? Or “place”

4:? Literally “the mountain of Zion”

5:? Literally “A vineyard was for my beloved”

5:? Literally “a horn of a son of olive oil.” The Hebrew for horn, qeren, sounds like the Hebrew for vineyard, kerem

5:? Hebrew “vine”

5:? Hebrew “man”

5:5 Hebrew “brier”

5:5 Hebrew “thornbush”

5:5 Literally “from sending”

5:5 Or “people”

5:5 The Hebrew word, mishpat, sounds like mishpakh in the next line

5:5 The Hebrew word, mishpakh, sounds like mishpat in the previous line

5:5 The Hebrew word, tsedaqah, sounds like tsa`aqah in the next line

5:5 The Hebrew word, tsa`aqah, sounds like tsedaqah in the previous line

5:5 Literally “touch”

5:5 Literally “an end of place”

5:9 Literally “If not”

5:9 A bath is a liquid measure

5:9 An ephah is a dry measure equal to one-tenth of a homer

5:9 Hebrew “deed”

5:9 Hebrew “its”

5:9 Hebrew “noble”

5:9 Hebrew “its”

5:9 That is, Jerusalem’s

5:9 Hebrew “noble”

5:9 Following the Septuagint, which reads the Hebrew grym (resident aliens) as gdym (young goats/sheep)

5:9 Literally “and ruins, fatlings, resident aliens, will eat”

5:9 Literally “before their faces”

5:9 Literally “the anger of Yahweh became hot”

5:9 Hebrew “it”

5:9 Hebrew “it”

5:9 Hebrew “corpse”

5:9 The Hebrew is plural, but the following verses refer to the nation as singular

5:9 Presumably the land’s

6:2 Literally “six wings six wings for one”

6:3 Literally “fullness of all of the earth glory him”

6:4 Or “temple”

6:5 Or “silenced”

6:5 Literally “unclean of lips”

6:5 With an emphatic sense: “in the very heart and midst of”

6:5 Literally “unclean of lips”

6:11 Literally “still in her a tenth”

6:11 Literally “and she will again and she will be to burn”

7:1 The Hebrew is singular

7:1 Literally “her”

7:1 Literally “her”

7:4 Literally “because of the fierceness of the anger of”

7:6 Literally “and let us break through her to us”

7:14 The Hebrew is plural

7:14 Or “young woman”

7:16 Literally “the land which you dread will be abandoned because of the face of her two kings”

7:17 Or “father”

7:23 Hebrew “vine”

7:23 Hebrew “brier”

7:23 Hebrew “thornbush”

7:24 Hebrew “brier”

7:24 Hebrew “thornbush”

7:25 Hebrew “brier”

7:25 Hebrew “thornbush”

8:7 Literally “the outspreading of his wings will be the fullness of the breadth of your land”

8:7 Literally “Plan counsel”

8:7 Literally “with the strength of the hand”

8:7 Literally “instructed me from walking”

8:7 Literally “fear its fear”

8:7 The Hebrew is plural

8:20 Literally “if not, they say like this word that there is no dawn for him,” which could also mean “if not, let them say a word like this: that there is no dawn for him”

8:21 That is, the nation

8:21 That is, the land

8:21 Or “God”

9:1 Isaiah 9:1–21 in the English Bible is 8:23–9:20 in the Hebrew Bible

9:1 Literally “Indeed there is no gloom for the one to whom there was anxiety for her”

9:1 That is, Yahweh

9:1 The written text (Kethib) is “not,” but the reading tradition (Qere) is “for it”

9:1 Hebrew “like”; the Hebrew letters for “like” and “on” look alike

9:1 Literally “marching with shaking,” which might mean “marching is with shaking”

9:1 Literally “and it will”

9:1 Literally “There is no end to the increase of the dominion and to peace”

9:1 Or “for”

9:1 Or “for”

9:1 That is, the kingdom

9:1 Or “his adversaries” if a copyist added “of Rezin” in error

9:1 Hebrew “Philistine”

9:1 That is, the people

9:1 Hebrew “Elder”

9:1 Literally “one lifted up of face”

9:1 Hebrew “prophet”

9:1 Hebrew “lie”

9:1 Literally “A man does not have compassion toward his brother”

10:? Hebrew “claim”

10:? Literally “except he will bow down under a prisoner and under slain they will fall”; “under” could also mean “in the place of”

10:? Hebrew “him”

10:? Or “so”

10:10 Hebrew “idol”

10:10 Literally “from”

10:12 Literally “the mountain of Zion”

10:12 Literally “fruit of the greatness of the heart”

10:12 Literally “the pride of the height of his eyes”

10:13 Or, “those sitting,” that is, rulers sitting on thrones

10:13 Literally “As a rod waving even the one who lifts it up”

10:13 Literally “As a staff lifting up not wood”

10:13 Hebrew “thorn”

10:13 Hebrew “brier”

10:13 Literally “from soul and to body”

10:13 Hebrew “tree”

10:13 Hebrew “survivor”

10:24 Literally “in the way of Egypt”

10:24 Literally “for still a little a trifle”

10:24 Literally “in the way of Egypt”

10:27 The meaning of this phrase is uncertain, leading to the conjecture that it belongs with the next verse and by a different word division could mean “he has gone up from Jeshimon”; alternatively, “fat” could be a metaphor for prosperity

10:27 Or with different vocalization, “Answer her, Anathoth!” which fits the parallelism better

10:27 Literally “Yet today”

10:27 Literally “to stand”

10:27 Following the reading tradition (Qere); the consonantal text has “house”

10:27 Hebrew “branch”

10:27 Literally “the haughty of the height”

10:27 Literally “height”

11:? Hebrew “smelling,” perhaps metaphorically as “delight” as in Amos 5:14; perhaps this line was accidentally copied twice from the preceding line

11:? Literally “the rumors of”

11:? Literally “dwell as an alien”

11:? Literally “and a small boy leading”

11:? Literally “one nursing”

11:? Literally “one who is weaned”

11:? Literally “mountain of holiness”

11:11 Literally “wings”

11:11 Literally “fly”

11:11 That is, the hill country west of Judah

11:11 Literally “sea”

11:11 Literally “the stretching of their hand”

11:11 Or “utterly destroy”

11:11 Probably the “gulf”

11:11 That is, the Red Sea

11:11 That is, the Euphrates River

11:11 Literally “cause to walk with the sandal”

11:11 Literally “in the day”

13:1 Literally “exultant of”

13:1 Literally “all of the land/earth”

13:1 Often translated “the Almighty”

13:1 Literally “A man will stare at his neighbor”

13:1 Literally “faces of flames”

13:14 Literally “and without one who gathers”

13:14 The reading tradition (Qere) softens this to “slept with”

13:19 Literally “the overthrow by God of”

13:19 Literally “until generation and generation”

13:19 Hebrew “ostrich”

13:19 Literally “close to come”

14:? That is, the nations

14:3 Literally “was worked by you”

14:3 The meaning of the word is uncertain; others translate it as “fury,” “hostility,” or even “golden city”

14:3 Literally “persecution without withholding”

14:3 Literally “your entrance”

14:3 Hebrew “maggot”

14:3 Hebrew “worm”

14:13 Or “of the north”

14:13 Hebrew “cloud”

14:13 Hebrew “descendant”

14:13 Or “fathers”

14:13 Literally “declaration of”

14:13 Literally “declaration of”

14:13 Literally “declaration of”

14:24 The oath formula begins literally “If not”

14:24 That is, their

14:24 Hebrew “shoulder”

14:28 With fear or despair

15:1 Or “temple”

15:1 Literally “On all its heads baldness”

15:1 The Hebrew is singular

15:1 The Hebrew words for “cry out” and “quiver” are similar

15:1 One of the Dead Sea Scrolls reads “Dibon” here

15:1 Hebrew “survivor”

16:? Literally “the daughter of Zion”

16:2 Literally “one who tramples have,” with mismatched singular and plural

16:2 Literally “not so his boasting”

16:2 Literally “surely destroyed”

16:2 Hebrew “tear”

16:2 The Hebrew is singular

16:2 Literally “intestines moan,”; in Hebrew, the “intestines” are the seat of the emotions, which would correspond to the “heart” in English

16:13 Literally “from then”

17:1 These words in Hebrew (and “flocks” in the next line) all begin with the same letter, Ayin

17:1 Literally “there is not one who frightens”

17:1 Literally “declaration of”

17:4 Literally “a gathering of a reaper of”

17:6 Literally “beating of an olive tree”

17:6 Literally “declaration of”

17:9 Literally “the cities of his fortress”

17:9 Perhaps this difficult phrase originally read “abandonment of the wooded heights of the Amorites”

17:9 Literally “plant it”

17:9 Reading the same consonants as a verb, nad, rather than the noun ned, which would mean “a heap ofthe harvest”

18:? Literally “stretched out”

18:? Literally “peeled,” “wiped clean,” or “hairless”

18:? Literally “from this and beyond”

18:? Perhaps this is a gibberish phrase in Hebrew, qaw-qaw

18:? Meaning uncertain

18:? Literally “as a raising of a signal”

18:? Literally “as a blowing of a trumpet”

18:4 The meaning of this phrase is uncertain; perhaps the “light” is sunlight

18:4 Literally “as a completion of a blossom”

18:4 Literally “be left together”

18:4 Hebrew “bird”

18:4 Hebrew “animal”

18:4 Hebrew “bird”

18:7 Perhaps tribute is meant

18:7 Literally “stretched out”

18:7 Literally “peeled,” “wiped clean,” or “hairless”

19:1 Literally “Egypt”

19:1 Literally “Egypt”

19:1 Literally “Egypt”

19:1 Literally “engulf”

19:1 Hebrew “plan”

19:1 Literally “Egypt”

19:1 Literally “declaration of”

19:1 Literally “there is none of it”

19:1 Hebrew “fishhook”

19:1 Hebrew “net”

19:1 Literally “face”

19:1 Literally “workers of wage”

19:1 Literally “son”

19:1 Literally “the staggering of a drunkard”

19:1 Literally “not it will be for Egypt a deed which he can do”

19:1 Literally “lip”

19:20 Literally “contender”

19:20 Hebrew “vow”

20:1 Literally “of the coming of the commander in chief”

20:2 Hebrew “sandal”

20:3 Or “And”

20:4 Hebrew “captive”

20:4 Literally “and bare of buttocks”

20:6 Hebrew “inhabitant”

20:6 Literally “from the face of”

21:1 Literally “to come”

21:2 Literally “bent from hearing,” which could also mean “bent because of what I heard”

21:2 Literally “dismayed from seeing,” which could also mean “dismayed because of what I saw”

21:2 Literally “heart”

21:2 Literally “of my desire”

21:2 Literally “put”

21:2 Hebrew “rug”

21:2 That is, prepare with oil

21:6 Or “And”

21:6 Hebrew “rider”

21:6 Hebrew “rider”

21:6 Hebrew “donkey”

21:6 Hebrew “rider”

21:6 Hebrew “camel”

21:6 Or “and”

21:6 Literally “much”

21:8 Or “And”

21:8 Literally “lion”

21:8 Literally “all of”

21:8 Or “and”

21:8 Hebrew “is”

21:11 Literally “from”

21:11 Literally “from”

21:12 Literally “return come”

21:13 Literally “in”

21:13 The Hebrew for “in a desert-plateau” is the same as for “concerning Arabia” in the preceding line

21:13 Literally “Toward encountering”

21:16 Literally “In yet a year”

21:16 Hebrew “bow”

22:1 Literally “What to you then that you have gone”

22:1 Literally “full of noises”

22:1 Literally “your found ones”

22:4 Literally “be bitter in weeping”

22:4 These three Hebrew words are alliterative: mehûmâûmeḇûsâûmeḇûḵâ

22:4 Hebrew “wall”

22:4 Hebrew “mountain”

22:4 Hebrew “chariot”

22:4 Hebrew “man”

22:7 Hebrew “chariot”

22:7 Hebrew “weapon”

22:7 Literally “its creator from far away”

22:12 Literally “of”

22:12 Hebrew “ox”

22:15 Literally “to you”

22:15 Literally “to you”

22:15 Literally “hurl a hurling”

22:15 Literally “land broad of sides”

22:20 Hebrew “inhabitant”

22:20 Literally “vessels of the bowls to all of the vessels of the jars”

22:25 Literally “declaration of”

23:1 Literally “it is destroyed from a house from entering”

23:1 Or “I have brought”

23:5 Literally “of”

23:5 Literally “this to you, exultant”

23:8 Hebrew “crown”

23:10 Hebrew “waistband” is emended to “harbor” by transposing two consonants

23:12 Literally “do again longer”

23:12 Literally “virgin of the”

23:13 Literally “this people was not Assyria destined,” which could be translated “It was this people! It was not Assyria. They destined”

23:15 Hebrew “year”

23:15 Hebrew “year”

23:15 Hebrew “song”

23:17 Hebrew “year”

23:18 Literally “face”

24:? Hebrew “statute”

24:? Literally “he is left a man of smallness”

24:? Literally “from entering”

24:? Literally “evening”

24:? Hebrew “voice”

24:? Literally “wing”

24:17 Hebrew “inhabitant”

24:18 Literally “the middle of the pit”

24:21 Literally “on”

24:21 Literally “on”

24:21 Literally “from”

24:21 Literally “the mountain of Zion”

25:? Hebrew “thing”

25:? Hebrew “plan”

25:? Literally “from far away “

25:? Literally “placed”

25:? Literally “from”

25:? Literally “to eternity not”

25:? The same consonants with different vowels can be translated “winter rainstorm”

25:? Literally “feast of fat”

25:? Literally “engulf”

25:? Literally “engulf”

25:9 Literally “the trampling down of a heap of straw”

25:9 These words are in the written Hebrew text, but not in the reading tradition (Qere)

25:9 Moab

25:9 Meaning uncertain

25:9 Literally “cause it to touch”

26:1 Literally “a city of strength for us”

26:1 Hebrew “rampart”

26:2 Or “and”

26:2 Literally “the level path of the righteous you make level”; the meaning of this phrase is uncertain

26:2 Literally “to”

26:11 Literally “alone in you we praise name you”

26:11 Literally “whispering”

26:11 Literally “my corpse;” some manuscripts propose an emendation to the suffix to change it to third person masculine plural (“their corpses”), which makes better sense

26:11 Literally “dew of light”

26:11 Or “you make the land of Rephaim fall”

26:11 The reading tradition (Qere) is singular

26:11 Literally “a little a little”

26:21 Hebrew “inhabitant”

27:2 Literally “by moments”

27:4 Literally “There is no wrath for me”

27:4 Literally “The coming ones”

27:4 Literally “like the striking of one striking him”

27:4 Literally “like the killing of his killed ones”

27:4 Meaning uncertain, derived from the following parallel expression

27:4 Literally “in his setting”

27:4 Literally “In her branch being dry”

27:12 A seasonal stream that is often dry

27:13 Literally “mountain of holiness”

28:? Literally “a valley of fat”

28:? Literally “ones struck”

28:? The Hebrew is plural

28:? Literally “a valley of fat”

28:? Literally “Which, when the one who sees it sees it, he swallows it”

28:? Or “swallowed”

28:? Literally “without a place”

28:? In this context, the Hebrew expressions tsaw-tsaw and qaw-qaw are likely meant to sound like baby talk, but they could mean “command upon command” and “rule upon rule”

28:11 Literally “stammer of lip”

28:12 Or “and”

28:13 In this context, the Hebrew expressions tsaw-tsaw and qaw-qaw are likely meant to sound like baby talk, but they could mean “command upon command” and “rule upon rule”

28:15 Literally “cut”

28:15 Hebrew “lie”

28:16 Literally “testing”

28:16 Literally “hurry”

28:16 Hebrew “lie”

28:16 Literally “From enough his passing through”

28:16 Literally “in the morning in the morning”

28:16 Literally “from stretching oneself”

28:16 Literally “face”

28:16 Literally “place”

28:16 Hebrew “row”

28:16 That is, “the proper way”

28:16 Literally “turned”

29:1 Or “And”

29:1 Hebrew “Ariel,” which might mean “altar hearth”

29:1 The Hebrew text literally reads “like the ball”; the LXX supports an emendation to “David”

29:1 Hebrew “tower”

29:1 Or “And”

29:1 Hebrew “word”

29:1 Or “And”

29:6 Or “And”

29:6 Or “and”

29:6 Or “and”

29:11 The reading tradition (Qere) has “a” instead of “the”

29:11 Literally “Call”

29:11 Literally “know a document”

29:11 Literally “Call”

29:11 Literally “know a document”

29:14 The Hebrew is singular

29:16 Literally “of the one who creates”

29:16 Literally “one who creates”

29:16 Literally “Not still a trifling of time

29:16 Literally “shall add joy”

29:16 Literally “one who argues”

29:22 Literally “know”

30:1 Literally “declaration of”

30:1 Or “and”

30:1 Or “and”

30:1 Literally “for the sake of adding”

30:1 Or “and”

30:6 Literally “from”

30:6 Literally “shoulder”

30:6 Hebrew “hump”

30:6 Or “And”

30:6 Literally “Egypt”

30:6 Or “and”

30:6 Literally “for last day”

30:12 Literally “going wrong”

30:12 Literally “whose breaking comes”

30:12 Literally “someone who forms”

30:12 Hebrew “fragment”

30:12 Literally “for the taking away of fire”

30:12 Literally “for the skimming off of”

30:15 Or “And”

30:16 Hebrew “horse”

30:16 Hebrew “horse”

30:16 Literally “from the face of”

30:16 Literally “from the face”

30:16 Literally “head”

30:16 Or “and”

30:16 Hebrew “himself”

30:16 Literally “be seeing”

30:16 Hebrew “contaminated thing”

30:16 Or “Get out!”

30:16 Literally “fat”

30:16 Hebrew “pasture”

30:16 Or “tilling”

30:16 Literally “There shall be a song for you”

30:16 Hebrew “stone”

30:16 Some translations emend this to “discipline”

30:16 The reading tradition (Qere) has “them”

30:16 Literally “numerous”

31:1 Or “perish”

31:4 Literally “fullness”

31:6 Literally “declaration of”

32:? The same consonants with different vowels would be translated “be blinded,” which fits the context better

32:? Literally “heart”

32:? Literally “to know”

32:? Hebrew “tongue”

32:? Literally “heart”

32:? Literally “do ungodliness”

32:? Or “and”

32:? Or “And”

32:10 Literally “In days upon a year”

32:10 Although the carefree and at ease addressees in this verse are feminine plural (“you women”), the commands are masculine singular in form

32:10 Hebrew “thorn”

32:10 Hebrew “brier”

32:10 Literally “crowd of the city”

32:10 The Hebrew text has “for the benefit of” following “become”

32:10 Literally “of”

32:15 Or “And”

32:15 Literally “the coming down of the forest”

33:? Many manuscripts suggest “you” rather than “him”

33:? Literally “finishing”

33:? Hebrew “their”

33:? A Dead Sea Scroll reads “witnesses”

33:? Literally “shaking off”

33:? Literally “dwell as an alien”

33:? Literally “dwell as an alien”

33:? Literally “shakes his hand from the taking of”

33:? Hebrew “ear”

33:? Literally “blood”

33:? Hebrew “water”

33:? Literally “land of distance”

33:? Literally “heart”

33:? Literally “obscure of lip than to hear”

33:? Literally “there is no understanding”

33:? Literally “not he is loaded”

33:? Literally “streams broad of hands”

33:? Or “of”

33:? Hebrew “oar”

34:? Or “and”

34:? Or “from”

34:? Or “and”

34:6 Literally “A sword for Yahweh”

34:6 Or “from”

34:6 Or “from”

34:6 Or “from”

34:6 Literally “a sacrifice for Yahweh”

34:6 Or “from”

34:6 Or “from”

34:6 Literally “a day of vengeance for Yahweh”

34:6 Or “And”

34:6 Hebrew “weed”

34:6 Hebrew “thistle plant”

34:6 Hebrew transliteration; possibly a proper name for a Mesopotamian night-demon

34:16 Literally “call”

34:16 The Dead Sea Scroll has “his”

34:16 Literally “he”

34:16 Literally “he”

34:16 Literally “he”

34:16 Literally “to generation and generation”

35:? Literally “they”

35:4 Literally “the retribution of gods”

35:4 Literally “he”

35:4 Hebrew “reed”

35:4 Hebrew “rush”

35:4 Or “and”

35:4 Or “and”

36:1 Literally “four ten year”

36:2 Rabshekah is the title of a high Assyrian official

36:3 Literally “was over the house”

36:5 The Hebrew here is awkward; literally “Plan and power for war”

36:7 Literally “face”

36:8 Literally “give”

36:9 Literally “the face of the governor of the one of the insignificant servants of my master”

36:9 Or “and”

36:9 Hebrew “chariot”

36:11 Or “hear”

36:11 Literally “ear”

36:12 Or “And”

36:12 So Masoretic Hebrew text (Kethib); the reading tradition (Qere) has “feet-water”

36:13 Or “And”

36:16 That is, a gesture of surrender

36:16 Or “of”

36:17 Literally “my coming”

36:21 Or “And”

36:22 Or “And”

36:22 Literally “house”

37:1 Or “house”

37:2 Literally “over”

37:2 Or “house”

37:2 Literally “covering themselves”

37:5 Or “And”

37:7 Literally “give”

37:7 Or “and”

37:9 Or “And”

37:9 That is, the king

37:9 Or “with”

37:9 Or “And”

37:12 Literally “fathers”

37:13 Or “and”

37:14 Or “called”

37:14 Or “And”

37:14 Or “house”

37:14 Literally “face”

37:16 Literally “sitting”

37:18 The parallel text in 2 Kings has “nations”

37:19 Literally “give”

37:20 Or “And”

37:20 Or “and”

37:21 Literally “to”

37:22 Hebrew “chariot”

37:22 Literally “the height of its cedars”

37:22 Or “Carmel”

37:22 Literally “distant”

37:22 Literally “short of hand”

37:22 Hebrew “plant”

37:22 Or “of”

37:22 Literally “before the face of”

37:22 Literally “to”

37:22 Literally “to”

37:22 Or “complacency”

37:22 Literally “in”

37:30 Hebrew “plant”

37:30 Literally “the”

37:30 Hebrew “plant”

37:31 Literally “add”

37:31 Hebrew “root”

37:31 Hebrew “survivor”

37:33 Or “to”

37:33 Literally “declaration of”

37:36 Or “And”

37:37 Or “And”

38:2 Or “And”

38:3 Or “that”

38:3 Literally “face”

38:4 Or “And”

38:4 Or “was”

38:5 Or “father”

38:5 Literally, “Behold me; he will add,” but in this context it makes better sense to change the “he” to “I”; most translations follow this emendation

38:9 Or “cry out”

38:9 Or “And”

38:9 Or possibly “kept back,” which sounds similar in Hebrew

38:9 Or “house”

38:21 Literally “lift up”

38:21 Or “and”

38:22 Or “house”

39:1 Or “and”

39:3 Literally “said”

39:4 That is, Isaiah

39:4 Literally “said”

39:6 Or “fathers”

39:8 Or “and”

39:8 Literally “said”

40:2 Literally “taken”

40:2 Literally “flesh”

40:2 Literally “flesh”

40:2 Or “and”

40:2 Literally “Go for you”

40:2 Literally “strong”

40:2 Literally “before his face”

40:2 Hebrew “scale”

40:2 Literally “the man of his counsel”

40:2 Or “and”

40:2 Or “made him understand”

40:2 Hebrew “animal”

40:2 Or “from”

40:2 Literally “refiner”

40:2 Literally “head”

40:2 Or “gives”

40:2 Or “also”

40:25 Literally “To what”

40:29 Literally “not power”

40:30 Or “And”

40:31 Or “And”

40:31 Hebrew “wing”

41:? Or “called”

41:? Literally “before his face”

41:? Or “gives”

41:? Literally “head”

41:? Hebrew “help”

41:? Literally “refiner”

41:? Or “And”

41:? Literally “seed”

41:? Literally “beloved”

41:? Literally “the men of your strife”

41:? Or “and”

41:? Literally “the men of your strife”

41:? Literally “the sayer”

41:? Literally “declaration of”

41:? Literally “owner of”

41:? Literally “give”

41:? Or “And”

41:? Or “end”

41:? Literally “later”

41:? Or “and”

41:? Or “and”

41:? Or “and”

41:? Following the reading tradition (Qere); the written text (Kethib) has “fear”

41:? Literally “creator”

41:? Literally “head”

41:? Or “and”

41:? Literally “from before faces”

41:? Or “and”

41:? Literally “righteous”

41:27 Or “bringer”

41:27 Or “And”

41:27 Or “and”

42:? Literally “given”

42:? Or “to”

42:8 Or “and”

42:8 Literally “cause to hear”

42:8 Or “those”

42:8 Literally “head”

42:8 Or “establish”

42:8 Literally “before their face”

42:8 Literally “ashamed with shame”

42:8 Or “and”

42:8 Or “and”

42:8 Or “and”

42:8 Or “and”

42:8 Or “And”

42:8 Literally “later”

42:8 The reading tradition (Qere) has “as plunder”

42:8 Or “this”

42:8 Literally “hear”

42:8 Or “and”

42:8 Or “and”

42:8 Or “did not know”

42:8 Or “and”

43:1 Literally “to me you”

43:1 Or “burn”

43:1 Literally “seed”

43:1 Or “and”

43:1 Or “and”

43:1 Literally “caused to hear”

43:1 Or “give”

43:1 Or “and”

43:1 Literally “declaration of”

43:1 Literally “to”

43:1 Literally “my face”

43:1 Literally “caused to hear”

43:1 Literally “stranger”

43:1 Literally “declaration of”

43:1 Or “make”

43:1 Literally “bring it back”

43:1 Literally “Chaldea”

43:1 Literally “gives”

43:1 Or “know”

43:1 Literally “put”

43:1 Literally “count out”

43:1 Or “And”

43:1 Or “and”

43:1 Hebrew “offering”

43:1 Or “and”

43:1 Literally “count up”

43:1 Or “father”

43:1 Literally “scoffers” or “spokesmen”

44:? Or “from”

44:? Hebrew “descendant”

44:? Literally “in between”

44:? Literally “he will be titled by the name”

44:? Or “call”

44:? Literally “from my placing a people of eternity”

44:? Or “be startled”

44:? Or “then”

44:? Or “be startled”

44:? Literally “craftsman of iron”

44:? Literally “the arm of his strength”

44:? Literally “there is no”

44:? Literally “craftsman of wood”

44:? Or “house”

44:? Literally “takes”

44:? Literally “will become for a man as burning”

44:17 Literally “from seeing”

44:17 Literally “hearts”

44:17 Literally “from having insight”

44:17 Literally “he does not bring back to his heart”

44:17 Literally “heart deceived”

44:17 Literally “his soul”

44:17 Or “from”

44:17 Or “breaks”

44:17 Or “erects”

44:17 Hebrew “wish”

45:? Or “let loose”

45:? Literally “swells”

45:? Or “and”

45:? Or “and”

45:? Or “and”

45:? Or “together”

45:? Literally “one who forms”

45:? Or “with”

45:? Or “and”

45:? Literally “one who forms”

45:? Literally “over”

45:? Literally “for eternity, forever”

45:? Literally “creating”

45:? Literally “forming”

45:? Literally “making”

45:? Literally “in emptiness,” as in verse 18

45:? Literally “the wood of their idol”

45:? Literally “caused to hear this”

45:? Literally “before”

45:? Literally “then”

45:? Or “and”

46:? Literally “to”

46:? Hebrew “animal”

46:? Literally “to”

46:? Literally “things that are carried”

46:? Literally “to”

46:? Or “and”

46:? Literally “their inner self goes”

46:? Or “And”

46:? Or “And”

46:? Or “and”

46:? Literally “one who smelts”

46:? Literally “heart”

46:? Literally “forever”

46:? Or “do”

46:? Hebrew “wish”

46:? The reading tradition (Qere) has “my”

46:? Or “give”

47:? Literally “you shall not add they shall call to”

47:? Literally “plead with”

47:5 Literally “you shall not add they shall call to”

47:5 Literally “set up”

47:5 Or “sitting”

47:5 Or “saying”

47:5 Literally “as their fullness”

47:5 Literally “none”

47:5 Or “is seeing”

47:5 Literally “make amends”

47:5 Literally “terrify”

47:5 Or “advice”

47:5 Literally “heavens,” that is, for astrology

47:5 Literally “their lives”

47:5 Literally “hand”

47:5 Literally “to grow warm”

48:? Literally “cause to remember”

48:? Literally “from the city of the holiness”

48:? Literally “then”

48:? Literally “caused to hear”

48:? Or “did”

48:? Literally “knowing me”

48:? Literally “caused to hear”

48:? Literally “cause to hear”

48:? Or “and”

48:? Literally “then”

48:? Literally “then”

48:? Literally “make long”

48:? Or “and”

48:? Or “with”

48:? That is, my name

48:? Literally “who was called by me”

48:? Or “calling”

48:14 Or “do”

48:14 Literally “Chaldea”

48:14 Literally “head”

48:14 Literally “of becoming it”

48:17 Literally “teaching”

48:18 Or “and”

48:18 Literally “intestines”

48:18 Hebrew “grain”

48:18 Or “announce”

48:18 Or “sound”

48:18 Or “cause to hear”

48:18 Literally “Cause it to go out”

49:? Literally “intestines”

49:? Literally “put”

49:? Literally “put”

49:? Or “And”

49:? Or “for”

49:? The reading tradition (Qere) has “to him”

49:? Or “and”

49:6 Literally “from being you”

49:7 A Dead Sea Scroll reads “is despised with respect to

49:8 Literally “captured ones”

49:8 Literally “on”

49:8 Literally “put”

49:8 Or “be high”

49:8 Or “And”

49:8 Or “and”

49:8 Or “move away”

49:8 Literally “Life I”

49:8 Literally “declaration of”

49:19 Hebrew “ruin”

49:19 Literally “cramped by”

49:19 Hebrew “inhabitant”

49:20 Literally “of your bereavement”

49:20 Literally “ears”

49:20 Literally “approach”

49:21 Or “And”

49:21 Or “and”

49:21 Literally “these where they”

49:22 Hebrew “shoulder”

49:22 Literally “those who nurture”

49:22 Literally “noses”

49:22 Or “And”

49:22 The Dead Sea Scroll has “violent”

49:25 Or “and”

49:25 Or “And”

50:1 Literally “short is short my hand from redemption”

50:1 Literally “put”

50:1 Hebrew “she”

50:1 Literally “put”

50:1 Literally “in the morning in the morning”

50:1 Literally “face”

50:7 Or “listens”

50:7 Or “to”

51:? Literally “one”

51:? Or “and”

51:? Literally “put”

51:? Literally “voice”

51:? Or “And”

51:? Or “eat”

51:? Or “and”

51:? Literally “generation of generations”

51:? Literally “placed”

51:? Or “And”

51:? Hebrew “head”

51:? Literally “reach”

51:12 Or “and”

51:12 Literally “given”

51:12 Literally “sets up”

51:12 Or “And”

51:12 Or “to”

51:15 Or “And”

51:15 Or “stirring up”

51:15 Or “and”

51:15 Or “from”

51:15 Or “from”

51:15 Literally “wander”

51:15 Or “of”

51:15 Or “and”

51:15 Literally “do again”

51:15 Literally “your inner self”

51:15 Or “and”

51:15 Or “stride”

51:15 Literally “placed”

51:15 Or “stride”

52:? Literally “city of the holiness”

52:? Literally “do again he shall”

52:4 Literally “in nothing”

52:5 Literally “declaration of”

52:5 Literally “declaration of”

52:6 Literally “Look at me”

52:6 Hebrew “voice”

52:6 Hebrew “voice”

52:6 Literally “eye in eye “

52:6 Literally “the arm of his holiness”

52:6 Hebrew “end”

52:6 Hebrew “mouth”

53:? Or “And”

53:? Or “grew”

53:? Or “and”

53:? Or “and”

53:? Or “knowledgeable of”

53:? Literally “hiding of face from him”

53:? Or “and”

53:? Or “And”

53:? Or “wounded”

53:? Or “of”

53:? Or “healing”

53:? Hebrew “wound”

53:? Literally “it was healed for us”

53:? Or “and”

53:? Or “and”

53:8 Or “gave”

53:8 Or “And”

53:8 Literally “he made sick”

53:8 Or “you”

53:8 Or “makes”

53:8 Or “compensation”

53:8 Or “soul”

53:8 Dead Sea Scrolls add “light”

53:8 Or “right”

53:8 Or “great”

53:8 Literally “Instead of that”

53:8 Or “yet”

54:? Hebrew “descendant”

54:? The Hebrew is plural

54:? The Hebrew is plural

54:? Or “and”

54:? Literally “in a small”

54:? Or “and”

54:? Or “and”

54:9 Literally “from the passing over of the waters of Noah again”

54:9 Literally “from being “

54:9 Or “and”

54:9 Literally “place”

54:14 Or “blowing”

54:14 Or “producing”

54:14 Or “and”

54:14 Literally “justice”

54:14 Literally “declaration of”

55:? Literally “what is not for satiation”

55:? Literally “fatty”

55:? Or “and”

55:? Literally “cut”

55:? or “for”

55:? Literally “mercy of”

55:? Or “gave”

55:? Literally “in his letting himself be found”

55:? Literally “in his being”

55:? Or “and”

55:? Literally “make numerous to”

55:? Literally “declaration of”

55:? Literally “high”

55:? Literally “high”

55:? Or “do”

55:? Hebrew “hand”

56:1 Literally “from profaning”

56:1 Or “all”

56:1 Literally “son of the foreign country”

56:1 Literally “sons of the foreign country”

56:1 Literally “from profaning”

56:1 Literally “the mountain of my holiness”

56:1 Literally “for acceptance”

56:8 Literally “declaration of”

56:8 Or “gathering”

56:8 Or “upon”

56:8 Or “eat”

56:8 Literally “are strong of soul”

56:8 Literally “do not know satiation”

56:8 Or “know”

56:8 Literally “from his end “

56:8 Literally “excessively”

57:? Or “And”

57:? Literally “widen”

57:? Literally “make long”

57:? The reading tradition (Qere) has “uncover,” which makes no sense in context, but with different vowels it would be “depart”

57:? Literally “cut off for yourself from”

57:? Literally “hand”

57:? Literally “to from far”

57:? Literally “humiliated”

57:? Literally “life”

57:? Literally “hand;” compare the “hand” in verse 8

57:? Or “and”

57:? Literally “your crying”

57:? Or “And”

57:? Literally “mountain of holiness “

57:? Hebrew “obstacle”

57:15 Literally “crushed”

57:15 Literally “crushed”

57:15 Or “and”

57:15 Hebrew “way”

57:15 Or “and”

57:19 Or “And”

58:? Or “announce”

58:? Or “And”

58:? Literally “did”

58:? Literally “judgments of righteousness”

58:? Literally “fist of wickedness”

58:? Literally “the day”

58:? Literally “cause to hear your voice”

58:? Literally “his soul”

58:? Literally “he makes”

58:? Literally “you must tear”

58:? Literally “a house”

58:? Literally “flesh”

58:? Literally “stretching out of the finger”

58:? Literally “the speaking of evil”

58:? Or “and”

58:? Or “and”

58:? Literally “generation and generation”

58:? Literally “shall be called to you”

58:? Literally “the day of my holiness”

58:? Or “and”

58:? Literally “and”

58:? Literally “from”

58:? Hebrew “affair”

58:? Or “on”

58:? Or “father”

59:? Literally “from hearing”

59:? Literally “dividers”

59:? Literally “calling in”

59:? Hebrew “deed”

59:? Literally “walking”

59:? Or “and”

59:? Literally “like there are no”

59:? Or “and”

59:? Or “answers”

59:? Literally “back from behind”

59:? Or “and”

59:? Literally “it”

59:? Literally “hostile”

59:? Or “And”

59:? Literally “declaration of”

59:21 Or “and”

59:21 Hebrew “mouth”

59:21 Literally “offspring”

59:21 Or “and”

59:21 Hebrew “mouth”

59:21 Literally “the offspring of your offspring”

60:? Or “and”

60:? Literally “house of my honor”

60:? Literally “sons of a foreign country”

60:? Or “and”

60:? Or “and there is not one who passes through”

60:? Literally “place”

60:? Literally “pride”

60:? Literally “generation and generation”

60:? Literally “put”

60:? Literally “they who force you to work”

60:? Or “and”

60:? Or “and”

60:? Literally “be taken away”

60:? The reading tradition (Qere) has “my”

61:? Literally “those broken of heart”

61:? Literally “call”

61:? Literally “call”

61:? Literally “place”

61:? Literally “it will be called to them”

61:? Literally “cities of devastation”

61:? Literally “generation and generation”

61:? Hebrew “flock”

61:? Literally “sons of a foreign country”

61:? Or “And”

61:? Literally “it shall be said of you”

61:? Literally “possession of joy everlasting shall be for them”

61:? Or “in”

61:? Literally “in the faithfulness”

61:? Literally “cut”

61:? Literally “to”

61:? Hebrew “descendant”

61:? Hebrew “descendant”

61:? Literally “brings out”

62:? Literally “it shall be called to you”

62:? Literally “to you it shall”

62:? Literally “places”

62:? Literally “a praise”

62:? Literally “the arm of his might”

62:? Literally “those who are hostile to you”

62:? Literally “sons of a foreign country”

62:? Literally “the courts of my holiness”

62:? Literally “of”

62:? Hebrew “stone”

62:11 Literally “People of the Holiness”

62:11 Literally “to you it”

63:? Literally “great”

63:? Hebrew “garment”

63:? Or “and”

63:? Or “and”

63:? Or “and”

63:? Literally “it”

63:9 The reading tradition (Qere) has “he had distress”

63:9 Literally “face”

63:9 Or “And”

63:9 Literally “they”

63:9 Literally “the spirit of his holiness”

63:9 Or “and”

63:9 Literally “was changed to them to one who is hostile”

63:9 Or “And”

63:9 Literally “the spirit of his holiness”

63:9 Literally “bringing”

63:9 Literally “to”

63:9 Literally “dividing”

63:9 Literally “from their face”

63:9 Literally “leading”

63:9 Literally “caused to rest”

63:9 Literally “The agitation of your intestines”

63:9 Literally “from the fear of”

63:9 Literally “The people of your holiness”

63:9 Literally “your name was not called over them”

64:? Isaiah 64:2–12 in the English Bible is 64:1–11 in the Hebrew Bible

64:? Literally “face”

64:? Literally “await”

64:? Literally “face”

64:? Literally “makes”

64:? Or “him”

64:? Literally “one who fashions”

64:? Literally “The cities of your holiness”

64:? Literally “the house of our holiness and our beauty”

64:? Or “fathers”

64:? Literally “been for burning”

64:? Hebrew “ruin”

65:? Literally “provoking”

65:? Literally “sitting”

65:? Literally “watches”

65:? Literally “eating”

65:? Or “and”

65:? The reading tradition (Qere) has “broth”

65:? Literally “saying”

65:? Literally “Come near to you”

65:? Literally “nose”

65:? Or “on”

65:? Or “fathers”

65:8 Literally “to”

65:8 Literally “all”

65:8 Hebrew “descendant”

65:8 Literally “man”

65:8 Literally “of”

65:8 Hebrew “flock”

65:8 Or “of”

65:8 Hebrew “herd”

65:8 Or “and”

65:8 Literally “forsaking”

65:8 Literally “the mountain of my holiness”

65:8 Literally “fill”

65:8 Or “and”

65:8 Or “and”

65:8 Or “and”

65:13 Or “and”

65:13 Or “and”

65:13 Or “and”

65:13 Literally “from goodness of heart”

65:13 Or “and”

65:13 Literally “from pain of heart”

65:13 Literally “from a breaking of the spirit”

65:13 Literally “call”

65:13 Literally “go up to heart”

65:13 Or “and”

65:13 Literally “of”

65:13 Or “and”

65:13 Literally “a son of a hundred year”

65:13 Literally “misses”

65:13 Literally “a son of a hundred year”

65:13 Literally “treated”

65:13 Literally “the offspring of the blessing of”

65:13 Or “and”

65:13 Literally “the mountain of my holiness”

66:1 Literally “were”

66:1 Literally “declaration of”

66:1 Or “and”

66:1 Literally “there was no one who answers”

66:1 Or “and”

66:5 Or “and”

66:5 Or “And”

66:5 Literally “rewarding retribution to”

66:5 Hebrew “pain”

66:5 Literally “cause to bring forth”

66:5 Literally “causes to bring forth”

66:5 Literally “breast of consolation”

66:5 Literally “breast of heaviness “

66:12 Literally “sprout”

66:12 Literally “with”

66:12 Literally “cause to turn around”

66:12 Literally “the slain of”

66:12 Literally “toward”

66:12 Hebrew “thing”

66:12 Hebrew “rodent”

66:12 Literally “declaration of”

66:20 Or “brothers”

66:20 Hebrew “chariot”

66:20 Or “on”

66:20 Literally “the mountain of holiness me”

66:22 Literally “declaration of”

66:22 Hebrew “descendant”

66:23 Literally “enough of new moon in his new moon”

66:23 Literally “enough of Sabbath in his Sabbath”

66:24 Or “men”

66:24 Literally “rebelling”